Sutta | Title | Words | Ct | Mr | Links | Type | Quote |
an5.30 | fishermen | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “ke pana kho, nāgita, uccāsaddamahāsaddā, kevaṭṭā maññe macchavilope”ti?
“Nāgita, who’s making that dreadful racket? You’d think it was fishermen hauling in a catch!” | ||
an6.42 | fishermen | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “ke pana te, nāgita, uccāsaddā mahāsaddā kevaṭṭā maññe macchavilope”ti?
“Nāgita, who’s making that dreadful racket? You’d think it was fishermen hauling in a catch!” | ||
an7.63 | fishermen | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Kiṁ nu te, gahapati, nivesane manussā uccāsaddā mahāsaddā kevaṭṭā maññe macchavilope”ti?
“Householder, what’s with the people making that dreadful racket in your home? You’d think it was fishermen hauling in a catch!” | ||
an8.86 | fishermen | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “ke pana te, nāgita, uccāsaddā mahāsaddā kevaṭṭā maññe macchavilope”ti?
“Nāgita, who’s making that dreadful racket? You’d think it was fishermen hauling in a catch!” | ||
dn1 | fisherman | 1 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, dakkho kevaṭṭo vā kevaṭṭantevāsī vā sukhumacchikena jālena parittaṁ udakadahaṁ otthareyya. Tassa evamassa: ‘ye kho keci imasmiṁ udakadahe oḷārikā pāṇā, sabbe te antojālīkatā. Ettha sitāva ummujjamānā ummujjanti; ettha pariyāpannā antojālīkatāva ummujjamānā ummujjantī’ti;
Suppose a deft fisherman or his apprentice were to cast a fine-meshed net over a small pond. They’d think: ‘Any sizable creatures in this pond will be trapped in the net. Wherever they emerge they are caught and trapped in this very net.’ | ||
mn38 | fisherman’s | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Tena kho pana samayena sātissa nāma bhikkhuno kevaṭṭaputtassa evarūpaṁ pāpakaṁ diṭṭhigataṁ uppannaṁ hoti:
Now at that time a mendicant called Sāti, the fisherman’s son, had the following harmful misconception: | ||
mn67 | fishermen | 2 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “ke panete, ānanda, uccāsaddā mahāsaddā, kevaṭṭā maññe macchavilope”ti?
“Ānanda, who’s making that dreadful racket? You’d think it was fishermen hauling in a catch!” | ||
sn17.2 | fisherman | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, bāḷisiko āmisagataṁ baḷisaṁ gambhīre udakarahade pakkhipeyya.
Suppose a fisherman was to cast a baited hook into a deep lake. | ||
sn35.230 | fisherman | 3 | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Bāḷisikopamasutta
The Simile of the Fisherman |