an3.69 | | akusalamūlasutta akusalamūlaṁ | 9 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Akusalamūlasutta
Unskillful Roots
Lobho akusalamūlaṁ, doso akusalamūlaṁ, moho akusalamūlaṁ.
Greed, hate, and delusion.
Yadapi, bhikkhave, lobho tadapi akusalamūlaṁ;
Greed is a root of the unskillful.
akusalamūlaṁ → akusalaṁ (bj, sya-all, km, pts1ed)
yadapi luddho abhisaṅkharoti kāyena vācāya manasā tadapi akusalaṁ;
When a greedy person chooses to act by way of body, speech, or mind, that too is unskillful.
vācāya → vācā (bj) | akusalaṁ → akusalamūlaṁ (mr)
Yadapi, bhikkhave, doso tadapi akusalamūlaṁ;
Hate is a root of the unskillful.
Yadapi, bhikkhave, moho tadapi akusalamūlaṁ;
Delusion is a root of the unskillful.
an6.62 | | akusalamūlaṁ | 4 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Atthi ca khvassa akusalamūlaṁ asamucchinnaṁ, tamhā tassa akusalā akusalaṁ pātubhavissati.
Nevertheless, their unskillful root is unbroken, and from that the unskillful will appear.
Atthi ca khvassa akusalamūlaṁ asamucchinnaṁ, tamhā tassa akusalā akusalaṁ pātubhavissati.
Atthi ca khvassa akusalamūlaṁ asamucchinnaṁ, tampi sabbena sabbaṁ samugghātaṁ gacchati.
Nevertheless, their unskillful root is unbroken, but it’s about to be totally destroyed.
Atthi ca khvassa akusalamūlaṁ asamucchinnaṁ, tampi sabbena sabbaṁ samugghātaṁ gacchati.
mn9 | | akusalamūlañca akusalamūlaṁ | 8 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Yato kho, āvuso, ariyasāvako akusalañca pajānāti, akusalamūlañca pajānāti, kusalañca pajānāti, kusalamūlañca pajānāti—
“A noble disciple understands the unskillful and its root, and the skillful and its root.
Katamaṁ panāvuso, akusalaṁ, katamaṁ akusalamūlaṁ, katamaṁ kusalaṁ, katamaṁ kusalamūlaṁ?
But what is the unskillful and what is its root? And what is the skillful and what is its root?
Katamañcāvuso, akusalamūlaṁ?
And what is the root of the unskillful?
Lobho akusalamūlaṁ, doso akusalamūlaṁ, moho akusalamūlaṁ—
Greed, hate, and delusion.
idaṁ vuccatāvuso, akusalamūlaṁ.
This is called the root of the unskillful.
Yato kho, āvuso, ariyasāvako evaṁ akusalaṁ pajānāti, evaṁ akusalamūlaṁ pajānāti, evaṁ kusalaṁ pajānāti, evaṁ kusalamūlaṁ pajānāti, so sabbaso rāgānusayaṁ pahāya, paṭighānusayaṁ paṭivinodetvā, ‘asmī’ti diṭṭhimānānusayaṁ samūhanitvā, avijjaṁ pahāya vijjaṁ uppādetvā, diṭṭheva dhamme dukkhassantakaro hoti—
A noble disciple understands in this way the unskillful and its root, and the skillful and its root. They’ve completely given up the underlying tendency to greed, got rid of the underlying tendency to repulsion, and eradicated the underlying tendency to the view and conceit ‘I am’. They’ve given up ignorance and given rise to knowledge, and make an end of suffering in this very life.