Dhataraṭṭh 4 texts 8 matches in an sn mn dn Pali


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dn18dhataraṭṭho1Pi En Ru dhamma

Puratthimāya disāya dhataraṭṭho mahārājā pacchimābhimukho nisinno hoti deve purakkhatvā;  The Great King Dhataraṭṭha was seated to the east, facing west, in front of his gods. 

dn19dhataraṭṭho dhataraṭṭhā2Pi En Ru dhamma

puratthimāya disāya dhataraṭṭho mahārājā pacchimābhimukho nisinno hoti deve purakkhatvā;  The Great King Dhataraṭṭha was seated to the east, facing west, in front of his gods. 
Reṇu dve dhataraṭṭhā ca, 
Reṇu and the two Dhataraṭṭhas: 

dn20dhataraṭṭho dhataraṭṭhā3Pi En Ru dhamma

dhataraṭṭho pasāsati;  the eastern quarter. 
Purimaṁ disaṁ dhataraṭṭho, 
Dhataraṭṭha in the east, 
Yāmunā dhataraṭṭhā ca, 
Those from Yamunā, and the Dhataraṭṭha 

dn32dhataraṭṭho’ti dhataraṭṭho”ti2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘dhataraṭṭho’ti nāmaso;  his name is Dhataraṭṭha. 
“dhataraṭṭho”ti nāmaso;