Ekadhammampi samanupass 16 texts and 86 matches in Suttanta Pali

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an1.11-20ekadhammampi10Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppanno vā kāmacchando uppajjati uppanno vā kāmacchando bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, subhanimittaṁ.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to sensual desire, or, when it has arisen, makes it increase and grow like the feature of beauty. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppanno vā byāpādo uppajjati uppanno vā byāpādo bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, paṭighanimittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to ill will, or, when it has arisen, makes it increase and grow like the feature of harshness. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannaṁ vā thinamiddhaṁ uppajjati uppannaṁ vā thinamiddhaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, arati tandī vijambhitā bhattasammado cetaso ca līnattaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to dullness and drowsiness, or, when they have arisen, makes them increase and grow like discontent, sloth, yawning, sleepiness after eating, and mental sluggishness. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannaṁ vā uddhaccakukkuccaṁ uppajjati uppannaṁ vā uddhaccakukkuccaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cetaso avūpasamo. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to restlessness and remorse, or, when they have arisen, makes them increase and grow like an unsettled mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā vicikicchā uppajjati uppannā vā vicikicchā bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ayonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to doubt, or, when it has arisen, makes it increase and grow like irrational application of mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppanno vā kāmacchando nuppajjati uppanno vā kāmacchando pahīyati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, asubhanimittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents sensual desire from arising, or, when it has arisen, abandons it like the feature of ugliness. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppanno vā byāpādo nuppajjati uppanno vā byāpādo pahīyati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, mettā cetovimutti. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents ill will from arising, or, when it has arisen, abandons it like the heart’s release by love. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannaṁ vā thinamiddhaṁ nuppajjati uppannaṁ vā thinamiddhaṁ pahīyati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ārambhadhātu nikkamadhātu parakkamadhātu. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents dullness and drowsiness from arising, or, when they have arisen, gives them up like the elements of initiative, persistence, and vigor. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannaṁ vā uddhaccakukkuccaṁ nuppajjati uppannaṁ vā uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahīyati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cetaso vūpasamo. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents restlessness and remorse from arising, or, when they have arisen, gives them up like peace of mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā vicikicchā nuppajjati uppannā vā vicikicchā pahīyati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents doubt from arising, or, when it has arisen, gives it up like rational application of mind. 

an1.21-30ekadhammampi10Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ abhāvitaṁ akammaniyaṁ hoti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it’s not developed like this, is as unworkable as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ bhāvitaṁ kammaniyaṁ hoti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it is developed like this, is as workable as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ abhāvitaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it’s not developed like this, is so very harmful as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ bhāvitaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it is developed like this, is so very beneficial as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ abhāvitaṁ apātubhūtaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it’s not developed, with such untapped potential, is so very harmful as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ bhāvitaṁ pātubhūtaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it is developed, with its potential realized, is so very beneficial as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ abhāvitaṁ abahulīkataṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it’s not developed and cultivated, is so very harmful as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ bhāvitaṁ bahulīkataṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it is developed and cultivated, is so very beneficial as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ abhāvitaṁ abahulīkataṁ dukkhādhivahaṁ hoti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it’s not developed and cultivated, brings such suffering as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ bhāvitaṁ bahulīkataṁ sukhādhivahaṁ hoti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it is developed and cultivated, brings such happiness as the mind. 

an1.31-40ekadhammampi10Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ adantaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it’s not tamed, is so very harmful as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ dantaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it is tamed, is so very beneficial as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ aguttaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it’s not guarded, is so very harmful as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ guttaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it is guarded, is so very beneficial as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ arakkhitaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it’s not protected, is so very harmful as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ rakkhitaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it is protected, is so very beneficial as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ asaṁvutaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it’s not restrained, is so very harmful as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ saṁvutaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it is restrained, is so very beneficial as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ adantaṁ aguttaṁ arakkhitaṁ asaṁvutaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it is not tamed, guarded, protected, and restrained, is so very harmful as the mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ dantaṁ guttaṁ rakkhitaṁ saṁvutaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it is tamed, guarded, protected, and restrained, is so very beneficial as the mind. 

an1.41-50ekadhammampi2Pi En Ru dhamma

Evamevaṁ kho ahaṁ, bhikkhave, nāññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ bhāvitaṁ bahulīkataṁ mudu ca hoti kammaññañca yathayidaṁ cittaṁ.  so too, I do not see a single thing that’s as pliable and workable as the mind, when it is developed and cultivated. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ lahuparivattaṁ yathayidaṁ cittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that’s as quick to change as the mind. 

an1.51-60ekadhammampi3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā kusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, pamādo.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to unskillful qualities, or makes skillful qualities decline like negligence. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā kusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā akusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, appamādo. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to skillful qualities, or makes unskillful qualities decline like diligence. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā kusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, kosajjaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to unskillful qualities, or makes skillful qualities decline like laziness. 

an1.61-70ekadhammampi10Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā kusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā akusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, vīriyārambho.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to skillful qualities, or makes unskillful qualities decline like arousing energy. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā kusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, mahicchatā. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to unskillful qualities, or makes skillful qualities decline like having many wishes. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā kusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā akusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, appicchatā. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to skillful qualities, or makes unskillful qualities decline like having few wishes. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā kusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, asantuṭṭhitā. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to unskillful qualities, or makes skillful qualities decline like lack of contentment. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā kusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā akusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, santuṭṭhitā. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to skillful qualities, or makes unskillful qualities decline like contentment. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā kusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ayonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to unskillful qualities, or makes skillful qualities decline like irrational application of mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā kusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā akusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to skillful qualities, or makes unskillful qualities decline like rational application of mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā kusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, asampajaññaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to unskillful qualities, or makes skillful qualities decline like lack of situational awareness. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā kusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā akusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, sampajaññaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to skillful qualities, or makes unskillful qualities decline like situational awareness. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā kusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, pāpamittatā. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to unskillful qualities, or makes skillful qualities decline like bad friends. 

an1.71-81ekadhammampi5Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā kusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā akusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, kalyāṇamittatā.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to skillful qualities, or makes unskillful qualities decline like good friends. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā kusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, anuyogo akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ, ananuyogo kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to unskillful qualities, or makes skillful qualities decline like pursuing bad habits and not good habits. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā kusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā akusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, anuyogo kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ, ananuyogo akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to skillful qualities, or makes unskillful qualities decline like pursuing good habits and not bad habits. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā bojjhaṅgā nuppajjanti uppannā vā bojjhaṅgā na bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ayonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents the awakening factors from arising, or, if they’ve already arisen, prevents them from being fully developed like irrational application of mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā bojjhaṅgā uppajjanti uppannā vā bojjhaṅgā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to the awakening factors, or, if they’ve already arisen, fully develops them like rational application of mind. 

an1.82-97ekadhammampi16Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, pamādo.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very harmful as negligence. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, appamādo. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very beneficial as diligence. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, kosajjaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very harmful as laziness. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, vīriyārambho. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very beneficial as arousing energy. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, mahicchatā. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very harmful as having many wishes. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, appicchatā. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very beneficial as having few wishes. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, asantuṭṭhitā. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very harmful as lack of contentment. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, santuṭṭhitā. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very beneficial as contentment. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ayonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very harmful as irrational application of mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very beneficial as rational application of mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, asampajaññaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very harmful as lack of situational awareness. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, sampajaññaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very beneficial as situational awareness. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, pāpamittatā. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very harmful as bad friends. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, kalyāṇamittatā. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very beneficial as good friends. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, anuyogo akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ, ananuyogo kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very harmful as pursuing bad habits and not good habits. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, anuyogo kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ, ananuyogo akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very beneficial as pursuing good habits and not bad habits. 

an1.98-139ekadhammampi6Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ saddhammassa sammosāya antaradhānāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, pamādo.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that leads to the decline and disappearance of the true teaching like negligence. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ saddhammassa ṭhitiyā asammosāya anantaradhānāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, appamādo. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that leads to the continuation, persistence, and enduring of the true teaching like diligence. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ saddhammassa sammosāya antaradhānāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, kosajjaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that leads to the decline and disappearance of the true teaching like laziness. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ saddhammassa ṭhitiyā asammosāya anantaradhānāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, vīriyārambho. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that leads to the continuation, persistence, and enduring of the true teaching like arousing energy. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ saddhammassa sammosāya antaradhānāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, mahicchatā …pe… appicchatā … asantuṭṭhitā … santuṭṭhitā … ayonisomanasikāro … yonisomanasikāro … asampajaññaṁ … sampajaññaṁ … pāpamittatā … kalyāṇamittatā … anuyogo akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ, ananuyogo kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that leads to the decline and disappearance of the true teaching like having many wishes … having few wishes … lack of contentment … contentment … irrational application of mind … rational application of mind … lack of situational awareness … situational awareness … bad friends … good friends … pursuing bad habits and not good habits. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ saddhammassa ṭhitiyā asammosāya anantaradhānāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, anuyogo kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ, ananuyogo akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that leads to the continuation, persistence, and enduring of the true teaching like pursuing good habits and not bad habits. 

an1.306-315ekadhammampi8Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā akusalā dhammā bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, micchādiṭṭhi.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to unskillful qualities, or, when they have arisen, makes them increase and grow like wrong view. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā kusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā kusalā dhammā bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to skillful qualities, or, when they have arisen, makes them increase and grow like right view. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā kusalā dhammā nuppajjanti uppannā vā kusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, micchādiṭṭhi. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to unskillful qualities, or makes skillful qualities decline like wrong view. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā akusalā dhammā nuppajjanti uppannā vā akusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to skillful qualities, or makes unskillful qualities decline like right view. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā micchādiṭṭhi uppajjati uppannā vā micchādiṭṭhi pavaḍḍhati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ayonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to wrong view, and once arisen, makes it grow like irrational application of mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā sammādiṭṭhi uppajjati uppannā vā sammādiṭṭhi pavaḍḍhati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to right view, or, once it has already arisen, makes it grow like rational application of mind. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena sattā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ uppajjanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, micchādiṭṭhi. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that causes sentient beings to be reborn, when their body breaks up, after death, in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell like wrong view. 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena sattā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ uppajjanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, sammādiṭṭhi. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that causes sentient beings to be reborn, when their body breaks up, after death, in a good place, a heavenly realm like right view. 

an1.316-332ekadhammampi1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ mahāsāvajjaṁ yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, micchādiṭṭhi.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very blameworthy as wrong view. 

sn45.77ekadhammampi1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi, yena anuppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo uppajjati, uppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati, yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, kalyāṇamittatā.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to the noble eightfold path, or, if it’s already arisen, fully develops it like good friendship. 

sn45.78-82ekadhammampi1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi, yena anuppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo uppajjati, uppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati, yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, sīlasampadā …pe…  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to the noble eightfold path, or, if it’s already arisen, fully develops it like accomplishment in ethics. …” 

sn45.84ekadhammampi1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi, yena anuppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo uppajjati, uppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati, yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, kalyāṇamittatā.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to the noble eightfold path, or, if it’s already arisen, fully develops it like good friendship. 

sn45.85-89ekadhammampi1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi, yena anuppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo uppajjati, uppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati, yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, sīlasampadā …pe…  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to the noble eightfold path, or, if it’s already arisen, fully develops it like accomplishment in ethics. …” 

sn46.29ekadhammampi1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi, yo evaṁ bhāvito bahulīkato saṁyojanīyānaṁ dhammānaṁ pahānāya saṁvattati, yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, satta bojjhaṅgā.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that, when it is developed and cultivated like this, leads to giving up the things that are prone to being fettered like the seven awakening factors.