Sutta | Title | Words | Ct | Mr | Links | Type | Quote |
an2.11-20 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi, vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an3.40 | byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Ahañceva kho pana evaṁ pabbajito samāno kāmavitakkaṁ vā vitakkeyyaṁ, byāpādavitakkaṁ vā vitakkeyyaṁ, vihiṁsāvitakkaṁ vā vitakkeyyaṁ, mahā kho panāyaṁ lokasannivāso.
And now, since I’ve now gone forth, I might have sensual, malicious, or cruel thoughts. But the population of the world is large, | ||
an3.58 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Idha, brāhmaṇa, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
“Brahmin, it’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an3.60 | avitakkaṁ | 4 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha pana, brāhmaṇa, ekacco na heva kho nimittena ādisati, napi manussānaṁ vā amanussānaṁ vā devatānaṁ vā saddaṁ sutvā ādisati, napi vitakkayato vicārayato vitakkavipphārasaddaṁ sutvā ādisati, api ca kho avitakkaṁ avicāraṁ samādhiṁ samāpannassa cetasā ceto paricca pajānāti:
In another case, someone comprehends the mind of a person who has attained the immersion that’s free of placing the mind and keeping it connected. They understand: | ||
an3.63 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharāmi;
Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an3.94 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an3.123 | abyāpādavitakkampi byāpādavitakkampi kāmavitakkampi nekkhammavitakkampi | 4 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So tattha kāmavitakkampi vitakketi, byāpādavitakkampi vitakketi, vihiṁsāvitakkampi vitakketi.
They think about it with sensual, malicious, or cruel thoughts. | ||
an3.124 | abyāpādavitakkaṁ byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ nekkhammavitakkaṁ | 8 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Nekkhammavitakkaṁ, abyāpādavitakkaṁ, avihiṁsāvitakkaṁ—
Thoughts of renunciation, good will, and harmlessness. | ||
an3.183-352 | avitakkaavicāro avitakkavicāramatto savitakkasavicāro | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | rāgassa, bhikkhave, abhiññāya ime tayo dhammā bhāvetabbā. (…)
For insight into greed, these three things should be developed. | ||
an4.14 | byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu uppannaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti;
It’s when a mendicant doesn’t tolerate a sensual, | ||
an4.114 | byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu uppannaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti hanati byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti, uppannaṁ byāpādavitakkaṁ …pe… uppannaṁ vihiṁsāvitakkaṁ …pe… uppannuppanne pāpake akusale dhamme nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti hanati byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti.
It’s when a mendicant doesn’t tolerate a sensual, malicious, or cruel thought. They don’t tolerate any bad, unskillful qualities that have arisen, but give them up, get rid of them, eliminate them, and obliterate them. | ||
an4.123 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Take a person who, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an4.138 | abyāpādavitakkampi byāpādavitakkampi kāmavitakkampi nekkhammavitakkampi | 8 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So tattha kāmavitakkampi vitakketi byāpādavitakkampi vitakketi vihiṁsāvitakkampi vitakketi.
But they think sensual, malicious, and cruel thoughts. | ||
an4.163 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati;
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an4.164 | byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu uppannaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti sameti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti; uppannaṁ byāpādavitakkaṁ …pe… uppannaṁ vihiṁsāvitakkaṁ … uppannuppanne pāpake akusale dhamme nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti sameti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti.
It’s when a mendicant doesn’t tolerate a sensual, malicious, or cruel thought. They don’t tolerate any bad, unskillful qualities that have arisen, but give them up, get rid of them, calm them, eliminate them, and obliterate them. | ||
an4.165 | byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu uppannaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti sameti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti, uppannaṁ byāpādavitakkaṁ …pe… uppannaṁ vihiṁsāvitakkaṁ … uppannuppanne pāpake akusale dhamme nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti sameti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti.
It’s when a mendicant doesn’t tolerate a sensual, malicious, or cruel thought. They don’t tolerate any bad, unskillful qualities that have arisen, but give them up, get rid of them, calm them, eliminate them, and obliterate them. | ||
an5.14 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati;
It’s when a noble disciple, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an5.94 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati;
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an5.140 | byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu uppannaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ nādhivāseti, pajahati vinodeti hanati byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti; uppannaṁ byāpādavitakkaṁ …pe… uppannaṁ vihiṁsāvitakkaṁ …pe… uppannuppanne pāpake akusale dhamme nādhivāseti, pajahati vinodeti hanati byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti.
It’s when a mendicant doesn’t tolerate a sensual, malicious, or cruel thought. They don’t tolerate any bad, unskillful qualities that have arisen, but give them up, get rid of them, calm them, eliminate them, and obliterate them. | ||
an6.58 | byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso uppannaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti,
Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, doesn’t tolerate a sensual, | ||
an6.74 | byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 4 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Kāmavitakkaṁ, byāpādavitakkaṁ, vihiṁsāvitakkaṁ, kāmasaññaṁ, byāpādasaññaṁ, vihiṁsāsaññaṁ—
Sensual, malicious, and cruel thoughts; and sensual, malicious, and cruel perceptions. | ||
an6.109 | byāpādavitakkassa kāmavitakkassa | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Kāmavitakkassa pahānāya nekkhammavitakko bhāvetabbo, byāpādavitakkassa pahānāya abyāpādavitakko bhāvetabbo, vihiṁsāvitakkassa pahānāya avihiṁsāvitakko bhāvetabbo.
You should develop thoughts of renunciation to give up sensual thoughts, thoughts of good will to give up malicious thoughts, and thoughts of harmlessness to give up cruel thoughts. | ||
an6.116 | rāgaduccaritavitakka | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | |||
an7.53 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idhāhaṁ, bhante, yāvade ākaṅkhāmi vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharāmi.
Whenever I want, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an8.11 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So kho ahaṁ, brāhmaṇa, vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharāmi;
Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I entered and remained in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an8.30 | avitakkaṁ mahāpurisavitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 5 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Sādhu kho tvaṁ, anuruddha, yaṁ taṁ mahāpurisavitakkaṁ vitakkesi:
It’s good that you reflect on these thoughts of a great man: | ||
an8.63 | avitakkaavicārampi avitakkampi avitakkavicāramattampi savitakkampi savitakkasavicārampi | 18 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Yato kho te, bhikkhu, ayaṁ samādhi evaṁ bhāvito hoti bahulīkato, tato tvaṁ, bhikkhu, imaṁ samādhiṁ savitakkampi savicāraṁ bhāveyyāsi, avitakkampi vicāramattaṁ bhāveyyāsi, avitakkampi avicāraṁ bhāveyyāsi, sappītikampi bhāveyyāsi, nippītikampi bhāveyyāsi, sātasahagatampi bhāveyyāsi, upekkhāsahagatampi bhāveyyāsi.
When this immersion is developed and cultivated in this way, you should develop it while placing the mind and keeping it connected. You should develop it without placing the mind, merely keeping it connected. You should develop it without placing the mind or keeping it connected. You should develop it with rapture. You should develop it without rapture. You should develop it with pleasure. You should develop it with equanimity. | ||
an9.33 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘idhāvuso, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
‘Reverend, it’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an9.35 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 5 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, idhekacco bhikkhu bālo abyatto akhettaññū akusalo vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati;
In the same way, some foolish, incompetent, unskillful mendicant, lacking common sense, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an9.38 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, brāhmaṇā, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Take a mendicant who, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an9.39 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, yasmiṁ samaye bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati,
In the same way, there’s a time when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an9.40 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Then, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an9.41 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So kho ahaṁ, ānanda, vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharāmi.
And so, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I entered and remained in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an10.60 | byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idhānanda, bhikkhu uppannaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ nādhivāseti, pajahati, vinodeti, byantīkaroti, anabhāvaṁ gameti. Uppannaṁ byāpādavitakkaṁ nādhivāseti, pajahati, vinodeti, byantīkaroti, anabhāvaṁ gameti. Uppannaṁ vihiṁsāvitakkaṁ nādhivāseti, pajahati, vinodeti, byantīkaroti, anabhāvaṁ gameti. Uppannuppanne pāpake akusale dhamme nādhivāseti, pajahati, vinodeti, byantīkaroti, anabhāvaṁ gameti.
It’s when a mendicant doesn’t tolerate a sensual, malicious, or cruel thought that has arisen, and they don’t tolerate any bad, unskillful qualities that have arisen, but give them up, get rid of them, eliminate them, and obliterate them. | ||
an10.99 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Then, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an11.16 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Idha, gahapati, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
“Householder, it’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
an11.17 | byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 4 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu uppannaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ adhivāseti nappajahati na vinodeti na byantīkaroti na anabhāvaṁ gameti, uppannaṁ byāpādavitakkaṁ … uppannaṁ vihiṁsāvitakkaṁ …
It’s when a mendicant tolerates a sensual, malicious, or cruel thought that has arisen. They don’t give it up, get rid of it, eliminate it, and obliterate it. | ||
dn1 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Yato kho, bho, ayaṁ attā vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati, ettāvatā kho, bho, ayaṁ attā paramadiṭṭhadhammanibbānaṁ patto hotī’ti.
Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, this self enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. That’s how this self attains ultimate extinguishment in the present life.’ | ||
dn2 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So vivicceva kāmehi, vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
dn3 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So vivicceva kāmehi, vivicca akusalehi dhammehi, savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati …pe…
Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption … | ||
dn9 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So vivicceva kāmehi, vivicca akusalehi dhammehi, savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
dn10 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
dn17 | avitakkaṁ byāpādavitakka kāmavitakka savitakkaṁ | 6 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘tiṭṭha, kāmavitakka, tiṭṭha, byāpādavitakka, tiṭṭha, vihiṁsāvitakka.
‘Stop here, sensual, malicious, and cruel thoughts— | ||
dn21 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 6 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tattha yañce savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ, yañce avitakkaṁ avicāraṁ, ye avitakke avicāre, te paṇītatare.
And that which is free of placing the mind and keeping it connected is better than that which still involves placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
dn22 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
dn26 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
dn28 | avitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puna caparaṁ, bhante, idhekacco na heva kho nimittena ādisati, nāpi manussānaṁ vā amanussānaṁ vā devatānaṁ vā saddaṁ sutvā ādisati, nāpi vitakkayato vicārayato vitakkavipphārasaddaṁ sutvā ādisati. Api ca kho avitakkaṁ avicāraṁ samādhiṁ samāpannassa cetasā ceto paricca pajānāti:
Furthermore, someone comprehends the mind of a person who has attained the immersion that’s free of placing the mind and keeping it connected. They understand, | ||
dn29 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, cunda, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
dn33 | avitakkaavicāro avitakkavicāramatto avitakkaṁ byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ savitakkasavicāro savitakkaṁ | 9 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | savitakkasavicāro samādhi, avitakkavicāramatto samādhi, avitakkaavicāro samādhi.
Immersion with placing the mind and keeping it connected. Immersion without placing the mind, merely keeping it connected. Immersion without placing the mind or keeping it connected. | ||
dn34 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | idhāvuso, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
A mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption … | ||
mn2 | byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso uppannaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti, uppannaṁ byāpādavitakkaṁ …pe… uppannaṁ vihiṁsāvitakkaṁ …pe… uppannuppanne pāpake akusale dhamme nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti.
Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, doesn’t tolerate a sensual, malicious, or cruel thought that has arisen, but gives it up, gets rid of it, eliminates it, and obliterates it. They don’t tolerate any bad, unskillful qualities that have arisen, but give them up, get rid of them, eliminate them, and obliterate them. | ||
mn4 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So kho ahaṁ, brāhmaṇa, vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja vihāsiṁ.
Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I entered and remained in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn8 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja vihareyya.
It’s possible that a certain mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, might enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn13 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn19 | abyāpādavitakkañce avitakkaṁ byāpādavitakkañce kāmavitakkañce kāmavitakkaṁ nekkhammavitakkañce nekkhammavitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 11 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So kho ahaṁ, bhikkhave, uppannuppannaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ pajahameva vinodameva byantameva naṁ akāsiṁ.
So I gave up, got rid of, and eliminated any sensual thoughts that arose. | ||
mn25 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn26 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Evameva kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
In the same way, a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn27 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Then, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn30 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, brāhmaṇa, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Take a mendicant who, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn31 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha mayaṁ, bhante, yāvadeva ākaṅkhāma vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharāma.
Whenever we want, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, we enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn33 | byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 4 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu uppannaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ adhivāseti, nappajahati na vinodeti na byantī karoti na anabhāvaṁ gameti. Uppannaṁ byāpādavitakkaṁ …pe… uppannaṁ vihiṁsāvitakkaṁ …pe… uppannuppanne pāpake akusale dhamme adhivāseti, nappajahati na vinodeti na byantī karoti na anabhāvaṁ gameti.
It’s when a mendicant tolerates a sensual, malicious, or cruel thought that has arisen. They tolerate any bad, unskillful qualities that have arisen. They don’t give them up, get rid of them, eliminate them, and obliterate them. | ||
mn36 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘abhijānāmi kho panāhaṁ pitu sakkassa kammante sītāya jambucchāyāya nisinno vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharitā.
‘I recall sitting in the cool shade of a black plum tree while my father the Sakyan was off working. Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I entered and remained in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn38 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Then, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn39 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi, savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Then, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn43 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Idhāvuso, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati—
“Reverend, it’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn44 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idhāvuso visākha, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Take a mendicant who, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn45 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption … | ||
mn51 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati;
Then, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn52 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Idha, gahapati, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
“Householder, it’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn60 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Then, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption … | ||
mn64 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idhānanda, bhikkhu upadhivivekā akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ pahānā sabbaso kāyaduṭṭhullānaṁ paṭippassaddhiyā vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant—due to the seclusion from attachments, the giving up of unskillful qualities, and the complete settling of physical discomforts—quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn65 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn76 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Then, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, he enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn77 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idhudāyi, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn85 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘abhijānāmi kho panāhaṁ pitu sakkassa kammante sītāya jambucchāyāya nisinno vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharitā;
‘I recall sitting in the cool shade of a black plum tree while my father the Sakyan was off working. Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I entered and remained in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn94 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Then, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn100 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘abhijānāmi kho panāhaṁ pitu sakkassa kammante sītāya jambucchāyāya nisinno vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharitā.
‘I recall sitting in the cool shade of a black plum tree while my father the Sakyan was off working. Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I entered and remained in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn101 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Then, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn107 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Then, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn108 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, brāhmaṇa, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn111 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, sāriputto vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, he entered and remained in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn112 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja vihāsiṁ.
Then, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I entered and remained in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn113 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, asappuriso vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Furthermore, take an untrue person who, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn124 | byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Asīti me, āvuso, vassāni pabbajitassa nābhijānāmi kāmavitakkaṁ uppannapubbaṁ”.
“In these eighty years, I don’t recall that any thought of sensuality … | ||
mn125 | avitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So vitakkavicārānaṁ vūpasamā ajjhattaṁ sampasādanaṁ cetaso ekodibhāvaṁ avitakkaṁ avicāraṁ samādhijaṁ pītisukhaṁ dutiyaṁ jhānaṁ …
As the placing of the mind and keeping it connected are stilled, they enter and remain in the second absorption … | ||
mn128 | avitakkampi savitakkampi | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So kho ahaṁ, anuruddhā, savitakkampi savicāraṁ samādhiṁ bhāvesiṁ, avitakkampi vicāramattaṁ samādhiṁ bhāvesiṁ, avitakkampi avicāraṁ samādhiṁ bhāvesiṁ, sappītikampi samādhiṁ bhāvesiṁ, nippītikampi samādhiṁ bhāvesiṁ, sātasahagatampi samādhiṁ bhāvesiṁ, upekkhāsahagatampi samādhiṁ bhāvesiṁ.
I developed immersion while placing the mind and keeping it connected; without placing the mind, merely keeping it connected; without placing the mind or keeping it connected; with rapture; without rapture; with pleasure; with equanimity. | ||
mn138 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idhāvuso, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Take a mendicant who, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn139 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Now, take a mendicant who, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
mn141 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idhāvuso, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati,
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
sn4.25 | avitakkajhāyī | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Aññāya dhammaṁ avitakkajhāyī,
understanding the teaching, they practice absorption without placing the mind; | ||
sn9.11 | akusalavitakkasutta byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 4 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Akusalavitakkasutta
Unskillful Thoughts | ||
sn16.9 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Ahaṁ, bhikkhave, yāvade ākaṅkhāmi vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharāmi.
“Mendicants, whenever I want, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
sn16.10 | savitakkaṁ | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘ahaṁ, bhikkhave, yāvade ākaṅkhāmi vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharāmi.
‘Mendicants, whenever I want, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
sn16.11 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Ahaṁ kho, āvuso, yāvade ākaṅkhāmi vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharāmi.
Whenever I want, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. … | ||
sn21.1 | avitakkaṁ | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘idha bhikkhu vitakkavicārānaṁ vūpasamā ajjhattaṁ sampasādanaṁ cetaso ekodibhāvaṁ avitakkaṁ avicāraṁ samādhijaṁ pītisukhaṁ dutiyaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
‘As the placing of the mind and keeping it connected are stilled, a mendicant enters and remains in the second absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of immersion, with internal clarity and mind at one, without placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
sn28.1 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Idhāhaṁ, āvuso, vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharāmi.
“Reverend, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I entered and remained in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
sn28.2 | avitakkasutta avitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Avitakkasutta
Without Placing the Mind | ||
sn28.10 | avitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | |||
sn36.19 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idhānanda, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
sn36.31 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 4 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
sn40.1 | savitakka savitakkasuttaṁ savitakkaṁ | 5 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Paṭhamajhānapañhāsutta
A Question About the First Absorption | ||
sn40.2 | avitakka avitakkasuttaṁ avitakkaṁ | 5 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Dutiyajhānapañhāsutta
A Question About the Second Absorption | ||
sn41.8 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Ahaṁ kho, bhante, yāvadeva ākaṅkhāmi, vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharāmi.
“Well sir, whenever I want, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
sn41.9 | savitakkaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Ahañhi, bhante, yāvadeva ākaṅkhāmi, vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharāmi.
For whenever I want, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
sn43.3 | avitakkaavicāro avitakkavicāramatto savitakkasavicārasutta savitakkasavicāro | 5 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Savitakkasavicārasutta
Placing the Mind and Keeping it Connected | ||
sn45.8 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
sn46.52 | avitakkaavicāro avitakkaavicārā savitakkasavicārā | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Yadapi, bhikkhave, savitakkasavicārā pīti tadapi pītisambojjhaṅgo, yadapi avitakkaavicārā pīti tadapi pītisambojjhaṅgo.
Rapture while placing the mind and keeping it connected is the awakening factor of rapture; and rapture without placing the mind and keeping it connected is also the awakening factor of rapture. | ||
sn48.10 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, they enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
sn48.40 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati,
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
sn53.1-12 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
sn53.45-54 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati.
It’s when a mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. | ||
sn54.8 | avitakkaṁ savitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja vihareyyan’ti,
‘Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, may I enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected.’ | ||
sn56.7 | byāpādavitakkaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | kāmavitakkaṁ, byāpādavitakkaṁ, vihiṁsāvitakkaṁ.
sensual, malicious, and cruel thoughts. |