1"Bhikkhus, whenever virtuous monastics[n.1203] Pabbajitā. Elsewhere I have usually rendered pabbajita as "one who has gone forth," and occasionally as "monk." Here, to avoid an unwieldy "virtuous ones who have gone forth," and to keep the rendering gender-neutral, I use "monastics." "Home" renders kula, lit. "family," but in this context the former better conveys the sense. come to a home, the people there generate much merit on five grounds. What five? | 1"Yaṁ, bhikkhave, sīlavanto pabbajitā kulaṁ upasaṅkamanti, tattha manussā pañcahi ṭhānehi bahuṁ puññaṁ pasavanti. Katamehi pañcahi? |
(1) When people see virtuous monastics come to their home and they arouse hearts of confidence toward them, on that occasion that family is practicing the way conducive to heaven. | Yasmiṁ, bhikkhave, samaye sīlavante pabbajite kulaṁ upasaṅkamante manussā disvā cittāni pasādenti, saggasaṁvattanikaṁ, bhikkhave, taṁ kulaṁ tasmiṁ samaye paṭipadaṁ paṭipannaṁ hoti. |
2(2) When people rise, pay homage, and offer a seat to virtuous monastics who come to their home, on that occasion that family is practicing the way conducive to birth in high families. | 2Yasmiṁ, bhikkhave, samaye sīlavante pabbajite kulaṁ upasaṅkamante manussā paccuṭṭhenti abhivādenti āsanaṁ denti, uccākulīnasaṁvattanikaṁ, bhikkhave, taṁ kulaṁ tasmiṁ samaye paṭipadaṁ paṭipannaṁ hoti. |
3(3) When people remove the stain of miserliness toward virtuous monastics who come to their home, on that occasion that family is practicing the way conducive to great influence. | 3Yasmiṁ, bhikkhave, samaye sīlavante pabbajite kulaṁ upasaṅkamante manussā maccheramalaṁ paṭivinenti, mahesakkhasaṁvattanikaṁ, bhikkhave, taṁ kulaṁ tasmiṁ samaye paṭipadaṁ paṭipannaṁ hoti. |
4(4) When, according to their means, people share what they have with virtuous monastics who come to their home, on that occasion that family is practicing the way conducive to great wealth. | 4Yasmiṁ, bhikkhave, samaye sīlavante pabbajite kulaṁ upasaṅkamante manussā yathāsatti yathābalaṁ saṁvibhajanti, mahābhogasaṁvattanikaṁ, bhikkhave, taṁ kulaṁ tasmiṁ samaye paṭipadaṁ paṭipannaṁ hoti. |
5(5) When people question virtuous monastics who come to their home, make inquiries about the teachings, and listen to the Dhamma, on that occasion that family is practicing the way conducive to great wisdom. Bhikkhus, whenever virtuous monastics come to a home, the people there generate much merit on these five grounds." | 5Yasmiṁ, bhikkhave, samaye sīlavante pabbajite kulaṁ upasaṅkamante manussā paripucchanti paripañhanti dhammaṁ suṇanti, mahāpaññāsaṁvattanikaṁ, bhikkhave, taṁ kulaṁ tasmiṁ samaye paṭipadaṁ paṭipannaṁ hoti. Yaṁ, bhikkhave, sīlavanto pabbajitā kulaṁ upasaṅkamanti, tattha manussā imehi pañcahi ṭhānehi bahuṁ puññaṁ pasavantī"ti. Navamaṁ. |