Fisherman 4 texts and 9 matches in Suttanta English

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dn1fisherman1Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, dakkho kevaṭṭo vā kevaṭṭantevāsī vā sukhumacchikena jālena parittaṁ udakadahaṁ otthareyya. Tassa evamassa: ‘ye kho keci imasmiṁ udakadahe oḷārikā pāṇā, sabbe te antojālīkatā. Ettha sitāva ummujjamānā ummujjanti; ettha pariyāpannā antojālīkatāva ummujjamānā ummujjantī’ti;  Suppose a deft fisherman or his apprentice were to cast a fine-meshed net over a small pond. They’d think: ‘Any sizable creatures in this pond will be trapped in the net. Wherever they emerge they are caught and trapped in this very net.’ 
udakadahaṁ → udakarahadaṁ (sya-all) 

mn38fisherman’s2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tena kho pana samayena sātissa nāma bhikkhuno kevaṭṭaputtassa evarūpaṁ pāpakaṁ diṭṭhigataṁ uppannaṁ hoti:  Now at that time a mendicant called Sāti, the fisherman’s son, had the following harmful misconception: 
Imaṁ kho me tumhe, bhikkhave, saṅkhittena taṇhāsaṅkhayavimuttiṁ dhāretha, sātiṁ pana bhikkhuṁ kevaṭṭaputtaṁ mahātaṇhājālataṇhāsaṅghāṭappaṭimukkan”ti. 
Mendicants, you should memorize this brief statement on freedom through the ending of craving. But the mendicant Sāti, the fisherman’s son, is caught in a vast net of craving, a tangle of craving.” 

sn17.2fisherman3Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, bāḷisiko āmisagataṁ baḷisaṁ gambhīre udakarahade pakkhipeyya.  Suppose a fisherman was to cast a baited hook into a deep lake. 
Evañhi so, bhikkhave, maccho gilabaḷiso bāḷisikassa anayaṁ āpanno byasanaṁ āpanno yathākāmakaraṇīyo bāḷisikassa. 
And so the fish that swallowed the hook would meet with tragedy and disaster, and the fisherman can do what he wants with it. 
Bāḷisikoti kho, bhikkhave, mārassetaṁ pāpimato adhivacanaṁ. 
‘Fisherman’ is a term for Māra the Wicked. 

sn35.230fisherman3Pi En Ru dhamma

Bāḷisikopamasutta  The Simile of the Fisherman 
Bāḷisikopamasutta → bāḷisiko (pts1ed) 
“Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, bāḷisiko āmisagatabaḷisaṁ gambhīre udakarahade pakkhipeyya. 
“Mendicants, suppose a fisherman was to cast a baited hook into a deep lake. 
Evañhi so, bhikkhave, maccho gilitabaḷiso bāḷisikassa anayaṁ āpanno byasanaṁ āpanno yathākāmakaraṇīyo bāḷisikassa. 
And so the fish that swallowed the hook would meet with tragedy and disaster, and the fisherman can do what he wants with it.