Asubha 33 texts and 66 matches in Suttanta Pali

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
an1.11-20asubhanimittaṁ2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppanno vā kāmacchando nuppajjati uppanno vā kāmacchando pahīyati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, asubhanimittaṁ.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents sensual desire from arising, or, when it has arisen, abandons it like the feature of ugliness. 
Asubhanimittaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva kāmacchando nuppajjati uppanno ca kāmacchando pahīyatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind rationally to the feature of ugliness, sensual desire does not arise, or, if it has already arisen, it’s given up.” 

an1.394-574asubhasaññaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññaṁ bhāveti …  They develop the perception of ugliness … 

an3.68asubhanimittan”tissa asubhanimittaṁ2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘“Asubhanimittan”tissa vacanīyaṁ.  You should say: ‘The ugly feature of things. 
Tassa asubhanimittaṁ yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva rāgo nuppajjati uppanno ca rāgo pahīyati. 
When you apply the mind rationally on the ugly feature of things, greed doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up. 

an4.49asubhanti asubhataddasuṁ asubhaṁ3Pi En Ru dhamma

asubhe, bhikkhave, asubhanti nasaññāvipallāso nacittavipallāso nadiṭṭhivipallāso.  Taking ugliness as ugliness. 
asubhaṁ asubhataddasuṁ; 
and ugliness as ugliness— 

an4.163asubhasutta2Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasutta  Ugly 
Asubhasutta → tatiyapaṭipadāsuttaṁ (bj) 

an5.30asubhanimittānuyogaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhanimittānuyogaṁ anuyuttassa kho, nāgita, subhanimitte pāṭikulyatā saṇṭhāti—  When you pursue meditation on the feature of ugliness, revulsion at the feature of beauty becomes stabilized. 

an5.61asubhasaññā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, ādīnavasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā—  The perceptions of ugliness, death, drawbacks, repulsiveness of food, and dissatisfaction with the whole world. 

an5.303asubhasaññā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, ādīnavasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā—  The perceptions of ugliness, death, drawbacks, repulsiveness of food, and dissatisfaction with the whole world. 

an6.41asubhadhātu asubhantveva3Pi En Ru dhamma

asubhantveva adhimucceyya.  Or they could determine it to be nothing but ugly. 
Atthi, āvuso, amumhi dārukkhandhe asubhadhātu, yaṁ nissāya bhikkhu iddhimā cetovasippatto amuṁ dārukkhandhaṁ asubhantveva adhimucceyyā”ti. 
Because the element of ugliness exists in the tree trunk. Relying on that a mendicant with psychic powers could determine it to be nothing but ugly.” 

an7.27asubhasaññaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

asubhasaññaṁ bhāvessanti …  ugliness … 

an7.48asubhasaññā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā.  The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, and not-self in suffering. 

an7.49asubhasaññā asubhasaññāparicitena9Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā.  The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, and not-self in suffering. 
‘Asubhasaññā, bhikkhave, bhāvitā bahulīkatā mahapphalā hoti mahānisaṁsā amatogadhā amatapariyosānā’ti. 
‘When the perception of ugliness is developed and cultivated it’s very fruitful and beneficial. It culminates in freedom from death and ends in freedom from death.’ 
Asubhasaññāparicitena, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno cetasā bahulaṁ viharato methunadhammasamāpattiyā cittaṁ patilīyati patikuṭati pativattati, na sampasāriyati upekkhā vā pāṭikulyatā vā saṇṭhāti. 
When a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of ugliness, their mind draws back from sexual intercourse. They shrink away, turn aside, and don’t get drawn into it. And either equanimity or revulsion become stabilized. 
Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno asubhasaññāparicitena cetasā bahulaṁ viharato methunadhammasamāpattiyā cittaṁ patilīyati patikuṭati pativattati, na sampasāriyati upekkhā vā pāṭikulyatā vā saṇṭhāti. 
In the same way, when a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of ugliness, their mind draws back from sexual intercourse. … 
Sace, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno asubhasaññāparicitena cetasā bahulaṁ viharato methunadhammasamāpattiyā cittaṁ anusandahati appaṭikulyatā saṇṭhāti; 
If a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of ugliness, but their mind is drawn to sexual intercourse, and not repulsed, 
veditabbametaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā ‘abhāvitā me asubhasaññā, natthi me pubbenāparaṁ viseso, appattaṁ me bhāvanābalan’ti. 
they should know: ‘My perception of ugliness is undeveloped. I don’t have any distinction higher than before. I haven’t attained a fruit of development.’ 
Sace pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno asubhasaññāparicitena cetasā bahulaṁ viharato methunadhammasamāpattiyā cittaṁ patilīyati patikuṭati pativattati, na sampasāriyati upekkhā vā pāṭikulyatā vā saṇṭhāti; 
But if a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of ugliness, their mind draws back from sexual intercourse … 
veditabbametaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā ‘subhāvitā me asubhasaññā, atthi me pubbenāparaṁ viseso, pattaṁ me bhāvanābalan’ti. 
they should know: ‘My perception of ugliness is well developed. I have realized a distinction higher than before. I have attained a fruit of development.’ 
‘Asubhasaññā, bhikkhave, bhāvitā bahulīkatā mahapphalā hoti mahānisaṁsā amatogadhā amatapariyosānā’ti, 
‘When the perception of ugliness is developed and cultivated it’s very fruitful and beneficial. It culminates in freedom from death and ends in freedom from death.’ 

an7.616asubhasaññā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Aniccasaññā, anattasaññā, asubhasaññā, ādīnavasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā, nirodhasaññā—  The perception of impermanence, the perception of not-self, the perception of ugliness, the perception of drawbacks, the perception of giving up, the perception of fading away, and the perception of cessation. 

an7.617asubhasaññā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā—  The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, and not-self in suffering. 

an9.16asubhasaññā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā—  The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, not-self in suffering, giving up, and fading away. 

an9.93asubhasaññā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā—  The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, not-self in suffering, giving up, and fading away. 

an10.56asubhasaññā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā, nirodhasaññā—  The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, and not-self in suffering, giving up, fading away, and cessation. 

an10.59asubhasaññāparicitañca2Pi En Ru dhamma

aniccasaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, anattasaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, asubhasaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, ādīnavasaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, lokassa samañca visamañca ñatvā taṁsaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, lokassa bhavañca vibhavañca ñatvā taṁsaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, lokassa samudayañca atthaṅgamañca ñatvā taṁsaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, pahānasaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, virāgasaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, nirodhasaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissatī’ti—  Our minds will be consolidated in the perceptions of impermanence, not-self, ugliness, and drawbacks. Knowing what is fair and unfair in the world, our minds will be consolidated in that perception. Knowing continued existence and ending of existence in the world, our minds will be consolidated in that perception. Knowing the origination and ending of the world, our minds will be consolidated in that perception. Our minds will be consolidated in the perceptions of giving up, fading away, and cessation.’ 
Yato kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno yathāpabbajjāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti na cuppannā pāpakā akusalā dhammā cittaṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭhanti, aniccasaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, anattasaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, asubhasaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, ādīnavasaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, lokassa samañca visamañca ñatvā taṁsaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, lokassa bhavañca vibhavañca ñatvā taṁsaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, lokassa samudayañca atthaṅgamañca ñatvā taṁsaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, pahānasaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, virāgasaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, nirodhasaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, tassa dvinnaṁ phalānaṁ aññataraṁ phalaṁ pāṭikaṅkhaṁ— 
When your minds are consolidated in these ten perceptions, you can expect one of two results: 

an10.60asubhasaññā3Pi En Ru dhamma

Aniccasaññā, anattasaññā, asubhasaññā, ādīnavasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā, nirodhasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, sabbasaṅkhāresu anicchāsaññā, ānāpānassati.  The perceptions of impermanence, not-self, ugliness, drawbacks, giving up, fading away, cessation, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence of all conditions, and mindfulness of breathing. 
Katamā cānanda, asubhasaññā? 
And what is the perception of ugliness? 
Ayaṁ vuccatānanda, asubhasaññā. 
This is called the perception of ugliness. 

an10.72asubhanimittānuyogaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Pavivekārāmassa saṅgaṇikārāmatā kaṇṭako, asubhanimittānuyogaṁ anuyuttassa subhanimittānuyogo kaṇṭako, indriyesu guttadvārassa visūkadassanaṁ kaṇṭako, brahmacariyassa mātugāmūpacāro kaṇṭako, paṭhamassa jhānassa saddo kaṇṭako, dutiyassa jhānassa vitakkavicārā kaṇṭakā, tatiyassa jhānassa pīti kaṇṭako, catutthassa jhānassa assāsapassāso kaṇṭako, saññāvedayitanirodhasamāpattiyā saññā ca vedanā ca kaṇṭako rāgo kaṇṭako doso kaṇṭako moho kaṇṭako.  Relishing company is a thorn for someone who loves seclusion. Focusing on the beautiful feature of things is a thorn for someone pursuing the meditation on ugliness. Seeing shows is a thorn to someone restraining the senses. Lingering in the neighborhood of females is a thorn to celibacy. Sound is a thorn to the first absorption. Placing the mind and keeping it connected are a thorn to the second absorption. Rapture is a thorn to the third absorption. Breathing is a thorn to the fourth absorption. Perception and feeling are a thorn to the attainment of the cessation of perception and feeling. Greed, hate, and delusion are thorns. 

an10.237asubhasaññā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā, nirodhasaññā—  The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, and not-self in suffering, giving up, fading away, and cessation. 

dn16asubhasaññaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

asubhasaññaṁ bhāvessanti …  ugliness … 

dn24asubhanteva asubhantveva4Pi En Ru dhamma

yasmiṁ samaye subhaṁ vimokkhaṁ upasampajja viharati, sabbaṁ tasmiṁ samaye asubhantveva pajānātī’ti.  “When one enters and remains in the liberation of the beautiful, at that time one only perceives what is ugly.”’ 
pajānātī’ti → sampajānātīti (sya-all); sañjānātīti (pts1ed) | asubhantveva → asubhanteva (sya-all, pts1ed) 
‘yasmiṁ samaye subhaṁ vimokkhaṁ upasampajja viharati, sabbaṁ tasmiṁ samaye asubhantveva pajānātī’ti. 

dn33asubhasaññā1Pi En Ru dhamma

aniccasaññā, anattasaññā, asubhasaññā, ādīnavasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā, nirodhasaññā.  the perception of impermanence, the perception of not-self, the perception of ugliness, the perception of drawbacks, the perception of giving up, the perception of fading away, and the perception of cessation. 

dn34asubhasaññā3Pi En Ru dhamma

aniccasaññā, anattasaññā, asubhasaññā, ādīnavasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā, nirodhasaññā.  the perception of impermanence, the perception of not-self, the perception of ugliness, the perception of drawbacks, the perception of giving up, the perception of fading away, and the perception of cessation. 
asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratisaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā. 
the perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness in food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, not-self in suffering, giving up, and fading away. 
asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratisaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā, nirodhasaññā. 
the perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness in food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, not-self in suffering, giving up, fading away, and cessation. 

mn62asubhañhi asubhaṁ2Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhaṁ, rāhula, bhāvanaṁ bhāvehi.  Meditate on ugliness. 
Asubhañhi te, rāhula, bhāvanaṁ bhāvayato yo rāgo so pahīyissati. 
For when you meditate on ugliness any lust will be given up. 

mn118asubhabhāvanānuyogamanuyuttā1Pi En Ru dhamma

asubhabhāvanānuyogamanuyuttā viharanti …  ugliness … 

sn14.11asubhaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yāyaṁ, bhikkhu, subhadhātu—ayaṁ dhātu asubhaṁ paṭicca paññāyati.  The element of beauty appears due to the element of ugliness. 

sn35.127asubhato1Pi En Ru dhamma

Appekadā, bho bhāradvāja, asubhato manasi karissāmīti subhatova āgacchati.  Sometimes I plan to focus on something as ugly, but only its beauty comes to mind. 

sn46.51asubhanimittaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Atthi, bhikkhave, asubhanimittaṁ.  There is the feature of ugliness. 

sn46.67asubhasaññā asubhasutta2Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasutta  Ugliness 
“Asubhasaññā, bhikkhave …pe…” 
“Mendicants, when the perception of ugliness is developed and cultivated it’s very fruitful and beneficial. …” 

sn46.76asubhamaraṇaāhāre1Pi En Ru dhamma


sn54.9asubhabhāvanānuyogamanuyuttā asubhabhāvanāya asubhakathaṁ asubhasuttaṁ9Pi En Ru dhamma

Vesālīsutta  At Vesālī 
Vesālīsutta → asubhasuttaṁ (bj) 
Tena kho pana samayena bhagavā bhikkhūnaṁ anekapariyāyena asubhakathaṁ katheti, asubhāya vaṇṇaṁ bhāsati, asubhabhāvanāya vaṇṇaṁ bhāsati. 
Now at that time the Buddha spoke in many ways to the mendicants about the meditation on ugliness. He praised the meditation on ugliness and its development. 
“bhagavā anekapariyāyena asubhakathaṁ katheti, asubhāya vaṇṇaṁ bhāsati, asubhabhāvanāya vaṇṇaṁ bhāsatī”ti anekākāravokāraṁ asubhabhāvanānuyogamanuyuttā viharanti. 
“The Buddha spoke in many ways about the meditation on ugliness. He praised the meditation on ugliness and its development.” They committed themselves to developing the many different facets of the meditation on ugliness. 
“Tathā hi pana, bhante, ‘bhagavā bhikkhūnaṁ anekapariyāyena asubhakathaṁ katheti, asubhāya vaṇṇaṁ bhāsati, asubhabhāvanāya vaṇṇaṁ bhāsatī’ti anekākāravokāraṁ asubhabhāvanānuyogamanuyuttā viharanti. 
Ānanda told the Buddha all that had happened, and said,