Byāpādā 6 texts and 9 matches in Suttanta Pali

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
an4.61byāpādābhibhūtena1Pi En Ru dhamma

Byāpādābhibhūtena, gahapati, cetasā viharanto akiccaṁ karoti, kiccaṁ aparādheti.  When your heart is mastered by ill will … 

an10.167byāpādā1Pi En Ru dhamma

byāpādā paccorohati.  they descend from ill will. 

an10.168byāpādā1Pi En Ru dhamma

byāpādā paccorohati.  they descend from ill will. 

dn26abhijjhābyāpādā2Pi En Ru dhamma

Aḍḍhateyyavassasahassāyukesu, bhikkhave, manussesu abhijjhābyāpādā vepullamagamaṁsu.  Among the people who lived for 2,500 years, desire and ill will became widespread. 
Dvīsu dhammesu vepullaṁ gatesu abhijjhābyāpādā vepullamagamaṁsu. 
desire and ill will, 

mn64byāpādānusayo1Pi En Ru dhamma

Anusetvevassa byāpādānusayo.  Yet the underlying tendency to ill will still lies within them. 

mn106byāpādāpi3Pi En Ru dhamma

Etthete pāpakā akusalā mānasā abhijjhāpi byāpādāpi sārambhāpi saṁvattanti.  They conduce to bad, unskillful qualities such as desire, ill will, and aggression. 
Etthete pāpakā akusalā mānasā abhijjhāpi byāpādāpi sārambhāpi saṁvattanti, 
They conduce to bad, unskillful qualities such as desire, ill will, and aggression. 
Vipulena hi me mahaggatena cetasā viharato abhibhuyya lokaṁ adhiṭṭhāya manasā ye pāpakā akusalā mānasā abhijjhāpi byāpādāpi sārambhāpi te na bhavissanti. 
Then I will have no more bad, unskillful qualities such as desire, ill will, and aggression.