Anupubbanirodh 4 texts and 12 matches in Suttanta Pali

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
an9.31anupubbanirodhasutta anupubbanirodhena anupubbanirodhā anupubbanirodhā’ti4Pi En Ru dhamma

Anupubbanirodhasutta   Progressive Cessations  
“Navayime, bhikkhave, anupubbanirodhā.  
“Mendicants, there are these nine progressive cessations.  
Ime kho, bhikkhave, nava anupubbanirodhā”ti.  
These are the nine progressive cessations.”  
Anupubbanirodhena cāti. 

an9.61anupubbanirodhasutta anupubbanirodho anupubbanirodho’ti6Pi En Ru dhamma

Anupubbanirodhasutta   Progressive Cessation  
“‘Anupubbanirodho, anupubbanirodho’ti, āvuso, vuccati.  
“Reverend, they speak of ‘progressive cessation’.  
Kittāvatā nu kho, āvuso, anupubbanirodho vutto bhagavatā”ti?  
What is the progressive cessation that the Buddha spoke of?”  
Ettāvatāpi kho, āvuso, anupubbanirodho vutto bhagavatā pariyāyena …pe….  
To this extent the Buddha spoke of progressive cessation in a qualified sense. …  
Ettāvatāpi kho, āvuso, anupubbanirodho vutto bhagavatā nippariyāyenā”ti.  
To this extent the Buddha spoke of progressive cessation in a definitive sense.” 

dn33anupubbanirodhā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nava anupubbanirodhā.   Девять [видов] последовательного уничтожения.  
Nine progressive cessations:  

dn34anupubbanirodhā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nava anupubbanirodhā—  Девять [видов] последовательного уничтожения.  
Nine progressive cessations.