Ācaya 3 texts and 13 matches in Suttanta Pali

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
an10.142ācayagāmisutta ācayagāmiñca ācayagāmī ācayagāmīsuttaṁ6Pi En Ru dhamma

Ācayagāmisutta  Accumulation 
Ācayagāmisutta → ācayagāmīsuttaṁ (bj) 
“Ācayagāmiñca vo, bhikkhave, dhammaṁ desessāmi apacayagāmiñca. 
“I will teach you the principle that leads to accumulation and that which leads to dispersal. … 
katamo ca, bhikkhave, ācayagāmī dhammo? 
And what is the principle that leads to accumulation? 
ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, ācayagāmī dhammo. 
This is called the principle that leads to accumulation. 

an10.186ācayagāmisutta ācayagāmiñca ācayagāmī ācayagāmīsuttaṁ6Pi En Ru dhamma

Ācayagāmisutta  Leading to Accumulation 
Ācayagāmisutta → ācayagāmīsuttaṁ (bj) 
“Ācayagāmiñca vo, bhikkhave, dhammaṁ desessāmi apacayagāmiñca. 
“I will teach you the principle that leads to accumulation and that which leads to dispersal. … 
katamo ca, bhikkhave, ācayagāmī dhammo? 
And what is the principle that leads to accumulation? 
ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, ācayagāmī dhammo. 
This is called the principle that leads to accumulation. 

sn7.12yācayanti1Pi En Ru dhamma

Punappunaṁ yācakā yācayanti,  Всё вновь и вновь ждёт нищий подаяний; 
Again and again, the beggars beg;