Info 59 texts and 103 matches in Suttanta English

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
an2.32-41reinforce1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ye te, bhikkhave, bhikkhū suggahitehi suttantehi byañjanappatirūpakehi atthañca dhammañca anulomenti te, bhikkhave, bhikkhū bahujanahitāya paṭipannā bahujanasukhāya, bahuno janassa atthāya hitāya sukhāya devamanussānaṁ.  But by memorizing the discourses well, not taking only a semblance of the phrasing, some mendicants reinforce the meaning and the teaching. They act for the welfare and happiness of the people, for the people, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of gods and humans. 

an3.11reinforce2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ananulomike kāyakamme samādapeti, ananulomike vacīkamme samādapeti, ananulomikesu dhammesu samādapeti.  They encourage deeds of body and speech, as well as principles, that don’t reinforce good qualities. 
Anulomike kāyakamme samādapeti, anulomike vacīkamme samādapeti, anulomikesu dhammesu samādapeti. 
They encourage deeds of body and speech, as well as principles, that reinforce good qualities. 

an5.178informed5Pi En Ru dhamma

Api ca khvassa tatheva pāpakammaṁ pavedenti:  Rather, the kings are informed of someone’s bad deed: 
khvassa → khvāssa (bj, pts1ed) | tatheva pāpakammaṁ pavedenti → tatheva pāpakaṁ kammaṁ pavedayanti (bj); tadeva pāpakammaṁ pavedeti (sya-all, km) 
Api ca khvassa tatheva pāpakammaṁ pavedenti: 
Rather, the kings are informed of someone’s bad deed: 
Api ca khvassa tatheva pāpakammaṁ pavedenti: 
Rather, the kings are informed of someone’s bad deed: 
Api ca khvassa tatheva pāpakammaṁ pavedenti: 
Rather, the kings are informed of someone’s bad deed: 
Api ca khvassa tatheva pāpakammaṁ pavedenti: 
Rather, the kings are informed of someone’s bad deed: 

an6.61inform informed2Pi En Ru dhamma

Āyāmāvuso, yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamissāma; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocessāma.  Come, reverends, let’s go to the Buddha, and inform him about this. 
Ekamantaṁ nisinnā kho therā bhikkhū yāvatako ahosi sabbeheva saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo, taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesuṁ. 
and informed the Buddha of all they had discussed. They asked, 

an7.49reinforced12Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññāparicitena, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno cetasā bahulaṁ viharato methunadhammasamāpattiyā cittaṁ patilīyati patikuṭati pativattati, na sampasāriyati upekkhā vā pāṭikulyatā vā saṇṭhāti.  When a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of ugliness, their mind draws back from sexual intercourse. They shrink away, turn aside, and don’t get drawn into it. And either equanimity or revulsion become stabilized. 
Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno asubhasaññāparicitena cetasā bahulaṁ viharato methunadhammasamāpattiyā cittaṁ patilīyati patikuṭati pativattati, na sampasāriyati upekkhā vā pāṭikulyatā vā saṇṭhāti. 
In the same way, when a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of ugliness, their mind draws back from sexual intercourse. … 
Sace, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno asubhasaññāparicitena cetasā bahulaṁ viharato methunadhammasamāpattiyā cittaṁ anusandahati appaṭikulyatā saṇṭhāti; 
If a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of ugliness, but their mind is drawn to sexual intercourse, and not repulsed, 
anusandahati → anusandati (bj, sya1ed, sya2ed, pts1ed); anusaṇṭhāti (si) 
Sace pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno asubhasaññāparicitena cetasā bahulaṁ viharato methunadhammasamāpattiyā cittaṁ patilīyati patikuṭati pativattati, na sampasāriyati upekkhā vā pāṭikulyatā vā saṇṭhāti; 
But if a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of ugliness, their mind draws back from sexual intercourse … 
Maraṇasaññāparicitena, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno cetasā bahulaṁ viharato jīvitanikantiyā cittaṁ patilīyati patikuṭati pativattati, na sampasāriyati upekkhā vā pāṭikulyatā vā saṇṭhāti. 
When a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of death, their mind draws back from desire to be reborn. … 
Āhāre paṭikūlasaññāparicitena, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno cetasā bahulaṁ viharato rasataṇhāya cittaṁ patilīyati …pe… upekkhā vā pāṭikulyatā vā saṇṭhāti. 
When a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of the repulsiveness of food, their mind draws back from craving for tastes. … 
Sabbaloke anabhiratasaññāparicitena, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno cetasā bahulaṁ viharato lokacitresu cittaṁ patilīyati …pe… 
When a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of dissatisfaction with the whole world, their mind draws back from the world’s shiny things. … 
Aniccasaññāparicitena, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno cetasā bahulaṁ viharato lābhasakkārasiloke cittaṁ patilīyati …pe… upekkhā vā pāṭikulyatā vā saṇṭhāti. 
When a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of impermanence, their mind draws back from material things, honors, and fame. … 
Anicce dukkhasaññāparicitena, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno cetasā bahulaṁ viharato ālasye kosajje vissaṭṭhiye pamāde ananuyoge apaccavekkhaṇāya tibbā bhayasaññā paccupaṭṭhitā hoti, seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, ukkhittāsike vadhake. 
When a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of suffering in impermanence, they establish a keen perception of the danger of sloth, laziness, slackness, negligence, lack of commitment, and failure to review, like a killer with a drawn sword. … 
Dukkhe anattasaññāparicitena, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno cetasā bahulaṁ viharato imasmiñca saviññāṇake kāye bahiddhā ca sabbanimittesu ahaṅkāramamaṅkāramānāpagataṁ mānasaṁ hoti vidhāsamatikkantaṁ santaṁ suvimuttaṁ. 
When a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of not-self in suffering, their mind is rid of I-making, mine-making, and conceit for this conscious body and all external stimuli. It has gone beyond discrimination, and is peaceful and well freed. 
Sace, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno dukkhe anattasaññāparicitena cetasā bahulaṁ viharato imasmiñca saviññāṇake kāye bahiddhā ca sabbanimittesu na ahaṅkāramamaṅkāramānāpagataṁ mānasaṁ hoti vidhāsamatikkantaṁ santaṁ suvimuttaṁ. 
If a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of not-self in suffering, but their mind is not rid of I-making, mine-making, and conceit for this conscious body and all external stimuli; nor has it gone beyond discrimination, and is not peaceful or well freed, 
Sace pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno dukkhe anattasaññāparicitena cetasā bahulaṁ viharato imasmiñca saviññāṇake kāye bahiddhā ca sabbanimittesu ahaṅkāramamaṅkāramānāpagataṁ mānasaṁ hoti vidhāsamatikkantaṁ santaṁ suvimuttaṁ. 
But if a mendicant often meditates with a mind reinforced with the perception of not-self in suffering, and their mind is rid of I-making, mine-making, and conceit for this conscious body and all external stimuli; and it has gone beyond discrimination, and is peaceful and well freed, 

an8.12informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho sīho senāpati tassā rattiyā accayena sake nivesane paṇītaṁ khādanīyaṁ bhojanīyaṁ paṭiyādāpetvā bhagavato kālaṁ ārocāpesi:  And when the night had passed General Sīha had delicious fresh and cooked foods prepared in his own home. Then he had the Buddha informed of the time, saying, 

an8.21informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho so bhikkhu yāvatako ahosi uggena gahapatinā vesālikena saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo, taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesi.  He informed the Buddha of all he had discussed with the householder Ugga of Vesālī. The Buddha said: 

an8.22informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho so bhikkhu yāvatako ahosi uggena gahapatinā hatthigāmakena saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo, taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesi.  He informed the Buddha of all he had discussed with the householder Ugga of Elephant Village. The Buddha said: 

an9.7mountainfold1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ekamidāhaṁ, bhante, samayaṁ bhagavā idheva rājagahe viharāmi giribbaje.  “Sir, this one time the Buddha was staying right here in Rājagaha, the Mountainfold. 

an9.8mountainfold1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ekamidāhaṁ, bhante, samayaṁ bhagavā idheva rājagahe viharāmi giribbaje.  “Sir, this one time the Buddha was staying right here in Rājagaha, the Mountainfold. 

an9.41inform1Pi En Ru dhamma

Āyāma, gahapati, yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamissāma; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocessāma.  Come, let’s go to the Buddha and inform him about this. 

an10.18reinforcing1Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu bahussuto hoti …pe… diṭṭhiyā suppaṭividdhā.  Furthermore, a mendicant is very learned, remembering and keeping what they’ve learned. These teachings are good in the beginning, good in the middle, and good in the end, meaningful and well-phrased, describing a spiritual practice that’s entirely full and pure. They are very learned in such teachings, remembering them, reinforcing them by recitation, mentally scrutinizing them, and comprehending them theoretically. 

an10.28informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ekamantaṁ nisinnā kho kajaṅgalakā upāsakā yāvatako ahosi kajaṅgalikāya bhikkhuniyā saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo, taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesuṁ.  and informed the Buddha of all they had discussed. 

an10.93informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati te paribbājake tuṇhībhūte maṅkubhūte pattakkhandhe adhomukhe pajjhāyante appaṭibhāne viditvā uṭṭhāyāsanā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati yāvatako ahosi tehi aññatitthiyehi paribbājakehi saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesi.  Seeing this, Anāthapiṇḍika got up from his seat. He went to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and informed the Buddha of all they had discussed. 

an10.94informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho vajjiyamāhito gahapati yāvatako ahosi tehi aññatitthiyehi paribbājakehi saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesi.  and informed the Buddha of all they had discussed. 

an10.98reinforcing1Pi En Ru dhamma

samādāya sikkhati sikkhāpadesu, bahussuto hoti …pe…  They’re very learned, remembering and keeping what they’ve learned. These teachings are good in the beginning, good in the middle, and good in the end, meaningful and well-phrased, describing a spiritual practice that’s entirely full and pure. They are very learned in such teachings, remembering them, reinforcing them by recitation, mentally scrutinizing them, and comprehending them theoretically. 

dn2informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Evaṁ, devā”ti kho jīvako komārabhacco rañño māgadhassa ajātasattussa vedehiputtassa paṭissuṇitvā pañcamattāni hatthinikāsatāni kappāpetvā rañño ca ārohaṇīyaṁ nāgaṁ, rañño māgadhassa ajātasattussa vedehiputtassa paṭivedesi:  “Yes, Your Majesty,” replied Jīvaka. He had around five hundred female elephants readied, in addition to the king’s bull elephant for riding. Then he informed the king, 

dn3informed2Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho ambaṭṭho māṇavo yāvatako ahosi bhagavatā saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo, taṁ sabbaṁ brāhmaṇassa pokkharasātissa ārocesi.  Then Ambaṭṭha informed Pokkharasāti of all they had discussed. 
yāvatako → yāvatiko (mr) 
Atha kho bhagavā yāvatako ahosi ambaṭṭhena māṇavena saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo, taṁ sabbaṁ brāhmaṇassa pokkharasātissa ārocesi. 
Then the Buddha informed Pokkharasāti of all they had discussed. 

dn4informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho soṇadaṇḍo brāhmaṇo tassā rattiyā accayena sake nivesane paṇītaṁ khādanīyaṁ bhojanīyaṁ paṭiyādāpetvā bhagavato kālaṁ ārocāpesi:  And when the night had passed Soṇadaṇḍa had delicious fresh and cooked foods prepared in his own home. Then he had the Buddha informed of the time, saying, 

dn5informed2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘icchāmahaṁ, bho, mahāyaññaṁ yajituṁ, anujānantu me bhavanto yaṁ mama assa dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāyā’ti.  And all of the people who were thus informed responded by saying: 
Atha kho kūṭadanto brāhmaṇo tassā rattiyā accayena sake yaññavāṭe paṇītaṁ khādanīyaṁ bhojanīyaṁ paṭiyādāpetvā bhagavato kālaṁ ārocāpesi: 
And when the night had passed Kūṭadanta had delicious fresh and cooked foods prepared in his own sacrificial enclosure. Then he had the Buddha informed of the time, saying, 

dn12inform informed4Pi En Ru dhamma

“idha samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā kusalaṁ dhammaṁ adhigaccheyya, kusalaṁ dhammaṁ adhigantvā na parassa āroceyya, kiñhi paro parassa karissati.  “Should an ascetic or brahmin achieve some skillful quality, they ought not inform anyone else. For what can one person do for another? 
Atha kho lohicco brāhmaṇo tassā rattiyā accayena sake nivesane paṇītaṁ khādanīyaṁ bhojanīyaṁ paṭiyādāpetvā rosikaṁ nhāpitaṁ āmantesi: 
And when the night had passed Lohicca had delicious fresh and cooked foods prepared in his own home. Then he had the Buddha informed of the time, saying, 
‘idha samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā kusalaṁ dhammaṁ adhigaccheyya, kusalaṁ dhammaṁ adhigantvā na parassa āroceyya, kiñhi paro parassa karissati. 
‘Should an ascetic or brahmin achieve some skillful quality, they ought not inform anyone else. For what can one person do for another? 
‘idha samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā kusalaṁ dhammaṁ adhigaccheyya, kusalaṁ dhammaṁ adhigantvā na parassa āroceyya, kiñhi paro parassa karissati. 
‘Should an ascetic or brahmin achieve some skillful quality, they ought not inform anyone else. For what can one person do for another? 

dn14informed2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Evaṁ, devā’ti kho, bhikkhave, sārathi vipassissa kumārassa paṭissutvā bhaddāni bhaddāni yānāni yojetvā vipassissa kumārassa paṭivedesi:  ‘Yes, sir,’ replied the charioteer. He harnessed the chariots and informed the prince, 
17. Devatārocana 
17. Being Informed by Deities 

dn16inform informed informing6Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho sunidhavassakārā magadhamahāmattā bhagavato adhivāsanaṁ viditvā yena sako āvasatho tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā sake āvasathe paṇītaṁ khādanīyaṁ bhojanīyaṁ paṭiyādāpetvā bhagavato kālaṁ ārocāpesuṁ:  Then, knowing that the Buddha had consented, they went to their own guest house, where they had delicious fresh and cooked foods prepared. Then they had the Buddha informed of the time, saying, 
Atha kho ambapālī gaṇikā tassā rattiyā accayena sake ārāme paṇītaṁ khādanīyaṁ bhojanīyaṁ paṭiyādāpetvā bhagavato kālaṁ ārocāpesi: 
And when the night had passed Ambapālī had delicious fresh and cooked foods prepared in her own park. Then she had the Buddha informed of the time, saying, 
“na kho metaṁ patirūpaṁ, yvāhaṁ anāmantetvā upaṭṭhāke anapaloketvā bhikkhusaṅghaṁ parinibbāyeyyaṁ. 
“It would not be appropriate for me to be fully extinguished before informing my supporters and taking leave of the mendicant Saṅgha. 
Atha kho cundo kammāraputto tassā rattiyā accayena sake nivesane paṇītaṁ khādanīyaṁ bhojanīyaṁ paṭiyādāpetvā pahūtañca sūkaramaddavaṁ bhagavato kālaṁ ārocāpesi: 
And when the night had passed Cunda had delicious fresh and cooked foods prepared in his own home, and plenty of pork on the turn. Then he had the Buddha informed of the time, saying, 
Gaccha tvaṁ, ānanda, kusināraṁ pavisitvā kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ ārocehi: 
Go, Ānanda, into Kusinārā and inform the Mallas: 
“gacchāvuso ānanda, kusināraṁ pavisitvā kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ ārocehi: 
“Go, Ānanda, into Kusinārā and inform the Mallas: 

dn17informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Evaṁ, devī’ti kho, ānanda, pariṇāyakaratanaṁ subhaddāya deviyā paṭissutvā caturaṅginiṁ senaṁ kappāpetvā subhaddāya deviyā paṭivedesi:  ‘Yes, my queen,’ he replied, and did as he was asked. He informed the queen, 

dn18inform informed5Pi En Ru dhamma

“bhagavantañca dakkhāmi, idañca bhagavato ārocessāmī”ti.  “I shall see the Buddha and inform him of this.” 
Imamatthaṁ, bhante, brahmā sanaṅkumāro devānaṁ tāvatiṁsānaṁ abhāsi, imamatthaṁ vessavaṇo mahārājā brahmuno sanaṅkumārassa devānaṁ tāvatiṁsānaṁ bhāsato sammukhā sutaṁ sammukhā paṭiggahitaṁ sayaṁ parisāyaṁ ārocesi’”. 
That, sir, is the topic on which the divinity Sanaṅkumāra spoke to the gods of the thirty-three. And the great king Vessavaṇa, having heard and learned it in the presence of the Divinity as he was speaking on that topic, informed his own assembly.’” 
sutaṁ → sutvā (pts1ed) | paṭiggahitaṁ → paṭiggahetvā (pts1ed) 
Imamatthaṁ janavasabho yakkho vessavaṇassa mahārājassa sayaṁ parisāyaṁ bhāsato sammukhā sutaṁ sammukhā paṭiggahitaṁ bhagavato ārocesi. 
And the spirit Janavasabha, having heard and learned it in the presence of the great king Vessavaṇa as he was speaking on that topic to his own assembly, informed the Buddha. 
sutaṁ → sutvā (bj, pts1ed) | paṭiggahitaṁ → paṭiggahetvā (pts1ed) 
Imamatthaṁ bhagavā janavasabhassa yakkhassa sammukhā sutvā sammukhā paṭiggahetvā sāmañca abhiññāya āyasmato ānandassa ārocesi, imamatthamāyasmā ānando bhagavato sammukhā sutvā sammukhā paṭiggahetvā ārocesi bhikkhūnaṁ bhikkhunīnaṁ upāsakānaṁ upāsikānaṁ. 
And the Buddha, having heard and learned it in the presence of the spirit Janavasabha, and also from his own direct knowledge, informed Venerable Ānanda. And Venerable Ānanda, having heard and learned it in the presence of the Buddha, informed the monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen. 

dn19informing4Pi En Ru dhamma

6.4. Reṇurājaāmantanā  6.4. Informing King Reṇu 
6.5. Chakhattiyaāmantanā 
6.5. Informing the Six Aristocrats 
6.6. Brāhmaṇamahāsālādīnaṁāmantanā 
6.6. Informing the Brahmins 
6.7. Bhariyānaṁāmantanā 
6.7. Informing the Wives 

dn32inform1Pi En Ru dhamma

Paccesanto pakāsenti,  These each individually inform the King: 

mn5mountainfold1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ekamidāhaṁ, āvuso, samayaṁ rājagahe viharāmi giribbaje.  “Reverend, this one time I was staying right here in Rājagaha, the Mountainfold. 

mn27informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho jāṇussoṇi brāhmaṇo yāvatako ahosi pilotikena paribbājakena saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesi.  and informed the Buddha of all he had discussed with the wanderer Pilotika. 

mn32inform1Pi En Ru dhamma

Āyāmāvuso, yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamissāma; upasaṅkamitvā etamatthaṁ bhagavato ārocessāma.  Come, reverends, let’s go to the Buddha, and inform him about this. 

mn35informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho nigaṇṭhaputto sake ārāme paṇītaṁ khādanīyaṁ bhojanīyaṁ paṭiyādāpetvā bhagavato kālaṁ ārocāpesi:  And Saccaka had delicious fresh and cooked foods prepared in his own park. Then he had the Buddha informed of the time, saying, 

mn44informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho visākho upāsako yāvatako ahosi dhammadinnāya bhikkhuniyā saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesi.  and informed the Buddha of all they had discussed. 

mn56informed2Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho dīghatapassī nigaṇṭho yāvatako ahosi bhagavatā saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ nigaṇṭhassa nāṭaputtassa ārocesi.  Then Dīgha Tapassī informed the Jain Ñātika of all they had discussed. 
Atha kho bhagavā yāvatako ahosi dīghatapassinā nigaṇṭhena saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ upālissa gahapatissa ārocesi. 
Then the Buddha informed Upāli of all they had discussed. 

mn59informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā ānando yāvatako ahosi āyasmato udāyissa pañcakaṅgena thapatinā saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesi.  and informed the Buddha of all they had discussed. 

mn78informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho pañcakaṅgo thapati yāvatako ahosi uggāhamānena paribbājakena samaṇamuṇḍikāputtena saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesi.  and informed the Buddha of all that had been discussed. 

mn81informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho, ānanda, kikī kāsirājā tassā rattiyā accayena sake nivesane paṇītaṁ khādanīyaṁ bhojanīyaṁ paṭiyādāpetvā paṇḍupuṭakassa sālino vigatakāḷakaṁ anekasūpaṁ anekabyañjanaṁ, kassapassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa kālaṁ ārocāpesi:  And when the night had passed, King Kikī had delicious fresh and cooked foods prepared in his own home—soft saffron rice with the dark grains picked out, served with many soups and sauces. Then he had the Buddha informed of the time, saying, 
paṇḍupuṭakassa → paṇḍumuṭikassa (bj, pts1ed); paṇḍumudikassa (sya-all, km) 

mn89informed2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Evaṁ, devā”ti kho dīgho kārāyano rañño pasenadissa kosalassa paṭissutvā bhadrāni bhadrāni yānāni yojāpetvā rañño pasenadissa kosalassa paṭivedesi:  “Yes, Your Majesty,” replied Dīgha Kārāyana. He harnessed the chariots and informed the king, 
“Evaṁ, devā”ti kho dīgho kārāyano rañño pasenadissa kosalassa paṭissutvā bhadrāni bhadrāni yānāni yojāpetvā rañño pasenadissa kosalassa paṭivedesi: 
“Yes, Your Majesty,” replied Dīgha Kārāyana. He harnessed the chariots and informed the king, 

mn91informed2Pi En Ru dhamma

yathā taṁ jāniyāmase;  as we have been informed. 
Atha kho brahmāyu brāhmaṇo tassā rattiyā accayena sake nivesane paṇītaṁ khādanīyaṁ bhojanīyaṁ paṭiyādāpetvā bhagavato kālaṁ ārocāpesi: 
And when the night had passed Brahmāyu had delicious fresh and cooked foods prepared in his own home. Then he had the Buddha informed of the time, saying, 

mn92informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho keṇiyo jaṭilo tassā rattiyā accayena sake assame paṇītaṁ khādanīyaṁ bhojanīyaṁ paṭiyādāpetvā bhagavato kālaṁ ārocāpesi:  And when the night had passed Keṇiya had delicious fresh and cooked foods prepared in his own hermitage. Then he had the Buddha informed of the time, saying, 

mn98informative1Pi En Ru dhamma

giraṁ saccaṁ udīraye;  are sweet, informative, and true, 

mn104inform informed4Pi En Ru dhamma

Āyāma, āvuso cunda, yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamissāma; upasaṅkamitvā etamatthaṁ bhagavato ārocessāmā”ti.  Come, let’s go to the Buddha and inform him about this.” 
Atha kho āyasmā ca ānando cundo ca samaṇuddeso yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdiṁsu. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā ānando bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: 
Then Ānanda and Cunda went to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and Ānanda informed him of what Cunda had said. He went on to say, 
Sannipatitvā ekatopakkhikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ byattena bhikkhunā uṭṭhāyāsanā ekaṁsaṁ cīvaraṁ katvā añjaliṁ paṇāmetvā saṅgho ñāpetabbo— 
A competent mendicant of one party, having got up from their seat, arranged their robe over one shoulder, and raised their joined palms, should inform the Saṅgha: 
byattena → byattatarena (bj, pts1ed, mr) 
Athāparesaṁ ekatopakkhikānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ byattena bhikkhunā uṭṭhāyāsanā ekaṁsaṁ cīvaraṁ katvā añjaliṁ paṇāmetvā saṅgho ñāpetabbo: 
Then a competent mendicant of the other party, having got up from their seat, arranged their robe over one shoulder, and raising their joined palms, should inform the Saṅgha: 

mn125informed informs2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho aciravato samaṇuddeso yāvatako ahosi jayasenena rājakumārena saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesi.  and informed the Buddha of all they had discussed. 
Tamenaṁ nāgavaniko rañño khattiyassa muddhāvasittassa ārocesi: 
The elephant tracker informs the king, 

mn136inform informed2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā samiddhi yāvatako ahosi potaliputtena paribbājakena saddhiṁ kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ āyasmato ānandassa ārocesi.  and informed Ānanda of all they had discussed. 
Āyāmāvuso samiddhi, yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamissāma; upasaṅkamitvā etamatthaṁ bhagavato ārocessāma. 
Come, let’s go to the Buddha and inform him about this. 

sn9.5informing1Pi En Ru dhamma

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā ānando ativelaṁ gihisaññattibahulo viharati.  Now at that time Ānanda was spending too much time informing the lay people. 

sn11.18informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Evaṁ, bhaddantavā’ti kho, bhikkhave, mātali saṅgāhako sakkassa devānamindassa paṭissutvā sahassayuttaṁ ājaññarathaṁ yojetvā sakkassa devānamindassa paṭivedesi:  ‘Yes, lord,’ replied Mātali. He harnessed the chariot and informed Sakka, 

sn11.19informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Evaṁ, bhaddantavā’ti kho, bhikkhave, mātali saṅgāhako sakkassa devānamindassa paṭissutvā sahassayuttaṁ ājaññarathaṁ yojetvā sakkassa devānamindassa paṭivedesi:  ‘Yes, lord,’ replied Mātali. He harnessed the chariot and informed Sakka, 

sn11.20informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Evaṁ, bhaddantavā’ti kho, bhikkhave, mātali saṅgāhako sakkassa devānamindassa paṭissutvā, sahassayuttaṁ ājaññarathaṁ yojetvā sakkassa devānamindassa paṭivedesi:  ‘Yes, lord,’ replied Mātali. He harnessed the chariot and informed Sakka, 

sn12.24informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā ānando yāvatako āyasmato sāriputtassa tehi aññatitthiyehi paribbājakehi saddhiṁ ahosi kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesi.  and informed the Buddha of all they had discussed. 

sn12.25informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā ānando yāvatako āyasmato sāriputtassa āyasmatā bhūmijena saddhiṁ ahosi kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesi.  and informed the Buddha of all they had discussed. 

sn12.65inform1Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho so, bhikkhave, puriso rañño vā rājamahāmattassa vā āroceyya:  Then that person would inform a king or their chief minister: 

sn12.70informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā susimo yāvatako tehi bhikkhūhi saddhiṁ ahosi kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesi.  and informed the Buddha of all he had discussed with those mendicants. 

sn19.9informant1Pi En Ru dhamma

eso, bhikkhave, satto imasmiṁyeva rājagahe sūcako ahosi …pe….  “That being used to be an informant right here in Rājagaha. …” 

sn22.81informing1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kosambiyaṁ piṇḍāya caritvā pacchābhattaṁ piṇḍapātapaṭikkanto sāmaṁ senāsanaṁ saṁsāmetvā pattacīvaramādāya anāmantetvā upaṭṭhāke anapaloketvā bhikkhusaṅghaṁ eko adutiyo cārikaṁ pakkāmi.  After the meal, on his return from almsround, he set his lodgings in order himself. Taking his bowl and robe, without informing his attendants or taking leave of the mendicant Saṅgha, he set out to go wandering alone, with no companion. 

sn22.84informed2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā tisso bhagavato pitucchāputto sambahulānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ evamāroceti:  Now at that time Venerable Tissa, the Buddha’s paternal cousin, informed several mendicants: 
“saccaṁ kira tvaṁ, tissa, sambahulānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ evamārocesi: 
“Is it really true, Tissa, that you informed several mendicants that 

sn36.19informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā ānando yāvatako āyasmato udāyissa pañcakaṅgena thapatinā saddhiṁ ahosi kathāsallāpo taṁ sabbaṁ bhagavato ārocesi.  and informed the Buddha of all they had discussed. 

sn47.9informing1Pi En Ru dhamma

“na kho me taṁ patirūpaṁ, yohaṁ anāmantetvā upaṭṭhāke anapaloketvā bhikkhusaṅghaṁ parinibbāyeyyaṁ.  “It would not be appropriate for me to be fully extinguished before informing my attendants and taking leave of the mendicant Saṅgha. 

sn47.13inform1Pi En Ru dhamma

Āyāmāvuso cunda, yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamissāma; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocessāmā”ti.  Come, let’s go to the Buddha and inform him about this.” 

sn55.23inform1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Āyāma, godhe, yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkameyyāma; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocessāmā”ti.  “Come, Godhā, let’s go to the Buddha and inform him about this.” 

sn56.41informed1Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho so, bhikkhave, puriso nagaraṁ pavisitvā mahājanakāyassa ārocesi:  Then that person entered the city and informed a large crowd,