Delusion 200 texts and 533 matches in Suttanta English

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an2.1-10delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Saṁyojaniyesu, bhikkhave, dhammesu assādānupassī viharanto rāgaṁ na pajahati, dosaṁ na pajahati, mohaṁ na pajahati.  When you keep seeing things that are prone to being fettered as gratifying, you don’t give up greed, hate, and delusion. 
Saṁyojaniyesu, bhikkhave, dhammesu nibbidānupassī viharanto rāgaṁ pajahati, dosaṁ pajahati, mohaṁ pajahati. 
When you keep seeing things that are prone to being fettered as boring, you give up greed, hate, and delusion. 

an2.11-20delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sekhañhi so, bhikkhave, balaṁ āgamma rāgaṁ pajahati, dosaṁ pajahati, mohaṁ pajahati.  For when you rely on the power of a trainee, you give up greed, hate, and delusion. 

an2.310-479delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dosassa …pe… mohassa … kodhassa … upanāhassa … makkhassa … paḷāsassa … issāya … macchariyassa … māyāya … sāṭheyyassa … thambhassa … sārambhassa … mānassa … atimānassa … madassa … pamādassa … abhiññāya … pariññāya … parikkhayāya … pahānāya … khayāya … vayāya … virāgāya … nirodhāya … cāgāya … paṭinissaggāya dve dhammā bhāvetabbā.  “Of hate … delusion … anger … acrimony … disdain … contempt … jealousy … stinginess … deceit … deviousness … obstinacy … aggression … conceit … arrogance … vanity … negligence … for insight … complete understanding … finishing … giving up … ending … vanishing … fading away … cessation … giving away … letting go … two things should be developed. 

an3.34delusion delusion—born delusion—ripens9Pi En Ru dhamma

Lobho nidānaṁ kammānaṁ samudayāya, doso nidānaṁ kammānaṁ samudayāya, moho nidānaṁ kammānaṁ samudayāya.  Greed, hate, and delusion are sources that give rise to deeds. 
Yaṁ, bhikkhave, mohapakataṁ kammaṁ mohajaṁ mohanidānaṁ mohasamudayaṁ, yatthassa attabhāvo nibbattati tattha taṁ kammaṁ vipaccati. 
Any deed that emerges from delusion—born, sourced, and originated from delusion—ripens where that new incarnation is born. 
yaṁ mohapakataṁ kammaṁ mohajaṁ mohanidānaṁ mohasamudayaṁ, yatthassa attabhāvo nibbattati tattha taṁ kammaṁ vipaccati. 
Any deed that emerges from delusion—born, sourced, and originated from delusion—ripens where that new incarnation is born. 
Yaṁ, bhikkhave, amohapakataṁ kammaṁ amohajaṁ amohanidānaṁ amohasamudayaṁ, mohe vigate evaṁ taṁ kammaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti ucchinnamūlaṁ tālāvatthukataṁ anabhāvaṅkataṁ āyatiṁ anuppādadhammaṁ. 
Any deed that emerges from understanding—born, sourced, and originated from understanding—is abandoned when delusion is done away with. It’s cut off at the root, made like a palm stump, obliterated, and unable to arise in the future. 
yaṁ amohapakataṁ kammaṁ amohajaṁ amohanidānaṁ amohasamudayaṁ, mohe vigate evaṁ taṁ kammaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti …pe… 
Any deed that emerges from understanding—born, sourced, and originated from understanding—is abandoned when delusion is done away with. 
out of greed, hate, or delusion, 
Vijjaṁ uppādayaṁ bhikkhu, 
of the outcome of greed, hate, and delusion, 

an3.35delusion delusion—physical2Pi En Ru dhamma

mohajā pariḷāhā kāyikā vā cetasikā vā yehi so mohajehi pariḷāhehi pariḍayhamāno dukkhaṁ sayeyyā”ti?  or a fever born of delusion—physical or mental—might arise in that householder or householder’s son, burning him so he sleeps badly?” 
“Ye hi kho so, kumāra, gahapati vā gahapatiputto vā mohajehi pariḷāhehi pariḍayhamāno dukkhaṁ sayeyya, so moho tathāgatassa pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo. 
“The delusion that burns that householder or householder’s son, making them sleep badly, has been cut off at the root by the Realized One, made like a palm stump, obliterated, and unable to arise in the future. 

an3.37delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Sakko hi, bhikkhave, devānamindo avītarāgo avītadoso avītamoho.  Sakka, lord of gods, is not free of greed, hate, and delusion. 
So hi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vītarāgo vītadoso vītamoho”ti. 
Because that mendicant is free of greed, hate, and delusion.” 

an3.53delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Mūḷho kho, brāhmaṇa, mohena abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto attabyābādhāyapi ceteti, parabyābādhāyapi ceteti, ubhayabyābādhāyapi ceteti, cetasikampi dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti.  A deluded person, overcome by delusion, intends to hurt themselves, hurt others, and hurt both. They experience mental pain and sadness. 
Mohe pahīne nevattabyābādhāyapi ceteti, na parabyābādhāyapi ceteti, na ubhayabyābādhāyapi ceteti, na cetasikaṁ dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti. 
When delusion has been given up, they don’t intend to hurt themselves, hurt others, and hurt both. They don’t experience mental pain and sadness. 

an3.54delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

mūḷho kho, brāhmaṇa, mohena abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto attabyābādhāyapi ceteti, parabyābādhāyapi ceteti, ubhayabyābādhāyapi ceteti, cetasikampi dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti.  A deluded person, overcome by delusion, intends to hurt themselves, hurt others, and hurt both. They experience mental pain and sadness. 
Mohe pahīne nevattabyābādhāyapi ceteti, na parabyābādhāyapi ceteti, na ubhayabyābādhāyapi ceteti, na cetasikaṁ dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti. 
When delusion has been given up, they don’t intend to hurt themselves, hurt others, and hurt both. They don’t experience mental pain and sadness. 
Mohe pahīne neva kāyena duccaritaṁ carati, na vācāya duccaritaṁ carati, na manasā duccaritaṁ carati. 
When delusion has been given up, they don’t do bad things by way of body, speech, and mind. 
Mohe pahīne attatthampi yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti, paratthampi yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti, ubhayatthampi yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti. 
When delusion has been given up, they truly understand what’s for their own good, the good of another, or the good of both. 

an3.55delusion3Pi En Ru dhamma

mūḷho kho, brāhmaṇa, mohena abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto attabyābādhāyapi ceteti, parabyābādhāyapi ceteti, ubhayabyābādhāyapi ceteti, cetasikampi dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti.  A deluded person, overcome by delusion, intends to hurt themselves, hurt others, and hurt both. They experience mental pain and sadness. 
Mohe pahīne nevattabyābādhāyapi ceteti, na parabyābādhāyapi ceteti, na ubhayabyābādhāyapi ceteti, na cetasikaṁ dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti. 
When delusion has been given up, they don’t intend to hurt themselves, hurt others, and hurt both. They don’t experience mental pain and sadness. 
Yato kho ayaṁ, brāhmaṇa, anavasesaṁ rāgakkhayaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti, anavasesaṁ dosakkhayaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti, anavasesaṁ mohakkhayaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti; 
When you experience the ending of greed, hate, and delusion without anything left over, 
Yato kho ayaṁ, brāhmaṇa → yato ca kho ayaṁ brāhmaṇa (bj); yato kho brāhmaṇa akālikaṁ ehipassikaṁ opaneyyikaṁ paccattaṁ veditabbaṁ (mr) 

an3.63delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘rāgo me pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo;  ‘I’ve given up greed, hate, and delusion, cut them off at the root, made them like a palm stump, obliterated them, so they’re unable to arise in the future.’ 

an3.65delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

moho purisassa ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati hitāya vā ahitāya vā”ti?  Does delusion come up in a person for their welfare or harm?” 
“Mūḷho panāyaṁ, kālāmā, purisapuggalo mohena abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto pāṇampi hanati, adinnampi ādiyati, paradārampi gacchati, musāpi bhaṇati, parampi tathattāya samādapeti, yaṁ sa hoti dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāyā”ti. 
“A deluded individual, overcome by delusion, kills living creatures, steals, commits adultery, lies, and encourages others to do the same. Is that for their lasting harm and suffering?” 

an3.66delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

atthi moho”ti?  Is delusion real?” 
ahu pubbe moho, tadahu akusalaṁ, so etarahi natthi, iccetaṁ kusalan’ti. 
Formerly there was delusion, which was unskillful. Now there is none, so that’s skillful.’ 

an3.68delusion9Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgo, doso, moho—  Greed, hate, and delusion. 
Rāgo, doso, moho— 
Greed, hate, and delusion. 
‘rāgo kho, āvuso, appasāvajjo dandhavirāgī, doso mahāsāvajjo khippavirāgī, moho mahāsāvajjo dandhavirāgī’ti. 
‘Greed, reverends, is mildly blameworthy, but slow to fade away. Hate is very blameworthy, but quick to fade away. Delusion is very blameworthy, and slow to fade away.’ 
‘Ko panāvuso, hetu ko paccayo yena anuppanno vā moho uppajjati uppanno vā moho bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī’ti? 
And if they ask: ‘What is the cause, what is the reason why delusion arises, and once arisen it increases and grows?’ 
Tassa ayoniso manasi karoto anuppanno vā moho uppajjati uppanno vā moho bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati. 
When you apply the mind irrationally, delusion arises, and once arisen it increases and grows. 
Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, hetu ayaṁ paccayo yena anuppanno vā moho uppajjati uppanno vā moho bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī’ti. 
This is the cause, this is the reason why delusion arises, and once arisen it increases and grows.’ 
‘Ko panāvuso, hetu ko paccayo yena anuppanno ceva moho nuppajjati uppanno ca moho pahīyatī’ti? 
And if they ask, ‘What is the cause, what is the reason why delusion doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up?’ 
Tassa yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva moho nuppajjati uppanno ca moho pahīyati. 
When you apply the mind rationally, delusion doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up. 
Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, hetu ayaṁ paccayo yena anuppanno vā moho nuppajjati uppanno ca moho pahīyatī’”ti. 
This is the cause, this is the reason why delusion doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up.’” 

an3.69delusion delusion—suffers9Pi En Ru dhamma

Lobho akusalamūlaṁ, doso akusalamūlaṁ, moho akusalamūlaṁ.  Greed, hate, and delusion. 
Yadapi, bhikkhave, moho tadapi akusalamūlaṁ; 
Delusion is a root of the unskillful. 
yadapi mūḷho mohena abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto parassa asatā dukkhaṁ uppādayati vadhena vā bandhanena vā jāniyā vā garahāya vā pabbājanāya vā balavamhi balattho itipi tadapi akusalaṁ. 
When a deluded person, overcome by delusion, causes another to suffer under a false pretext—by execution or imprisonment or confiscation or condemnation or banishment—thinking ‘I’m powerful, I want power’, that too is unskillful. 
Itissame mohajā mohanidānā mohasamudayā mohapaccayā aneke pāpakā akusalā dhammā sambhavanti. 
And so these many bad, unskillful things are produced in them, born, sourced, originated, and conditioned by delusion. 
Evarūpo, bhikkhave, puggalo lobhajehi pāpakehi akusalehi dhammehi abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto diṭṭhe ceva dhamme dukkhaṁ viharati, savighātaṁ saupāyāsaṁ sapariḷāhaṁ. 
Such a person—overcome with bad, unskillful qualities born of greed, hate, and delusion—suffers in this very life, with distress, anguish, and fever. 
evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, evarūpo puggalo lobhajehi pāpakehi akusalehi dhammehi abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto diṭṭhe ceva dhamme dukkhaṁ viharati, savighātaṁ saupāyāsaṁ sapariḷāhaṁ. 
In the same way, such a person—overcome with bad, unskillful qualities born of greed, hate, and delusion—suffers in this very life, with distress, anguish, and fever. 
yadapi amūḷho mohena anabhibhūto apariyādinnacitto na parassa asatā dukkhaṁ uppādayati vadhena vā bandhanena vā jāniyā vā garahāya vā pabbājanāya vā balavamhi balattho itipi tadapi kusalaṁ. 
When an understanding person, not overcome by delusion, doesn’t cause another to suffer under a false pretext—by execution or imprisonment or confiscation or condemnation or banishment—thinking ‘I’m powerful, I want power’, that too is skillful. 
Evarūpassa, bhikkhave, puggalassa lobhajā pāpakā akusalā dhammā pahīnā ucchinnamūlā tālāvatthukatā anabhāvaṅkatā āyatiṁ anuppādadhammā. 
For such a person, bad unskillful qualities born of greed, hate, and delusion are cut off at the root, made like a palm stump, obliterated, and unable to arise in the future. 
Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, evarūpassa puggalassa lobhajā pāpakā akusalā dhammā pahīnā ucchinnamūlā tālāvatthukatā anabhāvaṅkatā āyatiṁ anuppādadhammā. 
In the same way, for such a person, bad unskillful qualities born of greed, hate, and delusion are cut off at the root, made like a palm stump, obliterated, and unable to arise in the future. 

an3.71delusion12Pi En Ru dhamma

“tumhepi, āvuso ānanda, rāgassa pahānaṁ paññāpetha, dosassa pahānaṁ paññāpetha, mohassa pahānaṁ paññāpethā”ti.  “Reverend Ānanda, do you advocate giving up greed, hate, and delusion?” 
“Kiṁ pana tumhe, āvuso, rāge ādīnavaṁ disvā rāgassa pahānaṁ paññāpetha, kiṁ dose ādīnavaṁ disvā dosassa pahānaṁ paññāpetha, kiṁ mohe ādīnavaṁ disvā mohassa pahānaṁ paññāpethā”ti? 
“But what drawbacks have you seen, Reverend Ānanda, that you advocate giving up greed, hate, and delusion?” 
mūḷho kho, āvuso, mohena abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto attabyābādhāyapi ceteti, parabyābādhāyapi ceteti, ubhayabyābādhāyapi ceteti, cetasikampi dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti; 
A deluded person, overcome by delusion, intends to hurt themselves, hurt others, and hurt both. They experience mental pain and sadness. 
mohe pahīne nevattabyābādhāyapi ceteti, na parabyābādhāyapi ceteti, na ubhayabyābādhāyapi ceteti, na cetasikaṁ dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti. 
When delusion has been given up, they don’t intend to hurt themselves, hurt others, and hurt both. They don’t experience mental pain and sadness. 
mohe pahīne neva kāyena duccaritaṁ carati, na vācāya duccaritaṁ carati, na manasā duccaritaṁ carati. 
When delusion has been given up, they don’t do bad things by way of body, speech, and mind. 
mohe pahīne attatthampi yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti, paratthampi yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti, ubhayatthampi yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti. 
When delusion has been given up, they truly understand what’s for their own good, the good of another, or the good of both. 
Moho kho, āvuso, andhakaraṇo acakkhukaraṇo aññāṇakaraṇo paññānirodhiko vighātapakkhiko anibbānasaṁvattaniko. 
Delusion is a destroyer of sight, vision, and knowledge; it blocks wisdom, it’s on the side of distress, and it doesn’t lead to extinguishment. 
Idaṁ kho mayaṁ, āvuso, rāge ādīnavaṁ disvā rāgassa pahānaṁ paññāpema. 
This is the drawback we’ve seen in greed, hate, and delusion, and this is why we advocate giving them up.” 
“Atthi panāvuso, maggo atthi paṭipadā etassa rāgassa dosassa mohassa pahānāyā”ti? 
“But, reverend, is there a path and a practice for giving up that greed, hate, and delusion?” 
“Atthāvuso, maggo atthi paṭipadā etassa rāgassa dosassa mohassa pahānāyā”ti. 
“There is, reverend, a path and a practice for giving up that greed, hate, and delusion.” 
Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā etassa rāgassa dosassa mohassa pahānāyā”ti. 
This is the path, this is the practice for giving up that greed, hate, and delusion.” 
“Bhaddako kho, āvuso, maggo bhaddikā paṭipadā etassa rāgassa dosassa mohassa pahānāya. 
“This is a fine path, a fine practice, for giving up that greed, hate, and delusion. 

an3.72delusion delusion—so12Pi En Ru dhamma

ye rāgassa pahānāya dhammaṁ desenti, dosassa pahānāya dhammaṁ desenti, mohassa pahānāya dhammaṁ desenti, tesaṁ dhammo svākkhāto no vā?  Is the teaching of those who teach for giving up greed, hate, and delusion well explained or not? 
“Ye, bhante, rāgassa pahānāya dhammaṁ desenti, dosassa pahānāya dhammaṁ desenti, mohassa pahānāya dhammaṁ desenti, tesaṁ dhammo svākkhāto. 
“The teaching of those who teach for giving up greed, hate, and delusion is well explained. 
ye rāgassa pahānāya paṭipannā, dosassa pahānāya paṭipannā, mohassa pahānāya paṭipannā, te loke suppaṭipannā no vā? 
Are those who practice for giving up greed, hate, and delusion practicing well or not? 
“Ye, bhante, rāgassa pahānāya paṭipannā, dosassa pahānāya paṭipannā, mohassa pahānāya paṭipannā, te loke suppaṭipannā. 
“Those who practice for giving up greed, hate, and delusion are practicing well. 
yesaṁ rāgo pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo, yesaṁ doso pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo, yesaṁ moho pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo, te loke sukatā no vā? 
Have those who’ve given up greed, hate, and delusion—so they’re cut off at the root, made like a palm stump, obliterated, and unable to arise in the future—done well in the world, or not? 
“Yesaṁ, bhante, rāgo pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo, yesaṁ doso pahīno …pe… yesaṁ moho pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo, te loke sukatā. 
“Those who’ve given up greed, hate, and delusion have done well in the world. 
‘ye, bhante, rāgassa pahānāya dhammaṁ desenti, dosassa pahānāya dhammaṁ desenti, mohassa pahānāya dhammaṁ desenti, tesaṁ dhammo svākkhāto’ti. 
‘The teaching of those who teach for giving up greed, hate, and delusion is well explained.’ 
‘ye, bhante, rāgassa pahānāya paṭipannā, dosassa pahānāya paṭipannā, mohassa pahānāya paṭipannā, te loke suppaṭipannā’ti. 
‘Those who practice for giving up greed, hate, and delusion are practicing well.’ 
‘yesaṁ, bhante, rāgo pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo, yesaṁ doso pahīno …pe… yesaṁ moho pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo, te loke sukatā’”ti. 
‘Those who’ve given up greed, hate, and delusion have done well in the world.’” 
Tumhe, bhante ānanda, rāgassa pahānāya dhammaṁ desetha, dosassa …pe… mohassa pahanāya dhammaṁ desetha. 
You, sir, teach Dhamma for giving up greed, hate, and delusion. 
Tumhe, bhante ānanda, rāgassa pahānāya paṭipannā, dosassa …pe… mohassa pahānāya paṭipannā. 
You, sir, practice for giving up greed, hate, and delusion. 
Tumhākaṁ, bhante ānanda, rāgo pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo, tumhākaṁ doso pahīno …pe… tumhākaṁ moho pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo. 
You’ve given up greed, hate, and delusion. 

an3.84delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yato kho tvaṁ, bhikkhu, adhisīlampi sikkhissasi, adhicittampi sikkhissasi, adhipaññampi sikkhissasi, tassa tuyhaṁ bhikkhu adhisīlampi sikkhato adhicittampi sikkhato adhipaññampi sikkhato rāgo pahīyissati, doso pahīyissati, moho pahīyissati.  As you train in these, you will give up greed, hate, and delusion. 
Tassa adhisīlampi sikkhato adhicittampi sikkhato adhipaññampi sikkhato rāgo pahīyi, doso pahīyi, moho pahīyi. 
He gave up greed, hate, and delusion. 

an3.86delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

So tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī hoti, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karoti.  With the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, they’re a once-returner. They come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 

an3.87delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

So tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī hoti, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karoti.  With the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, they’re a once-returner. They come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 

an3.88delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Taṁ vā pana anabhisambhavaṁ appaṭivijjhaṁ tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā, rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī hoti, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karoti.  If they don’t penetrate so far, with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, they’re a once-returner. They come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 

an3.101delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

samohaṁ vā cittaṁ samohaṁ cittanti pajāneyyaṁ,  mind with delusion as “mind with delusion”, 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ vītamohaṁ cittanti pajāneyyaṁ; 
and mind without delusion as “mind without delusion”; 

an3.111delusion delusion—born delusion—is3Pi En Ru dhamma

Lobho nidānaṁ kammānaṁ samudayāya, doso nidānaṁ kammānaṁ samudayāya, moho nidānaṁ kammānaṁ samudayāya.  Greed, hate, and delusion are sources that give rise to deeds. 
Yaṁ, bhikkhave, lobhapakataṁ kammaṁ lobhajaṁ lobhanidānaṁ lobhasamudayaṁ, taṁ kammaṁ akusalaṁ taṁ kammaṁ sāvajjaṁ taṁ kammaṁ dukkhavipākaṁ, taṁ kammaṁ kammasamudayāya saṁvattati, na taṁ kammaṁ kammanirodhāya saṁvattati. 
Any deed that emerges from greed, hate, or delusion—born, sourced, and originated from greed, hate, or delusion—is unskillful, blameworthy, results in suffering, and leads to the creation of more deeds, not their cessation. 

an3.183-352delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

mohassa …  delusion … 

an4.66delusion delusional3Pi En Ru dhamma

Sarāgo, sadoso, samoho, samāno—  The greedy, the hateful, the delusional, and the conceited. 
Mohena āvutā sattā, 
beings veiled by delusion 
Mohena āvutā sattā → adhamā sattā (bj, cck, sya1ed, km); adhamasattā (sya2ed, pts1ed) 
mohajaṁ cāpaviddasū; 
born of delusion: the ignorant 

an4.88delusion—is1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā, rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī hoti, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karoti.  It’s when a mendicant—with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion—is a once-returner. They come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 

an4.96delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo attanā rāgavinayāya paṭipanno hoti, no paraṁ rāgavinayāya samādapeti;  It’s when a person practices to remove their own greed, hate, and delusion, but doesn’t encourage others to do the same. 
Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo attanā na rāgavinayāya paṭipanno hoti, paraṁ rāgavinayāya samādapeti; 
It’s when a person doesn’t practice to remove their own greed, hate, and delusion, but encourages others to remove theirs. 
Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo attanā na rāgavinayāya paṭipanno hoti, no paraṁ rāgavinayāya samādapeti; 
It’s when a person doesn’t practice to remove their own greed, hate, and delusion, nor do they encourage others to remove theirs. 
Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo attanā ca rāgavinayāya paṭipanno hoti, parañca rāgavinayāya samādapeti; 
It’s when a person practices to remove their own greed, hate, and delusion, and encourages others to remove theirs. 

an4.117delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘mā me mohanīyesu dhammesu cittaṁ muyhī’ti attarūpena appamādo sati cetaso ārakkho karaṇīyo;  ‘May my mind not be deluded by things that promote delusion.’ … 
Yato kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno rajanīyesu dhammesu cittaṁ na rajjati vītarāgattā, dosanīyesu dhammesu cittaṁ na dussati vītadosattā, mohanīyesu dhammesu cittaṁ na muyhati vītamohattā, madanīyesu dhammesu cittaṁ na majjati vītamadattā, so na chambhati na kampati na vedhati na santāsaṁ āpajjati, na ca pana samaṇavacanahetupi gacchatī”ti. 
When a mendicant’s mind is no longer affected by greed, hate, delusion, or intoxication because they’ve got rid of these things, they don’t shake, tremble, quake, or get nervous, nor are they persuaded by the teachings of other ascetics.” 

an4.158delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgavepullattaṁ, dosavepullattaṁ, mohavepullattaṁ, gambhīresu kho panassa ṭhānāṭhānesu paññācakkhu na kamati.  They have much greed, much hate, and much delusion; and their wisdom eye doesn’t go into the many deep matters. 
Rāgavepullattaṁ → rāgavepullataṁ (bj, sya-all, km, pts1ed) 
Rāgatanuttaṁ, dosatanuttaṁ, mohatanuttaṁ, gambhīresu kho panassa ṭhānāṭhānesu paññācakkhu kamati. 
Their greed, hate, and delusion grow less; and their wisdom eye goes into the many deep matters. 
Rāgatanuttaṁ → rāgatanuttanaṁ (mr) 

an4.162delusion8Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco pakatiyāpi tibbarāgajātiko hoti, abhikkhaṇaṁ rāgajaṁ dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti.  It’s when someone is ordinarily full of acute greed, hate, and delusion. They often feel the pain and sadness that greed, hate, and delusion bring. 
Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco pakatiyāpi tibbarāgajātiko hoti, abhikkhaṇaṁ rāgajaṁ dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti. 
It’s when someone is ordinarily full of acute greed, hate, and delusion. They often feel the pain and sadness that greed, hate, and delusion bring. 
Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco pakatiyāpi na tibbarāgajātiko hoti, nābhikkhaṇaṁ rāgajaṁ dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti. 
It’s when someone is not ordinarily full of acute greed, hate, and delusion. They rarely feel the pain and sadness that greed, hate, and delusion bring. 
Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco pakatiyāpi na tibbarāgajātiko hoti, nābhikkhaṇaṁ rāgajaṁ dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti. 
It’s when someone is not ordinarily full of acute greed, hate, and delusion. They rarely feel the pain and sadness that greed, hate, and delusion bring. 

an4.193delusion3Pi En Ru dhamma

doso purisassa …pe… moho purisassa …pe… sārambho purisassa ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati hitāya vā ahitāya vā”ti?  Does hate … or delusion … or aggression come up in a person for their welfare or harm?” 
Dosaṁ vineyya viharāhi. 
Live rid of hate … delusion … aggression. 
Dosaṁ vineyya viharanto na dosajaṁ kammaṁ karissasi kāyena vācāya manasā. 
Then you won’t act out of hate … delusion … aggression by way of body, speech, or mind.” 

an4.241delusion—is1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī hoti, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karoti.  It’s a mendicant who—with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion—is a once-returner. They come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 

an4.304-783delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dosassa …pe… mohassa … kodhassa … upanāhassa … makkhassa … paḷāsassa … issāya … macchariyassa … māyāya … sāṭheyyassa … thambhassa … sārambhassa … mānassa … atimānassa … madassa … pamādassa abhiññāya … pariññāya … parikkhayāya … pahānāya … khayāya … vayāya … virāgāya … nirodhāya … cāgāya … paṭinissaggāya ime cattāro dhammā bhāvetabbā”ti.  “Of hate … delusion … anger … acrimony … disdain … contempt … jealousy … stinginess … deceit … deviousness … obstinacy … aggression … conceit … arrogance … vanity … negligence … for insight … complete understanding … finishing … giving up … ending … vanishing … fading away … cessation … giving away … letting go … four things should be developed.” 

an5.23delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

samohaṁ vā cittaṁ samohaṁ cittanti pajāneyyaṁ,  mind with delusion as “mind with delusion”, 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ vītamohaṁ cittanti pajāneyyaṁ, 
and mind without delusion as “mind without delusion”; 

an5.28delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

samohaṁ vā cittaṁ …  mind with delusion as “mind with delusion”, 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ … 
and mind without delusion as “mind without delusion”; 

an5.38delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

vītamohā anāsavā;  free of delusion, undefiled, 

an5.82delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Avītarāgo hoti, avītadoso hoti, avītamoho hoti, makkhī ca, paḷāsī ca—  They’re not free of greed, hate, and delusion; they are offensive and contemptuous. 
Vītarāgo hoti, vītadoso hoti, vītamoho hoti, amakkhī ca, apaḷāsī ca— 
They’re free of greed, hate, and delusion; they’re not offensive and contemptuous. 

an5.144delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Sato sampajāno mā me kvacani katthaci kiñcanaṁ rajanīyesu dhammesu rāgo udapādi, mā me kvacani katthaci kiñcanaṁ dosanīyesu dhammesu doso udapādi, mā me kvacani katthaci kiñcanaṁ mohanīyesu dhammesu moho udapādī’ti—  ‘May no greed for things that arouse greed, hate for things that provoke hate, or delusion for things that promote delusion arise in me in any way at all.’ 
kvacani → kvacini (bj, sya-all, pts1ed) | kiñcanaṁ → kiñcana (bj, pts1ed); kiñcina (sya-all) 

an5.160delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Uppanno rāgo duppaṭivinodayo, uppanno doso duppaṭivinodayo, uppanno moho duppaṭivinodayo, uppannaṁ paṭibhānaṁ duppaṭivinodayaṁ, uppannaṁ gamikacittaṁ duppaṭivinodayaṁ.  Greed, hate, delusion, the feeling of being inspired to speak out, and thoughts of traveling. 

an5.308-1152delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Dosassa … mohassa … kodhassa … upanāhassa … makkhassa … paḷāsassa … issāya … macchariyassa … māyāya … sāṭheyyassa … thambhassa … sārambhassa … mānassa … atimānassa … madassa … pamādassa abhiññāya … pariññāya … parikkhayāya … pahānāya … khayāya … vayāya … virāgāya … nirodhāya … cāgāya … paṭinissaggāya pañca dhammā bhāvetabbā.  “Of hate … delusion … anger … acrimony … disdain … contempt … jealousy … stinginess … deceit … deviousness … obstinacy … aggression … conceit … arrogance … vanity … negligence … for insight … complete understanding … finishing … giving up … ending … vanishing … fading away … cessation … giving away … letting go … five things should be developed. 

an6.2delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

samohaṁ vā cittaṁ …  mind with delusion … 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ … 
mind without delusion … 

an6.10delusion6Pi En Ru dhamma

Yasmiṁ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako tathāgataṁ anussarati nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti;  When a noble disciple recollects the Realized One their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Yasmiṁ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako dhammaṁ anussarati nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects the teaching their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako saṅghaṁ anussarati nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects the Saṅgha their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako sīlaṁ anussarati nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects their ethical conduct their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako cāgaṁ anussarati nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects their own generosity their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako attano ca tāsañca devatānaṁ saddhañca sīlañca sutañca cāgañca paññañca anussarati nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects the faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom of both themselves and the deities their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. 

an6.25delusion6Pi En Ru dhamma

Yasmiṁ, bhikkhave, samaye ariyasāvako tathāgataṁ anussarati, nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti;  When a noble disciple recollects the Realized One their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Yasmiṁ, bhikkhave, samaye ariyasāvako dhammaṁ anussarati, nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects the teaching their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, bhikkhave, samaye ariyasāvako saṅghaṁ anussarati, nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects the Saṅgha their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, bhikkhave, samaye ariyasāvako sīlaṁ anussarati, nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects their ethical precepts their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
When a noble disciple recollects their generosity their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, bhikkhave, samaye ariyasāvako attano ca tāsañca devatānaṁ saddhañca sīlañca sutañca cāgañca paññañca anussarati nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects the faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom of both themselves and the deities their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. 

an6.26delusion6Pi En Ru dhamma

Yasmiṁ, āvuso, samaye ariyasāvako tathāgataṁ anussarati nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti;  When a noble disciple recollects the Realized One their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Yasmiṁ, āvuso, samaye ariyasāvako dhammaṁ anussarati nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects the teaching their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, āvuso, samaye ariyasāvako saṅghaṁ anussarati nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects the Saṅgha their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, āvuso, samaye ariyasāvako attano sīlaṁ anussarati nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects their ethical precepts their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, āvuso, samaye ariyasāvako attano cāgaṁ anussarati nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects their own generosity their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, āvuso, samaye ariyasāvako attano ca tāsañca devatānaṁ saddhañca sīlañca sutañca cāgañca paññañca anussarati nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects the faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom of both themselves and the deities their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. 

an6.37delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, paṭiggāhakā vītarāgā vā honti rāgavinayāya vā paṭipannā, vītadosā vā honti dosavinayāya vā paṭipannā, vītamohā vā honti mohavinayāya vā paṭipannā.  It’s when the recipients are free of greed, hate, and delusion, or practicing to be free of them. 
vītamohā anāsavā; 
free of delusion, undefiled; 

an6.39delusion7Pi En Ru dhamma

Lobho nidānaṁ kammānaṁ samudayāya, doso nidānaṁ kammānaṁ samudayāya, moho nidānaṁ kammānaṁ samudayāya.  Greed, hate, and delusion are sources that give rise to deeds. 
Na, bhikkhave, mohā amoho samudeti; 
Delusion doesn’t give rise to understanding. 
atha kho, bhikkhave, mohā mohova samudeti. 
Rather, delusion just gives rise to delusion. 
Na, bhikkhave, lobhajena kammena dosajena kammena mohajena kammena devā paññāyanti, manussā paññāyanti, yā vā panaññāpi kāci sugatiyo. 
It’s not because of deeds born of greed, hate, and delusion that gods, humans, or those in any other good places are found. 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, lobhajena kammena dosajena kammena mohajena kammena nirayo paññāyati tiracchānayoni paññāyati pettivisayo paññāyati, yā vā panaññāpi kāci duggatiyo. 
Rather, it’s because of deeds born of greed, hate, and delusion that hell, the animal realm, the ghost realm, or any other bad places are found. 
Na, bhikkhave, amohā moho samudeti; 
Understanding doesn’t give rise to delusion. 

an6.43delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Vītamoho anāsavo;  free of delusion, undefiled; 

an6.47delusion delusional5Pi En Ru dhamma

santaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ mohaṁ …pe…  delusion … 
santaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ mohadhammaṁ ‘atthi me ajjhattaṁ mohadhammo’ti pajānāsi, asantaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ mohadhammaṁ ‘natthi me ajjhattaṁ mohadhammo’ti pajānāsī”ti? 
When there are delusional ideas in you, do you understand ‘I have delusional ideas in me’? And when there are no delusional ideas in you, do you understand ‘I have no delusional ideas in me’?” 

an6.48delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

santaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ mohaṁ …pe…  delusion … 

an6.55delusion8Pi En Ru dhamma

Khīṇāsavo, bhante, bhikkhu vusitavā katakaraṇīyo karaṇīyaṁ attano asamanupassanto katassa vā paṭicayaṁ khayā rāgassa vītarāgattā nekkhammādhimutto hoti, khayā dosassa vītadosattā nekkhammādhimutto hoti, khayā mohassa vītamohattā nekkhammādhimutto hoti.  A mendicant with defilements ended does not see in themselves anything more to do, or anything that needs improvement. They’re dedicated to renunciation because they’re free of greed, hate, and delusion with the end of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Khayā rāgassa vītarāgattā taṇhākkhayādhimutto hoti, khayā dosassa vītadosattā taṇhākkhayādhimutto hoti, khayā mohassa vītamohattā taṇhākkhayādhimutto hoti. 
They’re dedicated to the ending of craving because they’re free of greed, hate, and delusion with the end of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Khayā rāgassa vītarāgattā upādānakkhayādhimutto hoti, khayā dosassa vītadosattā upādānakkhayādhimutto hoti, khayā mohassa vītamohattā upādānakkhayādhimutto hoti. 
They’re dedicated to the ending of grasping because they’re free of greed, hate, and delusion with the end of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Khayā rāgassa vītarāgattā asammohādhimutto hoti, khayā dosassa vītadosattā asammohādhimutto hoti, khayā mohassa vītamohattā asammohādhimutto hoti. 
They’re dedicated to clarity of mind because they’re free of greed, hate, and delusion with the end of greed, hate, and delusion. 

an6.89delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ, vicikicchaṁ, sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ rāgaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ dosaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ mohaṁ.  Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, and forms of greed, hate, and delusion that lead to rebirth in places of loss. 
Sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ, vicikicchaṁ, sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ rāgaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ dosaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ mohaṁ. 
Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, and forms of greed, hate, and delusion that lead to rebirth in places of loss. 

an6.90delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sakkāyadiṭṭhi, vicikicchā, sīlabbataparāmāso, apāyagamanīyo rāgo, apāyagamanīyo doso, apāyagamanīyo moho.  Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, and forms of greed, hate, and delusion that lead to rebirth in places of loss. 

an6.91delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ, vicikicchaṁ, sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ rāgaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ dosaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ mohaṁ.  Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, and forms of greed, hate, and delusion that lead to rebirth in places of loss. 

an6.107delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgo, doso, moho.  Greed, hate, and delusion. 
Rāgassa pahānāya asubhā bhāvetabbā, dosassa pahānāya mettā bhāvetabbā, mohassa pahānāya paññā bhāvetabbā. 
You should develop the perception of ugliness to give up greed, love to give up hate, and wisdom to give up delusion. 

an6.170-649delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

mohassa …  delusion … 

an7.15delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

So tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī hoti, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karoti.  With the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, they’re a once-returner. They come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 
sakideva → sakiṁdeva (mr) | dukkhassantaṁ karoti → dukkhassantakaro hoti (mr) 

an7.46delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgaggi, dosaggi, mohaggi, āhuneyyaggi, gahapataggi, dakkhiṇeyyaggi, kaṭṭhaggi—  The fires of greed, hate, delusion. The fire of those worthy of offerings dedicated to the gods. A householder’s fire. The fire of those worthy of a religious donation. And a wood fire. 

an7.47delusion3Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgaggi, dosaggi, mohaggi.  The fires of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Kasmā cāyaṁ, brāhmaṇa, mohaggi pahātabbo parivajjetabbo, na sevitabbo? 
And why should the fire of delusion be given up and rejected, not cultivated? 
Tasmāyaṁ mohaggi pahātabbo parivajjetabbo, na sevitabbo. 
That’s why the fire of delusion should be given up and rejected, not cultivated. 

an7.85delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sakkāyadiṭṭhi bhinnā hoti, vicikicchā bhinnā hoti, sīlabbataparāmāso bhinno hoti, rāgo bhinno hoti, doso bhinno hoti, moho bhinno hoti, māno bhinno hoti.  Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, greed, hate, delusion, and conceit. 

an7.92delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sakkāyadiṭṭhi ārakā hoti, vicikicchā ārakā hoti, sīlabbataparāmāso ārako hoti, rāgo ārako hoti, doso ārako hoti, moho ārako hoti, māno ārako hoti.  Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, greed, hate, delusion, and conceit. 

an7.645-1124delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

mohassa …  delusion … 

an8.11delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ahañhi, brāhmaṇa, ucchedaṁ vadāmi rāgassa dosassa mohassa; anekavihitānaṁ pāpakānaṁ akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ ucchedaṁ vadāmi.  For I teach the annihilation of greed, hate, and delusion, and the many kinds of unskillful things. 
Ahañhi, brāhmaṇa, vinayāya dhammaṁ desemi rāgassa dosassa mohassa; anekavihitānaṁ pāpakānaṁ akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ vinayāya dhammaṁ desemi. 
For I teach the extermination of greed, hate, and delusion, and the many kinds of unskillful things. 

an8.12delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ahañhi, sīha, ucchedaṁ vadāmi rāgassa dosassa mohassa;  I teach the annihilation of greed, hate, and delusion, 
Ahañhi, sīha, vinayāya dhammaṁ desemi rāgassa dosassa mohassa; 
I teach the extermination of greed, hate, and delusion, 

an8.148-627delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

mohassa …  delusion … 

an9.12delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

So tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī hoti, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karoti.  With the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, they’re a once-returner. They come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 

an9.25delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘vītamohaṁ me cittan’ti paññāya cittaṁ suparicitaṁ hoti;  … ‘My mind is without delusion.’ 

an9.26delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘vītamohaṁ me cittan’ti cetasā cittaṁ suparicitaṁ hoti;  … ‘My mind is without delusion.’ 

an9.35delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

samohaṁ vā cittaṁ samohaṁ cittanti pajāneyyaṁ,  mind with delusion as “mind with delusion”, 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ … 
and mind without delusion as “mind without delusion”; 

an9.62delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgaṁ, dosaṁ, mohaṁ, kodhaṁ, upanāhaṁ, makkhaṁ, paḷāsaṁ, issaṁ, macchariyaṁ—  Greed, hate, delusion, anger, acrimony, disdain, contempt, jealousy, and stinginess. 
Rāgaṁ, dosaṁ, mohaṁ, kodhaṁ, upanāhaṁ, makkhaṁ, paḷāsaṁ, issaṁ, macchariyaṁ— 
Greed, hate, delusion, anger, acrimony, disdain, contempt, jealousy, and stinginess. 

an9.113-432delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

mohassa …  delusion … 

an10.20delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno rāgā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ hoti, dosā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ hoti, mohā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ hoti.  It’s when a mendicant’s mind is freed from greed, hate, and delusion. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘rāgo me pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo’ti pajānāti, doso me pahīno …pe… ‘moho me pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo’ti pajānāti. 
It’s when a mendicant understands: ‘I’ve given up greed, hate, and delusion, cut them off at the root, made them like a palm stump, obliterated them, so they’re unable to arise in the future.’ 

an10.23delusion5Pi En Ru dhamma

moho …  delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 

an10.24delusion16Pi En Ru dhamma

moho …  delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 
moho … 
delusion … 

an10.47delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Moho kho, mahāli, hetu, moho paccayo pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā.  Delusion is a cause of bad deeds … 

an10.72delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Pavivekārāmassa saṅgaṇikārāmatā kaṇṭako, asubhanimittānuyogaṁ anuyuttassa subhanimittānuyogo kaṇṭako, indriyesu guttadvārassa visūkadassanaṁ kaṇṭako, brahmacariyassa mātugāmūpacāro kaṇṭako, paṭhamassa jhānassa saddo kaṇṭako, dutiyassa jhānassa vitakkavicārā kaṇṭakā, tatiyassa jhānassa pīti kaṇṭako, catutthassa jhānassa assāsapassāso kaṇṭako, saññāvedayitanirodhasamāpattiyā saññā ca vedanā ca kaṇṭako rāgo kaṇṭako doso kaṇṭako moho kaṇṭako.  Relishing company is a thorn for someone who loves seclusion. Focusing on the beautiful feature of things is a thorn for someone pursuing the meditation on ugliness. Seeing shows is a thorn to someone restraining the senses. Lingering in the neighborhood of females is a thorn to celibacy. Sound is a thorn to the first absorption. Placing the mind and keeping it connected are a thorn to the second absorption. Rapture is a thorn to the third absorption. Breathing is a thorn to the fourth absorption. Perception and feeling are a thorn to the attainment of the cessation of perception and feeling. Greed, hate, and delusion are thorns. 
brahmacariyassa → brahmacārissa (bj) | mātugāmūpacāro → mātugāmopavicāro (bj, pts1ed); mātugāmūpavicaro (mr) 

an10.76delusion10Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgaṁ appahāya, dosaṁ appahāya, mohaṁ appahāya—  Greed, hate, and delusion. 
Tayome, bhikkhave, dhamme appahāya abhabbo rāgaṁ pahātuṁ dosaṁ pahātuṁ mohaṁ pahātuṁ. 
Without giving up three things you can’t give up greed, hate, and delusion. 
ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo dhamme appahāya abhabbo rāgaṁ pahātuṁ dosaṁ pahātuṁ mohaṁ pahātuṁ. 
Without giving up these three things you can’t give up greed, hate, and delusion. 
So vicikiccho samāno abhabbo rāgaṁ pahātuṁ dosaṁ pahātuṁ mohaṁ pahātuṁ. 
When you have doubts you can’t give up greed, hate, and delusion. 
So rāgaṁ appahāya dosaṁ appahāya mohaṁ appahāya abhabbo jātiṁ pahātuṁ jaraṁ pahātuṁ maraṇaṁ pahātuṁ. 
Without giving up greed, hate, and delusion you can’t give up rebirth, old age, and death. 
Rāgaṁ pahāya, dosaṁ pahāya, mohaṁ pahāya— 
Greed, hate, and delusion. 
Tayome, bhikkhave, dhamme pahāya bhabbo rāgaṁ pahātuṁ dosaṁ pahātuṁ mohaṁ pahātuṁ. 
After giving up three things you can give up greed, hate, and delusion. 
ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo dhamme pahāya bhabbo rāgaṁ pahātuṁ dosaṁ pahātuṁ mohaṁ pahātuṁ. 
After giving up these three things you can give up greed, hate, and delusion. 
So avicikiccho samāno bhabbo rāgaṁ pahātuṁ dosaṁ pahātuṁ mohaṁ pahātuṁ. 
When you have no doubts you can give up greed, hate, and delusion. 
So rāgaṁ pahāya dosaṁ pahāya mohaṁ pahāya bhabbo jātiṁ pahātuṁ jaraṁ pahātuṁ maraṇaṁ pahātun”ti. 
After giving up greed, hate, and delusion you can give up rebirth, old age, and death.” 

an10.97delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

samohaṁ vā cittaṁ …  mind with delusion … 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ … 
mind without delusion … 

an10.100delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgaṁ, dosaṁ, mohaṁ, kodhaṁ, upanāhaṁ, makkhaṁ, paḷāsaṁ, issaṁ, macchariyaṁ, mānaṁ—  Greed, hate, delusion, anger, acrimony, disdain, contempt, jealousy, stinginess, and conceit. 
Rāgaṁ, dosaṁ, mohaṁ, kodhaṁ, upanāhaṁ, makkhaṁ, paḷāsaṁ, issaṁ, macchariyaṁ, mānaṁ— 
Greed, hate, delusion, anger, acrimony, disdain, contempt, jealousy, stinginess, and conceit. 

an10.126delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dasayime, bhikkhave, dhammā rāgavinayapariyosānā honti dosavinayapariyosānā honti mohavinayapariyosānā honti, nāññatra sugatavinayā.  “Mendicants, these ten things don’t culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion apart from the Holy One’s training. 
ime kho, bhikkhave, dasa dhammā rāgavinayapariyosānā honti dosavinayapariyosānā honti mohavinayapariyosānā honti, nāññatra sugatavinayā”ti. 
These are the ten things that don’t culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion apart from the Holy One’s training.” 

an10.130delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dasayime, bhikkhave, dhammā bhāvitā bahulīkatā rāgavinayapariyosānā honti dosavinayapariyosānā honti mohavinayapariyosānā honti, nāññatra sugatavinayā.  “Mendicants, these ten things when developed and cultivated don’t culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion apart from the Holy One’s training. 
ime kho, bhikkhave, dasa dhammā bhāvitā bahulīkatā rāgavinayapariyosānā honti dosavinayapariyosānā honti mohavinayapariyosānā honti, nāññatra sugatavinayā”ti. 
These are the ten things that when developed and cultivated don’t culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion apart from the Holy One’s training.” 

an10.174delusion12Pi En Ru dhamma

lobhahetukampi, dosahetukampi, mohahetukampi.  caused by greed, hate, or delusion. 
lobhahetukampi, dosahetukampi, mohahetukampi. 
caused by greed, hate, or delusion. 
lobhahetukampi, dosahetukampi, mohahetukampi. 
caused by greed, hate, or delusion. 
lobhahetukampi, dosahetukampi, mohahetukampi. 
caused by greed, hate, or delusion. 
lobhahetukampi, dosahetukampi, mohahetukampi. 
caused by greed, hate, or delusion. 
lobhahetukampi, dosahetukampi, mohahetukampi. 
caused by greed, hate, or delusion. 
lobhahetukampi, dosahetukampi, mohahetukampi. 
caused by greed, hate, or delusion. 
lobhahetukampi, dosahetukampi, mohahetukampi. 
caused by greed, hate, or delusion. 
lobhahetukampi, dosahetukampi, mohahetukampi. 
caused by greed, hate, or delusion. 
lobhahetukampi, dosahetukampi, mohahetukampi. 
caused by greed, hate, or delusion. 
Iti kho, bhikkhave, lobho kammanidānasambhavo, doso kammanidānasambhavo, moho kammanidānasambhavo. 
And so greed, hate, and delusion are sources and origins for deeds. 
Lobhakkhayā kammanidānasaṅkhayo, dosakkhayā kammanidānasaṅkhayo, mohakkhayā kammanidānasaṅkhayo”ti. 
With the ending of greed, hate, and delusion, the sources of deeds are ended.” 

an10.267-746delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

mohassa …  delusion … 

an11.11delusion6Pi En Ru dhamma

Yasmiṁ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako tathāgataṁ anussarati, nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti;  When a noble disciple recollects the Realized One their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Yasmiṁ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako dhammaṁ anussarati, nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects the teaching their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako saṅghaṁ anussarati, nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects the Saṅgha their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako sīlaṁ anussarati, nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects their ethical conduct their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako cāgaṁ anussarati, nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects their own generosity their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. … 
Yasmiṁ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako attano ca tāsañca devatānaṁ saddhañca sīlañca sutañca cāgañca paññañca anussarati, nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects the faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom of both themselves and the deities their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. 

an11.12delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yasmiṁ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako tathāgataṁ anussarati, nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti;  When a noble disciple recollects the Realized One their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Yasmiṁ, mahānāma, samaye ariyasāvako attano ca tāsañca devatānaṁ saddhañca sīlañca sutañca cāgañca paññañca anussarati, nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti; 
When a noble disciple recollects the faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom of both themselves and the deities their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. 

an11.992-1151delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

mohassa…  delusion … 

dn2delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

samohaṁ vā cittaṁ ‘samohaṁ cittan’ti pajānāti,  mind with delusion … 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ ‘vītamohaṁ cittan’ti pajānāti, 
mind without delusion … 

dn6delusion—is1Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, mahāli, bhikkhu tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī hoti, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karoti.  Furthermore, a mendicant—with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion—is a once-returner. They come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 
sakideva → sakiṁdeva (mr) 

dn10delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

samohaṁ vā cittaṁ ‘samohaṁ cittan’ti pajānāti,  mind with delusion … 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ ‘vītamohaṁ cittan’ti pajānāti, 
mind without delusion … 

dn16delusion3Pi En Ru dhamma

Sudatto, ānanda, upāsako tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissati.  The layman Sudatta had ended three fetters, and weakened greed, hate, and delusion. He’s a once-returner; he will come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 
Sādhikā navuti, ānanda, nātike upāsakā kālaṅkatā tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmino sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissanti. 
More than ninety laymen in Ñātika have passed away having ended three fetters, and weakened greed, hate, and delusion. They’re once-returners, who will come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 
Sādhikā navuti → chādhikā navuti (sya-all); nādhikā navuti (km) 
Rāgadosamohakkhayā sanibbuto”ti. 
with the end of greed, hate, and delusion, they’re quenched.” 

dn18delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sādhikā navuti nātikiyā paricārakā abbhatītā kālaṅkatā tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmino, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissanti.  More than ninety devotees in Ñātika have passed away having ended three fetters, and weakened greed, hate, and delusion. They’re once-returners, who will come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 
sakideva → sakiṁdeva (mr) 

dn19delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Lobho ca doso ca mado ca moho;  greed, hate, vanity, and delusion— 
Ye na sabbenasabbaṁ sāsanaṁ ājānanti, appekacce tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmino honti sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissanti. 
Some, with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, become once-returners. They come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 
karissanti → karonti (pts1ed) 

dn22delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

Samohaṁ vā cittaṁ ‘samohaṁ cittan’ti pajānāti.  They understand mind with delusion as ‘mind with delusion,’ 
Vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ ‘vītamohaṁ cittan’ti pajānāti. 
and mind without delusion as ‘mind without delusion.’ 

dn28delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘ayaṁ puggalo yathānusiṭṭhaṁ tathā paṭipajjamāno tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī bhavissati, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissatī’ti.  ‘By practicing as instructed this individual will, with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, become a once-returner. They will come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering.’ 
‘ayaṁ puggalo tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī bhavissati, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissatī’ti. 
‘With the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, this individual will become a once-returner. They will come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering.’ 

dn29delusion—becomes1Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī hoti, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karoti.  Furthermore, a mendicant—with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion—becomes a once-returner. They come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 

dn30delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Akkhambhiyo hoti abbhantarehi vā bāhirehi vā paccatthikehi paccāmittehi rāgena vā dosena vā mohena vā samaṇena vā brāhmaṇena vā devena vā mārena vā brahmunā vā kenaci vā lokasmiṁ.  He can’t be stopped by any foe or enemy whether internal or external; nor by greed, hate, or delusion; nor by any ascetic or brahmin or god or Māra or divinity or by anyone in the world. 
Appadhaṁsiyo hoti abbhantarehi vā bāhirehi vā paccatthikehi paccāmittehi, rāgena vā dosena vā mohena vā samaṇena vā brāhmaṇena vā devena vā mārena vā brahmunā vā kenaci vā lokasmiṁ. 
He can’t be destroyed by any foe or enemy whether internal or external; nor by greed, hate, or delusion; nor by any ascetic or brahmin or god or Māra or divinity or by anyone in the world. 

dn33delusion5Pi En Ru dhamma

lobho akusalamūlaṁ, doso akusalamūlaṁ, moho akusalamūlaṁ.  greed, hate, and delusion. 
rāgo kiñcanaṁ, doso kiñcanaṁ, moho kiñcanaṁ. 
greed, hate, and delusion. 
rāgaggi, dosaggi, mohaggi. 
greed, hate, and delusion. 
Idhāvuso, bhikkhuno rāgā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ hoti, dosā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ hoti, mohā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ hoti. 
It’s when a mendicant’s mind is freed from greed, hate, and delusion. 
Idhāvuso, bhikkhu ‘rāgo me pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo’ti pajānāti. 
It’s when a mendicant understands: ‘I’ve given up greed, hate, and delusion, cut them off at the root, made them like a palm stump, obliterated them, so they’re unable to arise in the future.’ 

dn34delusion3Pi En Ru dhamma

lobho akusalamūlaṁ, doso akusalamūlaṁ, moho akusalamūlaṁ.  greed, hate, and delusion. 
Idhāvuso, bhikkhuno rāgā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ hoti, dosā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ hoti, mohā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ hoti. 
It’s when a mendicant’s mind is freed from greed, hate, and delusion. 
Idhāvuso, bhikkhu ‘rāgo me pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo’ti pajānāti. 
It’s when a mendicant understands: ‘I’ve given up greed, hate, and delusion, cut them off at the root, made them like a palm stump, obliterated them, so they’re unable to arise in the future.’ 

mn1delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

Khayā mohassa, vītamohattā.  Because they’re free of delusion due to the ending of delusion. 
Khayā mohassa, vītamohattā. 
Because they’re free of delusion due to the ending of delusion. 

mn4delusion delusional3Pi En Ru dhamma

Idamahaṁ tesaṁ samaṇabrāhmaṇānaṁ sammohavihārasmiṁ vadāmi.  This meditation of theirs is delusional, I say. 
‘asammohadhammo satto loke uppanno bahujanahitāya bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāya atthāya hitāya sukhāya devamanussānan’ti, mameva taṁ sammā vadamāno vadeyya: 
a being not liable to delusion has arisen in the world for the welfare and happiness of the people, out of sympathy for the world, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of gods and humans, it’s of me that this should be said. 
‘ajjāpi nūna samaṇo gotamo avītarāgo avītadoso avītamoho, tasmā araññavanapatthāni pantāni senāsanāni paṭisevatī’ti. 
‘Perhaps the ascetic Gotama is not free of greed, hate, and delusion even today, and that is why he still frequents remote lodgings in the wilderness and the forest.’ 

mn5delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

so sarāgo sadoso samoho sāṅgaṇo saṅkiliṭṭhacitto kālaṁ karissati.  And they will die with greed, hate, and delusion, blemished, with a corrupted mind. 
so arāgo adoso amoho anaṅgaṇo asaṅkiliṭṭhacitto kālaṁ karissati. 
And they will die without greed, hate, and delusion, unblemished, with an uncorrupted mind. 
so sarāgo sadoso samoho sāṅgaṇo saṅkiliṭṭhacitto kālaṁ karissati. 
And they will die with greed, hate, and delusion, blemished, with a corrupted mind. 
so arāgo adoso amoho anaṅgaṇo asaṅkiliṭṭhacitto kālaṁ karissati. 
And they will die without greed, hate, and delusion, unblemished, with an uncorrupted mind. 

mn6delusion5Pi En Ru dhamma

Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī assaṁ sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ kareyyan’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.  A mendicant might wish: ‘May I, with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, become a once-returner, coming back to this world once only, then making an end of suffering.’ So let them fulfill their precepts … 
samohaṁ vā cittaṁ samohaṁ cittanti pajāneyyaṁ, 
mind with delusion as “mind with delusion”, 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ vītamohaṁ cittanti pajāneyyaṁ; 
and mind without delusion as “mind without delusion”; 

mn9delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Lobho akusalamūlaṁ, doso akusalamūlaṁ, moho akusalamūlaṁ—  Greed, hate, and delusion. 

mn10delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

Samohaṁ vā cittaṁ ‘samohaṁ cittan’ti pajānāti.  They understand mind with delusion as ‘mind with delusion,’ 
Vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ ‘vītamohaṁ cittan’ti pajānāti. 
and mind without delusion as ‘mind without delusion.’ 

mn11delusion delusional5Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Sā panāvuso, niṭṭhā samohassa udāhu vītamohassā’ti?  ‘Is it for the delusional or those free of delusion?’ 
‘vītamohassāvuso, sā niṭṭhā, na sā niṭṭhā samohassā’ti. 
‘It’s for those free of delusion.’ 
Ye hi keci, bhikkhave, samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā imāsaṁ dvinnaṁ diṭṭhīnaṁ samudayañca atthaṅgamañca assādañca ādīnavañca nissaraṇañca yathābhūtaṁ nappajānanti, ‘te sarāgā te sadosā te samohā te sataṇhā te saupādānā te aviddasuno te anuruddhappaṭiviruddhā te papañcārāmā papañcaratino; 
There are some ascetics and brahmins who don’t truly understand these two views’ origin, ending, gratification, drawback, and escape. They’re greedy, hateful, delusional, craving, grasping, and ignorant. They favor and oppose, and they enjoy proliferation. 
Ye ca kho keci, bhikkhave, samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā imāsaṁ dvinnaṁ diṭṭhīnaṁ samudayañca atthaṅgamañca assādañca ādīnavañca nissaraṇañca yathābhūtaṁ pajānanti, ‘te vītarāgā te vītadosā te vītamohā te vītataṇhā te anupādānā te viddasuno te ananuruddhaappaṭiviruddhā te nippapañcārāmā nippapañcaratino; 
There are some ascetics and brahmins who do truly understand these two views’ origin, ending, gratification, drawback, and escape. They’re rid of greed, hate, delusion, craving, grasping, and ignorance. They don’t favor and oppose, and they enjoy non-proliferation. 

mn12delusion3Pi En Ru dhamma

samohaṁ vā cittaṁ samohaṁ cittanti pajānāti,  mind with delusion … 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ vītamohaṁ cittanti pajānāti; 
mind without delusion … 
‘asammohadhammo satto loke uppanno bahujanahitāya bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāya atthāya hitāya sukhāya devamanussānan’ti, mameva taṁ sammā vadamāno vadeyya 
a being not liable to delusion has arisen in the world for the welfare and happiness of the people, out of sympathy for the world, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of gods and humans, it’s of me that this should be said.” 

mn14delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘lobho cittassa upakkileso, doso cittassa upakkileso, moho cittassa upakkileso’ti.  ‘Greed, hate, and delusion are corruptions of the mind.’ 
‘lobho cittassa upakkileso, doso cittassa upakkileso, moho cittassa upakkileso’ti → idaṁ vākyaṁ cck potthake 
Atha ca pana me ekadā lobhadhammāpi cittaṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭhanti, dosadhammāpi cittaṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭhanti, mohadhammāpi cittaṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭhanti. 
Despite understanding this, sometimes my mind is occupied by thoughts of greed, hate, and delusion. 

mn20delusion6Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno yaṁ nimittaṁ āgamma yaṁ nimittaṁ manasikaroto uppajjanti pāpakā akusalā vitakkā chandūpasaṁhitāpi dosūpasaṁhitāpi mohūpasaṁhitāpi, tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā tamhā nimittā aññaṁ nimittaṁ manasi kātabbaṁ kusalūpasaṁhitaṁ.  Take a mendicant who is focusing on some subject that gives rise to bad, unskillful thoughts connected with desire, hate, and delusion. That mendicant should focus on some other subject connected with the skillful. 
Tassa ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno tamhā nimittā aññaṁ nimittaṁ manasikaroto kusalūpasaṁhitaṁ uppajjanteva pāpakā akusalā vitakkā chandūpasaṁhitāpi dosūpasaṁhitāpi mohūpasaṁhitāpi, tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā tesaṁ vitakkānaṁ ādīnavo upaparikkhitabbo: 
Now, suppose that mendicant is focusing on some other subject connected with the skillful, but bad, unskillful thoughts connected with desire, hate, and delusion keep coming up. They should examine the drawbacks of those thoughts: 
Tassa ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno tesampi vitakkānaṁ ādīnavaṁ upaparikkhato uppajjanteva pāpakā akusalā vitakkā chandūpasaṁhitāpi dosūpasaṁhitāpi mohūpasaṁhitāpi, tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā tesaṁ vitakkānaṁ asatiamanasikāro āpajjitabbo. 
Now, suppose that mendicant is examining the drawbacks of those thoughts, but bad, unskillful thoughts connected with desire, hate, and delusion keep coming up. They should try to forget and ignore them. 
Tassa ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno tesampi vitakkānaṁ asatiamanasikāraṁ āpajjato uppajjanteva pāpakā akusalā vitakkā chandūpasaṁhitāpi dosūpasaṁhitāpi mohūpasaṁhitāpi, tena, bhikkhave, bhikkhunā tesaṁ vitakkānaṁ vitakkasaṅkhārasaṇṭhānaṁ manasikātabbaṁ. 
Now, suppose that mendicant is ignoring and forgetting about those thoughts, but bad, unskillful thoughts connected with desire, hate, and delusion keep coming up. They should focus on stopping the formation of thoughts. 
Tassa ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno tesampi vitakkānaṁ vitakkasaṅkhārasaṇṭhānaṁ manasikaroto uppajjanteva pāpakā akusalā vitakkā chandūpasaṁhitāpi dosūpasaṁhitāpi mohūpasaṁhitāpi. 
Now, suppose that mendicant is focusing on stopping the formation of thoughts, but bad, unskillful thoughts connected with desire, hate, and delusion keep coming up. 
Yato kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno yaṁ nimittaṁ āgamma yaṁ nimittaṁ manasikaroto uppajjanti pāpakā akusalā vitakkā chandūpasaṁhitāpi dosūpasaṁhitāpi mohūpasaṁhitāpi, tassa tamhā nimittā aññaṁ nimittaṁ manasikaroto kusalūpasaṁhitaṁ ye pāpakā akusalā vitakkā chandūpasaṁhitāpi dosūpasaṁhitāpi mohūpasaṁhitāpi te pahīyanti te abbhatthaṁ gacchanti. 
Now, take the mendicant who is focusing on some subject that gives rise to bad, unskillful thoughts connected with desire, hate, and delusion. They focus on some other subject connected with the skillful … 
Yato kho → yato ca kho (sya-all, mr) 

mn22delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Evaṁ svākkhāte, bhikkhave, mayā dhamme uttāne vivaṭe pakāsite chinnapilotike yesaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ tīṇi saṁyojanāni pahīnāni, rāgadosamohā tanubhūtā, sabbe te sakadāgāmino, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissanti.  In this teaching there are mendicants who, having given up three fetters, and weakened greed, hate, and delusion, are once-returners. All of them come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. … 

mn34delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

evameva kho, bhikkhave, ye te bhikkhū tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmino sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissanti, tepi tiriyaṁ mārassa sotaṁ chetvā sotthinā pāraṁ gamissanti.  are the mendicants who, with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, are once-returners. They come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. They too, having breasted Māra’s stream, will safely cross over to the far shore. 

mn35delusion—will2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yaṁ kho, aggivessana, tādisaṁ dakkhiṇeyyaṁ āgamma avītarāgaṁ avītadosaṁ avītamohaṁ, taṁ dāyakānaṁ bhavissati.  “Aggivessana, whatever comes from giving to a recipient of a religious donation such as yourself—who is not free of greed, hate, and delusion—will accrue to the donors. 
Yaṁ kho, aggivessana, mādisaṁ dakkhiṇeyyaṁ āgamma vītarāgaṁ vītadosaṁ vītamohaṁ, taṁ tuyhaṁ bhavissatī”ti. 
Whatever comes from giving to a recipient of a religious donation such as myself—who is free of greed, hate, and delusion—will accrue to you.” 

mn43delusion6Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgo kho, āvuso, pamāṇakaraṇo, doso pamāṇakaraṇo, moho pamāṇakaraṇo.  Greed, hate, and delusion are makers of limits. 
Sā kho panākuppā cetovimutti suññā rāgena, suññā dosena, suññā mohena. 
That unshakable release of the heart is empty of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Rāgo kho, āvuso, kiñcano, doso kiñcano, moho kiñcano. 
Greed is something, hate is something, and delusion is something. 
Sā kho panākuppā cetovimutti suññā rāgena, suññā dosena, suññā mohena. 
That unshakable release of the heart is empty of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Rāgo kho, āvuso, nimittakaraṇo, doso nimittakaraṇo, moho nimittakaraṇo. 
Greed, hate, and delusion are makers of signs. 
Sā kho panākuppā cetovimutti suññā rāgena, suññā dosena, suññā mohena. 
That unshakable release of the heart is empty of greed, hate, and delusion. 

mn45delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco pakatiyā tibbarāgajātiko hoti, so abhikkhaṇaṁ rāgajaṁ dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti;  It’s when someone is ordinarily full of acute greed, hate, and delusion. They often feel the pain and sadness that greed, hate, and delusion bring. 
Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco pakatiyā na tibbarāgajātiko hoti, so na abhikkhaṇaṁ rāgajaṁ dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti; 
It’s when someone is not ordinarily full of acute greed, hate, and delusion. They rarely feel the pain and sadness that greed, hate, and delusion bring. 

mn55delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yena kho, jīvaka, rāgena yena dosena yena mohena byāpādavā assa so rāgo so doso so moho tathāgatassa pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo.  “Any greed, hate, or delusion that might give rise to ill will has been given up by the Realized One, cut off at the root, made like a palm stump, obliterated, and is unable to arise in the future. 
anabhāvaṅkato → anabhāvakato (bj, pts1ed); anabhāvaṅgato (sya1ed, sya2ed, km) 
“Yena kho, jīvaka, rāgena yena dosena yena mohena vihesavā assa arativā assa paṭighavā assa so rāgo so doso so moho tathāgatassa pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo. 
“Any greed, hate, or delusion that might give rise to cruelty, discontent, or repulsion has been given up by the Realized One, cut off at the root, made like a palm stump, obliterated, and is unable to arise in the future. 

mn56delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dhīrassa vigatamohassa,  The attentive one, free of delusion, 

mn68delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissatī’ti.  with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, he’s a once-returner. He’ll come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering.’ 
tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāminī sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissatī’ti. 
with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, she’s a once-returner. She’ll come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering.’ 
tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissatī’ti. 
with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, he’s a once-returner. He’ll come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering.’ 
tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāminī sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissatī’ti. 
with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, she’s a once-returner. She’ll come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering.’ 

mn73delusion5Pi En Ru dhamma

moho kho, vaccha, akusalaṁ, amoho kusalaṁ.  Delusion is unskillful, understanding is skillful. 
samohaṁ vā cittaṁ samohaṁ cittanti pajāneyyaṁ, 
mind with delusion as “mind with delusion”, 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ vītamohaṁ cittanti pajāneyyaṁ; 
and mind without delusion as “mind without delusion”; 

mn77delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

samohaṁ vā cittaṁ ‘samohaṁ cittan’ti pajānanti,  mind with delusion as ‘mind with delusion’, 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ ‘vītamohaṁ cittan’ti pajānanti; 
and mind without delusion as ‘mind without delusion’; 

mn78delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ cittaṁ sarāgaṁ sadosaṁ samohaṁ, itosamuṭṭhānā akusalā sīlā.  But unskillful behaviors stem from a mind that has greed, hate, and delusion. 
Yaṁ cittaṁ vītarāgaṁ vītadosaṁ vītamohaṁ, itosamuṭṭhānā kusalā sīlā. 
But skillful behaviors stem from a mind that is free from greed, hate, and delusion. 

mn82delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Laddhāna vittaṁ na dadanti mohā;  because of delusion, give not the wealth they’ve earned. 
Abyositattā hi bhavābhavesu, 
But if because of delusion you don’t reach consummation, 
Abyositattā → asositattā (si, pts1ed) 

mn95delusion7Pi En Ru dhamma

lobhanīyesu dhammesu, dosanīyesu dhammesu, mohanīyesu dhammesu.  things that arouse greed, things that provoke hate, and things that promote delusion. 
Yato naṁ samannesamāno visuddhaṁ dosanīyehi dhammehi samanupassati, tato naṁ uttari samannesati mohanīyesu dhammesu. 
Scrutinizing them in this way they see that they are purified of qualities that provoke hate. Next, they scrutinize them for qualities that promote delusion. 
Atthi nu kho imassāyasmato tathārūpā mohanīyā dhammā yathārūpehi mohanīyehi dhammehi pariyādinnacitto ajānaṁ vā vadeyya— 
‘Does this venerable have any qualities that promote delusion? Such qualities that, were their mind to be overwhelmed by them, they might say 
‘natthi kho imassāyasmato tathārūpā mohanīyā dhammā yathārūpehi mohanīyehi dhammehi pariyādinnacitto ajānaṁ vā vadeyya— 
‘This venerable has no such qualities that promote delusion. 
Tathārūpo kho panimassāyasmato kāyasamācāro tathārūpo vacīsamācāro yathā taṁ amūḷhassa. 
Rather, that venerable has bodily and verbal behavior like that of someone without delusion. 
na so dhammo sudesiyo mūḷhenā’ti. 
It’s not easy for someone with delusion to teach this.’ 
Yato naṁ samannesamāno visuddhaṁ mohanīyehi dhammehi samanupassati; 
Scrutinizing them in this way they see that they are purified of qualities that promote delusion. 

mn98delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

saṁsāraṁ mohamaccagā;  of delusion, transmigration. 

mn108delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

samohaṁ vā cittaṁ ‘samohaṁ cittan’ti pajānāti,  mind with delusion … 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ ‘vītamohaṁ cittan’ti pajānāti, 
mind without delusion … 

mn113delusion5Pi En Ru dhamma

‘na kho uccākulīnatāya lobhadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti, dosadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti, mohadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti.  ‘It’s not because of one’s eminent family that thoughts of greed, hate, or delusion come to an end. 
‘na kho uḷārabhogatāya lobhadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti, dosadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti, mohadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti. 
‘It’s not because of one’s extremely wealthy family that thoughts of greed, hate, or delusion come to an end. 
‘na kho ñattena lobhadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti, dosadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti, mohadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti. 
‘It’s not because of one’s fame that thoughts of greed, hate, or delusion come to an end. 
‘na kho lābhena lobhadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti, dosadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti, mohadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti. 
‘It’s not because of one’s material things that thoughts of greed, hate, or delusion come to an end. 
‘na kho ekāsanikattena lobhadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti, dosadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti, mohadhammā vā parikkhayaṁ gacchanti. 
‘It’s not because of eating in one sitting per day that thoughts of greed, hate, or delusion come to an end. 

mn118delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Santi, bhikkhave, bhikkhū imasmiṁ bhikkhusaṅghe tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmino sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissanti—  In this Saṅgha there are mendicants who, with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, are once-returners. They come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 
sakideva → sakiṁdeva (mr) 

mn125delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

sabbarāgadosamohanihitaninnītakasāvo āhuneyyo pāhuneyyo dakkhiṇeyyo añjalikaraṇīyo anuttaraṁ puññakkhettaṁ lokassa.  Rid of all greed, hate, and delusion, and purged of defects, they are worthy of offerings dedicated to the gods, worthy of hospitality, worthy of a religious donation, worthy of greeting with joined palms, and are the supreme field of merit for the world. 

mn140delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tasseva kho pana pubbe aviddasuno avijjā hoti sammoho.  In their ignorance, they used to be ignorant, full of delusion. 
rāgadosamohānaṁ upasamo. 
the pacification of greed, hate, and delusion. 

mn150delusion6Pi En Ru dhamma

‘ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā cakkhuviññeyyesu rūpesu avītarāgā avītadosā avītamohā, ajjhattaṁ avūpasantacittā, samavisamaṁ caranti kāyena vācāya manasā, evarūpā samaṇabrāhmaṇā na sakkātabbā na garukātabbā na mānetabbā na pūjetabbā.  ‘There are ascetics and brahmins who are not free of greed, hate, and delusion for sights known by the eye, who are not peaceful inside, and who conduct themselves badly among the good by way of body, speech, and mind. They don’t deserve honor, respect, reverence, and veneration. 
Ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā sotaviññeyyesu saddesu … 
There are ascetics and brahmins who are not free of greed, hate, and delusion for sounds known by the ear … 
‘ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā cakkhuviññeyyesu rūpesu vītarāgā vītadosā vītamohā, ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacittā, samacariyaṁ caranti kāyena vācāya manasā, evarūpā samaṇabrāhmaṇā sakkātabbā garukātabbā mānetabbā pūjetabbā. 
‘There are ascetics and brahmins who are free of greed, hate, and delusion for sights known by the eye, who are peaceful inside, and who conduct themselves well by way of body, speech, and mind. They deserve honor, respect, reverence, and veneration. 
Ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā sotaviññeyyesu saddesu … 
There are ascetics and brahmins who are free of greed, hate, and delusion for sounds known by the ear … 
Addhā te āyasmanto vītarāgā vā rāgavinayāya vā paṭipannā, vītadosā vā dosavinayāya vā paṭipannā, vītamohā vā mohavinayāya vā paṭipannā’ti? 
“Clearly those venerables are free of greed, hate, and delusion, or practicing to be free of them”?’ 
addhā te āyasmanto vītarāgā vā rāgavinayāya vā paṭipannā, vītadosā vā dosavinayāya vā paṭipannā, vītamohā vā mohavinayāya vā paṭipannā’ti. 
“Clearly those venerables are free of greed, hate, and delusion, or practicing to be free of them”.’ 

mn151delusion6Pi En Ru dhamma

‘yena cāhaṁ maggena gāmaṁ piṇḍāya pāvisiṁ, yasmiñca padese piṇḍāya acariṁ, yena ca maggena gāmato piṇḍāya paṭikkamiṁ, atthi nu kho me tattha cakkhuviññeyyesu rūpesu chando vā rāgo vā doso vā moho vā paṭighaṁ vāpi cetaso’ti?  ‘Along the path that I went for alms, or in the place I wandered for alms, or along the path that I returned from alms, was there any desire or greed or hate or delusion or repulsion in my heart for sights known by the eye?’ 
‘yena cāhaṁ maggena gāmaṁ piṇḍāya pāvisiṁ, yasmiñca padese piṇḍāya acariṁ, yena ca maggena gāmato piṇḍāya paṭikkamiṁ, atthi me tattha cakkhuviññeyyesu rūpesu chando vā rāgo vā doso vā moho vā paṭighaṁ vāpi cetaso’ti, tena, sāriputta, bhikkhunā tesaṁyeva pāpakānaṁ akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ pahānāya vāyamitabbaṁ. 
there was such desire or greed or hate or delusion or repulsion in their heart, they should make an effort to give up those unskillful qualities. 
‘yena cāhaṁ maggena gāmaṁ piṇḍāya pāvisiṁ, yasmiñca padese piṇḍāya acariṁ, yena ca maggena gāmato piṇḍāya paṭikkamiṁ, natthi me tattha cakkhuviññeyyesu rūpesu chando vā rāgo vā doso vā moho vā paṭighaṁ vāpi cetaso’ti, tena, sāriputta, bhikkhunā teneva pītipāmojjena vihātabbaṁ ahorattānusikkhinā kusalesu dhammesu. 
there was no such desire or greed or hate or delusion or repulsion in their heart, they should meditate with rapture and joy, training day and night in skillful qualities. 
‘yena cāhaṁ maggena gāmaṁ piṇḍāya pāvisiṁ, yasmiñca padese piṇḍāya acariṁ, yena ca maggena gāmato piṇḍāya paṭikkamiṁ, atthi nu kho me tattha sotaviññeyyesu saddesu …pe… 
‘Along the path that I went for alms, or in the place I wandered for alms, or along the path that I returned from alms, was there any desire or greed or hate or delusion or repulsion in my heart for sounds known by the ear … 
‘yena cāhaṁ maggena gāmaṁ piṇḍāya pāvisiṁ, yasmiñca padese piṇḍāya acariṁ, yena ca maggena gāmato piṇḍāya paṭikkamiṁ, atthi me tattha manoviññeyyesu dhammesu chando vā rāgo vā doso vā moho vā paṭighaṁ vāpi cetaso’ti, tena, sāriputta, bhikkhunā tesaṁyeva pāpakānaṁ akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ pahānāya vāyamitabbaṁ. 
there was such desire or greed or hate or delusion or repulsion in their heart, they should make an effort to give up those unskillful qualities. 
‘yena cāhaṁ maggena gāmaṁ piṇḍāya pāvisiṁ, yasmiñca padese piṇḍāya acariṁ, yena ca maggena gāmato piṇḍāya paṭikkamiṁ, natthi me tattha manoviññeyyesu dhammesu chando vā rāgo vā doso vā moho vā paṭighaṁ vāpi cetaso’ti, tena, sāriputta, bhikkhunā teneva pītipāmojjena vihātabbaṁ ahorattānusikkhinā kusalesu dhammesu. 
there was no such desire or greed or hate or delusion or repulsion in their heart, they should meditate with rapture and joy, training day and night in skillful qualities. 

sn1.46delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Vanantaṁ mohanaṁ nāma,  This grove is called ‘Delusion’. 

sn2.29delusional4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kassa hi nāma, bhante, abālassa aduṭṭhassa amūḷhassa avipallatthacittassa āyasmā sāriputto na rucceyya?  “Sir, who on earth would not endorse Venerable Sāriputta unless they’re a fool, a hater, delusional, or mentally deranged? 
Kassa hi nāma, bhante, abālassa aduṭṭhassa amūḷhassa avipallatthacittassa āyasmā sāriputto na rucceyyā”ti? 
Who on earth would not endorse Venerable Sāriputta unless they’re a fool, a hater, delusional, or mentally deranged?” 
Kassa hi nāma, ānanda, abālassa aduṭṭhassa amūḷhassa avipallatthacittassa sāriputto na rucceyya? 
Who on earth would not endorse Venerable Sāriputta unless they’re a fool, a hater, delusional, or mentally deranged?” 
Kassa hi nāma, bhante, abālassa aduṭṭhassa amūḷhassa avipallatthacittassa āyasmā sāriputto na rucceyya? 
Who on earth would not endorse Venerable Sāriputta unless they’re a fool, a hater, delusional, or mentally deranged?” 

sn3.2delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Moho kho, mahārāja, purisassa dhammo ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati ahitāya dukkhāya aphāsuvihārāya.  and delusion. 
“Lobho doso ca moho ca, 
“When greed, hate, and delusion, 

sn3.23delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Moho kho, mahārāja, lokassa dhammo, uppajjamāno uppajjati ahitāya dukkhāya aphāsuvihārāya.  and delusion. 
“Lobho doso ca moho ca, 
“When greed, hate, and delusion, 

sn7.22delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgañca dosañca pahāya mohaṁ,  Having given up greed, hate, and delusion, 

sn11.3delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Sakko hi, bhikkhave, devānamindo avītarāgo avītadoso avītamoho bhīru chambhī utrāsī palāyīti.  Because Sakka is not free of greed, hate, and delusion. He is fearful, scared, nervous, quick to flee. 
Tathāgato hi, bhikkhave, arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vītarāgo vītadoso vītamoho abhīru acchambhī anutrāsī apalāyī’”ti. 
Because the Realized One is free of greed, hate, and delusion. He is fearless, brave, bold, and stands his ground.” 

sn12.70delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

samohaṁ vā cittaṁ samohaṁ cittanti pajānātha;  Do you understand mind with delusion as ‘mind with delusion’, 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ vītamohaṁ cittanti pajānātha; 
and mind without delusion as ‘mind without delusion’? 

sn16.9delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

samohaṁ vā cittaṁ …  mind with delusion … 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ … 
mind without delusion … 

sn22.23delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo, bhikkhave, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo.  The ending of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn22.76delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

mohajālaṁ padālitaṁ.  and the net of delusion is shattered. 

sn22.100delusion3Pi En Ru dhamma

‘dīgharattamidaṁ cittaṁ saṅkiliṭṭhaṁ rāgena dosena mohenā’ti.  ‘For a long time this mind has been corrupted by greed, hate, and delusion.’ 
‘dīgharattamidaṁ cittaṁ saṅkiliṭṭhaṁ rāgena dosena mohenā’ti. 
‘For a long time this mind has been corrupted by greed, hate, and delusion.’ 
‘dīgharattamidaṁ cittaṁ saṅkiliṭṭhaṁ rāgena dosena mohenā’ti. 
‘For a long time this mind has been corrupted by greed, hate, and delusion.’ 

sn22.106delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgakkhayo, dosakkhayo, mohakkhayo—  The ending of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn23.4delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo kho, rādha, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo—  The ending of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn35.28delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Rāgagginā, dosagginā, mohagginā ādittaṁ, jātiyā jarāya maraṇena sokehi paridevehi dukkhehi domanassehi upāyāsehi ādittan’ti vadāmi …pe…  Burning with the fires of greed, hate, and delusion. Burning with rebirth, old age, and death, with sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress. 
‘Rāgagginā, dosagginā, mohagginā ādittaṁ, jātiyā jarāya maraṇena sokehi paridevehi dukkhehi domanassehi upāyāsehi ādittan’ti vadāmi. 
Burning with the fires of greed, hate, and delusion. Burning with rebirth, old age, and death, with sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress, I say. 

sn35.29delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Jātiyā jarāya maraṇena sokehi paridevehi dukkhehi domanassehi upāyāsehi addhabhūtan’ti vadāmi …pe…  Oppressed by the fires of greed, hate, and delusion. Oppressed by rebirth, old age, and death, by sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress, I say. 
‘Jātiyā jarāya maraṇena sokehi paridevehi dukkhehi domanassehi upāyāsehi addhabhūtan’ti vadāmi. 
Oppressed by greed, hate, and delusion. Oppressed by rebirth, old age, and death, by sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress, I say. 

sn35.153delusion8Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā santaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ rāgadosamohaṁ, atthi me ajjhattaṁ rāgadosamohoti pajānāti;  Take a mendicant who sees a sight with the eye. When they have greed, hate, and delusion in them, they understand ‘I have greed, hate, and delusion in me.’ 
asantaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ rāgadosamohaṁ, natthi me ajjhattaṁ rāgadosamohoti pajānāti. 
When they don’t have greed, hate, and delusion in them, they understand ‘I don’t have greed, hate, and delusion in me.’ 
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu manasā dhammaṁ viññāya santaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ rāgadosamohaṁ, atthi me ajjhattaṁ rāgadosamohoti pajānāti; 
knows an idea with the mind. When they have greed, hate, and delusion in them, they understand ‘I have greed, hate, and delusion in me.’ 
asantaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ rāgadosamohaṁ, natthi me ajjhattaṁ rāgadosamohoti pajānāti. 
When they don’t have greed, hate, and delusion in them, they understand ‘I don’t have greed, hate, and delusion in me.’ 

sn35.231delusion16Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yassa kassaci, bhikkhave, bhikkhussa vā bhikkhuniyā vā cakkhuviññeyyesu rūpesu yo rāgo so atthi, yo doso so atthi, yo moho so atthi, yo rāgo so appahīno, yo doso so appahīno, yo moho so appahīno tassa parittā cepi cakkhuviññeyyā rūpā cakkhussa āpāthaṁ āgacchanti pariyādiyantevassa cittaṁ; ko pana vādo adhimattānaṁ.  “Mendicants, take any monk or nun who, when it comes to sights known by the eye, still has greed, hate, and delusion, and has not given them up. If even trivial sights come into their range of vision they overcome their mind, let alone those that are compelling. 
Yo, bhikkhave, rāgo, so atthi, yo doso so atthi, yo moho so atthi, yo rāgo so appahīno, yo doso so appahīno, yo moho so appahīno …pe…. 
Because they still have greed, hate, and delusion, and have not given them up. 
Yassa kassaci, bhikkhave, bhikkhussa vā bhikkhuniyā vā manoviññeyyesu dhammesu yo rāgo so atthi, yo doso so atthi, yo moho so atthi, yo rāgo so appahīno, yo doso so appahīno, yo moho so appahīno, tassa parittā cepi manoviññeyyā dhammā manassa āpāthaṁ āgacchanti pariyādiyantevassa cittaṁ; ko pana vādo adhimattānaṁ. 
ideas known by the mind, they still have greed, hate, and delusion, and have not given them up. If even trivial thoughts come into the range of the mind they overcome their mind, let alone those that are compelling. 
Yo, bhikkhave, rāgo, so atthi, yo doso so atthi, yo moho so atthi, yo rāgo so appahīno, yo doso so appahīno, yo moho so appahīno. 
Because they still have greed, hate, and delusion, and have not given them up. 
“Evameva kho, bhikkhave, yassa kassaci bhikkhussa vā bhikkhuniyā vā cakkhuviññeyyesu rūpesu yo rāgo so atthi, yo doso so atthi, yo moho so atthi, yo rāgo so appahīno, yo doso so appahīno, yo moho so appahīno, tassa parittā cepi cakkhuviññeyyā rūpā cakkhussa āpāthaṁ āgacchanti pariyādiyantevassa cittaṁ; ko pana vādo adhimattānaṁ. 
“In the same way, take any monk or nun who, when it comes to sights known by the eye, still has greed, hate, and delusion, and has not given them up. If even trivial sights come into their range of vision they overcome their mind, let alone those that are compelling. 
Yo, bhikkhave, rāgo so atthi, yo doso so atthi, yo moho so atthi, yo rāgo so appahīno, yo doso so appahīno, yo moho so appahīno …pe…. 
Because they still have greed, hate, and delusion, and have not given them up. 
Yassa kassaci, bhikkhave, bhikkhussa vā bhikkhuniyā vā manoviññeyyesu dhammesu yo rāgo so atthi, yo doso so atthi, yo moho so atthi, yo rāgo so appahīno, yo doso so appahīno, yo moho so appahīno, tassa parittā cepi manoviññeyyā dhammā manassa āpāthaṁ āgacchanti pariyādiyantevassa cittaṁ; ko pana vādo adhimattānaṁ. 
ideas known by the mind, they still have greed, hate, and delusion, and have not given them up. If even trivial thoughts come into the range of the mind they overcome their mind, let alone those that are compelling. 
Yo, bhikkhave, rāgo so atthi, yo doso so atthi, yo moho so atthi, yo rāgo so appahīno, yo doso so appahīno, yo moho so appahīno. 
Because they still have greed, hate, and delusion, and have not given them up. 
Yassa kassaci, bhikkhave, bhikkhussa vā bhikkhuniyā vā cakkhuviññeyyesu rūpesu yo rāgo so natthi, yo doso so natthi, yo moho so natthi, yo rāgo so pahīno, yo doso so pahīno, yo moho so pahīno, tassa adhimattā cepi cakkhuviññeyyā rūpā cakkhussa āpāthaṁ āgacchanti nevassa cittaṁ pariyādiyanti; ko pana vādo parittānaṁ. 
Take any monk or nun who, when it comes to sights known by the eye, has no greed, hate, and delusion left, and has given them up. If even compelling sights come into their range of vision they don’t overcome their mind, let alone those that are trivial. 
Yo, bhikkhave, rāgo so natthi, yo doso so natthi, yo moho so natthi, yo rāgo so pahīno, yo doso so pahīno, yo moho so pahīno …pe…. 
Because they have no greed, hate, and delusion left, and have given them up. 
Yassa kassaci, bhikkhave, bhikkhussa vā bhikkhuniyā vā jivhāviññeyyesu rasesu …pe… manoviññeyyesu dhammesu yo rāgo so natthi, yo doso so natthi, yo moho so natthi, yo rāgo so pahīno, yo doso so pahīno, yo moho so pahīno, tassa adhimattā cepi manoviññeyyā dhammā manassa āpāthaṁ āgacchanti nevassa cittaṁ pariyādiyanti; ko pana vādo parittānaṁ. 
When it comes to sounds … smells … tastes … touches … ideas known by the mind, they have no greed, hate, and delusion left, and have given them up. If even compelling ideas come into the range of the mind they don’t overcome their mind, let alone those that are trivial. 
Yo, bhikkhave, rāgo so natthi, yo doso so natthi, yo moho so natthi, yo rāgo so pahīno, yo doso so pahīno, yo moho so pahīno. 
Because they have no greed, hate, and delusion left, and have given them up. 
“Evameva kho, bhikkhave, yassa kassaci bhikkhussa vā bhikkhuniyā vā cakkhuviññeyyesu rūpesu yo rāgo so natthi, yo doso so natthi, yo moho so natthi, yo rāgo so pahīno, yo doso so pahīno, yo moho so pahīno, tassa adhimattā cepi cakkhuviññeyyā rūpā cakkhussa āpāthaṁ āgacchanti nevassa cittaṁ pariyādiyanti; ko pana vādo parittānaṁ. 
“In the same way, take any monk or nun who, when it comes to sights known by the eye, has no greed, hate, and delusion left, and has given them up. If even compelling sights come into their range of vision they don’t overcome their mind, let alone those that are trivial. 
Yo, bhikkhave, rāgo so natthi, yo doso so natthi, yo moho so natthi, yo rāgo so pahīno, yo doso so pahīno, yo moho so pahīno …pe…. 
Because they have no greed, hate, and delusion left, and have given them up. 
Yassa kassaci, bhikkhave, bhikkhussa vā bhikkhuniyā vā manoviññeyyesu dhammesu yo rāgo so natthi, yo doso so natthi, yo moho so natthi, yo rāgo so pahīno, yo doso so pahīno, yo moho so pahīno, tassa adhimattā cepi manoviññeyyā dhammā manassa āpāthaṁ āgacchanti, nevassa cittaṁ pariyādiyanti; ko pana vādo parittānaṁ. 
ideas known by the mind, they have no greed, hate, and delusion left, and have given them up. If even compelling thoughts come into the range of the mind they don’t overcome their mind, let alone those that are trivial. 
Yo, bhikkhave, rāgo so natthi, yo doso so natthi, yo moho so natthi, yo rāgo so pahīno, yo doso so pahīno, yo moho so pahīno”ti. 
Because they have no greed, hate, and delusion left, and have given them up.” 

sn35.246delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yassa kassaci, bhikkhave, bhikkhussa vā bhikkhuniyā vā cakkhuviññeyyesu rūpesu uppajjeyya chando vā rāgo vā doso vā moho vā paṭighaṁ vāpi cetaso, tato cittaṁ nivāreyya.  “Mendicants, any monk or nun who has desire or greed or hate or delusion or repulsion come up for sights known by the eye should shield their mind from them: 
paṭighaṁ vāpi → paṭighaṁ vā (bj) 
yassa kassaci, bhikkhave, bhikkhussa vā bhikkhuniyā vā jivhāviññeyyesu rasesu …pe… 
Any monk or nun who has desire or greed or hate or delusion or repulsion come up for sounds … smells … tastes … touches … 

sn36.11delusion3Pi En Ru dhamma

Khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgo niruddho hoti, doso niruddho hoti, moho niruddho hoti.  For a mendicant who has ended the defilements, greed, hate, and delusion have ceased. 
Khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgo vūpasanto hoti, doso vūpasanto hoti, moho vūpasanto hoti. 
For a mendicant who has ended the defilements, greed, hate, and delusion have stilled. 
Khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgo paṭippassaddho hoti, doso paṭippassaddho hoti, moho paṭippassaddho hotī”ti. 
For a mendicant who has ended the defilements, greed, hate, and delusion have been tranquilized.” 

sn36.15delusion3Pi En Ru dhamma

Khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgo niruddho hoti, doso niruddho hoti, moho niruddho hoti.  For a mendicant who has ended the defilements, greed, hate, and delusion have ceased. 
Khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgo vūpasanto hoti, doso vūpasanto hoti, moho vūpasanto hoti. 
For a mendicant who has ended the defilements, greed, hate, and delusion have stilled. 
Khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgo paṭippassaddho hoti, doso paṭippassaddho hoti, moho paṭippassaddho hotī”ti. 
For a mendicant who has ended the defilements, greed, hate, and delusion have been tranquilized.” 

sn36.16delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgo paṭippassaddho hoti, doso paṭippassaddho hoti, moho paṭippassaddho hotī”ti.  For a mendicant who has ended the defilements, greed, hate, and delusion have been tranquilized.” 

sn36.17delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgo paṭippassaddho hoti, doso paṭippassaddho hoti, moho paṭippassaddho hotī”ti.  For a mendicant who has ended the defilements, greed, hate, and delusion have been tranquilized.” 

sn36.31delusion4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yā kho, bhikkhave, khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, dosā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, mohā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato uppajjati pīti, ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, nirāmisā nirāmisatarā pīti.  When a mendicant who has ended the defilements reviews their mind free from greed, hate, and delusion, rapture arises. This is called rapture even more spiritual than that not of the flesh. 
Yaṁ kho, bhikkhave, khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, dosā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, mohā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, idaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, nirāmisā nirāmisataraṁ sukhaṁ. 
When a mendicant who has ended the defilements reviews their mind free from greed, hate, and delusion, pleasure and happiness arises. This is called pleasure even more spiritual than that not of the flesh. 
Yā kho, bhikkhave, khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, dosā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, mohā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato uppajjati upekkhā, ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, nirāmisā nirāmisatarā upekkhā. 
When a mendicant who has ended the defilements reviews their mind free from greed, hate, and delusion, equanimity arises. This is called equanimity even more spiritual than that not of the flesh. 
Yo kho, bhikkhave, khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, dosā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, mohā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato uppajjati vimokkho, ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, nirāmisā nirāmisataro vimokkho”ti. 
When a mendicant who has ended the defilements reviews their mind free from greed, hate, and delusion, liberation arises. This is called liberation even more spiritual than that not of the flesh.” 

sn38.1delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yo kho, āvuso, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo—  “Reverend, the ending of greed, hate, and delusion 

sn38.2delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yo kho, āvuso, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo—  “Reverend, the ending of greed, hate, and delusion 

sn38.3delusion delusion—so6Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ye kho, āvuso, rāgappahānāya dhammaṁ desenti, dosappahānāya dhammaṁ desenti, mohappahānāya dhammaṁ desenti, te loke dhammavādino.  “Reverend, those who teach principles for giving up greed, hate, and delusion have principled speech in the world. 
Ye kho, āvuso, rāgassa pahānāya paṭipannā, dosassa pahānāya paṭipannā, mohassa pahānāya paṭipannā, te loke suppaṭipannā. 
Those who practice for giving up greed, hate, and delusion are practicing well in the world. 
Yesaṁ kho, āvuso, rāgo pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo, doso pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo, moho pahīno ucchinnamūlo tālāvatthukato anabhāvaṅkato āyatiṁ anuppādadhammo, te loke sugatā”ti. 
Those who have given up greed, hate, and delusion—so they’re cut off at the root, made like a palm stump, obliterated, and unable to arise in the future—are Holy Ones in the world.” 
“Atthi panāvuso, maggo atthi paṭipadā etassa rāgassa dosassa mohassa pahānāyā”ti? 
“But, reverend, is there a path and a practice for giving up that greed, hate, and delusion?” 
Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā etassa rāgassa dosassa mohassa pahānāyā”ti. 
This is the path, this is the practice for giving up that greed, hate, and delusion.” 
“Bhaddako, āvuso, maggo bhaddikā paṭipadā, etassa rāgassa dosassa mohassa pahānāya. 
“This is a fine path, a fine practice, for giving up greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn39.1-15delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yo kho, āvuso, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo—  “Reverend, the ending of greed, hate, and delusion 

sn41.5delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgo kho, bhante, nīgho, doso nīgho, moho nīgho.  Greed, hate, and delusion are troubles. 
Rāgo kho, bhante, bandhanaṁ, doso bandhanaṁ, moho bandhanaṁ. 
Greed, hate, and delusion are bonds. 

sn41.7delusion6Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgo, bhante, pamāṇakaraṇo, doso pamāṇakaraṇo, moho pamāṇakaraṇo.  Greed, hate, and delusion are makers of limits. 
Sā kho pana akuppā cetovimutti suññā rāgena, suññā dosena, suññā mohena. 
That unshakable release of the heart is empty of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Rāgo kho, bhante, kiñcanaṁ, doso kiñcanaṁ, moho kiñcanaṁ. 
Greed is something, hate is something, and delusion is something. 
Sā kho pana akuppā cetovimutti suññā rāgena, suññā dosena, suññā mohena. 
That unshakable release of the heart is empty of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Rāgo kho, bhante, nimittakaraṇo, doso nimittakaraṇo, moho nimittakaraṇo. 
Greed, hate, and delusion are makers of signs. 
Sā kho pana akuppā cetovimutti suññā rāgena, suññā dosena, suññā mohena. 
That unshakable release of the heart is empty of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn42.1delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Moho appahīno hoti.  They haven’t given up delusion. 
Moho pahīno hoti. 
They’ve given up delusion. 

sn42.2delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Pubbe kho, gāmaṇi, sattā avītamohā mohabandhanabaddhā.  When sentient beings are still not free of delusion, and are still bound by delusion, 

sn42.12delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ mūḷho mohādhikaraṇaṁ attabyābādhāyapi ceteti, parabyābādhāyapi ceteti, ubhayabyābādhāyapi ceteti.  A deluded person, because of delusion, intends to hurt themselves, hurt others, and hurt both. 
Mohe pahīne nevattabyābādhāya ceteti, na parabyābādhāya ceteti, na ubhayabyābādhāya ceteti. 
When they’ve given up delusion they don’t have such intentions. 

sn43.1delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo, bhikkhave, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo—  The ending of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn43.2delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo, bhikkhave, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo—  The ending of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn43.12delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo, bhikkhave, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo—  The ending of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Yo, bhikkhave, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo— 
The ending of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn43.44delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo, bhikkhave, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo—  The ending of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.4delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Sammādiṭṭhi, ānanda, bhāvitā bahulīkatā rāgavinayapariyosānā hoti, dosavinayapariyosānā hoti, mohavinayapariyosānā hoti.  When right view is developed and cultivated it culminates with the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 
Sammāsamādhi, ānanda, bhāvito bahulīkato rāgavinayapariyosāno hoti, dosa …pe… mohavinayapariyosāno hoti. 
right immersion is developed and cultivated it culminates with the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.6delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo kho, bhikkhu, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo—  The ending of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.7delusion3Pi En Ru dhamma

“‘Rāgavinayo dosavinayo mohavinayo’ti, bhante, vuccati.  “Sir, they speak of ‘the removal of greed, hate, and delusion’. 
“Nibbānadhātuyā kho etaṁ, bhikkhu, adhivacanaṁ: 
“Mendicant, the removal of greed, hate, and delusion is a term for the element of extinguishment. 
“Yo kho, bhikkhu, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo— 
“The ending of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.19delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo kho, āvuso, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo—  The ending of greed, hate, and delusion: 

sn45.20delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo kho, āvuso, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo—  The ending of greed, hate, and delusion: 

sn45.36delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo kho, bhikkhave, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo—  The ending of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.38delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo kho, bhikkhave, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo—  The ending of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.40delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo kho, bhikkhave, rāgakkhayo dosakkhayo mohakkhayo—  The ending of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.56delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sammādiṭṭhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ …pe… sammāsamādhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ.  It’s when a mendicant develops right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right immersion, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.62delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sammādiṭṭhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ …pe… sammāsamādhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ.  It’s when a mendicant develops right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right immersion, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.70delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sammādiṭṭhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ …pe… sammāsamādhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ.  It’s when a mendicant develops right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right immersion, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.76delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sammādiṭṭhiṁ bhāveti …pe… sammāsamādhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ.  It’s when a mendicant develops right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right immersion, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.84delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sammādiṭṭhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ …pe… sammāsamādhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ.  It’s when a mendicant develops right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right immersion, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.90delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sammādiṭṭhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ …pe… sammāsamādhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ.  It’s when a mendicant develops right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right immersion, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.103delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sammādiṭṭhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ …pe… sammāsamādhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ.  It’s when a mendicant develops right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right immersion, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.109delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sammādiṭṭhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ …pe… sammāsamādhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ.  It’s when a mendicant develops right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right immersion, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.139delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sammādiṭṭhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ …pe… sammāsamādhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ.  It’s when a mendicant develops right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right immersion, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.149delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sammādiṭṭhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ …pe… sammāsamādhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ.  “… which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion …” 

sn45.161delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sammādiṭṭhiṁ bhāveti …pe… sammāsamādhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ.  It’s when a mendicant develops right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right immersion, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.166delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgo khilo, doso khilo, moho khilo—  Greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.167delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgo malaṁ, doso malaṁ, moho malaṁ—  Greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.168delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rāgo nīgho, doso nīgho, moho nīgho—  Greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.170delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ …pe…  … which culminates in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn45.180delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sammādiṭṭhiṁ bhāveti …pe… sammāsamādhiṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ …  It’s when a mendicant develops right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right immersion, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion …” 

sn46.28delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

anibbiddhapubbaṁ appadālitapubbaṁ mohakkhandhaṁ nibbijjhati padāleti …pe…  and the mass of delusion for the first time. … 
anibbiddhapubbaṁ appadālitapubbaṁ mohakkhandhaṁ nibbijjhati padāleti. 
and the mass of delusion for the first time. 

sn46.130delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

upekkhāsambojjhaṅgaṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ …  and equanimity, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. …” 

sn46.175-184delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

(Rāgavinayapariyosāna-dosavinayapariyosāna-mohavinayapariyosānavaggo vitthāretabbo.)  (Tell in full as in the chapter on removal of greed, hate, and delusion.) 

sn48.125-136delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhindriyaṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ …pe… paññindriyaṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ.  It’s when a mendicant develops the faculties of faith, energy, mindfulness, immersion, and wisdom, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn48.169-178delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhindriyaṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ. Vīriyindriyaṁ …pe… satindriyaṁ … samādhindriyaṁ … paññindriyaṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ.  It’s when a mendicant develops the faculties of faith, energy, mindfulness, immersion, and wisdom, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn50.55-66delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu, saddhābalaṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ …  It’s when a mendicant develops the powers of faith, energy, mindfulness, immersion, and wisdom, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn50.99-108delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddhābalaṁ bhāveti …pe… paññābalaṁ bhāveti rāgavinayapariyosānaṁ dosavinayapariyosānaṁ mohavinayapariyosānaṁ.  A mendicant develops the powers of faith, energy, mindfulness, immersion, and wisdom, which culminate in the removal of greed, hate, and delusion. 

sn51.11delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

samohaṁ vā cittaṁ ‘samohaṁ cittan’ti pajānāti;  mind with delusion … 
vītamohaṁ vā cittaṁ ‘vītamohaṁ cittan’ti pajānāti; 
mind without delusion … 

sn55.8delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sudatto, ānanda, upāsako kālaṅkato tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī; sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissati.  The layman Sudatta passed away having ended three fetters, and weakened greed, hate, and delusion. He’s a once-returner; he will come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 

sn55.10delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sādhikanavuti, ānanda, ñātike upāsakā kālaṅkatā tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmino; sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissanti.  More than ninety laymen in Ñātika have passed away having ended three fetters, and weakened greed, hate, and delusion. They’re once-returners, who will come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 

sn55.24delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

So tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī hoti, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karoti.  With the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, they’re a once-returner. They come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 

sn55.25delusion1Pi En Ru dhamma

So tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī hoti, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karoti.  With the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, they’re a once-returner. They come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering. 

sn55.52delusion2Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho eteva bahutarā bhikkhū ye tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmino, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissantī’ti.  There are more mendicants who, with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, are once-returners, who come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering.’ 
‘appakā te, bhikkhave, bhikkhū ye tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmino, sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissanti. 
‘There are fewer mendicants who, with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, are once-returners, who come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering.