an8.19 | | gandhabbā | 3 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puna caparaṁ, bhante, mahāsamuddo mahataṁ bhūtānaṁ āvāso. Tatrime bhūtā—timi timiṅgalo timirapiṅgalo asurā nāgā gandhabbā. Santi mahāsamudde yojanasatikāpi attabhāvā, dviyojanasatikāpi attabhāvā, tiyojanasatikāpi attabhāvā, catuyojanasatikāpi attabhāvā, pañcayojanasatikāpi attabhāvā.
Furthermore, many great beings live in the ocean, such as leviathans, leviathan-gulpers, leviathan-gulper-gulpers, titans, dragons, and centaurs. In the ocean there are life-forms a hundred leagues long, or even two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, or five hundred leagues long.
Yampi, bhante, mahāsamuddo mahataṁ bhūtānaṁ āvāso; tatrime bhūtā—timi timiṅgalo timirapiṅgalo asurā nāgā gandhabbā; santi mahāsamudde yojanasatikāpi attabhāvā …pe… tiyojana … catuyojana … pañcayojanasatikāpi attabhāvā;
Seyyathāpi, pahārāda, mahāsamuddo mahataṁ bhūtānaṁ āvāso; tatrime bhūtā—timi timiṅgalo timirapiṅgalo asurā nāgā gandhabbā; santi mahāsamudde yojanasatikāpi attabhāvā, dviyojanasatikāpi attabhāvā, tiyojanasatikāpi attabhāvā, catuyojanasatikāpi attabhāvā, pañcayojanasatikāpi attabhāvā;
Many great beings live in the ocean, such as leviathans, leviathan-gulpers, leviathan-gulper-gulpers, titans, dragons, and centaurs. In the ocean there are life-forms a hundred leagues long, or even two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, or five hundred leagues long.
an8.20 | | gandhabbā | 3 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, mahāsamuddo mahataṁ bhūtānaṁ āvāso. Tatrime bhūtā—timi timiṅgalo timirapiṅgalo asurā nāgā gandhabbā. Vasanti mahāsamudde yojanasatikāpi attabhāvā …pe… pañcayojanasatikāpi attabhāvā.
Furthermore, many great beings live in the ocean, such as leviathans, leviathan-gulpers, leviathan-gulper-gulpers, titans, dragons, and centaurs. In the ocean there are life-forms a hundred leagues long, or even two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, or five hundred leagues long.
Yampi, bhikkhave, mahāsamuddo mahataṁ bhūtānaṁ āvāso; tatrime bhūtā—timi timiṅgalo timirapiṅgalo asurā nāgā gandhabbā; vasanti mahāsamudde yojanasatikāpi attabhāvā …pe… pañcayojanasatikāpi attabhāvā;
seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, mahāsamuddo mahataṁ bhūtānaṁ āvāso; tatrime bhūtā—timi timiṅgalo timirapiṅgalo asurā nāgā gandhabbā, vasanti mahāsamudde yojanasatikāpi attabhāvā …pe… pañcayojanasatikāpi attabhāvā;
Many great beings live in the ocean, such as leviathans, leviathan-gulpers, leviathan-gulper-gulpers, titans, dragons, and centaurs. In the ocean there are life-forms a hundred leagues long, or even two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, or five hundred leagues long.
dn15 | | gandhabbānaṁ | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | devānaṁ vā devattāya, gandhabbānaṁ vā gandhabbattāya, yakkhānaṁ vā yakkhattāya, bhūtānaṁ vā bhūtattāya, manussānaṁ vā manussattāya, catuppadānaṁ vā catuppadattāya, pakkhīnaṁ vā pakkhittāya, sarīsapānaṁ vā sarīsapattāya, tesaṁ tesañca hi, ānanda, sattānaṁ tadattāya jāti nābhavissa. Sabbaso jātiyā asati jātinirodhā api nu kho jarāmaraṇaṁ paññāyethā”ti?
That is, there were no rebirth of sentient beings into their various realms—of gods, centaurs, spirits, creatures, humans, quadrupeds, birds, or reptiles, each into their own realm. When there’s no rebirth at all, with the cessation of rebirth, would old age and death still be found?”
dn21 | | gandhabbā | 3 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | sukhakāmā hi devā manussā asurā nāgā gandhabbā ye caññe santi puthukāyā”ti.
“for all want to be happy—whether gods, humans, titans, dragons, centaurs, or any of the other diverse creatures there may be.”
“Kiṁsaṁyojanā nu kho, mārisa, devā manussā asurā nāgā gandhabbā ye caññe santi puthukāyā, te:
“Dear sir, what fetters bind the gods, humans, titans, dragons, centaurs—and any of the other diverse creatures—
“Issāmacchariyasaṁyojanā kho, devānaminda, devā manussā asurā nāgā gandhabbā ye caññe santi puthukāyā, te:
“Lord of gods, the fetters of jealousy and stinginess bind the gods, humans, titans, dragons, centaurs—and any of the other diverse creatures—
dn30 | | gandhabbā gandhabbānaṁ gandhabbāsurayakkharakkhasebhi | 9 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | mahāssa honti parivārā bhikkhū bhikkhuniyo upāsakā upāsikāyo devā manussā asurā nāgā gandhabbā.
of monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, gods, humans, titans, dragons, and centaurs.
Susaṅgahitaparijano hoti, susaṅgahitāssa honti bhikkhū bhikkhuniyo upāsakā upāsikāyo devā manussā asurā nāgā gandhabbā.
His retinue is inclusive and well-managed. This includes monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, gods, humans, titans, dragons, and centaurs.
Piyadassano hoti bahuno janassa, piyo hoti manāpo bhikkhūnaṁ bhikkhunīnaṁ upāsakānaṁ upāsikānaṁ devānaṁ manussānaṁ asurānaṁ nāgānaṁ gandhabbānaṁ.
The people look on him with kindly eyes. He is dear and beloved to the monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, gods, humans, titans, dragons, and centaurs.
Mahāssa jano anvāyiko hoti, bhikkhū bhikkhuniyo upāsakā upāsikāyo devā manussā asurā nāgā gandhabbā.
He has a large following of monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, gods, humans, titans, dragons, and centaurs.
Mahāssa jano upavattati, bhikkhū bhikkhuniyo upāsakā upāsikāyo devā manussā asurā nāgā gandhabbā.
He has many close adherents among the monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, gods, humans, titans, dragons, and centaurs.
Abhejjapariso hoti, abhejjāssa honti parisā, bhikkhū bhikkhuniyo upāsakā upāsikāyo devā manussā asurā nāgā gandhabbā.
His retinue cannot be divided. This includes monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, gods, humans, titans, dragons, and centaurs.
Ādeyyavāco hoti, ādiyantissa vacanaṁ bhikkhū bhikkhuniyo upāsakā upāsikāyo devā manussā asurā nāgā gandhabbā.
He has a persuasive voice. His words are persuasive to monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, gods, humans, titans, dragons, and centaurs.
One such as that is not easily beaten by centaurs,
Suciparivāro hoti, sucissa honti parivārā, bhikkhū bhikkhuniyo upāsakā upāsikāyo devā manussā asurā nāgā gandhabbā.
His retinue is pure. This includes monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, gods, humans, titans, dragons, and centaurs.