kho so mahāmatto rañño māgadhassa seniyassa bimbisārassa paṭissuṇitvā āyasmato pilindavacchassa pañca ārāmikasatāni pādāsi, pāṭiyekko gāmo nivisi. The official provided Pilindavaccha with those monastery workers and a separate village was established.pādāsi → adāsi (sya-all)
Atha kho so pāpupāsako taṁ vacchakaṁ vadhitvā cammaṁ vidhunitvā tassa pāpabhikkhuno pādāsi. The bad lay follower then slaughtered the calf, skinned it, and gave the skin to the bad monk.
kho so mahāmatto rañño māgadhassa seniyassa bimbisārassa paṭissutvā āyasmato pilindavacchassa pañca ārāmikasatāni pādāsi, pāṭiyekko gāmo nivisi. The official provided Pilindavaccha with those monastery workers, and a separate village was established.
Alaṁ te ettakaṁ jīvikāyā”ti jīvakassa komārabhaccassa parittaṁ pātheyyaṁ pādāsi. It’s enough for you to live on.” And he gave Jīvaka a small amount of provisions for the journey. Atha kho seṭṭhibhariyā arogā samānā jīvakassa komārabhaccassa cattāri sahassāni pādāsi. When she was well, she gave him four thousand coins. “mātā me arogā ṭhitā”ti cattāri sahassāni pādāsi. arogā ṭhitā”ti → arogāpitāti (bj) “sassu me arogā ṭhitā”ti cattāri sahassāni pādāsi. found out that she was well, they too gave him four thousand coins each, “bhariyā me arogā ṭhitā”ti cattāri sahassāni pādāsi dāsañca dāsiñca assarathañca. The merchant also gave him a male and a female slave, and a carriage with horses. “putto me arogo ṭhito”ti jīvakassa komārabhaccassa soḷasasahassāni pādāsi. His father gave sixteen thousand coins to Jīvaka,arogo ṭhito”ti → arogāpitoti (bj)
Tena kho pana samayena chabbaggiyā bhikkhū ādāsepi udakapattepi mukhanimittaṁ olokenti. At that time the monks from the group of six looked at their faces in mirrors and in bowls of water. “Na, bhikkhave, ādāse vā udakapatte vā mukhanimittaṁ oloketabbaṁ. “You shouldn’t look at your face in a mirror or in a bowl of water. “Anujānāmi, bhikkhave, ābādhappaccayā ādāse vā udakapatte vā mukhanimittaṁ oloketun”ti. “I allow you to look at your face in a mirror or in a bowl of water if you have a disease.” Ādāsudapattavaṇā, Sores in a mirror or bowl of water,
Atha kho rañño udenassa orodho āyasmatā ānandena dhammiyā kathāya sandassito samādapito samuttejito sampahaṁsito āyasmato ānandassa pañca uttarāsaṅgasatāni pādāsi. at the end of which they gave him five hundred upper robes. āyasmato ānandassa aññānipi pañca dussasatāni pādāsi. and he gave another five hundred pieces of cloth to Ānanda.