Emptiness 15 texts and 57 matches in Suttanta English

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an2.42-51emptiness—are2Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, yassaṁ parisāyaṁ bhikkhū ye te suttantā tathāgatabhāsitā gambhīrā gambhīratthā lokuttarā suññatāpaṭisaṁyuttā tesu bhaññamānesu na sussūsanti na sotaṁ odahanti na aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhapenti na ca te dhamme uggahetabbaṁ pariyāpuṇitabbaṁ maññanti.  It is an assembly where, when discourses spoken by the Realized One—deep, profound, transcendent, dealing with emptiness—are being recited the mendicants do not want to listen. They don’t actively listen or try to understand, nor do they think those teachings are worth learning and memorizing. 
Ye pana te suttantā tathāgatabhāsitā gambhīrā gambhīratthā lokuttarā suññatāpaṭisaṁyuttā tesu bhaññamānesu sussūsanti sotaṁ odahanti aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhapenti, te ca dhamme uggahetabbaṁ pariyāpuṇitabbaṁ maññanti. 
But when discourses spoken by the Realized One—deep, profound, transcendent, dealing with emptiness—are being recited the mendicants do want to listen. They actively listen and try to understand, and they think those teachings are worth learning and memorizing. 

an3.183-352emptiness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Suññato samādhi, animitto samādhi, appaṇihito samādhi—  Emptiness immersion; signless immersion; and undirected immersion. 

an5.79emptiness—are1Pi En Ru dhamma

Te abhāvitakāyā samānā abhāvitasīlā abhāvitacittā abhāvitapaññā ye te suttantā tathāgatabhāsitā gambhīrā gambhīratthā lokuttarā suññatāppaṭisaṁyuttā, tesu bhaññamānesu na sussūsissanti, na sotaṁ odahissanti, na aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhapessanti, na ca te dhamme uggahetabbaṁ pariyāpuṇitabbaṁ maññissanti.  When discourses spoken by the Realized One—deep, profound, transcendent, dealing with emptiness—are being recited they won’t want to listen. They won’t actively listen or try to understand, nor will they think those teachings are worth learning and memorizing. 
sussūsissanti → sussūsanti (bj, sya-all); sussusissanti (pts1ed) 

dn33emptiness1Pi En Ru dhamma

suññato samādhi, animitto samādhi, appaṇihito samādhi.  emptiness, signless, and undirected. 

mn43emptiness3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yā cāyaṁ, āvuso, appamāṇā cetovimutti, yā ca ākiñcaññā cetovimutti, yā ca suññatā cetovimutti, yā ca animittā cetovimutti—ime dhammā nānātthā ceva nānābyañjanā ca udāhu ekatthā byañjanameva nānan”ti?  “The limitless release of the heart, and the release of the heart through nothingness, and the release of the heart through emptiness, and the signless release of the heart: do these things differ in both meaning and phrasing? Or do they mean the same thing, and differ only in the phrasing?” 
Katamā cāvuso, suññatā cetovimutti? 
And what is the release of the heart through emptiness? 
Ayaṁ vuccatāvuso, suññatā cetovimutti. 
This is called the release of the heart through emptiness. 

mn44emptiness1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Saññāvedayitanirodhasamāpattiyā vuṭṭhitaṁ kho, āvuso visākha, bhikkhuṁ tayo phassā phusanti—suññato phasso, animitto phasso, appaṇihito phasso”ti.  “They experience three kinds of contact: emptiness, signless, and undirected contacts.” 

mn121emptiness emptiness—whether22Pi En Ru dhamma

Cūḷasuññatasutta  The Shorter Discourse on Emptiness 
‘suññatāvihārenāhaṁ, ānanda, etarahi bahulaṁ viharāmī’ti. 
‘Ānanda, these days I usually practice the meditation on emptiness.’ 
Pubbepāhaṁ, ānanda, etarahipi suññatāvihārena bahulaṁ viharāmi. 
Now, as before, I usually practice the meditation on emptiness. 
etarahipi → etarahi ca (sya-all, km, pts1ed) | Pubbepāhaṁ → pubbecāhaṁ (sya-all, km, pts1ed) 
bhikkhusaṅghaṁ paṭicca ekattaṁ; 
There is only this that is not emptiness, namely, the oneness dependent on the mendicant Saṅgha. 
araññasaññaṁ paṭicca ekattan’ti. 
There is only this that is not emptiness, namely the oneness dependent on the perception of wilderness.’ 
Evampissa esā, ānanda, yathābhuccā avipallatthā parisuddhā suññatāvakkanti bhavati. 
That’s how emptiness manifests in them—genuine, undistorted, and pure. 
pathavīsaññaṁ paṭicca ekattan’ti. 
There is only this that is not emptiness, namely the oneness dependent on the perception of earth.’ 
Evampissa esā, ānanda, yathābhuccā avipallatthā parisuddhā suññatāvakkanti bhavati. 
That’s how emptiness manifests in them—genuine, undistorted, and pure. 
ākāsānañcāyatanasaññaṁ paṭicca ekattan’ti. 
There is only this that is not emptiness, namely the oneness dependent on the perception of the dimension of infinite space.’ 
Evampissa esā, ānanda, yathābhuccā avipallatthā parisuddhā suññatāvakkanti bhavati. 
That’s how emptiness manifests in them—genuine, undistorted, and pure. 
Evampissa esā, ānanda, yathābhuccā avipallatthā parisuddhā suññatāvakkanti bhavati. 
That’s how emptiness manifests in them—genuine, undistorted, and pure. 
ākiñcaññāyatanasaññaṁ paṭicca ekattan’ti. 
There is only this that is not emptiness, namely the oneness dependent on the perception of the dimension of nothingness.’ 
Evampissa esā, ānanda, yathābhuccā avipallatthā parisuddhā suññatāvakkanti bhavati. 
That’s how emptiness manifests in them—genuine, undistorted, and pure. 
nevasaññānāsaññāyatanasaññaṁ paṭicca ekattan’ti. 
There is only this that is not emptiness, namely the oneness dependent on the perception of the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception.’ 
Evampissa esā, ānanda, yathābhuccā avipallatthā parisuddhā suññatāvakkanti bhavati. 
That’s how emptiness manifests in them—genuine, undistorted, and pure. 
imameva kāyaṁ paṭicca saḷāyatanikaṁ jīvitapaccayā’ti. 
There is only this that is not emptiness, namely that related to the six sense fields dependent on this body and conditioned by life.’ 
Evampissa esā, ānanda, yathābhuccā avipallatthā parisuddhā suññatāvakkanti bhavati. 
That’s how emptiness manifests in them—genuine, undistorted, and pure. 
imameva kāyaṁ paṭicca saḷāyatanikaṁ jīvitapaccayā’ti. 
There is only this that is not emptiness, namely that related to the six sense fields dependent on this body and conditioned by life.’ 
Evampissa esā, ānanda, yathābhuccā avipallatthā parisuddhā paramānuttarā suññatāvakkanti bhavati. 
That’s how emptiness manifests in them—genuine, undistorted, pure, and supreme. 
Yepi hi keci, ānanda, atītamaddhānaṁ samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā parisuddhaṁ paramānuttaraṁ suññataṁ upasampajja vihariṁsu, sabbe te imaṁyeva parisuddhaṁ paramānuttaraṁ suññataṁ upasampajja vihariṁsu. 
Whatever ascetics and brahmins enter and remain in the pure, ultimate, supreme emptiness—whether in the past, future, or present—all of them enter and remain in this same pure, ultimate, supreme emptiness. 
Tasmātiha, ānanda, ‘parisuddhaṁ paramānuttaraṁ suññataṁ upasampajja viharissāmā’ti— 
So, Ānanda, you should train like this: ‘We will enter and remain in the pure, ultimate, supreme emptiness.’ 
viharissāmā’ti → viharissāmīti (pts1ed, mr) 

mn122emptiness11Pi En Ru dhamma

Mahāsuññatasutta  The Longer Discourse on Emptiness 
sabbanimittānaṁ amanasikārā ajjhattaṁ suññataṁ upasampajja viharituṁ. 
to enter and remain in emptiness internally by not focusing on any signs. 
viharituṁ → viharataṁ (si); viharati (sya-all, km, mr) 
‘ajjhattaṁ suññataṁ upasampajja vihareyyan’ti, tenānanda, bhikkhunā ajjhattameva cittaṁ saṇṭhapetabbaṁ sannisādetabbaṁ ekodi kātabbaṁ samādahātabbaṁ. 
‘May I enter and remain in emptiness internally!’ then they should still, settle, unify, and immerse their mind in samādhi internally. 
So ajjhattaṁ suññataṁ manasi karoti. 
They focus on emptiness internally, 
‘ajjhattaṁ suññataṁ kho me manasikaroto ajjhattaṁ suññatāya cittaṁ na pakkhandati nappasīdati na santiṭṭhati na vimuccatī’ti. 
‘I am focusing on emptiness internally, but my mind does not leap forth, gain confidence, settle down, and become decided.’ 
So bahiddhā suññataṁ manasi karoti …pe… 
They focus on emptiness externally … 
so ajjhattabahiddhā suññataṁ manasi karoti …pe… 
They focus on emptiness internally and externally … 
So ajjhattaṁ suññataṁ manasi karoti. 
They focus on emptiness internally, 
‘ajjhattaṁ suññataṁ kho me manasikaroto ajjhattaṁ suññatāya cittaṁ pakkhandati pasīdati santiṭṭhati vimuccatī’ti. 
‘I am focusing on emptiness internally, and my mind leaps forth, gains confidence, settles down, and becomes decided.’ 
So bahiddhā suññataṁ manasi karoti …pe… 
They focus on emptiness externally … 
so ajjhattabahiddhā suññataṁ manasi karoti …pe… 
They focus on emptiness internally and externally … 

mn151emptiness3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Suññatāvihārena kho ahaṁ, bhante, etarahi bahulaṁ viharāmī”ti.  “Sir, these days I usually practice the meditation on emptiness.” 
Mahāpurisavihāro eso, sāriputta, yadidaṁ— 
For emptiness is the meditation of a great man. 
eso → hesa (bj, sya-all, km, pts1ed) 
‘suññatāvihārena bahulaṁ vihareyyan’ti, tena, sāriputta, bhikkhunā iti paṭisañcikkhitabbaṁ: 
‘May I usually practice the meditation on emptiness.’ So they should reflect: 

sn20.7emptiness—are emptiness—will3Pi En Ru dhamma

Evameva kho, bhikkhave, bhavissanti bhikkhū anāgatamaddhānaṁ, ye te suttantā tathāgatabhāsitā gambhīrā gambhīratthā lokuttarā suññatappaṭisaṁyuttā, tesu bhaññamānesu na sussūsissanti na sotaṁ odahissanti na aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhāpessanti na ca te dhamme uggahetabbaṁ pariyāpuṇitabbaṁ maññissanti.  In the same way, in a future time there will be mendicants who won’t want to listen when discourses spoken by the Realized One—deep, profound, transcendent, dealing with emptiness—are being recited. They won’t actively listen or try to understand, nor will they think those teachings are worth learning and memorizing. 
Evametesaṁ, bhikkhave, suttantānaṁ tathāgatabhāsitānaṁ gambhīrānaṁ gambhīratthānaṁ lokuttarānaṁ suññatappaṭisaṁyuttānaṁ antaradhānaṁ bhavissati. 
And that is how the discourses spoken by the Realized One—deep, profound, transcendent, dealing with emptiness—will disappear. 
‘ye te suttantā tathāgatabhāsitā gambhīrā gambhīratthā lokuttarā suññatappaṭisaṁyuttā, tesu bhaññamānesu sussūsissāma, sotaṁ odahissāma, aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhāpessāma, te ca dhamme uggahetabbaṁ pariyāpuṇitabbaṁ maññissāmā’ti. 
‘When discourses spoken by the Realized One—deep, profound, transcendent, dealing with emptiness—are being recited we will want to listen. We will actively listen and trying to understand, and we will think those teachings are worth learning and memorizing.’ 

sn41.6emptiness1Pi En Ru dhamma

suññato phasso, animitto phasso, appaṇihito phasso”ti.  emptiness, signless, and undirected contacts.” 

sn41.7emptiness3Pi En Ru dhamma

“yā cāyaṁ, gahapati, appamāṇā cetovimutti, yā ca ākiñcaññā cetovimutti, yā ca suññatā cetovimutti, yā ca animittā cetovimutti, ime dhammā nānatthā nānābyañjanā udāhu ekatthā byañjanameva nānan”ti?  “Householder, the limitless release of the heart, and the release of the heart through nothingness, and the release of the heart through emptiness, and the signless release of the heart: do these things differ in both meaning and phrasing? Or do they mean the same thing, and differ only in the phrasing?” 
Katamā ca, bhante, suññatā cetovimutti? 
And what is the release of the heart through emptiness? 
Ayaṁ vuccati, bhante, suññatā cetovimutti. 
This is called the release of the heart through emptiness. 

sn43.4emptiness2Pi En Ru dhamma

Suññatasamādhisutta  Emptiness Immersion 
Suññatasamādhisutta → suññatā (pts1ed) 
Suññato samādhi, animitto samādhi, appaṇihito samādhi—ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, asaṅkhatagāmimaggo …pe…. 
Emptiness immersion; signless immersion; undirected immersion. …” 

sn43.12emptiness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Suññato samādhi.  Emptiness immersion. … 

sn55.53emptiness2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘ye te suttantā tathāgatabhāsitā gambhīrā gambhīratthā lokuttarā suññatapaṭisaṁyuttā te kālena kālaṁ upasampajja viharissāmā’ti.  ‘From time to time we will undertake and dwell upon the discourses spoken by the Realized One that are deep, profound, transcendent, dealing with emptiness.’ 
ye te suttantā tathāgatabhāsitā gambhīrā gambhīratthā lokuttarā suññatapaṭisaṁyuttā te kālena kālaṁ upasampajja viharituṁ. 
It’s not easy for us to undertake and dwell from time to time upon the discourses spoken by the Realized One that are deep, profound, transcendent, dealing with emptiness.