Sutta | Title | Words | Ct | Mr | Links | Type | Quote |
an1.198-208 | āraddhavīriyānaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | … Āraddhavīriyānaṁ yadidaṁ soṇo koḷiviso.
… who are energetic is Soṇa Koḷivisa. | ||
an1.235-247 | āraddhavīriyānaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | … Āraddhavīriyānaṁ yadidaṁ soṇā.
… who are energetic is Soṇā. | ||
an5.167 | āraddhavīriyā | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Ye pana te, bhante, kulaputtā saddhā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajitā asaṭhā amāyāvino aketabino anuddhatā anunnaḷā acapalā amukharā avikiṇṇavācā indriyesu guttadvārā bhojane mattaññuno jāgariyaṁ anuyuttā sāmaññe apekkhavanto sikkhāya tibbagāravā na bāhulikā na sāthalikā okkamane nikkhittadhurā paviveke pubbaṅgamā āraddhavīriyā pahitattā upaṭṭhitassatino sampajānā samāhitā ekaggacittā paññavanto aneḷamūgā, te mayā evaṁ vuccamānā padakkhiṇaṁ gaṇhantī”ti.
Sir, there are those gentlemen who went forth from the lay life to homelessness out of faith. They’re not devious, deceitful, and sneaky. They’re not restless, insolent, fickle, scurrilous, and loose-tongued. They guard their sense doors and eat in moderation, and they are dedicated to wakefulness. They care about the ascetic life, and keenly respect the training. They’re not indulgent or slack, nor are they leaders in backsliding, neglecting seclusion. They’re energetic and determined. They’re mindful, with situational awareness, immersion, and unified minds; wise and clever. When I speak to them like this, they do respectfully take it up.” | ||
an6.55 | āraddhavīriyā | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “ye kho keci bhagavato sāvakā āraddhavīriyā viharanti, ahaṁ tesaṁ aññataro.
“I am one of the Buddha’s most energetic disciples. | ||
an7.25 | āraddhavīriyā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | |||
dn16 | āraddhavīriyā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | |||
mn4 | āraddhavīriyā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Ye hi vo ariyā āraddhavīriyā araññavanapatthāni pantāni senāsanāni paṭisevanti tesamahaṁ aññataro’ti. | ||
mn5 | āraddhavīriyā | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Ye pana te kulaputtā saddhā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajitā, asaṭhā amāyāvino aketabino anuddhatā anunnaḷā acapalā amukharā avikiṇṇavācā, indriyesu guttadvārā, bhojane mattaññuno, jāgariyaṁ anuyuttā, sāmaññe apekkhavanto, sikkhāya tibbagāravā, na bāhulikā na sāthalikā, okkamane nikkhittadhurā, paviveke pubbaṅgamā, āraddhavīriyā pahitattā upaṭṭhitassatī sampajānā samāhitā ekaggacittā paññavanto aneḷamūgā, te āyasmato sāriputtassa imaṁ dhammapariyāyaṁ sutvā pivanti maññe, ghasanti maññe vacasā ceva manasā ca:
But there are those gentlemen who went forth from the lay life to homelessness out of faith. They’re not devious, deceitful, and sneaky. They’re not restless, insolent, fickle, scurrilous, and loose-tongued. They guard their sense doors and eat in moderation, and they are dedicated to wakefulness. They care about the ascetic life, and keenly respect the training. They’re not indulgent or slack, nor are they leaders in backsliding, neglecting seclusion. They’re energetic and determined. They’re mindful, with situational awareness, immersion, and unified minds; wise and clever. Hearing this exposition of the teaching from Venerable Sāriputta, they drink it up and devour it, as it were. And in speech and thought they say: | ||
mn8 | āraddhavīriyā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘Pare kusītā bhavissanti, mayamettha āraddhavīriyā bhavissāmā’ti sallekho karaṇīyo.
‘Others will be lazy, but here we will be energetic.’ | ||
mn107 | āraddhavīriyā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Ye pana te kulaputtā saddhā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajitā asaṭhā amāyāvino aketabino anuddhatā anunnaḷā acapalā amukharā avikiṇṇavācā indriyesu guttadvārā bhojane mattaññuno jāgariyaṁ anuyuttā sāmaññe apekkhavanto sikkhāya tibbagāravā nabāhulikā nasāthalikā okkamane nikkhittadhurā paviveke pubbaṅgamā āraddhavīriyā pahitattā upaṭṭhitassatino sampajānā samāhitā ekaggacittā paññavanto aneḷamūgā, tehi bhavaṁ gotamo saddhiṁ saṁvasati.
But there are those gentlemen who went forth from the lay life to homelessness out of faith. They’re not devious, deceitful, and sneaky. They’re not restless, insolent, fickle, scurrilous, and loose-tongued. They guard their sense doors and eat in moderation, and they are committed to wakefulness. They care about the ascetic life, and keenly respect the training. They’re not indulgent or slack, nor are they leaders in backsliding, neglecting seclusion. They’re energetic and determined. They’re mindful, with situational awareness, immersion, and unified minds; wise and clever. Mister Gotama does live together with these. | ||
mn110 | āraddhavīriyā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, sappurisassa ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā saddhā hirimanto ottappino bahussutā āraddhavīriyā upaṭṭhitassatino paññavanto tyāssa mittā honti, te sahāyā.
It’s when a true person is a friend and companion of ascetics and brahmins who are faithful, conscientious, prudent, learned, energetic, mindful, and wise. | ||
mn128 | accāraddhavīriyādhikaraṇañca | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘accāraddhavīriyaṁ kho me udapādi, accāraddhavīriyādhikaraṇañca pana me samādhi cavi.
‘Excessive energy arose in me, and because of that my immersion fell away. | ||
sn14.17 | āraddhavīriyā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | āraddhavīriyā āraddhavīriyehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti;
the energetic with the energetic, | ||
sn14.18 | āraddhavīriyā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | āraddhavīriyā āraddhavīriyehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti; paññavanto paññavantehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti …pe….
energetic … wise. | ||
sn14.19 | āraddhavīriyā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Ahirikā ahirikehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti, kusītā kusītehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti, duppaññā duppaññehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti; hirimanā hirimanehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti, āraddhavīriyā āraddhavīriyehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti, paññavanto paññavantehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti …pe….
… shameless … lazy … witless. The conscientious with the conscientious … energetic … wise. | ||
sn14.20 | āraddhavīriyā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | āraddhavīriyā āraddhavīriyehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti; paññavanto paññavantehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti …pe….
energetic … wise. | ||
sn14.21 | āraddhavīriyā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | āraddhavīriyā āraddhavīriyehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti; paññavanto paññavantehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti …pe….
energetic … wise. | ||
sn14.22 | āraddhavīriyā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | āraddhavīriyā āraddhavīriyehi saddhiṁ saṁsandanti samenti;
energetic … | ||
sn16.5 | āraddhavīriyā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | āraddhavīriyā ceva ahesuṁ vīriyārambhassa ca vaṇṇavādino’ti.
| ||
sn16.8 | āraddhavīriyā | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Tathā hi pana, kassapa, pubbe therā bhikkhū āraññikā ceva ahesuṁ āraññikattassa ca vaṇṇavādino, piṇḍapātikā ceva ahesuṁ piṇḍapātikattassa ca vaṇṇavādino, paṁsukūlikā ceva ahesuṁ paṁsukūlikattassa ca vaṇṇavādino, tecīvarikā ceva ahesuṁ tecīvarikattassa ca vaṇṇavādino, appicchā ceva ahesuṁ appicchatāya ca vaṇṇavādino, santuṭṭhā ceva ahesuṁ santuṭṭhiyā ca vaṇṇavādino, pavivittā ceva ahesuṁ pavivekassa ca vaṇṇavādino, asaṁsaṭṭhā ceva ahesuṁ asaṁsaggassa ca vaṇṇavādino, āraddhavīriyā ceva ahesuṁ vīriyārambhassa ca vaṇṇavādino.
“Kassapa, that’s because formerly the senior mendicants lived in the wilderness, ate only almsfood, wore rag robes, and owned just three robes; and they praised these things. They were of few wishes, content, secluded, aloof, and energetic; and they praised these things. |