Dog 42 texts and 84 matches in Suttanta English

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
an2.1-10dogs2Pi En Ru dhamma

kasāhipi tāḷente, vettehipi tāḷente, addhadaṇḍakehipi tāḷente, hatthampi chindante, pādampi chindante, hatthapādampi chindante, kaṇṇampi chindante, nāsampi chindante, kaṇṇanāsampi chindante, bilaṅgathālikampi karonte, saṅkhamuṇḍikampi karonte, rāhumukhampi karonte, jotimālikampi karonte, hatthapajjotikampi karonte, erakavattikampi karonte, cīrakavāsikampi karonte, eṇeyyakampi karonte, baḷisamaṁsikampi karonte, kahāpaṇikampi karonte, khārāpatacchikampi karonte, palighaparivattikampi karonte, palālapīṭhakampi karonte, tattenapi telena osiñcante, sunakhehipi khādāpente, jīvantampi sūle uttāsente, asināpi sīsaṁ chindante.  whipping, caning, and clubbing; cutting off hands or feet, or both; cutting off ears or nose, or both; the ‘porridge pot’, the ‘shell-shave’, the ‘Rāhu’s mouth’, the ‘garland of fire’, the ‘burning hand’, the ‘bulrush twist’, the ‘bark dress’, the ‘antelope’, the ‘meat hook’, the ‘coins’, the ‘caustic pickle’, the ‘twisting bar’, the ‘straw mat’; being splashed with hot oil, being fed to the dogs, being impaled alive, and being beheaded. 
khārāpatacchikampi → khārāpaṭicchakampi (sya-all, km, mr) | palālapīṭhakampi → palālapiṭṭhikampi (bj) 
Sambhedaṁ loko agamissa, yathā ajeḷakā kukkuṭasūkarā soṇasiṅgālā. 
The world would become dissolute, like goats and sheep, chickens and pigs, and dogs and jackals. 
soṇasiṅgālā → sonasigālā (bj); soṇasigālā (sya-all, km, pts1ed) 

an3.156-162dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

So na kumbhimukhā paṭiggaṇhāti, na kaḷopimukhā paṭiggaṇhāti na eḷakamantaraṁ na daṇḍamantaraṁ na musalamantaraṁ na dvinnaṁ bhuñjamānānaṁ na gabbhiniyā na pāyamānāya na purisantaragatāya na saṅkittīsu na yattha sā upaṭṭhito hoti na yattha makkhikā saṇḍasaṇḍacārinī na macchaṁ na maṁsaṁ na suraṁ na merayaṁ, na thusodakaṁ pivati.  They don’t receive anything from a pot or bowl; or from someone who keeps sheep, or who has a weapon or a shovel in their home; or where a couple is eating; or where there is a woman who is pregnant, breastfeeding, or who lives with a man; or where there’s a dog waiting or flies buzzing. They accept no fish or meat or beer or wine, and drink no fermented gruel. 
kaḷopimukhā → khaḷopimukhā (bj) 

an4.121dogs1Pi En Ru dhamma

kasāhipi tāḷente, vettehipi tāḷente, addhadaṇḍakehipi tāḷente, hatthampi chindante, pādampi chindante, hatthapādampi chindante, kaṇṇampi chindante, nāsampi chindante, kaṇṇanāsampi chindante, bilaṅgathālikampi karonte, saṅkhamuṇḍikampi karonte, rāhumukhampi karonte, jotimālikampi karonte, hatthapajjotikampi karonte, erakavattikampi karonte, cīrakavāsikampi karonte, eṇeyyakampi karonte, balisamaṁsikampi karonte, kahāpaṇakampi karonte, khārāpatacchikampi karonte, palighaparivattikampi karonte, palālapīṭhakampi karonte, tattenapi telena osiñcante, sunakhehipi khādāpente, jīvantampi sūle uttāsente, asināpi sīsaṁ chindante.  whipping, caning, and clubbing; cutting off hands or feet, or both; cutting off ears or nose, or both; the ‘porridge pot’, the ‘shell-shave’, the ‘Rāhu’s mouth’, the ‘garland of fire’, the ‘burning hand’, the ‘bulrush twist’, the ‘bark dress’, the ‘antelope’, the ‘meat hook’, the ‘coins’, the ‘caustic pickle’, the ‘twisting bar’, the ‘straw mat’; being splashed with hot oil, being fed to the dogs, being impaled alive, and being beheaded. 

an4.198dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

So na kumbhimukhā paṭiggaṇhāti, na kaḷopimukhā paṭiggaṇhāti, na eḷakamantaraṁ na daṇḍamantaraṁ na musalamantaraṁ na dvinnaṁ bhuñjamānānaṁ na gabbhiniyā na pāyamānāya na purisantaragatāya na saṅkittīsu na yattha sā upaṭṭhito hoti na yattha makkhikā saṇḍasaṇḍacārinī na macchaṁ na maṁsaṁ na suraṁ na merayaṁ na thusodakaṁ pivati.  They don’t receive anything from a pot or bowl; or from someone who keeps sheep, or who has a weapon or a shovel in their home; or where a couple is eating; or where there is a woman who is pregnant, breastfeeding, or who lives with a man; or where there’s a dog waiting or flies buzzing. They accept no fish or meat or beer or wine, and drink no fermented gruel. 

an5.191dogs16Pi En Ru dhamma

Soṇasutta  Dogs 
“Pañcime, bhikkhave, porāṇā brāhmaṇadhammā etarahi sunakhesu sandissanti, no brāhmaṇesu. 
“Mendicants, these five ancient traditions of the brahmins are exhibited these days among dogs, but not among brahmins. 
Etarahi, bhikkhave, sunakhā sunakhiṁyeva gacchanti, no asunakhiṁ. 
But these days dogs have sex only with female dogs, not with other species. 
Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, paṭhamo porāṇo brāhmaṇadhammo etarahi sunakhesu sandissati, no brāhmaṇesu. 
This is the first ancient tradition of the brahmins exhibited these days among dogs, but not among brahmins. 
Etarahi, bhikkhave, sunakhā sunakhiṁ utuniṁyeva gacchanti, no anutuniṁ. 
But these days dogs have sex only with female dogs when they are in heat, not at other times. 
Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, dutiyo porāṇo brāhmaṇadhammo etarahi sunakhesu sandissati, no brāhmaṇesu. 
This is the second ancient tradition of the brahmins exhibited these days among dogs, but not among brahmins. 
Etarahi, bhikkhave, sunakhā sunakhiṁ neva kiṇanti no vikkiṇanti, sampiyeneva saṁvāsaṁ sambandhāya sampavattenti. 
But these days dogs neither buy nor sell female dogs. They live together because they’re attracted to each other and want their family line to continue. 
Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, tatiyo porāṇo brāhmaṇadhammo etarahi sunakhesu sandissati, no brāhmaṇesu. 
This is the third ancient tradition of the brahmins exhibited these days among dogs, but not among brahmins. 
Etarahi, bhikkhave, sunakhā na sannidhiṁ karonti dhanassapi dhaññassapi rajatassapi jātarūpassapi. 
But these days dogs don’t store up money, grain, silver, or gold. 
Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, catuttho porāṇo brāhmaṇadhammo etarahi sunakhesu sandissati, no brāhmaṇesu. 
This is the fourth ancient tradition of the brahmins exhibited these days among dogs, but not among brahmins. 
Etarahi, bhikkhave, sunakhā sāyaṁ sāyamāsāya pāto pātarāsāya bhikkhaṁ pariyesanti. 
But these days dogs go looking for dinner in the evening, and for breakfast in the morning. 
Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, pañcamo porāṇo brāhmaṇadhammo etarahi sunakhesu sandissati, no brāhmaṇesu. 
This is the fifth ancient tradition of the brahmins exhibited these days among dogs, but not among brahmins. 
Ime kho, bhikkhave, pañca porāṇā brāhmaṇadhammā etarahi sunakhesu sandissanti, no brāhmaṇesū”ti. 
These five ancient traditions of the brahmins are exhibited these days among dogs, but not among brahmins.” 

an5.220dogs1Pi En Ru dhamma

Visamā, bahurajā, caṇḍasunakhā, vāḷayakkhā, dullabhapiṇḍā.  The ground is uneven and dusty, the dogs are fierce, the native spirits are vicious, and it’s hard to get almsfood. 

an6.29dogs1Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathāpi vā pana passeyya sarīraṁ sīvathikāya chaṭṭitaṁ kākehi vā khajjamānaṁ kulalehi vā khajjamānaṁ gijjhehi vā khajjamānaṁ sunakhehi vā khajjamānaṁ siṅgālehi vā khajjamānaṁ vividhehi vā pāṇakajātehi khajjamānaṁ.  Or suppose they were to see a corpse thrown in a charnel ground being devoured by crows, hawks, vultures, dogs, jackals, and many kinds of little creatures. 
Seyyathāpi vā pana → seyyathā vā pana (sya-all) | siṅgālehi → sigālehi (bj, pts1ed) 

an6.58dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso caṇḍaṁ hatthiṁ parivajjeti, caṇḍaṁ assaṁ parivajjeti, caṇḍaṁ goṇaṁ parivajjeti, caṇḍaṁ kukkuraṁ parivajjeti, ahiṁ khāṇuṁ kaṇṭakaṭṭhānaṁ sobbhaṁ papātaṁ candanikaṁ oḷigallaṁ, yathārūpe anāsane nisinnaṁ, yathārūpe agocare carantaṁ, yathārūpe pāpake mitte bhajantaṁ viññū sabrahmacārī pāpakesu ṭhānesu okappeyyuṁ, so tañca anāsanaṁ tañca agocaraṁ te ca pāpake mitte paṭisaṅkhā yoniso parivajjeti.  Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, avoids a wild elephant, a wild horse, a wild ox, a wild dog, a snake, a stump, thorny ground, a pit, a cliff, a swamp, and a sewer. Reflecting rationally, they avoid sitting on inappropriate seats, walking in inappropriate neighborhoods, and mixing with bad friends—whatever sensible spiritual companions would believe to be a bad setting. 

an9.11dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathāpi, bhante, itthī vā puriso vā daharo yuvā maṇḍanakajātiko sīsaṁnhāto ahikuṇapena vā kukkurakuṇapena vā manussakuṇapena vā kaṇṭhe āsattena aṭṭīyeyya harāyeyya jiguccheyya;  Suppose there was a woman or man who was young, youthful, and fond of adornments, and had bathed their head. If the carcass of a snake or a dog or a human were hung around their neck, they’d be horrified, repelled, and disgusted. 

an10.177dogs2Pi En Ru dhamma

kukkurānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  dogs. 
Yaṁ kho, brāhmaṇa, idha pāṇātipātī …pe… micchādiṭṭhiko, tena so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā kukkurānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
Since in this life they killed living creatures … and had wrong view, they were reborn in the company of dogs. 

dn8dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

So na kumbhimukhā paṭiggaṇhāti, na kaḷopimukhā paṭiggaṇhāti, na eḷakamantaraṁ, na daṇḍamantaraṁ, na musalamantaraṁ, na dvinnaṁ bhuñjamānānaṁ, na gabbhiniyā, na pāyamānāya, na purisantaragatāya, na saṅkittīsu, na yattha sā upaṭṭhito hoti, na yattha makkhikā saṇḍasaṇḍacārinī, na macchaṁ, na maṁsaṁ, na suraṁ, na merayaṁ, na thusodakaṁ pivati.  They don’t receive anything from a pot or bowl; or from someone who keeps sheep, or who has a weapon or a shovel in their home; or where a couple is eating; or where there is a woman who is pregnant, breastfeeding, or who lives with a man; or where there’s a dog waiting or flies buzzing. They accept no fish or meat or beer or wine, and drink no fermented gruel. 

dn13chāndogya2Pi En Ru dhamma

Kiñcāpi, bho gotama, brāhmaṇā nānāmagge paññāpenti, addhariyā brāhmaṇā tittiriyā brāhmaṇā chandokā brāhmaṇā bavhārijjhā brāhmaṇā, atha kho sabbāni tāni niyyānikā niyyanti takkarassa brahmasahabyatāya.  Even though brahmins describe different paths—the Adhvaryu brahmins, the Taittirīya brahmins, the Chāndogya brahmins, the Cāndrāyaṇa brahmins, and the Bahvṛca brahmins—all of them still lead someone who practices them to the company of Divinity. 
evameva kho, bho gotama, kiñcāpi brāhmaṇā nānāmagge paññāpenti, addhariyā brāhmaṇā tittiriyā brāhmaṇā chandokā brāhmaṇā bavhārijjhā brāhmaṇā, atha kho sabbāni tāni niyyānikā niyyanti takkarassa brahmasahabyatāyā”ti. 
In the same way, even though brahmins describe different paths—the Adhvaryu brahmins, the Taittirīya brahmins, the Chāndogya brahmins, the Cāndrāyaṇa brahmins, and the Bahvṛca brahmins—all of them still lead someone who practices them to the company of Divinity.” 

dn22dogs1Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu seyyathāpi passeyya sarīraṁ sivathikāya chaḍḍitaṁ kākehi vā khajjamānaṁ kulalehi vā khajjamānaṁ gijjhehi vā khajjamānaṁ kaṅkehi vā khajjamānaṁ sunakhehi vā khajjamānaṁ byagghehi vā khajjamānaṁ dīpīhi vā khajjamānaṁ siṅgālehi vā khajjamānaṁ vividhehi vā pāṇakajātehi khajjamānaṁ.  Furthermore, suppose they were to see a corpse discarded in a charnel ground being devoured by crows, hawks, vultures, herons, dogs, tigers, leopards, jackals, and many kinds of little creatures. 
kaṅkehi vā khajjamānaṁ sunakhehi vā khajjamānaṁ byagghehi vā khajjamānaṁ dīpīhi vā khajjamānaṁ siṅgālehi vā khajjamānaṁ → suvānehi vā khajjamānaṁ sigālehi vā khajjamānaṁ (si, sya-all, km), supāṇehi vā khajjamānaṁ sigālehi vā khajjamānaṁ (pts1ed) 

dn24dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

Tena kho pana samayena acelo korakkhattiyo kukkuravatiko catukkuṇḍiko chamānikiṇṇaṁ bhakkhasaṁ mukheneva khādati, mukheneva bhuñjati.  Now at that time a naked ascetic who was an aristocrat of Kuru had taken a vow to behave like a dog. When food is tossed on the ground, he gets down on all fours, eating and devouring it just with his mouth. 
catukkuṇḍiko → catukuṇḍiko (bj, pts1ed); catukoṇḍiko (cck, csp1ed); catukkoṇḍiko (sya1ed, sya2ed) 

dn25dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

so na kumbhimukhā paṭiggaṇhāti, na kaḷopimukhā paṭiggaṇhāti, na eḷakamantaraṁ, na daṇḍamantaraṁ, na musalamantaraṁ, na dvinnaṁ bhuñjamānānaṁ, na gabbhiniyā, na pāyamānāya, na purisantaragatāya, na saṅkittīsu, na yattha sā upaṭṭhito hoti, na yattha makkhikā saṇḍasaṇḍacārinī, na macchaṁ, na maṁsaṁ, na suraṁ, na merayaṁ, na thusodakaṁ pivati,  They don’t receive anything from a pot or bowl; or from someone who keeps sheep, or who has a weapon or a shovel in their home; or where a couple is eating; or where there is a woman who is pregnant, breast-feeding, or who lives with a man; or where there’s a dog waiting or flies buzzing. They accept no fish or meat or beer or wine, and drink no fermented gruel. 

dn26dogs1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sambhedaṁ loko gamissati yathā ajeḷakā kukkuṭasūkarā soṇasiṅgālā.  The world will become dissolute, like goats and sheep, chickens and pigs, and dogs and jackals. 
soṇasiṅgālā → soṇasigālā (bj, pts1ed); soṇā sigālā (sya-all) 

mn2dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso caṇḍaṁ hatthiṁ parivajjeti, caṇḍaṁ assaṁ parivajjeti, caṇḍaṁ goṇaṁ parivajjeti, caṇḍaṁ kukkuraṁ parivajjeti, ahiṁ khāṇuṁ kaṇṭakaṭṭhānaṁ sobbhaṁ papātaṁ candanikaṁ oḷigallaṁ.  Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, avoids a wild elephant, a wild horse, a wild ox, a wild dog, a snake, a stump, thorny ground, a pit, a cliff, a swamp, and a sewer. 

mn5dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

Tamenaṁ sāmikā ahikuṇapaṁ vā kukkurakuṇapaṁ vā manussakuṇapaṁ vā racayitvā aññissā kaṁsapātiyā paṭikujjitvā antarāpaṇaṁ paṭipajjeyyuṁ.  The owners were to prepare it with the carcass of a snake, a dog, or a human, cover it with a bronze lid, and parade it through the market-place. 

mn10dogs1Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu seyyathāpi passeyya sarīraṁ sivathikāya chaḍḍitaṁ kākehi vā khajjamānaṁ kulalehi vā khajjamānaṁ gijjhehi vā khajjamānaṁ kaṅkehi vā khajjamānaṁ sunakhehi vā khajjamānaṁ byagghehi vā khajjamānaṁ dīpīhi vā khajjamānaṁ siṅgālehi vā khajjamānaṁ vividhehi vā pāṇakajātehi khajjamānaṁ.  Furthermore, suppose they were to see a corpse discarded in a charnel ground being devoured by crows, hawks, vultures, herons, dogs, tigers, leopards, jackals, and many kinds of little creatures. 
kulalehi vā khajjamānaṁ gijjhehi vā khajjamānaṁ kaṅkehi vā khajjamānaṁ sunakhehi vā khajjamānaṁ byagghehi vā khajjamānaṁ dīpīhi vā khajjamānaṁ siṅgālehi vā → kulalehi vā khajjamānaṁ gijjhehi vā khajjamānaṁ supāṇehi vā khajjamānaṁ sigālehi vā (si, pts1ed), gijjhehi vā khajjamānaṁ kulalalehi vā khajjamānaṁ suvāṇehi vā khajjamānaṁ siṇigālehi vā (sya-all) 

mn12dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

So na kumbhimukhā paṭiggaṇhāmi, na kaḷopimukhā paṭiggaṇhāmi, na eḷakamantaraṁ, na daṇḍamantaraṁ, na musalamantaraṁ, na dvinnaṁ bhuñjamānānaṁ, na gabbhiniyā, na pāyamānāya, na purisantaragatāya, na saṅkittīsu, na yattha sā upaṭṭhito hoti, na yattha makkhikā saṇḍasaṇḍacārinī; na macchaṁ na maṁsaṁ na suraṁ na merayaṁ na thusodakaṁ pivāmi;  I didn’t receive anything from a pot or bowl; or from someone who keeps sheep, or who has a weapon or a shovel in their home; or where a couple is eating; or where there is a woman who is pregnant, breastfeeding, or who lives with a man; or where food for distribution is advertised; or where there’s a dog waiting or flies buzzing. I accepted no fish or meat or beer or wine, and drank no fermented gruel. 
pāyamānāya → pāyantiyā (mr) 

mn13dogs2Pi En Ru dhamma

kasāhipi tāḷenti, vettehipi tāḷenti, aḍḍhadaṇḍakehipi tāḷenti; hatthampi chindanti, pādampi chindanti, hatthapādampi chindanti, kaṇṇampi chindanti, nāsampi chindanti, kaṇṇanāsampi chindanti; bilaṅgathālikampi karonti, saṅkhamuṇḍikampi karonti, rāhumukhampi karonti, jotimālikampi karonti, hatthapajjotikampi karonti, erakavattikampi karonti, cīrakavāsikampi karonti, eṇeyyakampi karonti, baḷisamaṁsikampi karonti, kahāpaṇikampi karonti, khārāpatacchikampi karonti, palighaparivattikampi karonti, palālapīṭhakampi karonti, tattenapi telena osiñcanti, sunakhehipi khādāpenti, jīvantampi sūle uttāsenti, asināpi sīsaṁ chindanti.  whipping, caning, and clubbing; cutting off hands or feet, or both; cutting off ears or nose, or both; the ‘porridge pot’, the ‘shell-shave’, the ‘Rāhu’s mouth’, the ‘garland of fire’, the ‘burning hand’, the ‘bulrush twist’, the ‘bark dress’, the ‘antelope’, the ‘meat hook’, the ‘coins’, the ‘caustic pickle’, the ‘twisting bar’, the ‘straw mat’; being splashed with hot oil, being fed to the dogs, being impaled alive, and being beheaded. 
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, tameva bhaginiṁ passeyya sarīraṁ sivathikāya chaḍḍitaṁ— 
Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister as a corpse discarded in a charnel ground. And it was being devoured by crows, hawks, vultures, herons, dogs, tigers, leopards, jackals, and many kinds of little creatures … 

mn14dogs1Pi En Ru dhamma

kasāhipi tāḷenti, vettehipi tāḷenti, aḍḍhadaṇḍakehipi tāḷenti; hatthampi chindanti, pādampi chindanti, hatthapādampi chindanti, kaṇṇampi chindanti, nāsampi chindanti, kaṇṇanāsampi chindanti; bilaṅgathālikampi karonti, saṅkhamuṇḍikampi karonti, rāhumukhampi karonti, jotimālikampi karonti, hatthapajjotikampi karonti, erakavattikampi karonti, cīrakavāsikampi karonti, eṇeyyakampi karonti, baḷisamaṁsikampi karonti, kahāpaṇikampi karonti, khārāpatacchikampi karonti, palighaparivattikampi karonti, palālapīṭhakampi karonti, tattenapi telena osiñcanti, sunakhehipi khādāpenti, jīvantampi sūle uttāsenti, asināpi sīsaṁ chindanti.  whipping, caning, and clubbing; cutting off hands or feet, or both; cutting off ears or nose, or both; the ‘porridge pot’, the ‘shell-shave’, the ‘Rāhu’s mouth’, the ‘garland of fire’, the ‘burning hand’, the ‘bulrush twist’, the ‘bark dress’, the ‘antelope’, the ‘meat hook’, the ‘coins’, the ‘caustic pickle’, the ‘twisting bar’, the ‘straw mat’; being splashed with hot oil, being fed to the dogs, being impaled alive, and being beheaded. 

mn20dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, itthī vā puriso vā daharo yuvā maṇḍanakajātiko ahikuṇapena vā kukkurakuṇapena vā manussakuṇapena vā kaṇṭhe āsattena aṭṭiyeyya harāyeyya jiguccheyya;  Suppose there was a woman or man who was young, youthful, and fond of adornments. If the carcass of a snake or a dog or a human were hung around their neck, they’d be horrified, repelled, and disgusted. 

mn36dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

te na kumbhimukhā paṭiggaṇhanti na kaḷopimukhā paṭiggaṇhanti na eḷakamantaraṁ na daṇḍamantaraṁ na musalamantaraṁ na dvinnaṁ bhuñjamānānaṁ na gabbhiniyā na pāyamānāya na purisantaragatāya na saṅkittīsu na yattha sā upaṭṭhito hoti na yattha makkhikā saṇḍasaṇḍacārinī, na macchaṁ na maṁsaṁ na suraṁ na merayaṁ na thusodakaṁ pivanti.  They don’t receive anything from a pot or bowl; or from someone who keeps sheep, or who has a weapon or a shovel in their home; or where a couple is eating; or where there is a woman who is pregnant, breastfeeding, or who lives with a man; or where there’s a dog waiting or flies buzzing. They accept no fish or meat or beer or wine, and drink no fermented gruel. 

mn45dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

so na kumbhimukhā paṭiggaṇhāti, na kaḷopimukhā paṭiggaṇhāti, na eḷakamantaraṁ, na daṇḍamantaraṁ, na musalamantaraṁ, na dvinnaṁ bhuñjamānānaṁ, na gabbhiniyā, na pāyamānāya, na purisantaragatāya, na saṅkittīsu, na yattha sā upaṭṭhito hoti, na yattha makkhikā saṇḍasaṇḍacārinī, na macchaṁ, na maṁsaṁ, na suraṁ, na merayaṁ, na thusodakaṁ pivati.  They don’t receive anything from a pot or bowl; or from someone who keeps sheep, or who has a weapon or a shovel in their home; or where a couple is eating; or where there is a woman who is pregnant, breastfeeding, or who lives with a man; or where there’s a dog waiting or flies buzzing. They accept no fish or meat or beer or wine, and drink no fermented gruel. 

mn51dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

so na kumbhimukhā paṭiggaṇhāti na kaḷopimukhā paṭiggaṇhāti na eḷakamantaraṁ na daṇḍamantaraṁ na musalamantaraṁ na dvinnaṁ bhuñjamānānaṁ na gabbhiniyā na pāyamānāya na purisantaragatāya na saṅkittīsu na yattha sā upaṭṭhito hoti na yattha makkhikā saṇḍasaṇḍacārinī; na macchaṁ na maṁsaṁ na suraṁ na merayaṁ na thusodakaṁ pivati.  They don’t receive anything from a pot or bowl; or from someone who keeps sheep, or who has a weapon or a shovel in their home; or where a couple is eating; or where there is a woman who is pregnant, breastfeeding, or who lives with a man; or where there’s a dog waiting or flies buzzing. They accept no fish or meat or beer or wine, and drink no fermented gruel. 
kaḷopimukhā → khaḷopimukhā (bj); khalopimukhā (si) 

mn54dog3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Seyyathāpi, gahapati, kukkuro jighacchādubbalyapareto goghātakasūnaṁ paccupaṭṭhito assa.  “Householder, suppose a dog weak with hunger was hanging around a butcher’s shop. 
api nu kho so kukkuro amuṁ aṭṭhikaṅkalaṁ sunikkantaṁ nikkantaṁ nimmaṁsaṁ lohitamakkhitaṁ palehanto jighacchādubbalyaṁ paṭivineyyā”ti? 
Gnawing on such a fleshless skeleton, would that dog still get rid of its hunger?” 
Yāvadeva pana so kukkuro kilamathassa vighātassa bhāgī assā”ti. 
That dog will eventually get weary and frustrated.” 

mn57dog dogs dog’s15Pi En Ru dhamma

Kukkuravatikasutta  The Ascetic Who Behaved Like a Dog 
Atha kho puṇṇo ca koliyaputto govatiko acelo ca seniyo kukkuravatiko yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā puṇṇo koliyaputto govatiko bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Acelo pana seniyo kukkuravatiko bhagavatā saddhiṁ sammodi. Sammodanīyaṁ kathaṁ sāraṇīyaṁ vītisāretvā kukkurova palikujjitvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. 
Then Puṇṇa the Koliyan, a cow votary, and the naked ascetic Seniya, a dog votary, went to see the Buddha. Puṇṇa bowed to the Buddha and sat down to one side, while Seniya exchanged greetings and polite conversation with him before sitting down to one side curled up like a dog. 
palikujjitvā → paḷikujjitvā (bj); palikuṇṭhitvā (sya-all, km); paliguṇṭhitvā (mr) 
“ayaṁ, bhante, acelo seniyo kukkuravatiko dukkarakārako chamānikkhittaṁ bhojanaṁ bhuñjati. 
“Sir, this naked ascetic Seniya the dog votary does a hard thing: he eats food placed on the ground. 
Tassa taṁ kukkuravataṁ dīgharattaṁ samattaṁ samādinnaṁ. 
For a long time he has undertaken that observance to behave like a dog. 
Tassa taṁ kukkuravataṁ dīgharattaṁ samattaṁ samādinnaṁ. 
For a long time he has undertaken that observance to behave like a dog. 
Idha, puṇṇa, ekacco kukkuravataṁ bhāveti paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkurasīlaṁ bhāveti paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkuracittaṁ bhāveti paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkurākappaṁ bhāveti paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ. 
Take someone who develops the dog observance fully and uninterruptedly. They develop a dog’s ethics, a dog’s mentality, and a dog’s behavior fully and uninterruptedly. 
So kukkuravataṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkurasīlaṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkuracittaṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkurākappaṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā kukkurānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of dogs. 
Iti kho, puṇṇa, sampajjamānaṁ kukkuravataṁ kukkurānaṁ sahabyataṁ upaneti, vipajjamānaṁ nirayan”ti. 
So if the dog observance succeeds it leads to rebirth in the company of dogs, but if it fails it leads to hell.” 
api ca me idaṁ, bhante, kukkuravataṁ dīgharattaṁ samattaṁ samādinnaṁ. 
But, sir, for a long time I have undertaken this observance to behave like a dog. 
pahoti bhagavā tathā dhammaṁ desetuṁ yathā ahaṁ cevimaṁ govataṁ pajaheyyaṁ, ayañceva acelo seniyo kukkuravatiko taṁ kukkuravataṁ pajaheyyā”ti. 
is capable of teaching me so that I can give up this cow observance, and the naked ascetic Seniya can give up that dog observance.” 

mn76dog2Pi En Ru dhamma

So suññampi agāraṁ pavisati, piṇḍampi na labhati, kukkuropi ḍaṁsati, caṇḍenapi hatthinā samāgacchati, caṇḍenapi assena samāgacchati, caṇḍenapi goṇena samāgacchati, itthiyāpi purisassapi nāmampi gottampi pucchati, gāmassapi nigamassapi nāmampi maggampi pucchati.  They enter an empty house; they get no almsfood; a dog bites them; they encounter a wild elephant, a wild horse, and a wild cow; they ask the name and clan of a woman or man; they ask the name and path to a village or town. 
So ‘kimidan’ti puṭṭho samāno ‘suññaṁ me agāraṁ pavisitabbaṁ ahosi’, tena pāvisiṁ; ‘piṇḍampi aladdhabbaṁ ahosi’, tena nālatthaṁ; ‘kukkurena ḍaṁsitabbaṁ ahosi’, tenamhi daṭṭho; ‘caṇḍena hatthinā samāgantabbaṁ ahosi’, tena samāgamiṁ; ‘caṇḍena assena samāgantabbaṁ ahosi’, tena samāgamiṁ; ‘caṇḍena goṇena samāgantabbaṁ ahosi’, tena samāgamiṁ; ‘itthiyāpi purisassapi nāmampi gottampi pucchitabbaṁ ahosi’, tena pucchiṁ; ‘gāmassapi nigamassapi nāmampi maggampi pucchitabbaṁ ahosi’, tena pucchinti. 
When asked, ‘Why is this?’ they answer: ‘I had to enter an empty house, that’s why I entered it. I had to get no almsfood, that’s why I got none. I had to get bitten by a dog, that’s why I was bitten. I had to encounter a wild elephant, a wild horse, and a wild cow, that’s why I encountered them. I had to ask the name and clan of a woman or man, that’s why I asked. I had to ask the name and path to a village or town, that’s why I asked.’ 
tenamhi → tena (mr); tenāsiṁ (?) 

mn93dog’s1Pi En Ru dhamma

Āyantu pana bhonto ye tattha caṇḍālakulā nesādakulā venakulā rathakārakulā pukkusakulā uppannā, sāpānadoṇiyā vā sūkaradoṇiyā vā rajakadoṇiyā vā eraṇḍakaṭṭhassa vā uttarāraṇiṁ ādāya, aggiṁ abhinibbattentu, tejo pātukarontū’ti.  And let anyone here who was born in a family of corpse-workers, hunters, bamboo-workers, chariot-makers, or scavengers take a drill-stick made from a dog’s drinking trough, a pig’s trough, a dustbin, or castor-oil wood, light a fire and produce heat.’ 
venakulā → veṇakulā (bj, pts1ed); veṇukulā (sya-all, km) 

mn94dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

So na kumbhimukhā paṭiggaṇhāti, na kaḷopimukhā paṭiggaṇhāti, na eḷakamantaraṁ, na daṇḍamantaraṁ, na musalamantaraṁ, na dvinnaṁ bhuñjamānānaṁ, na gabbhiniyā, na pāyamānāya, na purisantaragatāya, na saṅkittīsu, na yattha sā upaṭṭhito hoti, na yattha makkhikā saṇḍasaṇḍacārinī, na macchaṁ na maṁsaṁ, na suraṁ na merayaṁ na thusodakaṁ pivati.  They don’t receive anything from a pot or bowl; or from someone who keeps sheep, or who has a weapon or a shovel in their home; or where a couple is eating; or where there is a woman who is pregnant, breastfeeding, or who lives with a man; or where there’s a dog waiting or flies buzzing. They accept no fish or meat or beer or wine, and drink no fermented gruel. 

mn96dog’s1Pi En Ru dhamma

āyantu pana bhonto ye tattha caṇḍālakulā nesādakulā venakulā rathakārakulā pukkusakulā uppannā sāpānadoṇiyā vā sūkaradoṇiyā vā rajakadoṇiyā vā eraṇḍakaṭṭhassa vā uttarāraṇiṁ ādāya aggiṁ abhinibbattentu, tejo pātukarontū’”ti?  And let anyone here who was born in a family of corpse-workers, hunters, bamboo-workers, chariot-makers, or scavengers take a drill-stick made from a dog’s drinking trough, a pig’s trough, a dustbin, or castor-oil wood, light a fire and produce heat.’ 

mn102dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathāpi nāma sā gaddulabaddho daḷhe thambhe vā khile vā upanibaddho, tameva thambhaṁ vā khilaṁ vā anuparidhāvati anuparivattati;  Suppose a dog on a leash was tethered to a strong post or pillar. It would just keeping running and circling around that post or pillar. 
khile → khīle (bj, sya-all, km, pts1ed) 

mn119dogs1Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu seyyathāpi passeyya sarīraṁ sivathikāya chaḍḍitaṁ kākehi vā khajjamānaṁ kulalehi vā khajjamānaṁ gijjhehi vā khajjamānaṁ kaṅkehi vā khajjamānaṁ sunakhehi vā khajjamānaṁ byagghehi vā khajjamānaṁ dīpīhi vā khajjamānaṁ siṅgālehi vā khajjamānaṁ vividhehi vā pāṇakajātehi khajjamānaṁ.  Or suppose they were to see a corpse discarded in a charnel ground being devoured by crows, hawks, vultures, herons, dogs, tigers, leopards, jackals, and many kinds of little creatures. 
kulalehi vā khajjamānaṁ gijjhehi vā khajjamānaṁ kaṅkehi vā khajjamānaṁ sunakhehi vā khajjamānaṁ byagghehi vā khajjamānaṁ dīpīhi vā khajjamānaṁ siṅgālehi vā → gijjhehi vā khajjamānaṁ suvānehi vā khajjamānaṁ siṅgālehi vā (si), gijjhehi vā khajjamānaṁ kulalehi vā khajjamānaṁ suvāṇehi vā khajjamānaṁ siṅgālehi vā (sya-all, km), gijjhehi vā khajjamānaṁ suvāṇehi vā khajjamānaṁ sigālehi vā (pts1ed) 

mn129dogs3Pi En Ru dhamma

kasāhipi tāḷente vettehipi tāḷente addhadaṇḍakehipi tāḷente hatthampi chindante pādampi chindante hatthapādampi chindante kaṇṇampi chindante nāsampi chindante kaṇṇanāsampi chindante bilaṅgathālikampi karonte saṅkhamuṇḍikampi karonte rāhumukhampi karonte jotimālikampi karonte hatthapajjotikampi karonte erakavattikampi karonte cīrakavāsikampi karonte eṇeyyakampi karonte baḷisamaṁsikampi karonte kahāpaṇikampi karonte khārāpatacchikampi karonte palighaparivattikampi karonte palālapīṭhakampi karonte tattenapi telena osiñcante sunakhehipi khādāpente jīvantampi sūle uttāsente asināpi sīsaṁ chindante.  whipping, caning, and clubbing; cutting off hands or feet, or both; cutting off ears or nose, or both; the ‘porridge pot’, the ‘shell-shave’, the ‘Rāhu’s mouth’, the ‘garland of fire’, the ‘burning hand’, the ‘bulrush twist’, the ‘bark dress’, the ‘antelope’, the ‘meat hook’, the ‘coins’, the ‘caustic pickle’, the ‘twisting bar’, the ‘straw mat’; being splashed with hot oil, being fed to the dogs, being impaled alive, and being beheaded. 
Kukkuṭā sūkarā soṇā siṅgālā, ye vā panaññepi keci tiracchānagatā pāṇā gūthabhakkhā. 
Chickens, pigs, dogs, jackals, and various others. 
kasāhipi tāḷente vettehipi tāḷente addhadaṇḍakehipi tāḷente hatthampi chindante pādampi chindante hatthapādampi chindante kaṇṇampi chindante nāsampi chindante kaṇṇanāsampi chindante bilaṅgathālikampi karonte saṅkhamuṇḍikampi karonte rāhumukhampi karonte jotimālikampi karonte hatthapajjotikampi karonte erakavattikampi karonte cīrakavāsikampi karonte eṇeyyakampi karonte balisamaṁsikampi karonte kahāpaṇikampi karonte khārāpatacchikampi karonte palighaparivattikampi karonte palālapīṭhakampi karonte tattenapi telena osiñcante sunakhehipi khādāpente jīvantampi sūle uttāsente asināpi sīsaṁ chindante. 
whipping, caning, and clubbing; cutting off hands or feet, or both; cutting off ears or nose, or both; the ‘porridge pot’, the ‘shell-shave’, the ‘Rāhu’s mouth’, the ‘garland of fire’, the ‘burning hand’, the ‘bulrush twist’, the ‘bark dress’, the ‘antelope’, the ‘meat hook’, the ‘coins’, the ‘caustic pickle’, the ‘twisting bar’, the ‘straw mat’; being splashed with hot oil, being fed to the dogs, being impaled alive, and being beheaded. 

mn130dogs1Pi En Ru dhamma

kasāhipi tāḷente vettehipi tāḷente addhadaṇḍakehipi tāḷente hatthampi chindante pādampi chindante hatthapādampi chindante kaṇṇampi chindante nāsampi chindante kaṇṇanāsampi chindante bilaṅgathālikampi karonte saṅkhamuṇḍikampi karonte rāhumukhampi karonte jotimālikampi karonte hatthapajjotikampi karonte erakavattikampi karonte cīrakavāsikampi karonte eṇeyyakampi karonte baḷisamaṁsikampi karonte kahāpaṇikampi karonte khārāpatacchikampi karonte palighaparivattikampi karonte palālapīṭhakampi karonte tattenapi telena osiñcante sunakhehipi khādāpente jīvantampi sūle uttāsente asināpi sīsaṁ chindante’ti?  whipping, caning, and clubbing; cutting off hands or feet, or both; cutting off ears or nose, or both; the ‘porridge pot’, the ‘shell-shave’, the ‘demon’s mouth’, the ‘garland of fire’, the ‘burning hand’, the ‘bulrush twist’, the ‘bark dress’, the ‘antelope’, the ‘meat hook’, the ‘coins’, the ‘caustic pickle’, the ‘twisting bar’, the ‘straw mat’; being splashed with hot oil, being fed to the dogs, being impaled alive, and being beheaded?’ 

sn7.14dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

atho caṇḍampi kukkuraṁ.  and even a wild dog. 

sn17.36dog’s1Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, caṇḍassa kukkurassa nāsāya pittaṁ bhindeyyuṁ, evañhi so, bhikkhave, kukkuro bhiyyoso mattāya caṇḍataro assa;  If they were to pop a boil on a wild dog’s nose, it would get even wilder. 

sn22.99dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, sā gaddulabaddho daḷhe khīle vā thambhe vā upanibaddho tameva khīlaṁ vā thambhaṁ vā anuparidhāvati anuparivattati;  Suppose a dog on a leash was tethered to a strong post or pillar. It would just keep running and circling around that post or pillar. 
gaddulabaddho → gaddūlabandho (sya-all, km) 

sn22.100dog1Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, sā gaddulabaddho daḷhe khīle vā thambhe vā upanibaddho. So gacchati cepi tameva khīlaṁ vā thambhaṁ vā upagacchati; tiṭṭhati cepi tameva khīlaṁ vā thambhaṁ vā upatiṭṭhati; nisīdati cepi tameva khīlaṁ vā thambhaṁ vā upanisīdati; nipajjati cepi tameva khīlaṁ vā thambhaṁ vā upanipajjati.  Suppose a dog on a leash was tethered to a strong post or pillar. Whether walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, it stays right beside that post or pillar. 

sn35.247dog4Pi En Ru dhamma

Kukkuraṁ gahetvā daḷhāya rajjuyā bandheyya.  a dog, 
ahi āviñcheyya ‘vammikaṁ pavekkhāmī’ti, susumāro āviñcheyya ‘udakaṁ pavekkhāmī’ti, pakkhī āviñcheyya ‘ākāsaṁ ḍessāmī’ti, kukkuro āviñcheyya ‘gāmaṁ pavekkhāmī’ti, siṅgālo āviñcheyya ‘sīvathikaṁ pavekkhāmī’ti, makkaṭo āviñcheyya ‘vanaṁ pavekkhāmī’ti. 
The snake would pull one way, thinking ‘I’m going into a termite mound!’ The crocodile would pull another way, thinking ‘I’m going into the water!’ The bird would pull another way, thinking ‘I’m flying into the atmosphere!’ The dog would pull another way, thinking ‘I’m going into the village!’ The jackal would pull another way, thinking ‘I’m going into the charnel ground!’ The monkey would pull another way, thinking ‘I’m going into the jungle!’ 
sīvathikaṁ → sivathikaṁ (bj, mr) 
kukkuraṁ gahetvā … 
a dog, 
ahi āviñcheyya ‘vammikaṁ pavekkhāmī’ti, susumāro āviñcheyya ‘udakaṁ pavekkhāmī’ti, pakkhī āviñcheyya ‘ākāsaṁ ḍessāmī’ti, kukkuro āviñcheyya ‘gāmaṁ pavekkhāmī’ti, siṅgālo āviñcheyya ‘sīvathikaṁ pavekkhāmī’ti, makkaṭo āviñcheyya ‘vanaṁ pavekkhāmī’ti. 
The snake would pull one way, thinking ‘I’m going into a termite mound!’ The crocodile would pull another way, thinking ‘I’m going into the water!’ The bird would pull another way, thinking ‘I’m flying into the atmosphere!’ The dog would pull another way, thinking ‘I’m going into the village!’ The jackal would pull another way, thinking ‘I’m going into the charnel ground!’ The monkey would pull another way, thinking ‘I’m going into the jungle!’ 

sn55.21dogs2Pi En Ru dhamma

Taṁ idheva kākā vā khādanti gijjhā vā khādanti kulalā vā khādanti sunakhā vā khādanti siṅgālā vā khādanti vividhā vā pāṇakajātā khādanti;  Right here the crows, vultures, hawks, dogs, jackals, and many kinds of little creatures devour it. 
siṅgālā → sigālā (bj, sya-all, km, pts1ed) 
paññāparibhāvitaṁ cittaṁ tassa yo hi khvāyaṁ kāyo rūpī cātumahābhūtiko mātāpettikasambhavo odanakummāsūpacayo aniccucchādanaparimaddanabhedanaviddhaṁsanadhammo taṁ idheva kākā vā khādanti gijjhā vā khādanti kulalā vā khādanti sunakhā vā khādanti siṅgālā vā khādanti vividhā vā pāṇakajātā khādanti; 
Right here the crows, vultures, hawks, dogs, jackals, and many kinds of little creatures devour it.