Bojjhaṅgā 75 texts and 181 matches in Suttanta Pali

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
an1.71-81bojjhaṅgā8Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā bojjhaṅgā nuppajjanti uppannā vā bojjhaṅgā na bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ayonisomanasikāro.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents the awakening factors from arising, or, if they’ve already arisen, prevents them from being fully developed like irrational application of mind. 
Ayoniso, bhikkhave, manasi karoto anuppannā ceva bojjhaṅgā nuppajjanti uppannā ca bojjhaṅgā na bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchantī”ti. 
When you apply the mind irrationally, the awakening factors don’t arise, or, if they’ve already arisen, they’re not fully developed.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā bojjhaṅgā uppajjanti uppannā vā bojjhaṅgā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to the awakening factors, or, if they’ve already arisen, fully develops them like rational application of mind. 
Yoniso, bhikkhave, manasi karoto anuppannā ceva bojjhaṅgā uppajjanti uppannā ca bojjhaṅgā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchantī”ti. 
When you apply the mind rationally, the awakening factors arise, or, if they’ve already arisen, they’re fully developed.” 

an7.71bojjhaṅgānaṁ3Pi En Ru dhamma

Catunnaṁ satipaṭṭhānānaṁ, catunnaṁ sammappadhānānaṁ, catunnaṁ iddhipādānaṁ, pañcannaṁ indriyānaṁ, pañcannaṁ balānaṁ, sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ, ariyassa aṭṭhaṅgikassa maggassa.  The four kinds of mindfulness meditation, the four right efforts, the four bases of psychic power, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven awakening factors, and the noble eightfold path. 
Catunnaṁ satipaṭṭhānānaṁ, catunnaṁ sammappadhānānaṁ, catunnaṁ iddhipādānaṁ, pañcannaṁ indriyānaṁ, pañcannaṁ balānaṁ, sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ, ariyassa aṭṭhaṅgikassa maggassa. 
The four kinds of mindfulness meditation, the four right efforts, the four bases of psychic power, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven awakening factors, and the noble eightfold path. 
Catunnaṁ satipaṭṭhānānaṁ, catunnaṁ sammappadhānānaṁ, catunnaṁ iddhipādānaṁ, pañcannaṁ indriyānaṁ, pañcannaṁ balānaṁ, sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ, ariyassa aṭṭhaṅgikassa maggassa. 
The four kinds of mindfulness meditation, the four right efforts, the four bases of psychic power, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven awakening factors, and the noble eightfold path. 

an8.19bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

evamevaṁ kho, pahārāda, ayaṁ dhammavinayo bahuratano anekaratano. Tatrimāni ratanāni, seyyathidaṁ—cattāro satipaṭṭhānā, cattāro sammappadhānā, cattāro iddhipādā, pañcindriyāni, pañca balāni, satta bojjhaṅgā, ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo.  In the same way, this teaching and training is full of many kinds of treasures, such as the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, the four right efforts, the four bases of psychic power, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven awakening factors, and the noble eightfold path. 
Yampi, pahārāda, ayaṁ dhammavinayo bahuratano anekaratano; tatrimāni ratanāni, seyyathidaṁ—cattāro satipaṭṭhānā, cattāro sammappadhānā, cattāro iddhipādā, pañcindriyāni, pañca balāni, satta bojjhaṅgā, ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo; 

an8.28bojjhaṅgā1Pi En Ru dhamma

satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā honti subhāvitā …pe…  the seven awakening factors … 

an8.91-117bojjhaṅgā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho bojjhā upāsikā, sirīmā, padumā, sutanā, manujā, uttarā, muttā, khemā, rucī, cundī, bimbī, sumanā, mallikā, tissā, tissamātā, soṇā, soṇāya mātā, kāṇā, kāṇamātā, uttarā nandamātā, visākhā migāramātā, khujjuttarā upāsikā, sāmāvatī upāsikā, suppavāsā koliyadhītā, suppiyā upāsikā, nakulamātā gahapatānī.  And then the lay woman Bojjhā … Sirīmā … Padumā … Sutanā … Manujā … Uttarā … Muttā … Khemā … Somā … Rucī … Cundī … Bimbī … Sumanā … Mallikā … Tissā … Tissamātā … Soṇā … Soṇā’s mother … Kāṇā … Kāṇamātā … Uttarā Nanda’s mother … Visākhā Migāra’s mother … the lay woman Khujjuttarā … the lay woman Sāmāvatī … Suppavāsā the Koliyan … the lay woman Suppiyā … the housewife Nakula’s mother … 
bojjhā → bojjhaṅgā (si) | upāsikā → idaṁ padaṁ aṭṭhakathāyameva dissati, na | sutanā → sudhanā (bj, pts1ed); sudhammā (sya-all) | manujā → maṇujā (sya-all) | rucī → somā rucī (bj); rūpī (pts1ed) | tissamātā → tissāya mātā (bj, pts1ed) | soṇāya mātā → soṇamātā (sya-all) | kāṇamātā → kāṇāya mātā (bj, pts1ed) | koliyadhītā → koḷiyadhītā (sya-all, pts1ed) 

an10.61bojjhaṅgā bojjhaṅgānaṁ bojjhaṅgā’tissa4Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Satta bojjhaṅgā’tissa vacanīyaṁ.  You should say: ‘The seven awakening factors.’ 
Ko cāhāro sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ? 
And what is the fuel for the seven awakening factors? 
Iti kho, bhikkhave, sappurisasaṁsevo paripūro saddhammassavanaṁ paripūreti, saddhammassavanaṁ paripūraṁ saddhaṁ paripūreti, saddhā paripūrā yonisomanasikāraṁ paripūreti, yonisomanasikāro paripūro satisampajaññaṁ paripūreti, satisampajaññaṁ paripūraṁ indriyasaṁvaraṁ paripūreti, indriyasaṁvaro paripūro tīṇi sucaritāni paripūreti, tīṇi sucaritāni paripūrāni cattāro satipaṭṭhāne paripūrenti, cattāro satipaṭṭhānā paripūrā satta bojjhaṅge paripūrenti, satta bojjhaṅgā paripūrā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrenti; 
In this way, when the factor of associating with true persons is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of listening to the true teaching. When the factor of listening to the true teaching is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of faith … rational application of mind … mindfulness and situational awareness … sense restraint …the three kinds of good conduct … the four kinds of mindfulness meditation … the seven awakening factors. When the seven awakening factors are fulfilled, they fulfill knowledge and freedom. 
Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, sappurisasaṁsevo paripūro saddhammassavanaṁ paripūreti, saddhammassavanaṁ paripūraṁ saddhaṁ paripūreti, saddhā paripūrā yonisomanasikāraṁ paripūreti, yonisomanasikāro paripūro satisampajaññaṁ paripūreti, satisampajaññaṁ paripūraṁ indriyasaṁvaraṁ paripūreti, indriyasaṁvaro paripūro tīṇi sucaritāni paripūreti, tīṇi sucaritāni paripūrāni cattāro satipaṭṭhāne paripūrenti, cattāro satipaṭṭhānā paripūrā satta bojjhaṅge paripūrenti, satta bojjhaṅgā paripūrā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrenti; 
In the same way, when the factor of associating with true persons is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of listening to the true teaching. When the factor of listening to the true teaching is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of faith … rational application of mind … mindfulness and situational awareness … sense restraint …the three kinds of good conduct … the four kinds of mindfulness meditation … the seven awakening factors. When the seven awakening factors are fulfilled, they fulfill knowledge and freedom. 

an10.62bojjhaṅgā bojjhaṅgānaṁ bojjhaṅgā’tissa3Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Satta bojjhaṅgā’tissa vacanīyaṁ.  You should say: ‘The seven awakening factors.’ 
Ko cāhāro sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ? 
And what is the fuel for the seven awakening factors? 
Iti kho, bhikkhave, sappurisasaṁsevo paripūro saddhammassavanaṁ paripūreti, saddhammassavanaṁ paripūraṁ saddhaṁ paripūreti, saddhā paripūrā yonisomanasikāraṁ paripūreti, yonisomanasikāro paripūro satisampajaññaṁ paripūreti, satisampajaññaṁ paripūraṁ indriyasaṁvaraṁ paripūreti, indriyasaṁvaro paripūro tīṇi sucaritāni paripūreti, tīṇi sucaritāni paripūrāni cattāro satipaṭṭhāne paripūrenti, cattāro satipaṭṭhānā paripūrā satta bojjhaṅge paripūrenti, satta bojjhaṅgā paripūrā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrenti; 
In this way, when the factor of associating with true persons is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of listening to the true teaching. When the factor of listening to the true teaching is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of faith … rational application of mind … mindfulness and situational awareness … sense restraint …the three kinds of good conduct … the four kinds of mindfulness meditation … the seven awakening factors. When the seven awakening factors are fulfilled, they fulfill knowledge and freedom. 

an10.90bojjhaṅgā1Pi En Ru dhamma

satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā honti subhāvitā …  the seven awakening factors … 

an10.102bojjhaṅgā3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattime, bhikkhave, bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā tisso vijjā paripūrenti.  “Mendicants, when the seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated they fulfill three knowledges. 
ime kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā tisso vijjā paripūrenti. 
When these seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated they fulfill three knowledges. 
Ime kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā imā tisso vijjā paripūrentī”ti. 
When those seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated they fulfill these three knowledges.” 

an10.112bojjhaṅgā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Saññā bojjhaṅgā micchattaṁ,   

dn16bojjhaṅgā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathidaṁ—cattāro satipaṭṭhānā, cattāro sammappadhānā, cattāro iddhipādā, pañcindriyāni, pañca balāni, satta bojjhaṅgā, ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo.  They are: the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, the four right efforts, the four bases of psychic power, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven awakening factors, and the noble eightfold path. 

dn28bojjhaṅgā sambojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

cattāro satipaṭṭhānā, cattāro sammappadhānā, cattāro iddhipādā, pañcindriyāni, pañca balāni, satta bojjhaṅgā, ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo.  the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, the four right efforts, the four bases of psychic power, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven awakening factors, and the noble eightfold path. 
Sattime, bhante, sambojjhaṅgā satisambojjhaṅgo dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgo vīriyasambojjhaṅgo pītisambojjhaṅgo passaddhisambojjhaṅgo samādhisambojjhaṅgo upekkhāsambojjhaṅgo. 
There are these seven awakening factors: the awakening factors of mindfulness, investigation of principles, energy, rapture, tranquility, immersion, and equanimity. 

dn29bojjhaṅgā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathidaṁ—cattāro satipaṭṭhānā, cattāro sammappadhānā, cattāro iddhipādā, pañcindriyāni, pañca balāni, satta bojjhaṅgā, ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo.  They are the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, the four right efforts, the four bases of psychic power, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven awakening factors, and the noble eightfold path. 

dn33bojjhaṅgā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Satta bojjhaṅgā—  Seven awakening factors: 

dn34bojjhaṅgā sambojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

Satta sambojjhaṅgā—  Seven awakening factors: 
Puna caparaṁ, āvuso, khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā honti subhāvitā. 
Furthermore, a mendicant with defilements ended has well developed the seven awakening factors. … 

mn103bojjhaṅgā1Pi En Ru dhamma

cattāro satipaṭṭhānā cattāro sammappadhānā cattāro iddhipādā pañcindriyāni pañca balāni satta bojjhaṅgā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo, tattha sabbeheva samaggehi sammodamānehi avivadamānehi sikkhitabbaṁ.  the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, the four right efforts, the four bases of psychic power, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven awakening factors, and the noble eightfold path. You should train in these things in harmony, appreciating each other, without quarreling. 

mn104bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

cattāro satipaṭṭhānā cattāro sammappadhānā cattāro iddhipādā pañcindriyāni pañca balāni satta bojjhaṅgā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo, passasi no tvaṁ, ānanda, imesu dhammesu dvepi bhikkhū nānāvāde”ti?  the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, the four right efforts, the four bases of psychic power, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven awakening factors, and the noble eightfold path?” 
cattāro satipaṭṭhānā cattāro sammappadhānā cattāro iddhipādā pañcindriyāni pañca balāni satta bojjhaṅgā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo, nāhaṁ passāmi imesu dhammesu dvepi bhikkhū nānāvāde. 

mn118bojjhaṅgā bojjhaṅgānaṁ4Pi En Ru dhamma

sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ …  the seven awakening factors … 
Satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrenti. 
And the seven awakening factors, when developed and cultivated, fulfill knowledge and freedom. 
Kathaṁ bhāvitā ca, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā kathaṁ bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrenti? 
And how are the seven awakening factors developed and cultivated so as to fulfill knowledge and freedom? 
Evaṁ bhāvitā kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā evaṁ bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrentī”ti. 
That’s how the seven awakening factors, when developed and cultivated, fulfill knowledge and freedom.” 

mn146bojjhaṅgā4Pi En Ru dhamma

Satta kho panime, bhaginiyo, bojjhaṅgā, yesaṁ bhāvitattā bahulīkatattā bhikkhu āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharati.  Sisters, by developing and cultivating these seven awakening factors, a mendicant realizes the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life. And they live having realized it with their own insight due to the ending of defilements. 
Ime kho, bhaginiyo, satta bojjhaṅgā, yesaṁ bhāvitattā bahulīkatattā bhikkhu āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharatī”ti. 
It is by developing and cultivating these seven awakening factors that a mendicant realizes the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life. And they live having realized it with their own insight due to the ending of defilements.” 
Satta kho panime, bhaginiyo, bojjhaṅgā, yesaṁ bhāvitattā bahulīkatattā bhikkhu āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharati. 
Ime kho, bhaginiyo, satta bojjhaṅgā yesaṁ bhāvitattā bahulīkatattā bhikkhu āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharatī”ti. 

mn149bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa evaṁ imaṁ ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāvayato cattāropi satipaṭṭhānā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, cattāropi sammappadhānā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, cattāropi iddhipādā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, pañcapi indriyāni bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, pañcapi balāni bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, sattapi bojjhaṅgā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti.  When the noble eightfold path is developed, the following are fully developed: the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, the four right efforts, the four bases of psychic power, the five faculties, the five powers, and the seven awakening factors. 
Tassa evaṁ imaṁ ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāvayato cattāropi satipaṭṭhānā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, cattāropi sammappadhānā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, cattāropi iddhipādā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, pañcapi indriyāni bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, pañcapi balāni bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, sattapi bojjhaṅgā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti. 

mn151bojjhaṅgānaṁ bojjhaṅgā’ti4Pi En Ru dhamma

‘bhāvitā nu kho me satta bojjhaṅgā’ti?  the seven awakening factors … 
‘abhāvitā kho me satta bojjhaṅgā’ti, tena, sāriputta, bhikkhunā sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ bhāvanāya vāyamitabbaṁ. 
‘bhāvitā kho me satta bojjhaṅgā’ti, tena, sāriputta, bhikkhunā teneva pītipāmojjena vihātabbaṁ ahorattānusikkhinā kusalesu dhammesu. 

sn2.17bojjhaṅgā1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāññatra bojjhā tapasā,  “Not without understanding and fervor, 
bojjhā tapasā → bojjhaṅgā tapasā (bj); bojjhaṅgatapasā (sya-all, km, pts1ed, pts2ed) 

sn22.81sattabojjhaṅgā1Pi En Ru dhamma

vicayaso desitā sattabojjhaṅgā;  the seven awakening factors, 

sn22.101bojjhaṅgānaṁ2Pi En Ru dhamma

Abhāvitattā catunnaṁ satipaṭṭhānānaṁ, abhāvitattā catunnaṁ sammappadhānānaṁ, abhāvitattā catunnaṁ iddhipādānaṁ, abhāvitattā pañcannaṁ indriyānaṁ, abhāvitattā pañcannaṁ balānaṁ, abhāvitattā sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ, abhāvitattā ariyassa aṭṭhaṅgikassa maggassa.  Undeveloped in the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, the four right efforts, the four bases of psychic power, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven awakening factors, and the noble eightfold path. 
Bhāvitattā catunnaṁ satipaṭṭhānānaṁ, bhāvitattā catunnaṁ sammappadhānānaṁ, bhāvitattā catunnaṁ iddhipādānaṁ, bhāvitattā pañcannaṁ indriyānaṁ, bhāvitattā pañcannaṁ balānaṁ, bhāvitattā sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ, bhāvitattā ariyassa aṭṭhaṅgikassa maggassa. 
Developed in the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, the four right efforts, the four bases of psychic power, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven awakening factors, and the noble eightfold path. 

sn43.10bojjhaṅgā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Satta bojjhaṅgā. Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, asaṅkhatagāmimaggo …pe….  The seven awakening factors. …” 

sn43.11indriyabalabojjhaṅgā1Pi En Ru dhamma


sn45.155bojjhaṅgā3Pi En Ru dhamma

evameva kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāvayato ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkaroto cattāropi satipaṭṭhānā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, cattāropi sammappadhānā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, cattāropi iddhipādā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, pañcapi indriyāni bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, pañcapi balāni bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, sattapi bojjhaṅgā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti.  In the same way, when the noble eightfold path is developed and cultivated the following are fully developed: the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, the four right efforts, the four bases of psychic power, the five faculties, the five powers, and the seven awakening factors. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāvayato ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkaroto cattāropi satipaṭṭhānā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, cattāropi sammappadhānā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, cattāropi iddhipādā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, pañcapi indriyāni bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, pañcapi balāni bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, sattapi bojjhaṅgā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti? 
And how are they fully developed? 
evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāvayato ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkaroto cattāropi satipaṭṭhānā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, cattāropi sammappadhānā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, cattāropi iddhipādā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, pañcapi indriyāni bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, pañcapi balāni bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti, sattapi bojjhaṅgā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchantī”ti. 
That’s how they’re fully developed.” 

sn46.2bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

evameva kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā āhāraṭṭhitikā, āhāraṁ paṭicca tiṭṭhanti, anāhārā no tiṭṭhanti.  In the same way, the seven awakening factors are sustained by fuel. They depend on fuel to continue, and without fuel they don’t continue. 
evameva kho, bhikkhave, ime satta bojjhaṅgā āhāraṭṭhitikā, āhāraṁ paṭicca tiṭṭhanti, anāhārā no tiṭṭhantī”ti. 
In the same way, the seven awakening factors are sustained by fuel. They depend on fuel to continue, and without fuel they don’t continue.” 

sn46.4bojjhaṅgā bojjhaṅgānaṁ4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattime, āvuso, bojjhaṅgā.  “There are these seven awakening factors. 
ime kho, āvuso, satta bojjhaṅgā. 
These are the seven awakening factors. 
Imesaṁ khvāhaṁ, āvuso, sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ yena yena bojjhaṅgena ākaṅkhāmi pubbaṇhasamayaṁ viharituṁ, tena tena bojjhaṅgena pubbaṇhasamayaṁ viharāmi; 
In the morning, I meditate on whichever of these seven awakening factors I want. 
Evameva khvāhaṁ, āvuso, imesaṁ sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ yena yena bojjhaṅgena ākaṅkhāmi pubbaṇhasamayaṁ viharituṁ, tena tena bojjhaṅgena pubbaṇhasamayaṁ viharāmi; 
In the same way, in the morning, 

sn46.5bojjhaṅgā bojjhaṅgā’ti5Pi En Ru dhamma

“‘bojjhaṅgā, bojjhaṅgā’ti, bhante, vuccanti.  “Sir, they speak of the ‘awakening factors’. 
Kittāvatā nu kho, bhante, ‘bojjhaṅgā’ti vuccantī”ti? 
How are the awakening factors defined?” 
“Bodhāya saṁvattantīti kho, bhikkhu, tasmā ‘bojjhaṅgā’ti vuccanti. 
“Mendicant, they’re called awakening factors because they lead to awakening. 
Bodhāya saṁvattantīti, bhikkhu, tasmā ‘bojjhaṅgā’ti vuccantī”ti. 
They’re called awakening factors because they lead to awakening.” 

sn46.6bojjhaṅgā3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Satta kho, kuṇḍaliya, bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrentī”ti.  “The seven awakening factors.” 
Kathaṁ bhāvitā ca, kuṇḍaliya, satta bojjhaṅgā kathaṁ bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrenti? 
And how are the seven awakening factors developed and cultivated so as to fulfill knowledge and freedom? 
Evaṁ bhāvitā kho, kuṇḍaliya, satta bojjhaṅgā evaṁ bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrentī”ti. 
That’s how the seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated so as to fulfill knowledge and freedom.” 

sn46.8bojjhaṅgā3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Jāneyya nu kho, āvuso upavāna, bhikkhu ‘paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā evaṁ susamāraddhā me satta bojjhaṅgā phāsuvihārāya saṁvattantī’”ti?  “Reverend Upavāna, can a mendicant know by investigating inside themselves that the seven awakening factors are well implemented so that they lead to living at ease?” 
“Jāneyya kho, āvuso sāriputta, bhikkhu ‘paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā evaṁ susamāraddhā me satta bojjhaṅgā phāsuvihārāya saṁvattantī’”ti. 
“They can, Reverend Sāriputta. 
“Evaṁ kho, āvuso sāriputta, bhikkhu jāneyya ‘paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā evaṁ susamāraddhā me satta bojjhaṅgā phāsuvihārāya saṁvattantī’”ti. 
That’s how a mendicant can know by investigating inside themselves that the seven awakening factors are well implemented so that they lead to living at ease.” 

sn46.9bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattime, bhikkhave, bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā anuppannā uppajjanti, nāññatra tathāgatassa pātubhāvā arahato sammāsambuddhassa.  “Mendicants, these seven awakening factors don’t arise to be developed and cultivated except when a Realized One, a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha has appeared. 
ime kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā anuppannā uppajjanti, nāññatra tathāgatassa pātubhāvā arahato sammāsambuddhassā”ti. 
These seven awakening factors don’t arise to be developed and cultivated except when a Realized One, a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha has appeared.” 

sn46.10bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattime, bhikkhave, bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā anuppannā uppajjanti, nāññatra sugatavinayā.  “Mendicants, these seven awakening factors don’t arise to be developed and cultivated apart from the Holy One’s training. 
ime kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā anuppannā uppajjanti, nāññatra sugatavinayā”ti. 
These seven awakening factors don’t arise to be developed and cultivated apart from the Holy One’s training.” 

sn46.12bojjhaṅgānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

evameva kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ uppādāya etaṁ pubbaṅgamaṁ etaṁ nimittaṁ, yadidaṁ—kalyāṇamittatā.  In the same way, for a mendicant good friendship is the forerunner and precursor of the arising of the seven awakening factors. 

sn46.13bojjhaṅgānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

evameva kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ uppādāya etaṁ pubbaṅgamaṁ etaṁ pubbanimittaṁ, yadidaṁ—yonisomanasikāro.  In the same way, for a mendicant rational application of mind is the forerunner and precursor of the arising of the seven awakening factors. 

sn46.14bojjhaṅgā bojjhaṅgā’ti4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattime, kassapa, bojjhaṅgā mayā sammadakkhātā bhāvitā bahulīkatā abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattanti.  “Kassapa, I’ve rightly explained these seven awakening factors. When developed and cultivated, they lead to direct knowledge, to awakening, and to extinguishment. 
Ime kho, kassapa, satta bojjhaṅgā mayā sammadakkhātā bhāvitā bahulīkatā abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattantī”ti. 
These are the seven awakening factors that I’ve rightly explained. When developed and cultivated, they lead to direct knowledge, to awakening, and to extinguishment.” 
“Taggha, bhagavā, bojjhaṅgā; 
“Indeed, Blessed One, these are awakening factors! 
taggha, sugata, bojjhaṅgā”ti. 
Indeed, Holy One, these are awakening factors!” 

sn46.15bojjhaṅgā bojjhaṅgā’ti4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattime, moggallāna, bojjhaṅgā mayā sammadakkhātā bhāvitā bahulīkatā abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattanti.  “Moggallāna, I’ve rightly explained these seven awakening factors. When developed and cultivated, they lead to direct knowledge, to awakening, and to extinguishment. 
Ime kho, moggallāna, satta bojjhaṅgā mayā sammadakkhātā bhāvitā bahulīkatā abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattantī”ti. 
These are the seven awakening factors that I’ve rightly explained. When developed and cultivated, they lead to direct knowledge, to awakening, and to extinguishment.” 
“Taggha, bhagavā, bojjhaṅgā; 
“Indeed, Blessed One, these are awakening factors! 
taggha, sugata, bojjhaṅgā”ti. 
Indeed, Holy One, these are awakening factors!” 

sn46.16bojjhaṅgā bojjhaṅgā’ti5Pi En Ru dhamma

“paṭibhantu taṁ, cunda, bojjhaṅgā”ti.  “Cunda, express your understanding of the awakening factors.” 
“Sattime, bhante, bojjhaṅgā bhagavatā sammadakkhātā bhāvitā bahulīkatā abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattanti. 
“Sir, the Buddha has rightly explained these seven awakening factors. When developed and cultivated, they lead to direct knowledge, to awakening, and to extinguishment. 
Ime kho, bhante, satta bojjhaṅgā bhagavatā sammadakkhātā bhāvitā bahulīkatā abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattantī”ti. 
These are the seven awakening factors that the Buddha has rightly explained. When developed and cultivated, they lead to direct knowledge, to awakening, and to extinguishment.” 
“Taggha, cunda, bojjhaṅgā; 
“Indeed, Cunda, these are awakening factors! 
taggha, cunda, bojjhaṅgā”ti. 
Indeed, Cunda, these are awakening factors!” 

sn46.17bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattime, bhikkhave, bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā apārā pāraṁ gamanāya saṁvattanti.  “Mendicants, when these seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated they lead to going from the near shore to the far shore. 
ime kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā apārā pāraṁ gamanāya saṁvattantīti. 
These seven awakening factors, when developed and cultivated, lead to going from the near shore to the far shore. 

sn46.18bojjhaṅgā4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yesaṁ kesañci, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā viraddhā, viraddho tesaṁ ariyo maggo sammā dukkhakkhayagāmī.  “Mendicants, whoever has missed out on the seven awakening factors has missed out on the noble path to the complete ending of suffering. 
Yesaṁ kesañci, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā āraddhā, āraddho tesaṁ ariyo maggo sammā dukkhakkhayagāmī. 
Whoever has undertaken the seven awakening factors has undertaken the noble path to the complete ending of suffering. 
yesaṁ kesañci, bhikkhave, ime satta bojjhaṅgā viraddhā, viraddho tesaṁ ariyo maggo sammā dukkhakkhayagāmī. 
Whoever has missed out on these seven awakening factors has missed out on the noble path to the complete ending of suffering. 
Yesaṁ kesañci, bhikkhave, ime satta bojjhaṅgā āraddhā, āraddho tesaṁ ariyo maggo sammā dukkhakkhayagāmī”ti. 
Whoever has undertaken these seven awakening factors has undertaken the noble path to the complete ending of suffering.” 

sn46.19bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattime, bhikkhave, bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā ariyā niyyānikā nīyanti takkarassa sammā dukkhakkhayāya.  “Mendicants, when these seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated they are noble and emancipating, and bring one who practices them to the complete ending of suffering. 
ime kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā ariyā niyyānikā nīyanti takkarassa sammā dukkhakkhayāyā”ti. 
When these seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated they are noble and emancipating, and bring one who practices them to the complete ending of suffering.” 

sn46.20bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattime, bhikkhave, bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā ekantanibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattanti.  “Mendicants, the seven awakening factors, when developed and cultivated, lead solely to disillusionment, dispassion, cessation, peace, insight, awakening, and extinguishment. 
ime kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā ekantanibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattantī”ti. 
These seven awakening factors, when developed and cultivated, lead solely to disillusionment, dispassion, cessation, peace, insight, awakening, and extinguishment.” 

sn46.21bojjhaṅgā bojjhaṅgāti bojjhaṅgā’ti5Pi En Ru dhamma

“‘Bojjhaṅgā, bojjhaṅgā’ti, bhante, vuccanti.  “Sir, they speak of the ‘awakening factors’. 
Kittāvatā nu kho, bhante, ‘bojjhaṅgā’ti vuccantī”ti? 
How are the awakening factors defined?” 
“‘Bodhāya saṁvattantī’ti kho, bhikkhu, tasmā bojjhaṅgāti vuccanti. 
“Mendicant, they’re called awakening factors because they lead to awakening. 
‘Bodhāya saṁvattantī’ti kho, bhikkhu, tasmā ‘bojjhaṅgā’ti vuccantī”ti. 
They’re called awakening factors because they lead to awakening.” 

sn46.22bojjhaṅgā bojjhaṅgā’ti2Pi En Ru dhamma

Katame ca, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā?  And what are the seven awakening factors? 
ime kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā”ti. 
These are the seven awakening factors.” 

sn46.25bojjhaṅgā1Pi En Ru dhamma

satta bojjhaṅgā.  They are the seven awakening factors. 

sn46.26bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

satta bojjhaṅgā.  It is the seven awakening factors. 
“kathaṁ bhāvitā nu kho, bhante, satta bojjhaṅgā, kathaṁ bahulīkatā taṇhakkhayāya saṁvattantī”ti? 
“Sir, how are the seven awakening factors developed and cultivated so as to lead to the ending of craving?” 

sn46.27bojjhaṅgā3Pi En Ru dhamma

satta bojjhaṅgā.  It is the seven awakening factors. 
Kathaṁ bhāvitā ca, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā kathaṁ bahulīkatā taṇhānirodhāya saṁvattanti? 
And how are the seven awakening factors developed and cultivated so as to lead to the cessation of craving? 
Evaṁ bhāvitā kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā evaṁ bahulīkatā taṇhānirodhāya saṁvattantī”ti. 
This is how the seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated so as to lead to the cessation of craving.” 

sn46.28bojjhaṅgā3Pi En Ru dhamma

satta bojjhaṅgā.  It is the seven awakening factors. 
“kathaṁ bhāvitā nu kho, bhante, satta bojjhaṅgā kathaṁ bahulīkatā nibbedhāya saṁvattantī”ti? 
“Sir, how are the seven awakening factors developed and cultivated so as to lead to penetration?” 
Evaṁ bhāvitā kho, udāyi, satta bojjhaṅgā evaṁ bahulīkatā nibbedhāya saṁvattantī”ti. 
This is how are the seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated so as to lead to penetration.” 

sn46.29bojjhaṅgā3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi, yo evaṁ bhāvito bahulīkato saṁyojanīyānaṁ dhammānaṁ pahānāya saṁvattati, yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it is developed and cultivated like this, leads to giving up the things that are prone to being fettered like the seven awakening factors. 
Kathaṁ bhāvitā ca, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā kathaṁ bahulīkatā saṁyojanīyānaṁ dhammānaṁ pahānāya saṁvattanti? 
And how are the seven awakening factors developed and cultivated so as to lead to giving up the things that are prone to being fettered? 
Evaṁ bhāvitā kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā evaṁ bahulīkatā saṁyojanīyānaṁ dhammānaṁ pahānāya saṁvattanti. 
That’s how the seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated so as to lead to giving up the things that are prone to being fettered. 

sn46.34bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattime, bhikkhave, bojjhaṅgā anāvaraṇā anīvaraṇā cetaso anupakkilesā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiphalasacchikiriyāya saṁvattanti.  “Mendicants, these seven awakening factors are not obstacles, hindrances, or corruptions of the mind. When developed and cultivated they lead to the realization of the fruit of knowledge and freedom. 
Ime kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā anāvaraṇā anīvaraṇā cetaso anupakkilesā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiphalasacchikiriyāya saṁvattantī”ti. 
These seven awakening factors are not obstacles, hindrances, or corruptions of the mind. When developed and cultivated they lead to the realization of the fruit of knowledge and freedom.” 

sn46.36bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattime, bhikkhave, bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā buddhiyā aparihānāya saṁvattanti.  “Mendicants, when the seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated they lead to growth and progress. 
Ime kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā buddhiyā aparihānāya saṁvattantī”ti. 
When these seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated they lead to growth and progress.” 

sn46.37bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

Sattime, bhikkhave, bojjhaṅgā anāvaraṇā anīvaraṇā cetaso anupakkilesā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiphalasacchikiriyāya saṁvattanti.  There are these seven awakening factors that are not obstacles, hindrances, or corruptions of the mind. When developed and cultivated they lead to the realization of the fruit of knowledge and freedom. 
Ime kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā anāvaraṇā anīvaraṇā cetaso anupakkilesā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiphalasacchikiriyāya saṁvattantīti. 
These seven awakening factors are not obstacles, hindrances, or corruptions of the mind. When developed and cultivated they lead to the realization of the fruit of knowledge and freedom.” 

sn46.38bojjhaṅgā4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yasmiṁ, bhikkhave, samaye ariyasāvako aṭṭhiṁ katvā manasi katvā sabbaṁ cetaso samannāharitvā ohitasoto dhammaṁ suṇāti, imassa pañca nīvaraṇā tasmiṁ samaye na honti. Satta bojjhaṅgā tasmiṁ samaye bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti.  “Mendicants, sometimes a noble disciple pays attention, applies the mind, concentrates wholeheartedly, and actively listens to the teaching. At such a time the five hindrances are absent, and the seven awakening factors are fully developed. 
Katame satta bojjhaṅgā tasmiṁ samaye bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti? 
And what are the seven awakening factors that are fully developed? 
Ime satta bojjhaṅgā tasmiṁ samaye bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti. 
These are the seven awakening factors that are fully developed. 
Yasmiṁ, bhikkhave, samaye ariyasāvako aṭṭhiṁ katvā manasi katvā sabbaṁ cetaso samannāharitvā ohitasoto dhammaṁ suṇāti, imassa pañca nīvaraṇā tasmiṁ samaye na honti. Ime satta bojjhaṅgā tasmiṁ samaye bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchantī”ti. 
Sometimes a noble disciple pays attention, applies the mind, concentrates wholeheartedly, and actively listens to the teaching. At such a time the five hindrances are absent, and the seven awakening factors are fully developed.” 

sn46.39bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

Sattime, bhikkhave, bojjhaṅgā anāvaraṇā anīvaraṇā cetaso anajjhāruhā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiphalasacchikiriyāya saṁvattanti.  These seven awakening factors are not obstacles, hindrances, or parasites of the mind. When developed and cultivated they lead to the realization of the fruit of knowledge and freedom. 
Ime kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā anāvaraṇā anīvaraṇā cetaso anajjhāruhā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiphalasacchikiriyāya saṁvattantī”ti. 
These seven awakening factors are not obstacles, hindrances, or parasites of the mind. When developed and cultivated they lead to the realization of the fruit of knowledge and freedom.” 

sn46.40bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

Sattime, bhikkhave, bojjhaṅgā cakkhukaraṇā ñāṇakaraṇā paññābuddhiyā avighātapakkhiyā nibbānasaṁvattanikā.  These seven awakening factors are creators of vision and knowledge. They grow wisdom, they’re on the side of solace, and they lead to extinguishment. 
Ime kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā cakkhukaraṇā ñāṇakaraṇā paññābuddhiyā avighātapakkhiyā nibbānasaṁvattanikā”ti. 
These seven awakening factors are creators of vision and knowledge. They grow wisdom, they’re on the side of solace, and they lead to extinguishment.” 

sn46.41bojjhaṅgānaṁ5Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ye hi keci, bhikkhave, atītamaddhānaṁ samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā tisso vidhā pajahiṁsu, sabbe te sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ bhāvitattā bahulīkatattā.  “Mendicants, all the ascetics and brahmins in the past who have given up the three discriminations have done so by developing and cultivating the seven awakening factors. 
Ye hi keci, bhikkhave, anāgatamaddhānaṁ samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā tisso vidhā pajahissanti, sabbe te sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ bhāvitattā bahulīkatattā. 
All the ascetics and brahmins in the future who will give up the three discriminations will do so by developing and cultivating the seven awakening factors. 
Ye hi keci, bhikkhave, etarahi samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā tisso vidhā pajahanti, sabbe te sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ bhāvitattā bahulīkatattā. 
All the ascetics and brahmins in the present who are giving up the three discriminations do so by developing and cultivating the seven awakening factors. 
Katamesaṁ sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ? 
What seven? 
pajahanti, sabbe te imesaṁyeva sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ bhāvitattā bahulīkatattā”ti. 
and present who give up the three discriminations do so by developing and cultivating the seven awakening factors.” 

sn46.43bojjhaṅgā1Pi En Ru dhamma

satta bojjhaṅgā.  It is the seven awakening factors. 

sn46.44bojjhaṅgānaṁ2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattannaṁ kho, bhikkhu, bojjhaṅgānaṁ abhāvitattā abahulīkatattā ‘duppañño eḷamūgo’ti vuccati.  “Mendicant, they’re called a witless idiot because they haven’t developed and cultivated the seven awakening factors. 
imesaṁ kho, bhikkhu, sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ abhāvitattā abahulīkatattā ‘duppañño eḷamūgo’ti vuccatī”ti. 
They’re called a witless idiot because they haven’t developed and cultivated these seven awakening factors.” 

sn46.45bojjhaṅgānaṁ2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattannaṁ kho, bhikkhu, bojjhaṅgānaṁ bhāvitattā bahulīkatattā ‘paññavā aneḷamūgo’ti vuccati.  “Mendicant, they’re called wise and clever because they’ve developed and cultivated the seven awakening factors. 
imesaṁ kho, bhikkhu, sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ bhāvitattā bahulīkatattā ‘paññavā aneḷamūgo’ti vuccatī”ti. 
They’re called wise and clever because they’ve developed and cultivated these seven awakening factors.” 

sn46.46bojjhaṅgānaṁ2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattannaṁ kho, bhikkhu, bojjhaṅgānaṁ abhāvitattā abahulīkatattā ‘daliddo’ti vuccati.  “Mendicant, they’re called poor because they haven’t developed and cultivated the seven awakening factors. 
imesaṁ kho, bhikkhu, sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ abhāvitattā abahulīkatattā ‘daliddo’ti vuccatī”ti. 
They’re called poor because they haven’t developed and cultivated these seven awakening factors.” 

sn46.47bojjhaṅgānaṁ2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sattannaṁ kho, bhikkhu, bojjhaṅgānaṁ bhāvitattā bahulīkatattā ‘adaliddo’ti vuccati.  “Mendicant, they’re called prosperous because they’ve developed and cultivated the seven awakening factors. 
imesaṁ kho, bhikkhu, sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ bhāvitattā bahulīkatattā ‘adaliddo’ti vuccatī”ti. 
They’re called prosperous because they’ve developed and cultivated these seven awakening factors.” 

sn46.48bojjhaṅgānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Evameva kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ uppādāya etaṁ pubbaṅgamaṁ etaṁ pubbanimittaṁ, yadidaṁ—kalyāṇamittatā.  In the same way, for a mendicant good friendship is the forerunner and precursor of the arising of the seven awakening factors. 

sn46.49bojjhaṅgānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ajjhattikaṁ, bhikkhave, aṅganti karitvā nāññaṁ ekaṅgampi samanupassāmi sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ uppādāya, yathayidaṁ—bhikkhave, yonisomanasikāro.  “Taking into account interior factors, mendicants, I do not see a single one that gives rise to the seven awakening factors like rational application of mind. …” 

sn46.50bojjhaṅgānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Bāhiraṁ, bhikkhave, aṅganti karitvā nāññaṁ ekaṅgampi samanupassāmi sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ uppādāya, yathayidaṁ—bhikkhave, kalyāṇamittatā.  “Taking into account exterior factors, mendicants, I do not see a single one that gives rise to the seven awakening factors like good friendship. …” 

sn46.51bojjhaṅgānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcannañca, bhikkhave, nīvaraṇānaṁ sattannañca bojjhaṅgānaṁ āhārañca anāhārañca desessāmi;  “Mendicants, I will teach you what fuels and what starves the five hindrances and the seven awakening factors. 

sn46.52bojjhaṅgā3Pi En Ru dhamma

‘atthi panāvuso, pariyāyo, yaṁ pariyāyaṁ āgamma pañca nīvaraṇā dasa honti, satta bojjhaṅgā catuddasā’ti.  ‘But reverends, is there a way in which the five hindrances become ten and the seven awakening factors become fourteen?’ 
Katamo ca, bhikkhave, pariyāyo, yaṁ pariyāyaṁ āgamma satta bojjhaṅgā catuddasa honti? 
And what is the way in which the seven awakening factors become fourteen? 
Ayaṁ kho, bhikkhave, pariyāyo, yaṁ pariyāyaṁ āgamma satta bojjhaṅgā catuddasā”ti. 
This is the way in which the seven awakening factors become fourteen.” 

sn46.53bojjhaṅgānaṁ4Pi En Ru dhamma

‘yasmiṁ, āvuso, samaye līnaṁ cittaṁ hoti, katamesaṁ tasmiṁ samaye bojjhaṅgānaṁ akālo bhāvanāya, katamesaṁ tasmiṁ samaye bojjhaṅgānaṁ kālo bhāvanāya?  ‘Reverends, which awakening factors should not be developed when the mind is sluggish? And which awakening factors should be developed at that time? 
Yasmiṁ panāvuso, samaye uddhataṁ cittaṁ hoti, katamesaṁ tasmiṁ samaye bojjhaṅgānaṁ akālo bhāvanāya, katamesaṁ tasmiṁ samaye bojjhaṅgānaṁ kālo bhāvanāyā’ti? 
Which awakening factors should not be developed when the mind is restless? And which awakening factors should be developed at that time?’ 

sn46.55bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

Sattime, brāhmaṇa, bojjhaṅgā anāvaraṇā anīvaraṇā cetaso anupakkilesā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiphalasacchikiriyāya saṁvattanti.  These seven awakening factors are not obstacles, hindrances, or corruptions of the mind. When developed and cultivated they lead to the realization of the fruit of knowledge and freedom. 
Ime kho, brāhmaṇa, satta bojjhaṅgā anāvaraṇā anīvaraṇā cetaso anupakkilesā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiphalasacchikiriyāya saṁvattantī”ti. 
These seven awakening factors are not obstacles, hindrances, or corruptions of the mind. When developed and cultivated they lead to the realization of the fruit of knowledge and freedom.” 

sn46.56bojjhaṅgā3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Bojjhaṅgā nāmete, rājakumārā”ti.  “These are called the ‘awakening factors’, prince.” 
“Taggha, bhagavā, bojjhaṅgā; 
“Indeed, Blessed One, these are awakening factors! 
taggha, sugata, bojjhaṅgā. 
Indeed, Holy One, these are awakening factors! 

sn46.130bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

Imesaṁ kho, bhikkhave, pañcannaṁ uddhambhāgiyānaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ abhiññāya pariññāya parikkhayāya pahānāya satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvetabbā.  The seven awakening factors should be developed for the direct knowledge, complete understanding, finishing, and giving up of these five higher fetters. 
Imesaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu pañcannaṁ uddhambhāgiyānaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ abhiññāya pariññāya parikkhayāya pahānāya ime satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvetabbā”ti. 
The seven awakening factors should be developed for the direct knowledge, complete understanding, finishing, and giving up of these five higher fetters.” 

sn54.13bojjhaṅgā3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ānāpānassatisamādhi kho, ānanda, ekadhammo bhāvito bahulīkato cattāro satipaṭṭhāne paripūreti, cattāro satipaṭṭhānā bhāvitā bahulīkatā satta bojjhaṅge paripūrenti, satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrenti.  “Immersion due to mindfulness of breathing is one thing that, when developed and cultivated, fulfills the four kinds of mindfulness meditation. And the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, when developed and cultivated, fulfill the seven awakening factors. And the seven awakening factors, when developed and cultivated, fulfill knowledge and freedom. 
Kathaṁ bhāvitā, ānanda, satta bojjhaṅgā kathaṁ bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrenti? 
And how are the seven awakening factors developed and cultivated so as to fulfill knowledge and freedom? 
Evaṁ bhāvitā kho, ānanda, satta bojjhaṅgā evaṁ bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrentī”ti. 
That’s how the seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated so as to fulfill knowledge and freedom.” 

sn54.14bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ānāpānassatisamādhi, ānanda, ekadhammo bhāvito bahulīkato cattāro satipaṭṭhāne paripūreti, cattāro satipaṭṭhānā bhāvitā bahulīkatā satta bojjhaṅge paripūrenti, satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrentīti.  Immersion due to mindfulness of breathing is one thing that, when developed and cultivated, fulfills the four kinds of mindfulness meditation. And the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, when developed and cultivated, fulfill the seven awakening factors. And the seven awakening factors, when developed and cultivated, fulfill knowledge and freedom. 
evaṁ bhāvitā kho, ānanda, satta bojjhaṅgā evaṁ bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrentī”ti. 
That’s how the seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated so as to fulfill knowledge and freedom.” 

sn54.15bojjhaṅgā2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ānāpānassatisamādhi kho, bhikkhave, ekadhammo bhāvito bahulīkato cattāro satipaṭṭhāne paripūreti, cattāro satipaṭṭhānā bhāvitā bahulīkatā satta bojjhaṅge paripūrenti, satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrentīti.  “Immersion due to mindfulness of breathing is one thing that, when developed and cultivated, fulfills the four kinds of mindfulness meditation. And the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, when developed and cultivated, fulfill the seven awakening factors. And the seven awakening factors, when developed and cultivated, fulfill knowledge and freedom. 
evaṁ bhāvitā kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā evaṁ bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrentī”ti. 
That’s how the seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated so as to fulfill knowledge and freedom.” 

sn54.16bojjhaṅgā3Pi En Ru dhamma

Ānāpānassatisamādhi, bhikkhave, ekadhammo bhāvito bahulīkato cattāro satipaṭṭhāne paripūreti, cattāro satipaṭṭhānā bhāvitā bahulīkatā satta bojjhaṅge paripūrenti, satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrentīti.  Immersion due to mindfulness of breathing is one thing that, when developed and cultivated, fulfills the four kinds of mindfulness meditation. And the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, when developed and cultivated, fulfill the seven awakening factors. And the seven awakening factors, when developed and cultivated, fulfill knowledge and freedom. 
Kathaṁ bhāvitā ca, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā kathaṁ bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrenti? 
Evaṁ bhāvitā kho, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā evaṁ bahulīkatā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrentī”ti. 
That’s how the seven awakening factors are developed and cultivated so as to fulfill knowledge and freedom.”