Appamāṇā 16 texts and 43 matches in Suttanta Pali

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
an1.394-574appamāṇāni2Pi En Ru dhamma

… ajjhattaṁ rūpasaññī bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni.  Perceiving form internally, they see forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. 
… ajjhattaṁ arūpasaññī bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni. 
Not perceiving form internally, they see forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. 

an8.65appamāṇāni2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ajjhattaṁ rūpasaññī eko bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni.  Perceiving form internally, someone sees forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. 
Ajjhattaṁ arūpasaññī eko bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni. 
Not perceiving form internally, someone sees forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. 

an8.70appamāṇā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, ānanda, samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā iddhimā cetovasippatto devatā vā mahiddhikā mahānubhāvā. Tassa parittā pathavīsaññā bhāvitā hoti, appamāṇā āposaññā. So imaṁ pathaviṁ kampeti saṅkampeti sampakampeti sampavedheti.  Furthermore, there is an ascetic or brahmin with psychic power who has achieved mastery of the mind, or a god who is mighty and powerful. They’ve developed a limited perception of earth and a limitless perception of water. They make the earth shake and rock and tremble. 

an8.119appamāṇāni2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ajjhattaṁ rūpasaññī bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni, tāni abhibhuyya ‘jānāmi passāmī’ti evaṁsaññī hoti.  Perceiving form internally, they see forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. … 
Ajjhattaṁ arūpasaññī bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni, tāni abhibhuyya ‘jānāmi passāmī’ti evaṁsaññī hoti. 
Not perceiving form internally, they see forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. … 

an10.29appamāṇāni2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ajjhattaṁ rūpasaññī eko bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni;  Perceiving form internally, someone sees forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. 
Ajjhattaṁ arūpasaññī eko bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni; 
Not perceiving form internally, someone sees forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. 

dn16appamāṇā appamāṇāni3Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, ānanda, samaṇo vā hoti brāhmaṇo vā iddhimā cetovasippatto, devo vā mahiddhiko mahānubhāvo, tassa parittā pathavīsaññā bhāvitā hoti, appamāṇā āposaññā. So imaṁ pathaviṁ kampeti saṅkampeti sampakampeti sampavedheti.  Furthermore, there is an ascetic or brahmin with psychic power who has achieved mastery of the mind, or a god who is mighty and powerful. They’ve developed a limited perception of earth and a limitless perception of water. They make the earth shake and rock and tremble. 
Ajjhattaṁ rūpasaññī eko bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni. 
Perceiving form internally, someone sees forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. 
Ajjhattaṁ arūpasaññī eko bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni. 
Not perceiving form internally, someone sees forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. 

dn33appamāṇāni2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ajjhattaṁ rūpasaññī eko bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni, ‘tāni abhibhuyya jānāmi passāmī’ti—  Perceiving form internally, someone sees forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. Mastering them, they perceive: ‘I know and see.’ 
Ajjhattaṁ arūpasaññī eko bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni, ‘tāni abhibhuyya jānāmi passāmī’ti evaṁsaññī hoti. 
Not perceiving form internally, someone sees forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. Mastering them, they perceive: ‘I know and see.’ 

dn34appamāṇāni2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ajjhattaṁ rūpasaññī eko bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni, ‘tāni abhibhuyya jānāmi passāmī’ti—  Perceiving form internally, someone sees forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. Mastering them, they perceive: ‘I know and see.’ 
Ajjhattaṁ arūpasaññī eko bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni, ‘tāni abhibhuyya jānāmi passāmī’ti— 
Not perceiving form internally, someone sees forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. Mastering them, they perceive: ‘I know and see.’ 

mn41appamāṇābhānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

appamāṇābhānaṁ devānaṁ …  the gods of limitless radiance … 

mn42appamāṇābhānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

appamāṇābhānaṁ devānaṁ …   

mn43appamāṇā4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yā cāyaṁ, āvuso, appamāṇā cetovimutti, yā ca ākiñcaññā cetovimutti, yā ca suññatā cetovimutti, yā ca animittā cetovimutti—ime dhammā nānātthā ceva nānābyañjanā ca udāhu ekatthā byañjanameva nānan”ti?  “The limitless release of the heart, and the release of the heart through nothingness, and the release of the heart through emptiness, and the signless release of the heart: do these things differ in both meaning and phrasing? Or do they mean the same thing, and differ only in the phrasing?” 
“Yā cāyaṁ, āvuso, appamāṇā cetovimutti, yā ca ākiñcaññā cetovimutti, yā ca suññatā cetovimutti, yā ca animittā cetovimutti—atthi kho, āvuso, pariyāyo yaṁ pariyāyaṁ āgamma ime dhammā nānātthā ceva nānābyañjanā ca; 
“There is a way in which these things differ in both meaning and phrasing. 
Ayaṁ vuccatāvuso, appamāṇā cetovimutti. 
This is called the limitless release of the heart. 
Yāvatā kho, āvuso, appamāṇā cetovimuttiyo, akuppā tāsaṁ cetovimutti aggamakkhāyati. 
The unshakable release of the heart is said to be the best kind of limitless release of the heart. 

mn77appamāṇāni2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ajjhattaṁ rūpasaññī eko bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni.  Perceiving form internally, someone sees forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. 
Ajjhattaṁ arūpasaññī eko bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni. 
Not perceiving form internally, someone sees forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. 

mn120appamāṇābhā1Pi En Ru dhamma

appamāṇābhā devā …  the gods of limitless radiance … 

mn127appamāṇā appamāṇābhānaṁ appamāṇābhā’ti12Pi En Ru dhamma

‘appamāṇaṁ, gahapati, cetovimuttiṁ bhāvehī’ti.  ‘Householder, develop the limitless release of heart.’ 
appamāṇaṁ, gahapati, cetovimuttiṁ bhāvehī’ti → appamāṇā gahapati cetovimutti bhāvetabbāti (mr) 
Yā cāyaṁ, bhante, appamāṇā cetovimutti yā ca mahaggatā cetovimutti— 
Now, the limitless release of the heart and the expansive release of the heart: 
‘yā cāyaṁ appamāṇā cetovimutti yā ca mahaggatā cetovimutti ime dhammā ekatthā byañjanameva nānan’”ti. 
The limitless release of the heart and the expansive release of the heart mean the same thing, and differ only in the phrasing.” 
“Yā cāyaṁ, gahapati, appamāṇā cetovimutti yā ca mahaggatā cetovimutti ime dhammā nānatthā ceva nānābyañjanā ca. 
“The limitless release of the heart and the expansive release of the heart differ in both meaning and phrasing. 
Katamā ca, gahapati, appamāṇā cetovimutti? 
And what is the limitless release of the heart? 
Ayaṁ vuccati, gahapati, appamāṇā cetovimutti. 
This is called the limitless release of the heart. 
Idha pana, gahapati, ekacco ‘appamāṇābhā’ti pharitvā adhimuccitvā viharati. 
Next, take someone who meditates focused on pervading ‘limitless radiance’. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā appamāṇābhānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of limitless radiance. 
Yā tā, bhante, devatā ābhā sabbā tā parittābhā udāhu santettha ekaccā devatā appamāṇābhā”ti? 
Do all the radiant deities have limited radiance, or do some there have limitless radiance?” 
“Tadaṅgena kho, āvuso kaccāna, santettha ekaccā devatā parittābhā, santi panettha ekaccā devatā appamāṇābhā”ti. 
“In that respect, Reverend Kaccāna, some deities there have limited radiance, while some have limitless radiance.” 
“Ko nu kho, bhante anuruddha, hetu ko paccayo yena tāsaṁ devatānaṁ ekaṁ devanikāyaṁ upapannānaṁ santettha ekaccā devatā parittābhā, santi panettha ekaccā devatā appamāṇābhā”ti? 
“What is the cause, Honorable Anuruddha, what is the reason why, when those deities have been reborn in a single order of gods, some deities there have limited radiance, while some have limitless radiance?” 
“Ayaṁ kho, āvuso kaccāna, hetu ayaṁ paccayo, yena tāsaṁ devatānaṁ ekaṁ devanikāyaṁ upapannānaṁ santettha ekaccā devatā parittābhā, santi panettha ekaccā devatā appamāṇābhā”ti. 
“This is the cause, Reverend Kaccāna, this is the reason why, when those deities have been reborn in a single order of gods, some deities there have limited radiance, while some have limitless radiance.” 

mn128appamāṇāni3Pi En Ru dhamma

appamāṇañceva obhāsaṁ sañjānāmi, appamāṇāni ca rūpāni passāmi:  or I perceived limitless light and saw limitless forms. 
appamāṇañceva obhāsaṁ sañjānāmi, appamāṇāni ca rūpāni passāmi— 
Sohaṁ appamāṇena cakkhunā appamāṇañceva obhāsaṁ sañjānāmi, appamāṇāni ca rūpāni passāmi— 
and with limitless vision I perceive limitless light and see limitless forms. 

sn41.7appamāṇā3Pi En Ru dhamma

“yā cāyaṁ, gahapati, appamāṇā cetovimutti, yā ca ākiñcaññā cetovimutti, yā ca suññatā cetovimutti, yā ca animittā cetovimutti, ime dhammā nānatthā nānābyañjanā udāhu ekatthā byañjanameva nānan”ti?  “Householder, the limitless release of the heart, and the release of the heart through nothingness, and the release of the heart through emptiness, and the signless release of the heart: do these things differ in both meaning and phrasing? Or do they mean the same thing, and differ only in the phrasing?” 
Ayaṁ vuccati, bhante, appamāṇā cetovimutti. 
This is called the limitless release of the heart. 
Yāvatā kho, bhante, appamāṇā cetovimuttiyo, akuppā tāsaṁ cetovimutti aggamakkhāyati. 
The unshakable release of the heart is said to be the best kind of limitless release of the heart.