Sutta | Title | Words | Ct | Mr | Links | Type | Quote |
an2.1-10 | durabhisambhavāni | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Dvemāni, bhikkhave, padhānāni durabhisambhavāni lokasmiṁ.
“These two endeavors are challenging in the world. | ||
an2.32-41 | bhavānaṁyeva | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So bhavānaṁyeva nibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya paṭipanno hoti.
They simply practice for disillusionment, dispassion, and cessation regarding future lives. | ||
an3.40 | itibhavābhavahetu | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Na piṇḍapātahetu, na senāsanahetu, na itibhavābhavahetu agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajito.
almsfood, lodgings, or rebirth in this or that state. | ||
an3.58 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati;
Knowing and seeing like this, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
an3.59 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati;
Knowing and seeing like this, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
an3.66 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati;
Knowing and seeing like this, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
an3.76 | punabbhavābhinibbatti | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Avijjānīvaraṇānaṁ sattānaṁ taṇhāsaṁyojanānaṁ hīnāya dhātuyā viññāṇaṁ patiṭṭhitaṁ evaṁ āyatiṁ punabbhavābhinibbatti hoti. (…)
The consciousness of sentient beings—shrouded by ignorance and fettered by craving—is established in a lower realm. That’s how there is rebirth into a new state of existence in the future. | ||
an3.77 | punabbhavābhinibbatti | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Avijjānīvaraṇānaṁ sattānaṁ taṇhāsaṁyojanānaṁ hīnāya dhātuyā cetanā patiṭṭhitā patthanā patiṭṭhitā evaṁ āyatiṁ punabbhavābhinibbatti hoti.
The intention and aim of sentient beings—shrouded by ignorance and fettered by craving—is established in a lower realm. That’s how there is rebirth into a new state of existence in the future. | ||
an3.80 | bhavā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | |||
an4.9 | itibhavābhavahetu | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | itibhavābhavahetu vā, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati.
or rebirth in this or that state. | ||
an4.10 | bhavānaṁ | 4 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco bhavānaṁ samudayañca atthaṅgamañca assādañca ādīnavañca nissaraṇañca yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti.
It’s when you don’t truly understand future lives’ origin, ending, gratification, drawback, and escape. | ||
an4.68 | parābhavāya | 9 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Parābhavāya, bhikkhave, devadattassa lābhasakkārasiloko udapādi.
| ||
an4.185 | bhavā bhavānaṁyeva | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘sabbe bhavā aniccā …pe… tadabhiññāya bhavānaṁyeva nibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya paṭipanno hoti.
‘All states of existence are impermanent, suffering, and perishable.’ … They simply practice for disillusionment, dispassion, and cessation regarding future lives, having had insight into the truth of that. | ||
an4.198 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati;
Knowing and seeing like this, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
an4.257 | itibhavābhavahetu | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Itibhavābhavahetu vā, mālukyaputta, bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati.
or rebirth in this or that state. | ||
an5.55 | bhavābhavaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | |||
an5.75 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati,
Knowing and seeing like this, his mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
an5.170 | bhavānaṁ | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “kiṁ nu kho, āvuso bhaddaji, dassanānaṁ aggaṁ, kiṁ savanānaṁ aggaṁ, kiṁ sukhānaṁ aggaṁ, kiṁ saññānaṁ aggaṁ, kiṁ bhavānaṁ aggan”ti?
“Reverend Bhaddaji, what is the best sight, the best sound, the best happiness, the best perception, and the best state of existence?” | ||
an6.63 | bhavāsavo | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | kāmāsavo, bhavāsavo, avijjāsavo.
the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
an6.105 | bhavā | 4 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Tayome, bhikkhave, bhavā pahātabbā, tīsu sikkhāsu sikkhitabbaṁ.
“Mendicants, you should give up these three states of existence. And you should train in three trainings. | ||
an6.106 | bhavā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | |||
an7.31 | parābhavā sambhavā sambhavāti | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Sattime, bhikkhave, upāsakassa parābhavā …pe…
“Mendicants, there are these seven downfalls for a lay follower … | ||
an8.11 | bhavāsavāpi punabbhavābhinibbatti | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Yassa kho, brāhmaṇa, āyatiṁ gabbhaseyyā punabbhavābhinibbatti pahīnā ucchinnamūlā tālāvatthukatā anabhāvaṅkatā āyatiṁ anuppādadhammā, tamahaṁ ‘apagabbho’ti vadāmi.
I say that an immature person is someone who has given up future wombs and rebirth into a new state of existence. They’ve cut them off at the root, made them like a palm stump, obliterated them, so that they’re unable to arise in the future. | ||
an8.12 | punabbhavābhinibbatti | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Yassa kho, sīha, āyatiṁ gabbhaseyyā punabbhavābhinibbatti pahīnā ucchinnamūlā tālāvatthukatā anabhāvaṅkatā āyatiṁ anuppādadhammā, tamahaṁ ‘apagabbho’ti vadāmi.
I say that an immature person is someone who has given up future wombs and rebirth into a new state of existence. They’ve cut them off at the root, made them like a palm stump, obliterated them, so that they’re unable to arise in the future. | ||
an8.83 | kiṁsambhavā manasikārasambhavā | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘kiṁmūlakā, āvuso, sabbe dhammā, kiṁsambhavā sabbe dhammā, kiṁsamudayā sabbe dhammā, kiṁsamosaraṇā sabbe dhammā, kiṁpamukhā sabbe dhammā, kiṁadhipateyyā sabbe dhammā, kiṁuttarā sabbe dhammā, kiṁsārā sabbe dhammā’ti, evaṁ puṭṭhā tumhe, bhikkhave, tesaṁ aññatitthiyānaṁ paribbājakānaṁ kinti byākareyyāthā”ti?
‘Reverends, all things have what as their root? What produces them? What is their origin? What is their meeting place? What is their chief? What is their ruler? What is their overseer? What is their core?’ How would you answer them?” | ||
an9.25 | arūpabhavāyā’ti kāmabhavāyā’ti rūpabhavāyā’ti | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘anāvattidhammaṁ me cittaṁ kāmabhavāyā’ti paññāya cittaṁ suparicitaṁ hoti;
… ‘My mind is not liable to return to rebirth in the sensual realm.’ | ||
an9.26 | arūpabhavāyā’ti kāmabhavāyā’ti rūpabhavāyā’ti | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘anāvattidhammaṁ me cittaṁ kāmabhavāyā’ti cetasā cittaṁ suparicitaṁ hoti;
… ‘My mind is not liable to return to rebirth in the sensual realm.’ | ||
an10.58 | kiṁsambhavā manasikārasambhavā | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘kiṁmūlakā, āvuso, sabbe dhammā, kiṁsambhavā sabbe dhammā, kiṁsamudayā sabbe dhammā, kiṁsamosaraṇā sabbe dhammā, kiṁpamukhā sabbe dhammā, kiṁadhipateyyā sabbe dhammā, kiṁuttarā sabbe dhammā, kiṁsārā sabbe dhammā, kiṁogadhā sabbe dhammā, kiṁpariyosānā sabbe dhammā’ti, evaṁ puṭṭhā tumhe, bhikkhave, tesaṁ aññatitthiyānaṁ paribbājakānaṁ kinti byākareyyāthā”ti?
‘Reverends, all things have what as their root? What produces them? What is their origin? What is their meeting place? What is their chief? What is their ruler? What is their overseer? What is their core? What is their culmination? What is their final end?’ How would you answer them?” | ||
an10.69 | itibhavābhavakathaṁ | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | rājakathaṁ corakathaṁ mahāmattakathaṁ senākathaṁ bhayakathaṁ yuddhakathaṁ annakathaṁ pānakathaṁ vatthakathaṁ sayanakathaṁ mālākathaṁ gandhakathaṁ ñātikathaṁ yānakathaṁ gāmakathaṁ nigamakathaṁ nagarakathaṁ janapadakathaṁ itthikathaṁ sūrakathaṁ visikhākathaṁ kumbhaṭṭhānakathaṁ pubbapetakathaṁ nānattakathaṁ lokakkhāyikaṁ samuddakkhāyikaṁ itibhavābhavakathaṁ iti vāti.
talk about kings, bandits, and ministers; talk about armies, threats, and wars; talk about food, drink, clothes, and beds; talk about garlands and fragrances; talk about family, vehicles, villages, towns, cities, and countries; talk about women and heroes; street talk and well talk; talk about the departed; motley talk; tales of land and sea; and talk about being reborn in this or that place. | ||
an10.70 | itibhavābhavakathaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | rājakathaṁ corakathaṁ mahāmattakathaṁ …pe… itibhavābhavakathaṁ iti vāti.
They engaged in all kinds of low talk, such as talk about kings, bandits, and chief ministers; talk about armies, threats, and wars; talk about food, drink, clothes, and beds; talk about garlands and fragrances; talk about family, vehicles, villages, towns, cities, and nations; talk about women and heroes; street talk and well talk; talk about the departed; miscellaneous talk; tales of land and sea; and talk about being reborn in this or that state of existence. | ||
an10.99 | durabhisambhavāni | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Durabhisambhavāni hi kho, upāli, araññavanapatthāni pantāni senāsanāni.
“Upāli, remote lodgings in the wilderness and the forest are challenging. | ||
dn1 | itibhavābhavakathaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | seyyathidaṁ—rājakathaṁ corakathaṁ mahāmattakathaṁ senākathaṁ bhayakathaṁ yuddhakathaṁ annakathaṁ pānakathaṁ vatthakathaṁ sayanakathaṁ mālākathaṁ gandhakathaṁ ñātikathaṁ yānakathaṁ gāmakathaṁ nigamakathaṁ nagarakathaṁ janapadakathaṁ itthikathaṁ sūrakathaṁ visikhākathaṁ kumbhaṭṭhānakathaṁ pubbapetakathaṁ nānattakathaṁ lokakkhāyikaṁ samuddakkhāyikaṁ itibhavābhavakathaṁ
talk about kings, bandits, and ministers; talk about armies, threats, and wars; talk about food, drink, clothes, and beds; talk about garlands and fragrances; talk about family, vehicles, villages, towns, cities, and countries; talk about women and heroes; street talk and well talk; talk about the departed; motley talk; tales of land and sea; and talk about being reborn in this or that place. | ||
dn2 | bhavāsavāpi itibhavābhavakathaṁ | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Seyyathidaṁ—rājakathaṁ corakathaṁ mahāmattakathaṁ senākathaṁ bhayakathaṁ yuddhakathaṁ annakathaṁ pānakathaṁ vatthakathaṁ sayanakathaṁ mālākathaṁ gandhakathaṁ ñātikathaṁ yānakathaṁ gāmakathaṁ nigamakathaṁ nagarakathaṁ janapadakathaṁ itthikathaṁ sūrakathaṁ visikhākathaṁ kumbhaṭṭhānakathaṁ pubbapetakathaṁ nānattakathaṁ lokakkhāyikaṁ samuddakkhāyikaṁ itibhavābhavakathaṁ
This includes such topics as talk about kings, bandits, and ministers; talk about armies, threats, and wars; talk about food, drink, clothes, and beds; talk about garlands and fragrances; talk about family, vehicles, villages, towns, cities, and countries; talk about women and heroes; street talk and well talk; talk about the departed; motley talk; tales of land and sea; and talk about being reborn in this or that place. | ||
dn3 | dutiyaibbhavāda ibbhavādaṁ ibbhavādena paṭhamaibbhavāda tatiyaibbhavāda | 7 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | 2.1. Paṭhamaibbhavāda
2.1. The First Use of the Word “Primitives” | ||
dn9 | itibhavābhavakathaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Seyyathidaṁ—rājakathaṁ corakathaṁ mahāmattakathaṁ senākathaṁ bhayakathaṁ yuddhakathaṁ annakathaṁ pānakathaṁ vatthakathaṁ sayanakathaṁ mālākathaṁ gandhakathaṁ ñātikathaṁ yānakathaṁ gāmakathaṁ nigamakathaṁ nagarakathaṁ janapadakathaṁ itthikathaṁ sūrakathaṁ visikhākathaṁ kumbhaṭṭhānakathaṁ pubbapetakathaṁ nānattakathaṁ lokakkhāyikaṁ samuddakkhāyikaṁ itibhavābhavakathaṁ iti vā.
talk about kings, bandits, and ministers; talk about armies, threats, and wars; talk about food, drink, clothes, and beds; talk about garlands and fragrances; talk about family, vehicles, villages, towns, cities, and countries; talk about women and heroes; street talk and well talk; talk about the departed; motley talk; tales of land and sea; and talk about being reborn in this or that place. | ||
dn10 | bhavāsavāpi | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati,
Knowing and seeing like this, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
dn12 | bhavānaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Evaṁvādī so ye te kulaputtā tathāgatappaveditaṁ dhammavinayaṁ āgamma evarūpaṁ uḷāraṁ visesaṁ adhigacchanti, sotāpattiphalampi sacchikaronti, sakadāgāmiphalampi sacchikaronti, anāgāmiphalampi sacchikaronti, arahattampi sacchikaronti, ye cime dibbā gabbhā paripācenti dibbānaṁ bhavānaṁ abhinibbattiyā, tesaṁ antarāyakaro hoti, antarāyakaro samāno ahitānukampī hoti, ahitānukampissa sapattakaṁ cittaṁ paccupaṭṭhitaṁ hoti, sapattake citte paccupaṭṭhite micchādiṭṭhi hoti.
Now, there are gentlemen who, relying on the teaching and training proclaimed by the Realized One, achieve a high distinction such as the following: they realize the fruit of stream-entry, the fruit of once-return, the fruit of non-return, or perfection. And in addition, there are those who ripen the seeds for rebirth in a heavenly state. The person who spoke like that makes it difficult for them. They’re acting unkindly, their heart is full of hostility, and they have wrong view. | ||
dn15 | sambhavāya | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Tasmātihānanda, eseva hetu etaṁ nidānaṁ esa samudayo esa paccayo daṇḍādānasatthādānakalahaviggahavivādatuvaṁtuvaṁpesuññamusāvādānaṁ anekesaṁ pāpakānaṁ akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ sambhavāya yadidaṁ ārakkho.
“That’s why this is the cause, source, origin, and reason for the origination of those many bad, unskillful things, namely safeguarding. | ||
dn16 | bhavāsavā | 8 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | kāmāsavā, bhavāsavā, avijjāsavā”ti.
the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance.” | ||
dn25 | itibhavābhavakathaṁ | 4 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Seyyathidaṁ—rājakathaṁ corakathaṁ mahāmattakathaṁ senākathaṁ bhayakathaṁ yuddhakathaṁ annakathaṁ pānakathaṁ vatthakathaṁ sayanakathaṁ mālākathaṁ gandhakathaṁ ñātikathaṁ yānakathaṁ gāmakathaṁ nigamakathaṁ nagarakathaṁ janapadakathaṁ itthikathaṁ sūrakathaṁ visikhākathaṁ kumbhaṭṭhānakathaṁ pubbapetakathaṁ nānattakathaṁ lokakkhāyikaṁ samuddakkhāyikaṁ itibhavābhavakathaṁ iti vā.
talk about kings, bandits, and chief ministers; talk about armies, threats, and wars; talk about food, drink, clothes, and beds; talk about garlands and fragrances; talk about family, vehicles, villages, towns, cities, and countries; talk about women and heroes; street talk and well talk; talk about the departed; motley talk; tales of land and sea; and talk about being reborn in this or that state of existence. | ||
dn33 | bhavā bhavāsavo itibhavābhavahetu | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | kāmāsavo, bhavāsavo, avijjāsavo.
sensuality, desire for continued existence, and ignorance. | ||
mn1 | bhavā | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | iti viditvā ‘bhavā jāti bhūtassa jarāmaraṇan’ti.
and that rebirth comes from continued existence; whoever has come to be gets old and dies. | ||
mn2 | bhavāsavo | 8 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | anuppanno vā bhavāsavo uppajjati, uppanno vā bhavāsavo pavaḍḍhati;
desire to be reborn, | ||
mn4 | bhavāsavāpi durabhisambhavāni | 4 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Durabhisambhavāni hi kho, bho gotama, araññavanapatthāni pantāni senāsanāni, dukkaraṁ pavivekaṁ, durabhiramaṁ ekatte,
“But Mister Gotama, remote lodgings in the wilderness and the forest are challenging. It’s hard to maintain seclusion and hard to find joy in solitude. | ||
mn7 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati.
Knowing and seeing like this, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
mn9 | bhavā bhavāsavo | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tayome, āvuso, bhavā—
There are these three states of continued existence. | ||
mn11 | avijjāpabhavā kiṁpabhavā phassapabhavā taṇhāpabhavā vedanāpabhavā | 8 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Ime ca, bhikkhave, cattāro upādānā. Kiṁnidānā kiṁsamudayā kiṁjātikā kiṁpabhavā?
What is the source, origin, birthplace, and inception of these four kinds of grasping? | ||
mn18 | bhavābhave | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Yathāvādī kho, āvuso, sadevake loke samārake sabrahmake sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiyā pajāya sadevamanussāya na kenaci loke viggayha tiṭṭhati, yathā ca pana kāmehi visaṁyuttaṁ viharantaṁ taṁ brāhmaṇaṁ akathaṅkathiṁ chinnakukkuccaṁ bhavābhave vītataṇhaṁ saññā nānusenti—
“Sir, my doctrine is such that one does not conflict with anyone in this world with its gods, Māras, and Divinities, this population with its ascetics and brahmins, its gods and humans. And it is such that perceptions do not underlie the brahmin who lives detached from sensual pleasures, without doubting, stripped of worry, and rid of craving for rebirth in this or that state. | ||
mn19 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa me evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha, vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ ahosi:
Knowing and seeing like this, my mind was freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
mn27 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati.
Knowing and seeing like this, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
mn36 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa me evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha.
Knowing and seeing like this, my mind was freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
mn38 | avijjāpabhavā kiṁpabhavā phassapabhavā taṇhāpabhavā vedanāpabhavā | 8 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Ime ca, bhikkhave, cattāro āhārā kiṁnidānā kiṁsamudayā kiṁjātikā kiṁpabhavā?
What is the source, origin, birthplace, and inception of these four fuels? | ||
mn39 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati.
Knowing and seeing like this, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
mn43 | bhavā bhavā’ti punabbhavābhinibbatti | 6 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Kati panāvuso, bhavā”ti?
“How many states of existence are there?” | ||
mn51 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati.
Knowing and seeing like this, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
mn60 | bhavānaṁyeva bhavāsavāpi | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So iti paṭisaṅkhāya bhavānaṁyeva nibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya paṭipanno hoti.
Reflecting like this, they simply practice for disillusionment, dispassion, and cessation regarding future lives. | ||
mn65 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati.
Knowing and seeing like this, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
mn76 | bhavāsavāpi itibhavābhavakathaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | rājakathaṁ corakathaṁ mahāmattakathaṁ senākathaṁ bhayakathaṁ yuddhakathaṁ annakathaṁ pānakathaṁ vatthakathaṁ sayanakathaṁ mālākathaṁ gandhakathaṁ ñātikathaṁ yānakathaṁ gāmakathaṁ nigamakathaṁ nagarakathaṁ janapadakathaṁ itthikathaṁ sūrakathaṁ visikhākathaṁ kumbhaṭṭhānakathaṁ pubbapetakathaṁ nānattakathaṁ lokakkhāyikaṁ samuddakkhāyikaṁ itibhavābhavakathaṁ iti vā.
talk about kings, bandits, and chief ministers; talk about armies, threats, and wars; talk about food, drink, clothes, and beds; talk about garlands and fragrances; talk about family, vehicles, villages, towns, cities, and countries; talk about women and heroes; street talk and well talk; talk about the departed; motley talk; tales of land and sea; and talk about being reborn in this or that state of existence. | ||
mn77 | itibhavābhavakathaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | rājakathaṁ corakathaṁ mahāmattakathaṁ senākathaṁ bhayakathaṁ yuddhakathaṁ annakathaṁ pānakathaṁ vatthakathaṁ sayanakathaṁ mālākathaṁ gandhakathaṁ ñātikathaṁ yānakathaṁ gāmakathaṁ nigamakathaṁ nagarakathaṁ janapadakathaṁ itthikathaṁ sūrakathaṁ visikhākathaṁ kumbhaṭṭhānakathaṁ pubbapetakathaṁ nānattakathaṁ lokakkhāyikaṁ samuddakkhāyikaṁ itibhavābhavakathaṁ iti vā.
talk about kings, bandits, and chief ministers; talk about armies, threats, and wars; talk about food, drink, clothes, and beds; talk about garlands and fragrances; talk about family, vehicles, villages, towns, cities, and countries; talk about women and heroes; street talk and well talk; talk about the departed; motley talk; tales of land and sea; and talk about being reborn in this or that state of existence. | ||
mn78 | itibhavābhavakathaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | rājakathaṁ corakathaṁ mahāmattakathaṁ senākathaṁ bhayakathaṁ yuddhakathaṁ annakathaṁ pānakathaṁ vatthakathaṁ sayanakathaṁ mālākathaṁ gandhakathaṁ ñātikathaṁ yānakathaṁ gāmakathaṁ nigamakathaṁ nagarakathaṁ janapadakathaṁ itthikathaṁ sūrakathaṁ visikhākathaṁ kumbhaṭṭhānakathaṁ pubbapetakathaṁ nānattakathaṁ lokakkhāyikaṁ samuddakkhāyikaṁ itibhavābhavakathaṁ iti vā.
talk about kings, bandits, and chief ministers; talk about armies, threats, and wars; talk about food, drink, clothes, and beds; talk about garlands and fragrances; talk about family, vehicles, villages, towns, cities, and countries; talk about women and heroes; street talk and well talk; talk about the departed; motley talk; tales of land and sea; and talk about being reborn in this or that state of existence. | ||
mn79 | bhavāsavāpi itibhavābhavakathaṁ | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | rājakathaṁ corakathaṁ mahāmattakathaṁ senākathaṁ bhayakathaṁ yuddhakathaṁ annakathaṁ pānakathaṁ vatthakathaṁ sayanakathaṁ mālākathaṁ gandhakathaṁ ñātikathaṁ yānakathaṁ gāmakathaṁ nigamakathaṁ nagarakathaṁ janapadakathaṁ itthikathaṁ sūrakathaṁ visikhākathaṁ kumbhaṭṭhānakathaṁ pubbapetakathaṁ nānattakathaṁ lokakkhāyikaṁ samuddakkhāyikaṁ itibhavābhavakathaṁ iti vā.
talk about kings, bandits, and chief ministers; talk about armies, threats, and wars; talk about food, drink, clothes, and beds; talk about garlands and fragrances; talk about family, vehicles, villages, towns, cities, and countries; talk about women and heroes; street talk and well talk; talk about the departed; motley talk; tales of land and sea; and talk about being reborn in this or that state of existence. | ||
mn82 | bhavābhavesu | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Abyositattā hi bhavābhavesu,
But if because of delusion you don’t reach consummation, | ||
mn85 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa me evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha.
Knowing and seeing like this, my mind was freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
mn94 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati.
Knowing and seeing like this, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
mn100 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa me evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha.
Knowing and seeing like this, my mind was freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
mn101 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati.
Knowing and seeing like this, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
mn103 | itibhavābhavahetu | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘cīvarahetu vā samaṇo gotamo dhammaṁ deseti, piṇḍapātahetu vā samaṇo gotamo dhammaṁ deseti, senāsanahetu vā samaṇo gotamo dhammaṁ deseti, itibhavābhavahetu vā samaṇo gotamo dhammaṁ desetī’”ti?
‘The ascetic Gotama teaches the Dhamma for the sake of robes, almsfood, lodgings, or rebirth in this or that state.’” | ||
mn112 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa me evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccittha.
Knowing and seeing like this, my mind was freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
mn121 | bhavāsavaṁ bhavāsavenā’ti bhavāsavāpi | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati.
Knowing and seeing like this, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
mn122 | itibhavābhavakathā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘yāyaṁ kathā hīnā gammā pothujjanikā anariyā anatthasaṁhitā na nibbidāya na virāgāya na nirodhāya na upasamāya na abhiññāya na sambodhāya na nibbānāya saṁvattati, seyyathidaṁ—rājakathā corakathā mahāmattakathā senākathā bhayakathā yuddhakathā annakathā pānakathā vatthakathā sayanakathā mālākathā gandhakathā ñātikathā yānakathā gāmakathā nigamakathā nagarakathā janapadakathā itthikathā surākathā visikhākathā kumbhaṭṭhānakathā pubbapetakathā nānattakathā lokakkhāyikā samuddakkhāyikā itibhavābhavakathā iti vā iti—evarūpiṁ kathaṁ na kathessāmī’ti.
‘I will not engage in the kind of speech that is low, crude, ordinary, ignoble, and pointless. Such speech doesn’t lead to disillusionment, dispassion, cessation, peace, insight, awakening, and extinguishment. Namely: talk about kings, bandits, and chief ministers; talk about armies, threats, and wars; talk about food, drink, clothes, and beds; talk about garlands and fragrances; talk about family, vehicles, villages, towns, cities, and countries; talk about women and heroes; street talk and well talk; talk about the departed; motley talk; tales of land and sea; and talk about being reborn in this or that state of existence.’ | ||
mn125 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati.
Knowing and seeing like this, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
mn140 | bhavāya vibhavāya | 4 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So neva taṁ abhisaṅkharoti, na abhisañcetayati bhavāya vā vibhavāya vā.
They neither make a choice nor form an intention to continue existence or to end existence. | ||
sn2.9 | bhavā’ti | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | |||
sn2.10 | bhavā’ti | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | |||
sn7.12 | apunabbhavāya | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Maggañca laddhā apunabbhavāya,
But when they’ve gained the path for no further rebirth, | ||
sn7.18 | aññāṇamūlappabhavā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Aññāṇamūlappabhavā pajappitā,
the yearnings sprung from the root of unknowing— | ||
sn8.7 | khīṇapunabbhavā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | |||
sn9.1 | bhavāsi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Bhavāsi sataṁ taṁ sārayāmase;
let us remind you of the way of the good. | ||
sn10.3 | apunabbhavāyā’ti | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Atiṇṇapubbaṁ apunabbhavāyā”ti.
not crossed before, so as to not be reborn.” | ||
sn12.2 | bhavā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tayome, bhikkhave, bhavā—
There are these three states of existence. | ||
sn12.11 | avijjāpabhavā kiṁpabhavā phassapabhavā taṇhāpabhavā vedanāpabhavā | 8 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Ime, bhikkhave, cattāro āhārā kiṁnidānā kiṁsamudayā kiṁjātikā kiṁpabhavā?
What is the source, origin, birthplace, and inception of these four fuels? | ||
sn12.12 | punabbhavābhinibbattiyā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘viññāṇāhāro āyatiṁ punabbhavābhinibbattiyā paccayo, tasmiṁ bhūte sati saḷāyatanaṁ, saḷāyatanapaccayā phasso’”ti.
‘Consciousness is a fuel that conditions rebirth into a new state of existence in the future. When that which has been reborn is present, there are the six sense fields. The six sense fields are a condition for contact.’” | ||
sn12.24 | bhavappabhavā’ti kiṁpabhavā’ti | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘jāti panāvuso ānanda, kiṁnidānā kiṁsamudayā kiṁjātikā kiṁpabhavā’ti?
‘What is the source of rebirth?’ | ||
sn12.32 | bhavappabhavā’ti kiṁpabhavā’ti vedanāpabhavā’ti | 6 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘jāti panāvuso sāriputta, kiṁnidānā kiṁsamudayā kiṁjātikā kiṁpabhavā’ti?
‘But what is the source, origin, birthplace, and inception of rebirth?’ | ||
sn12.38 | punabbhavābhinibbatti punabbhavābhinibbattiyā | 6 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tasmiṁ patiṭṭhite viññāṇe virūḷhe āyatiṁ punabbhavābhinibbatti hoti.
When consciousness is established and grows, there is rebirth into a new state of existence in the future. | ||
sn12.51 | avijjāpabhavā bhavappabhavā kiṁpabhavā | 4 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘jāti panāyaṁ kiṁnidānā kiṁsamudayā kiṁjātikā kiṁpabhavā, kismiṁ sati jāti hoti, kismiṁ asati jāti na hotī’ti?
‘But what is the source of this rebirth? When what exists does rebirth come to be? And when what does not exist does rebirth not come to be?’ | ||
sn12.64 | punabbhavābhinibbatti | 14 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Yattha atthi saṅkhārānaṁ vuddhi, atthi tattha āyatiṁ punabbhavābhinibbatti.
Where choices grow, there is rebirth into a new state of existence in the future. | ||
sn17.9 | verambhavātakkhittassa verambhavātakkhittasseva | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassa verambhavātakkhittassa aññeneva pādā gacchanti, aññena pakkhā gacchanti, aññena sīsaṁ gacchati, aññena kāyo gacchati.
Their feet go one way, their wings another, their head another, and their body another. | ||
sn17.23 | bhavāhi | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘tādiso, tāta, bhavāhi yādiso citto ca gahapati hatthako ca āḷavako’ti.
‘My darling, please be like the householder Citta and Hatthaka of Ãḷavī.’ | ||
sn17.24 | bhavāhi | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘tādisā, ayye, bhavāhi yādisā khujjuttarā ca upāsikā veḷukaṇḍakiyā ca nandamātā’ti.
‘My darling, please be like the laywomen Khujjuttarā and Veḷukaṇṭakī, Nanda’s mother.’ | ||
sn17.35 | parābhavāya | 9 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “attavadhāya, bhikkhave, devadattassa lābhasakkārasiloko udapādi, parābhavāya devadattassa lābhasakkārasiloko udapādi.
“Possessions, honor, and popularity came to Devadatta for his own ruin and downfall. | ||
sn22.55 | vibhavā | 5 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | So rūpassa vibhavā, vedanāya vibhavā, saññāya vibhavā, saṅkhārānaṁ vibhavā, viññāṇassa vibhavā, evaṁ kho, bhikkhu,
It’s because of the disappearance of form, feeling, perception, choices, and consciousness that a mendicant who makes such a resolution— | ||
sn22.76 | punabbhavā | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | |||
sn35.72 | apunabbhavāya apunabbhavāyā’ti | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Evaṁ te etaṁ paṭhamaṁ phassāyatanaṁ pahīnaṁ bhavissati āyatiṁ apunabbhavāya …pe….
In this way you will give up the first field of contact, so that there are no more future lives. | ||
sn35.94 | bhavātha | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Bhavattha jātimaraṇassa pāragā”ti.
go beyond birth and death.” | ||
sn35.95 | dhammasambhavā gandhasambhavā phassasambhavā rasasambhavā rūpasambhavā saddasambhavā | 7 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | anekā rūpasambhavā;
arising from sights. | ||
sn35.229 | apunabbhavāya | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Pahāsi dukkhaṁ apunabbhavāya;
They’ve given up suffering, so there are no more future lives. | ||
sn35.248 | punabbhavāya | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Sace so, bhikkhave, assutavā puthujjano āyatiṁ punabbhavāya ceteti, evañhi so, bhikkhave, moghapuriso suhatataro hoti, seyyathāpi sā yavakalāpī sattamāya byābhaṅgiyā haññamānā.
And if that unlearned ordinary person has intentions regarding rebirth into a new state of existence in the future, that futile person is even more thoroughly struck, like that sheaf of barley threshed by the seventh person. | ||
sn38.8 | bhavāsavo | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Kāmāsavo, bhavāsavo, avijjāsavo—
The defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
sn38.13 | bhavā bhavānaṁ bhavā’ti | 8 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Tayome, āvuso, bhavā.
“Reverend, there are these three states of existence. | ||
sn44.6 | bhavārāmassa | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Bhavārāmassa kho, āvuso, bhavaratassa bhavasammuditassa, bhavanirodhaṁ ajānato apassato yathābhūtaṁ, ‘hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā’tipissa hoti …pe…
If you like, love, and enjoy existence, and don’t truly see the cessation of continued existence, you think ‘a realized one still exists after death’ … | ||
sn45.163 | bhavāsavo | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Kāmāsavo, bhavāsavo, avijjāsavo—
The defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
sn45.164 | bhavā bhavānaṁ | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Tayome, bhikkhave, bhavā.
“There are these three states of existence. | ||
sn46.5 | bhavāsavāpi | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tassime satta bojjhaṅge bhāvayato kāmāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, bhavāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati, avijjāsavāpi cittaṁ vimuccati.
As they develop the seven awakening factors, their mind is freed from the defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
sn47.50 | bhavāsavo | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Kāmāsavo, bhavāsavo, avijjāsavo—
The defilements of sensuality, desire to be reborn, and ignorance. | ||
sn56.10 | itibhavābhavakathaṁ | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | rājakathaṁ corakathaṁ mahāmattakathaṁ senākathaṁ, bhayakathaṁ yuddhakathaṁ, annakathaṁ pānakathaṁ vatthakathaṁ sayanakathaṁ mālākathaṁ gandhakathaṁ, ñātikathaṁ yānakathaṁ gāmakathaṁ nigamakathaṁ nagarakathaṁ janapadakathaṁ itthikathaṁ sūrakathaṁ visikhākathaṁ kumbhaṭṭhānakathaṁ, pubbapetakathaṁ nānattakathaṁ, lokakkhāyikaṁ samuddakkhāyikaṁ itibhavābhavakathaṁ iti vā.
talk about kings, bandits, and ministers; talk about armies, threats, and wars; talk about food, drink, clothes, and beds; talk about garlands and fragrances; talk about family, vehicles, villages, towns, cities, and countries; talk about women and heroes; street talk and talk at the well; talk about the departed; motley talk; tales of land and sea; and talk about being reborn in this or that place. |