Bhadant 16 texts and 20 matches in Vinaya Pali

Sutta St Title Words Ct Mr Links Quote
pli-tv-bu-vb-np2 2. Udosita(dutiyakathina)sikkhāpada The training rule on storehouses bhadanto 1 0 En Ru

“āgacchatu bhadanto, mayaṁ, upaṭṭhahissāmā”ti.
“Come, Venerable, we’ll nurse you.”

pli-tv-bu-vb-np14 14. Chabbassasikkhāpada The training rule on six years bhadanto 1 0 En Ru

“āgacchatu bhadanto mayaṁ upaṭṭhahissāmā”ti.
“Come, Venerable, we’ll nurse you.”

pli-tv-bu-vb-np28 28. Accekacīvarasikkhāpada The training rule on haste-cloth bhadantā 3 0 En Ru

“āgacchantu bhadantā vassāvāsikaṁ dassāmī”ti.
“Come, Venerables, I wish to give robe-cloth to those who have completed the rainy-season residence.”
“kathañhi nāma bhadantā mayā dūte pahite nāgacchissanti.
“How could they not come when I send a message?
senāya vā gantukāmo hoti, pavāsaṁ vā gantukāmo hoti, gilāno vā hoti, gabbhinī vā hoti, assaddhassa vā saddhā uppannā hoti, appasannassa vā pasādo uppanno hoti, so ce bhikkhūnaṁ santike dūtaṁ pahiṇeyya— “āgacchantu bhadantā vassāvāsikaṁ dassāmī”ti, etaṁ accekacīvaraṁ nāma.
when someone intends to set out with the army, when someone intends to set out on a journey, when someone is sick, when someone is pregnant, when someone without faith acquires faith, when someone without confidence acquires confidence—if that person sends a message to the monks, saying, “Come, Venerables, I wish to give a robe to those who have completed the rainy-season residence,” this is called “haste-cloth”.

pli-tv-bu-vb-pc5 5. Sahaseyyasikkhāpada The training rule on the same sleeping place bhadantā 1 0 En Ru

“kathañhi nāma bhadantā muṭṭhassatī asampajānā naggā vikūjamānā kākacchamānā seyyaṁ kappessantī”ti.
“How can the venerables lie down absentminded, heedless, naked, muttering, and snoring?”

pli-tv-bu-vb-pc19 19. Mahallakavihārasikkhāpada The training rule on large dwellings bhadantā 1 0 En Ru

“kathañhi nāma bhadantā amhākaṁ yavakhettaṁ dūsessantī”ti.
“How can the venerables spoil my barley field?”

pli-tv-bu-vb-pc29 29. Paripācitasikkhāpada The training rule on had prepared bhadanto 1 0 En Ru

Manussā—“cirassampi bhadanto āgato”ti sakkaccaṁ bhattaṁ akaṁsu.
Because it was a long time since he had last returned, people prepared food for him respectfully.

pli-tv-bu-vb-pc31 31. Āvasathapiṇḍasikkhāpada The training rule on almsmeals at public guesthouses bhadantā 1 0 En Ru

Manussā—“cirassampi bhadantā āgatā”ti sakkaccaṁ parivisiṁsu.
Because it was a long time since they had been there, people served them respectfully.

pli-tv-bu-vb-pc33 33. Paramparabhojanasikkhāpada The training rule on eating a meal before another bhadantā 1 0 En Ru

“kathañhi nāma bhadantā mayā nimantitā aññatra bhuñjissanti.
“How could the venerables eat elsewhere when invited by me?

pli-tv-bu-vb-pc35 35. Pavāraṇāsikkhāpada The training rule on invitations bhadantā 1 0 En Ru

“kathañhi nāma bhadantā amhākaṁ ghare bhuñjitvā aññatra bhuñjissanti.
“How could the venerables eat in our house and afterwards eat elsewhere?

pli-tv-bu-vb-pc47 47. Mahānāmasikkhāpada The training rule on Mahānāma bhadantā 1 0 En Ru

Atha kho mahānāmo sakko ujjhāyati khiyyati vipāceti—“kathañhi nāma bhadantā—‘ajjaṇho, bhante, āgamethā’ti vuccamānā nāgamessantī”ti.
Mahānāma complained and criticized them, “How can they not wait for one day when asked?”

pli-tv-bu-vb-pc48 48. Uyyuttasenāsikkhāpada The training rule on armies bhadanto bhadantassa 2 0 En Ru

Āgacchatu bhadanto.
Please come, Venerable.
Icchāmi bhadantassa āgatan”ti.
I want you to come.”

pli-tv-bu-vb-pc58 58. Dubbaṇṇakaraṇasikkhāpada The training rule on making stains bhadantā 2 0 En Ru

“āgacchantu, bhadantā, sakaṁ sakaṁ cīvaraṁ sañjānitvā gaṇhantū”ti.
“Venerables, please come and pick out your own robes.”
“kathañhi nāma bhadantā attano attano cīvaraṁ na sañjānissantī”ti.
“How can they not recognize their own robes?”

pli-tv-bu-vb-pc84 84. Ratanasikkhāpada The training rule on precious things bhadantā 1 0 En Ru

Tena ca gahapatinā antevāsī āṇatto hoti—“sace bhadantā āgacchanti, bhattaṁ kareyyāsī”ti.
and he had told an apprentice there that if the monks arrive he should make them a meal.

pli-tv-bu-vb-pd1 1. Paṭhamapāṭidesanīyasikkhāpada bhadantā 1 0 En Ru

“kathañhi nāma bhadantā bhikkhuniyā hatthato āmisaṁ paṭiggahessanti.
«Как могут эти досточтимые монахи принимать пищу из рук монахинь?

pli-tv-bu-vb-pd4 4. Catutthapāṭidesanīyasikkhāpada The fourth training rule on acknowledgment bhadantā 1 0 En Ru

“kathañhi nāma bhadantā ārāme core paṭivasante nārocessantī”ti.
“How could they not inform us that there are criminals staying near the monastery?”

pli-tv-bu-vb-pj2 2. Dutiyapārājikasikkhāpada bhadantā 1 4 En Ru

“kathañhi nāma bhadantā aññatra paribhogaṁ aññatra paribhuñjissantī”ti.
«Как эти почтенные люди могут использовать мебель в другом месте, принадлежащую другому?», —