Gosālaṁ 3 texts and 5 matches in Suttanta Pali

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
dn2gosālaṁ3Pi En Ru dhamma

Taṁ devo makkhaliṁ gosālaṁ payirupāsatu.  Let Your Majesty pay homage to him. 
Appeva nāma devassa makkhaliṁ gosālaṁ payirupāsato cittaṁ pasīdeyyā”ti. 
Hopefully in so doing your mind will find peace.” 
Sammodanīyaṁ kathaṁ sāraṇīyaṁ vītisāretvā ekamantaṁ nisīdiṁ. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho ahaṁ, bhante, makkhaliṁ gosālaṁ etadavocaṁ: 
When the greetings and polite conversation were over, I sat down to one side, and asked him the same question. 

mn36gosālaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Abhijānāmahaṁ, bho gotama, makkhaliṁ gosālaṁ …pe…  I recall taking on the bamboo-staffed ascetic Gosāla, 

sn2.30gosālaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho sahali devaputto makkhaliṁ gosālaṁ ārabbha bhagavato santike imaṁ gāthaṁ abhāsi:  Then the god Sahalī recited this verse about the bamboo-staffed ascetic Gosāla in the Buddha’s presence: