Appatiṭṭhitacitt 1 texts and 2 matches in Suttanta Pali

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sn46.6appatiṭṭhitacitto2Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhunā kho paneva rūpaṁ disvā amanāpaṁ na maṅku hoti appatiṭṭhitacitto adīnamānaso abyāpannacetaso.  But if they see a disagreeable sight they’re not dismayed; their mind isn’t hardened, dejected, or full of ill will. 
Manasā kho paneva dhammaṁ viññāya amanāpaṁ na maṅku hoti appatiṭṭhitacitto adīnamānaso abyāpannacetaso. 
But if they know a disagreeable idea they’re not dismayed; their mind isn’t hardened, dejected, or full of ill will.