Estimation 5 texts and 10 matches in Suttanta English

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an4.65estimation1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rūpappamāṇo rūpappasanno, ghosappamāṇo ghosappasanno, lūkhappamāṇo lūkhappasanno, dhammappamāṇo dhammappasanno—  There are those whose estimation of and confidence in others is based on appearance, on eloquence, on mortification, and on principle. 

an5.93overestimation1Pi En Ru dhamma

adhimānena aññaṁ byākaroti;  Or out of overestimation. 

an6.76overestimation2Pi En Ru dhamma

Mānaṁ, omānaṁ, atimānaṁ, adhimānaṁ, thambhaṁ, atinipātaṁ.  Conceit, inferiority complex, superiority complex, overestimation, obstinacy, and groveling. 
Mānaṁ, omānaṁ, atimānaṁ, adhimānaṁ, thambhaṁ, atinipātaṁ. 
Conceit, inferiority complex, superiority complex, overestimation, obstinacy, and groveling. 

an10.86overestimation3Pi En Ru dhamma

Adhimānasutta  Overestimation 
Adhimānena aññaṁ byākaroti— 
And they declare enlightenment out of overestimation: 
Adhimānena aññaṁ byākaroti— 
And why do they declare enlightenment out of overestimation: 

mn105overestimation3Pi En Ru dhamma

‘khīṇā jāti, vusitaṁ brahmacariyaṁ, kataṁ karaṇīyaṁ, nāparaṁ itthattāyāti pajānāmā’ti, kacci te, bhante, bhikkhū sammadeva aññaṁ byākaṁsu udāhu santetthekacce bhikkhū adhimānena aññaṁ byākaṁsū”ti?  I trust they did so rightly—or are there some who declared enlightenment out of overestimation?” 
Santetthekacce bhikkhū sammadeva aññaṁ byākaṁsu, santi panidhekacce bhikkhū adhimānenapi aññaṁ byākaṁsu. 
“Some of them did so rightly, Sunakkhatta, while others did so out of overestimation. 
adhimānenapi → adhimānena (?) 
ye pana te bhikkhū adhimānena aññaṁ byākaṁsu tatra, sunakkhatta, tathāgatassa evaṁ hoti: 
But when mendicants declare enlightenment out of overestimation, the Realized One thinks: