Jati 661 texts and 3484 matches in Suttanta Pali

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
an1.11-20nuppajjati uppajjati20Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppanno vā kāmacchando uppajjati uppanno vā kāmacchando bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, subhanimittaṁ.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to sensual desire, or, when it has arisen, makes it increase and grow like the feature of beauty. 
Subhanimittaṁ, bhikkhave, ayoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva kāmacchando uppajjati uppanno ca kāmacchando bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind irrationally to the feature of beauty, sensual desire arises, and once arisen it increases and grows.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppanno vā byāpādo uppajjati uppanno vā byāpādo bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, paṭighanimittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to ill will, or, when it has arisen, makes it increase and grow like the feature of harshness. 
Paṭighanimittaṁ, bhikkhave, ayoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva byāpādo uppajjati uppanno ca byāpādo bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind irrationally to the feature of harshness, ill will arises, and once arisen it increases and grows.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannaṁ vā thinamiddhaṁ uppajjati uppannaṁ vā thinamiddhaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, arati tandī vijambhitā bhattasammado cetaso ca līnattaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to dullness and drowsiness, or, when they have arisen, makes them increase and grow like discontent, sloth, yawning, sleepiness after eating, and mental sluggishness. 
Līnacittassa, bhikkhave, anuppannañceva thinamiddhaṁ uppajjati uppannañca thinamiddhaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī”ti. 
When you have a sluggish mind, dullness and drowsiness arise, and once arisen they increase and grow.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannaṁ vā uddhaccakukkuccaṁ uppajjati uppannaṁ vā uddhaccakukkuccaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cetaso avūpasamo. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to restlessness and remorse, or, when they have arisen, makes them increase and grow like an unsettled mind. 
Avūpasantacittassa, bhikkhave, anuppannañceva uddhaccakukkuccaṁ uppajjati uppannañca uddhaccakukkuccaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī”ti. 
When you have no peace of mind, restlessness and remorse arise, and once arisen they increase and grow.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā vicikicchā uppajjati uppannā vā vicikicchā bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ayonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to doubt, or, when it has arisen, makes it increase and grow like irrational application of mind. 
Ayoniso, bhikkhave, manasi karoto anuppannā ceva vicikicchā uppajjati uppannā ca vicikicchā bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind irrationally, doubt arises, and once arisen it increases and grows.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppanno vā kāmacchando nuppajjati uppanno vā kāmacchando pahīyati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, asubhanimittaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents sensual desire from arising, or, when it has arisen, abandons it like the feature of ugliness. 
Asubhanimittaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva kāmacchando nuppajjati uppanno ca kāmacchando pahīyatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind rationally to the feature of ugliness, sensual desire does not arise, or, if it has already arisen, it’s given up.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppanno vā byāpādo nuppajjati uppanno vā byāpādo pahīyati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, mettā cetovimutti. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents ill will from arising, or, when it has arisen, abandons it like the heart’s release by love. 
Mettaṁ, bhikkhave, cetovimuttiṁ yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva byāpādo nuppajjati uppanno ca byāpādo pahīyatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind rationally on the heart’s release by love, ill will does not arise, or, if it has already arisen, it’s given up.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannaṁ vā thinamiddhaṁ nuppajjati uppannaṁ vā thinamiddhaṁ pahīyati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ārambhadhātu nikkamadhātu parakkamadhātu. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents dullness and drowsiness from arising, or, when they have arisen, gives them up like the elements of initiative, persistence, and vigor. 
Āraddhavīriyassa, bhikkhave, anuppannañceva thinamiddhaṁ nuppajjati uppannañca thinamiddhaṁ pahīyatī”ti. 
When you’re energetic, dullness and drowsiness do not arise, or, if they’ve already arisen, they’re given up.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannaṁ vā uddhaccakukkuccaṁ nuppajjati uppannaṁ vā uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahīyati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cetaso vūpasamo. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents restlessness and remorse from arising, or, when they have arisen, gives them up like peace of mind. 
Vūpasantacittassa, bhikkhave, anuppannañceva uddhaccakukkuccaṁ nuppajjati uppannañca uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahīyatī”ti. 
When your mind is peaceful, restlessness and remorse do not arise, or, if they’ve already arisen, they’re given up.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā vicikicchā nuppajjati uppannā vā vicikicchā pahīyati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents doubt from arising, or, when it has arisen, gives it up like rational application of mind. 
Yoniso, bhikkhave, manasi karoto anuppannā ceva vicikicchā nuppajjati uppannā ca vicikicchā pahīyatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind rationally, doubt does not arise, or, if it’s already arisen, it’s given up.” 

an1.41-50bhejjati vijjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

“Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, sālisūkaṁ vā yavasūkaṁ vā micchāpaṇihitaṁ hatthena vā pādena vā akkantaṁ hatthaṁ vā pādaṁ vā bhecchati lohitaṁ vā uppādessatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “Mendicants, suppose a spike of rice or barley was pointing the wrong way. If you trod on it with hand or foot, it is impossible for it to break the skin and produce blood. 
bhecchati → bhejjati (si); bhijjissati (sya-all, km, mr) 
Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu micchāpaṇihitena cittena avijjaṁ bhecchati, vijjaṁ uppādessati, nibbānaṁ sacchikarissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
In the same way, it is quite impossible for a mendicant whose mind is pointing the wrong way to break ignorance, produce knowledge, and realize extinguishment. 
“Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, sālisūkaṁ vā yavasūkaṁ vā sammāpaṇihitaṁ hatthena vā pādena vā akkantaṁ hatthaṁ vā pādaṁ vā bhecchati lohitaṁ vā uppādessatīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
“Mendicants, suppose a spike of rice or barley was pointing the right way. If you trod on it with hand or foot, it’s possible it may break the skin and produce blood. 
Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu sammāpaṇihitena cittena avijjaṁ bhecchati, vijjaṁ uppādessati, nibbānaṁ sacchikarissatīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
In the same way, it is quite possible for a mendicant whose mind is pointing the right way to break ignorance, produce knowledge, and realize extinguishment. 
Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu āvilena cittena attatthaṁ vā ñassati paratthaṁ vā ñassati ubhayatthaṁ vā ñassati uttariṁ vā manussadhammā alamariyañāṇadassanavisesaṁ sacchikarissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
In the same way, that a mendicant whose mind is clouded would know what’s for their own good, the good of another, or the good of both; or that they would realize any superhuman distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones: this is quite impossible. 
Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu anāvilena cittena attatthaṁ vā ñassati paratthaṁ vā ñassati ubhayatthaṁ vā ñassati uttariṁ vā manussadhammā alamariyañāṇadassanavisesaṁ sacchikarissatīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
In the same way, that a mendicant whose mind is not clouded would know what’s for their own good, the good of another, or the good of both; or that they would realize any superhuman distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones: this is quite possible. 

an1.51-60bhuñjati uppajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

‘bhikkhu arittajjhāno viharati satthusāsanakaro ovādapatikaro, amoghaṁ raṭṭhapiṇḍaṁ bhuñjati’.  a mendicant who does not lack absorption, who follows the Teacher’s instructions, who responds to advice, and who does not eat the country’s alms in vain. 
‘bhikkhu arittajjhāno viharati satthusāsanakaro ovādapatikaro, amoghaṁ raṭṭhapiṇḍaṁ bhuñjati’. 
a mendicant who does not lack absorption, who follows the Teacher’s instructions, who responds to advice, and who does not eat the country’s alms in vain. 
‘bhikkhu arittajjhāno viharati satthusāsanakaro ovādapatikaro amoghaṁ raṭṭhapiṇḍaṁ bhuñjati’. 
a mendicant who does not lack absorption, who follows the Teacher’s instructions, who responds to advice, and who does not eat the country’s alms in vain. 
Mano tesaṁ dhammānaṁ paṭhamaṁ uppajjati, anvadeva akusalā dhammā”ti. 
Intention is the first of those phenomena to arise, and unskillful phenomena follow right behind.” 
Mano tesaṁ dhammānaṁ paṭhamaṁ uppajjati, anvadeva kusalā dhammā”ti. 
Intention is the first of those phenomena to arise, and skillful phenomena follow right behind.” 

an1.170-187uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ekapuggalo, bhikkhave, loke uppajjamāno uppajjati bahujanahitāya bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāya atthāya hitāya sukhāya devamanussānaṁ.  “One person, mendicants, arises in the world for the welfare and happiness of the people, out of sympathy for the world, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of gods and humans. 
Ayaṁ kho, bhikkhave, ekapuggalo loke uppajjamāno uppajjati bahujanahitāya bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāya atthāya hitāya sukhāya devamanussānan”ti. 
This is the one person, mendicants, who arises in the world for the welfare and happiness of the people, out of sympathy for the world, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of gods and humans.” 
“Ekapuggalo, bhikkhave, loke uppajjamāno uppajjati acchariyamanusso. 
“One person, mendicants, arises in the world who is an incredible human being. 
Ayaṁ kho, bhikkhave, ekapuggalo loke uppajjamāno uppajjati acchariyamanusso”ti. 
This is the one person, mendicants, who arises in the world who is an incredible human being.” 
“Ekapuggalo, bhikkhave, loke uppajjamāno uppajjati adutiyo asahāyo appaṭimo appaṭisamo appaṭibhāgo appaṭipuggalo asamo asamasamo dvipadānaṁ aggo. 
“One person, mendicants, arises in the world unique, without peer or counterpart, incomparable, matchless, unrivaled, unequaled, without equal, the best of men. 
Ayaṁ kho, bhikkhave, ekapuggalo loke uppajjamāno uppajjati adutiyo asahāyo appaṭimo appaṭisamo appaṭibhāgo appaṭipuggalo asamo asamasamo dvipadānaṁ aggo”ti. 
This is the one person, mendicants, who arises in the world unique, without peer or counterpart, incomparable, matchless, unrivaled, unequaled, without equal, the best of men.” 

an1.268-277vijjati20Pi En Ru dhamma

“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ diṭṭhisampanno puggalo kañci saṅkhāraṁ niccato upagaccheyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a person accomplished in view to take any condition as permanent. That is not possible. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ puthujjano kañci saṅkhāraṁ niccato upagaccheyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for an ordinary person to take some condition as permanent. That is possible.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ diṭṭhisampanno puggalo kañci saṅkhāraṁ sukhato upagaccheyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a person accomplished in view to take any condition as pleasant. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ puthujjano kañci saṅkhāraṁ sukhato upagaccheyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for an ordinary person to take some condition as pleasant.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ diṭṭhisampanno puggalo kañci dhammaṁ attato upagaccheyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a person accomplished in view to take anything as self. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ puthujjano kañci dhammaṁ attato upagaccheyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for an ordinary person to take something as self.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ diṭṭhisampanno puggalo mātaraṁ jīvitā voropeyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a person accomplished in view to murder their mother. 
Ṭhānañca kho, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ puthujjano mātaraṁ jīvitā voropeyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for an ordinary person to murder their mother.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ diṭṭhisampanno puggalo pitaraṁ jīvitā voropeyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a person accomplished in view to murder their father. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ puthujjano pitaraṁ jīvitā voropeyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for an ordinary person to murder their father.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ diṭṭhisampanno puggalo arahantaṁ jīvitā voropeyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a person accomplished in view to murder a perfected one. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ puthujjano arahantaṁ jīvitā voropeyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for an ordinary person to murder a perfected one.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ diṭṭhisampanno puggalo tathāgatassa paduṭṭhacitto lohitaṁ uppādeyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a person accomplished in view to injure a Realized One with malicious intent. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ puthujjano tathāgatassa paduṭṭhacitto lohitaṁ uppādeyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for an ordinary person to injure a Realized One with malicious intent.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ diṭṭhisampanno puggalo saṅghaṁ bhindeyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a person accomplished in view to cause a schism in the Saṅgha. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ puthujjano saṅghaṁ bhindeyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for an ordinary person to cause a schism in the Saṅgha.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ diṭṭhisampanno puggalo aññaṁ satthāraṁ uddiseyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a person accomplished in view to dedicate themselves to another teacher. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ puthujjano aññaṁ satthāraṁ uddiseyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for an ordinary person to dedicate themselves to another teacher.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ ekissā lokadhātuyā dve arahanto sammāsambuddhā apubbaṁ acarimaṁ uppajjeyyuṁ. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for two perfected ones, fully awakened Buddhas to arise in the same solar system at the same time. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ ekissā lokadhātuyā ekova arahaṁ sammāsambuddho uppajjeyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for just one perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha, to arise in one solar system.” 

an1.278-286vijjati12Pi En Ru dhamma

“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ ekissā lokadhātuyā dve rājāno cakkavattī apubbaṁ acarimaṁ uppajjeyyuṁ. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for two wheel-turning monarchs to arise in the same solar system at the same time. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ ekissā lokadhātuyā eko rājā cakkavattī uppajjeyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for just one wheel-turning monarch to arise in one solar system.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ itthī arahaṁ assa sammāsambuddho. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a woman to be a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha. 
Ṭhānañca kho, etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ puriso arahaṁ assa sammāsambuddho. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for a man to be a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ itthī rājā assa cakkavattī. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a woman to be a wheel-turning monarch. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ puriso rājā assa cakkavattī. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for a man to be a wheel-turning monarch.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ itthī sakkattaṁ kāreyya …pe… mārattaṁ kāreyya …pe… brahmattaṁ kāreyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a woman to perform the role of Sakka, Māra, or the Divinity. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ puriso sakkattaṁ kāreyya …pe… mārattaṁ kāreyya …pe… brahmattaṁ kāreyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for a man to perform the role of Sakka, Māra, or the Divinity.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ kāyaduccaritassa iṭṭho kanto manāpo vipāko nibbatteyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a likable, desirable, agreeable result to come from bad bodily conduct. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ kāyaduccaritassa aniṭṭho akanto amanāpo vipāko nibbatteyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for an unlikable, undesirable, disagreeable result to come from bad bodily conduct.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ vacīduccaritassa …pe… yaṁ manoduccaritassa iṭṭho kanto manāpo vipāko nibbatteyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a likable, desirable, agreeable result to come from bad verbal … bad mental conduct. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ manoduccaritassa aniṭṭho akanto amanāpo vipāko nibbatteyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for an unlikable, undesirable, disagreeable result to come from bad verbal … bad mental conduct.” 

an1.287-295vijjati12Pi En Ru dhamma

“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ kāyasucaritassa aniṭṭho akanto amanāpo vipāko nibbatteyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for an unlikable, undesirable, disagreeable result to come from good bodily conduct. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ kāyasucaritassa iṭṭho kanto manāpo vipāko nibbatteyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for a likable, desirable, agreeable result to come from good bodily conduct.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ vacīsucaritassa …pe… manosucaritassa aniṭṭho akanto amanāpo vipāko nibbatteyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for an unlikable, undesirable, disagreeable result to come from good verbal … good mental conduct. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ manosucaritassa iṭṭho kanto manāpo vipāko nibbatteyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible for a likable, desirable, agreeable result to come from good verbal … good mental conduct.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ kāyaduccaritasamaṅgī tannidānā tappaccayā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjeyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen that someone who has engaged in bad bodily conduct, could for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ kāyaduccaritasamaṅgī tannidānā tappaccayā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjeyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible that someone who has engaged in bad bodily conduct could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ vacīduccaritasamaṅgī …pe… yaṁ manoduccaritasamaṅgī tannidānā tappaccayā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjeyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen that someone who has engaged in bad verbal … bad mental conduct could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ manoduccaritasamaṅgī tannidānā tappaccayā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjeyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible that someone who has engaged in bad verbal … bad mental conduct could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ kāyasucaritasamaṅgī tannidānā tappaccayā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjeyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen that someone who has engaged in good bodily conduct could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ kāyasucaritasamaṅgī tannidānā tappaccayā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjeyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible that someone who has engaged in good bodily conduct could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm.” 
“Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ vacīsucaritasamaṅgī …pe… yaṁ manosucaritasamaṅgī tannidānā tappaccayā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjeyya. Netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen that someone who has engaged in good verbal … good mental conduct could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ manosucaritasamaṅgī tannidānā tappaccayā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjeyya. Ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti. 
But it is possible that someone who has engaged in good verbal … good mental conduct could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a good place, heavenly realm.” 

an1.306-315uppajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā micchādiṭṭhi uppajjati uppannā vā micchādiṭṭhi pavaḍḍhati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ayonisomanasikāro.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to wrong view, and once arisen, makes it grow like irrational application of mind. 
Ayoniso, bhikkhave, manasi karoto anuppannā ceva micchādiṭṭhi uppajjati uppannā ca micchādiṭṭhi pavaḍḍhatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind irrationally, wrong view arises, and once arisen it grows.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā sammādiṭṭhi uppajjati uppannā vā sammādiṭṭhi pavaḍḍhati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to right view, or, once it has already arisen, makes it grow like rational application of mind. 
Yoniso, bhikkhave, manasi karoto anuppannā ceva sammādiṭṭhi uppajjati uppannā ca sammādiṭṭhi pavaḍḍhatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind rationally, right view arises, and once arisen it grows.” 

an1.316-332paṭipajjati uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ekapuggalo, bhikkhave, loke uppajjamāno uppajjati bahujanaahitāya bahujanaasukhāya, bahuno janassa anatthāya ahitāya dukkhāya devamanussānaṁ.  “One person, mendicants, arises in the world for the detriment and suffering of the people, against the people, for the harm, detriment, and suffering of gods and humans. 
Ayaṁ kho, bhikkhave, ekapuggalo loke uppajjamāno uppajjati bahujanaahitāya bahujanaasukhāya, bahuno janassa anatthāya ahitāya dukkhāya devamanussānan”ti. 
This is one person who arises in the world for the detriment and suffering of the people, against the people, for the harm, detriment, and suffering of gods and humans.” 
“Ekapuggalo, bhikkhave, loke uppajjamāno uppajjati bahujanahitāya bahujanasukhāya, bahuno janassa atthāya hitāya sukhāya devamanussānaṁ. 
“One person, mendicants, arises in the world for the welfare and happiness of the people, for the people, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of gods and humans. 
Ayaṁ kho, bhikkhave, ekapuggalo loke uppajjamāno uppajjati bahujanahitāya bahujanasukhāya, bahuno janassa atthāya hitāya sukhāya devamanussānan”ti. 
This is one person who arises in the world for the welfare and happiness of the people, for the people, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of gods and humans.” 
“Durakkhāte, bhikkhave, dhammavinaye yo ca samādapeti yañca samādapeti yo ca samādapito tathattāya paṭipajjati sabbe te bahuṁ apuññaṁ pasavanti. 
“Mendicants, the one who encourages someone in a poorly explained teaching and training, the one who they encourage, and the one who practices accordingly all create much wickedness. 
“Svākkhāte, bhikkhave, dhammavinaye yo ca samādapeti yañca samādapeti yo ca samādapito tathattāya paṭipajjati sabbe te bahuṁ puññaṁ pasavanti. 
“Mendicants, the one who encourages someone in a well explained teaching and training, the one who they encourage, and the one who practices accordingly all create much merit. 

an1.394-574bhuñjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘bhikkhu arittajjhāno viharati, satthusāsanakaro ovādapatikaro, amoghaṁ raṭṭhapiṇḍaṁ bhuñjati’.  a mendicant who does not lack absorption, who follows the Teacher’s instructions, who responds to advice, and who does not eat the country’s alms in vain. 
‘bhikkhu arittajjhāno viharati satthusāsanakaro ovādapatikaro, amoghaṁ raṭṭhapiṇḍaṁ bhuñjati’. 
a mendicant who does not lack absorption, who follows the Teacher’s instructions, who responds to advice, and who does not eat the country’s alms in vain. 

an1.575-615uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ekadhamme, bhikkhave, bhāvite bahulīkate avijjā pahīyati … vijjā uppajjati … asmimāno pahīyati … anusayā samugghātaṁ gacchanti … saṁyojanā pahīyanti.  “When one thing, mendicants, is developed and cultivated, ignorance is given up … knowledge arises … the conceit ‘I am’ is given up … the underlying tendencies are uprooted … the fetters are given up. 
Imasmiṁ kho, bhikkhave, ekadhamme bhāvite bahulīkate avijjā pahīyati … vijjā uppajjati … asmimāno pahīyati … anusayā samugghātaṁ gacchanti … saṁyojanā pahīyantī”ti. 
When this one thing is developed and cultivated, ignorance is given up … knowledge arises … the conceit ‘I am’ is given up … the underlying tendencies are uprooted … the fetters are given up.” 

an2.11-20upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  And when their body breaks up, after death, they are reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
And when the body breaks up, after death, they are reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

an2.32-41khajjati paribhuñjati upapajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā aññataraṁ devanikāyaṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in one of the orders of gods. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā aññataraṁ devanikāyaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in one of the orders of gods. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā aññataraṁ devanikāyaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they are reborn in one of the orders of gods. 
Vuddho cepi, brāhmaṇa, hoti āsītiko vā nāvutiko vā vassasatiko vā jātiyā, so ca kāme paribhuñjati kāmamajjhāvasati kāmapariḷāhena pariḍayhati kāmavitakkehi khajjati kāmapariyesanāya ussuko. 
If an elder, though eighty, ninety, or a hundred years old, still dwells in the midst of sensual pleasures, enjoying them, consumed by thoughts of them, burning with fever for them, and eagerly seeking more, 
So ca na kāme paribhuñjati na kāmamajjhāvasati, na kāmapariḷāhena pariḍayhati, na kāmavitakkehi khajjati, na kāmapariyesanāya ussuko. 
does not dwell in the midst of sensual pleasures, enjoying them, consumed by thoughts of them, burning with fever for them, and eagerly seeking more, 

an2.42-51āpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tesaṁ pacchimā janatā diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjati.  Those who come after follow their example. 
Tesaṁ pacchimā janatā diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjati. 
Those who come after follow their example. 

an2.180-229upapajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dvīhi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato idhekacco kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  “When they have two things, some people, when their body breaks up, after death, are reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Imehi kho, bhikkhave, dvīhi dhammehi samannāgato idhekacco kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati”. 
When they have two things, some people, when their body breaks up, after death, are reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell.” 
“Dvīhi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato idhekacco kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
“When they have two things, some people—when their body breaks up, after death—are reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Imehi kho, bhikkhave, dvīhi dhammehi samannāgato idhekacco kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati”. 
When they have these two things, some people—when their body breaks up, after death—are reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm.” 

an3.16paṭipajjati āpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati.  If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 

an3.21vijjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Ṭhānañhetaṁ, sāriputta, vijjati yvāyaṁ puggalo saddhāvimutto svāssa arahattāya paṭipanno, yvāyaṁ puggalo kāyasakkhī svāssa sakadāgāmī vā anāgāmī vā, yo cāyaṁ puggalo diṭṭhippatto sopassa sakadāgāmī vā anāgāmī vā.  In some cases, a person who is freed by faith is practicing for perfection, while the direct witness and the one attained to view are once-returners or non-returners. 
Ṭhānañhetaṁ, sāriputta, vijjati yvāyaṁ puggalo kāyasakkhī svāssa arahattāya paṭipanno, yvāyaṁ puggalo saddhāvimutto svāssa sakadāgāmī vā anāgāmī vā, yo cāyaṁ puggalo diṭṭhippatto sopassa sakadāgāmī vā anāgāmī vā. 
In some cases, a direct witness is practicing for perfection, while the one freed by faith and the one attained to view are once-returners or non-returners. 
Ṭhānañhetaṁ, sāriputta, vijjati yvāyaṁ puggalo diṭṭhippatto svāssa arahattāya paṭipanno, yvāyaṁ puggalo saddhāvimutto svāssa sakadāgāmī vā anāgāmī vā, yo cāyaṁ puggalo kāyasakkhī sopassa sakadāgāmī vā anāgāmī vā. 
In some cases, one attained to view is practicing for perfection, while the one freed by faith and the direct witness are once-returners or non-returners. 

an3.23upapajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

So sabyābajjhaṁ kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhaṁ vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhaṁ manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā sabyābajjhaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati.  Having made these choices, they’re reborn in a hurtful world, 
So abyābajjhaṁ kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, abyābajjhaṁ vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, abyābajjhaṁ manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā abyābajjhaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Having made these choices, they are reborn in a pleasing world, 
So sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Having made these choices, they are reborn in a world that is both hurtful and pleasing, 

an3.25abhisajjati byāpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

appampi vutto samāno abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patitthīyati kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti.  Even when lightly criticized they lose their temper, becoming annoyed, hostile, and hard-hearted, and they display annoyance, hate, and bitterness. 
appampi vutto samāno abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patitthīyati kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
Even when lightly criticized they lose their temper, becoming annoyed, hostile, and hard-hearted, and they display annoyance, hate, and bitterness. 

an3.27abhisajjati byāpajjati āpajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

Kiñcāpi, bhikkhave, evarūpassa puggalassa na diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjati, atha kho naṁ pāpako kittisaddo abbhuggacchati:  Even if you don’t follow the example of such a person, you still get a bad reputation: 
evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, kiñcāpi evarūpassa puggalassa na diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjati, atha kho naṁ pāpako kittisaddo abbhuggacchati: 
In the same way, even if you don’t follow the example of such a person, you still get a bad reputation: 
appampi vutto samāno abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patitthīyati, kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
Even when lightly criticized they lose their temper, becoming annoyed, hostile, and hard-hearted, and they display annoyance, hate, and bitterness. 
appampi vutto samāno abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patitthīyati, kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
Even when lightly criticized they lose their temper, becoming annoyed, hostile, and hard-hearted, and they display annoyance, hate, and bitterness. 
Kiñcāpi, bhikkhave, evarūpassa puggalassa na diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjati, atha kho naṁ kalyāṇo kittisaddo abbhuggacchati: 
Even if you don’t follow the example of such a person, you still get a good reputation: 

an3.30vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

paññā hissa na vijjati.  for their wisdom is lacking. 

an3.34vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

vatthu aññaṁ na vijjati.  not in any other place. 

an3.36samanuyuñjati upapajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā, manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Tamenaṁ, bhikkhave, yamo rājā paṭhamaṁ devadūtaṁ samanuyuñjati samanugāhati samanubhāsati: 
Then King Yama pursues, presses, and grills them about the first messenger of the gods: 
Tamenaṁ, bhikkhave, yamo rājā paṭhamaṁ devadūtaṁ samanuyuñjitvā samanugāhitvā samanubhāsitvā, dutiyaṁ devadūtaṁ samanuyuñjati samanugāhati samanubhāsati: 
Then King Yama grills them about the second messenger of the gods: 
Tamenaṁ, bhikkhave, yamo rājā dutiyaṁ devadūtaṁ samanuyuñjitvā samanugāhitvā samanubhāsitvā, tatiyaṁ devadūtaṁ samanuyuñjati samanugāhati samanubhāsati: 
Then King Yama grills them about the third messenger of the gods: 

an3.39upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā, manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
So kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā, manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 

an3.60parimajjati uppajjati yajati5Pi En Ru dhamma

Tatra, bho gotama, yo ceva yajati yo ca yajāpeti sabbe te anekasārīrikaṁ puññappaṭipadaṁ paṭipannā honti, yadidaṁ yaññādhikaraṇaṁ.  Now, Mister Gotama, both of these people—the one who sacrifices and the one who encourages others to sacrifice—are doing good for many people on account of that sacrifice. 
gotama, yo ceva yajati → yo ceva yaññaṁ yajati (sya-all, km) | puññappaṭipadaṁ → puññapaṭipadaṁ (bj, sya-all, pts1ed) 
idha tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā. 
A Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 
Idha, brāhmaṇa, ekacco anekavihitaṁ iddhividhaṁ paccanubhoti: ‘ekopi hutvā bahudhā hoti, bahudhāpi hutvā eko hoti; āvibhāvaṁ, tirobhāvaṁ; tirokuṭṭaṁ tiropākāraṁ tiropabbataṁ asajjamāno gacchati, seyyathāpi ākāse; pathaviyāpi ummujjanimujjaṁ karoti, seyyathāpi udake; udakepi abhijjamāne gacchati, seyyathāpi pathaviyaṁ; ākāsepi pallaṅkena kamati, seyyathāpi pakkhī sakuṇo; imepi candimasūriye evaṁmahiddhike evaṁmahānubhāve pāṇinā parimasati parimajjati, yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vatteti’. 
It’s when someone wields the many kinds of psychic power: multiplying themselves and becoming one again; appearing and disappearing; going unobstructed through a wall, a rampart, or a mountain as if through space; diving in and out of the earth as if it were water; walking on water as if it were earth; flying cross-legged through the sky like a bird; touching and stroking with the hand the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful. They control the body as far as the realm of divinity. 

an3.65uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

lobho purisassa ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati hitāya vā ahitāya vā”ti?  Does greed come up in a person for their welfare or harm?” 
doso purisassa ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati hitāya vā ahitāya vā”ti? 
Does hate come up in a person for their welfare or harm?” 
moho purisassa ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati hitāya vā ahitāya vā”ti? 
Does delusion come up in a person for their welfare or harm?” 
alobho purisassa ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati hitāya vā ahitāya vā”ti? 
Does contentment come up in a person for their welfare or harm?” 
adoso purisassa ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati …pe… 
Does love come up in a person for their welfare or harm? … 
amoho purisassa ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati …pe… 
Does understanding come up in a person for their welfare or harm? … 

an3.68nuppajjati uppajjati18Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Ko panāvuso, hetu ko paccayo yena anuppanno vā rāgo uppajjati uppanno vā rāgo bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī’ti?  And if they ask: ‘What is the cause, what is the reason why greed arises, and once arisen it increases and grows?’ 
Tassa subhanimittaṁ ayoniso manasi karoto anuppanno vā rāgo uppajjati uppanno vā rāgo bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati. 
When you apply the mind irrationally to the beautiful feature of things, greed arises, and once arisen it increases and grows. 
Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, hetu ayaṁ paccayo yena anuppanno vā rāgo uppajjati uppanno vā rāgo bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī’ti. 
This is the cause, this is the reason why greed arises, and once arisen it increases and grows.’ 
‘Ko panāvuso, hetu ko paccayo yena anuppanno vā doso uppajjati uppanno vā doso bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī’ti? 
And if they ask: ‘What is the cause, what is the reason why hate arises, and once arisen it increases and grows?’ 
Tassa paṭighanimittaṁ ayoniso manasi karoto anuppanno vā doso uppajjati uppanno vā doso bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati. 
When you apply the mind irrationally to the feature of harshness, hate arises, and once arisen it increases and grows. 
Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, hetu ayaṁ paccayo yena anuppanno vā doso uppajjati uppanno vā doso bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī’ti. 
This is the cause, this is the reason why hate arises, and once arisen it increases and grows.’ 
‘Ko panāvuso, hetu ko paccayo yena anuppanno vā moho uppajjati uppanno vā moho bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī’ti? 
And if they ask: ‘What is the cause, what is the reason why delusion arises, and once arisen it increases and grows?’ 
Tassa ayoniso manasi karoto anuppanno vā moho uppajjati uppanno vā moho bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati. 
When you apply the mind irrationally, delusion arises, and once arisen it increases and grows. 
Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, hetu ayaṁ paccayo yena anuppanno vā moho uppajjati uppanno vā moho bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī’ti. 
This is the cause, this is the reason why delusion arises, and once arisen it increases and grows.’ 
‘Ko panāvuso, hetu ko paccayo yena anuppanno ceva rāgo nuppajjati uppanno ca rāgo pahīyatī’ti? 
And if they ask, ‘What is the cause, what is the reason why greed doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up?’ 
Tassa asubhanimittaṁ yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva rāgo nuppajjati uppanno ca rāgo pahīyati. 
When you apply the mind rationally on the ugly feature of things, greed doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up. 
Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, hetu ayaṁ paccayo yena anuppanno ceva rāgo nuppajjati uppanno ca rāgo pahīyatī’ti. 
This is the cause, this is the reason why greed doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up.’ 
‘Ko panāvuso, hetu ko paccayo yena anuppanno ceva doso nuppajjati uppanno ca doso pahīyatī’ti? 
And if they ask, ‘What is the cause, what is the reason why hate doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up?’ 
Tassa mettaṁ cetovimuttiṁ yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva doso nuppajjati uppanno ca doso pahīyati. 
When you apply the mind rationally on the heart’s release by love, hate doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up. 
Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, hetu ayaṁ paccayo yena anuppanno ceva doso nuppajjati uppanno ca doso pahīyatī’ti. 
This is the cause, this is the reason why hate doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up.’ 
‘Ko panāvuso, hetu ko paccayo yena anuppanno ceva moho nuppajjati uppanno ca moho pahīyatī’ti? 
And if they ask, ‘What is the cause, what is the reason why delusion doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up?’ 
Tassa yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva moho nuppajjati uppanno ca moho pahīyati. 
When you apply the mind rationally, delusion doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up. 
Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, hetu ayaṁ paccayo yena anuppanno vā moho nuppajjati uppanno ca moho pahīyatī’”ti. 
This is the cause, this is the reason why delusion doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up.’” 

an3.69āpajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, sālo vā dhavo vā phandano vā tīhi māluvālatāhi uddhasto pariyonaddho anayaṁ āpajjati, byasanaṁ āpajjati, anayabyasanaṁ āpajjati;  Suppose a sal, axlewood, or boxwood tree was choked and engulfed by three camel’s foot creepers. It would fall to ruin and disaster. 

an3.70paribhuñjati saṁvijjati uppajjati vijjati28Pi En Ru dhamma

So tassā rattiyā accayena bhoge adinnaṁyeva paribhuñjati.  When the night has passed they use their possessions once more, though they’ve not been given back to them. 
Tassa tathāgataṁ anussarato cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti, seyyathāpi, visākhe, upakkiliṭṭhassa sīsassa upakkamena pariyodapanā hoti. 
As they recollect the Realized One, their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up. It’s just like cleaning a dirty head by applying effort. 
Tassa tathāgataṁ anussarato cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti. 
As they recollect the Realized One, their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up. 
‘ariyasāvako brahmuposathaṁ upavasati, brahmunā saddhiṁ saṁvasati, brahmañcassa ārabbha cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti’. 
‘A noble disciple who observes the sabbath of the divinity, living together with the divinity. And because they think of the divinity their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up.’ 
Tassa dhammaṁ anussarato cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti, seyyathāpi, visākhe, upakkiliṭṭhassa kāyassa upakkamena pariyodapanā hoti. 
As they recollect the teaching, their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up. It’s just like cleaning a dirty body by applying effort. 
Tassa dhammaṁ anussarato cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti. 
As they recollect the teaching, their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up. 
Ayaṁ vuccati, visākhe, ‘ariyasāvako dhammuposathaṁ upavasati, dhammena saddhiṁ saṁvasati, dhammañcassa ārabbha cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti’. 
This is called: ‘A noble disciple who observes the sabbath of Dhamma, living together with Dhamma. And because they think of the Dhamma their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up.’ 
Tassa saṅghaṁ anussarato cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti, seyyathāpi, visākhe, upakkiliṭṭhassa vatthassa upakkamena pariyodapanā hoti. 
As they recollect the Saṅgha, their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up. It’s just like cleaning a dirty cloth by applying effort. 
Tassa saṅghaṁ anussarato cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti. 
As they recollect the Saṅgha, their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up. 
Ayaṁ vuccati, visākhe, ‘ariyasāvako saṅghuposathaṁ upavasati, saṅghena saddhiṁ saṁvasati, saṅghañcassa ārabbha cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti’. 
This is called: ‘A noble disciple who observes the sabbath of the Saṅgha, living together with the Saṅgha. And because they think of the Saṅgha their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up.’ 
Tassa sīlaṁ anussarato cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti, seyyathāpi, visākhe, upakkiliṭṭhassa ādāsassa upakkamena pariyodapanā hoti. 
As they recollect their ethical conduct, their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up. It’s just like cleaning a dirty mirror by applying effort. 
Tassa sīlaṁ anussarato cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti. 
As they recollect their ethical conduct, their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up. 
Ayaṁ vuccati, visākhe, ‘ariyasāvako sīluposathaṁ upavasati, sīlena saddhiṁ saṁvasati, sīlañcassa ārabbha cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti’. 
This is called: ‘A noble disciple who observes the sabbath of ethical conduct, living together with ethics. And because they think of their ethical conduct their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up.’ 
Yathārūpāya saddhāya samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tatthupapannā, mayhampi tathārūpā saddhā saṁvijjati. 
When those deities passed away from here, they were reborn there because of their faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. I, too, have the same kind of faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom.’ 
Yathārūpena sīlena samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tatthupapannā, mayhampi tathārūpaṁ sīlaṁ saṁvijjati. 
Yathārūpena sutena samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tatthupapannā, mayhampi tathārūpaṁ sutaṁ saṁvijjati. 
Yathārūpena cāgena samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tatthupapannā, mayhampi tathārūpo cāgo saṁvijjati. 
Tassa attano ca tāsañca devatānaṁ saddhañca sīlañca sutañca cāgañca paññañca anussarato cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti, seyyathāpi, visākhe, upakkiliṭṭhassa jātarūpassa upakkamena pariyodapanā hoti. 
As they recollect the faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom of both themselves and those deities, their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up. It’s just like cleansing corrupt native gold by applying effort. 
Yathārūpāya saddhāya samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tatthupapannā, mayhampi tathārūpā saddhā saṁvijjati. 
When those deities passed away from here, they were reborn there because of their faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. I, too, have the same kind of faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom.’ 
Tassa attano ca tāsañca devatānaṁ saddhañca sīlañca sutañca cāgañca paññañca anussarato cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti. 
As they recollect the faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom of both themselves and those deities, their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up. 
Ayaṁ vuccati, visākhe, ‘ariyasāvako devatuposathaṁ upavasati, devatāhi saddhiṁ saṁvasati, devatā ārabbha cittaṁ pasīdati, pāmojjaṁ uppajjati, ye cittassa upakkilesā te pahīyanti’. 
This is called: ‘A noble disciple who observes the sabbath of the deities, living together with the deities. And because they think of the deities their mind becomes clear, joy arises, and mental corruptions are given up.’ 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, visākhe, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā cātumahārājikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods of the four great kings. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, visākhe, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā tāvatiṁsānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods of the thirty-three. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, visākhe, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā yāmānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods of Yama. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, visākhe, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā tusitānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the joyful gods. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, visākhe, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā nimmānaratīnaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods who love to imagine. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, visākhe, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā paranimmitavasavattīnaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods who control what is imagined by others. 
Etasmiṁ yaṁ vijjati antare dhanaṁ, 
All of the wealth that’s found in this realm— 

an3.75vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

So vatānanda, buddhe aveccappasādena samannāgato ariyasāvako nirayaṁ vā tiracchānayoniṁ vā pettivisayaṁ vā upapajjissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  In this context, ‘change’ means that such a noble disciple will be reborn in hell, the animal realm, or the ghost realm: this is quite impossible. 
So vatānanda, saṅghe aveccappasādena samannāgato ariyasāvako nirayaṁ vā tiracchānayoniṁ vā pettivisayaṁ vā upapajjissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
In this context, ‘change’ means that such a noble disciple will be reborn in hell, the animal realm, or the ghost realm: this is quite impossible. 

an3.86āpajjatipi4Pi En Ru dhamma

So yāni tāni khuddānukhuddakāni sikkhāpadāni tāni āpajjatipi vuṭṭhātipi.  They break some lesser and minor training rules, but are restored. 
So yāni tāni khuddānukhuddakāni sikkhāpadāni tāni āpajjatipi vuṭṭhātipi. 
They break some lesser and minor training rules, but are restored. 
So yāni tāni khuddānukhuddakāni sikkhāpadāni tāni āpajjatipi vuṭṭhātipi. 
They break some lesser and minor training rules, but are restored. 
So yāni tāni khuddānukhuddakāni sikkhāpadāni tāni āpajjatipi vuṭṭhātipi. 
They break some lesser and minor training rules, but are restored. 

an3.87āpajjatipi3Pi En Ru dhamma

So yāni tāni khuddānukhuddakāni sikkhāpadāni tāni āpajjatipi vuṭṭhātipi.  They break some lesser and minor training rules, but are restored. 
So yāni tāni khuddānukhuddakāni sikkhāpadāni tāni āpajjatipi vuṭṭhātipi. 
They break some lesser and minor training rules, but are restored. 
So yāni tāni khuddānukhuddakāni sikkhāpadāni tāni āpajjatipi vuṭṭhātipi. 
They break some lesser and minor training rules, but are restored. 

an3.88āpajjatipi1Pi En Ru dhamma

So yāni tāni khuddānukhuddakāni sikkhāpadāni tāni āpajjatipi vuṭṭhātipi.  They break some lesser and minor training rules, but are restored. 

an3.91āpajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Vuddhihesā, kassapa, ariyassa vinaye yo accayaṁ accayato disvā yathādhammaṁ paṭikaroti, āyatiṁ saṁvaraṁ āpajjati.  For it is growth in the training of the Noble One to recognize a mistake for what it is, deal with it properly, and commit to restraint in the future. 

an3.94uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, yato ariyasāvakassa virajaṁ vītamalaṁ dhammacakkhuṁ uppajjati, saha dassanuppādā, bhikkhave, ariyasāvakassa tīṇi saṁyojanāni pahīyanti—  In the same way, when the stainless, immaculate vision of the teaching arises in a noble disciple, three fetters are given up: 
uppajjati → udapādi (sabbattha) 

an3.95āpajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, yassaṁ parisāyaṁ therā bhikkhū na bāhulikā honti na sāthalikā, okkamane nikkhittadhurā paviveke pubbaṅgamā, vīriyaṁ ārabhanti appattassa pattiyā anadhigatassa adhigamāya asacchikatassa sacchikiriyāya, tesaṁ pacchimā janatā diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjati.  An assembly where the senior mendicants are not indulgent or slack, nor are they backsliders. Instead, they take the lead in seclusion, rousing energy for attaining the unattained, achieving the unachieved, and realizing the unrealized. And those who come afterwards follow their example. 

an3.103uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘yaṁ kho lokaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ loke assādo.  ‘The pleasure and happiness that arise from the world: this is its gratification. 

an3.113āpajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

yo cāyaṁ evaṁvādī evaṁdiṭṭhi: ‘natthi kāmesu doso’ti, so tāya kāmesu pātabyataṁ āpajjati.  and someone who has the view, ‘There is nothing wrong with sensual pleasures,’ so they throw themselves into sensual pleasures. 

an3.116upapajjati āpajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

So tadassādeti taṁ nikāmeti tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati, tatra ṭhito tadadhimutto tabbahulavihārī aparihīno kālaṁ kurumāno ākāsānañcāyatanūpagānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. If they’re set on that, committed to it, and meditate on it often without losing it, when they die they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the dimension of infinite space. 
So tadassādeti taṁ nikāmeti tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati, tatra ṭhito tadadhimutto tabbahulavihārī aparihīno kālaṁ kurumāno viññāṇañcāyatanūpagānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. If they’re set on that, committed to it, and meditate on it often without losing it, when they die they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the dimension of infinite consciousness. 
So tadassādeti taṁ nikāmeti tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati, tatra ṭhito tadadhimutto tabbahulavihārī aparihīno kālaṁ kurumāno ākiñcaññāyatanūpagānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. If they’re set on that, committed to it, and meditate on it often without losing it, when they die they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the dimension of nothingness. 

an3.123paribhuñjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

So taṁ piṇḍapātaṁ gathito mucchito ajjhosanno anādīnavadassāvī anissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati.  They eat that food tied, infatuated, attached, blind to the drawbacks, and not understanding the escape. 
So taṁ piṇḍapātaṁ agathito amucchito anajjhosanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati. 
They eat that almsfood untied, uninfatuated, unattached, seeing the drawback, and understanding the escape. 

an3.129upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Tīhi kho, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  “When females have three qualities, when their body breaks up, after death, they are reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 

an3.132lujjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, pāsāṇe lekhā na khippaṁ lujjati vātena vā udakena vā, ciraṭṭhitikā hoti;  It’s like a line drawn in stone, which isn’t quickly worn away by wind and water, but lasts for a long time. 
Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, pathaviyā lekhā khippaṁ lujjati vātena vā udakena vā, na ciraṭṭhitikā hoti; 
It’s like a line drawn in sand, which is quickly worn away by wind and water, and doesn’t last long. 

an3.136vibhajati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Abhisambujjhitvā abhisametvā ācikkhati deseti paññāpeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati vibhajati uttānīkaroti:  then he explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals it: 
Abhisambujjhitvā abhisametvā ācikkhati deseti paññāpeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati vibhajati uttānīkaroti: 
then he explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals it: 
Abhisambujjhitvā abhisametvā ācikkhati deseti paññāpeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati vibhajati uttānīkaroti: 
then he explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals it: 

an3.156-162āpajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāmesu pātabyataṁ āpajjati.  so they throw themselves into sensual pleasures. 

an4.4paṭipajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

yo micchā paṭipajjati;  by their mother or father, 
yo sammā paṭipajjati; 
by their mother and father, 

an4.9uppajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

“Cattārome, bhikkhave, taṇhuppādā yattha bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati.  “Mendicants, there are four things that give rise to craving in a mendicant. 
Cīvarahetu vā, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati; 
For the sake of robes, 
piṇḍapātahetu vā, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati; 
senāsanahetu vā, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati; 
itibhavābhavahetu vā, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati. 
or rebirth in this or that state. 

an4.11uppajjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

“Carato cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṁsāvitakko vā.  “Mendicants, suppose a mendicant has a sensual, malicious, or cruel thought while walking. 
Ṭhitassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṁsāvitakko vā. 
Suppose a mendicant has a sensual, malicious, or cruel thought while standing … 
Nisinnassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṁsāvitakko vā. 
sitting … 
Sayānassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno jāgarassa uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṁsāvitakko vā. 
or when lying down while awake. 
Carato cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṁsāvitakko vā. 
Suppose a mendicant has a sensual, malicious, or cruel thought while walking. 
Ṭhitassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṁsāvitakko vā. 
Suppose a mendicant has a sensual, malicious, or cruel thought while standing … 
Nisinnassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṁsāvitakko vā. 
sitting … 
Sayānassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno jāgarassa uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṁsāvitakko vā. 
or when lying down while awake. 

an4.14paṭipajjati āpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati.  If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 

an4.28paribhuñjati āpajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu santuṭṭho hoti itarītarena cīvarena, itarītaracīvarasantuṭṭhiyā ca vaṇṇavādī, na ca cīvarahetu anesanaṁ appatirūpaṁ āpajjati, aladdhā ca cīvaraṁ na paritassati, laddhā ca cīvaraṁ agadhito amucchito anajjhosanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati;  Firstly, a mendicant is content with any kind of robe, and praises such contentment. They don’t try to get hold of a robe in an improper way. They don’t get upset if they don’t get a robe. And if they do get a robe, they use it untied, uninfatuated, unattached, seeing the drawback, and understanding the escape. 
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu santuṭṭho hoti itarītarena piṇḍapātena, itarītarapiṇḍapātasantuṭṭhiyā ca vaṇṇavādī, na ca piṇḍapātahetu anesanaṁ appatirūpaṁ āpajjati, aladdhā ca piṇḍapātaṁ na paritassati, laddhā ca piṇḍapātaṁ agadhito amucchito anajjhosanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati; 
Furthermore, a mendicant is content with any kind of almsfood … 
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu santuṭṭho hoti itarītarena senāsanena, itarītarasenāsanasantuṭṭhiyā ca vaṇṇavādī, na ca senāsanahetu anesanaṁ appatirūpaṁ āpajjati, aladdhā ca senāsanaṁ na paritassati, laddhā ca senāsanaṁ agadhito amucchito anajjhosanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati; 
Furthermore, a mendicant is content with any kind of lodgings … 

an4.30vijjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

So vata, paribbājakā, anabhijjhaṁ dhammapadaṁ paccakkhāya abhijjhāluṁ kāmesu tibbasārāgaṁ samaṇaṁ vā brāhmaṇaṁ vā paññāpessatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  It is quite impossible to reject this Dhamma footprint of contentment, and point out a true ascetic or brahmin who covets sensual pleasures with acute lust. 
So vata, paribbājakā, abyāpādaṁ dhammapadaṁ paccakkhāya byāpannacittaṁ paduṭṭhamanasaṅkappaṁ samaṇaṁ vā brāhmaṇaṁ vā paññāpessatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible to reject this Dhamma footprint of good will, and point out a true ascetic or brahmin who has ill will and malicious intent. 
So vata, paribbājakā, sammāsatiṁ dhammapadaṁ paccakkhāya muṭṭhassatiṁ asampajānaṁ samaṇaṁ vā brāhmaṇaṁ vā paññāpessatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible to reject this Dhamma footprint of right mindfulness, and point out a true ascetic or brahmin who is unmindful, with no situational awareness. 
So vata, paribbājakā, sammāsamādhiṁ dhammapadaṁ paccakkhāya asamāhitaṁ vibbhantacittaṁ samaṇaṁ vā brāhmaṇaṁ vā paññāpessatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible to reject this Dhamma footprint of right immersion, and point out a true ascetic or brahmin who is scattered, with straying mind. 

an4.33uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, yadā tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā, so dhammaṁ deseti:  In the same way, when a Realized One arises in the world—perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed—he teaches the Dhamma: 

an4.37anuyuñjati paṭipajjati āpajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ; cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati.  If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving restraint over it. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati manindriyaṁ; manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving restraint over it. 
jāgariyaṁ anuyuñjati. 
and dedicated to wakefulness; 

an4.40yajati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Pasannacitto yajati,  sacrifice it with confident heart, 
Pasannacitto yajati → pasannacittā yajanti (mr) 

an4.45upapajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yattha nu kho, bhante, na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, sakkā nu kho so, bhante, gamanena lokassa anto ñātuṁ vā daṭṭhuṁ vā pāpuṇituṁ vā”ti?  “Sir, is it possible to know or see or reach the end of the world by traveling to a place where there’s no being born, growing old, dying, passing away, or being reborn?” 
“Yattha kho, āvuso, na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, nāhaṁ taṁ gamanena lokassa antaṁ ñāteyyaṁ daṭṭheyyaṁ patteyyanti vadāmī”ti. 
“Reverend, I say it’s not possible to know or see or reach the end of the world by traveling to a place where there’s no being born, growing old, dying, passing away, or being reborn.” 
‘yattha kho, āvuso, na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, nāhaṁ taṁ gamanena lokassa antaṁ ñāteyyaṁ daṭṭheyyaṁ patteyyanti vadāmī’”ti. 
‘yattha kho, āvuso, na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, nāhaṁ taṁ gamanena lokassa antaṁ ñāteyyaṁ daṭṭheyyaṁ patteyyanti vadāmī’”ti. 
“‘Yattha kho, āvuso, na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, nāhaṁ taṁ gamanena lokassa antaṁ ñāteyyaṁ daṭṭheyyaṁ patteyyan’ti vadāmi. 
“Reverend, I say it’s not possible to know or see or reach the end of the world by traveling to a place where there’s no being born, growing old, dying, passing away, or being reborn. 

an4.46upapajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

‘yattha nu kho, bhante, na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, sakkā nu kho so, bhante, gamanena lokassa anto ñātuṁ vā daṭṭhuṁ vā pāpuṇituṁ vā’ti?  ‘Sir, is it possible to know or see or reach the end of the world by traveling to a place where there’s no being born, growing old, dying, passing away, or being reborn?’ … 
‘yattha kho, āvuso, na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, nāhaṁ taṁ gamanena lokassa antaṁ ñāteyyaṁ daṭṭheyyaṁ patteyyanti vadāmī’ti. 
yattha kho, āvuso, na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, nāhaṁ taṁ gamanena lokassa antaṁ ñāteyyaṁ daṭṭheyyaṁ patteyyanti vadāmi’. 
‘yattha kho, āvuso, na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, nāhaṁ taṁ gamanena lokassa antaṁ ñāteyyaṁ daṭṭheyyaṁ patteyyanti vadāmī’ti. 
‘Yattha kho, āvuso, na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, nāhaṁ, taṁ gamanena lokassa antaṁ ñāteyyaṁ daṭṭheyyaṁ patteyyanti vadāmī’ti. 

an4.62paribhuñjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, gahapati, kulaputto uṭṭhānavīriyādhigatehi bhogehi bāhābalaparicitehi sedāvakkhittehi dhammikehi dhammaladdhehi paribhuñjati puññāni ca karoti.  It’s when a gentleman uses his legitimate wealth, and makes merit with it. 

an4.85upapajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā, manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
So kāyena sucaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya sucaritaṁ caritvā, manasā sucaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
So kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā, manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
So kāyena sucaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya sucaritaṁ caritvā, manasā sucaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

an4.87paribhuñjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yācitova bahulaṁ cīvaraṁ paribhuñjati, appaṁ ayācito; yācitova bahulaṁ piṇḍapātaṁ paribhuñjati, appaṁ ayācito; yācitova bahulaṁ senāsanaṁ paribhuñjati, appaṁ ayācito; yācitova bahulaṁ gilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhāraṁ paribhuñjati, appaṁ ayācito.  It’s when a mendicant usually uses only what they’ve been invited to accept—robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick—rarely using them without invitation. 

an4.89paribhuñjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yācitova bahulaṁ cīvaraṁ paribhuñjati, appaṁ ayācito …pe… yañhi taṁ, bhikkhave, sammā vadamāno vadeyya samaṇesu samaṇasukhumāloti, mameva taṁ, bhikkhave, sammā vadamāno vadeyya samaṇesu samaṇasukhumāloti.  It’s when a mendicant usually uses only what they’ve been invited to accept … And if anyone should be rightly called an exquisite ascetic of ascetics, it’s me. 

an4.90paribhuñjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yācitova bahulaṁ cīvaraṁ paribhuñjati, appaṁ ayācito …pe… mameva taṁ, bhikkhave, sammā vadamāno vadeyya samaṇesu samaṇasukhumāloti.  It’s when a mendicant usually uses only what they’ve been invited to accept … And if anyone should be rightly called an exquisite ascetic of ascetics, it’s me. 

an4.113saṁvijjati āpajjati36Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco bhadro assājānīyo patodacchāyaṁ disvā saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati:  One fine thoroughbred is moved to act when it sees the shadow of the goad, thinking: 
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, idhekacco bhadro assājānīyo na heva kho patodacchāyaṁ disvā saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati, api ca kho lomavedhaviddho saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati: 
Furthermore, one fine thoroughbred isn’t moved to act when it sees the shadow of the goad, but only when its hairs are struck, thinking: 
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, idhekacco bhadro assājānīyo na heva kho patodacchāyaṁ disvā saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati nāpi lomavedhaviddho saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati, api ca kho cammavedhaviddho saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati: 
Furthermore, one fine thoroughbred isn’t moved to act when it sees the shadow of the goad, nor when its hairs are struck, but only when its hide is struck, thinking: 
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, idhekacco bhadro assājānīyo na heva kho patodacchāyaṁ disvā saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati nāpi lomavedhaviddho saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati nāpi cammavedhaviddho saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati, api ca kho aṭṭhivedhaviddho saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati: 
Furthermore, one fine thoroughbred isn’t moved to act when it sees the shadow of the goad, nor when its hairs are struck, nor when its hide is struck, but only when its bone is struck, thinking: 
So tena saṁvijjati, saṁvegaṁ āpajjati. 
They’re moved to act by this, 
Seyyathāpi so, bhikkhave, bhadro assājānīyo patodacchāyaṁ disvā saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati; 
This person is like the fine thoroughbred 
So tena saṁvijjati, saṁvegaṁ āpajjati. 
They’re moved to act by this, 
Seyyathāpi so, bhikkhave, bhadro assājānīyo lomavedhaviddho saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati; 
This person is like the fine thoroughbred that’s moved to act 
So tena saṁvijjati, saṁvegaṁ āpajjati. 
They’re moved to act by this, 
Seyyathāpi so, bhikkhave, bhadro assājānīyo cammavedhaviddho saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati; 
This person is like the fine thoroughbred that’s moved to act 
So tena saṁvijjati, saṁvegaṁ āpajjati. 
They’re moved to act by this, 
Seyyathāpi so, bhikkhave, bhadro assājānīyo aṭṭhivedhaviddho saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati; 
This person is like the fine thoroughbred that’s moved to act 

an4.117majjati rajjati āpajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Yato kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno rajanīyesu dhammesu cittaṁ na rajjati vītarāgattā, dosanīyesu dhammesu cittaṁ na dussati vītadosattā, mohanīyesu dhammesu cittaṁ na muyhati vītamohattā, madanīyesu dhammesu cittaṁ na majjati vītamadattā, so na chambhati na kampati na vedhati na santāsaṁ āpajjati, na ca pana samaṇavacanahetupi gacchatī”ti.  When a mendicant’s mind is no longer affected by greed, hate, delusion, or intoxication because they’ve got rid of these things, they don’t shake, tremble, quake, or get nervous, nor are they persuaded by the teachings of other ascetics.” 

an4.123upapajjati āpajjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

So tadassādeti, taṁ nikāmeti, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati.  They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. 
Tattha ṭhito tadadhimutto tabbahulavihārī aparihīno kālaṁ kurumāno brahmakāyikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
If they abide in that, are committed to it, and meditate on it often without losing it, when they die they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the Divinity’s host. 
So tadassādeti, taṁ nikāmeti, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati. 
They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. 
Tattha ṭhito tadadhimutto tabbahulavihārī aparihīno kālaṁ kurumāno ābhassarānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
If they abide in that, are committed to it, and meditate on it often without losing it, when they die they’re reborn in the company of the gods of streaming radiance. 
So tadassādeti, taṁ nikāmeti, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati. 
They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. 
Tattha ṭhito tadadhimutto tabbahulavihārī aparihīno, kālaṁ kurumāno subhakiṇhānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
If they abide in that, are committed to it, and meditate on it often without losing it, when they die they’re reborn in the company of the gods of universal beauty. 
So tadassādeti, taṁ nikāmeti, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati. 
They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. 
Tattha ṭhito tadadhimutto tabbahulavihārī aparihīno kālaṁ kurumāno vehapphalānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
If they abide in that, are committed to it, and meditate on it often without losing it, when they die they’re reborn in the company of the gods of abundant fruit. 

an4.124upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā suddhāvāsānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the pure abodes. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā suddhāvāsānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the pure abodes. 

an4.125upapajjati āpajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

So tadassādeti, taṁ nikāmeti, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati.  They enjoy this and like it and find it satisfying. 
Tattha ṭhito tadadhimutto tabbahulavihārī aparihīno kālaṁ kurumāno brahmakāyikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
If they abide in that, are committed to it, and meditate on it often without losing it, when they die they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the Divinity’s host. 
So tadassādeti, taṁ nikāmeti, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati. 
They enjoy this and like it and find it satisfying. 
Tattha ṭhito tadadhimutto tabbahulavihārī aparihīno kālaṁ kurumāno ābhassarānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
If they abide in that, are committed to it, and meditate on it often without losing it, when they die they’re reborn in the company of the gods of streaming radiance. The lifespan of the gods of streaming radiance is two eons. 
Ābhassarānaṁ, bhikkhave, devānaṁ dve kappā āyuppamāṇaṁ …pe… subhakiṇhānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
… they’re reborn in the company of the gods of universal beauty. The lifespan of the gods of universal beauty is four eons. 
Subhakiṇhānaṁ, bhikkhave, devānaṁ cattāro kappā āyuppamāṇaṁ …pe… vehapphalānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
… they’re reborn in the company of the gods of abundant fruit. 

an4.126upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā suddhāvāsānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the pure abodes. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā suddhāvāsānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the pure abodes. 

an4.160uppajjati āpajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā.  It’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 
Tesaṁ pacchimā janatā diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjati. 
Those who come after them follow their example. 
Tesaṁ pacchimā janatā diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjati. 
Those who come after them follow their example. 

an4.164paṭipajjati āpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ; cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati.  If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving restraint over it. 
yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati manindriyaṁ; manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving restraint over it. 

an4.165paṭipajjati āpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati manindriyaṁ; manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati.  If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving restraint over it. 

an4.171upapajjati uppajjati āpajjati23Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kāye vā, bhikkhave, sati kāyasañcetanāhetu uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ.  “Mendicants, as long as there’s a body, the intention that gives rise to bodily action causes pleasure and pain to arise in oneself. 
Vācāya vā, bhikkhave, sati vacīsañcetanāhetu uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
As long as there’s a voice, the intention that gives rise to verbal action causes pleasure and pain to arise in oneself. 
Mane vā, bhikkhave, sati manosañcetanāhetu uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ avijjāpaccayāva. 
As long as there’s a mind, the intention that gives rise to mental action causes pleasure and pain to arise in oneself. But these only apply when conditioned by ignorance. 
Sāmaṁ vā taṁ, bhikkhave, kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti, yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
By oneself one makes the choice that gives rise to bodily, verbal, and mental action, conditioned by which that pleasure and pain arise in oneself. 
Pare vāssa taṁ, bhikkhave, kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharonti, yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
Or else others make the choice … 
Sampajāno vā taṁ, bhikkhave, kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti, yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
One consciously makes the choice … 
Asampajāno vā taṁ, bhikkhave, kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti, yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
Or else one unconsciously makes the choice … 
Sāmaṁ vā taṁ, bhikkhave, vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti, yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ; 
yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ; 
sampajāno vā taṁ, bhikkhave, vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti, yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ; 
asampajāno vā taṁ, bhikkhave, vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti, yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
Sāmaṁ vā taṁ, bhikkhave, manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti, yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ; 
pare vāssa taṁ, bhikkhave, manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharonti, yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ; 
sampajāno vā taṁ, bhikkhave, manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti, yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ; 
asampajāno vā taṁ, bhikkhave, manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti, yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
avijjāya tveva asesavirāganirodhā so kāyo na hoti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ, sā vācā na hoti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ, so mano na hoti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ, 
But when ignorance fades away and ceases with nothing left over, there is no body and no voice and no mind, conditioned by which that pleasure and pain arise in oneself. 
khettaṁ taṁ na hoti …pe… vatthu taṁ na hoti …pe… āyatanaṁ taṁ na hoti …pe… adhikaraṇaṁ taṁ na hoti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhanti. 
There is no field, no ground, no scope, and no basis, conditioned by which that pleasure and pain arise in oneself. 
So tadassādeti, taṁ nikāmeti, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati; 
They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. 
tattha ṭhito tadadhimutto tabbahulavihārī aparihīno kālaṁ kurumāno nevasaññānāsaññāyatanūpagānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
If they abide in that, are committed to it, and meditate on it often without losing it, when they die they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception. 
So tadassādeti, taṁ nikāmeti, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati; 
They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. 
tattha ṭhito tadadhimutto tabbahulavihārī aparihīno kālaṁ kurumāno nevasaññānāsaññāyatanūpagānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
If they abide in that, are committed to it, and meditate on it often without losing it, when they die they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception. 

an4.184āpajjati21Pi En Ru dhamma

‘natthi yo maraṇadhammo samāno na bhāyati, na santāsaṁ āpajjati maraṇassā’”ti.  ‘All those liable to death are frightened and terrified of death.’” 
“Atthi, brāhmaṇa, maraṇadhammo samāno bhāyati, santāsaṁ āpajjati maraṇassa; 
“Brahmin, some of those liable to death are frightened and terrified of death. 
atthi pana, brāhmaṇa, maraṇadhammo samāno na bhāyati, na santāsaṁ āpajjati maraṇassa. 
But some of those liable to death are not frightened and terrified of death. 
Katamo ca, brāhmaṇa, maraṇadhammo samāno bhāyati, santāsaṁ āpajjati maraṇassa? 
Who are those frightened of death? 
So socati kilamati paridevati, urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
They sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
Ayaṁ kho, brāhmaṇa, maraṇadhammo samāno bhāyati, santāsaṁ āpajjati maraṇassa. 
This is someone who is frightened of death. 
So socati kilamati paridevati, urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
They sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
Ayampi kho, brāhmaṇa, maraṇadhammo samāno bhāyati, santāsaṁ āpajjati maraṇassa. 
This, too, is someone who is frightened of death. 
So socati kilamati paridevati, urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
They sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
Ayampi kho, brāhmaṇa, maraṇadhammo samāno bhāyati, santāsaṁ āpajjati maraṇassa. 
This, too, is someone who is frightened of death. 
So socati kilamati paridevati, urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
They sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
Ayampi kho, brāhmaṇa, maraṇadhammo samāno bhāyati, santāsaṁ āpajjati maraṇassa. 
This, too, is someone who is frightened of death. 
Katamo ca, brāhmaṇa, maraṇadhammo samāno na bhāyati, na santāsaṁ āpajjati maraṇassa? 
Who are those not frightened of death? 
So na socati na kilamati na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
They don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
Ayaṁ kho, brāhmaṇa, maraṇadhammo samāno na bhāyati, na santāsaṁ āpajjati maraṇassa. 
This is someone who’s not frightened of death. 
So na socati na kilamati na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
They don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
Ayampi kho, brāhmaṇa, maraṇadhammo samāno na bhāyati, na santāsaṁ āpajjati maraṇassa. 
This, too, is someone who’s not frightened of death. 
So na socati na kilamati na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
They don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
Ayampi kho, brāhmaṇa, maraṇadhammo samāno na bhāyati, na santāsaṁ āpajjati maraṇassa. 
This, too, is someone who’s not frightened of death. 
So na socati na kilamati na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
They don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
Ayampi kho, brāhmaṇa, maraṇadhammo samāno na bhāyati, na santāsaṁ āpajjati maraṇassa. 
This, too, is someone who’s not frightened of death. 

an4.187vijjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ṭhānaṁ kho etaṁ, brāhmaṇa, vijjati yaṁ sappuriso sappurisaṁ jāneyya:  “That, brahmin, is possible.” 
“Etampi kho, brāhmaṇa, ṭhānaṁ vijjati yaṁ sappuriso asappurisaṁ jāneyya: 
“That too is possible.” 
Ṭhānaṁ kho etaṁ, brāhmaṇa, vijjati yaṁ sappuriso sappurisaṁ jāneyya— 
But it is possible that a true person could know …’ 
Etampi kho, brāhmaṇa, ṭhānaṁ vijjati yaṁ sappuriso asappurisaṁ jāneyya— 
Ṭhānaṁ kho etaṁ, brāhmaṇa, vijjati yaṁ sappuriso sappurisaṁ jāneyya— 
But it is possible that a true person could know … 
Etampi kho, brāhmaṇa, ṭhānaṁ vijjati yaṁ sappuriso asappurisaṁ jāneyya— 

an4.191upapajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

So muṭṭhassati kālaṁ kurumāno aññataraṁ devanikāyaṁ upapajjati.  But they die unmindful and are reborn in one of the orders of gods. 
So muṭṭhassati kālaṁ kurumāno aññataraṁ devanikāyaṁ upapajjati. 
But they die unmindful and are reborn in one of the orders of gods. 
So muṭṭhassati kālaṁ kurumāno aññataraṁ devanikāyaṁ upapajjati. 
But they die unmindful and are reborn in one of the orders of gods. … 
So muṭṭhassati kālaṁ kurumāno aññataraṁ devanikāyaṁ upapajjati. 
But they die unmindful and are reborn in one of the orders of gods. 
So muṭṭhassati kālaṁ kurumāno aññataraṁ devanikāyaṁ upapajjati. 
But they die unmindful and are reborn in one of the orders of gods. … 
So muṭṭhassati kālaṁ kurumāno aññataraṁ devanikāyaṁ upapajjati. 
But they die unmindful and are reborn in one of the orders of gods. 
So muṭṭhassati kālaṁ kurumāno aññataraṁ devanikāyaṁ upapajjati. 
But they die unmindful and are reborn in one of the orders of gods. … 

an4.192āpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

So ñātibyasanena vā phuṭṭho samāno bhogabyasanena vā phuṭṭho samāno rogabyasanena vā phuṭṭho samāno socati kilamati paridevati, urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati.  They sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
So ñātibyasanena vā phuṭṭho samāno bhogabyasanena vā phuṭṭho samāno rogabyasanena vā phuṭṭho samāno na socati na kilamati na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
They don’t sorrow or wail or lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 

an4.193uppajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

lobho purisassa ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati hitāya vā ahitāya vā”ti?  Does greed come up in a person for their welfare or harm?” 
doso purisassa …pe… moho purisassa …pe… sārambho purisassa ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati hitāya vā ahitāya vā”ti? 
Does hate … or delusion … or aggression come up in a person for their welfare or harm?” 
alobho purisassa ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati hitāya vā ahitāya vā”ti? 
Does contentment … love … understanding … benevolence come up in a person for their welfare or harm?” 
“Taṁ kiṁ maññatha, bhaddiya, adoso purisassa …pe… amoho purisassa …pe… asārambho purisassa ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati hitāya vā ahitāya vā”ti? 

an4.197abhisajjati byāpajjati nābhisajjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

Appampi vuttā samānā abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patitthīyati, kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti.  Even when criticized a little bit she loses her temper, becoming annoyed, hostile, and hard-hearted, and displaying annoyance, hate, and bitterness. 
Appampi vuttā samānā abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patitthīyati, kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
Bahumpi vuttā samānā nābhisajjati na kuppati na byāpajjati na patitthīyati, na kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
Bahumpi vuttā samānā nābhisajjati na kuppati na byāpajjati na patitthīyati, na kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 

an4.198bhajati pabbajati paṭipajjati uppajjati āpajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā.  It’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 
So aparena samayena appaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya, mahantaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya, appaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya, mahantaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya, kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
After some time they give up a large or small fortune, and a large or small family circle. They shave off hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ; cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving restraint over it. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati manindriyaṁ; manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving restraint over it. 
vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanappatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
they frequent a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 

an4.233upapajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

So sabyābajjhaṁ kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhaṁ vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhaṁ manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā sabyābajjhaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati.  Having made these choices, they’re reborn in a hurtful world, 
So abyābajjhaṁ kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, abyābajjhaṁ vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, abyābajjhaṁ manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā abyābajjhaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Having made these choices, they’re reborn in a pleasing world, 
So sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Having made these choices, they are reborn in a world that is both hurtful and pleasing, 

an4.234upapajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

So sabyābajjhaṁ kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhaṁ vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhaṁ manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā sabyābajjhaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati.   
So abyābajjhaṁ kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, abyābajjhaṁ vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, abyābajjhaṁ manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā abyābajjhaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
So sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi lokaṁ upapajjati. 

an4.243voyuñjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kadā panānanda, anuruddho saṅghamajjhe adhikaraṇesu voyuñjati.  “But Ānanda, since when has Anuruddha been involved in disciplinary issues in the midst of the Saṅgha? 

an4.257uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

“Cattārome, mālukyaputta, taṇhuppādā yattha bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati.  “Māluṅkyaputta, there are four things that give rise to craving in a mendicant. 
Cīvarahetu vā, mālukyaputta, bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati. 
For the sake of robes, 
Piṇḍapātahetu vā, mālukyaputta, bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati. 
Senāsanahetu vā, mālukyaputta, bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati. 
Itibhavābhavahetu vā, mālukyaputta, bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati. 
or rebirth in this or that state. 
Ime kho, mālukyaputta, cattāro taṇhuppādā yattha bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati. 
These are the four things that give rise to craving in a mendicant. 

an5.21vijjati9Pi En Ru dhamma

“So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu agāravo appatisso asabhāgavuttiko ‘sabrahmacārīsu ābhisamācārikaṁ dhammaṁ paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “Mendicants, it is quite impossible for a disrespectful and irreverent mendicant with incompatible lifestyle to fulfill the practice dealing with supplementary regulations regarding their spiritual companions. 
‘Ābhisamācārikaṁ dhammaṁ aparipūretvā sekhaṁ dhammaṁ paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without fulfilling the practice dealing with supplementary regulations, it’s impossible to fulfill the practice of a trainee. 
‘Sekhaṁ dhammaṁ aparipūretvā sīlāni paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without fulfilling the practice of a trainee, it’s impossible to fulfill ethics. 
‘Sīlāni aparipūretvā sammādiṭṭhiṁ paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without fulfilling ethics, it’s impossible to fulfill right view. 
‘Sammādiṭṭhiṁ aparipūretvā sammāsamādhiṁ paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without fulfilling right view, it’s impossible to fulfill right immersion. 
So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sagāravo sappatisso sabhāgavuttiko ‘sabrahmacārīsu ābhisamācārikaṁ dhammaṁ paripūressatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
But it is quite possible for a respectful and reverent mendicant with compatible lifestyle to fulfill the practice dealing with supplementary regulations regarding their spiritual companions. 
‘Ābhisamācārikaṁ dhammaṁ paripūretvā sekhaṁ dhammaṁ paripūressatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Having fulfilled the practice dealing with supplementary regulations, it’s possible to fulfill the practice of a trainee. 
‘Sekhaṁ dhammaṁ paripūretvā sīlāni paripūressatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Having fulfilled the practice of a trainee, it’s possible to fulfill ethics. 
‘Sīlāni paripūretvā sammādiṭṭhiṁ paripūressatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Having fulfilled ethics, it’s possible to fulfill right view. 

an5.22vijjati9Pi En Ru dhamma

“So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu agāravo appatisso asabhāgavuttiko ‘sabrahmacārīsu ābhisamācārikaṁ dhammaṁ paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “Mendicants, it is quite impossible for a disrespectful and irreverent mendicant with incompatible lifestyle to fulfill the practice dealing with supplementary regulations regarding their spiritual companions. 
‘Ābhisamācārikaṁ dhammaṁ aparipūretvā sekhaṁ dhammaṁ paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without fulfilling the practice dealing with supplementary regulations, it’s impossible to fulfill the practice of a trainee. 
‘Sekhaṁ dhammaṁ aparipūretvā sīlakkhandhaṁ paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without fulfilling the practice of a trainee, it’s impossible to fulfill the entire spectrum of ethics. 
‘Sīlakkhandhaṁ aparipūretvā samādhikkhandhaṁ paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without fulfilling the entire spectrum of ethics, it’s impossible to fulfill the entire spectrum of immersion. 
‘Samādhikkhandhaṁ aparipūretvā paññākkhandhaṁ paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without fulfilling the entire spectrum of immersion, it’s impossible to fulfill the entire spectrum of wisdom. 
So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sagāravo sappatisso sabhāgavuttiko ‘sabrahmacārīsu ābhisamācārikaṁ dhammaṁ paripūressatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
But it is quite possible for a respectful and reverent mendicant with compatible lifestyle to fulfill the practice dealing with supplementary regulations regarding their spiritual companions. 
‘Ābhisamācārikaṁ dhammaṁ paripūretvā sekhaṁ dhammaṁ paripūressatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Having fulfilled the practice dealing with supplementary regulations, it’s possible to fulfill the practice of a trainee. 
‘Sekhaṁ dhammaṁ paripūretvā sīlakkhandhaṁ paripūressatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Having fulfilled the practice of a trainee, it’s possible to fulfill the entire spectrum of ethics. 
‘Sīlakkhandhaṁ paripūretvā samādhikkhandhaṁ paripūressatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Having fulfilled the entire spectrum of ethics, it’s possible to fulfill the entire spectrum of immersion. 

an5.27uppajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Ayaṁ samādhi paccuppannasukho ceva āyatiñca sukhavipāko’ti paccattaññeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati,  ‘This immersion is blissful now, and results in bliss in the future.’ … 
‘ayaṁ samādhi ariyo nirāmiso’ti paccattaññeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati, 
‘This immersion is noble and not of the flesh.’ … 
‘ayaṁ samādhi akāpurisasevito’ti paccattaññeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati, 
‘This immersion is not cultivated by sinners.’ … 
‘ayaṁ samādhi santo paṇīto paṭippassaddhaladdho ekodibhāvādhigato, na sasaṅkhāraniggayhavāritagato’ti paccattaññeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati, 
‘This immersion is peaceful and sublime and tranquil and unified, not held in place by forceful suppression.’ … 
‘sato kho panāhaṁ imaṁ samāpajjāmi sato vuṭṭhahāmī’ti paccattaññeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati. 
‘I mindfully enter into and emerge from this immersion.’ … 

an5.31paribhuñjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

yācitova bahulaṁ cīvaraṁ paribhuñjati appaṁ ayācito, yācitova bahulaṁ piṇḍapātaṁ paribhuñjati appaṁ ayācito, yācitova bahulaṁ senāsanaṁ paribhuñjati appaṁ ayācito, yācitova bahulaṁ gilānapaccayabhesajjaparikkhāraṁ paribhuñjati appaṁ ayācito.  They usually use only what they’ve been invited to accept—robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick—rarely using them without invitation. 

an5.32upapajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

‘yadeva so hoti itthī vā puriso vā buddhaṁ saraṇaṁ gato, dhammaṁ saraṇaṁ gato, saṅghaṁ saraṇaṁ gato, pāṇātipātā paṭivirato, adinnādānā paṭivirato, kāmesumicchācārā paṭivirato, musāvādā paṭivirato, surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānā paṭivirato, so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁyeva upapajjati, no duggatin’ti.  ‘Take a woman or man who goes for refuge to the Buddha, the teaching, and the Saṅgha, and doesn’t kill living creatures, steal, commit sexual misconduct, lie, or consume beer, wine, and liquor intoxicants. Only then do they get reborn in a good place, not a bad place, when their body breaks up, after death.’ 
‘kathaṁrūpe kho, bhante, satthari pasanno kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁyeva upapajjati, no duggatiṁ? 
Sir, what kind of teacher should you have confidence in so as to be reborn in a good place, not a bad place, when the body breaks up, after death? 
Kathaṁrūpe dhamme pasanno kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁyeva upapajjati, no duggatiṁ? 
Sir, what kind of teaching should you have confidence in so as to be reborn in a good place, not a bad place, when the body breaks up, after death? 
Kathaṁrūpe saṅghe pasanno kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁyeva upapajjati, no duggatiṁ? 
Sir, what kind of Saṅgha should you have confidence in so as to be reborn in a good place, not a bad place, when the body breaks up, after death? 
Kathaṁrūpesu sīlesu paripūrakārī kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁyeva upapajjati, no duggatin’”ti? 
Sir, what kind of ethics should you fulfill so as to be reborn in a good place, not a bad place, when the body breaks up, after death?” 

an5.34upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, sīha, dāyako dānapati kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati.  Furthermore, when a giver’s body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Yampi, sīha, dāyako dānapati kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati, idaṁ samparāyikaṁ dānaphalan”ti. 
This is a fruit of giving to do with lives to come.” 

an5.35upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

an5.38upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

saddho kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, the faithful are reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

an5.39paṭipajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

dāyajjaṁ paṭipajjati;  They’ll take care of the inheritance. 

an5.48āpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

So jarādhamme jiṇṇe socati kilamati paridevati, urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati.  And so, when someone liable to old age grows old, they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
So nassanadhamme naṭṭhe socati kilamati paridevati, urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
And so, when someone liable to perishing perishes, they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
So jarādhamme jiṇṇe na socati na kilamati na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
And so, when someone liable to old age grows old, they don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
So nassanadhamme naṭṭhe na socati na kilamati na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
And so, when someone liable to perishing perishes, they don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 

an5.50bhuñjati āpajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

So bhaddāya deviyā kālaṅkatāya piyāya manāpāya neva nhāyati na vilimpati na bhattaṁ bhuñjati na kammantaṁ payojeti—  And since that time, the king did not bathe, anoint himself, eat his meals, or apply himself to his work. 
So bhaddāya deviyā kālaṅkatāya piyāya manāpāya neva nhāyati na vilimpati na bhattaṁ bhuñjati na kammantaṁ payojeti— 
Since then the king does not bathe, anoint himself, eat his meals, or apply himself to his work. 
So bhaddāya deviyā kālaṅkatāya piyāya manāpāya neva nhāyati na vilimpati na bhattaṁ bhuñjati na kammantaṁ payojeti— 
And since she passed away, the king has not bathed, anointed himself, eaten his meals, or got his business done. 
So jarādhamme jiṇṇe socati kilamati paridevati, urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
And so, when someone liable to old age grows old, they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
So nassanadhamme naṭṭhe socati kilamati paridevati, urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
And so, when someone liable to perishing perishes, they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
So jarādhamme jiṇṇe na socati na kilamati na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
And so, when someone liable to old age grows old, they don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
So nassanadhamme naṭṭhe na socati na kilamati na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
And so, when someone liable to perishing perishes, they don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 

an5.51vijjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ime pañca āvaraṇe nīvaraṇe cetaso ajjhāruhe paññāya dubbalīkaraṇe appahāya, abalāya paññāya dubbalāya attatthaṁ vā ñassati paratthaṁ vā ñassati ubhayatthaṁ vā ñassati uttari vā manussadhammā alamariyañāṇadassanavisesaṁ sacchikarissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  Take a mendicant who has feeble and weak wisdom, not having given up these five obstacles and hindrances, parasites of the mind that weaken wisdom. It is quite impossible that they would know what’s for their own good, the good of another, or the good of both; or that they would realize any superhuman distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones. 
Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu ime pañca āvaraṇe nīvaraṇe cetaso ajjhāruhe paññāya dubbalīkaraṇe appahāya, abalāya paññāya dubbalāya attatthaṁ vā ñassati paratthaṁ vā ñassati ubhayatthaṁ vā ñassati uttari vā manussadhammā alamariyañāṇadassanavisesaṁ sacchikarissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
In the same way, take a mendicant who has feeble and weak wisdom, not having given up these five obstacles and hindrances, parasites of the mind that weaken wisdom. It is not possible that they would know what’s for their own good, the good of another, or the good of both; or that they would realize any superhuman distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones. 
So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ime pañca āvaraṇe nīvaraṇe cetaso ajjhāruhe paññāya dubbalīkaraṇe pahāya, balavatiyā paññāya attatthaṁ vā ñassati paratthaṁ vā ñassati ubhayatthaṁ vā ñassati uttari vā manussadhammā alamariyañāṇadassanavisesaṁ sacchikarissatīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Take a mendicant who has powerful wisdom, having given up these five obstacles and hindrances, parasites of the mind that weaken wisdom. It’s quite possible that they would know what’s for their own good, the good of another, or the good of both; or that they would realize any superhuman distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones. 

an5.55sārajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘na mātā putte sārajjati, putto vā pana mātarī’ti?  a mother cannot lust for her son, or that a son cannot lust for his mother? 

an5.73anuyuñjati nānuyuñjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

So tāya dhammapariyattiyā divasaṁ atināmeti, riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, nānuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ.  They spend too much time studying that teaching. They neglect retreat, and are not committed to internal serenity of heart. 
So tāya dhammapaññattiyā divasaṁ atināmeti, riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, nānuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ. 
They spend too much time advocating that teaching. They neglect retreat, and are not committed to internal serenity of heart. 
So tena sajjhāyena divasaṁ atināmeti, riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, nānuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ. 
They spend too much time reciting that teaching. They neglect retreat, and are not committed to internal serenity of heart. 
So tehi dhammavitakkehi divasaṁ atināmeti, riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, nānuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ. 
They spend too much time thinking about that teaching. They neglect retreat, and are not committed to internal serenity of heart. 
So tāya dhammapariyattiyā na divasaṁ atināmeti, nāpi riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, anuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ. 
They don’t spend too much time studying that teaching. They don’t neglect retreat, and they’re committed to internal serenity of heart. 

an5.75abhinipajjati bhajati byāpajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

api ca kho sampahāre haññati byāpajjati.  but he’s killed or injured when blows are struck. 
api ca kho sampahāre haññati byāpajjati. 
but he’s killed or injured when blows are struck. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhuṁ araññagataṁ vā rukkhamūlagataṁ vā suññāgāragataṁ vā mātugāmo upasaṅkamitvā abhinisīdati abhinipajjati ajjhottharati. 
It’s when a mendicant who has gone to a wilderness, or to the root of a tree, or to an empty hut is approached by a female. She sits right by him, lies down, or embraces him. 
Seyyathāpi so, bhikkhave, yodhājīvo sahati rajaggaṁ, sahati dhajaggaṁ, sahati ussāraṇaṁ, api ca kho sampahāre haññati byāpajjati; 
I say that this person is like the warrior who can prevail over a cloud of dust and a banner’s crest and turmoil, but is killed or injured when blows are struck. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhuṁ araññagataṁ vā rukkhamūlagataṁ vā suññāgāragataṁ vā mātugāmo upasaṅkamitvā abhinisīdati abhinipajjati ajjhottharati. 
It’s when a mendicant who has gone to a wilderness, or to the root of a tree, or to an empty hut is approached by a female. She sits right by him, lies down, or embraces him. 
So vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
He frequents a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 

an5.76bhajati paṭipajjati āpajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ; cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati.  If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, he practices restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving restraint over it. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati manindriyaṁ; manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, he practices restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving restraint over it. 
vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
he frequents a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 

an5.78bhijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Hoti kho pana so samayo yaṁ saṅgho bhijjati.  But there will come a time of schism in the Saṅgha. 

an5.81majjati rajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Rajanīye rajjati, dussanīye dussati, mohanīye muyhati, kuppanīye kuppati, madanīye majjati—  They desire the desirable, they hate the hateful, they’re deluded by the delusory, they’re annoyed by the annoying, and they’re intoxicated by the intoxicating. 
Rajanīye na rajjati, dussanīye na dussati, mohanīye na muyhati, kuppanīye na kuppati, madanīye na majjati— 
They don’t desire the desirable, they don’t hate the hateful, they’re not deluded by the delusory, they’re not annoyed by the annoying, and they’re not intoxicated by the intoxicating. 

an5.90anuyuñjati nānuyuñjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, nānuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ.  They neglect retreat, and are not committed to internal serenity of heart. 
riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, nānuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ. 
They neglect retreat, and are not committed to internal serenity of heart. 
riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, nānuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ. 
They neglect retreat, and are not committed to internal serenity of heart. 
riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, nānuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ. 
They neglect retreat, and are not committed to internal serenity of heart. 
riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, nānuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ. 
They neglect retreat, and are not committed to internal serenity of heart. 
na riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, anuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ. 
They don’t neglect retreat, and are committed to internal serenity of heart. 
na riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, anuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ. 
They don’t neglect retreat, and are committed to internal serenity of heart. 
na riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, anuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ. 
They don’t neglect retreat, and are committed to internal serenity of heart. 
na riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, anuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ. 
They don’t neglect retreat, and are committed to internal serenity of heart. 
na riñcati paṭisallānaṁ, anuyuñjati ajjhattaṁ cetosamathaṁ. 
They don’t neglect retreat, and are committed to internal serenity of heart. 

an5.104paribhuñjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yācitova bahulaṁ cīvaraṁ paribhuñjati, appaṁ ayācito; yācitova bahulaṁ piṇḍapātaṁ paribhuñjati, appaṁ ayācito; yācitova bahulaṁ senāsanaṁ paribhuñjati, appaṁ ayācito; yācitova bahulaṁ gilānapaccayabhesajjaparikkhāraṁ paribhuñjati, appaṁ ayācito.  It’s when a mendicant usually uses only what they’ve been invited to accept—robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick—rarely using them without invitation. 

an5.139sārajjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā rajanīye rūpe sārajjati, na sakkoti cittaṁ samādahituṁ.  It’s when a mendicant, seeing a sight with their eyes, is aroused by a desirable sight, so is not able to still the mind. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sotena saddaṁ sutvā rajanīye sadde sārajjati, na sakkoti cittaṁ samādahituṁ. 
It’s when a mendicant, hearing a sound with their ears, is aroused by a desirable sound, so is not able to still the mind. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ghānena gandhaṁ ghāyitvā rajanīye gandhe sārajjati, na sakkoti cittaṁ samādahituṁ. 
It’s when a mendicant, smelling an odor with their nose, is aroused by a desirable smell, so is not able to still the mind. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu jivhāya rasaṁ sāyitvā rajanīye rase sārajjati, na sakkoti cittaṁ samādahituṁ. 
It’s when a mendicant, tasting a flavor with their tongue, is aroused by desirable tastes, so is not able to still the mind. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kāyena phoṭṭhabbaṁ phusitvā rajanīye phoṭṭhabbe sārajjati, na sakkoti cittaṁ samādahituṁ. 
It’s when a mendicant, feeling a touch with their body, is aroused by a desirable touch, so is not able to still the mind. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā rajanīye rūpe na sārajjati, sakkoti cittaṁ samādahituṁ. 
It’s when a mendicant, seeing a sight with their eyes, is not aroused by a desirable sight, so is able to still the mind. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sotena saddaṁ sutvā rajanīye sadde na sārajjati, sakkoti cittaṁ samādahituṁ. 
It’s when a mendicant, hearing a sound with their ears, is not aroused by desirable sounds, so is able to still the mind. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ghānena gandhaṁ ghāyitvā rajanīye gandhe na sārajjati, sakkoti cittaṁ samādahituṁ. 
It’s when a mendicant, smelling an odor with their nose, is not aroused by a desirable smell, so is able to still the mind. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu jivhāya rasaṁ sāyitvā rajanīye rase na sārajjati, sakkoti cittaṁ samādahituṁ. 
It’s when a mendicant, tasting a flavor with their tongue, is not aroused by desirable tastes, so is able to still the mind. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kāyena phoṭṭhabbaṁ phusitvā rajanīye phoṭṭhabbe na sārajjati, sakkoti cittaṁ samādahituṁ. 
It’s when a mendicant, feeling a touch with their body, is not aroused by a desirable touch, so is able to still the mind. 

an5.140paṭipajjati āpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ; cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati.  If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving restraint over it. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati manindriyaṁ; manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving restraint over it. 

an5.156āpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tesaṁ pacchimā janatā diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjati.  Those who come after them follow their example. 
Tesaṁ pacchimā janatā diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjati. 
Those who come after them follow their example. 

an5.157abhisajjati byāpajjati nābhisajjati20Pi En Ru dhamma

Assaddho, bhikkhave, saddhākathāya kacchamānāya abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patitthīyati kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti.  When an unfaithful person is spoken to about faith they lose their temper, becoming annoyed, hostile, and hard-hearted, and displaying annoyance, hate, and bitterness. 
Dussīlo, bhikkhave, sīlakathāya kacchamānāya abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patitthīyati kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
When an unethical person is spoken to about ethics they lose their temper … 
Appassuto, bhikkhave, bāhusaccakathāya kacchamānāya abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patitthīyati kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
When an unlearned person is spoken to about learning they lose their temper … 
Maccharī, bhikkhave, cāgakathāya kacchamānāya abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patitthīyati kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
When a stingy person is spoken to about generosity they lose their temper … 
Duppañño, bhikkhave, paññākathāya kacchamānāya abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patitthīyati kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
When a witless person is spoken to about wisdom they lose their temper, becoming annoyed, hostile, and hard-hearted, and displaying annoyance, hate, and bitterness. 
Saddho, bhikkhave, saddhākathāya kacchamānāya nābhisajjati na kuppati na byāpajjati na patitthīyati na kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
When a faithful person is spoken to about faith they don’t lose their temper, they don’t get annoyed, hostile, and hard-hearted, or display annoyance, hate, and bitterness. 
Sīlavā, bhikkhave, sīlakathāya kacchamānāya nābhisajjati na kuppati na byāpajjati na patitthīyati na kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
When an ethical person is spoken to about ethical conduct they don’t lose their temper … 
Bahussuto, bhikkhave, bāhusaccakathāya kacchamānāya nābhisajjati na kuppati na byāpajjati na patitthīyati na kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
When a learned person is spoken to about learning they don’t lose their temper … 
Cāgavā, bhikkhave, cāgakathāya kacchamānāya nābhisajjati na kuppati na byāpajjati na patitthīyati na kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
When a generous person is spoken to about generosity they don’t lose their temper … 
Paññavā, bhikkhave, paññākathāya kacchamānāya nābhisajjati na kuppati na byāpajjati na patitthīyati na kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
When a wise person is spoken to about wisdom they don’t lose their temper, they don’t get annoyed, hostile, and hard-hearted, or display annoyance, hate, and bitterness. 

an5.162āpajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Māyaṁ puriso idheva anayabyasanaṁ āpajjī’ti.  So that they don’t come to ruin right here.’ 
Māyaṁ → ayaṁ (mr) | āpajjī’ti → āpajjati (bj); āpajjatīti (pts1ed); āpajjeyya (mr) 

an5.174anuyuñjati nānuyuñjati sopapajjati upapajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañca, gahapati, bhayāni verāni appahāya ‘dussīlo’ iti vuccati, nirayañca upapajjati.  “Householder, unless these five dangers and threats are given up, one is said to be unethical, and is reborn in hell. 
imāni kho, gahapati, pañca bhayāni verāni appahāya ‘dussīlo’ iti vuccati, nirayañca upapajjati. 
Unless these five dangers and threats are given up, one is said to be unethical, and is reborn in hell. 
Pañca, gahapati, bhayāni verāni pahāya ‘sīlavā’ iti vuccati, sugatiñca upapajjati. 
Once these five dangers and threats are given up, one is said to be ethical, and is reborn in heaven. 
imāni kho, gahapati, pañca bhayāni verāni pahāya ‘sīlavā’ iti vuccati, sugatiñca upapajjati. 
Once these five dangers and threats are given up, one is said to be ethical, and is reborn in heaven. 
yo naro anuyuñjati. 
beer and wine. 
nirayaṁ sopapajjati. 
is reborn in hell. 
yo naro nānuyuñjati. 
beer and wine. 

an5.178bhañjati āpajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

‘ayaṁ puriso paritthīsu parakumārīsu cārittaṁ āpajjīti.  ‘This person had sexual relations with women or maidens under someone else’s protection.’ 
āpajjīti → āpajjati (sya-all, km) 
‘ayaṁ puriso gahapatissa vā gahapatiputtassa vā musāvādena atthaṁ pabhañjīti. 
‘This person has ruined a householder or householder’s child by lying.’ 
pabhañjīti → bhañjatīti (bj); bhañjati (sya-all, km); bhañjīti (pts1ed) 
ayaṁ puriso surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānaṁ anuyutto paritthīsu parakumārīsu cārittaṁ āpajji; 
Or they had sexual relations with women or maidens under someone else’s protection. 
āpajji → āpajjati (si, sya-all) 

an5.192pabbajati upapajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

So ācariyassa ācariyadhanaṁ niyyādetvā kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati.  Having offered the fee to his tutor, he shaves off his hair and beard, dresses in ocher robes, and goes forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
So ime cattāro brahmavihāre bhāvetvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ brahmalokaṁ upapajjati. 
Having developed these four divine meditations, when the body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a realm of divinity. 
So methunaṁ uppādetvā kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
Having ensured his progeny through sex, he shaves off his hair and beard, dresses in ocher robes, and goes forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
So ime cattāro jhāne bhāvetvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Having developed these four absorptions, when the body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
So methunaṁ uppādetvā tameva puttassādaṁ nikāmayamāno kuṭumbaṁ ajjhāvasati, na agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
Having ensured his progeny through sex, his child makes him happy. Because of this attachment he stays in his family property, and does not go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 

an5.196paribhuñjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

lābhī, bhikkhave, tathāgato cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhārānaṁ, taṁ tathāgato agathito amucchito anajjhosanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati.  This was fulfilled when the Realized One received robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick. And he used them untied, uninfatuated, unattached, seeing the drawbacks, and understanding the escape. 

an5.209sārajjati āpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Attanāpi tasmiṁ sare sārajjati, parepi tasmiṁ sare sārajjanti, gahapatikāpi ujjhāyanti:  You relish the sound of your own voice. Others relish the sound of your voice. Householders complain: 
‘yatheva mayaṁ gāyāma, evamevaṁ kho samaṇā sakyaputtiyā gāyantī’ti, sarakuttimpi nikāmayamānassa samādhissa bhaṅgo hoti, pacchimā janatā diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjati. 
‘These ascetics who follow the Sakyan, sing just like us!’ When you’re enjoying the melody, your immersion breaks up. Those who come after follow your example. 

an5.211upapajjati āpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Pārājiko vā hoti chinnaparipantho, aññataraṁ vā saṅkiliṭṭhaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati, bāḷhaṁ vā rogātaṅkaṁ phusati, sammūḷho kālaṁ karoti, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  They’re expelled, cut off, blocked out; or they commit a corrupt offense; or they contract a severe illness. They feel lost when they die. And when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 

an5.212upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Anadhigataṁ nādhigacchati, adhigatā parihāyati, pāpako kittisaddo abbhuggacchati, sammūḷho kālaṁ karoti, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  They don’t achieve the unachieved. What they have achieved falls away. They get a bad reputation. They feel lost when they die. And when their body breaks up, after death, they are reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 

an5.213upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, dussīlo sīlavipanno kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  Furthermore, an unethical person, when their body breaks up, after death, is reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, sīlavā sīlasampanno kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Furthermore, when an ethical person’s body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

an5.214upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Musā bhaṇati, pisuṇaṁ bhaṇati, pharusaṁ bhaṇati, samphappalāpaṁ bhaṇati, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  They use speech that’s false, divisive, harsh, and nonsensical. When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Na musā bhaṇati, na pisuṇaṁ bhaṇati, na pharusaṁ bhaṇati, na samphappalāpaṁ bhaṇati, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
They don’t use speech that’s false, divisive, harsh, and nonsensical. When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

an5.215upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Bahuno janassa appiyo hoti amanāpo, verabahulo ca hoti, vajjabahulo ca, sammūḷho kālaṁ karoti, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  Most people find you unlikable and disagreeable. You have lots of enmity and many faults. You feel lost when you die. And when your body breaks up, after death, you’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Bahuno janassa piyo hoti manāpo, na verabahulo hoti, na vajjabahulo, asammūḷho kālaṁ karoti, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Most people find you dear and agreeable. You have little enmity and few faults. You don’t feel lost when you die. And when your body breaks up, after death, you’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

an5.216upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Bahuno janassa appiyo hoti amanāpo, luddo ca hoti, vippaṭisārī ca, sammūḷho kālaṁ karoti, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  Most people find you unlikable and disagreeable. You’re cruel and remorseful. You feel lost when you die. And when your body breaks up, after death, you’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Bahuno janassa piyo hoti manāpo, aluddo ca hoti, avippaṭisārī ca, asammūḷho kālaṁ karoti, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Most people find you likable and agreeable. You’re neither cruel nor remorseful. You don’t feel lost when you die. And when your body breaks up, after death, you’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

an5.217upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  And when your body breaks up, after death, you’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
And when the body breaks up, after death, you’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

an5.218āpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Appasannā nappasīdanti, pasannānañca ekaccānaṁ aññathattaṁ hoti, satthusāsanaṁ akataṁ hoti, pacchimā janatā diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjati, cittamassa nappasīdati.  You don’t inspire confidence in those without it. You cause some with confidence to change their minds. You don’t follow the Teacher’s instructions. Those who come after you follow your example. And your mind doesn’t become clear. 
Appasannā pasīdanti, pasannānañca bhiyyobhāvo hoti, satthusāsanaṁ kataṁ hoti, pacchimā janatā diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjati, cittamassa pasīdati. 
You inspire confidence in those without it. You increase confidence in those who have it. You follow the Teacher’s instructions. Those who come after you follow your example. And your mind becomes clear. 

an5.225āpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Anāmantacāre āpajjati, raho nisajjāya āpajjati, paṭicchanne āsane āpajjati, mātugāmassa uttari chappañcavācāhi dhammaṁ desento āpajjati, kāmasaṅkappabahulo viharati.  You fall into an offense for wandering without leave. You fall into an offense for sitting in a private place with someone of the opposite sex. You fall into an offense for sitting in a hidden place with someone of the opposite sex. You fall into an offense for teaching more than five or six sentences to someone of the opposite sex. You have a lot of sensual thoughts. 

an5.235paribhuñjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

yaṁ kho panassa bhojanaṁ denti lūkhaṁ vā paṇītaṁ vā taṁ attanā paribhuñjati, saddhādeyyaṁ na vinipāteti.  And they eat whatever food they give them, coarse or fine, not wasting a gift given in faith. 

an5.241upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  And when your body breaks up, after death, you’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
When your body breaks up, after death, you’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

an5.244upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati.   

an5.250bhajati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Bhikkhūsu appasādabahulo samāno aññe bhikkhū na bhajati.  So they don’t frequent other mendicants, 
Bhikkhūsu appasādabahulo samāno aññe bhikkhū na bhajati. 
Aññe bhikkhū na bhajati. 
So they don’t frequent other mendicants, 

an5.308-1152gilānarājatikaṇḍaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma


an6.2parimajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu anekavihitaṁ iddhividhaṁ paccanubhoti—ekopi hutvā bahudhā hoti, bahudhāpi hutvā eko hoti; āvibhāvaṁ tirobhāvaṁ; tirokuṭṭaṁ tiropākāraṁ tiropabbataṁ asajjamāno gacchati, seyyathāpi ākāse; pathaviyāpi ummujjanimujjaṁ karoti, seyyathāpi udake; udakepi abhijjamāne gacchati, seyyathāpi pathaviyaṁ; ākāsepi pallaṅkena kamati, seyyathāpi pakkhī sakuṇo; imepi candimasūriye evaṁmahiddhike evaṁmahānubhāve pāṇinā parimasati parimajjati; yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vatteti.  It’s a mendicant who wields the many kinds of psychic power: multiplying themselves and becoming one again; appearing and disappearing; going unobstructed through a wall, a rampart, or a mountain as if through space; diving in and out of the earth as if it were water; walking on water as if it were earth; flying cross-legged through the sky like a bird; touching and stroking with the hand the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful. They control the body as far as the realm of divinity. 

an6.10saṁvijjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yathārūpāya saddhāya samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tattha upapannā, mayhampi tathārūpā saddhā saṁvijjati.  When those deities passed away from here, they were reborn there because of their faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. I, too, have the same kind of faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom.’ 
Yathārūpena sīlena samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tattha upapannā, mayhampi tathārūpaṁ sīlaṁ saṁvijjati. 
Yathārūpena sutena samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tattha upapannā, mayhampi tathārūpaṁ sutaṁ saṁvijjati. 
Yathārūpena cāgena samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tattha upapannā, mayhampi tathārūpo cāgo saṁvijjati. 

an6.13vijjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

atha ca panassa byāpādo cittaṁ pariyādāya ṭhassati, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  yet somehow ill will still occupies the mind. 
atha ca panassa vihesā cittaṁ pariyādāya ṭhassati, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
atha ca panassa arati cittaṁ pariyādāya ṭhassati, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
atha ca panassa rāgo cittaṁ pariyādāya ṭhassati, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
atha ca panassa nimittānusāri viññāṇaṁ bhavissati, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
atha ca panassa vicikicchākathaṅkathāsallaṁ cittaṁ pariyādāya ṭhassati, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
yet somehow the dart of doubt and indecision still occupies the mind. 

an6.25saṁvijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yathārūpāya saddhāya samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tattha upapannā; mayhampi tathārūpā saddhā saṁvijjati.  When those deities passed away from here, they were reborn there because of their faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. I, too, have the same kind of faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom.’ 

an6.26saṁvijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yathārūpāya saddhāya samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tattha upapannā; mayhampi tathārūpā saddhā saṁvijjati.  When those deities passed away from here, they were reborn there because of their faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. I, too, have the same kind of faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom.’ 

an6.43bhuñjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Bhuñjati anavajjāni,  He eats blameless things, 
sāvajjāni na bhuñjati; 
he doesn’t eat blameworthy things. 

an6.45vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

saddhā yassa na vijjati;  whoever has no faith, 

an6.54paribhuñjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Suppatiṭṭhassa kho pana, brāhmaṇa dhammika, nigrodharājassa ekaṁ khandhaṁ rājā paribhuñjati saddhiṁ itthāgārena, ekaṁ khandhaṁ balakāyo paribhuñjati, ekaṁ khandhaṁ negamajānapadā paribhuñjanti, ekaṁ khandhaṁ samaṇabrāhmaṇā paribhuñjanti, ekaṁ khandhaṁ migā paribhuñjanti.  The king and harem made use of one trunk, the troops another, the people of town and country another, ascetics and brahmins another, and beasts and birds another. 

an6.55vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

karaṇīyaṁ na vijjati.  and nothing more to do. 

an6.57pabbajati upapajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā, manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
So kāyena sucaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya sucaritaṁ caritvā, manasā sucaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
So kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
They shave off their hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
So kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā, manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
So kāyena sucaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya sucaritaṁ caritvā, manasā sucaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
So kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
They shave off their hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 

an6.60vijjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ṭhānañhetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati, yaṁ so goṇo kiṭṭhādo dāmaṁ vā chetvā vajaṁ vā bhinditvā, atha punadeva kiṭṭhaṁ otareyyāti.  For it’s quite possible that that ox will snap the ropes or break out of the pen, and then invade the crops.” 
“Ṭhānañhetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati, yaṁ amusmiṁ cātumahāpathe manussā vā atikkameyyuṁ, gopasū vā atikkameyyuṁ, vātātapo vā snehagataṁ pariyādiyeyya, atha punadeva rajo pātubhaveyyāti. 
For it is quite possible that people or cattle and so on will cross over the crossroad, or that the wind and sun will evaporate the moisture so that the dust appears again.” 
“Ṭhānañhetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati, yaṁ amusmiṁ taḷāke manussā vā piveyyuṁ, gopasū vā piveyyuṁ, vātātapo vā snehagataṁ pariyādiyeyya, atha punadeva sippisambukāpi sakkharakaṭhalāpi pātubhaveyyunti. 
For it’s quite possible that people or cattle and so on will drink from the pond, or that the wind and sun will evaporate it so that the clams and mussels, and pebbles and gravel appear again.” 
“Ṭhānañhetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati, amuṁ purisaṁ paṇītabhojanaṁ bhuttāviṁ yāvassa sā ojā kāye ṭhassati tāva na aññaṁ bhojanaṁ chādessati. 
For it’s quite possible that other food won’t appeal to that person as long as the nourishment is still present. 
“Ṭhānañhetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati, yā puratthimāya disāya āgaccheyya bhusā vātavuṭṭhi. Sā tasmiṁ udakarahade ūmiṁ janeyya. Yā pacchimāya disāya āgaccheyya …pe… yā uttarāya disāya āgaccheyya … yā dakkhiṇāya disāya āgaccheyya bhusā vātavuṭṭhi. Sā tasmiṁ udakarahade ūmiṁ janeyyāti. 
For it is quite possible that a violent storm could blow up out of the east, west, north, or south, and stir up waves in that lake.” 
“Ṭhānañhetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati, yaṁ so rājā vā rājamahāmatto vā tamhā vanasaṇḍā pakkameyya, atha punadeva cīrikasaddo pātubhaveyyāti. 
For it is quite possible that the ruler or their chief minister will depart from that woodland grove so that the chirping of crickets will be heard there again.” 

an6.63āpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco yena dukkhena abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto socati kilamati paridevati, urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati, yena vā pana dukkhena abhibhūto pariyādinnacitto bahiddhā pariyeṭṭhiṁ āpajjati:  It’s when someone who is overcome and overwhelmed by suffering sorrows and wails and laments, beating their breast and falling into confusion. Or else, overcome by that suffering, they begin an external search, wondering: 

an6.67vijjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

“‘So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu pāpamitto pāpasahāyo pāpasampavaṅko, pāpamitte sevamāno bhajamāno payirupāsamāno, tesañca diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjamāno ābhisamācārikaṁ dhammaṁ paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “Mendicants, it is quite impossible that a mendicant with bad friends, companions, and associates, while frequenting, accompanying, and attending, and following their example, will fulfill the practice dealing with the supplementary regulations. 
‘Ābhisamācārikaṁ dhammaṁ aparipūretvā sekhaṁ dhammaṁ paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without fulfilling the practice dealing with supplementary regulations, it’s impossible to fulfill the practice of a trainee. 
‘Sekhaṁ dhammaṁ aparipūretvā sīlāni paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without fulfilling the practice of a trainee, it’s impossible to fulfill ethics. 
‘Sīlāni aparipūretvā kāmarāgaṁ vā rūparāgaṁ vā arūparāgaṁ vā pajahissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without fulfilling ethics, it’s impossible to give up sensual desire, or desire to be reborn in the realm of luminous form or in the formless realm. 
‘So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kalyāṇamitto kalyāṇasahāyo kalyāṇasampavaṅko, kalyāṇamitte sevamāno bhajamāno payirupāsamāno, tesañca diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjamāno ābhisamācārikaṁ dhammaṁ paripūressatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
It’s quite possible that a mendicant with good friends, companions, and associates, while frequenting, accompanying, and attending, and following their example, will fulfill the practice dealing with the supplementary regulations. 
‘Ābhisamācārikaṁ dhammaṁ paripūretvā sekhaṁ dhammaṁ paripūressatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Having fulfilled the practice dealing with supplementary regulations, it’s possible to fulfill the practice of a trainee. 
‘Sekhaṁ dhammaṁ paripūretvā sīlāni paripūressatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Having fulfilled the practice of a trainee, it’s possible to fulfill ethics. 

an6.68vijjati11Pi En Ru dhamma

“‘So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saṅgaṇikārāmo saṅgaṇikarato saṅgaṇikārāmataṁ anuyutto, gaṇārāmo gaṇarato gaṇārāmataṁ anuyutto, eko paviveke abhiramissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “Mendicants, it is quite impossible that a mendicant who enjoys company and groups, who loves them and likes to enjoy them, should take pleasure in being alone in seclusion. 
‘Eko paviveke anabhiramanto cittassa nimittaṁ gahessatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without taking pleasure in being alone in seclusion, it’s impossible to learn the patterns of the mind. 
‘Cittassa nimittaṁ agaṇhanto sammādiṭṭhiṁ paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without learning the patterns of the mind, it’s impossible to fulfill right view. 
‘Sammādiṭṭhiṁ aparipūretvā sammāsamādhiṁ paripūressatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without fulfilling right view, it’s impossible to fulfill right immersion. 
‘Sammāsamādhiṁ aparipūretvā saṁyojanāni pajahissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without fulfilling right immersion, it’s impossible to give up the fetters. 
‘Saṁyojanāni appahāya nibbānaṁ sacchikarissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without giving up the fetters, it’s impossible to realize extinguishment. 
‘So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu na saṅgaṇikārāmo na saṅgaṇikarato na saṅgaṇikārāmataṁ anuyutto, na gaṇārāmo na gaṇarato na gaṇārāmataṁ anuyutto, eko paviveke abhiramissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
It’s quite possible that a mendicant who doesn’t enjoy company and groups, who doesn’t love them and like to enjoy them, should take pleasure in being alone in seclusion. 
‘Eko paviveke abhiramanto cittassa nimittaṁ gahessatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
For someone who takes pleasure in being alone in seclusion, it’s possible to learn the patterns of the mind. 
‘Cittassa nimittaṁ gaṇhanto sammādiṭṭhiṁ paripūressatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
For someone who learns the patterns of the mind, it’s possible to fulfill right view. 
‘Sammādiṭṭhiṁ paripūretvā sammāsamādhiṁ paripūressatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Having fulfilled right view, it’s possible to fulfill right immersion. 
‘Sammāsamādhiṁ paripūretvā saṁyojanāni pajahissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Having fulfilled right immersion, it’s possible to give up the fetters. 

an6.70vijjati11Pi En Ru dhamma

“‘So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu na santena samādhinā na paṇītena na paṭippassaddhiladdhena na ekodibhāvādhigatena anekavihitaṁ iddhividhaṁ paccanubhavissati—ekopi hutvā bahudhā bhavissati, bahudhāpi hutvā eko bhavissati …pe… yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vattessatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “Mendicants, it is quite impossible that a mendicant without immersion that is peaceful, refined, tranquil, and unified will wield the many kinds of psychic power: multiplying themselves and becoming one again; appearing and disappearing; going unobstructed through a wall, a rampart, or a mountain as if through space; diving in and out of the earth as if it were water; walking on water as if it were earth; flying cross-legged through the sky like a bird; touching and stroking with the hand the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful. They control the body as far as the realm of divinity. 
‘Dibbāya sotadhātuyā visuddhāya atikkantamānusikāya ubho sadde suṇissati—dibbe ca mānuse ca ye dūre santike cā’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It’s impossible that with clairaudience that is purified and superhuman, they’ll hear both kinds of sounds, human and heavenly, whether near or far. 
vimuttaṁ vā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ cittanti pajānissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
and freed mind as ‘freed mind’. 
‘Anekavihitaṁ pubbenivāsaṁ anussarissati, seyyathidaṁ—ekampi jātiṁ, dvepi jātiyo …pe… iti sākāraṁ sauddesaṁ anekavihitaṁ pubbenivāsaṁ anussarissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It’s impossible that they’ll recollect many kinds of past lives, with features and details. 
‘Dibbena cakkhunā visuddhena atikkantamānusakena satte passissati …pe… yathākammūpage satte pajānissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It’s impossible that with clairvoyance that is purified and surpasses the human, they’ll understand how sentient beings are reborn according to their deeds. 
‘Āsavānaṁ khayā …pe… sacchikatvā upasampajja viharissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It’s impossible that they’ll realize the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life, and live having realized it with their own insight due to the ending of defilements. 
‘So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu santena samādhinā paṇītena paṭippassaddhiladdhena ekodibhāvādhigatena anekavihitaṁ iddhividhaṁ paccanubhavissati …pe… yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vattessatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
But it’s quite possible that a mendicant who has immersion that is peaceful, refined, tranquil, and unified will wield the many kinds of psychic power … 
‘Dibbāya sotadhātuyā visuddhāya atikkantamānusikāya ubho sadde suṇissati—dibbe ca mānuse ca ye dūre santike cā’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
It’s possible that with clairaudience that is purified and superhuman, they’ll hear both kinds of sounds … 
vimuttaṁ vā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ cittanti pajānissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
‘Anekavihitaṁ pubbenivāsaṁ anussarissati, seyyathidaṁ—ekampi jātiṁ, dvepi jātiyo …pe… iti sākāraṁ sauddesaṁ anekavihitaṁ pubbenivāsaṁ anussarissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
It’s possible that they’ll recollect many kinds of past lives, with features and details. 
‘Dibbena cakkhunā visuddhena atikkantamānusakena satte passissati cavamāne upapajjamāne hīne paṇīte suvaṇṇe dubbaṇṇe, sugate duggate yathākammūpage satte pajānissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
It’s possible that with clairvoyance that is purified and superhuman, they’ll understand how sentient beings are reborn according to their deeds. 

an6.98vijjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

“‘So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kañci saṅkhāraṁ niccato samanupassanto anulomikāya khantiyā samannāgato bhavissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “Mendicants, it is quite impossible for a mendicant who regards any condition as permanent to accept views that conform with the teaching. 
‘Anulomikāya khantiyā asamannāgato sammattaniyāmaṁ okkamissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without accepting views that conform with the teaching, it’s impossible to enter the sure path. 
‘Sammattaniyāmaṁ anokkamamāno sotāpattiphalaṁ vā sakadāgāmiphalaṁ vā anāgāmiphalaṁ vā arahattaṁ vā sacchikarissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Without entering the sure path, it’s impossible to realize the fruit of stream-entry, once-return, non-return, or perfection. 
‘So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sabbasaṅkhāre aniccato samanupassanto anulomikāya khantiyā samannāgato bhavissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
It’s quite possible for a mendicant who regards all conditions as impermanent to accept views that conform with the teaching. 
‘Anulomikāya khantiyā samannāgato sammattaniyāmaṁ okkamissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Having accepted views that conform with the teaching, it’s possible to enter the sure path. 

an6.99vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

ṭhānametaṁ vijjati”.  " 

an6.100vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

ṭhānametaṁ vijjati”.  " 

an6.101vijjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

“‘So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu nibbānaṁ dukkhato samanupassanto anulomikāya khantiyā samannāgato bhavissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “Mendicants, it is quite impossible for a mendicant who regards extinguishment as suffering to accept views that conform with the teaching. … 
‘Anulomikāya khantiyā asamannāgato sammattaniyāmaṁ okkamissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
‘Sammattaniyāmaṁ anokkamamāno sotāpattiphalaṁ vā sakadāgāmiphalaṁ vā anāgāmiphalaṁ vā arahattaṁ vā sacchikarissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
‘So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu nibbānaṁ sukhato samanupassanto anulomikāya khantiyā samannāgato bhavissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
It’s quite possible for a mendicant who regards extinguishment as pleasurable to accept views that conform with the teaching. …” 
‘Anulomikāya khantiyā samannāgato sammattaniyāmaṁ okkamissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 

an7.15nimujjati ummujjati9Pi En Ru dhamma

idha pana, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo ummujjitvā nimujjati;  One person rises up then sinks under. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, puggalo ummujjitvā nimujjati? 
And what kind of person rises up then sinks under? 
Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo ummujjati sādhu saddhā kusalesu dhammesu, sādhu hirī …pe… 
It’s the kind of person who, rising up, thinks: ‘It’s good to have faith, conscience, prudence, energy, and wisdom regarding skillful qualities.’ 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, puggalo ummujjitvā nimujjati. 
This kind of person rises up then sinks under. 
Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo ummujjati sādhu saddhā kusalesu dhammesu, sādhu hirī …pe… 
It’s the kind of person who, rising up, thinks: ‘It’s good to have faith, conscience, prudence, energy, and wisdom regarding skillful qualities.’ 
Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo ummujjati sādhu saddhā kusalesu dhammesu, sādhu hirī …pe… 
It’s the kind of person who, rising up, thinks: ‘It’s good to have faith, conscience, prudence, energy, and wisdom regarding skillful qualities.’ 
Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo ummujjati sādhu saddhā kusalesu dhammesu, sādhu hirī …pe… 
It’s the kind of person who, rising up, thinks: ‘It’s good to have faith, conscience, prudence, energy, and wisdom regarding skillful qualities.’ 
Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo ummujjati sādhu saddhā kusalesu dhammesu, sādhu hirī …pe… 
It’s the kind of person who, rising up, thinks: ‘It’s good to have faith, conscience, prudence, energy, and wisdom regarding skillful qualities.’ 
Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo ummujjati sādhu saddhā kusalesu dhammesu, sādhu hirī …pe… 
It’s the kind of person who, rising up, thinks: ‘It’s good to have faith, conscience, prudence, energy, and wisdom regarding skillful qualities.’ 

an7.28āpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘santi kho pana saṅghe therā rattaññū cirapabbajitā bhāravāhino, te tena paññāyissantī’ti attanā tesu yogaṁ āpajjati.  ‘There are senior mendicants in the Saṅgha of long standing, long gone forth, responsible. They’ll be known for taking care of this.’ So they try to do it themselves. 
‘santi kho pana saṅghe therā rattaññū cirapabbajitā bhāravāhino, te tena paññāyissantī’ti attanā na tesu yogaṁ āpajjati. 
‘There are senior mendicants in the Saṅgha of long standing, long gone forth, responsible. They’ll be known for taking care of this.’ So they don’t try to do it themselves. 

an7.29nappamajjati pamajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

saddhammassavanaṁ pamajjati,  They neglect listening to the true teaching. 
saddhammassavanaṁ nappamajjati, 
They don’t neglect listening to the true teaching. 

an7.31nappamajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

saddhammassavanaṁ nappamajjati,  They don’t neglect listening to the true teaching. 

an7.47upapajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā, manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
So kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā, manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
So kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā, manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 

an7.50samāpajjati āpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Idha, brāhmaṇa, ekacco samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā sammā brahmacārī paṭijānamāno na heva kho mātugāmena saddhiṁ dvayaṁdvayasamāpattiṁ samāpajjati;  “Firstly, an ascetic or brahmin who claims to be perfectly celibate does not mutually engage in sex with a female. 
So taṁ assādeti, taṁ nikāmeti, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati. 
They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. 
Puna caparaṁ, brāhmaṇa, idhekacco samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā sammā brahmacārī paṭijānamāno na heva kho mātugāmena saddhiṁ dvayaṁdvayasamāpattiṁ samāpajjati, napi mātugāmassa ucchādanaparimaddananhāpanasambāhanaṁ sādiyati; 
Furthermore, an ascetic or brahmin who claims to be perfectly celibate does not mutually engage in sex with a female. Nor do they consent to massage and bathing. 
So taṁ assādeti, taṁ nikāmeti, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati. 
They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. 

an7.51rajjati uppajjati12Pi En Ru dhamma

Sā tattha rajjati tatrābhiramati.  She’s stimulated by this and takes pleasure in it. 
Sā tattha rajjati tatrābhiramati. 
She’s stimulated by this and takes pleasure in it. 
Yañcassā saṁyogapaccayā uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ tañca ākaṅkhati. 
And she desires the pleasure and happiness that comes from such yoking. 
So tattha rajjati tatrābhiramati. 
He’s stimulated by this and takes pleasure in it. 
So tattha rajjati tatrābhiramati. 
He’s stimulated by this and takes pleasure in it. 
Yañcassa saṁyogapaccayā uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ tañca ākaṅkhati. 
And he desires the pleasure and happiness that comes from such yoking. 
Sā tattha na rajjati, sā tatra nābhiramati. 
She isn’t stimulated by this and takes no pleasure in it. 
Sā tattha na rajjati, tatra nābhiramati. 
She isn’t stimulated by this and takes no pleasure in it. 
Yañcassā saṁyogapaccayā uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ tañca nākaṅkhati. 
Nor does she desire the pleasure and happiness that comes from such yoking. 
So tattha na rajjati, so tatra nābhiramati. 
He isn’t stimulated by this and takes no pleasure in it. 
So tattha na rajjati, tatra nābhiramati. 
He isn’t stimulated by this and takes no pleasure in it. 
Yañcassa saṁyogapaccayā uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ tañca nākaṅkhati. 
Nor does he desire the pleasure and happiness that comes from such yoking. 

an7.52upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

So taṁ dānaṁ datvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā cātumahārājikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  when their body breaks up, after death, is reborn in the company of the gods of the four great kings. 
So taṁ dānaṁ datvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā brahmakāyikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
when their body breaks up, after death, is reborn among the gods of the Divinity’s host. 

an7.54nuppajjati āpajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

“ko nu kho, bhante, hetu ko paccayo yena sutavato ariyasāvakassa vicikicchā nuppajjati abyākatavatthūsū”ti?  “Sir, what is the cause, what is the reason why a learned noble disciple has no doubts regarding the undeclared points?” 
“Diṭṭhinirodhā kho, bhikkhu, sutavato ariyasāvakassa vicikicchā nuppajjati abyākatavatthūsu. 
“Mendicant, it’s due to the cessation of views that a learned noble disciple has no doubts regarding the undeclared points. 
Evaṁ jānaṁ kho, bhikkhu, sutavā ariyasāvako evaṁ passaṁ na chambhati, na kampati, na vedhati, na santāsaṁ āpajjati abyākatavatthūsu. 
Knowing and seeing this, a learned noble disciple doesn’t shake, tremble, quake, or get nervous regarding the undeclared points. 
Evaṁ jānaṁ kho, bhikkhu, sutavā ariyasāvako evaṁ passaṁ na chambhati, na kampati, na vedhati, na santāsaṁ āpajjati abyākatavatthūsu. 
Knowing and seeing this, a learned noble disciple doesn’t shake, tremble, quake, or get nervous regarding the undeclared points. 
Ayaṁ kho, bhikkhu, hetu ayaṁ paccayo yena sutavato ariyasāvakassa vicikicchā nuppajjati abyākatavatthūsū”ti. 
This is the cause, this is the reason why a learned noble disciple has no doubts regarding the undeclared points.” 

an7.55rajjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

So bhave na rajjati, sambhave na rajjati, atthuttari padaṁ santaṁ sammappaññāya passati.  They’re not attached to life, or to creating a new life. And they see with right wisdom that there is a peaceful state beyond. 
So bhave na rajjati, sambhave na rajjati, atthuttari padaṁ santaṁ sammappaññāya passati. 
So bhave na rajjati, sambhave na rajjati, atthuttari padaṁ santaṁ sammappaññāya passati. 
They’re not attached to life, or to creating a new life. And they see with right wisdom that there is a peaceful state beyond. 
So bhave na rajjati, sambhave na rajjati, atthuttari padaṁ santaṁ sammappaññāya passati. 
They’re not attached to life, or to creating a new life. And they see with right wisdom that there is a peaceful state beyond. 
So bhave na rajjati, sambhave na rajjati, atthuttari padaṁ santaṁ sammappaññāya passati. 
They’re not attached to life, or to creating a new life. And they see with right wisdom that there is a peaceful state beyond. 

an7.61vijjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, moggallāna, vijjati yaṁ te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha.  It’s possible that you’ll give up drowsiness in this way. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha. 
It’s possible that you’ll give up drowsiness in this way. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha. 
It’s possible that you’ll give up drowsiness in this way. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha. 
It’s possible that you’ll give up drowsiness in this way. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha. 
It’s possible that you’ll give up drowsiness in this way. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha. 
It’s possible that you’ll give up drowsiness in this way. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ te evaṁ viharato taṁ middhaṁ pahīyetha. 
It’s possible that you’ll give up drowsiness in this way. 

an7.62vipajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

pathabyo me na vipajjati;  by which one is called a lord of the land. 
pathabyo me na vipajjati → puthavyo yena vuccati (bj, sya-all, pts1ed) 

an7.64adhipajjati paṭipajjati upapajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati kodhābhibhūto.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
anatthaṁ adhipajjati. 
they take it to be what they don’t need. 
adhipajjati → adhigacchati (si); paṭipajjati (sya-all) 

an7.66upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Vivaṭṭamāne loke suññaṁ brahmavimānaṁ upapajjati.  As it expanded he was reborn in an empty mansion of divinity. 

an7.70vijjati16Pi En Ru dhamma

So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  It is quite impossible for a mendicant who doesn’t respect the Teacher to respect the teaching. 
So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible for a mendicant who doesn’t respect the Teacher and the teaching to respect the Saṅgha. 
So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāya sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible for a mendicant who doesn’t respect the Teacher, the teaching, and the Saṅgha to respect the training. 
So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāya agāravo samādhismiṁ sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible for a mendicant who doesn’t respect the Teacher, the teaching, the Saṅgha, and the training to respect immersion. 
So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāya agāravo samādhismiṁ agāravo appamāde sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible for a mendicant who doesn’t respect the Teacher, the teaching, the Saṅgha, the training, and immersion to respect diligence. 
So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāya agāravo samādhismiṁ agāravo appamāde agāravo paṭisanthāre sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible for a mendicant who doesn’t respect the Teacher, the teaching, the Saṅgha, the training, immersion, and diligence to respect hospitality. 
So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhamme agāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. Yo so, bhante, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhammepi so sagāravo …pe…. 
It is quite impossible for a mendicant who does respect the Teacher to disrespect the teaching. … 
So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo …pe… appamāde sagāravo paṭisanthāre agāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhammepi sagāravo bhavissatīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. Yo so, bhante, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhammepi so sagāravo …pe…. 
It’s quite possible for a mendicant who respects the Teacher to respect the teaching. … 
So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo …pe… appamāde sagāravo paṭisanthārepi sagāravo bhavissatīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
So vata, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati …pe… 
It is quite impossible for a mendicant who doesn’t respect the Teacher to respect the teaching. … 
So vata, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāya agāravo samādhismiṁ agāravo appamāde agāravo paṭisanthāre sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
So vata, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhamme agāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati …pe… yo so, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhammepi so sagāravo …pe…. 
It is quite impossible for a mendicant who does respect the Teacher to disrespect the teaching. … 
So vata, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhamme sagāravo …pe… appamāde sagāravo paṭisanthāre agāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
So vata, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhammepi sagāravo bhavissatīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. Yo so, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhammepi so sagāravo …pe…. 
It’s quite possible for a mendicant who does respect the Teacher to respect the teaching. … 
So vata, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo …pe… appamāde sagāravo paṭisanthārepi so sagāravo bhavissatīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 

an7.72paribhuñjati upanipajjati upapajjati12Pi En Ru dhamma

Yañca kho so, bhikkhave, dussīlo pāpadhammo asucisaṅkassarasamācāro …pe… kasambujāto khattiyakaññaṁ vā brāhmaṇakaññaṁ vā gahapatikaññaṁ vā mudutalunahatthapādaṁ āliṅgetvā upanisīdati vā upanipajjati vā, tañhi tassa, bhikkhave, hoti dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāya kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  But when such an unethical man sits or lies down embracing a girl of the aristocrats or brahmins or householders with soft and tender hands and feet, that brings him lasting harm and suffering. When his body breaks up, after death, he’s reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yañca kho so, bhikkhave, dussīlo …pe… kasambujāto khattiyamahāsālānaṁ vā brāhmaṇamahāsālānaṁ vā gahapatimahāsālānaṁ vā abhivādanaṁ sādiyati, tañhi tassa, bhikkhave, hoti dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāya kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
But when such an unethical man consents to well-to-do aristocrats or brahmins or householders bowing down, that brings him lasting harm and suffering. When his body breaks up, after death, he’s reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yañca kho so, bhikkhave, dussīlo pāpadhammo …pe… kasambujāto khattiyamahāsālānaṁ vā brāhmaṇamahāsālānaṁ vā gahapatimahāsālānaṁ vā añjalikammaṁ sādiyati, tañhi tassa, bhikkhave, hoti dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāya kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
But when such an unethical man consents to well-to-do aristocrats or brahmins or householders revering him with joined palms, that brings him lasting harm and suffering. When his body breaks up, after death, he’s reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yañca kho so, bhikkhave, dussīlo …pe… kasambujāto khattiyamahāsālānaṁ vā brāhmaṇamahāsālānaṁ vā gahapatimahāsālānaṁ vā saddhādeyyaṁ cīvaraṁ paribhuñjati, tañhi tassa, bhikkhave, hoti dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāya kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
But when such an unethical man enjoys the use of a robe given in faith by well-to-do aristocrats or brahmins or householders, that brings him lasting harm and suffering. When his body breaks up, after death, he’s reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yañca kho so, bhikkhave, dussīlo pāpadhammo …pe… kasambujāto khattiyamahāsālānaṁ vā brāhmaṇamahāsālānaṁ vā gahapatimahāsālānaṁ vā saddhādeyyaṁ piṇḍapātaṁ paribhuñjati, tañhi tassa hoti dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāya kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
But when such an unethical man enjoys almsfood given in faith by well-to-do aristocrats or brahmins or householders, that brings him lasting harm and suffering. When his body breaks up, after death, he’s reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yañca kho so, bhikkhave, dussīlo pāpadhammo …pe… kasambujāto khattiyamahāsālānaṁ vā brāhmaṇamahāsālānaṁ vā gahapatimahāsālānaṁ vā saddhādeyyaṁ mañcapīṭhaṁ paribhuñjati. Tañhi tassa, bhikkhave, hoti dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāya kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
But when such an unethical man enjoys the use of beds and seats given in faith by well-to-do aristocrats or brahmins or householders, that brings him lasting harm and suffering. When his body breaks up, after death, he’s reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yañca kho so, bhikkhave, dussīlo pāpadhammo …pe… kasambujāto khattiyamahāsālānaṁ vā brāhmaṇamahāsālānaṁ vā gahapatimahāsālānaṁ vā saddhādeyyaṁ vihāraṁ paribhuñjati. Tañhi tassa, bhikkhave, hoti dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāya kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
But when such an unethical man enjoys the use of dwellings given in faith by well-to-do aristocrats or brahmins or householders, that brings him lasting harm and suffering. When his body breaks up, after death, he’s reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 

an7.74bhuñjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Chattiṁsaṁ kho pana, bhikkhave, rattisahassāni jīvanto dvesattatiyeva bhattasahassāni bhuñjati—  Living for 36,000 days, you just eat 72,000 meals, 
Tatrime bhattantarāyā kapimiddhopi bhattaṁ na bhuñjati, dukkhitopi bhattaṁ na bhuñjati, byādhitopi bhattaṁ na bhuñjati, uposathikopi bhattaṁ na bhuñjati, alābhakenapi bhattaṁ na bhuñjati. 
Things that prevent you from eating include anger, pain, sickness, sabbath, or being unable to get food. 

an8.6uppajjati18Pi En Ru dhamma

Assutavato, bhikkhave, puthujjanassa uppajjati lābhopi alābhopi yasopi ayasopi nindāpi pasaṁsāpi sukhampi dukkhampi.  An unlearned ordinary person encounters gain and loss, fame and disgrace, blame and praise, and pleasure and pain. 
Sutavatopi, bhikkhave, ariyasāvakassa uppajjati lābhopi alābhopi yasopi ayasopi nindāpi pasaṁsāpi sukhampi dukkhampi. 
And so does a learned noble disciple. 
“assutavato, bhikkhave, puthujjanassa uppajjati lābho. 
“Mendicants, an unlearned ordinary person encounters gain. 
Uppajjati alābho …pe… 
They encounter loss … 
uppajjati yaso … 
fame … 
uppajjati ayaso … 
disgrace … 
uppajjati nindā … 
blame … 
uppajjati pasaṁsā … 
praise … 
uppajjati sukhaṁ … 
pleasure … 
uppajjati dukkhaṁ. 
Sutavato ca kho, bhikkhave, ariyasāvakassa uppajjati lābho. 
A learned noble disciple encounters gain. 
Uppajjati alābho …pe… 
They encounter loss … 
uppajjati yaso … 
fame … 
uppajjati ayaso … 
disgrace … 
uppajjati nindā … 
blame … 
uppajjati pasaṁsā … 
praise … 
uppajjati sukhaṁ … 
pleasure … 
uppajjati dukkhaṁ. 

an8.12paribhuñjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Taṁ samaṇo gotamo jānaṁ uddissakataṁ maṁsaṁ paribhuñjati paṭiccakamman”ti.  The ascetic Gotama knowingly eats meat prepared specially for him: this is a deed he caused.” 
Taṁ samaṇo gotamo jānaṁ uddissakataṁ maṁsaṁ paribhuñjati paṭiccakamman’ti. 
The ascetic Gotama knowingly eats meat prepared specially for him: this is a deed he caused.’” 

an8.13paribhuñjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

taṁ sakkaccaṁyeva paribhuñjati avikiranto.  he eats carefully, without making a mess. 
taṁ sakkaccaṁyeva paribhuñjati avihaññamāno. 
they eat carefully, without bother. 

an8.14bhañjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, idhekacco assakhaḷuṅko ‘pehī’ti vutto, viddho samāno codito sārathinā pacchā laṅghati, kubbaraṁ hanati, tidaṇḍaṁ bhañjati.  Furthermore, when the trainer says ‘giddyup!’ and spurs and goads them on, some wild colts jump back, wreck the hub, and break the triple rod. 
Seyyathāpi so, bhikkhave, assakhaḷuṅko ‘pehī’ti vutto, viddho samāno codito sārathinā pacchā laṅghati, kubbaraṁ hanati, tidaṇḍaṁ bhañjati; 
I say that this person is comparable to the wild colts who, when the trainer says ‘giddyup!’ and spurs and goads them on, jump back, wreck the hub, and break the triple rod. 

an8.21saṁvijjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, paṭhamo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati.  This is the first incredible and amazing quality found in me. 
Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, dutiyo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati. 
This is the second incredible and amazing quality found in me. 
Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, tatiyo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati. 
This is the third incredible and amazing quality found in me. 
Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, catuttho acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati. 
This is the fourth incredible and amazing quality found in me. 
Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, pañcamo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati. 
This is the fifth incredible and amazing quality found in me. 
Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, chaṭṭho acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati. 
This is the sixth incredible and amazing quality found in me. 
Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, sattamo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati. 
This is the seventh incredible and amazing quality found in me. 
Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, aṭṭhamo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati. 
This is the eighth incredible and amazing quality found in me. 

an8.22saṁvijjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, paṭhamo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati.  This is the first incredible and amazing quality found in me. 
Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, dutiyo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati. 
This is the second incredible and amazing quality found in me. 
Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, tatiyo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati. 
This is the third incredible and amazing quality found in me. 
Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, catuttho acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati. 
This is the fourth incredible and amazing quality found in me. 
Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, pañcamo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati. 
This is the fifth incredible and amazing quality found in me. 
Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, chaṭṭho acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati. 
This is the sixth incredible and amazing quality found in me. 
Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, sattamo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati. 
This is the seventh incredible and amazing quality found in me. 
Ayaṁ kho me, bhante, aṭṭhamo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo saṁvijjati. 
This is the eighth incredible and amazing quality found in me. 

an8.35upapajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā khattiyamahāsālānaṁ vā brāhmaṇamahāsālānaṁ vā gahapatimahāsālānaṁ vā sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of well-to-do aristocrats or brahmins or householders. 
Kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā cātumahārājikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the four great kings. 
Kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā paranimmitavasavattīnaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods who control what is imagined by others. 
Kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā brahmakāyikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the Divinity’s host. 

an8.36upapajjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā manussadobhagyaṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn among disadvantaged humans. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā manussasobhagyaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn among well-off humans. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā cātumahārājikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the four great kings. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā tāvatiṁsānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the thirty-three. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā yāmānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of Yama. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā tusitānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the joyful gods. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā nimmānaratīnaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods who love to imagine. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā paranimmitavasavattīnaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods who control what is imagined by others. 

an8.42vijjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā cātumahārājikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya.  It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods of the four great kings. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā tāvatiṁsānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods of the thirty-three. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā yāmānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods of Yama. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā tusitānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the joyful gods. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā nimmānaratīnaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods who love to imagine. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā paranimmitavasavattīnaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods who control what is imagined by others. 
Etasmiṁ yaṁ vijjati antare dhanaṁ, 
All of the wealth that’s found in this realm— 

an8.43vijjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, visākhe, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā cātumahārājikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya.  It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods of the four great kings. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, visākhe, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā tāvatiṁsānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods of the thirty-three. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, visākhe, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā paranimmitavasavattīnaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods who control what is imagined by others. 
Etasmiṁ yaṁ vijjati antare dhanaṁ, 
All of the wealth that’s found in this realm— 

an8.45vijjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bojjhe, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā cātumahārājikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya.  It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods of the four great kings. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bojjhe, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco itthī vā puriso vā aṭṭhaṅgasamannāgataṁ uposathaṁ upavasitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā paranimmitavasavattīnaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that some woman or man who has observed the eight-factored sabbath will—when their body breaks up, after death—be reborn in the company of the gods who control what is imagined by others. 
Etasmiṁ yaṁ vijjati antare dhanaṁ, 
All of the wealth that’s found in this realm— 

an8.46saṁvibhajati upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Aṭṭhahi kho, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā manāpakāyikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  “Anuruddha, when they have eight qualities females—when their body breaks up, after death—are reborn in company with the Gods of the Agreeable Host. 
tesaṁ katañca katato jānāti akatañca akatato jānāti, gilānakānañca balābalaṁ jānāti khādanīyaṁ bhojanīyañcassa paccaṁsena saṁvibhajati. 
She knows who is sick, and who is fit or unwell. She distributes to each a fair portion of fresh and cooked foods. 

an8.47upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Aṭṭhahi kho, visākhe, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā manāpakāyikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  “Visākhā, when they have eight qualities females—when their body breaks up, after death—are reborn in company with the Gods of the Agreeable Host. 

an8.48saṁvibhajati upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Aṭṭhahi kho, nakulamāte, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā manāpakāyikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  “Nakula’s mother, when they have eight qualities females—when their body breaks up, after death—are reborn in company with the Gods of the Agreeable Host. 
tesaṁ katañca katato jānāti akatañca akatato jānāti, gilānakānañca balābalaṁ jānāti khādanīyaṁ bhojanīyañcassa paccaṁsena saṁvibhajati. 
She knows who is sick, and who is fit or unwell. She distributes to each a fair portion of fresh and cooked foods. 

an8.49saṁvibhajati upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

tesaṁ katañca katato jānāti akatañca akatato jānāti, gilānakānañca balābalaṁ jānāti khādanīyaṁ bhojanīyañcassa paccaṁsena saṁvibhajati.  She knows who is sick, and who is fit or unwell. She distributes to each a fair portion of fresh and cooked foods. 
Upapajjati devalokaṁ manāpan”ti. 
is reborn in the realm of the Agreeable Gods.” 

an8.50upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Upapajjati devalokaṁ manāpan”ti.  is reborn in the realm of the Agreeable Gods.” 

an8.54samāpajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, byagghapajja, kulaputto yasmiṁ gāme vā nigame vā paṭivasati, tattha ye te honti—gahapatī vā gahapatiputtā vā daharā vā vuddhasīlino, vuddhā vā vuddhasīlino, saddhāsampannā, sīlasampannā, cāgasampannā, paññāsampannā—tehi saddhiṁ santiṭṭhati sallapati sākacchaṁ samāpajjati; yathārūpānaṁ saddhāsampannānaṁ saddhāsampadaṁ anusikkhati, yathārūpānaṁ sīlasampannānaṁ sīlasampadaṁ anusikkhati, yathārūpānaṁ cāgasampannānaṁ cāgasampadaṁ anusikkhati, yathārūpānaṁ paññāsampannānaṁ paññāsampadaṁ anusikkhati.  It’s when a gentleman resides in a town or village. And in that place there are householders or their children who may be young or old, but are mature in conduct, accomplished in faith, ethics, generosity, and wisdom. He associates with them, converses and engages in discussion. And he emulates the same kind of accomplishment in faith, ethics, generosity, and wisdom. 

an8.55samāpajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, brāhmaṇa, kulaputto yasmiṁ gāme vā nigame vā paṭivasati tatra ye te honti—gahapatī vā gahapatiputtā vā daharā vā vuddhasīlino, vuddhā vā vuddhasīlino, saddhāsampannā, sīlasampannā, cāgasampannā, paññāsampannā—tehi saddhiṁ santiṭṭhati sallapati sākacchaṁ samāpajjati; yathārūpānaṁ saddhāsampannānaṁ saddhāsampadaṁ anusikkhati, yathārūpānaṁ sīlasampannānaṁ sīlasampadaṁ anusikkhati, yathārūpānaṁ cāgasampannānaṁ cāgasampadaṁ anusikkhati, yathārūpānaṁ paññāsampannānaṁ paññāsampadaṁ anusikkhati.  It’s when a gentleman resides in a town or village. And in that place there are householders or their children who may be young or old, but are mature in conduct, accomplished in faith, ethics, generosity, and wisdom. He associates with them, converses and engages in discussion. And he emulates the same kind of accomplishment in faith, ethics, generosity, and wisdom. 

an8.61majjati nuppajjati pamajjati pamādamāpajjati uppajjati āpajjati32Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya.  First, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa uṭṭhahato ghaṭato vāyamato lābhāya lābho nuppajjati. 
But material things don’t come to them. 
So tena alābhena socati kilamati paridevati, urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
And so they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion because they don’t get those material things. 
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya. 
Next, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa uṭṭhahato ghaṭato vāyamato lābhāya lābho uppajjati. 
And material things do come to them. 
So tena lābhena majjati pamajjati pamādamāpajjati. 
And so they become indulgent and fall into negligence regarding those material things. 
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya. 
Next, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa anuṭṭhahato aghaṭato avāyamato lābhāya lābho nuppajjati. 
And material things don’t come to them. 
So tena alābhena socati, kilamati, paridevati, urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
And so they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion because they don’t get those material things. 
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya. 
Next, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa anuṭṭhahato, aghaṭato, avāyamato lābhāya lābho uppajjati. 
But material things do come to them. 
So tena lābhena majjati, pamajjati, pamādamāpajjati. 
And so they become indulgent and fall into negligence regarding those material things. 
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya. 
Next, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa uṭṭhahato ghaṭato vāyamato lābhāya lābho nuppajjati. 
But material things don’t come to them. 
So tena alābhena na socati na kilamati na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
But they don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion because they don’t get those material things. 
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya. 
Next, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa uṭṭhahato ghaṭato vāyamato lābhāya lābho uppajjati. 
And material things do come to them. 
So tena lābhena na majjati, na pamajjati, na pamādamāpajjati. 
But they don’t become indulgent and fall into negligence regarding those material things. 
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya. 
Next, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa anuṭṭhahato, aghaṭato, avāyamato lābhāya lābho nuppajjati. 
And material things don’t come to them. 
So tena alābhena na socati, na kilamati, na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
But they don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion because they don’t get those material things. 
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya. 
Next, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa anuṭṭhahato aghaṭato avāyamato lābhāya lābho uppajjati. 
But material things do come to them. 
So tena lābhena na majjati, na pamajjati, na pamādamāpajjati. 
But they don’t become indulgent and fall into negligence regarding those material things. 

an8.70ossajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, ānanda, yadā tathāgato sato sampajāno āyusaṅkhāraṁ ossajjati, tadāyaṁ pathavī kampati saṅkampati sampakampati sampavedhati.  Furthermore, when the Realized One, mindful and aware, surrenders the life force, the earth shakes and rocks and trembles. 

an8.76samāpajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, kulaputto yasmiṁ gāme vā nigame vā paṭivasati, tattha ye te honti gahapatī vā gahapatiputtā vā daharā vā vuddhasīlino vuddhā vā vuddhasīlino saddhāsampannā sīlasampannā cāgasampannā paññāsampannā, tehi saddhiṁ santiṭṭhati sallapati sākacchaṁ samāpajjati; yathārūpānaṁ saddhāsampannānaṁ saddhāsampadaṁ anusikkhati, yathārūpānaṁ sīlasampannānaṁ sīlasampadaṁ anusikkhati, yathārūpānaṁ cāgasampannānaṁ cāgasampadaṁ anusikkhati, yathārūpānaṁ paññāsampannānaṁ paññāsampadaṁ anusikkhati.  It’s when a gentleman resides in a town or village. And in that place there are householders or their children who may be young or old, but are mature in conduct, accomplished in faith, ethics, generosity, and wisdom. He associates with them, converses and engages in discussion. And he emulates the same kind of accomplishment in faith, ethics, generosity, and wisdom. 

an8.77majjati nuppajjati pamajjati pamādamāpajjati uppajjati āpajjati32Pi En Ru dhamma

Idhāvuso, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya.  First, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa uṭṭhahato, ghaṭato, vāyamato lābhāya lābho nuppajjati. 
But material things don’t come to them. 
So tena alābhena socati kilamati paridevati, urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
And so they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion because they don’t get those material things. 
Idha panāvuso, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya. 
Next, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa uṭṭhahato ghaṭato vāyamato lābhāya lābho uppajjati. 
And material things do come to them. 
So tena lābhena majjati pamajjati pamādamāpajjati. 
And so they become indulgent and fall into negligence regarding those material things. 
Idha panāvuso, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya. 
Next, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa anuṭṭhahato, aghaṭato, avāyamato lābhāya lābho nuppajjati. 
And material things don’t come to them. 
So tena alābhena socati kilamati paridevati, urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
And so they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion because they don’t get those material things. 
Idha panāvuso, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya. 
Next, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa anuṭṭhahato, aghaṭato, avāyamato lābhāya lābho uppajjati. 
But material things do come to them. 
So tena lābhena majjati pamajjati pamādamāpajjati. 
And so they become indulgent and fall into negligence regarding those material things. 
Idha panāvuso, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya. 
Next, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa uṭṭhahato, ghaṭato, vāyamato lābhāya, lābho nuppajjati. 
But material things don’t come to them. 
So tena alābhena na socati na kilamati na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
But they don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion because they don’t get those material things. 
Idha panāvuso, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya. 
Next, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa uṭṭhahato, ghaṭato, vāyamato lābhāya, lābho uppajjati. 
And material things do come to them. 
So tena lābhena na majjati na pamajjati na pamādamāpajjati. 
But they don’t become indulgent and fall into negligence regarding those material things. 
Idha panāvuso, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya. 
Next, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa anuṭṭhahato, aghaṭato, avāyamato lābhāya, lābho nuppajjati. 
And material things don’t come to them. 
So tena alābhena na socati na kilamati na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
But they don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion because they don’t get those material things. 
Idha panāvuso, bhikkhuno pavivittassa viharato nirāyattavuttino icchā uppajjati lābhāya. 
Next, when a mendicant stays secluded, living independently, a desire arises for material things. 
Tassa anuṭṭhahato, aghaṭato, avāyamato lābhāya, lābho uppajjati. 
But material things do come to them. 
So tena lābhena na majjati na pamajjati na pamādamāpajjati. 
But they don’t become indulgent and fall into negligence regarding those material things. 

an8.80nipajjati vijjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

So nipajjati, na vīriyaṁ ārabhati appattassa pattiyā anadhigatassa adhigamāya asacchikatassa sacchikiriyāya.  They lie down, and don’t rouse energy for attaining the unattained, achieving the unachieved, and realizing the unrealized. 
So nipajjati, na vīriyaṁ ārabhati appattassa pattiyā anadhigatassa adhigamāya asacchikatassa sacchikiriyāya. 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy for attaining the unattained, achieving the unachieved, and realizing the unrealized. 
So nipajjati, na vīriyaṁ ārabhati appattassa pattiyā anadhigatassa adhigamāya asacchikatassa sacchikiriyāya. 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy for attaining the unattained, achieving the unachieved, and realizing the unrealized. 
So nipajjati, na vīriyaṁ ārabhati appattassa pattiyā anadhigatassa adhigamāya asacchikatassa sacchikiriyāya. 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy for attaining the unattained, achieving the unachieved, and realizing the unrealized. 
So nipajjati, na vīriyaṁ ārabhati …pe… 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy for achieving the unachieved, attaining the unattained, and realizing the unrealized. 
So nipajjati, na vīriyaṁ ārabhati …pe… 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy for achieving the unachieved, attaining the unattained, and realizing the unrealized. 
So nipajjati, na vīriyaṁ ārabhati …pe… 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy for achieving the unachieved, attaining the unattained, and realizing the unrealized. 
So nipajjati, na vīriyaṁ ārabhati appattassa pattiyā anadhigatassa adhigamāya asacchikatassa sacchikiriyāya. 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy for attaining the unattained, achieving the unachieved, and realizing the unrealized. 
uppanno kho me ayaṁ appamattako ābādho. Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ me ābādho pavaḍḍheyya. Handāhaṁ paṭikacceva vīriyaṁ ārabhāmi …pe… 
‘I feel a little sick. It’s possible this illness will worsen. I’d better preemptively rouse up energy …’ … 
‘ahaṁ kho gilānā vuṭṭhito aciravuṭṭhito gelaññā. Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ me ābādho paccudāvatteyya. Handāhaṁ paṭikacceva vīriyaṁ ārabhāmi appattassa pattiyā anadhigatassa adhigamāya asacchikatassa sacchikiriyāyā’ti. 
‘I’ve recently recovered from illness. It’s possible the illness will come back. I’d better preemptively rouse up energy for attaining the unattained, achieving the unachieved, and realizing the unrealized.’ 

an8.84pariyāpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Aṭṭhahi, bhikkhave, aṅgehi samannāgato mahācoro khippaṁ pariyāpajjati, na ciraṭṭhitiko hoti.  “Mendicants, a master thief with eight factors is soon executed, and doesn’t have long to live. 
Imehi kho, bhikkhave, aṭṭhahaṅgehi samannāgato mahācoro khippaṁ pariyāpajjati, na ciraṭṭhitiko hoti. 
A master thief with these eight factors is soon executed, and doesn’t have long to live. 
Aṭṭhahi, bhikkhave, aṅgehi samannāgato mahācoro na khippaṁ pariyāpajjati, ciraṭṭhitiko hoti. 
A master thief with eight factors is not soon executed, and lives long. 
Imehi kho, bhikkhave, aṭṭhahaṅgehi samannāgato mahācoro na khippaṁ pariyāpajjati, ciraṭṭhitiko hotī”ti. 
A master thief with these eight factors is not soon executed, and lives long.” 

an9.4pajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘addhā ayamāyasmā patto vā pajjati vā’.  ‘For sure this venerable has attained or will attain.’ 

an9.34uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ kho, āvuso, ime pañca kāmaguṇe paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, idaṁ vuccatāvuso, kāmasukhaṁ.  The pleasure and happiness that arise from these five kinds of sensual stimulation is called sensual pleasure. 

an9.35samāpajjatipi1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yato kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu taṁ tadeva samāpattiṁ samāpajjatipi vuṭṭhātipi, tassa mudu cittaṁ hoti kammaññaṁ.  When a mendicant enters and emerges from all these attainments, their mind becomes pliable and workable. 

an9.40bhajati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ.  They frequent a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 

an9.41vijjati9Pi En Ru dhamma

ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ me nekkhamme cittaṁ pakkhandeyya pasīdeyya santiṭṭheyya vimucceyya etaṁ santanti passato’.  It’s possible that my mind would leap forth, gain confidence, settle down, and become decided in renunciation. And I would see it as peaceful.’ 
‘sace kho ahaṁ vitakkesu ādīnavaṁ disvā taṁ bahulaṁ kareyyaṁ, avitakke ānisaṁsaṁ adhigamma tamāseveyyaṁ, ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ me avitakke cittaṁ pakkhandeyya pasīdeyya santiṭṭheyya vimucceyya etaṁ santanti passato’. 
‘Suppose that, seeing the drawbacks of placing the mind, I were to cultivate that. And suppose that, realizing the benefits of not placing the mind, I were to develop that. It’s possible that my mind would leap forth, gain confidence, settle down, and become decided in not placing the mind. And I would see it as peaceful.’ 
‘sace kho ahaṁ pītiyā ādīnavaṁ disvā taṁ bahulaṁ kareyyaṁ, nippītike ānisaṁsaṁ adhigamma tamāseveyyaṁ, ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ me nippītike cittaṁ pakkhandeyya pasīdeyya santiṭṭheyya vimucceyya etaṁ santanti passato’. 
‘Suppose that, seeing the drawbacks of rapture, I were to cultivate that. And suppose that, realizing the benefits of freedom from rapture, I were to develop that. It’s possible that my mind would leap forth, gain confidence, settle down, and become decided in being free from rapture. And I would see it as peaceful.’ 
‘sace kho ahaṁ upekkhāsukhe ādīnavaṁ disvā taṁ bahulaṁ kareyyaṁ, adukkhamasukhe ānisaṁsaṁ adhigamma tamāseveyyaṁ, ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ me adukkhamasukhe cittaṁ pakkhandeyya pasīdeyya santiṭṭheyya vimucceyya etaṁ santanti passato’. 
‘Suppose that, seeing the drawbacks of bliss with equanimity, I were to cultivate that. And suppose that, realizing the benefits of being without pleasure and pain, I were to develop that. It’s possible that my mind would leap forth, gain confidence, settle down, and become decided in being without pleasure and pain. And I would see it as peaceful.’ 
‘sace kho ahaṁ rūpesu ādīnavaṁ disvā taṁ bahulaṁ kareyyaṁ, ākāsānañcāyatane ānisaṁsaṁ adhigamma tamāseveyyaṁ, ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ me ākāsānañcāyatane cittaṁ pakkhandeyya pasīdeyya santiṭṭheyya vimucceyya etaṁ santanti passato’. 
‘Suppose that, seeing the drawbacks of forms, I were to cultivate that. And suppose that, realizing the benefits of the dimension of infinite space, I were to develop that. It’s possible that my mind would leap forth, gain confidence, settle down, and become decided in the dimension of infinite space. And I would see it as peaceful.’ 
‘sace kho ahaṁ ākāsānañcāyatane ādīnavaṁ disvā taṁ bahulaṁ kareyyaṁ, viññāṇañcāyatane ānisaṁsaṁ adhigamma tamāseveyyaṁ, ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ me viññāṇañcāyatane cittaṁ pakkhandeyya pasīdeyya santiṭṭheyya vimucceyya etaṁ santanti passato’. 
‘Suppose that, seeing the drawbacks of the dimension of infinite space, I were to cultivate that. And suppose that, realizing the benefits of the dimension of infinite consciousness, I were to develop that. It’s possible that my mind would leap forth, gain confidence, settle down, and become decided in the dimension of infinite consciousness. And I would see it as peaceful.’ 
‘sace kho ahaṁ viññāṇañcāyatane ādīnavaṁ disvā taṁ bahulaṁ kareyyaṁ, ākiñcaññāyatane ānisaṁsaṁ adhigamma tamāseveyyaṁ, ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ me ākiñcaññāyatane cittaṁ pakkhandeyya pasīdeyya santiṭṭheyya vimucceyya etaṁ santanti passato’. 
‘Suppose that, seeing the drawbacks of the dimension of infinite consciousness, I were to cultivate that. And suppose that, realizing the benefits of the dimension of nothingness, I were to develop that. It’s possible that my mind would leap forth, gain confidence, settle down, and become decided in the dimension of nothingness. And I would see it as peaceful.’ 
‘sace kho ahaṁ ākiñcaññāyatane ādīnavaṁ disvā taṁ bahulaṁ kareyyaṁ, nevasaññānāsaññāyatane ānisaṁsaṁ adhigamma tamāseveyyaṁ, ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ me nevasaññānāsaññāyatane cittaṁ pakkhandeyya pasīdeyya santiṭṭheyya vimucceyya etaṁ santanti passato’. 
‘Suppose that, seeing the drawbacks of the dimension of nothingness, I were to cultivate that. And suppose that, realizing the benefits of the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception, I were to develop that. It’s possible that my mind would leap forth, gain confidence, settle down, and become decided in the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception. And I would see it as peaceful.’ 
‘sace kho ahaṁ nevasaññānāsaññāyatane ādīnavaṁ disvā taṁ bahulaṁ kareyyaṁ, saññāvedayitanirodhe ānisaṁsaṁ adhigamma tamāseveyyaṁ, ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ me saññāvedayitanirodhe cittaṁ pakkhandeyya pasīdeyya santiṭṭheyya vimucceyya etaṁ santanti passato’. 
‘Suppose that, seeing the drawbacks of the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception, I were to cultivate that. And suppose that, realizing the benefits of the cessation of perception and feeling, I were to develop that. It’s possible that my mind would leap forth, gain confidence, settle down, and become decided in the cessation of perception and feeling. And I would see it as peaceful.’ 

an10.2uppajjati virajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Dhammatā esā, bhikkhave, yaṁ sīlavato sīlasampannassa avippaṭisāro uppajjati.  It’s only natural that an ethical person has no regrets. 
Dhammatā esā, bhikkhave, yaṁ pamuditassa pīti uppajjati. 
It’s only natural that rapture arises when you’re joyful. 
Dhammatā esā, bhikkhave, yaṁ yathābhūtaṁ jānaṁ passaṁ nibbindati virajjati. 
It’s only natural to become disillusioned and dispassionate when you truly know and see. 

an10.7uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“‘Bhavanirodho nibbānaṁ bhavanirodho nibbānan’ti kho me, āvuso, aññāva saññā uppajjati aññāva saññā nirujjhati.  “One perception arose in me and another perception ceased: ‘The cessation of continued existence is extinguishment. The cessation of continued existence is extinguishment.’ 
Seyyathāpi, āvuso, sakalikaggissa jhāyamānassa aññāva acci uppajjati aññāva acci nirujjhati; 
Suppose there was a burning pile of twigs. One flame would arise and another would cease. 
evamevaṁ kho, āvuso, ‘bhavanirodho nibbānaṁ bhavanirodho nibbānan’ti aññāva saññā uppajjati aññāva saññā nirujjhati. 
In the same way, one perception arose in me and another perception ceased: ‘The cessation of continued existence is extinguishment. The cessation of continued existence is extinguishment.’ 

an10.12vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

sabbasova na vijjati.  are not found in a mendicant at all. 

an10.22vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

yathā yathā vā pana taṁ ñāteyyaṁ vā daṭṭheyyaṁ vā sacchikareyyaṁ vā tathā tathā ñassati vā dakkhati vā sacchikarissati vā’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati.  And they will know or see or realize it in whatever way it should be known or seen or realized. This is possible. 

an10.26sampajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Sakkhī na sampajjati kenaci me’ti.  and no-one gets too close to me.’ 
Sakkhī na sampajjati kenaci me’ti. 
and no-one gets too close to me.’” 

an10.29virajjati9Pi En Ru dhamma

Tasmiṁ nibbindanto agge virajjati, pageva hīnasmiṁ.  Their desire fades away even for the foremost, let alone the inferior. 
Tasmiṁ nibbindanto agge virajjati, pageva hīnasmiṁ. 
Their desire fades away even for the foremost, let alone the inferior. 
Tasmiṁ nibbindanto agge virajjati, pageva hīnasmiṁ. 
Their desire fades away even for the foremost, let alone the inferior. 
Tasmiṁ nibbindanto agge virajjati, pageva hīnasmiṁ. 
Their desire fades away even for the foremost, let alone the inferior. 
Tasmiṁ nibbindanto agge virajjati, pageva hīnasmiṁ. 
Their desire fades away even for the foremost, let alone the inferior. 
Tasmiṁ nibbindanto agge virajjati, pageva hīnasmiṁ. 
Their desire fades away even for the foremost, let alone the inferior. 
Tasmiṁ nibbindanto agge virajjati, pageva hīnasmiṁ. 
Their desire fades away even for the foremost, let alone the inferior. 
Tasmiṁ nibbindanto agge virajjati, pageva hīnasmiṁ. 
Their desire fades away even for the foremost, let alone the inferior. 
Tasmiṁ nibbindanto agge virajjati, pageva hīnasmiṁ. 
Their desire fades away even for the foremost, let alone the inferior. 

an10.44saṁvijjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

Saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no’ti?  Is this thing found in me or not?’ 
Saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no’ti? 
Is this thing found in me or not?’ 
Saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no’ti? 
Is this thing found in me or not?’ 
Saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no’ti? 
Is this thing found in me or not?’ 
Saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no’ti? 
Is this thing found in me or not?’ 

an10.55saṁvijjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

‘anabhijjhālu nu kho bahulaṁ viharāmi, saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no, abyāpannacitto nu kho bahulaṁ viharāmi, saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no, vigatathinamiddho nu kho bahulaṁ viharāmi, saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no, anuddhato nu kho bahulaṁ viharāmi, saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no, tiṇṇavicikiccho nu kho bahulaṁ viharāmi, saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no, akkodhano nu kho bahulaṁ viharāmi, saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no, asaṅkiliṭṭhacitto nu kho bahulaṁ viharāmi, saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no, lābhī nu khomhi ajjhattaṁ dhammapāmojjassa, saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no, lābhī nu khomhi ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa, saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no, lābhī nu khomhi adhipaññādhammavipassanāya, saṁvijjati nu kho me eso dhammo udāhu no’ti.  ‘Is contentment often found in me or not? Is kind-heartedness often found in me or not? Is freedom from dullness and drowsiness often found in me or not? Is calm often found in me or not? Is confidence often found in me or not? Is love often found in me or not? Is purity of mind often found in me or not? Is internal joy with the teaching found in me or not? Is internal serenity of heart found in me or not? Is the higher wisdom of discernment of principles found in me or not?’ 

an10.60vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sace kho tvaṁ, ānanda, girimānandassa bhikkhuno dasa saññā bhāseyyāsi, ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ girimānandassa bhikkhuno dasa saññā sutvā so ābādho ṭhānaso paṭippassambheyya.  “Ānanda, if you were to recite to the mendicant Girimānanda these ten perceptions, it’s possible that after hearing them his illness will die down on the spot. 
Sace kho tvaṁ, ānanda, girimānandassa bhikkhuno imā dasa saññā bhāseyyāsi, ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ girimānandassa bhikkhuno imā dasa saññā sutvā so ābādho ṭhānaso paṭippassambheyyā”ti. 
If you were to recite to the mendicant Girimānanda these ten perceptions, it’s possible that after hearing them his illness will die down on the spot.” 

an10.76uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yasmā ca kho, bhikkhave, ime tayo dhammā loke saṁvijjanti tasmā tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho, tasmā tathāgatappavedito dhammavinayo loke dibbati.  But since these three things are found, the Realized One, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha arises in the world, and the teaching and training proclaimed by the Realized One shines in the world. 

an10.82vijjati21Pi En Ru dhamma

“So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘assaddho samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “Ānanda, it is quite impossible for a faithless mendicant to achieve growth, improvement, or maturity in this teaching and training. 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘dussīlo samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible for a mendicant who is unethical … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘appassuto samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
unlearned … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘dubbaco samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
hard to admonish … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘pāpamitto samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
with bad friends … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘kusīto samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
lazy … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘muṭṭhassati samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
unmindful … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘asantuṭṭho samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
lacking contentment … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘pāpiccho samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
of corrupt wishes … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘micchādiṭṭhiko samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
of wrong view to achieve growth, improvement, or maturity in this teaching and training. 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘imehi dasahi dhammehi samannāgato imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible for a mendicant with these ten qualities to achieve growth, improvement, or maturity in this teaching and training. 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘saddho samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite possible for a faithful mendicant to achieve growth, improvement, or maturity in this teaching and training. 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘sīlavā samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite possible for a mendicant who is ethical … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘bahussuto sutadharo samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
a learned memorizer … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘suvaco samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
easy to admonish … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘kalyāṇamitto samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
with good friends … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘āraddhavīriyo samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
energetic … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘upaṭṭhitassati samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
mindful … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘santuṭṭho samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
contented … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘appiccho samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
of few desires … 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu ‘sammādiṭṭhiko samāno imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
of right view to achieve growth, improvement, or maturity in this teaching and training. 

an10.84samanuyuñjati vijjati āpajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

Tamenaṁ tathāgato vā tathāgatasāvako vā jhāyī samāpattikusalo paracittakusalo paracittapariyāyakusalo samanuyuñjati samanuggāhati samanubhāsati.  They’re pursued, pressed, and grilled by the Realized One, or by one of his disciples who has the absorptions, and is skilled in attainments, in the minds of others, and in the ways of another’s mind. 
So tathāgatena vā tathāgatasāvakena vā jhāyinā samāpattikusalena paracittakusalena paracittapariyāyakusalena samanuyuñjiyamāno samanuggāhiyamāno samanubhāsiyamāno irīṇaṁ āpajjati vicinaṁ āpajjati anayaṁ āpajjati byasanaṁ āpajjati anayabyasanaṁ āpajjati. 
Grilled in this way they get stuck or lose their way. They fall to ruin and disaster. 
So vatāvuso, bhikkhu ‘ime dasa dhamme appahāya imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible for a mendicant to achieve growth, improvement, or maturity in this teaching and training without giving up these ten qualities. 

an10.85samanuyuñjati vijjati āpajjati13Pi En Ru dhamma

Tamenaṁ tathāgato vā tathāgatasāvako vā jhāyī samāpattikusalo paracittakusalo paracittapariyāyakusalo samanuyuñjati samanuggāhati samanubhāsati.  They’re pursued, pressed, and grilled by the Realized One, or by one of his disciples who has the absorptions, and is skilled in attainments, in the minds of others, and in the ways of another’s mind. 
So tathāgatena vā tathāgatasāvakena vā jhāyinā samāpattikusalena paracittakusalena paracittapariyāyakusalena samanuyuñjiyamāno samanuggāhiyamāno samanubhāsiyamāno irīṇaṁ āpajjati vicinaṁ āpajjati anayaṁ āpajjati byasanaṁ āpajjati anayabyasanaṁ āpajjati. 
Grilled in this way they get stuck or lose their way. They fall to ruin and disaster. 
Tamenaṁ tathāgato vā tathāgatasāvako vā jhāyī samāpattikusalo paracittakusalo paracittapariyāyakusalo samanuyuñjati samanuggāhati samanubhāsati. 
They’re pursued, pressed, and grilled by the Realized One, or by one of his disciples … 
So tathāgatena vā tathāgatasāvakena vā jhāyinā samāpattikusalena paracittakusalena paracittapariyāyakusalena samanuyuñjiyamāno samanuggāhiyamāno samanubhāsiyamāno irīṇaṁ āpajjati vicinaṁ āpajjati anayaṁ āpajjati byasanaṁ āpajjati anayabyasanaṁ āpajjati. 
Grilled in this way they get stuck or lose their way. They fall to ruin and disaster. 
So vatāvuso, bhikkhu ‘ime dasa dhamme appahāya imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible for a mendicant to achieve growth, improvement, or maturity in this teaching and training without giving up these ten qualities. 

an10.86samanuyuñjati vijjati āpajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

Tamenaṁ tathāgato vā tathāgatasāvako vā jhāyī samāpattikusalo paracittakusalo paracittapariyāyakusalo samanuyuñjati samanuggāhati samanubhāsati.  They’re pursued, pressed, and grilled by the Realized One, or by one of his disciples who has the absorptions, and is skilled in attainments, in the minds of others, and in the ways of another’s mind. 
So tathāgatena vā tathāgatasāvakena vā jhāyinā samāpattikusalena paracittakusalena paracittapariyāyakusalena samanuyuñjiyamāno samanuggāhiyamāno samanubhāsiyamāno irīṇaṁ āpajjati vicinaṁ āpajjati anayaṁ āpajjati byasanaṁ āpajjati anayabyasanaṁ āpajjati. 
Grilled in this way they get stuck or lose their way. They fall to ruin and disaster. 
So vatāvuso, bhikkhu ‘ime dasa dhamme appahāya imasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible for a mendicant to achieve growth, improvement, or maturity in this teaching and training without giving up these ten qualities. 

an10.88upapajjati āpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Anadhigataṁ nādhigacchati, adhigatā parihāyati, saddhammassa na vodāyanti, saddhammesu vā adhimāniko hoti anabhirato vā brahmacariyaṁ carati, aññataraṁ vā saṅkiliṭṭhaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati, gāḷhaṁ vā rogātaṅkaṁ phusati, ummādaṁ vā pāpuṇāti cittakkhepaṁ, sammūḷho kālaṁ karoti, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  They don’t achieve the unachieved. What they have achieved falls away. They don’t refine their good qualities. They overestimate their good qualities, or lead the spiritual life dissatisfied, or commit a corrupt offense, or contract a severe illness, or go mad and lose their mind. They feel lost when they die. And when their body breaks up, after death, they are reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 

an10.89upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kālaṅkato ca kokāliko bhikkhu padumaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati sāriputtamoggallānesu cittaṁ āghātetvā.  He was reborn in the Pink Lotus hell because of his resentment for Sāriputta and Moggallāna. 

an10.91paribhuñjati saṁvibhajati38Pi En Ru dhamma

adhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasena na attānaṁ sukheti na pīṇeti na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karoti.  They don’t make themselves happy and pleased, nor share it and make merit. 
adhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti, na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karoti. 
They make themselves happy and pleased, but don’t share it and make merit. 
adhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti. 
They make themselves happy and pleased, and they share it and make merit. 
dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasenapi asāhasenapi na attānaṁ sukheti na pīṇeti na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karoti. 
They don’t make themselves happy and pleased, nor share it and make merit. 
dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasenapi asāhasenapi attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti, na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karoti. 
They make themselves happy and pleased, but don’t share it and make merit. 
dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasenapi asāhasenapi attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti. 
They make themselves happy and pleased, and they share it and make merit. 
dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena na attānaṁ sukheti na pīṇeti na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karoti. 
They don’t make themselves happy and pleased, nor share it and make merit. 
dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti, na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karoti. 
They make themselves happy and pleased, but don’t share it and make merit. 
dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti. 
They make themselves happy and pleased, and they share it and make merit. 
Te ca bhoge gathito mucchito ajjhosanno anādīnavadassāvī anissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati. 
But they enjoy that wealth tied, infatuated, attached, blind to the drawbacks, and not understanding the escape. 
dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti. 
They make themselves happy and pleased, and they share it and make merit. 
Te ca bhoge agathito amucchito anajjhosanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati. 
And they enjoy that wealth untied, uninfatuated, unattached, seeing the drawbacks, and understanding the escape. 
Tatra, gahapati, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī adhammena bhoge pariyesati sāhasena, adhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasena na attānaṁ sukheti na pīṇeti na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karoti, ayaṁ, gahapati, kāmabhogī tīhi ṭhānehi gārayho. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using illegitimate, coercive means, and who doesn’t make themselves happy and pleased, nor share it and make merit. They may be criticized on three grounds. 
‘Na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karotī’ti, iminā tatiyena ṭhānena gārayho. 
They don’t share it and make merit. This is the third ground for criticism. 
Tatra, gahapati, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī adhammena bhoge pariyesati sāhasena, adhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karoti, ayaṁ, gahapati, kāmabhogī dvīhi ṭhānehi gārayho ekena ṭhānena pāsaṁso. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using illegitimate, coercive means, and who makes themselves happy and pleased, but doesn’t share it and make merit. They may be criticized on two grounds, and praised on one. 
‘Na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karotī’ti iminā dutiyena ṭhānena gārayho. 
They don’t share it and make merit. This is the second ground for criticism. 
Tatra, gahapati, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī adhammena bhoge pariyesati sāhasena, adhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti, ayaṁ, gahapati, kāmabhogī ekena ṭhānena gārayho dvīhi ṭhānehi pāsaṁso. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using illegitimate, coercive means, and who makes themselves happy and pleased, and shares it and makes merit. They may be criticized on one ground, and praised on two. 
‘Saṁvibhajati puññāni karotī’ti, iminā dutiyena ṭhānena pāsaṁso. 
They share it and make merit. This is the second ground for praise. 
Tatra, gahapati, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesati sāhasenapi asāhasenapi, dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasenapi asāhasenapi na attānaṁ sukheti na pīṇeti na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karoti, ayaṁ, gahapati, kāmabhogī ekena ṭhānena pāsaṁso tīhi ṭhānehi gārayho. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using means both legitimate and illegitimate, and coercive and non-coercive, and who doesn’t make themselves happy and pleased, nor share it and make merit. They may be praised on one ground, and criticized on three. 
‘Na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karotī’ti, iminā tatiyena ṭhānena gārayho. 
They don’t share it and make merit. This is the third ground for criticism. 
Tatra, gahapati, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesati sāhasenapi asāhasenapi, dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasenapi asāhasenapi attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karoti, ayaṁ, gahapati, kāmabhogī dvīhi ṭhānehi pāsaṁso dvīhi ṭhānehi gārayho. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using means both legitimate and illegitimate, and coercive and non-coercive, and who makes themselves happy and pleased, but doesn’t share it and make merit. They may be praised on two grounds, and criticized on two. 
‘Na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karotī’ti, iminā dutiyena ṭhānena gārayho. 
They don’t share it and make merit. This is the second ground for criticism. 
Tatra, gahapati, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesati sāhasenapi asāhasenapi, dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasenapi asāhasenapi attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti, ayaṁ, gahapati, kāmabhogī tīhi ṭhānehi pāsaṁso ekena ṭhānena gārayho. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using means both legitimate and illegitimate, and coercive and non-coercive, and who makes themselves happy and pleased, and shares it and make merit. They may be praised on three grounds, and criticized on one. 
‘Saṁvibhajati puññāni karotī’ti, iminā tatiyena ṭhānena pāsaṁso. 
They share it and make merit. This is the third ground for praise. 
Tatra, gahapati, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammena bhoge pariyesati asāhasena, dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena na attānaṁ sukheti na pīṇeti na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karoti, ayaṁ, gahapati, kāmabhogī ekena ṭhānena pāsaṁso dvīhi ṭhānehi gārayho. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using legitimate, non-coercive means, and who doesn’t make themselves happy and pleased, nor share it and make merit. They may be praised on one ground and criticized on two. 
‘Na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karotī’ti, iminā dutiyena ṭhānena gārayho. 
They don’t share it and make merit. This is the second ground for criticism. 
Tatra, gahapati, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammena bhoge pariyesati asāhasena, dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karoti, ayaṁ, gahapati, kāmabhogī dvīhi ṭhānehi pāsaṁso ekena ṭhānena gārayho. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using legitimate, non-coercive means, and who makes themselves happy and pleased, but doesn’t share it and make merit. They may be praised on two grounds and criticized on one. 
‘Na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karotī’ti iminā ekena ṭhānena gārayho. 
They don’t share it and make merit. This is the one ground for criticism. 
Tatra, gahapati yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammena bhoge pariyesati asāhasena, dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti, te ca bhoge gathito mucchito ajjhosanno anādīnavadassāvī anissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati, ayaṁ, gahapati, kāmabhogī tīhi ṭhānehi pāsaṁso ekena ṭhānena gārayho. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using legitimate, non-coercive means, and who makes themselves happy and pleased, and shares it and makes merit. But they enjoy that wealth tied, infatuated, attached, blind to the drawbacks, and not understanding the escape. They may be praised on three grounds and criticized on one. 
‘Saṁvibhajati puññāni karotī’ti, iminā tatiyena ṭhānena pāsaṁso. 
They share it and make merit. This is the third ground for praise. 
Tatra, gahapati, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammena bhoge pariyesati asāhasena, dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti, te ca bhoge agathito amucchito anajjhosanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati, ayaṁ, gahapati, kāmabhogī catūhi ṭhānehi pāsaṁso. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using legitimate, non-coercive means, and who makes themselves happy and pleased, and shares it and makes merit. And they enjoy that wealth untied, uninfatuated, unattached, seeing the drawbacks, and understanding the escape. They may be praised on four grounds. 
‘Saṁvibhajati puññāni karotī’ti, iminā tatiyena ṭhānena pāsaṁso. 
They share it and make merit. This is the third ground for praise. 
Imesaṁ kho, gahapati, dasannaṁ kāmabhogīnaṁ yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammena bhoge pariyesati asāhasena, dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti, te ca bhoge agathito amucchito anajjhosanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati, ayaṁ imesaṁ dasannaṁ kāmabhogīnaṁ aggo ca seṭṭho ca pāmokkho ca uttamo ca pavaro ca. 
The pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using legitimate, non-coercive means, who makes themselves happy and pleased, and shares it and makes merit, and who uses that wealth untied, uninfatuated, unattached, seeing the drawbacks, and understanding the escape is the foremost, best, chief, highest, and finest of the ten. 
Evamevaṁ kho, gahapati, imesaṁ dasannaṁ kāmabhogīnaṁ yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammena bhoge pariyesati asāhasena, dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti, te ca bhoge agathito amucchito anajjhosanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati, ayaṁ imesaṁ dasannaṁ kāmabhogīnaṁ aggo ca seṭṭho ca pāmokkho ca uttamo ca pavaro cā”ti. 
In the same way, the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using legitimate, non-coercive means, who makes themselves happy and pleased, and shares it and makes merit, and who uses that wealth untied, uninfatuated, unattached, seeing the drawbacks, and understanding the escape is the foremost, best, chief, highest, and finest of the ten.” 

an10.92uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘iti imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti; imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati;  ‘When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises. 

an10.97parimajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Anekavihitaṁ iddhividhaṁ paccanubhoti—ekopi hutvā bahudhā hoti; bahudhāpi hutvā eko hoti; āvibhāvaṁ, tirobhāvaṁ; tirokuṭṭaṁ tiropākāraṁ tiropabbataṁ asajjamāno gacchati, seyyathāpi ākāse; pathaviyāpi ummujjanimujjaṁ karoti, seyyathāpi udake; udakepi abhijjamāne gacchati, seyyathāpi pathaviyaṁ; ākāsepi pallaṅkena kamati, seyyathāpi pakkhī sakuṇo; imepi candimasūriye evaṁmahiddhike evaṁmahānubhāve pāṇinā parāmasati parimajjati, yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vatteti.  They wield the many kinds of psychic power: multiplying themselves and becoming one again; appearing and disappearing; going unobstructed through a wall, a rampart, or a mountain as if through space; diving in and out of the earth as if it were water; walking on water as if it were earth; flying cross-legged through the sky like a bird; touching and stroking with the hand the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful. They control the body as far as the realm of divinity. 

an10.99bhajati pabbajati paṭipajjati uppajjati āpajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

“Idha kho pana vo, upāli, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā.  “But then a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 
So aparena samayena appaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya appaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
After some time they give up a large or small fortune, and a large or small family circle. They shave off hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving restraint over it. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 
vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
they frequent a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 

an10.108sampajjatipi sampajjatiyeva vipajjati vipajjatipi8Pi En Ru dhamma

Tañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, virecanaṁ sampajjatipi vipajjatipi.  But this kind of purgative sometimes works and sometimes fails. 
Ahañca kho, bhikkhave, ariyaṁ virecanaṁ desessāmi, yaṁ virecanaṁ sampajjatiyeva no vipajjati, yaṁ virecanaṁ āgamma jātidhammā sattā jātiyā parimuccanti, jarādhammā sattā jarāya parimuccanti, maraṇadhammā sattā maraṇena parimuccanti, sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsadhammā sattā sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsehi parimuccanti. 
I will teach a noble purgative that works without fail. Relying on that purgative, sentient beings who are liable to rebirth, old age, and death, to sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress are freed from all these things. 
“Katamañca taṁ, bhikkhave, ariyaṁ virecanaṁ, yaṁ virecanaṁ sampajjatiyeva no vipajjati, yaṁ virecanaṁ āgamma jātidhammā sattā jātiyā parimuccanti, jarādhammā sattā jarāya parimuccanti, maraṇadhammā sattā maraṇena parimuccanti, sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsadhammā sattā sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsehi parimuccanti? 
“And what is the noble purgative that works without fail? 
Idaṁ kho taṁ, bhikkhave, ariyaṁ virecanaṁ yaṁ virecanaṁ sampajjatiyeva no vipajjati, yaṁ virecanaṁ āgamma jātidhammā sattā jātiyā parimuccanti …pe… sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsehi parimuccantī”ti. 
This is the noble purgative that works without fail. Relying on this purgative, sentient beings who are liable to rebirth, old age, and death, to sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress are freed from all these things.” 

an10.109sampajjatipi sampajjatiyeva vipajjati vipajjatipi8Pi En Ru dhamma

Tañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vamanaṁ sampajjatipi vipajjatipi.  But this kind of emetic sometimes works and sometimes fails. 
Ahañca kho, bhikkhave, ariyaṁ vamanaṁ desessāmi, yaṁ vamanaṁ sampajjatiyeva no vipajjati, yaṁ vamanaṁ āgamma jātidhammā sattā jātiyā parimuccanti, jarādhammā sattā jarāya parimuccanti, maraṇadhammā sattā maraṇena parimuccanti, sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsadhammā sattā sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsehi parimuccanti. 
I will teach a noble emetic that works without fail. Relying on that emetic, sentient beings who are liable to rebirth, old age, and death, to sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress are freed from all these things. 
Katamañca taṁ, bhikkhave, ariyaṁ vamanaṁ, yaṁ vamanaṁ sampajjatiyeva no vipajjati, yaṁ vamanaṁ āgamma jātidhammā sattā jātiyā parimuccanti …pe… sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsadhammā sattā sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsehi parimuccanti? 
And what is that noble emetic that works without fail? 
Idaṁ kho taṁ, bhikkhave, ariyaṁ vamanaṁ yaṁ vamanaṁ sampajjatiyeva no vipajjati, yaṁ vamanaṁ āgamma jātidhammā sattā jātiyā parimuccanti …pe… sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsehi parimuccantī”ti. 
This is the noble emetic that works without fail. Relying on this emetic, sentient beings who are liable to rebirth, old age, and death, to sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress are freed from all these things.” 

an10.177upapajjati15Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā nirayaṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in hell. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā tiracchānayoniṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the animal realm. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā manussānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the human realm. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā pettivisayaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the ghost realm. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā hatthīnaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of elephants. 
Yaṁ kho, brāhmaṇa, idha pāṇātipātī adinnādāyī kāmesumicchācārī musāvādī pisuṇavāco pharusavāco samphappalāpī abhijjhālu byāpannacitto micchādiṭṭhiko, tena so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā hatthīnaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
Since in this life they killed living creatures … and had wrong view, they were reborn in the company of elephants. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā assānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati …pe… 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of horses. … 
gunnaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati …pe… 
cattle … 
kukkurānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
Yaṁ kho, brāhmaṇa, idha pāṇātipātī …pe… micchādiṭṭhiko, tena so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā kukkurānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
Since in this life they killed living creatures … and had wrong view, they were reborn in the company of dogs. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā manussānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the human realm. 
Yaṁ kho, brāhmaṇa, idha pāṇātipātā paṭivirato hoti …pe… sammādiṭṭhiko, tena so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā manussānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
Since in this life they didn’t kill living creatures … and had right view, they were reborn in the company of humans. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods. 
Yaṁ kho, brāhmaṇa, idha pāṇātipātā paṭivirato hoti …pe… sammādiṭṭhiko, tena so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
Since in this life they didn’t kill living creatures … and had right view, they were reborn in the company of the gods. 

an10.216upapajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ karoti tena upapajjati.  For your deeds determine your rebirth, 
yaṁ karoti tena upapajjati. 
For your deeds determine your rebirth, 
Yaṁ karoti tena upapajjati. 
For your deeds determine your rebirth, 
Yaṁ karoti tena upapajjati. 
For your deeds determine your rebirth, 

an10.229-232upapajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dasahi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato idhekacco kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati …pe…  “When they have ten qualities, some people, when their body breaks up, after death, are reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. … 
idhekacco kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
some people, when their body breaks up, after death, are reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm … 
cattārīsāya, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato idhekacco kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati …pe… 
forty …” 
idhekacco kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati”. 

an11.2uppajjati virajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Dhammatā esā, bhikkhave, yaṁ sīlavato sīlasampannassa avippaṭisāro uppajjati.  It’s only natural that an ethical person has no regrets. 
Dhammatā esā, bhikkhave, yaṁ avippaṭisārissa pāmojjaṁ uppajjati. 
It’s only natural that joy springs up when you have no regrets. 
Dhammatā esā, bhikkhave, yaṁ pamuditassa pīti uppajjati. 
It’s only natural that rapture arises when you’re joyful. 
Dhammatā esā, bhikkhave, yaṁ nibbinno virajjati. 
It’s only natural to grow dispassionate when you’re disillusioned. 

an11.6upapajjati āpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

aññataraṁ vā saṅkiliṭṭhaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati,  Or they commit a corrupt offense. 
kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati— 
And when their body breaks up, after death, they are reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
aññataraṁ vā saṅkiliṭṭhaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati, 
Or they commit one of the corrupt offenses. 
kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati— 
And when their body breaks up, after death, they are reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 

an11.11saṁvijjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yathārūpāya saddhāya samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tatthūpapannā, mayhampi tathārūpā saddhā saṁvijjati.  When those deities passed away from here, they were reborn there because of their faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. I, too, have the same kind of faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom.’ 
Yathārūpena sīlena samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tatthūpapannā, mayhampi tathārūpaṁ sīlaṁ saṁvijjati. 
Yathārūpena sutena samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tatthūpapannā, mayhampi tathārūpaṁ sutaṁ saṁvijjati. 
Yathārūpena cāgena samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tatthūpapannā, mayhampi tathārūpo cāgo saṁvijjati. 

an11.12saṁvijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yathārūpāya saddhāya samannāgatā tā devatā ito cutā tatthūpapannā, mayhampi tathārūpā saddhā saṁvijjati.   

an11.17nāpajjati paṭipajjati āpajjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya na paṭipajjati; na rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ nāpajjati.  Since the faculty of sight is left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure become overwhelming. They don’t practice restraint, they don’t protect the faculty of sight, and they don’t achieve its restraint. 
yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya na paṭipajjati; na rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ nāpajjati. 
Since the faculty of the mind is left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure become overwhelming. They don’t practice restraint, they don’t protect the faculty of the mind, and they don’t achieve its restraint. 
yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 

dn1netaṁṭhānaṁvijjativāra pabbajati saṁvijjati ucchijjati upapajjati uppajjati vijjati āpajjati38Pi En Ru dhamma

‘itipetaṁ bhūtaṁ, itipetaṁ tacchaṁ, atthi cetaṁ amhesu, saṁvijjati ca panetaṁ amhesū’ti.  ‘This is why that’s true, this is why that’s correct. There is such a thing in us, it is found among us.’ 
Atha kho aññataro satto āyukkhayā vā puññakkhayā vā ābhassarakāyā cavitvā suññaṁ brahmavimānaṁ upapajjati. 
Then a certain sentient being—due to the running out of their lifespan or merit—passes away from that host of radiant deities and is reborn in that empty mansion of divinity. 
Tassa tattha ekakassa dīgharattaṁ nivusitattā anabhirati paritassanā uppajjati: 
But after staying there all alone for a long time, they become dissatisfied and anxious: 
uppajjati → upapajjati (sya-all, csp1ed) 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati, yaṁ aññataro satto tamhā kāyā cavitvā itthattaṁ āgacchati. 
It’s possible that one of those beings passes away from that host and is reborn in this place. 
Itthattaṁ āgato samāno agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
Having done so, they go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ aññataro satto tamhā kāyā cavitvā itthattaṁ āgacchati. 
It’s possible that one of those beings passes away from that host and is reborn in this place. 
Itthattaṁ āgato samāno agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
Having done so, they go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ aññataro satto tamhā kāyā cavitvā itthattaṁ āgacchati. 
It’s possible that one of those beings passes away from that host and is reborn in this place. 
Itthattaṁ āgato samāno agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
Having done so, they go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
Iti so musāvādabhayā musāvādaparijegucchā nevidaṁ kusalanti byākaroti, na panidaṁ akusalanti byākaroti, tattha tattha pañhaṁ puṭṭho samāno vācāvikkhepaṁ āpajjati amarāvikkhepaṁ: 
So from fear and disgust with false speech they avoid stating whether something is skillful or unskillful. Whenever they’re asked a question, they resort to verbal flip-flops and endless flip-flops: 
Iti so upādānabhayā upādānaparijegucchā nevidaṁ kusalanti byākaroti, na panidaṁ akusalanti byākaroti, tattha tattha pañhaṁ puṭṭho samāno vācāvikkhepaṁ āpajjati amarāvikkhepaṁ: 
So from fear and disgust with grasping they avoid stating whether something is skillful or unskillful. Whenever they’re asked a question, they resort to verbal flip-flops and endless flip-flops: 
Iti so anuyogabhayā anuyogaparijegucchā nevidaṁ kusalanti byākaroti, na panidaṁ akusalanti byākaroti, tattha tattha pañhaṁ puṭṭho samāno vācāvikkhepaṁ āpajjati amarāvikkhepaṁ: 
So from fear and disgust with examination they avoid stating whether something is skillful or unskillful. Whenever they’re asked a question, they resort to verbal flip-flops and endless flip-flops: 
So mandattā momūhattā tattha tattha pañhaṁ puṭṭho samāno vācāvikkhepaṁ āpajjati amarāvikkhepaṁ: 
Because of that, whenever they’re asked a question, they resort to verbal flip-flops and endless flip-flops: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati, yaṁ aññataro satto tamhā kāyā cavitvā itthattaṁ āgacchati. 
It’s possible that one of those beings passes away from that host and is reborn in this place. 
Itthattaṁ āgato samāno agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
Having done so, they go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
‘yato kho, bho, ayaṁ attā rūpī cātumahābhūtiko mātāpettikasambhavo kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā, ettāvatā kho, bho, ayaṁ attā sammā samucchinno hotī’ti. 
‘This self is formed, made up of the four principal states, and produced by mother and father. Since it’s annihilated and destroyed when the body breaks up, and doesn’t exist after death, that’s how this self becomes rightly annihilated.’ 
So kho, bho, attā yato kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā, ettāvatā kho, bho, ayaṁ attā sammā samucchinno hotī’ti. 
Since this self is annihilated and destroyed when the body breaks up, and doesn’t exist after death, that’s how this self becomes rightly annihilated.’ 
So kho, bho, attā yato kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā, ettāvatā kho, bho, ayaṁ attā sammā samucchinno hotī’ti. 
Since this self is annihilated and destroyed when the body breaks up, and doesn’t exist after death, that’s how this self becomes rightly annihilated.’ 
So kho, bho, attā yato kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā, ettāvatā kho, bho, ayaṁ attā sammā samucchinno hotī’ti. 
Since this self is annihilated and destroyed when the body breaks up, and doesn’t exist after death, that’s how this self becomes rightly annihilated.’ 
So kho, bho, attā yato kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā, ettāvatā kho, bho, ayaṁ attā sammā samucchinno hotī’ti. 
Since this self is annihilated and destroyed when the body breaks up, and doesn’t exist after death, that’s how this self becomes rightly annihilated.’ 
So kho, bho, attā yato kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā, ettāvatā kho, bho, ayaṁ attā sammā samucchinno hotī’ti. 
Since this self is annihilated and destroyed when the body breaks up, and doesn’t exist after death, that’s how this self becomes rightly annihilated.’ 
So kho, bho, attā yato kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā, ettāvatā kho, bho, ayaṁ attā sammā samucchinno hotī’ti. 
Since this self is annihilated and destroyed when the body breaks up, and doesn’t exist after death, that’s how this self becomes rightly annihilated.’ 
4.3. Netaṁṭhānaṁvijjativāra 
4.3. Not Possible 
Tatra, bhikkhave, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā sassatavādā sassataṁ attānañca lokañca paññapenti catūhi vatthūhi, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Tatra, bhikkhave, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā ekaccasassatikā ekaccaasassatikā ekaccaṁ sassataṁ ekaccaṁ asassataṁ attānañca lokañca paññapenti catūhi vatthūhi, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Tatra, bhikkhave, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā antānantikā antānantaṁ lokassa paññapenti catūhi vatthūhi, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Tatra, bhikkhave, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā amarāvikkhepikā tattha tattha pañhaṁ puṭṭhā samānā vācāvikkhepaṁ āpajjanti amarāvikkhepaṁ catūhi vatthūhi, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Tatra, bhikkhave, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā adhiccasamuppannikā adhiccasamuppannaṁ attānañca lokañca paññapenti dvīhi vatthūhi, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Tatra, bhikkhave, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā pubbantakappikā pubbantānudiṭṭhino pubbantaṁ ārabbha anekavihitāni adhimuttipadāni abhivadanti aṭṭhārasahi vatthūhi, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Tatra, bhikkhave, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā uddhamāghātanikā saññīvādā uddhamāghātanaṁ saññiṁ attānaṁ paññapenti soḷasahi vatthūhi, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Tatra, bhikkhave, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā uddhamāghātanikā asaññīvādā, uddhamāghātanaṁ asaññiṁ attānaṁ paññapenti aṭṭhahi vatthūhi, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Tatra, bhikkhave, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā uddhamāghātanikā nevasaññīnāsaññīvādā uddhamāghātanaṁ nevasaññīnāsaññiṁ attānaṁ paññapenti aṭṭhahi vatthūhi, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Tatra, bhikkhave, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā ucchedavādā sato sattassa ucchedaṁ vināsaṁ vibhavaṁ paññapenti sattahi vatthūhi, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Tatra, bhikkhave, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā diṭṭhadhammanibbānavādā sato sattassa paramadiṭṭhadhammanibbānaṁ paññapenti pañcahi vatthūhi, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Tatra, bhikkhave, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā aparantakappikā aparantānudiṭṭhino aparantaṁ ārabbha anekavihitāni adhimuttipadāni abhivadanti catucattārīsāya vatthūhi, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Tatra, bhikkhave, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā pubbantakappikā ca aparantakappikā ca pubbantāparantakappikā ca pubbantāparantānudiṭṭhino pubbantāparantaṁ ārabbha anekavihitāni adhimuttipadāni abhivadanti dvāsaṭṭhiyā vatthūhi, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Now, when those ascetics and brahmins theorize about the past and the future on these sixty-two grounds, it is not possible that they should experience these things without contact. 

dn2bhajati pabbajati parimajjati paṭipajjati uppajjati āpajjati9Pi En Ru dhamma

“idha, mahārāja, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā.  “Consider when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 
So aparena samayena appaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya appaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
After some time they give up a large or small fortune, and a large or small family circle. They shave off hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhā domanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhā domanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 
vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
they frequent a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 
So anekavihitaṁ iddhividhaṁ paccanubhoti—ekopi hutvā bahudhā hoti, bahudhāpi hutvā eko hoti; āvibhāvaṁ tirobhāvaṁ tirokuṭṭaṁ tiropākāraṁ tiropabbataṁ asajjamāno gacchati seyyathāpi ākāse; pathaviyāpi ummujjanimujjaṁ karoti seyyathāpi udake; udakepi abhijjamāne gacchati seyyathāpi pathaviyā; ākāsepi pallaṅkena kamati seyyathāpi pakkhī sakuṇo; imepi candimasūriye evaṁmahiddhike evaṁmahānubhāve pāṇinā parāmasati parimajjati; yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vatteti. 
They wield the many kinds of psychic power: multiplying themselves and becoming one again; appearing and disappearing; going unobstructed through a wall, a rampart, or a mountain as if through space; diving in and out of the earth as if it were water; walking on water as if it were earth; flying cross-legged through the sky like a bird; touching and stroking with the hand the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful; controlling the body as far as the realm of divinity. 
So anekavihitaṁ iddhividhaṁ paccanubhoti—ekopi hutvā bahudhā hoti, bahudhāpi hutvā eko hoti; āvibhāvaṁ tirobhāvaṁ tirokuṭṭaṁ tiropākāraṁ tiropabbataṁ asajjamāno gacchati seyyathāpi ākāse; pathaviyāpi ummujjanimujjaṁ karoti seyyathāpi udake; udakepi abhijjamāne gacchati seyyathāpi pathaviyā; ākāsepi pallaṅkena kamati seyyathāpi pakkhī sakuṇo; imepi candimasūriye evaṁmahiddhike evaṁmahānubhāve pāṇinā parāmasati parimajjati; yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vatteti. 

dn3bhuñjati pabbajati sampajjati uppajjati vijjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

Sace kho pana agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati, arahaṁ hoti sammāsambuddho loke vivaṭṭacchado.  But if he goes forth from the lay life to homelessness, he becomes a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha, who draws back the veil from the world. 
“Idha, ambaṭṭha, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā. 
“Ambaṭṭha, it’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 
So aññadatthu vijjācaraṇasampannasseva paricārako sampajjati. 
In fact they succeed only in serving someone accomplished in knowledge and conduct. 
So aññadatthu vijjācaraṇasampannasseva paricārako sampajjati. 
In fact they succeed only in serving someone accomplished in knowledge and conduct. 
So aññadatthu vijjācaraṇasampannasseva paricārako sampajjati. 
In fact they succeed only in serving someone accomplished in knowledge and conduct. 
So aññadatthu vijjācaraṇasampannasseva paricārako sampajjati. 
In fact they succeed only in serving someone accomplished in knowledge and conduct. 
Brāhmaṇo kho pana, ambaṭṭha, pokkharasāti rañño pasenadissa kosalassa dattikaṁ bhuñjati. 
Pokkharasāti lives off an endowment provided by King Pasenadi of Kosala. 
‘tyāhaṁ mante adhiyāmi sācariyako’ti, tāvatā tvaṁ bhavissasi isi vā isitthāya vā paṭipannoti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
You might imagine that, since you’ve learned their hymns by heart in your own tradition, that makes you a seer or someone on the path to becoming a seer. But that is not possible. 

dn4uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“idha, brāhmaṇa, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho …pe…  “It’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha … 

dn5uppajjati yajati8Pi En Ru dhamma

‘rājā kho mahāvijito mahāyaññaṁ yajati, no ca kho tassa āmantitā khattiyā ānuyantā negamā ceva jānapadā ca;  “King Mahāvijita performs a great sacrifice, but he did not announce it to the aristocrat vassals of town and country. 
‘rājā kho mahāvijito mahāyaññaṁ yajati, no ca kho tassa āmantitā amaccā pārisajjā negamā ceva jānapadā ca …pe… brāhmaṇamahāsālā negamā ceva jānapadā ca …pe… gahapatinecayikā negamā ceva jānapadā ca, atha ca pana bhavaṁ rājā evarūpaṁ mahāyaññaṁ yajatī’ti. 
“King Mahāvijita performs a great sacrifice, but he did not announce it to the aristocrat vassals; the ministers and councillors; the well-to-do brahmins; and the well-off householders. That’s the kind of great sacrifice that this king performs.” 
‘rājā kho mahāvijito mahāyaññaṁ yajati, no ca kho ubhato sujāto mātito ca pitito ca saṁsuddhagahaṇiko yāva sattamā pitāmahayugā akkhitto anupakkuṭṭho jātivādena, atha ca pana bhavaṁ rājā evarūpaṁ mahāyaññaṁ yajatī’ti. 
that he does not possess the eight factors. 
‘rājā kho mahāvijito mahāyaññaṁ yajati no ca kho abhirūpo dassanīyo pāsādiko paramāya vaṇṇapokkharatāya samannāgato brahmavaṇṇī brahmavacchasī akhuddāvakāso dassanāya …pe… 
‘rājā kho mahāvijito mahāyaññaṁ yajati. 
that the high priest does not possess the four factors. 
‘rājā kho mahāvijito mahāyaññaṁ yajati. 
Rājā kho mahāvijito mahāyaññaṁ yajati, handassa mayaṁ anuyāgino homā’ti. 
King Mahāvijita is performing a great sacrifice. Let us make an offering as an auxiliary sacrifice.’ 
“Idha, brāhmaṇa, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho …pe… 
It’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha … 

dn6uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘idhāvuso tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho …pe…  ‘Take the case when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha … 

dn7uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“idhāvuso, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ, sammāsambuddho …pe…  “Take the case when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha … 

dn8uppajjati vijjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, kassapa, vijjati, yaṁ viññū samanuyuñjantā samanugāhantā samanubhāsantā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ:  It’s possible that they might say: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, kassapa, vijjati, yaṁ viññū samanuyuñjantā samanugāhantā samanubhāsantā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that they might say: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, kassapa, vijjati, yaṁ viññū samanuyuñjantā samanugāhantā samanubhāsantā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that they might say: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, kassapa, vijjati, yaṁ viññū samanuyuñjantā samanugāhantā samanubhāsantā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that they might say: 
“Idha, kassapa, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ, sammāsambuddho …pe… 
“It’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha … 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, kassapa, vijjati, yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, kassapa, vijjati, yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, kassapa, vijjati, yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say: 

dn9uppajjati13Pi En Ru dhamma

Sikkhā ekā saññā uppajjati, sikkhā ekā saññā nirujjhati.  With training, certain perceptions arise and certain perceptions cease. 
“Idha, poṭṭhapāda, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ, sammāsambuddho …pe… 
“It’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha … 
Evampi sikkhā ekā saññā uppajjati, sikkhā ekā saññā nirujjhati. 
That’s how, with training, certain perceptions arise and certain perceptions cease. 
Evampi sikkhā ekā saññā uppajjati, sikkhā ekā saññā nirujjhati. 
That’s how, with training, certain perceptions arise and certain perceptions cease. 
Evampi sikkhā ekā saññā uppajjati, sikkhā ekā saññā nirujjhati. 
That’s how, with training, certain perceptions arise and certain perceptions cease. 
Evampi sikkhā ekā saññā uppajjati, sikkhā ekā saññā nirujjhati. 
That’s how, with training, certain perceptions arise and certain perceptions cease. 
Evampi sikkhā ekā saññā uppajjati, sikkhā ekā saññā nirujjhati. 
That’s how, with training, certain perceptions arise and certain perceptions cease. 
Evampi sikkhā ekā saññā uppajjati, sikkhā ekā saññā nirujjhati. 
That’s how, with training, certain perceptions arise and certain perceptions cease. 
Evampi sikkhā ekā saññā uppajjati, sikkhā ekā saññā nirujjhati. 
That’s how, with training, certain perceptions arise and certain perceptions cease. 
“Saññā nu kho, bhante, paṭhamaṁ uppajjati, pacchā ñāṇaṁ, udāhu ñāṇaṁ paṭhamaṁ uppajjati, pacchā saññā, udāhu saññā ca ñāṇañca apubbaṁ acarimaṁ uppajjantī”ti? 
“But sir, does perception arise first and knowledge afterwards? Or does knowledge arise first and perception afterwards? Or do they both arise at the same time?” 
“Saññā kho, poṭṭhapāda, paṭhamaṁ uppajjati, pacchā ñāṇaṁ, saññuppādā ca pana ñāṇuppādo hoti. 
“Perception arises first and knowledge afterwards. The arising of perception leads to the arising of knowledge. 
yathā saññā paṭhamaṁ uppajjati, pacchā ñāṇaṁ, saññuppādā ca pana ñāṇuppādo hotī”ti. 
perception arises first and knowledge afterwards; that the arising of perception leads to the arising of knowledge.” 

dn10bhajati pabbajati parimajjati paṭipajjati uppajjati āpajjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

“Idha, māṇava, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā.  “Student, it’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 
So aparena samayena appaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya appaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
After some time they give up a large or small fortune, and a large or small family circle. They shave off hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ; tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ; tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 
vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
they frequent a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 
So anekavihitaṁ iddhividhaṁ paccanubhoti—ekopi hutvā bahudhā hoti, bahudhāpi hutvā eko hoti; āvibhāvaṁ tirobhāvaṁ tirokuṭṭaṁ tiropākāraṁ tiropabbataṁ asajjamāno gacchati seyyathāpi ākāse; pathaviyāpi ummujjanimujjaṁ karoti seyyathāpi udake; udakepi abhijjamāne gacchati seyyathāpi pathaviyaṁ; ākāsepi pallaṅkena kamati seyyathāpi pakkhī sakuṇo; imepi candimasūriye evaṁ mahiddhike evaṁ mahānubhāve pāṇinā parāmasati parimajjati; yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vatteti. 
They wield the many kinds of psychic power: multiplying themselves and becoming one again; appearing and disappearing; going unobstructed through a wall, a rampart, or a mountain as if through space; diving in and out of the earth as if it were water; walking on water as if it were earth; flying cross-legged through the sky like a bird; touching and stroking with the hand the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful; controlling the body as far as the realm of divinity. 

dn11parimajjati uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, kevaṭṭa, bhikkhu anekavihitaṁ iddhividhaṁ paccanubhoti—ekopi hutvā bahudhā hoti, bahudhāpi hutvā eko hoti; āvibhāvaṁ tirobhāvaṁ tirokuṭṭaṁ tiropākāraṁ tiropabbataṁ asajjamāno gacchati seyyathāpi ākāse; pathaviyāpi ummujjanimujjaṁ karoti seyyathāpi udake; udakepi abhijjamāne gacchati seyyathāpi pathaviyaṁ; ākāsepi pallaṅkena kamati seyyathāpi pakkhī sakuṇo; imepi candimasūriye evaṁ mahiddhike evaṁ mahānubhāve pāṇinā parāmasati parimajjati; yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vatteti.  It’s a mendicant who wields the many kinds of psychic power: multiplying themselves and becoming one again; appearing and disappearing; going unobstructed through a wall, a rampart, or a mountain as if through space; diving in and out of the earth as if it were water; walking on water as if it were earth; flying cross-legged through the sky like a bird; touching and stroking with the hand the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful; controlling the body as far as the realm of divinity. 
Puna caparaṁ, kevaṭṭa, idha tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho …pe… 
Furthermore, a Realized One arises in the world … 

dn12uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Idha, lohicca, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ, sammāsambuddho …pe…  “It’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha … 

dn13sampajjati uppajjati vijjati15Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sādhu, vāseṭṭha, te vata, vāseṭṭha, tevijjā brāhmaṇā yaṁ na jānanti, yaṁ na passanti, tassa sahabyatāya maggaṁ desessanti. ‘Ayameva ujumaggo, ayamañjasāyano niyyāniko, niyyāti takkarassa brahmasahabyatāyā’ti, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “Good, Vāseṭṭha. For it is impossible that they should teach the path to that which they neither know nor see. 
Tesamidaṁ tevijjānaṁ brāhmaṇānaṁ bhāsitaṁ hassakaññeva sampajjati, nāmakaññeva sampajjati, rittakaññeva sampajjati, tucchakaññeva sampajjati. 
Their statement turns out to be a joke—mere words, vacuous and hollow. 
“Sādhu, vāseṭṭha, te vata, vāseṭṭha, tevijjā brāhmaṇā yaṁ na jānanti, yaṁ na passanti, tassa sahabyatāya maggaṁ desessanti: ‘ayameva ujumaggo, ayamañjasāyano niyyāniko, niyyāti takkarassa brahmasahabyatāyā’ti, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“Good, Vāseṭṭha. For it is impossible that they should teach the path to that which they neither know nor see. 
“Sādhu, vāseṭṭha, te vata, vāseṭṭha, tevijjā brāhmaṇā yaṁ na jānanti, yaṁ na passanti, tassa sahabyatāya maggaṁ desessanti—ayameva ujumaggo ayamañjasāyano niyyāniko niyyāti takkarassa brahmasahabyatāyāti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“Good, Vāseṭṭha. For it is impossible that they should teach the path to that which they neither know nor see. 
“Sādhu, vāseṭṭha, te vata, vāseṭṭha, tevijjā brāhmaṇā yaṁ na jānanti, yaṁ na passanti, tassa sahabyatāya maggaṁ desessanti. Ayameva ujumaggo ayamañjasāyano niyyāniko niyyāti takkarassa brahmasahabyatāyāti, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“Good, Vāseṭṭha. For it is impossible that they should teach the path to that which they neither know nor see. 
Te vata, vāseṭṭha, tevijjā brāhmaṇā ye dhammā brāhmaṇakārakā te dhamme pahāya vattamānā, ye dhammā abrāhmaṇakārakā te dhamme samādāya vattamānā avhāyanahetu vā āyācanahetu vā patthanahetu vā abhinandanahetu vā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā brahmānaṁ sahabyūpagā bhavissantīti, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
So long as they proceed in this way it’s impossible that they will, when the body breaks up, after death, be reborn in the company of Divinity. 
Te vata, vāseṭṭha, tevijjā brāhmaṇā ye dhammā brāhmaṇakārakā, te dhamme pahāya vattamānā, ye dhammā abrāhmaṇakārakā, te dhamme samādāya vattamānā pañca kāmaguṇe gadhitā mucchitā ajjhopannā anādīnavadassāvino anissaraṇapaññā paribhuñjantā kāmandubandhanabaddhā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā brahmānaṁ sahabyūpagā bhavissantīti, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
So long as they enjoy them it’s impossible that they will, when the body breaks up, after death, be reborn in the company of Divinity. 
Te vata, vāseṭṭha, tevijjā brāhmaṇā ye dhammā brāhmaṇakārakā te dhamme pahāya vattamānā, ye dhammā abrāhmaṇakārakā te dhamme samādāya vattamānā pañcahi nīvaraṇehi āvuṭā nivutā onaddhā pariyonaddhā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā brahmānaṁ sahabyūpagā bhavissantīti, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
So long as they are so obstructed it’s impossible that they will, when the body breaks up, after death, be reborn in the company of Divinity. 
“Sādhu, vāseṭṭha, te vata, vāseṭṭha, sapariggahā tevijjā brāhmaṇā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apariggahassa brahmuno sahabyūpagā bhavissantīti, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“Good, Vāseṭṭha! It’s impossible that the brahmins who are encumbered with possessions will, when the body breaks up, after death, be reborn in the company of Divinity, who isn’t encumbered with possessions. 
“Sādhu, vāseṭṭha, te vata, vāseṭṭha, avasavattī tevijjā brāhmaṇā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā vasavattissa brahmuno sahabyūpagā bhavissantīti, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“Good, Vāseṭṭha! It’s impossible that such brahmins will, when the body breaks up, after death, be reborn in the company of Divinity. 
“idha, vāseṭṭha, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ, sammāsambuddho …pe… 
“It’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha … 
“Sādhu, vāseṭṭha, so vata vāseṭṭha apariggaho bhikkhu kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apariggahassa brahmuno sahabyūpago bhavissatīti, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
“Good, Vāseṭṭha! It’s quite possible that a mendicant who is not encumbered with possessions will, when the body breaks up, after death, be reborn in the company of Divinity, who isn’t encumbered with possessions. 

dn14pabbajati parimajjati upapajjati uppajjati9Pi En Ru dhamma

Dhammatā esā, bhikkhave, yadā bodhisatto mātukucchiṁ okkanto hoti, na bodhisattamātu purisesu mānasaṁ uppajjati kāmaguṇūpasaṁhitaṁ, anatikkamanīyā ca bodhisattamātā hoti kenaci purisena rattacittena.  It’s normal that, when the being intent on awakening is conceived in his mother’s belly, she no longer feels sexual desire for men, and she cannot be violated by a man of lustful intent. 
Dhammatā esā, bhikkhave, yadā bodhisatto mātukucchiṁ okkanto hoti, na bodhisattamātu kocideva ābādho uppajjati. Sukhinī bodhisattamātā hoti akilantakāyā, bodhisattañca bodhisattamātā tirokucchigataṁ passati sabbaṅgapaccaṅgiṁ ahīnindriyaṁ. 
It’s normal that, when the being intent on awakening is conceived in his mother’s belly, no afflictions beset her. She’s happy and free of bodily fatigue. And she sees the being intent on awakening in her womb, whole in his major and minor limbs, not deficient in any faculty. 
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, yadā bodhisatto mātukucchiṁ okkanto hoti, na bodhisattamātu kocideva ābādho uppajjati, sukhinī bodhisattamātā hoti akilantakāyā, bodhisattañca bodhisattamātā tirokucchigataṁ passati sabbaṅgapaccaṅgiṁ ahīnindriyaṁ. 
In the same way, when the being intent on awakening is conceived in his mother’s belly, no afflictions beset her. She’s happy and free of bodily fatigue. And she sees the being intent on awakening in her womb, whole in his major and minor limbs, not deficient in any faculty. 
Dhammatā esā, bhikkhave, sattāhajāte bodhisatte bodhisattamātā kālaṁ karoti tusitaṁ kāyaṁ upapajjati. 
It’s normal that, seven days after the being intent on awakening is born, his mother passes away and is reborn in the host of joyful gods. 
Sace kho pana agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati, arahaṁ hoti sammāsambuddho loke vivaṭacchado. 
But if he goes forth from the lay life to homelessness, he becomes a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha, who draws back the veil from the world. 
Sace kho pana agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati, arahaṁ hoti sammāsambuddho loke vivaṭacchado. Ayañhi, deva, kumāro suppatiṭṭhitapādo. Yaṁ pāyaṁ, deva, kumāro suppatiṭṭhitapādo. Idampissa mahāpurisassa mahāpurisalakkhaṇaṁ bhavati. 
He has well-planted feet. 
Ayañhi, deva, kumāro ṭhitakova anonamanto ubhohi pāṇitalehi jaṇṇukāni parimasati parimajjati …pe… 
When standing upright and not bending over, the palms of both hands touch the knees. 
Sace kho pana agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati, arahaṁ hoti sammāsambuddho loke vivaṭacchado’ti. 
But if he goes forth from the lay life to homelessness, he becomes a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha, who draws back the veil from the world.’ 
‘kicchaṁ vatāyaṁ loko āpanno, jāyati ca jīyati ca mīyati ca cavati ca upapajjati ca, atha ca panimassa dukkhassa nissaraṇaṁ nappajānāti jarāmaraṇassa, 
‘Alas, this world has fallen into trouble. It’s born, grows old, dies, passes away, and is reborn, yet it doesn’t understand how to escape from this suffering, from old age and death. 

dn15samāpajjati samāpajjatipi4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yato kho, ānanda, bhikkhu ime aṭṭha vimokkhe anulomampi samāpajjati, paṭilomampi samāpajjati, anulomapaṭilomampi samāpajjati, yatthicchakaṁ yadicchakaṁ yāvaticchakaṁ samāpajjatipi vuṭṭhātipi.  When a mendicant enters into and withdraws from these eight liberations—in forward order, in reverse order, and in forward and reverse order—wherever they wish, whenever they wish, and for as long as they wish; 

dn16ossajjati upapajjati vijjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

na cāhu na ca bhavissati na cetarahi vijjati añño samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā bhagavatā bhiyyobhiññataro yadidaṁ sambodhiyan”ti.  I believe there’s no other ascetic or brahmin—whether past, future, or present—whose direct knowledge is superior to the Buddha when it comes to awakening.” 
na cāhu na ca bhavissati na cetarahi vijjati añño samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā bhagavatā bhiyyobhiññataro yadidaṁ sambodhiyan’ti. 
I believe there’s no other ascetic or brahmin—whether past, future, or present—whose direct knowledge is superior to the Buddha when it comes to awakening.’ 
‘evaṁpasanno ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavati; na cāhu na ca bhavissati na cetarahi vijjati añño samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā bhagavatā bhiyyobhiññataro yadidaṁ sambodhiyan’”ti? 
Puna caparaṁ, gahapatayo, dussīlo sīlavipanno kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
Furthermore, an unethical person, when their body breaks up, after death, is reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Puna caparaṁ, gahapatayo, sīlavā sīlasampanno kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Furthermore, when an ethical person’s body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Puna caparaṁ, ānanda, yadā tathāgato sato sampajāno āyusaṅkhāraṁ ossajjati, tadāyaṁ pathavī kampati saṅkampati sampakampati sampavedhati. 
Furthermore, when the Realized One, mindful and aware, surrenders the life force, the earth shakes and rocks and trembles. 
Taṁ kutettha, ānanda, labbhā, yaṁ taṁ jātaṁ bhūtaṁ saṅkhataṁ palokadhammaṁ, taṁ vata mā palujjīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati’. 
How could it possibly be so that what is born, created, conditioned, and liable to wear out should not wear out? 
Tañca tathāgato jīvitahetu puna paccāvamissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It’s not possible for the Realized One, for the sake of life, to take back the life force once it has been given up like that. 
taṁ kutettha, ānanda, labbhā. Yaṁ taṁ jātaṁ bhūtaṁ saṅkhataṁ palokadhammaṁ, ‘taṁ vata tathāgatassāpi sarīraṁ mā palujjī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
How could it possibly be so that what is born, created, conditioned, and liable to wear out should not wear out, even the Realized One’s body? 
Taṁ kutettha, āvuso, labbhā. ‘Yaṁ taṁ jātaṁ bhūtaṁ saṅkhataṁ palokadhammaṁ, taṁ vata mā palujjī’ti, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
How could it possibly be so that what is born, created, conditioned, and liable to wear out should not wear out? 

dn18paṭipajjati uppajjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

So aparena samayena ariyadhammaṁ suṇāti, yoniso manasi karoti, dhammānudhammaṁ paṭipajjati.  After some time they hear the teaching of the noble ones, rationally apply the mind to how it applies to them, and practice accordingly. 
Tassa asaṁsaṭṭhassa kāmehi asaṁsaṭṭhassa akusalehi dhammehi uppajjati sukhaṁ, sukhā bhiyyo somanassaṁ. 
That gives rise to pleasure, and more than pleasure, happiness, 
evameva kho, bho, asaṁsaṭṭhassa kāmehi asaṁsaṭṭhassa akusalehi dhammehi uppajjati sukhaṁ, sukhā bhiyyo somanassaṁ. 
So aparena samayena ariyadhammaṁ suṇāti, yoniso manasi karoti, dhammānudhammaṁ paṭipajjati. 
After some time they hear the teaching of the noble ones, rationally apply the mind to how it applies to them, and practice accordingly. 
Tassa oḷārikānaṁ kāyasaṅkhārānaṁ paṭippassaddhiyā oḷārikānaṁ vacīsaṅkhārānaṁ paṭippassaddhiyā oḷārikānaṁ cittasaṅkhārānaṁ paṭippassaddhiyā uppajjati sukhaṁ, sukhā bhiyyo somanassaṁ. 
That gives rise to pleasure, and more than pleasure, happiness, 
evameva kho bho oḷārikānaṁ kāyasaṅkhārānaṁ paṭippassaddhiyā oḷārikānaṁ vacīsaṅkhārānaṁ paṭippassaddhiyā oḷārikānaṁ cittasaṅkhārānaṁ paṭippassaddhiyā uppajjati sukhaṁ, sukhā bhiyyo somanassaṁ. 
So aparena samayena ariyadhammaṁ suṇāti, yoniso manasi karoti, dhammānudhammaṁ paṭipajjati. 
After some time they hear the teaching of the noble ones, rationally apply the mind to how it applies to them, and practice accordingly. 
Tassa evaṁ jānato evaṁ passato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. 
Knowing and seeing like this, ignorance is given up and knowledge arises. 
Tassa avijjāvirāgā vijjuppādā uppajjati sukhaṁ, sukhā bhiyyo somanassaṁ. 
That gives rise to pleasure, and more than pleasure, happiness, 
evameva kho, bho, avijjāvirāgā vijjuppādā uppajjati sukhaṁ, sukhā bhiyyo somanassaṁ. 

dn19bhajati pabbajati saṁvijjati vijjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

‘aṭṭhānaṁ kho etaṁ, mārisā, anavakāso, yaṁ ekissā lokadhātuyā dve arahanto sammāsambuddhā apubbaṁ acarimaṁ uppajjeyyuṁ, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  ‘It is impossible, gentlemen, for two perfected ones, fully awakened Buddhas to arise in the same solar system at the same time. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ disampatimhi raññe kālaṅkate rājakattāro reṇuṁ rājaputtaṁ rajje abhisiñceyyuṁ. 
It’s likely that when he passes away the king-makers will anoint Prince Reṇu as king. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ disampatimhi raññe kālaṅkate rājakattāro bhavantaṁ reṇuṁ rajje abhisiñceyyuṁ. 
It’s likely that when he passes away the king-makers will anoint you as king. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ disampatimhi raññe kālaṅkate rājakattāro bhavantaṁ reṇuṁ rajje abhisiñceyyuṁ. 
Idhekacco appaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya appaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati, 
It’s when someone gives up a large or small fortune, and a large or small family circle. They shave off hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
Idhekacco vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ, 
It’s when someone frequents a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 
hiṁsitā me na vijjati; 
and no-one is harming me. 
“saṁvijjati kho, bho, imesu sattasu rajjesu pahūtaṁ sāpateyyaṁ, tato bhoto yāvatakena attho, tāvatakaṁ āharīyatan”ti. 
“In these seven kingdoms there is abundant wealth. We’ll get you as much as you want.” 

dn21bhuñjati bhūjati bhūjatiṁ uccāvacamāpajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Tena kho pana, bhante, samayena bhagavā aññatarena samādhinā nisinno hoti, bhūjati ca nāma vessavaṇassa mahārājassa paricārikā bhagavantaṁ paccupaṭṭhitā hoti, pañjalikā namassamānā tiṭṭhati.  But at that time the Buddha was sitting immersed in some kind of meditation. And a divine maiden of Great King Vessavaṇa named Bhūjati was attending on the Buddha, standing there paying homage to him with joined palms. 
bhūjati → bhuñjatī (bj); bhujagī (sya-all, km); bhuñjati (pts1ed) 
Atha khvāhaṁ, bhante, bhūjatiṁ etadavocaṁ: 
So I said to her, 
Evaṁ vutte, bhante, sā bhūjati maṁ etadavoca: 
When I said this, she said to me, 
Tasmā ayaṁ puriso uccāvacamāpajjati. 
That’s why a person finds themselves in states high and low. 

dn22uppajjati24Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu cakkhuñca pajānāti, rūpe ca pajānāti, yañca tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṁyojanaṁ tañca pajānāti, yathā ca anuppannassa saṁyojanassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca uppannassa saṁyojanassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca pahīnassa saṁyojanassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti.  It’s when a mendicant understands the eye, sights, and the fetter that arises dependent on both of these. They understand how the fetter that has not arisen comes to arise; how the arisen fetter comes to be abandoned; and how the abandoned fetter comes to not rise again in the future. 
Sotañca pajānāti, sadde ca pajānāti, yañca tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṁyojanaṁ tañca pajānāti, yathā ca anuppannassa saṁyojanassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca uppannassa saṁyojanassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca pahīnassa saṁyojanassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti. 
They understand the ear, sounds, and the fetter … 
Ghānañca pajānāti, gandhe ca pajānāti, yañca tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṁyojanaṁ tañca pajānāti, yathā ca anuppannassa saṁyojanassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca uppannassa saṁyojanassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca pahīnassa saṁyojanassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti. 
They understand the nose, smells, and the fetter … 
Jivhañca pajānāti, rase ca pajānāti, yañca tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṁyojanaṁ tañca pajānāti, yathā ca anuppannassa saṁyojanassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca uppannassa saṁyojanassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca pahīnassa saṁyojanassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti. 
They understand the tongue, tastes, and the fetter … 
Kāyañca pajānāti, phoṭṭhabbe ca pajānāti, yañca tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṁyojanaṁ tañca pajānāti, yathā ca anuppannassa saṁyojanassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca uppannassa saṁyojanassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca pahīnassa saṁyojanassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti. 
They understand the body, touches, and the fetter … 
Manañca pajānāti, dhamme ca pajānāti, yañca tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṁyojanaṁ tañca pajānāti, yathā ca anuppannassa saṁyojanassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca uppannassa saṁyojanassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca pahīnassa saṁyojanassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti. 
They understand the mind, ideas, and the fetter that arises dependent on both of these. They understand how the fetter that has not arisen comes to arise; how the arisen fetter comes to be abandoned; and how the abandoned fetter comes to not rise again in the future. 
Jātidhammānaṁ, bhikkhave, sattānaṁ evaṁ icchā uppajjati: 
In sentient beings who are liable to be reborn, such a wish arises: 
Jarādhammānaṁ, bhikkhave, sattānaṁ evaṁ icchā uppajjati: 
In sentient beings who are liable to grow old … 
Byādhidhammānaṁ, bhikkhave, sattānaṁ evaṁ icchā uppajjati ‘aho vata mayaṁ na byādhidhammā assāma, na ca vata no byādhi āgaccheyyā’ti. 
fall ill … 
Maraṇadhammānaṁ, bhikkhave, sattānaṁ evaṁ icchā uppajjati ‘aho vata mayaṁ na maraṇadhammā assāma, na ca vata no maraṇaṁ āgaccheyyā’ti. 
die … 
Sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsadhammānaṁ, bhikkhave, sattānaṁ evaṁ icchā uppajjati ‘aho vata mayaṁ na sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsadhammā assāma, na ca vata no sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsaā āgaccheyyun’ti. 
experience sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress, such a wish arises: ‘Oh, if only we were not liable to experience sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress! If only sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress would not come to us!’ 
Sā kho panesā, bhikkhave, taṇhā kattha uppajjamānā uppajjati, kattha nivisamānā nivisati? 
But where does that craving arise and where does it settle? 
Yaṁ loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
Whatever in the world seems nice and pleasant, it is there that craving arises and settles. 
Cakkhu loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
The eye in the world seems nice and pleasant, and it is there that craving arises and settles. 
mano loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
mind in the world seems nice and pleasant, and it is there that craving arises and settles. 
dhammā loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
ideas in the world seem nice and pleasant, and it is there that craving arises and settles. 
manoviññāṇaṁ loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
mind consciousness in the world seems nice and pleasant, and it is there that craving arises and settles. 
manosamphasso loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
mind contact in the world seems nice and pleasant, and it is there that craving arises and settles. 
manosamphassajā vedanā loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
feeling born of mind contact in the world seems nice and pleasant, and it is there that craving arises and settles. 
dhammasaññā loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
perception of ideas in the world seems nice and pleasant, and it is there that craving arises and settles. 
dhammasañcetanā loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
intention regarding ideas in the world seems nice and pleasant, and it is there that craving arises and settles. 
dhammataṇhā loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
craving for ideas in the world seems nice and pleasant, and it is there that craving arises and settles. 
dhammavitakko loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
thoughts about ideas in the world seem nice and pleasant, and it is there that craving arises and settles. 
dhammavicāro loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
considerations regarding ideas in the world seem nice and pleasant, and it is there that craving arises and settles. 

dn23bhuñjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Evaṁ, bho”ti kho uttaro māṇavo pāyāsissa rājaññassa paṭissutvā yādisaṁ bhojanaṁ pāyāsi rājañño bhuñjati, tādisaṁ bhojanaṁ paṭṭhapesi.  “Yes, sir,” replied Uttara, and did so. 

dn24bhuñjati pabbajati upapajjati uppajjati vijjati āpajjati17Pi En Ru dhamma

Tena kho pana samayena acelo korakkhattiyo kukkuravatiko catukkuṇḍiko chamānikiṇṇaṁ bhakkhasaṁ mukheneva khādati, mukheneva bhuñjati.  Now at that time a naked ascetic who was an aristocrat of Kuru had taken a vow to behave like a dog. When food is tossed on the ground, he gets down on all fours, eating and devouring it just with his mouth. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, sunakkhatta, vijjati yaṁ te acelo korakkhattiyo byākarissati— 
It’s possible that he will answer: 
Tañca pajānāmi, tato ca uttaritaraṁ pajānāmi, tañca pajānaṁ na parāmasāmi, aparāmasato ca me paccattaññeva nibbuti viditā, yadabhijānaṁ tathāgato no anayaṁ āpajjati. 
I understand this, and what goes beyond it. Yet since I do not misapprehend that understanding, I have realized quenching within myself. Directly knowing this, the Realized One does not come to ruin. 
Atha kho aññataro satto āyukkhayā vā puññakkhayā vā ābhassarakāyā cavitvā suññaṁ brahmavimānaṁ upapajjati. 
Then a certain sentient being—due to the running out of their lifespan or merit—passes away from that host of radiant deities and is reborn in that empty mansion of divinity. 
Tassa tattha ekakassa dīgharattaṁ nivusitattā anabhirati paritassanā uppajjati— 
But after staying there all alone for a long time, they become dissatisfied and anxious, 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati, yaṁ aññataro satto tamhā kāyā cavitvā itthattaṁ āgacchati. 
It’s possible that one of those beings passes away from that host and is reborn in this place. 
Itthattaṁ āgato samāno agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
Having done so, they go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
Tañca pajānāmi, tato ca uttaritaraṁ pajānāmi, tañca pajānaṁ na parāmasāmi, aparāmasato ca me paccattaññeva nibbuti viditā. Yadabhijānaṁ tathāgato no anayaṁ āpajjati. 
I understand this, and what goes beyond it. Yet since I do not misapprehend that understanding, I have realized quenching within myself. Directly knowing this, the Realized One does not come to ruin. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati, yaṁ aññataro satto tamhā kāyā cavitvā itthattaṁ āgacchati, 
It’s possible that one of those beings passes away from that host and is reborn in this place. 
itthattaṁ āgato samāno agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati, 
Having done so, they go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
yadabhijānaṁ tathāgato no anayaṁ āpajjati. 
Directly knowing this, the Realized One does not come to ruin. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati, yaṁ aññataro satto tamhā kāyā cavitvā itthattaṁ āgacchati. 
It’s possible that one of those beings passes away from that host and is reborn in this place. 
Itthattaṁ āgato samāno agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
Having done so, they go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
yadabhijānaṁ tathāgato no anayaṁ āpajjati. 
Directly knowing this, the Realized One does not come to ruin. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ aññataro satto tamhā kāyā cavitvā itthattaṁ āgacchati. 
It’s possible that one of those beings passes away from that host and is reborn in this place. 
Itthattaṁ āgato samāno agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
Having done so, they go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
Yadabhijānaṁ tathāgato no anayaṁ āpajjati. 

dn25bhajati majjati pamādamāpajjati paribhuñjati samāpajjati vijjati āpajjati25Pi En Ru dhamma

“yagghe, gahapati, jāneyyāsi, kena samaṇo gotamo saddhiṁ sallapati, kena sākacchaṁ samāpajjati, kena paññāveyyattiyaṁ samāpajjati?  “Surely, householder, you should know better! With whom does the ascetic Gotama converse? With whom does he engage in discussion? With whom does he achieve lucidity of wisdom? 
Puna caparaṁ, nigrodha, tapassī tapaṁ samādiyati, so tena tapasā majjati mucchati pamādamāpajjati. 
Furthermore, a mortifier undertakes a practice of mortification. They become indulgent and infatuated and fall into negligence on account of that. 
Yampi, nigrodha, tapassī tapaṁ samādiyati, so tena tapasā majjati mucchati pamādamāpajjati. 
Puna caparaṁ, nigrodha, tapassī tapaṁ samādiyati, so tena tapasā lābhasakkārasilokaṁ abhinibbatteti, so tena lābhasakkārasilokena majjati mucchati pamādamāpajjati. 
Furthermore, a mortifier undertakes a practice of mortification. They generate possessions, honor, and popularity through that mortification. They become indulgent and infatuated and fall into negligence on account of that. 
Yampi, nigrodha, tapassī tapaṁ samādiyati, so tena tapasā lābhasakkārasilokaṁ abhinibbatteti, so tena lābhasakkārasilokena majjati mucchati pamādamāpajjati. 
Puna caparaṁ, nigrodha, tapassī bhojanesu vodāsaṁ āpajjati: 
Furthermore, a mortifier becomes fussy about food, saying, 
Yaṁ panassa khamati, taṁ gadhito mucchito ajjhāpanno anādīnavadassāvī anissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati …pe… 
But what is acceptable they eat tied, infatuated, attached, blind to the drawbacks, and not understanding the escape. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhante, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco tapassī sabbeheva imehi upakkilesehi samannāgato assa; 
It’s possible that a mortifier might have all of these defects, 
Puna caparaṁ, nigrodha, tapassī tapaṁ samādiyati, so tena tapasā na majjati na mucchati na pamādamāpajjati …pe… 
They don’t become indulgent … 
Puna caparaṁ, nigrodha, tapassī tapaṁ samādiyati, so tena tapasā lābhasakkārasilokaṁ abhinibbatteti, so tena lābhasakkārasilokena na majjati na mucchati na pamādamāpajjati …pe… 
They don’t become indulgent because of it … 
Puna caparaṁ, nigrodha, tapassī bhojanesu na vodāsaṁ āpajjati: 
Furthermore, a mortifier doesn’t become fussy about food, saying, 
Yaṁ panassa khamati, taṁ agadhito amucchito anajjhāpanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati …pe… 
But what is acceptable they eat without being tied, infatuated, attached, seeing the drawbacks, and understanding the escape. 
So vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
They frequent a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 
So vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati …pe… 
So vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati …pe… 
‘yagghe, gahapati, jāneyyāsi, kena samaṇo gotamo saddhiṁ sallapati, kena sākacchaṁ samāpajjati, kena paññāveyyattiyaṁ samāpajjati, 
‘Surely, householder, you should know better! With whom does the ascetic Gotama converse? With whom does he engage in discussion? With whom does he achieve lucidity of wisdom? 
Vuddhi hesā, nigrodha, ariyassa vinaye, yo accayaṁ accayato disvā yathādhammaṁ paṭikaroti āyatiṁ saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
For it is growth in the training of the Noble One to recognize a mistake for what it is, deal with it properly, and commit to restraint in the future. 

dn26vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ te ariye cakkavattivatte vattamānassa tadahuposathe pannarase sīsaṁnhātassa uposathikassa uparipāsādavaragatassa dibbaṁ cakkaratanaṁ pātubhavissati sahassāraṁ sanemikaṁ sanābhikaṁ sabbākāraparipūran’ti.  If you do so, it’s possible that—on a fifteenth day sabbath, having bathed your head and gone upstairs in the royal longhouse to observe the sabbath—the heavenly wheel-treasure will appear to you, with a thousand spokes, with rim and hub, complete in every detail.’ 

dn27pabbajati upapajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Ahu kho so, vāseṭṭha, samayo, yaṁ khattiyopi sakaṁ dhammaṁ garahamāno agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati:  There came a time when an aristocrat, 
suddopi kho, vāseṭṭha, sakaṁ dhammaṁ garahamāno agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati: 
or menial, deprecating their own vocation, went forth from the lay life to homelessness, thinking, 
Khattiyopi kho, vāseṭṭha, kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā micchādiṭṭhiko micchādiṭṭhikammasamādāno micchādiṭṭhikammasamādānahetu kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
An aristocrat, 
samaṇopi kho, vāseṭṭha, kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā micchādiṭṭhiko micchādiṭṭhikammasamādāno micchādiṭṭhikammasamādānahetu kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
or ascetic may do bad things by way of body, speech, and mind. They have wrong view, and they act out of that wrong view. And because of that, when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Khattiyopi kho, vāseṭṭha, kāyena sucaritaṁ caritvā vācāya sucaritaṁ caritvā manasā sucaritaṁ caritvā sammādiṭṭhiko sammādiṭṭhikammasamādāno sammādiṭṭhikammasamādānahetu kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
An aristocrat, 
samaṇopi kho, vāseṭṭha, kāyena sucaritaṁ caritvā vācāya sucaritaṁ caritvā manasā sucaritaṁ caritvā sammādiṭṭhiko sammādiṭṭhikammasamādāno sammādiṭṭhikammasamādānahetu kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
or ascetic may do good things by way of body, speech, and mind. They have right view, and they act out of that right view. And because of that, when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

dn28parimajjati vijjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“evaṁpasanno ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavati, na cāhu na ca bhavissati na cetarahi vijjati añño samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā bhagavatā bhiyyobhiññataro yadidaṁ sambodhiyan”ti.  “Sir, I have such confidence in the Buddha that I believe there’s no other ascetic or brahmin—whether past, future, or present—whose direct knowledge is superior to the Buddha when it comes to awakening.” 
na cāhu na ca bhavissati na cetarahi vijjati añño samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā bhagavatā bhiyyobhiññataro yadidaṁ sambodhiyan’ti. 
I believe there’s no other ascetic or brahmin—whether past, future, or present—whose direct knowledge is superior to the Buddha when it comes to awakening.’ 
‘evaṁpasanno ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavati, na cāhu na ca bhavissati na cetarahi vijjati añño samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā bhagavatā bhiyyobhiññataro yadidaṁ sambodhiyan’”ti? 
ekopi hutvā bahudhā hoti, bahudhāpi hutvā eko hoti; āvibhāvaṁ tirobhāvaṁ tirokuṭṭaṁ tiropākāraṁ tiropabbataṁ asajjamāno gacchati seyyathāpi ākāse; pathaviyāpi ummujjanimujjaṁ karoti seyyathāpi udake; udakepi abhijjamāne gacchati seyyathāpi pathaviyaṁ; ākāsepi pallaṅkena kamati seyyathāpi pakkhī sakuṇo; imepi candimasūriye evaṁmahiddhike evaṁmahānubhāve pāṇinā parāmasati parimajjati; yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vatteti. 
multiplying themselves and becoming one again; appearing and disappearing; going unobstructed through a wall, a rampart, or a mountain as if through space; diving in and out of the earth as if it were water; walking on water as if it were earth; flying cross-legged through the sky like a bird; touching and stroking with the hand the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful; controlling the body as far as the realm of divinity. 

dn29paṭipajjati ucchijjati uppajjati vijjati19Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo ca samādapeti, yañca samādapeti, yo ca samādapito tathattāya paṭipajjati. Sabbe te bahuṁ apuññaṁ pasavanti.  The one who encourages, the one who they encourage, and the one who practices accordingly all create much wickedness. 
Yo ca samādapeti, yañca samādapeti, yo ca samādapito tathattāya paṭipajjati. Sabbe te bahuṁ puññaṁ pasavanti. 
The one who encourages, the one who they encourage, and the one who practices accordingly all create much merit. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say, 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say, 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say, 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati, yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say, 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say, 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati, yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say, 
Anāgatañca kho addhānaṁ ārabbha tathāgatassa bodhijaṁ ñāṇaṁ uppajjati: 
Regarding the future, the Realized One has the knowledge born of awakening: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say, 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati, yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
The wanderers might say, 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati, yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
The wanderers might say, 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati, yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
The wanderers might say, 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati, yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
The wanderers might say, 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati, yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say, 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati, yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
The wanderers might say, 
attā ucchijjati vinassati na hoti paraṁ maraṇā, idameva saccaṁ moghamaññan’ti. 
or the self is annihilated and destroyed when the body breaks up, and doesn’t exist after death. This is the only truth, anything else is futile.’ 
attā ucchijjati vinassati na hoti paraṁ maraṇā, idameva saccaṁ moghamaññan’ti. 
“attā ucchijjati vinassati na hoti paraṁ maraṇā”’ti? 

dn30pabbajati parimajjati upapajjati vajati vijjati21Pi En Ru dhamma

Sace kho pana agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati, arahaṁ hoti sammāsambuddho loke vivaṭṭacchado.  But if he goes forth from the lay life to homelessness, he becomes a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha, who draws back the veil from the world. 
sace kho pana agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati, arahaṁ hoti sammāsambuddho loke vivaṭṭacchado. 
ṭhitakova anonamanto ubhohi pāṇitalehi jaṇṇukāni parimasati parimajjati … 
When standing upright and not bending over, the palms of both hands touch the knees. 
sace kho pana agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati, arahaṁ hoti sammāsambuddho loke vivaṭṭacchado. 
So tassa kammassa kaṭattā upacitattā ussannattā vipulattā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Due to performing, accumulating, heaping up, and amassing those deeds, when his body broke up, after death, he was reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Sace kho pana agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati, arahaṁ hoti sammāsambuddho loke vivaṭṭacchado. 
But if he goes forth from the lay life to homelessness, he becomes a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha, who draws back the veil from the world. 
So tassa kammassa kaṭattā upacitattā ussannattā vipulattā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati …pe… 
Due to performing those deeds he was reborn in a heavenly realm. 
Sace kho pana agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati, arahaṁ hoti sammāsambuddho loke vivaṭṭacchado. 
But if he goes forth from the lay life to homelessness, he becomes a fully awakened Buddha. 
Cirataraṁ pabbajati yadi tato hi; 
longer still if he goes forth, due to 
Suggatiṁ vajati tattha modati; 
he advanced to heaven and there rejoiced. 
Aggataṁ vajati kāmabhoginaṁ; 
the best of those who enjoy sensual pleasures. 
Tena uttaritaro na vijjati, 
There’ll be none better than him; 
Aggataṁ vajati sabbapāṇinaṁ; 
turns into the best of all creatures. 
Tena uttaritaro na vijjati, 
There’ll be none better than him, 
Na tena seyyo sadiso ca vijjati. 
none equal or better than him is found. 
Nigrodhaparimaṇḍalo ca hoti, ṭhitakoyeva ca anonamanto ubhohi pāṇitalehi jaṇṇukāni parimasati parimajjati. 
he has the proportional circumference of a banyan tree; and when standing upright and not bending over, the palms of both hands touch the knees. 
Atha cepi pabbajati so manujo, 
But if that man goes forth, 
Atha ce pabbajati so manujo; 
But if that man goes forth, 
So tassa kammassa kaṭattā upacitattā ussannattā vipulattā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Due to performing, accumulating, heaping up, and amassing those deeds, when his body broke up, after death, he was reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Sace kho pana agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati, arahaṁ hoti sammāsambuddho loke vivaṭṭacchado. 
But if he goes forth from the lay life to homelessness, he becomes a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha, who draws back the veil from the world. 
Atha ce pabbajati bhavati vipāpo, 
But if he goes forth he’ll be an ascetic free of ill, 

dn31upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

dn33nipajjati paribhuñjati paṭipajjati upapajjati uppajjati vijjati āpajjati34Pi En Ru dhamma

Idhāvuso, bhikkhu santuṭṭho hoti itarītarena cīvarena, itarītaracīvarasantuṭṭhiyā ca vaṇṇavādī, na ca cīvarahetu anesanaṁ appatirūpaṁ āpajjati; aladdhā ca cīvaraṁ na paritassati, laddhā ca cīvaraṁ agadhito amucchito anajjhāpanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati; tāya ca pana itarītaracīvarasantuṭṭhiyā nevattānukkaṁseti na paraṁ vambheti.  A mendicant is content with any kind of robe, and praises such contentment. They don’t try to get hold of a robe in an improper way. They don’t get upset if they don’t get a robe. And if they do get a robe, they use it untied, uninfatuated, unattached, seeing the drawback, and understanding the escape. And on account of that they don’t glorify themselves or put others down. 
Puna caparaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu santuṭṭho hoti itarītarena piṇḍapātena, itarītarapiṇḍapātasantuṭṭhiyā ca vaṇṇavādī, na ca piṇḍapātahetu anesanaṁ appatirūpaṁ āpajjati; aladdhā ca piṇḍapātaṁ na paritassati, laddhā ca piṇḍapātaṁ agadhito amucchito anajjhāpanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati; tāya ca pana itarītarapiṇḍapātasantuṭṭhiyā nevattānukkaṁseti na paraṁ vambheti. 
Furthermore, a mendicant is content with any kind of almsfood … 
Puna caparaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu santuṭṭho hoti itarītarena senāsanena, itarītarasenāsanasantuṭṭhiyā ca vaṇṇavādī, na ca senāsanahetu anesanaṁ appatirūpaṁ āpajjati; aladdhā ca senāsanaṁ na paritassati, laddhā ca senāsanaṁ agadhito amucchito anajjhāpanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati; tāya ca pana itarītarasenāsanasantuṭṭhiyā nevattānukkaṁseti na paraṁ vambheti. 
Furthermore, a mendicant is content with any kind of lodgings … 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 
Rūpūpāyaṁ vā, āvuso, viññāṇaṁ tiṭṭhamānaṁ tiṭṭhati rūpārammaṇaṁ rūpappatiṭṭhaṁ nandūpasecanaṁ vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjati; 
As long as consciousness remains, it remains involved with form, supported by form, founded on form. And with a sprinkle of relishing, it grows, increases, and matures. 
saṅkhārūpāyaṁ vā, āvuso, viññāṇaṁ tiṭṭhamānaṁ tiṭṭhati saṅkhārārammaṇaṁ saṅkhārappatiṭṭhaṁ nandūpasecanaṁ vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjati. 
Or as long as consciousness remains, it remains involved with choices, supported by choices, grounded on choices. And with a sprinkle of relishing, it grows, increases, and matures. 
cīvarahetu vā, āvuso, bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati; 
Craving arises in a mendicant for the sake of robes, 
piṇḍapātahetu vā, āvuso, bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati; 
senāsanahetu vā, āvuso, bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati; 
itibhavābhavahetu vā, āvuso, bhikkhuno taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati. 
or rebirth in this or that state. 
Puna caparaṁ, āvuso, dussīlo sīlavipanno kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, 
Furthermore, an unethical person, when their body breaks up, after death, is reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Puna caparaṁ, āvuso, sīlavā sīlasampanno kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati, 
Furthermore, when an ethical person’s body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Atha ca panassa byāpādo cittaṁ pariyādāya ṭhassati, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
yet somehow ill will still occupies the mind. 
atha ca panassa vihesā cittaṁ pariyādāya ṭhassati, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
atha ca panassa arati cittaṁ pariyādāya ṭhassati, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
atha ca panassa rāgo cittaṁ pariyādāya ṭhassati netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
atha ca panassa nimittānusāri viññāṇaṁ bhavissati, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
atha ca panassa vicikicchākathaṅkathāsallaṁ cittaṁ pariyādāya ṭhassati, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
yet somehow the dart of doubt and indecision still occupy the mind. 
So nipajjati na vīriyaṁ ārabhati appattassa pattiyā anadhigatassa adhigamāya asacchikatassa sacchikiriyāya. 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy for attaining the unattained, achieving the unachieved, and realizing the unrealized. 
So nipajjati na vīriyaṁ ārabhati …pe… 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy… 
So nipajjati na vīriyaṁ ārabhati … 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy… 
So nipajjati na vīriyaṁ ārabhati … 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy… 
So nipajjati na vīriyaṁ ārabhati … 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy… 
So nipajjati na vīriyaṁ ārabhati … 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy… 
So nipajjati na vīriyaṁ ārabhati … 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy… 
So nipajjati na vīriyaṁ ārabhati appattassa pattiyā anadhigatassa adhigamāya asacchikatassa sacchikiriyāya. 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy for attaining the unattained, achieving the unachieved, and realizing the unrealized. 
‘uppanno kho me ayaṁ appamattako ābādho, ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ me ābādho pavaḍḍheyya, handāhaṁ vīriyaṁ ārabhāmi …pe… 
‘I feel a little sick. It’s possible this illness will worsen. I’d better preemptively rouse up energy.’ 
‘ahaṁ kho gilānā vuṭṭhito aciravuṭṭhito gelaññā, ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati yaṁ me ābādho paccudāvatteyya, handāhaṁ vīriyaṁ ārabhāmi appattassa pattiyā anadhigatassa adhigamāya asacchikatassa sacchikiriyāyā’ti. 
‘I’ve recently recovered from illness. It’s possible the illness will come back. I’d better preemptively rouse up energy for attaining the unattained, achieving the unachieved, and realizing the unrealized.’ 

dn34nipajjati parimajjati uppajjati vijjati virajjati27Pi En Ru dhamma

‘ayaṁ samādhi paccuppannasukho ceva āyatiñca sukhavipāko’ti paccattaṁyeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati.  The following knowledges arise for you personally: ‘This immersion is blissful now, and results in bliss in the future.’ 
‘Ayaṁ samādhi ariyo nirāmiso’ti paccattaññeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati. 
‘This immersion is noble and not of the flesh.’ 
‘Ayaṁ samādhi akāpurisasevito’ti paccattaṁyeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati. 
‘This immersion is not cultivated by sinners.’ 
‘Ayaṁ samādhi santo paṇīto paṭippassaddhaladdho ekodibhāvādhigato, na sasaṅkhāraniggayhavāritagato’ti paccattaṁyeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati. 
‘This immersion is peaceful and sublime and tranquil and unified, not held in place by forceful suppression.’ 
‘So kho panāhaṁ imaṁ samādhiṁ satova samāpajjāmi sato vuṭṭhahāmī’ti paccattaṁyeva ñāṇaṁ uppajjati. 
‘I mindfully enter into and emerge from this immersion.’ 
Atha ca panassa byāpādo cittaṁ pariyādāya ṭhassatīti, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
yet somehow ill will still occupies the mind. 
Atha ca panassa vicikicchākathaṅkathāsallaṁ cittaṁ pariyādāya ṭhassati, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
yet somehow the dart of doubt and indecision still occupy the mind. 
idhāvuso, bhikkhu anekavihitaṁ iddhividhaṁ paccanubhoti—ekopi hutvā bahudhā hoti, bahudhāpi hutvā eko hoti; āvibhāvaṁ tirobhāvaṁ; tirokuṭṭaṁ tiropākāraṁ tiropabbataṁ asajjamāno gacchati seyyathāpi ākāse; pathaviyāpi ummujjanimujjaṁ karoti seyyathāpi udake; udakepi abhijjamāne gacchati seyyathāpi pathaviyaṁ; ākāsepi pallaṅkena kamati seyyathāpi pakkhī sakuṇo; imepi candimasūriye evaṁmahiddhike evaṁmahānubhāve pāṇinā parāmasati parimajjati; yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vatteti. 
A mendicant wields the many kinds of psychic power: multiplying themselves and becoming one again; appearing and disappearing; going unobstructed through a wall, a rampart, or a mountain as if through space; diving in and out of the earth as if it were water; walking on water as if it were earth; flying cross-legged through the sky like a bird; touching and stroking with the hand the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful; controlling the body as far as the realm of divinity. 
So nipajjati, na vīriyaṁ ārabhati appattassa pattiyā anadhigatassa adhigamāya asacchikatassa sacchikiriyāya. 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy for attaining the unattained, achieving the unachieved, and realizing the unrealized. 
So nipajjati, na vīriyaṁ ārabhati …pe… 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy… 
So nipajjati, na vīriyaṁ ārabhati …pe… 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy… 
So nipajjati, na vīriyaṁ ārabhati …pe… 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy… 
So nipajjati …pe… 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy… 
So nipajjati …pe… 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy… 
So nipajjati …pe… 
They lie down, and don’t rouse energy… 
‘uppanno kho me ayaṁ appamattako ābādho ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ me ābādho pavaḍḍheyya, handāhaṁ vīriyaṁ ārabhāmi …pe… 
‘I feel a little sick. It’s possible this illness will worsen. I’d better preemptively rouse up energy.’… 
‘ahaṁ kho gilānā vuṭṭhito aciravuṭṭhito gelaññā, ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ me ābādho paccudāvatteyya, handāhaṁ vīriyaṁ ārabhāmi appattassa pattiyā anadhigatassa adhigamāya asacchikatassa sacchikiriyāyā’ti. 
‘I’ve recently recovered from illness. It’s possible the illness will come back. I’d better preemptively rouse up energy for attaining the unattained, achieving the unachieved, and realizing the unrealized.’ 
Nava yonisomanasikāramūlakā dhammā, yonisomanasikaroto pāmojjaṁ jāyati, pamuditassa pīti jāyati, pītimanassa kāyo passambhati, passaddhakāyo sukhaṁ vedeti, sukhino cittaṁ samādhiyati, samāhite citte yathābhūtaṁ jānāti passati, yathābhūtaṁ jānaṁ passaṁ nibbindati, nibbindaṁ virajjati, virāgā vimuccati. 
Nine things rooted in rational application of mind. When you apply the mind rationally, joy springs up. When you’re joyful, rapture springs up. When the mind is full of rapture, the body becomes tranquil. When the body is tranquil, you feel bliss. And when you’re blissful, the mind becomes immersed. When your mind is immersed, you truly know and see. When you truly know and see, you grow disillusioned. Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away you’re freed. 
dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vedanānānattaṁ, vedanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṅkappanānattaṁ, saṅkappanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandanānattaṁ, chandanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariḷāhanānattaṁ, pariḷāhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariyesanānānattaṁ, pariyesanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati lābhanānattaṁ (…). 
Diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of contacts. Diversity of contacts gives rise to diversity of feelings. Diversity of feelings gives rise to diversity of perceptions. Diversity of perceptions gives rise to diversity of thoughts. Diversity of thoughts gives rise to diversity of desires. Diversity of desires gives rise to diversity of passions. Diversity of passions gives rise to diversity of searches. Diversity of searches gives rise to diversity of gains. 
(…) → (lābhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati maññanānānattaṁ) (bj) 

mn2uppajjati18Pi En Ru dhamma

Yassa, bhikkhave, dhamme manasikaroto anuppanno vā kāmāsavo uppajjati, uppanno vā kāmāsavo pavaḍḍhati;  They are the things that, when the mind is applied to them, give rise to unarisen defilements and make arisen defilements grow: the defilements of sensual desire, 
anuppanno vā bhavāsavo uppajjati, uppanno vā bhavāsavo pavaḍḍhati; 
desire to be reborn, 
anuppanno vā avijjāsavo uppajjati, uppanno vā avijjāsavo pavaḍḍhati— 
and ignorance. 
Yassa, bhikkhave, dhamme manasikaroto anuppanno vā kāmāsavo na uppajjati, uppanno vā kāmāsavo pahīyati; 
They are the things that, when the mind is applied to them, do not give rise to unarisen defilements and give up arisen defilements: the defilements of sensual desire, 
anuppanno vā bhavāsavo na uppajjati, uppanno vā bhavāsavo pahīyati; 
desire to be reborn, 
anuppanno vā avijjāsavo na uppajjati, uppanno vā avijjāsavo pahīyati— 
and ignorance. 
Tassa evaṁ ayoniso manasikaroto channaṁ diṭṭhīnaṁ aññatarā diṭṭhi uppajjati. 
When they apply the mind irrationally in this way, one of the following six views arises in them and is taken as a genuine fact. 
‘Atthi me attā’ti vā assa saccato thetato diṭṭhi uppajjati; 
The view: ‘My self survives.’ 
‘natthi me attā’ti vā assa saccato thetato diṭṭhi uppajjati; 
The view: ‘My self does not survive.’ 
‘attanāva attānaṁ sañjānāmī’ti vā assa saccato thetato diṭṭhi uppajjati; 
The view: ‘I perceive the self with the self.’ 
‘attanāva anattānaṁ sañjānāmī’ti vā assa saccato thetato diṭṭhi uppajjati; 
The view: ‘I perceive what is not-self with the self.’ 
‘anattanāva attānaṁ sañjānāmī’ti vā assa saccato thetato diṭṭhi uppajjati; 
The view: ‘I perceive the self with what is not-self.’ 
Yassa, bhikkhave, dhamme manasikaroto anuppanno vā kāmāsavo uppajjati, uppanno vā kāmāsavo pavaḍḍhati; 
They are the things that, when the mind is applied to them, give rise to unarisen defilements and make arisen defilements grow: the defilements of sensual desire, 
anuppanno vā bhavāsavo uppajjati, uppanno vā bhavāsavo pavaḍḍhati; 
desire to be reborn, 
anuppanno vā avijjāsavo uppajjati, uppanno vā avijjāsavo pavaḍḍhati— 
and ignorance. 
Yassa, bhikkhave, dhamme manasikaroto anuppanno vā kāmāsavo na uppajjati, uppanno vā kāmāsavo pahīyati; 
They are the things that, when the mind is applied to them, do not give rise to unarisen defilements and give up arisen defilements: the defilements of sensual desire, 
anuppanno vā bhavāsavo na uppajjati, uppanno vā bhavāsavo pahīyati; 
desire to be reborn, 
anuppanno vā avijjāsavo na uppajjati, uppanno vā avijjāsavo pahīyati— 
and ignorance. 

mn5vijjati26Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evaṁ icchā uppajjeyya:  It’s possible that some mendicant might wish: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ taṁ bhikkhuṁ bhikkhū jāneyyuṁ: 
But it’s possible that the mendicants do find out that that mendicant 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evaṁ icchā uppajjeyya: 
It’s possible that some mendicant might wish: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ taṁ bhikkhuṁ bhikkhū saṅghamajjhe codeyyuṁ, no anuraho. 
But it’s possible that the mendicants do accuse that mendicant in the middle of the Saṅgha … 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evaṁ icchā uppajjeyya: 
It’s possible that some mendicant might wish: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ taṁ bhikkhuṁ appaṭipuggalo codeyya, no sappaṭipuggalo. 
But it’s possible that someone who is not a counterpart accuses that mendicant … 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evaṁ icchā uppajjeyya: 
It’s possible that some mendicant might wish: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ aññaṁ bhikkhuṁ satthā paṭipucchitvā paṭipucchitvā bhikkhūnaṁ dhammaṁ deseyya, na taṁ bhikkhuṁ satthā paṭipucchitvā paṭipucchitvā bhikkhūnaṁ dhammaṁ deseyya. 
But it’s possible that the Teacher will teach the mendicants by repeatedly questioning some other mendicant … 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evaṁ icchā uppajjeyya: 
It’s possible that some mendicant might wish: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ aññaṁ bhikkhuṁ bhikkhū purakkhatvā purakkhatvā gāmaṁ bhattāya paviseyyuṁ, na taṁ bhikkhuṁ bhikkhū purakkhatvā purakkhatvā gāmaṁ bhattāya paviseyyuṁ. 
But it’s possible that the mendicants will enter the village for the meal putting some other mendicant at the very front … 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evaṁ icchā uppajjeyya: 
It’s possible that some mendicant might wish: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ añño bhikkhu labheyya bhattagge aggāsanaṁ aggodakaṁ aggapiṇḍaṁ, na so bhikkhu labheyya bhattagge aggāsanaṁ aggodakaṁ aggapiṇḍaṁ. 
But it’s possible that some other mendicant gets the best seat, the best drink, and the best almsfood in the refectory … 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evaṁ icchā uppajjeyya: 
It’s possible that some mendicant might wish: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ añño bhikkhu bhattagge bhuttāvī anumodeyya, na so bhikkhu bhattagge bhuttāvī anumodeyya. 
But it’s possible that some other mendicant gives the verses of appreciation after eating in the refectory … 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evaṁ icchā uppajjeyya: 
It’s possible that some mendicant might wish: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ añño bhikkhu ārāmagatānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ dhammaṁ deseyya, na so bhikkhu ārāmagatānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ dhammaṁ deseyya. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evaṁ icchā uppajjeyya: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ añño bhikkhu ārāmagatānaṁ upāsikānaṁ dhammaṁ deseyya, na so bhikkhu ārāmagatānaṁ upāsikānaṁ dhammaṁ deseyya. 
But it’s possible that some other mendicant teaches the Dhamma … 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evaṁ icchā uppajjeyya: 
It’s possible that some mendicant might wish: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ aññaṁ bhikkhuṁ bhikkhū sakkareyyuṁ garuṁ kareyyuṁ māneyyuṁ pūjeyyuṁ, na taṁ bhikkhuṁ bhikkhū sakkareyyuṁ garuṁ kareyyuṁ māneyyuṁ pūjeyyuṁ. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evaṁ icchā uppajjeyya: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ aññaṁ bhikkhuṁ upāsikā sakkareyyuṁ garuṁ kareyyuṁ māneyyuṁ pūjeyyuṁ, na taṁ bhikkhuṁ upāsikā sakkareyyuṁ garuṁ kareyyuṁ māneyyuṁ pūjeyyuṁ. 
But it’s possible that some other mendicant is honored, respected, revered, and venerated … 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evaṁ icchā uppajjeyya: 
It’s possible that some mendicant might wish: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ añño bhikkhu lābhī assa paṇītānaṁ cīvarānaṁ, na so bhikkhu lābhī assa paṇītānaṁ cīvarānaṁ. 
But it’s possible that some other mendicant gets the nicest robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick … 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evaṁ icchā uppajjeyya: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ añño bhikkhu lābhī assa paṇītānaṁ gilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhārānaṁ, na so bhikkhu lābhī assa paṇītānaṁ gilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhārānaṁ. 

mn7bhuñjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Sa kho so, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṁsīlo evaṁdhammo evaṁpañño sālīnañcepi piṇḍapātaṁ bhuñjati vicitakāḷakaṁ anekasūpaṁ anekabyañjanaṁ, nevassa taṁ hoti antarāyāya.  When a mendicant of such ethics, such qualities, and such wisdom eats boiled fine rice with the dark grains picked out and served with many soups and sauces, that is no obstacle for them. 
evameva kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṁsīlo evaṁdhammo evaṁpañño sālīnañcepi piṇḍapātaṁ bhuñjati vicitakāḷakaṁ anekasūpaṁ anekabyañjanaṁ, nevassa taṁ hoti antarāyāya. 
In the same way, when a mendicant of such ethics, such qualities, and such wisdom eats boiled fine rice with the dark grains picked out and served with many soups and sauces, that is no obstacle for them. 

mn8vijjati12Pi En Ru dhamma

Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja vihareyya.  It’s possible that a certain mendicant, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, might enter and remain in the first absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of seclusion, while placing the mind and keeping it connected. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco bhikkhu vitakkavicārānaṁ vūpasamā ajjhattaṁ sampasādanaṁ cetaso ekodibhāvaṁ avitakkaṁ avicāraṁ samādhijaṁ pītisukhaṁ dutiyaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja vihareyya. 
It’s possible that some mendicant, as the placing of the mind and keeping it connected are stilled, might enter and remain in the second absorption, which has the rapture and bliss born of immersion, with internal clarity and mind at one, without placing the mind and keeping it connected. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco bhikkhu pītiyā ca virāgā upekkhako ca vihareyya, sato ca sampajāno sukhañca kāyena paṭisaṁvedeyya, yaṁ taṁ ariyā ācikkhanti: ‘upekkhako satimā sukhavihārī’ti tatiyaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja vihareyya. 
It’s possible that some mendicant, with the fading away of rapture, might enter and remain in the third absorption, where they meditate with equanimity, mindful and aware, personally experiencing the bliss of which the noble ones declare, ‘Equanimous and mindful, one meditates in bliss.’ 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco bhikkhu sukhassa ca pahānā dukkhassa ca pahānā pubbeva somanassadomanassānaṁ atthaṅgamā adukkhamasukhaṁ upekkhāsatipārisuddhiṁ catutthaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja vihareyya. 
It’s possible that some mendicant, with the giving up of pleasure and pain, and the ending of former happiness and sadness, might enter and remain in the fourth absorption, without pleasure or pain, with pure equanimity and mindfulness. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco bhikkhu sabbaso rūpasaññānaṁ samatikkamā, paṭighasaññānaṁ atthaṅgamā, nānattasaññānaṁ amanasikārā, ‘ananto ākāso’ti ākāsānañcāyatanaṁ upasampajja vihareyya. 
It’s possible that some mendicant, going totally beyond perceptions of form, with the ending of perceptions of impingement, not focusing on perceptions of diversity, aware that ‘space is infinite’, might enter and remain in the dimension of infinite space. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco bhikkhu sabbaso ākāsānañcāyatanaṁ samatikkamma ‘anantaṁ viññāṇan’ti viññāṇañcāyatanaṁ upasampajja vihareyya. 
It’s possible that some mendicant, going totally beyond the dimension of infinite space, aware that ‘consciousness is infinite’, might enter and remain in the dimension of infinite consciousness. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco bhikkhu sabbaso viññāṇañcāyatanaṁ samatikkamma ‘natthi kiñcī’ti ākiñcaññāyatanaṁ upasampajja vihareyya. 
It’s possible that some mendicant, going totally beyond the dimension of infinite consciousness, aware that ‘there is nothing at all’, might enter and remain in the dimension of nothingness. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, cunda, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco bhikkhu sabbaso ākiñcaññāyatanaṁ samatikkamma nevasaññānāsaññāyatanaṁ upasampajja vihareyya. 
It’s possible that some mendicant, going totally beyond the dimension of nothingness, might enter and remain in the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception. 
So vata, cunda, attanā palipapalipanno paraṁ palipapalipannaṁ uddharissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
If you’re sinking in the mud yourself, Cunda, it is quite impossible for you to pull out someone else who is sinking in the mud. 
So vata, cunda, attanā apalipapalipanno paraṁ palipapalipannaṁ uddharissatīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
But if you’re not sinking in the mud yourself, it is quite possible for you to pull out someone else who is sinking in the mud. 
So vata, cunda, attanā adanto avinīto aparinibbuto paraṁ damessati vinessati parinibbāpessatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
If you’re not tamed, trained, and quenched yourself, it is quite impossible for you to help tame, train, and extinguish someone else. 
So vata, cunda, attanā danto vinīto parinibbuto paraṁ damessati vinessati parinibbāpessatīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
But if you are tamed, trained, and quenched yourself, it is quite possible for you to help tame, train, and extinguish someone else. 

mn10uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu cakkhuñca pajānāti, rūpe ca pajānāti, yañca tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṁyojanaṁ tañca pajānāti, yathā ca anuppannassa saṁyojanassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca uppannassa saṁyojanassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca pahīnassa saṁyojanassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti.  It’s when a mendicant understands the eye, sights, and the fetter that arises dependent on both of these. They understand how the fetter that has not arisen comes to arise; how the arisen fetter comes to be abandoned; and how the abandoned fetter comes to not rise again in the future. 
Sotañca pajānāti, sadde ca pajānāti, yañca tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṁyojanaṁ tañca pajānāti, yathā ca anuppannassa saṁyojanassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca uppannassa saṁyojanassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca pahīnassa saṁyojanassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti. 
They understand the ear, sounds, and the fetter … 
Ghānañca pajānāti, gandhe ca pajānāti, yañca tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṁyojanaṁ tañca pajānāti, yathā ca anuppannassa saṁyojanassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca uppannassa saṁyojanassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca pahīnassa saṁyojanassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti. 
They understand the nose, smells, and the fetter … 
Jivhañca pajānāti, rase ca pajānāti, yañca tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṁyojanaṁ tañca pajānāti, yathā ca anuppannassa saṁyojanassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca uppannassa saṁyojanassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca pahīnassa saṁyojanassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti. 
They understand the tongue, tastes, and the fetter … 
Kāyañca pajānāti, phoṭṭhabbe ca pajānāti, yañca tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṁyojanaṁ tañca pajānāti, yathā ca anuppannassa saṁyojanassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca uppannassa saṁyojanassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca pahīnassa saṁyojanassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti. 
They understand the body, touches, and the fetter … 
Manañca pajānāti, dhamme ca pajānāti, yañca tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṁyojanaṁ tañca pajānāti, yathā ca anuppannassa saṁyojanassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca uppannassa saṁyojanassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca pahīnassa saṁyojanassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti. 
They understand the mind, ideas, and the fetter that arises dependent on both of these. They understand how the fetter that has not arisen comes to arise; how the arisen fetter comes to be abandoned; and how the abandoned fetter comes to not rise again in the future. 

mn11vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ:  It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say: 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say: 

mn12parimajjati upapajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

‘itipi so bhagavā anekavihitaṁ iddhividhaṁ paccanubhoti—ekopi hutvā bahudhā hoti, bahudhāpi hutvā eko hoti; āvibhāvaṁ, tirobhāvaṁ; tirokuṭṭaṁ tiropākāraṁ tiropabbataṁ asajjamāno gacchati, seyyathāpi ākāse; pathaviyāpi ummujjanimujjaṁ karoti, seyyathāpi udake; udakepi abhijjamāne gacchati, seyyathāpi pathaviyaṁ; ākāsepi pallaṅkena kamati, seyyathāpi pakkhī sakuṇo; imepi candimasūriye evaṁmahiddhike evaṁmahānubhāve pāṇinā parimasati parimajjati; yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vattetī’ti.  ‘That Blessed One wields the many kinds of psychic power: multiplying himself and becoming one again; appearing and disappearing; going unobstructed through a wall, a rampart, or a mountain as if through space; diving in and out of the earth as if it were water; walking on water as if it were earth; flying cross-legged through the sky like a bird; touching and stroking with the hand the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful; controlling the body as far as the realm of divinity.’ 
yathā paṭipanno ca kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
And I understand how someone practicing that way, when their body breaks up, after death, is reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
yathā paṭipanno ca kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā tiracchānayoniṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
yathā paṭipanno ca kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā pettivisayaṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
the ghost realm … 
yathā paṭipanno ca kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā manussesu upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
yathā paṭipanno ca kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
And I understand how someone practicing that way, when their body breaks up, after death, is reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

mn13uppajjati vijjati āpajjati9Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ kho, bhikkhave, ime pañca kāmaguṇe paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ—ayaṁ kāmānaṁ assādo.  The pleasure and happiness that arise from these five kinds of sensual stimulation: this is the gratification of sensual pleasures. 
So socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati: 
If this happens, they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion, saying: 
So socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati, sammohaṁ āpajjati: 
They sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion: 
Ye hi keci, bhikkhave, samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā evaṁ kāmānaṁ assādañca assādato ādīnavañca ādīnavato nissaraṇañca nissaraṇato yathābhūtaṁ nappajānanti te vata sāmaṁ vā kāme parijānissanti, paraṁ vā tathattāya samādapessanti yathā paṭipanno kāme parijānissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
There are ascetics and brahmins who don’t truly understand sensual pleasures’ gratification, drawback, and escape in this way for what they are. It’s impossible for them to completely understand sensual pleasures themselves, or to instruct another so that, practicing accordingly, they will completely understand sensual pleasures. 
Ye ca kho keci, bhikkhave, samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā evaṁ kāmānaṁ assādañca assādato ādīnavañca ādīnavato nissaraṇañca nissaraṇato yathābhūtaṁ pajānanti, te vata sāmaṁ vā kāme parijānissanti paraṁ vā tathattāya samādapessanti yathā paṭipanno kāme parijānissatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
There are ascetics and brahmins who do truly understand sensual pleasures’ gratification, drawback, and escape in this way for what they are. It is possible for them to completely understand sensual pleasures themselves, or to instruct another so that, practicing accordingly, they will completely understand sensual pleasures. 
Yaṁ kho, bhikkhave, subhaṁ vaṇṇanibhaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ— 
“The pleasure and happiness that arise from this beauty and prettiness 
Ye hi keci, bhikkhave, samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā evaṁ rūpānaṁ assādañca assādato ādīnavañca ādīnavato nissaraṇañca nissaraṇato yathābhūtaṁ nappajānanti te vata sāmaṁ vā rūpe parijānissanti, paraṁ vā tathattāya samādapessanti yathā paṭipanno rūpe parijānissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
There are ascetics and brahmins who don’t truly understand forms’ gratification, drawback, and escape in this way for what they are. It’s impossible for them to completely understand forms themselves, or to instruct another so that, practicing accordingly, they will completely understand forms. 
Ye ca kho keci, bhikkhave, samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā evaṁ rūpānaṁ assādañca assādato ādīnavañca ādīnavato nissaraṇañca nissaraṇato yathābhūtaṁ pajānanti te vata sāmaṁ vā rūpe parijānissanti paraṁ vā tathattāya samādapessanti yathā paṭipanno rūpe parijānissatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
There are ascetics and brahmins who do truly understand forms’ gratification, drawback, and escape in this way for what they are. It is possible for them to completely understand forms themselves, or to instruct another so that, practicing accordingly, they will completely understand forms. 
Ye hi keci, bhikkhave, samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā evaṁ vedanānaṁ assādañca assādato ādīnavañca ādīnavato nissaraṇañca nissaraṇato yathābhūtaṁ nappajānanti, te vata sāmaṁ vā vedanaṁ parijānissanti, paraṁ vā tathattāya samādapessanti yathā paṭipanno vedanaṁ parijānissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
There are ascetics and brahmins who don’t truly understand feelings’ gratification, drawback, and escape in this way for what they are. It’s impossible for them to completely understand feelings themselves, or to instruct another so that, practicing accordingly, they will completely understand feelings. 

mn14uppajjati āpajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ kho, mahānāma, ime pañca kāmaguṇe paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ—  The pleasure and happiness that arise from these five kinds of sensual stimulation: this is the gratification of sensual pleasures. 
so socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati sammohaṁ āpajjati ‘moghaṁ vata me uṭṭhānaṁ, aphalo vata me vāyāmo’ti. 
If this happens, they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion, saying: ‘Oh, my hard work is wasted. My efforts are fruitless!’ 
So socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati sammohaṁ āpajjati: 
They sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion: 

mn16vijjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yassa kassaci, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pañca cetokhilā appahīnā, pañca cetasovinibandhā asamucchinnā, so vatimasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “Mendicants, when a mendicant has not given up five kinds of hard-heartedness and severed five shackles of the heart, it’s not possible for them to achieve growth, improvement, or maturity in this teaching and training. 
Yassa kassaci, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno ime pañca cetokhilā appahīnā, ime pañca cetasovinibandhā asamucchinnā, so vatimasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
When a mendicant has not given up these five kinds of hard-heartedness and severed these five shackles of the heart, it’s not possible for them to achieve growth, improvement, or maturity in this teaching and training. 
Yassa kassaci, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pañca cetokhilā pahīnā, pañca cetasovinibandhā susamucchinnā, so vatimasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
When a mendicant has given up these five kinds of hard-heartedness and severed these five shackles of the heart, it is possible for them to achieve growth, improvement, and maturity in this teaching and training. 
Yassa kassaci, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno ime pañca cetokhilā pahīnā, ime pañca cetasovinibandhā susamucchinnā, so vatimasmiṁ dhammavinaye vuddhiṁ virūḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjissatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
When a mendicant has given up these five kinds of hard-heartedness and severed these five shackles of the heart, it is possible for them to achieve growth, improvement, or maturity in this teaching and training. 

mn18uppajjati vijjati26Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhuñcāvuso, paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, yaṁ vedeti taṁ sañjānāti, yaṁ sañjānāti taṁ vitakketi, yaṁ vitakketi taṁ papañceti, yaṁ papañceti tatonidānaṁ purisaṁ papañcasaññāsaṅkhā samudācaranti atītānāgatapaccuppannesu cakkhuviññeyyesu rūpesu.  Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for feeling. What you feel, you perceive. What you perceive, you think about. What you think about, you proliferate. What you proliferate is the source from which judgments driven by proliferating perceptions beset a person. This occurs with respect to sights known by the eye in the past, future, and present. 
Sotañcāvuso, paṭicca sadde ca uppajjati sotaviññāṇaṁ …pe… 
Ear consciousness arises dependent on the ear and sounds. … 
ghānañcāvuso, paṭicca gandhe ca uppajjati ghānaviññāṇaṁ …pe… 
Nose consciousness arises dependent on the nose and smells. … 
jivhañcāvuso, paṭicca rase ca uppajjati jivhāviññāṇaṁ …pe… 
Tongue consciousness arises dependent on the tongue and tastes. … 
kāyañcāvuso, paṭicca phoṭṭhabbe ca uppajjati kāyaviññāṇaṁ …pe… 
Body consciousness arises dependent on the body and touches. … 
manañcāvuso, paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, yaṁ vedeti taṁ sañjānāti, yaṁ sañjānāti taṁ vitakketi, yaṁ vitakketi taṁ papañceti, yaṁ papañceti tatonidānaṁ purisaṁ papañcasaññāsaṅkhā samudācaranti atītānāgatapaccuppannesu manoviññeyyesu dhammesu. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for feeling. What you feel, you perceive. What you perceive, you think about. What you think about, you proliferate. What you proliferate is the source from which judgments driven by proliferating perceptions beset a person. This occurs with respect to ideas known by the mind in the past, future, and present. 
So vatāvuso, cakkhusmiṁ sati rūpe sati cakkhuviññāṇe sati phassapaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is the eye, sights, and eye consciousness, it will be possible to discover evidence of contact. 
Phassapaññattiyā sati vedanāpaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is evidence of contact, it will be possible to discover evidence of feeling. 
Vedanāpaññattiyā sati saññāpaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is evidence of feeling, it will be possible to discover evidence of perception. 
Saññāpaññattiyā sati vitakkapaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is evidence of perception, it will be possible to discover evidence of thought. 
Vitakkapaññattiyā sati papañcasaññāsaṅkhāsamudācaraṇapaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is evidence of thought, it will be possible to discover evidence of being beset by judgments driven by proliferating perceptions. 
manasmiṁ sati dhamme sati manoviññāṇe sati phassapaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
mind, ideas, and mind consciousness, it will be possible to discover evidence of contact. 
Phassapaññattiyā sati vedanāpaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is evidence of contact, it will be possible to discover evidence of feeling. 
Vedanāpaññattiyā sati saññāpaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is evidence of feeling, it will be possible to discover evidence of perception. 
Saññāpaññattiyā sati vitakkapaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is evidence of perception, it will be possible to discover evidence of thinking. 
Vitakkapaññattiyā sati papañcasaññāsaṅkhāsamudācaraṇapaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is evidence of thinking, it will be possible to discover evidence of being beset by judgments driven by proliferating perceptions. 
So vatāvuso, cakkhusmiṁ asati rūpe asati cakkhuviññāṇe asati phassapaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is no eye, no sights, and no eye consciousness, it will not be possible to discover evidence of contact. 
Phassapaññattiyā asati vedanāpaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is no evidence of contact, it will not be possible to discover evidence of feeling. 
Vedanāpaññattiyā asati saññāpaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is no evidence of feeling, it will not be possible to discover evidence of perception. 
Saññāpaññattiyā asati vitakkapaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is no evidence of perception, it will not be possible to discover evidence of thinking. 
Vitakkapaññattiyā asati papañcasaññāsaṅkhāsamudācaraṇapaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is no evidence of thinking, it will not be possible to discover evidence of being beset by judgments driven by proliferating perceptions. 
manasmiṁ asati dhamme asati manoviññāṇe asati phassapaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
no mind, no ideas, and no mind consciousness, it will not be possible to discover evidence of contact. 
Phassapaññattiyā asati vedanāpaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is no evidence of contact, it will not be possible to discover evidence of feeling. 
Vedanāpaññattiyā asati saññāpaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is no evidence of feeling, it will not be possible to discover evidence of perception. 
Saññāpaññattiyā asati vitakkapaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is no evidence of perception, it will not be possible to discover evidence of thinking. 
Vitakkapaññattiyā asati papañcasaññāsaṅkhāsamudācaraṇapaññattiṁ paññāpessatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Where there is no evidence of thinking, it will not be possible to discover evidence of being beset by judgments driven by proliferating perceptions. 

mn19uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa mayhaṁ, bhikkhave, evaṁ appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato uppajjati kāmavitakko.  Then, as I meditated—diligent, keen, and resolute—a sensual thought arose. 
Tassa mayhaṁ, bhikkhave, evaṁ appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato uppajjati byāpādavitakko …pe… 
Then, as I meditated—diligent, keen, and resolute—a malicious thought arose … 
uppajjati vihiṁsāvitakko. 
a cruel thought arose. 
Tassa mayhaṁ, bhikkhave, evaṁ appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato uppajjati nekkhammavitakko. 
Then, as I meditated—diligent, keen, and resolute—a thought of renunciation arose. 
Tassa mayhaṁ, bhikkhave, evaṁ appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato uppajjati abyāpādavitakko …pe… 
Then, as I meditated—diligent, keen, and resolute—a thought of good will arose … 
uppajjati avihiṁsāvitakko. 
a thought of harmlessness arose. 

mn21āpajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Nāhaṁ taṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhuṁ ‘suvaco’ti vadāmi yo cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhārahetu suvaco hoti, sovacassataṁ āpajjati.  I don’t say that a mendicant is easy to admonish if they make themselves easy to admonish only for the sake of robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick. 
Tañhi so, bhikkhave, bhikkhu cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhāraṁ alabhamāno na suvaco hoti, na sovacassataṁ āpajjati. 
Because when they don’t get robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick, they’re no longer easy to admonish. 
Yo ca kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dhammaṁyeva sakkaronto, dhammaṁ garuṁ karonto, dhammaṁ mānento, dhammaṁ pūjento, dhammaṁ apacāyamāno suvaco hoti, sovacassataṁ āpajjati, tamahaṁ ‘suvaco’ti vadāmi. 
But when a mendicant is easy to admonish purely because they honor, respect, revere, worship, and venerate the teaching, then I say that they’re easy to admonish. 

mn22vijjati virajjati āpajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

So vata, bhikkhave, aññatreva kāmehi aññatra kāmasaññāya aññatra kāmavitakkehi kāme paṭisevissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  Truly, mendicants, it is quite impossible to perform sensual acts without sensual desires, sensual perceptions, and sensual thoughts. 
So socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
They sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
So na socati na kilamati na paridevati na urattāḷiṁ kandati na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
They don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
So socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
They sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
So na socati na kilamati na paridevati na urattāḷiṁ kandati na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
They don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
nibbidā virajjati, virāgā vimuccati, vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

mn24uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘idha me sāvatthiyaṁ paṭivasantassa sākete kiñcideva accāyikaṁ karaṇīyaṁ uppajji.  ‘Well, while staying in Sāvatthī, I had some urgent business come up in Sāketa. 
uppajji → uppajjati (mr) 

mn26vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

sadiso me na vijjati;  There is no-one like me. 

mn27bhajati pabbajati paṭipajjati uppajjati āpajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

Evameva kho, brāhmaṇa, idha tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā.  In the same way, brahmin, a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 
So aparena samayena appaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya appaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
After some time they give up a large or small fortune, and a large or small family circle. They shave off hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 
vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
they frequent a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 

mn28saṁvijjati āpajjati12Pi En Ru dhamma

So tena saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati:  In that case they stir up a sense of urgency: 
Seyyathāpi, āvuso, suṇisā sasuraṁ disvā saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati; 
They’re like a daughter-in-law who stirs up a sense of urgency when they see their father-in-law. 
evameva kho, āvuso, tassa ce bhikkhuno evaṁ buddhaṁ anussarato, evaṁ dhammaṁ anussarato, evaṁ saṅghaṁ anussarato, upekkhā kusalanissitā na saṇṭhāti, so tena saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati: 
So tena saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati: 
In that case they stir up a sense of urgency: 
Seyyathāpi, āvuso, suṇisā sasuraṁ disvā saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati; 
They’re like a daughter-in-law who stirs up a sense of urgency when they see their father-in-law. 
So tena saṁvijjati saṁvegaṁ āpajjati: 

mn29majjati nappamajjati pamajjati vijjati āpajjati85Pi En Ru dhamma

So tena lābhasakkārasilokena majjati pamajjati pamādaṁ āpajjati, pamatto samāno dukkhaṁ viharati.  And so they become indulgent and fall into negligence on account of those possessions, honor, and popularity. And being negligent they live in suffering. 
So tena lābhasakkārasilokena majjati pamajjati pamādaṁ āpajjati, pamatto samāno dukkhaṁ viharati. 
So tena lābhasakkārasilokena na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati. 
Nor do they become indulgent and fall into negligence on account of those possessions, honor, and popularity. 
So tāya sīlasampadāya majjati pamajjati pamādaṁ āpajjati, pamatto samāno dukkhaṁ viharati. 
And so they become indulgent and fall into negligence regarding their accomplishment in ethics. And being negligent they live in suffering. 
So tena lābhasakkārasilokena na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati. 
So tāya sīlasampadāya majjati pamajjati pamādaṁ āpajjati, pamatto samāno dukkhaṁ viharati. 
So tena lābhasakkārasilokena na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno sīlasampadaṁ ārādheti. 
So tāya sīlasampadāya na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati. 
So tāya samādhisampadāya majjati pamajjati pamādaṁ āpajjati, pamatto samāno dukkhaṁ viharati. 
And so they become indulgent and fall into negligence regarding that accomplishment in immersion. And being negligent they live in suffering. 
So tena lābhasakkārasilokena na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno sīlasampadaṁ ārādheti. 
So tāya sīlasampadāya na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno samādhisampadaṁ ārādheti. 
So tāya samādhisampadāya majjati pamajjati pamādaṁ āpajjati, pamatto samāno dukkhaṁ viharati. 
So tena lābhasakkārasilokena na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati. 
So tāya sīlasampadāya na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno samādhisampadaṁ ārādheti. 
So tāya samādhisampadāya na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati appamatto samāno ñāṇadassanaṁ ārādheti. 
Being diligent, they achieve knowledge and vision. 
So tena ñāṇadassanena majjati pamajjati pamādaṁ āpajjati, pamatto samāno dukkhaṁ viharati. 
And so they become indulgent and fall into negligence regarding that knowledge and vision. And being negligent they live in suffering. 
So tena lābhasakkārasilokena na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno sīlasampadaṁ ārādheti. 
So tāya sīlasampadāya na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno samādhisampadaṁ ārādheti. 
So tāya samādhisampadāya na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno ñāṇadassanaṁ ārādheti. 
So tena ñāṇadassanena majjati pamajjati pamādaṁ āpajjati, pamatto samāno dukkhaṁ viharati. 
So tena lābhasakkārasilokena na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno sīlasampadaṁ ārādheti. 
Nor do they become indulgent and fall into negligence on account of those possessions, honor, and popularity. Being diligent, they achieve accomplishment in ethics. 
So tāya sīlasampadāya na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno samādhisampadaṁ ārādheti. 
Nor do they become indulgent and fall into negligence regarding that accomplishment in ethics. Being diligent, they achieve accomplishment in immersion. 
So tāya samādhisampadāya na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno ñāṇadassanaṁ ārādheti. 
Nor do they become indulgent and fall into negligence regarding that accomplishment in immersion. Being diligent, they achieve knowledge and vision. 
So tena ñāṇadassanena na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno asamayavimokkhaṁ ārādheti. 
Nor do they become indulgent and fall into negligence regarding that knowledge and vision. Being diligent, they achieve irreversible freedom. 
Aṭṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, anavakāso yaṁ so bhikkhu tāya asamayavimuttiyā parihāyetha. 
And it’s impossible for that mendicant to fall away from that irreversible freedom. 
anavakāso → vijjati (sya-all) | Aṭṭhānametaṁ → ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ (sya-all, pts1ed); aṭṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ (mr) 
So tena lābhasakkārasilokena na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno sīlasampadaṁ ārādheti. 
So tāya sīlasampadāya na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno samādhisampadaṁ ārādheti. 
So tāya samādhisampadāya na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno ñāṇadassanaṁ ārādheti. 
So tena ñāṇadassanena na majjati nappamajjati na pamādaṁ āpajjati, appamatto samāno asamayavimokkhaṁ ārādheti. 

mn31bhuñjati sammajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo pacchā gāmato piṇḍāya paṭikkamati, sace hoti bhuttāvaseso sace ākaṅkhati bhuñjati, no ce ākaṅkhati appaharite vā chaḍḍeti, appāṇake vā udake opilāpeti.  If there’s anything left over, whoever returns last eats it if they like. Otherwise they throw it out where there is little that grows, or drop it into water that has no living creatures. 
So āsanāni paṭisāmeti, pānīyaṁ paribhojanīyaṁ paṭisāmeti, avakkārapātiṁ paṭisāmeti, bhattaggaṁ sammajjati. 
Then they put away the seats, drinking water, and rubbish bin, and sweep the refectory. 

mn33paṭipajjati āpajjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya na paṭipajjati, na rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye na saṁvaraṁ āpajjati.  Since the faculty of sight is left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure become overwhelming. They don’t practice restraint, they don’t protect the faculty of sight, and they don’t achieve its restraint. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya na paṭipajjati, na rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye na saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
Since the faculty of the mind is left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure become overwhelming. They don’t practice restraint, they don’t protect the faculty of the mind, and they don’t achieve its restraint. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 

mn36uppajjati āpajjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, aggivessana, assutavato puthujjanassa uppajjati sukhā vedanā.  Take an unlearned ordinary person who has a pleasant feeling. 
So sukhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno sukhasārāgī ca hoti sukhasārāgitañca āpajjati. 
When they experience a pleasant feeling they become full of lust for it. 
Sukhāya vedanāya nirodhā uppajjati dukkhā vedanā. 
And when it ceases, a painful feeling arises. 
So dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
When they suffer painful feeling, they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
Idha, aggivessana, sutavato ariyasāvakassa uppajjati sukhā vedanā. 
Take a learned noble disciple who has a pleasant feeling. 
So sukhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno na sukhasārāgī ca hoti, na sukhasārāgitañca āpajjati. 
When they experience a pleasant feeling they don’t become full of lust for it. 
Sukhāya vedanāya nirodhā uppajjati dukkhā vedanā. 
And when it ceases, painful feeling arises. 
So dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno na socati na kilamati na paridevati na urattāḷiṁ kandati na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
When they suffer painful feelings they don’t sorrow or wail or lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
“Na hi nūna bhoto gotamassa uppajjati tathārūpā sukhā vedanā yathārūpā uppannā sukhā vedanā cittaṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭheyya; na hi nūna bhoto gotamassa uppajjati tathārūpā dukkhā vedanā yathārūpā uppannā dukkhā vedanā cittaṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭheyyā”ti. 
“Mister Gotama mustn’t have experienced the kind of pleasant or painful feelings that would occupy the mind.” 

mn38bhajati—araññaṁ byāpajjati pabbajati paṭipajjati sārajjati uppajjati āpajjati35Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yaṁ yadeva, bhikkhave, paccayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati viññāṇaṁ, tena teneva viññāṇantveva saṅkhyaṁ gacchati.  Consciousness is reckoned according to the very same condition dependent upon which it arises. 
Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati viññāṇaṁ, cakkhuviññāṇantveva saṅkhyaṁ gacchati; 
Consciousness that arises dependent on the eye and sights is reckoned as eye consciousness. 
sotañca paṭicca sadde ca uppajjati viññāṇaṁ, sotaviññāṇantveva saṅkhyaṁ gacchati; 
Consciousness that arises dependent on the ear and sounds is reckoned as ear consciousness. 
ghānañca paṭicca gandhe ca uppajjati viññāṇaṁ, ghānaviññāṇantveva saṅkhyaṁ gacchati; 
Consciousness that arises dependent on the nose and smells is reckoned as nose consciousness. 
jivhañca paṭicca rase ca uppajjati viññāṇaṁ, jivhāviññāṇantveva saṅkhyaṁ gacchati; 
Consciousness that arises dependent on the tongue and tastes is reckoned as tongue consciousness. 
kāyañca paṭicca phoṭṭhabbe ca uppajjati viññāṇaṁ, kāyaviññāṇantveva saṅkhyaṁ gacchati; 
Consciousness that arises dependent on the body and touches is reckoned as body consciousness. 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati viññāṇaṁ, manoviññāṇantveva saṅkhyaṁ gacchati. 
Consciousness that arises dependent on the mind and ideas is reckoned as mind consciousness. 
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, yaṁ yadeva paccayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati viññāṇaṁ, tena teneva saṅkhyaṁ gacchati. 
In the same way, consciousness is reckoned according to the very same condition dependent upon which it arises. … 
Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati viññāṇaṁ, cakkhuviññāṇantveva saṅkhyaṁ gacchati; 
sotañca paṭicca sadde ca uppajjati viññāṇaṁ, sotaviññāṇantveva saṅkhyaṁ gacchati, 
ghānañca paṭicca gandhe ca uppajjati viññāṇaṁ, ghānaviññāṇantveva saṅkhyaṁ gacchati, 
jivhañca paṭicca rase ca uppajjati viññāṇaṁ, jivhāviññāṇantveva saṅkhyaṁ gacchati. 
Kāyañca paṭicca phoṭṭhabbe ca uppajjati viññāṇaṁ, kāyaviññāṇantveva saṅkhyaṁ gacchati. 
Manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati viññāṇaṁ, manoviññāṇantveva saṅkhyaṁ gacchati. 
“Bhūtamidaṁ nossūti, bhikkhave, kaṅkhato uppajjati vicikicchā”ti? 
“Does doubt arise when you’re uncertain whether or not this has come to be?” 
“Tadāhārasambhavaṁ nossūti, bhikkhave, kaṅkhato uppajjati vicikicchā”ti? 
“Does doubt arise when you’re uncertain whether or not this has originated with that as fuel?” 
“Tadāhāranirodhā yaṁ bhūtaṁ, taṁ nirodhadhammaṁ nossūti, bhikkhave, kaṅkhato uppajjati vicikicchā”ti? 
“Does doubt arise when you’re uncertain whether or not when that fuel ceases, what has come to be is liable to cease?” 
imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati, yadidaṁ— 
When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises. That is: 
So cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā piyarūpe rūpe sārajjati, appiyarūpe rūpe byāpajjati, anupaṭṭhitakāyasati ca viharati parittacetaso. 
When they see a sight with their eyes, if it’s pleasant they desire it, but if it’s unpleasant they dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body unestablished and their heart restricted. 
Tassa taṁ vedanaṁ abhinandato abhivadato ajjhosāya tiṭṭhato uppajjati nandī. 
This gives rise to relishing. 
manasā dhammaṁ viññāya piyarūpe dhamme sārajjati, appiyarūpe dhamme byāpajjati, anupaṭṭhitakāyasati ca viharati parittacetaso. 
When they know an idea with their mind, if it’s pleasant they desire it, but if it’s unpleasant they dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body unestablished and their heart restricted. 
Tassa taṁ vedanaṁ abhinandato abhivadato ajjhosāya tiṭṭhato uppajjati nandī. 
This gives rise to relishing. 
Idha, bhikkhave, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā. 
But consider when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 
So aparena samayena appaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya, mahantaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya, appaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya, mahantaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya, kesamassuṁ ohāretvā, kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā, agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
After some time they give up a large or small fortune, and a large or small family circle. They shave off hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati manindriyaṁ manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 
vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati—araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
they frequent a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 
So cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā piyarūpe rūpe na sārajjati, appiyarūpe rūpe na byāpajjati, upaṭṭhitakāyasati ca viharati appamāṇacetaso. 
When they see a sight with their eyes, if it’s pleasant they don’t desire it, and if it’s unpleasant they don’t dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body established and a limitless heart. 
manasā dhammaṁ viññāya piyarūpe dhamme na sārajjati, appiyarūpe dhamme na byāpajjati, upaṭṭhitakāyasati ca viharati appamāṇacetaso, 
When they know an idea with their mind, if it’s pleasant they don’t desire it, and if it’s unpleasant they don’t dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body established and a limitless heart. 

mn39bhajati—araññaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati—araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanappatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ.  Take a mendicant who frequents a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 

mn41vijjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā khattiyamahāsālānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya.  It’s possible that this might happen. 
ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā gahapatimahāsālānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā cātumahārājikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā brahmakāyikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā ābhānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā nevasaññānāsaññāyatanūpagānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
It’s possible that this might happen. 
ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ so āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja vihareyya. 
It’s possible that this might happen. 

mn42vijjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā khattiyamahāsālānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya.   
ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā gahapatimahāsālānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā cātumahārājikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā brahmakāyikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā ābhānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, yaṁ so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā nevasaññānāsaññāyatanūpagānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjeyya. 
ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ vijjati, ‘yaṁ so āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja vihareyya. 

mn44uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Saññāvedayitanirodhasamāpattiyā vuṭṭhahantassa kho, āvuso visākha, bhikkhuno paṭhamaṁ uppajjati cittasaṅkhāro, tato kāyasaṅkhāro, tato vacīsaṅkhāro”ti.  “The mental process arises first, then physical, then verbal.” 
Iti anuttaresu vimokkhesu pihaṁ upaṭṭhāpayato uppajjati pihāppaccayā domanassaṁ. 
Nursing such a longing for the supreme liberations gives rise to sadness due to longing. 

mn45upapajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

mn46bhajati upapajjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

So sevitabbe dhamme ajānanto asevitabbe dhamme ajānanto, bhajitabbe dhamme ajānanto abhajitabbe dhamme ajānanto, asevitabbe dhamme sevati sevitabbe dhamme na sevati, abhajitabbe dhamme bhajati bhajitabbe dhamme na bhajati.  So they cultivate and foster practices they shouldn’t, and don’t cultivate and foster practices they should. 
So sevitabbe dhamme jānanto asevitabbe dhamme jānanto, bhajitabbe dhamme jānanto abhajitabbe dhamme jānanto, asevitabbe dhamme na sevati sevitabbe dhamme sevati, abhajitabbe dhamme na bhajati bhajitabbe dhamme bhajati. 
So they cultivate and foster practices they should, and don’t cultivate and foster practices they shouldn’t. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
And when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
But when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
But when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
And when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

mn48āpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

kiñcāpi tathārūpiṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati, yathārūpāya āpattiyā vuṭṭhānaṁ paññāyati, atha kho naṁ khippameva satthari vā viññūsu vā sabrahmacārīsu deseti vivarati uttānīkaroti;  Though they may fall into a kind of offense for which resolution is possible, they quickly disclose, clarify, and reveal it to the Teacher or a sensible spiritual companion. 
desetvā vivaritvā uttānīkatvā āyatiṁ saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
And having revealed it they restrain themselves in the future. 
kiñcāpi tathārūpiṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati yathārūpāya āpattiyā vuṭṭhānaṁ paññāyati, atha kho naṁ khippameva satthari vā viññūsu vā sabrahmacārīsu deseti vivarati uttānīkaroti; 
Though they may still fall into a kind of offense for which resolution is possible, they quickly reveal it to the Teacher or a sensible spiritual companion. 
desetvā vivaritvā uttānīkatvā āyatiṁ saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
And having revealed it they restrain themselves in the future. 

mn49upapajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

‘idaṁ niccaṁ, idaṁ dhuvaṁ, idaṁ sassataṁ, idaṁ kevalaṁ, idaṁ acavanadhammaṁ, idañhi na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, ito ca panaññaṁ uttari nissaraṇaṁ natthī’ti.  ‘This is permanent, this is everlasting, this is eternal, this is whole, this is not liable to pass away. For this is where there’s no being born, growing old, dying, passing away, or being reborn. And there’s no other escape beyond this.’ 
Idañhi, mārisa, niccaṁ, idaṁ dhuvaṁ, idaṁ sassataṁ, idaṁ kevalaṁ, idaṁ acavanadhammaṁ, idañhi na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati. Ito ca panaññaṁ uttari nissaraṇaṁ natthī’ti. 
For this is permanent, this is everlasting, this is eternal, this is complete, this is not liable to pass away. For this is where there’s no being born, growing old, dying, passing away, or being reborn. And there’s no other escape beyond this.’ 
yattha ca pana jāyati jīyati mīyati cavati upapajjati tañca vakkhati: 
And where there is being born, growing old, dying, passing away, and being reborn, he says that 
‘ahañhi, mārisa, niccaṁyeva samānaṁ “niccan”ti vadāmi, dhuvaṁyeva samānaṁ “dhuvan”ti vadāmi, sassataṁyeva samānaṁ “sassatan”ti vadāmi, kevalaṁyeva samānaṁ “kevalan”ti vadāmi, acavanadhammaṁyeva samānaṁ “acavanadhamman”ti vadāmi, yattha ca pana na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati tadevāhaṁ vadāmi: 
‘But, good sir, what I say is permanent, everlasting, eternal, complete, and not liable to pass away is in fact permanent, everlasting, eternal, complete, and not liable to pass away. And where I say there’s no being born, growing old, dying, passing away, or being reborn there is in fact 

mn50samāpajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Āyasmā pana, pāpima, sañjīvo araññagatopi rukkhamūlagatopi suññāgāragatopi appakasireneva saññāvedayitanirodhaṁ samāpajjati.  But when Venerable Sañjīva had gone to a wilderness, or to the root of a tree, or to an empty hut, he easily attained the cessation of perception and feeling. 

mn51bhajati pabbajati paṭipajjati uppajjati āpajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā.  It’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 
So aparena samayena appaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya, mahantaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya, appaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya, mahantaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya, kesamassuṁ ohāretvā, kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
After some time they give up a large or small fortune, and a large or small family circle. They shave off hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 
vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
they frequent a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 

mn53paṭipajjati āpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati.  If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 

mn55paribhuñjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

‘samaṇaṁ gotamaṁ uddissa pāṇaṁ ārabhanti, taṁ samaṇo gotamo jānaṁ uddissakataṁ maṁsaṁ paribhuñjati paṭiccakamman’ti.  ‘They slaughter living creatures specially for the ascetic Gotama. The ascetic Gotama knowingly eats meat prepared on his behalf: this is a deed he caused.’ 
Ye te, bhante, evamāhaṁsu: ‘samaṇaṁ gotamaṁ uddissa pāṇaṁ ārabhanti, taṁ samaṇo gotamo jānaṁ uddissakataṁ maṁsaṁ paribhuñjati paṭiccakamman’ti, kacci te, bhante, bhagavato vuttavādino, na ca bhagavantaṁ abhūtena abbhācikkhanti, dhammassa cānudhammaṁ byākaronti, na ca koci sahadhammiko vādānuvādo gārayhaṁ ṭhānaṁ āgacchatī”ti? 
I trust that those who say this repeat what the Buddha has said, and do not misrepresent him with an untruth? Is their explanation in line with the teaching? Are there any legitimate grounds for rebuttal and criticism?” 
“Ye te, jīvaka, evamāhaṁsu: ‘samaṇaṁ gotamaṁ uddissa pāṇaṁ ārabhanti, taṁ samaṇo gotamo jānaṁ uddissakataṁ maṁsaṁ paribhuñjati paṭiccakamman’ti na me te vuttavādino, abbhācikkhanti ca maṁ te asatā abhūtena. 
“Jīvaka, those who say this do not repeat what I have said. They misrepresent me with what is false and untrue. 
So taṁ piṇḍapātaṁ agathito amucchito anajjhopanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati. 
They eat that almsfood untied, uninfatuated, unattached, seeing the drawback, and understanding the escape. 
So taṁ piṇḍapātaṁ agathito amucchito anajjhopanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati. 
They eat that almsfood untied, uninfatuated, unattached, seeing the drawback, and understanding the escape. 

mn56upapajjati vijjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ samaṇo gotamo upālissa gahapatissa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyya.  But it is possible that Gotama could become Upāli’s disciple. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ samaṇo gotamo upālissa gahapatissa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyya. 
But it is possible that Gotama could become Upāli’s disciple. 
“Atthi, bhante, manosattā nāma devā tattha so upapajjati”. 
“Sir, there are gods called ‘mind-bound’. They would be reborn there. 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ samaṇo gotamo upālissa gahapatissa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyyā”ti. 
But it is possible that Gotama could become Upāli’s disciple.” 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ samaṇo gotamo upālissa gahapatissa sāvakattaṁ upagaccheyyā”ti. 
But it is possible that Gotama could become Upāli’s disciple.” 

mn57bhuñjati upapajjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

“ayaṁ, bhante, acelo seniyo kukkuravatiko dukkarakārako chamānikkhittaṁ bhojanaṁ bhuñjati.  “Sir, this naked ascetic Seniya the dog votary does a hard thing: he eats food placed on the ground. 
“ayaṁ, bhante, acelo seniyo kukkuravatiko dukkarakārako chamānikkhittaṁ bhojanaṁ bhuñjati. 
“Sir, this naked ascetic Seniya does a hard thing: he eats food placed on the ground. 
So kukkuravataṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkurasīlaṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkuracittaṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkurākappaṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā kukkurānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of dogs. 
So govataṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, gosīlaṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, gocittaṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, gavākappaṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā gunnaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of cows. 
So sabyābajjhaṁ kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhaṁ vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhaṁ manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Having made these choices, they’re reborn in a hurtful world, 
yaṁ karoti tena upapajjati, 
For your deeds determine your rebirth, 
So abyābajjhaṁ kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, abyābajjhaṁ vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, abyābajjhaṁ manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā abyābajjhaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Having made these choices, they are reborn in a pleasing world, 
yaṁ karoti tena upapajjati, 
For your deeds determine your rebirth, 
So sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā, sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharitvā sabyābajjhampi abyābajjhampi lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Having made these choices, they are reborn in a world that is both hurtful and pleasing, 
yaṁ karoti tena upapajjati. 
For what you do brings about your rebirth, 

mn59uppajjati vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ kho, ānanda, ime pañca kāmaguṇe paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ idaṁ vuccati kāmasukhaṁ.  The pleasure and happiness that arise from these five kinds of sensual stimulation is called sensual pleasure. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, ānanda, vijjati yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say, 

mn60uppajjati vijjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

‘natthi sabbaso āruppā’ti, sace tesaṁ bhavataṁ samaṇabrāhmaṇānaṁ saccaṁ vacanaṁ, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati—  there are no totally formless meditations are correct, it is possible 
‘atthi sabbaso āruppā’ti, sace tesaṁ bhavataṁ samaṇabrāhmaṇānaṁ saccaṁ vacanaṁ, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati— 
there are totally formless meditations are correct, it is possible 
‘natthi sabbaso bhavanirodho’ti, sace tesaṁ bhavataṁ samaṇabrāhmaṇānaṁ saccaṁ vacanaṁ, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati— 
there is no such thing as the total cessation of continued existence are correct, it is possible 
‘atthi sabbaso bhavanirodho’ti, sace tesaṁ bhavataṁ samaṇabrāhmaṇānaṁ saccaṁ vacanaṁ, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati— 
there is such a thing as the total cessation of continued existence are correct, it is possible 
Idha, gahapatayo, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho … 
It’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha … 

mn64vijjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo, ānanda, maggo yā paṭipadā pañcannaṁ orambhāgiyānaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ pahānāya taṁ maggaṁ taṁ paṭipadaṁ anāgamma pañcorambhāgiyāni saṁyojanāni ñassati vā dakkhati vā pajahissati vāti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  There is a path and a practice for giving up the five lower fetters. It’s not possible to know or see or give up the five lower fetters without relying on that path and that practice. 
netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati; 
evameva kho, ānanda, yo maggo yā paṭipadā pañcannaṁ orambhāgiyānaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ pahānāya taṁ maggaṁ taṁ paṭipadaṁ anāgamma pañcorambhāgiyāni saṁyojanāni ñassati vā dakkhati vā pajahissati vāti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
In the same way, there is a path and a practice for giving up the five lower fetters. It’s not possible to know or see or give up the five lower fetters without relying on that path and that practice. 
Yo ca kho, ānanda, maggo yā paṭipadā pañcannaṁ orambhāgiyānaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ pahānāya taṁ maggaṁ taṁ paṭipadaṁ āgamma pañcorambhāgiyāni saṁyojanāni ñassati vā dakkhati vā pajahissati vāti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
But it is possible to know and see and give up the five lower fetters by relying on that path and that practice. 
Seyyathāpi, ānanda, mahato rukkhassa tiṭṭhato sāravato tacaṁ chetvā phegguṁ chetvā sāracchedo bhavissatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Suppose there was a large tree standing with heartwood. It is possible to cut out the heartwood after having cut through the bark and the softwood. 
evameva kho, ānanda, yo maggo yā paṭipadā pañcannaṁ orambhāgiyānaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ pahānāya taṁ maggaṁ taṁ paṭipadaṁ āgamma pañcorambhāgiyāni saṁyojanāni ñassati vā dakkhati vā pajahissati vāti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
In the same way, there is a path and a practice for giving up the five lower fetters. It is possible to know and see and give up the five lower fetters by relying on that path and that practice. 

mn65bhajati āpajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Vuddhihesā, bhaddāli, ariyassa vinaye yo accayaṁ accayato disvā yathādhammaṁ paṭikaroti, āyatiṁ saṁvaraṁ āpajjati.  For it is growth in the training of the Noble One to recognize a mistake for what it is, deal with it properly, and commit to restraint in the future. 
So vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
So they frequent a secluded lodging. 
So vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
They frequent a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 

mn66uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ kho, udāyi, ime pañca kāmaguṇe paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ idaṁ vuccati kāmasukhaṁ miḷhasukhaṁ puthujjanasukhaṁ anariyasukhaṁ, na sevitabbaṁ, na bhāvetabbaṁ, na bahulīkātabbaṁ; ‘bhāyitabbaṁ etassa sukhassā’ti vadāmi.  The pleasure and happiness that arise from these five kinds of sensual stimulation is called sensual pleasure—a filthy, ordinary, ignoble pleasure. Such pleasure should not be cultivated or developed, but should be feared, I say. 

mn69āpajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sace, āvuso, āraññiko bhikkhu saṅghagato saṅghe viharanto purebhattaṁ pacchābhattaṁ kulesu cārittaṁ āpajjati, tassa bhavanti vattāro.  If he does so, there’ll be some who say: 

mn70bhuñjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“bhagavā kho, āvuso, aññatreva rattibhojanā bhuñjati bhikkhusaṅgho ca.  “Reverends, the Buddha abstains from eating at night, and so does the mendicant Saṅgha. 
‘bhagavā kho, āvuso, aññatreva rattibhojanā bhuñjati bhikkhusaṅgho ca; 
‘bhagavā kho, āvuso, aññatreva rattibhojanā bhuñjati bhikkhusaṅgho ca. 
‘Reverends, the Buddha abstains from eating at night, and so does the mendicant Saṅgha. 

mn72upapajjati18Pi En Ru dhamma

“Tena hi, bho gotama, upapajjati ca na ca upapajjatī”ti?  “Well then, are they both reborn and not reborn?” 
“Upapajjati ca na ca upapajjatīti kho, vaccha, na upeti”. 
“‘They’re both reborn and not reborn’ doesn’t apply, Vaccha.” 
“Tena hi, bho gotama, neva upapajjati na na upapajjatī”ti? 
“Well then, are they neither reborn nor not reborn?” 
“Neva upapajjati na na upapajjatīti kho, vaccha, na upeti”. 
“‘They’re neither reborn nor not reborn’ doesn’t apply, Vaccha.” 
‘Tena hi, bho gotama, upapajjati ca na ca upapajjatī’ti iti puṭṭho samāno ‘upapajjati ca na ca upapajjatīti kho, vaccha, na upetī’ti vadesi. 
‘Tena hi, bho gotama, neva upapajjati na na upapajjatī’ti iti puṭṭho samāno ‘neva upapajjati na na upapajjatīti kho, vaccha, na upetī’ti vadesi. 
Upapajjatīti na upeti, na upapajjatīti na upeti, upapajjati ca na ca upapajjatīti na upeti, neva upapajjati na na upapajjatīti na upeti. 
‘They’re reborn’, ‘they’re not reborn’, ‘they’re both reborn and not reborn’, ‘they’re neither reborn nor not reborn’—none of these apply. 
Upapajjatīti na upeti, na upapajjatīti na upeti, upapajjati ca na ca upapajjatīti na upeti, neva upapajjati na na upapajjatīti na upeti. 
Upapajjatīti na upeti, na upapajjatīti na upeti, upapajjati ca na ca upapajjatīti na upeti, neva upapajjati na na upapajjatīti na upeti. 
Upapajjatīti na upeti, na upapajjatīti na upeti, upapajjati ca na ca upapajjatīti na upeti, neva upapajjati na na upapajjatīti na upeti. 
Upapajjatīti na upeti, na upapajjatīti na upeti, upapajjati ca na ca upapajjatīti na upeti, neva upapajjati na na upapajjatīti na upetī”ti. 
‘They’re reborn’, ‘they’re not reborn’, ‘they’re both reborn and not reborn’, ‘they’re neither reborn nor not reborn’—none of these apply.” 

mn74virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

nibbindaṁ virajjati, virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ, vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

mn75anomajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Evaṁ vutte, māgaṇḍiyo paribbājako sakāneva sudaṁ gattāni pāṇinā anomajjati:  When he said this, Māgaṇḍiya stroked his own limbs with his hands, saying: 

mn76uppajjati āpajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

So mandattā momūhattā tattha tattha pañhaṁ puṭṭho samāno vācāvikkhepaṁ āpajjati amarāvikkhepaṁ:  Because of that, whenever they’re asked a question, they resort to verbal flip-flops and endless flip-flops: 
So mandattā momūhattā tattha tattha pañhaṁ puṭṭho samāno vācāvikkhepaṁ āpajjati amarāvikkhepaṁ— 
Because of that, whenever they’re asked a question, they resort to verbal flip-flops and endless flip-flops: 
“Idha, sandaka, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā …pe… 
“Sandaka, it’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. … 

mn77vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

taṁ vata anāgataṁ vādapathaṁ na dakkhati, uppannaṁ vā parappavādaṁ na sahadhammena suniggahitaṁ niggaṇhissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati’.  It’s not possible that he would fail to foresee grounds for future criticism, or to legitimately and completely refute the doctrines of others that come up.’ 
netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati’. 

mn79samāpajjati uppajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati;  ‘When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises. 
imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati; 
“When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises. 
Yā tā devatā ekantasukhaṁ lokaṁ upapannā tāhi devatāhi saddhiṁ santiṭṭhati sallapati sākacchaṁ samāpajjati. 
There are deities who have been reborn in a perfectly happy world. That mendicant associates with them, converses, and engages in discussion. 
“Idhudāyi, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā …pe… 
“It’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. … 

mn80sampajjati uppajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ kho, kaccāna, ime pañca kāmaguṇe paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ idaṁ vuccati kāmasukhaṁ.  The pleasure and happiness that arises from these five kinds of sensual stimulation is called sensual pleasure. 
Tesamidaṁ bhāsitaṁ hassakaṁyeva sampajjati, nāmakaṁyeva sampajjati, rittakaṁyeva sampajjati, tucchakaṁyeva sampajjatī”ti. 
Their statement turns out to be a joke—mere words, vacuous and hollow.” 

mn82pabbajati paribhuñjati saṁvijjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā raṭṭhapālo taṁ ābhidosikaṁ kummāsaṁ aññataraṁ kuṭṭamūlaṁ nissāya paribhuñjati.  Now at that time Raṭṭhapāla was eating last night’s porridge by a wall. 
So tena jarāpārijuññena samannāgato kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
So because of that decay due to old age they go forth. 
So tena byādhipārijuññena samannāgato kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
So because of that decay due to sickness they go forth. 
So tena bhogapārijuññena samannāgato kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
So because of that decay of wealth they go forth. 
So tena ñātipārijuññena samannāgato kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
So because of that decay of relatives they go forth. 
Saṁvijjati kho, bho raṭṭhapāla, imasmiṁ rājakule pahūtaṁ hiraññasuvaṇṇaṁ bhūmigatañca vehāsagatañca. 
In this royal court you can find abundant gold, both coined and uncoined, stored in dungeons and towers. Yet you said: 

mn85vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

sadiso me na vijjati;  There is no-one like me. 

mn86nappamajjati yuñjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

pacchā so nappamajjati;  but turned to heedfulness, 
yuñjati buddhasāsane; 
devoted to the Buddha’s teaching, 

mn91iñjati pabbajati parimajjati āpajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

Sace kho pana agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati, arahaṁ hoti sammāsambuddho loke vivaṭṭacchado.  But if he goes forth from the lay life to homelessness, he becomes a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha, who draws back the veil from the world. 
Ṭhitako kho pana so bhavaṁ gotamo anonamanto ubhohi pāṇitalehi jaṇṇukāni parimasati parimajjati … 
When standing upright and not bending over, the palms of both hands touch the knees. 
Gacchato kho pana tassa bhoto gotamassa adharakāyova iñjati, na ca kāyabalena gacchati. 
When he walks, only the lower half of his body moves, and he walks effortlessly. 
So antaraghare nisinno samāno na hatthakukkuccaṁ āpajjati, na pādakukkuccaṁ āpajjati; 
When sitting in inhabited areas he doesn’t fidget with his hands or feet. 

mn92pabbajati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sace pana agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati, arahaṁ hoti sammāsambuddho loke vivaṭṭacchado”.  But if he goes forth from the lay life to homelessness, he becomes a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha, who draws back the veil from the world.” 

mn94bhajati pabbajati paṭipajjati uppajjati āpajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, brāhmaṇa, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā.  It’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 
So aparena samayena appaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya, appaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya, kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
After some time they give up a large or small fortune, and a large or small family circle. They shave off hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 
vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
they frequent a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 

mn95sampajjati—purimopi1Pi En Ru dhamma

evameva kho, bhāradvāja, andhaveṇūpamaṁ maññe brāhmaṇānaṁ bhāsitaṁ sampajjati—purimopi na passati majjhimopi na passati pacchimopi na passati.  In the same way, it seems to me that the brahmins’ statement turns out to be like a queue of blind men: the first one does not see, the middle one does not see, and the last one does not see. 

mn98bhuñjati vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

manussesvetaṁ na vijjati;  you can’t find such distinctions. 
gāmaṁ raṭṭhañca bhuñjati; 
who taxes village and nation, 

mn99paribhuñjati sampajjati sampajjati—purimopi vijjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

evameva kho, māṇava, andhaveṇūpamaṁ maññe brāhmaṇānaṁ bhāsitaṁ sampajjati—purimopi na passati majjhimopi na passati pacchimopi na passatī”ti.  In the same way, it seems to me that the brahmins’ statement turns out to be comparable to a queue of blind men: the first one does not see, the middle one does not see, and the last one does not see.” 
Tesamidaṁ bhāsitaṁ hassakaṁyeva sampajjati, nāmakaṁyeva sampajjati, rittakaṁyeva sampajjati, tucchakaṁyeva sampajjati. 
But their statement turns out to be a joke—mere words, vacuous and hollow. 
So vata uttari manussadhammā alamariyañāṇadassanavisesaṁ ñassati vā dakkhati vā sacchi vā karissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible for him to know or see or realize a superhuman distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones. 
So vata uttari manussadhammā alamariyañāṇadassanavisesaṁ ñassati vā dakkhati vā sacchi vā karissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible for him to know or see or realize a superhuman distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones. 
Imehi kho, māṇava, pañcahi kāmaguṇehi brāhmaṇo pokkharasāti opamañño subhagavaniko gathito mucchito ajjhopanno anādīnavadassāvī anissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati. 
Pokkharasāti enjoys himself with these five kinds of sensual stimulation, tied, infatuated, attached, blind to the drawbacks, and not understanding the escape. 
So vata uttari manussadhammā alamariyañāṇadassanavisesaṁ ñassati vā dakkhati vā sacchi vā karissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It is quite impossible for him to know or see or realize a superhuman distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, māṇava, vijjati yaṁ añño brāhmaṇo labheyya bhattagge aggāsanaṁ aggodakaṁ aggapiṇḍaṁ, na so brāhmaṇo labheyya bhattagge aggāsanaṁ aggodakaṁ aggapiṇḍaṁ. 
But it’s possible that some other brahmin gets the best seat, the best drink, and the best almsfood in the refectory. 

mn101bhajati pabbajati pariccajati paṭipajjati uppajjati āpajjati9Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu na heva anaddhabhūtaṁ attānaṁ dukkhena addhabhāveti, dhammikañca sukhaṁ na pariccajati, tasmiñca sukhe anadhimucchito hoti.  It’s when a mendicant doesn’t bring suffering upon themselves; and they don’t forsake legitimate pleasure, but they’re not besotted with that pleasure. 
“Evameva kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu na heva anaddhabhūtaṁ attānaṁ dukkhena addhabhāveti, dhammikañca sukhaṁ na pariccajati, tasmiñca sukhe anadhimucchito hoti. 
“In the same way, a mendicant doesn’t bring suffering upon themselves; and they don’t forsake legitimate pleasure, but they’re not besotted with that pleasure. 
Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, idha tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā. 
Furthermore, a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 
So aparena samayena appaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya, appaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
After some time they give up a large or small fortune, and a large or small family circle. They shave off hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 
vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
they frequent a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 

mn102uppajjati vijjati21Pi En Ru dhamma

netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  That is not possible. 
‘sassato attā ca loko ca, idameva saccaṁ moghamaññan’ti, tesaṁ vata aññatreva saddhāya aññatra ruciyā aññatra anussavā aññatra ākāraparivitakkā aññatra diṭṭhinijjhānakkhantiyā paccattaṁyeva ñāṇaṁ bhavissati parisuddhaṁ pariyodātanti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
‘The self and the cosmos are eternal. This is the only truth, anything else is futile.’ It’s simply not possible for them to have personal knowledge of this that is pure and bright, apart from faith, endorsement, oral transmission, reasoned train of thought, or acceptance of a view after deliberation. 
adukkhamasukhī attā ca loko ca, idameva saccaṁ moghamaññanti, tesaṁ vata aññatreva saddhāya aññatra ruciyā aññatra anussavā aññatra ākāraparivitakkā aññatra diṭṭhinijjhānakkhantiyā paccattaṁyeva ñāṇaṁ bhavissati parisuddhaṁ pariyodātanti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
or experience neither happiness nor suffering. It’s simply not possible for them to have personal knowledge of this that is pure and bright, apart from faith, endorsement, oral transmission, reasoned train of thought, or acceptance of a view after deliberation. 
Pavivekāya pītiyā nirodhā uppajjati domanassaṁ, domanassassa nirodhā uppajjati pavivekā pīti. 
When the rapture of seclusion ceases, sadness arises; and when sadness ceases, the rapture of seclusion arises. 
evameva kho, bhikkhave, pavivekāya pītiyā nirodhā uppajjati domanassaṁ, domanassassa nirodhā uppajjati pavivekā pīti. 
In the same way, when the rapture of seclusion ceases, sadness arises; and when sadness ceases, the rapture of seclusion arises. 
Pavivekāya pītiyā nirodhā uppajjati domanassaṁ, domanassassa nirodhā uppajjati pavivekā pīti. 
When the rapture of seclusion ceases, sadness arises; and when sadness ceases, the rapture of seclusion arises. 
Nirāmisassa sukhassa nirodhā uppajjati pavivekā pīti, pavivekāya pītiyā nirodhā uppajjati nirāmisaṁ sukhaṁ. 
When pleasure not of the flesh ceases, the rapture of seclusion arises; and when the rapture of seclusion ceases, pleasure not of the flesh arises. 
evameva kho, bhikkhave, nirāmisassa sukhassa nirodhā uppajjati pavivekā pīti, pavivekāya pītiyā nirodhā uppajjati nirāmisaṁ sukhaṁ. 
Nirāmisassa sukhassa nirodhā uppajjati pavivekā pīti, pavivekāya pītiyā nirodhā uppajjati nirāmisaṁ sukhaṁ. 
When pleasure not of the flesh ceases, the rapture of seclusion arises; and when the rapture of seclusion ceases, pleasure not of the flesh arises. 
Adukkhamasukhāya vedanāya nirodhā uppajjati nirāmisaṁ sukhaṁ, nirāmisassa sukhassa nirodhā uppajjati adukkhamasukhā vedanā. 
When neutral feeling ceases, pleasure not of the flesh arises; and when pleasure not of the flesh ceases, neutral feelings arises. 
evameva kho, bhikkhave, adukkhamasukhāya vedanāya nirodhā uppajjati nirāmisaṁ sukhaṁ, nirāmisassa sukhassa nirodhā uppajjati adukkhamasukhā vedanā. 
Adukkhamasukhāya vedanāya nirodhā uppajjati nirāmisaṁ sukhaṁ, nirāmisassa sukhassa nirodhā uppajjati adukkhamasukhā vedanā. 
When neutral feeling ceases, pleasure not of the flesh arises; and when pleasure not of the flesh ceases, neutral feelings arises. 

mn105bhajati vijjati āpajjati37Pi En Ru dhamma

Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, sunakkhatta, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco purisapuggalo lokāmisādhimutto assa.  It’s possible that a certain individual may be intent on worldly pleasures of the flesh. 
Lokāmisādhimuttassa kho, sunakkhatta, purisapuggalassa tappatirūpī ceva kathā saṇṭhāti, tadanudhammañca anuvitakketi, anuvicāreti, tañca purisaṁ bhajati, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati; 
Such an individual engages in pertinent conversation, thinking and considering in line with that. They associate with that kind of person, and they find it satisfying. 
āneñjapaṭisaṁyuttāya ca pana kathāya kacchamānāya na sussūsati, na sotaṁ odahati, na aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhāpeti, na ca taṁ purisaṁ bhajati, na ca tena vittiṁ āpajjati. 
But when talk connected with the imperturbable is going on they don’t want to listen. They don’t actively listen or try to understand. They don’t associate with that kind of person, and they don’t find it satisfying. 
“Evameva kho, sunakkhatta, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati yaṁ idhekacco purisapuggalo lokāmisādhimutto assa. 
“In the same way, it’s possible that a certain individual may be intent on worldly pleasures of the flesh. 
Lokāmisādhimuttassa kho, sunakkhatta, purisapuggalassa tappatirūpī ceva kathā saṇṭhāti, tadanudhammañca anuvitakketi, anuvicāreti, tañca purisaṁ bhajati, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati; 
Such an individual engages in pertinent conversation, thinking and considering in line with that. They associate with that kind of person, and they find it satisfying. 
āneñjapaṭisaṁyuttāya ca pana kathāya kacchamānāya na sussūsati, na sotaṁ odahati, na aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhāpeti, na ca taṁ purisaṁ bhajati, na ca tena vittiṁ āpajjati. 
But when talk connected with the imperturbable is going on they don’t want to listen. They don’t actively listen or try to understand. They don’t associate with that kind of person, and they don’t find it satisfying. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, sunakkhatta, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco purisapuggalo āneñjādhimutto assa. 
It’s possible that a certain individual may be intent on the imperturbable. 
Āneñjādhimuttassa kho, sunakkhatta, purisapuggalassa tappatirūpī ceva kathā saṇṭhāti, tadanudhammañca anuvitakketi, anuvicāreti, tañca purisaṁ bhajati, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati; 
Such an individual engages in pertinent conversation, thinking and considering in line with that. They associate with that kind of person, and they find it satisfying. 
lokāmisapaṭisaṁyuttāya ca pana kathāya kacchamānāya na sussūsati, na sotaṁ odahati, na aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhāpeti, na ca taṁ purisaṁ bhajati, na ca tena vittiṁ āpajjati. 
But when talk connected with worldly pleasures of the flesh is going on they don’t want to listen. They don’t actively listen or try to understand. They don’t associate with that kind of person, and they don’t find it satisfying. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, sunakkhatta, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco purisapuggalo ākiñcaññāyatanādhimutto assa. 
It’s possible that a certain individual may be intent on the dimension of nothingness. 
Ākiñcaññāyatanādhimuttassa kho, sunakkhatta, purisapuggalassa tappatirūpī ceva kathā saṇṭhāti, tadanudhammañca anuvitakketi, anuvicāreti, tañca purisaṁ bhajati, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati; 
Such an individual engages in pertinent conversation, thinking and considering in line with that. They associate with that kind of person, and they find it satisfying. 
āneñjapaṭisaṁyuttāya ca pana kathāya kacchamānāya na sussūsati, na sotaṁ odahati, na aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhāpeti, na ca taṁ purisaṁ bhajati, na ca tena vittiṁ āpajjati. 
But when talk connected with the imperturbable is going on they don’t want to listen. They don’t actively listen or try to understand. They don’t associate with that kind of person, and they don’t find it satisfying. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, sunakkhatta, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco purisapuggalo nevasaññānāsaññāyatanādhimutto assa. 
It’s possible that a certain individual may be intent on the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception. 
Nevasaññānāsaññāyatanādhimuttassa kho, sunakkhatta, purisapuggalassa tappatirūpī ceva kathā saṇṭhāti, tadanudhammañca anuvitakketi, anuvicāreti, tañca purisaṁ bhajati, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati; 
Such an individual engages in pertinent conversation, thinking and considering in line with that. They associate with that kind of person, and they find it satisfying. 
ākiñcaññāyatanapaṭisaṁyuttāya ca pana kathāya kacchamānāya na sussūsati, na sotaṁ odahati, na aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhāpeti, na ca taṁ purisaṁ bhajati, na ca tena vittiṁ āpajjati. 
But when talk connected with the dimension of nothingness is going on they don’t want to listen. They don’t actively listen or try to understand. They don’t associate with that kind of person, and they don’t find it satisfying. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, sunakkhatta, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco purisapuggalo sammā nibbānādhimutto assa. 
It’s possible that a certain individual may be rightly intent on extinguishment. 
Sammā nibbānādhimuttassa kho, sunakkhatta, purisapuggalassa tappatirūpī ceva kathā saṇṭhāti, tadanudhammañca anuvitakketi, anuvicāreti, tañca purisaṁ bhajati, tena ca vittiṁ āpajjati; 
Such an individual engages in pertinent conversation, thinking and considering in line with that. They associate with that kind of person, and they find it satisfying. 
nevasaññānāsaññāyatanapaṭisaṁyuttāya ca pana kathāya kacchamānāya na sussūsati, na sotaṁ odahati, na aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhāpeti, na ca taṁ purisaṁ bhajati, na ca tena vittiṁ āpajjati. 
But when talk connected with the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception is going on they don’t want to listen. They don’t actively listen or try to understand. They don’t associate with that kind of person, and they don’t find it satisfying. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, sunakkhatta, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evamassa: 
It’s possible that a certain mendicant might think: 
Evameva kho, sunakkhatta, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evamassa: 
In the same way, it’s possible that a certain mendicant might think: 
maraṇamattañhetaṁ, sunakkhatta, dukkhaṁ yaṁ aññataraṁ saṅkiliṭṭhaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati. 
And it is deadly pain to commit one of the corrupt offenses. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, sunakkhatta, vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evamassa: 
It’s possible that a certain mendicant might think: 
Evameva kho, sunakkhatta, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati yaṁ idhekaccassa bhikkhuno evamassa: 
In the same way, it’s possible that a certain mendicant might think: 
‘Upadhi dukkhassa mūlan’ti—iti viditvā nirupadhi upadhisaṅkhaye vimutto upadhismiṁ vā kāyaṁ upasaṁharissati cittaṁ vā uppādessatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Understanding that attachment is the root of suffering, they are freed with the ending of attachments. It’s not possible that they would apply their body or interest their mind in any attachment. 
‘Upadhi dukkhassa mūlan’ti—iti viditvā nirupadhi upadhisaṅkhaye vimutto upadhismiṁ vā kāyaṁ upasaṁharissati cittaṁ vā uppādessatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Understanding that attachment is the root of suffering, they are freed with the ending of attachments. It’s not possible that they would apply their body or interest their mind in any attachment. 

mn106samāpajjati vijjati14Pi En Ru dhamma

Sampasāde sati etarahi vā āneñjaṁ samāpajjati paññāya vā adhimuccati.  Being confident, they either attain the imperturbable now, or are freed by wisdom. 
Kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati yaṁ taṁsaṁvattanikaṁ viññāṇaṁ assa āneñjūpagaṁ. 
When their body breaks up, after death, it’s possible that that conducive consciousness will be reborn in the imperturbable. 
Sampasāde sati etarahi vā āneñjaṁ samāpajjati paññāya vā adhimuccati. 
Being confident, they either attain the imperturbable now, or are freed by wisdom. 
Kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati yaṁ taṁsaṁvattanikaṁ viññāṇaṁ assa āneñjūpagaṁ. 
When their body breaks up, after death, it’s possible that that conducive consciousness will be reborn in the imperturbable. 
Sampasāde sati etarahi vā āneñjaṁ samāpajjati paññāya vā adhimuccati. 
Being confident, they either attain the imperturbable now, or are freed by wisdom. 
Kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati yaṁ taṁsaṁvattanikaṁ viññāṇaṁ assa āneñjūpagaṁ. 
When their body breaks up, after death, it’s possible that that conducive consciousness will be reborn in the imperturbable. 
Sampasāde sati etarahi vā ākiñcaññāyatanaṁ samāpajjati paññāya vā adhimuccati. 
Being confident, they either attain the dimension of nothingness now, or are freed by wisdom. 
Kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati yaṁ taṁsaṁvattanikaṁ viññāṇaṁ assa ākiñcaññāyatanūpagaṁ. 
When their body breaks up, after death, it’s possible that that conducive consciousness will be reborn in the dimension of nothingness. 
Sampasāde sati etarahi vā ākiñcaññāyatanaṁ samāpajjati paññāya vā adhimuccati. 
Being confident, they either attain the dimension of nothingness now, or are freed by wisdom. 
Kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati yaṁ taṁsaṁvattanikaṁ viññāṇaṁ assa ākiñcaññāyatanūpagaṁ. 
When their body breaks up, after death, it’s possible that that conducive consciousness will be reborn in the dimension of nothingness. 
Sampasāde sati etarahi vā ākiñcaññāyatanaṁ samāpajjati paññāya vā adhimuccati. 
Being confident, they either attain the dimension of nothingness now, or are freed by wisdom. 
Kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati yaṁ taṁsaṁvattanikaṁ viññāṇaṁ assa ākiñcaññāyatanūpagaṁ. 
When their body breaks up, after death, it’s possible that that conducive consciousness will be reborn in the dimension of nothingness. 
Sampasāde sati etarahi vā nevasaññānāsaññāyatanaṁ samāpajjati paññāya vā adhimuccati. 
Being confident, they either attain the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception now, or are freed by wisdom. 
Kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati yaṁ taṁsaṁvattanikaṁ viññāṇaṁ assa nevasaññānāsaññāyatanūpagaṁ. 
When their body breaks up, after death, it’s possible that that conducive consciousness will be reborn in the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception. 

mn107bhajati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ.  And they do so. 

mn108parimajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Anekavihitaṁ iddhividhaṁ paccanubhoti—ekopi hutvā bahudhā hoti, bahudhāpi hutvā eko hoti; āvibhāvaṁ tirobhāvaṁ; tirokuṭṭaṁ tiropākāraṁ tiropabbataṁ asajjamāno gacchati, seyyathāpi ākāse; pathaviyāpi ummujjanimujjaṁ karoti, seyyathāpi udake; udakepi abhijjamāne gacchati, seyyathāpi pathaviyaṁ; ākāsepi pallaṅkena kamati, seyyathāpi pakkhī sakuṇo; imepi candimasūriye evaṁmahiddhike evaṁmahānubhāve pāṇinā parimasati parimajjati, yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vatteti.  They wield the many kinds of psychic power: multiplying themselves and becoming one again; appearing and disappearing; going unobstructed through a wall, a rampart, or a mountain as if through space; diving in and out of the earth as if it were water; walking on water as if it were earth; flying cross-legged through the sky like a bird; touching and stroking with the hand the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful. They control the body as far as the realm of divinity. 

mn109uppajjati vijjati virajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yaṁ kho, bhikkhu, rūpaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ rūpe assādo.  “The pleasure and happiness that arise from form: this is its gratification. 
viññāṇaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ viññāṇe assādo. 
consciousness: this is its gratification. 
“ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco moghapuriso avidvā avijjāgato taṇhādhipateyyena cetasā satthu sāsanaṁ atidhāvitabbaṁ maññeyya: 
“It’s possible that some futile person here—unknowing and ignorant, their mind dominated by craving—thinks they can overstep the teacher’s instructions. They think: 
nibbindaṁ virajjati, virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

mn110upapajjati vijjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

evaṁ asappurisadānaṁ datvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā yā asappurisānaṁ gati tattha upapajjati.  when their body breaks up, after death, is reborn in the place where untrue persons are reborn. 
ṭhānametaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ sappuriso sappurisaṁ jāneyya: 
It is possible that a true person could know of a true person: 
etampi kho, bhikkhave, ṭhānaṁ vijjati yaṁ sappuriso asappurisaṁ jāneyya: 
That too is possible. 
evaṁ sappurisadānaṁ datvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā yā sappurisānaṁ gati tattha upapajjati. 
when their body breaks up, after death, is reborn in the place where true persons are reborn. 

mn115uppajjati vijjati21Pi En Ru dhamma

‘imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati,  ‘When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises. 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ puthujjano kañci saṅkhāraṁ niccato upagaccheyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti; 
But it’s possible for an ordinary person to take some condition as permanent. That is possible.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ puthujjano kañci saṅkhāraṁ sukhato upagaccheyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it’s possible for an ordinary person to take some condition as pleasant.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ puthujjano kañci dhammaṁ attato upagaccheyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it’s possible for an ordinary person to take something as self.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ puthujjano mātaraṁ jīvitā voropeyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it’s possible for an ordinary person to murder their mother.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ puthujjano duṭṭhacitto tathāgatassa lohitaṁ uppādeyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it’s possible for an ordinary person to injure a Realized One with malicious intent.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ puthujjano saṅghaṁ bhindeyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it’s possible for an ordinary person to cause a schism in the Saṅgha.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ puthujjano aññaṁ satthāraṁ uddiseyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it’s possible for an ordinary person to dedicate themselves to another teacher.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ ekissā lokadhātuyā eko arahaṁ sammāsambuddho uppajjeyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it is possible for just one perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha, to arise in one solar system.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ ekissā lokadhātuyā eko rājā cakkavattī uppajjeyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it is possible for just one wheel-turning monarch to arise in one solar system.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ puriso arahaṁ assa sammāsambuddho, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it is possible for a man to be a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ puriso rājā assa cakkavattī, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it is possible for a man to be a wheel-turning monarch.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ puriso sakkattaṁ kareyya … mārattaṁ kareyya … brahmattaṁ kareyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it is possible for a man to perform the role of Sakka, Māra, or the Divinity.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ kāyaduccaritassa aniṭṭho akanto amanāpo vipāko nibbatteyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it is possible for an unlikable, undesirable, disagreeable result to come from bad conduct of body, speech, and mind.’ 
ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ vacīduccaritassa …pe… 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ kāyasucaritassa iṭṭho kanto manāpo vipāko nibbatteyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it is possible for a likable, desirable, agreeable result to come from good conduct of body, speech, and mind.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ vacīsucaritassa …pe… 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ kāyaduccaritasamaṅgī taṁnidānā tappaccayā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjeyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it is possible that someone who has engaged in bad conduct of body, speech, and mind could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ vacīduccaritasamaṅgī …pe… 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ kāyasucaritasamaṅgī taṁnidānā tappaccayā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjeyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī’ti pajānāti. 
But it is possible that someone who has engaged in good conduct of body, speech, and mind could, for that reason alone, when their body breaks up, after death, be reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm.’ 
‘ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ vacīsucaritasamaṅgī …pe… 

mn118uppajjati āpajjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

So tathāsato viharanto taṁ dhammaṁ paññāya pavicinati pavicayati parivīmaṁsaṁ āpajjati.  As they live mindfully in this way they investigate, explore, and inquire into that principle with wisdom. 
Yasmiṁ samaye, bhikkhave, bhikkhu tathāsato viharanto taṁ dhammaṁ paññāya pavicinati pavicayati parivīmaṁsaṁ āpajjati, dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgo tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhuno āraddho hoti, dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgaṁ tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhu bhāveti, dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgo tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhuno bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati. 
At such a time, a mendicant has activated the awakening factor of investigation of principles; they develop it and perfect it. 
Āraddhavīriyassa uppajjati pīti nirāmisā. 
When they’re energetic, rapture not of the flesh arises. 
Yasmiṁ samaye, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno āraddhavīriyassa uppajjati pīti nirāmisā, pītisambojjhaṅgo tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhuno āraddho hoti, pītisambojjhaṅgaṁ tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhu bhāveti, pītisambojjhaṅgo tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhuno bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati. 
At such a time, a mendicant has activated the awakening factor of rapture; they develop it and perfect it. 
So tathāsato viharanto taṁ dhammaṁ paññāya pavicinati pavicayati parivīmaṁsaṁ āpajjati. 
Yasmiṁ samaye, bhikkhave, bhikkhu tathāsato viharanto taṁ dhammaṁ paññāya pavicinati pavicayati parivīmaṁsaṁ āpajjati, dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgo tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhuno āraddho hoti, dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgaṁ tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhu bhāveti, dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgo tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhuno bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati. 
investigation of principles … 
Āraddhavīriyassa uppajjati pīti nirāmisā. 
Yasmiṁ samaye, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno āraddhavīriyassa uppajjati pīti nirāmisā, pītisambojjhaṅgo tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhuno āraddho hoti, pītisambojjhaṅgaṁ tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhu bhāveti, pītisambojjhaṅgo tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhuno bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati. 
rapture … 

mn120uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu na katthaci upapajjatī”ti.  And, mendicants, that mendicant is not reborn anywhere.” 
na katthaci upapajjatī”ti → na kuhiñci upapajjatīti (bj); na katthaci uppajjati na kuhiñci uppajjatīti (pts1ed); na kuhiñci upasampajja viharatīti. (mr) 

mn122bhajati uppajjati vijjati āpajjati16Pi En Ru dhamma

So vatānanda, bhikkhu saṅgaṇikārāmo saṅgaṇikarato saṅgaṇikārāmataṁ anuyutto gaṇārāmo gaṇarato gaṇasammudito yaṁ taṁ nekkhammasukhaṁ pavivekasukhaṁ upasamasukhaṁ sambodhisukhaṁ tassa sukhassa nikāmalābhī bhavissati akicchalābhī akasiralābhīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  It is quite impossible that such a mendicant will get the pleasure of renunciation, the pleasure of seclusion, the pleasure of peace, the pleasure of awakening when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 
Yo ca kho so, ānanda, bhikkhu eko gaṇasmā vūpakaṭṭho viharati tassetaṁ bhikkhuno pāṭikaṅkhaṁ yaṁ taṁ nekkhammasukhaṁ pavivekasukhaṁ upasamasukhaṁ sambodhisukhaṁ tassa sukhassa nikāmalābhī bhavissati akicchalābhī akasiralābhīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
But you should expect that a mendicant who lives alone, withdrawn from the group, will get the pleasure of renunciation, the pleasure of seclusion, the pleasure of peace, the pleasure of awakening when they want, without trouble or difficulty. That is possible. 
So vatānanda, bhikkhu saṅgaṇikārāmo saṅgaṇikarato saṅgaṇikārāmataṁ anuyutto gaṇārāmo gaṇarato gaṇasammudito sāmāyikaṁ vā kantaṁ cetovimuttiṁ upasampajja viharissati asāmāyikaṁ vā akuppanti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Indeed, Ānanda, it is quite impossible that a mendicant who enjoys company will enter and remain in the freedom of heart—either that which is temporary and pleasant, or that which is irreversible and unshakable. 
Yo ca kho so, ānanda, bhikkhu eko gaṇasmā vūpakaṭṭho viharati tassetaṁ bhikkhuno pāṭikaṅkhaṁ sāmāyikaṁ vā kantaṁ cetovimuttiṁ upasampajja viharissati asāmāyikaṁ vā akuppanti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
But it is possible that a mendicant who lives alone, withdrawn from the group will enter and remain in the freedom of heart—either that which is temporary and pleasant, or that which is irreversible and unshakable. 
‘atthi nu kho me imesu pañcasu kāmaguṇesu aññatarasmiṁ vā aññatarasmiṁ vā āyatane uppajjati cetaso samudācāro’ti? 
‘Does my mind take an interest in any of these five kinds of sensual stimulation?’ 
‘atthi kho me imesu pañcasu kāmaguṇesu aññatarasmiṁ vā aññatarasmiṁ vā āyatane uppajjati cetaso samudācāro’ti, 
‘My mind does take an interest.’ 
‘natthi kho me imesu pañcasu kāmaguṇesu aññatarasmiṁ vā aññatarasmiṁ vā āyatane uppajjati cetaso samudācāro’ti, 
‘My mind does not take an interest.’ 
Idhānanda, ekacco satthā vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
It’s when some teacher frequents a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 
So anvāvattantesu brāhmaṇagahapatikesu negamesu ceva jānapadesu ca mucchaṁ nikāmayati, gedhaṁ āpajjati, āvattati bāhullāya. 
When this happens, they enjoy infatuation, fall into greed, and return to indulgence. 
vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
frequents a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 
So anvāvattantesu brāhmaṇagahapatikesu negamesu ceva jānapadesu ca mucchaṁ nikāmayati, gedhaṁ āpajjati, āvattati bāhullāya. 
When this happens, they enjoy infatuation, fall into greed, and return to indulgence. 
Idhānanda, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā. 
It’s when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 
So vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
He frequents a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 
So anvāvattantesu brāhmaṇagahapatikesu negamesu ceva jānapadesu ca na mucchaṁ nikāmayati, na gedhaṁ āpajjati, na āvattati bāhullāya. 
When this happens, he doesn’t enjoy infatuation, fall into greed, and return to indulgence. 
vivittaṁ senāsanaṁ bhajati araññaṁ rukkhamūlaṁ pabbataṁ kandaraṁ giriguhaṁ susānaṁ vanapatthaṁ abbhokāsaṁ palālapuñjaṁ. 
frequents a secluded lodging—a wilderness, the root of a tree, a hill, a ravine, a mountain cave, a charnel ground, a forest, the open air, a heap of straw. 
So anvāvattantesu brāhmaṇagahapatikesu negamesu ceva jānapadesu ca mucchaṁ nikāmayati, gedhaṁ āpajjati, āvattati bāhullāya. 
When this happens, they enjoy infatuation, fall into greed, and return to indulgence. 

mn123uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

‘yadā, ānanda, bodhisatto mātukucchiṁ okkanto hoti, na bodhisattamātu purisesu mānasaṁ uppajjati kāmaguṇūpasaṁhitaṁ, anatikkamanīyā ca bodhisattamātā hoti kenaci purisena rattacittenā’ti.  ‘When the being intent on awakening is conceived in his mother’s belly, she no longer feels sexual desire for men, and she cannot be violated by a man of lustful intent.’ 
‘yadā, ānanda, bodhisatto mātukucchiṁ okkanto hoti, na bodhisattamātu kocideva ābādho uppajjati; sukhinī bodhisattamātā hoti akilantakāyā; bodhisattañca bodhisattamātā tirokucchigataṁ passati sabbaṅgapaccaṅgaṁ ahīnindriyaṁ. 
‘When the being intent on awakening is conceived in his mother’s belly, no afflictions beset her. She’s happy and free of bodily fatigue. And she sees the being intent on awakening in her womb, whole in his major and minor limbs, not deficient in any faculty. 
Evameva kho, ānanda, yadā bodhisatto mātukucchiṁ okkanto hoti, na bodhisattamātu kocideva ābādho uppajjati; sukhinī bodhisattamātā hoti akilantakāyā; bodhisattañca bodhisattamātā tirokucchigataṁ passati sabbaṅgapaccaṅgaṁ ahīnindriyan’ti. 
In the same way, when the being intent on awakening is conceived in his mother’s belly, no afflictions beset her. She’s happy and free of bodily fatigue. And she sees the being intent on awakening in her womb, whole in his major and minor limbs, not deficient in any faculty.’ 

mn125pabbajati uppajjati vijjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ taṁ nekkhammena ñātabbaṁ nekkhammena daṭṭhabbaṁ nekkhammena pattabbaṁ nekkhammena sacchikātabbaṁ taṁ vata jayaseno rājakumāro kāmamajjhe vasanto kāme paribhuñjanto kāmavitakkehi khajjamāno kāmapariḷāhena pariḍayhamāno kāmapariyesanāya ussuko ñassati vā dakkhati vā sacchi vā karissatī’ti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  Prince Jayasena dwells in the midst of sensual pleasures, enjoying them, consumed by thoughts of them, burning with fever for them, and eagerly seeking more. It’s simply impossible for him to know or see or realize what can only be known, seen, and realized by renunciation. 
“Evameva kho, aggivessana, ‘yaṁ taṁ nekkhammena ñātabbaṁ nekkhammena daṭṭhabbaṁ nekkhammena pattabbaṁ nekkhammena sacchikātabbaṁ taṁ vata jayaseno rājakumāro kāmamajjhe vasanto kāme paribhuñjanto kāmavitakkehi khajjamāno kāmapariḷāhena pariḍayhamāno kāmapariyesanāya ussuko ñassati vā dakkhati vā sacchi vā karissatī’ti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
“In the same way, Prince Jayasena dwells in the midst of sensual pleasures, enjoying them, consumed by thoughts of them, burning with fever for them, and eagerly seeking more. It’s simply impossible for him to know or see or realize what can only be known, seen, and realized by renunciation. 
So vata yaṁ taṁ nekkhammena ñātabbaṁ nekkhammena daṭṭhabbaṁ nekkhammena pattabbaṁ nekkhammena sacchikātabbaṁ taṁ vata jayaseno rājakumāro kāmamajjhe vasanto kāme paribhuñjanto kāmavitakkehi khajjamāno kāmapariḷāhena pariḍayhamāno kāmapariyesanāya ussuko ñassati vā dakkhati vā sacchi vā karissatī’ti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Prince Jayasena dwells in the midst of sensual pleasures, enjoying them, consumed by thoughts of them, burning with fever for them, and eagerly seeking more. It is quite impossible for him to know or see or realize what can only be known, seen, and realized by renunciation. 
Evameva kho, aggivessana, idha tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā. 
In the same way, Aggivessana, a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 
So aparena samayena appaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā bhogakkhandhaṁ pahāya appaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya mahantaṁ vā ñātiparivaṭṭaṁ pahāya kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati. 
After some time they give up a large or small fortune, and a large or small family circle. They shave off hair and beard, dress in ocher robes, and go forth from the lay life to homelessness. 

mn126vijjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ bhagavā evaṁ byākareyya:  But it’s possible that he might explain it like this: 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ bhagavā evaṁ byākareyyā”ti. 
But it’s possible that he might explain it like that.” 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ bhagavā evaṁ byākareyya— 
Ṭhānañca kho etaṁ vijjati yaṁ bhagavā evaṁ byākareyyā’ti. 

mn127upapajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā parittābhānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of limited radiance. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā appamāṇābhānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of limitless radiance. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā saṅkiliṭṭhābhānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of corrupted radiance. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā parisuddhābhānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of pure radiance. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā saṅkiliṭṭhābhānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of corrupted radiance. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā parisuddhābhānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of pure radiance. 

mn128bhuñjati sammajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo pacchā gāmato piṇḍāya paṭikkamati—sace hoti bhuttāvaseso, sace ākaṅkhati, bhuñjati; no ce ākaṅkhati, appaharite vā chaḍḍeti apāṇake vā udake opilāpeti—  If there’s anything left over, whoever returns last eats it if they like. Otherwise they throw it out where there is little that grows, or drop it into water that has no living creatures. 
so āsanāni paṭisāmeti, pānīyaṁ paribhojanīyaṁ paṭisāmeti, avakkārapātiṁ dhovitvā paṭisāmeti, bhattaggaṁ sammajjati. 
Then they put away the seats, drinking water, and rubbish bin, and sweep the refectory. 

mn129upapajjati āpajjati13Pi En Ru dhamma

So socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati sammohaṁ āpajjati.  They sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breasts and falling into confusion. 
Sa kho so, bhikkhave, bālo kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
Having done bad things by way of body, speech, and mind, when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Sa kho so, bhikkhave, bālo idha pubbe rasādo idha pāpāni kammāni karitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā tesaṁ sattānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati ye te sattā tiṇabhakkhā. 
A fool who used to be a glutton here and did bad deeds here, when their body breaks up, after death, is reborn in the company of those sentient beings who feed on grass. 
Sa kho so, bhikkhave, bālo idha pubbe rasādo idha pāpāni kammāni karitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā tesaṁ sattānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati ye te sattā gūthabhakkhā. 
A fool who used to be a glutton here and did bad deeds here, after death is reborn in the company of those sentient beings who feed on dung. 
Sa kho so, bhikkhave, bālo idha pubbe rasādo, idha pāpāni kammāni karitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā tesaṁ sattānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati ye te sattā andhakāre jāyanti andhakāre jīyanti andhakāre mīyanti. 
A fool who used to be a glutton here and did bad deeds here, after death is reborn in the company of those sentient beings who are born, live, and die in darkness. 
Sa kho so, bhikkhave, bālo idha pubbe rasādo idha pāpāni kammāni karitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā tesaṁ sattānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati ye te sattā udakasmiṁ jāyanti udakasmiṁ jīyanti udakasmiṁ mīyanti. 
A fool who used to be a glutton here and did bad deeds here, after death is reborn in the company of those sentient beings who are born, live, and die in water. 
Sa kho so, bhikkhave, bālo idha pubbe rasādo idha pāpāni kammāni karitvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā tesaṁ sattānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati ye te sattā asucismiṁ jāyanti asucismiṁ jīyanti asucismiṁ mīyanti. 
A fool who used to be a glutton here and did bad deeds here, after death is reborn in the company of those sentient beings who are born, live, and die in filth. 
So kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Atha kho ayameva tato mahantataro kaliggaho yaṁ so bālo kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
the losing hand whereby a fool, having done bad things by way of body, speech, and mind, when their body breaks up, after death, is reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
So na socati, na kilamati, na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
So they don’t sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
Sa kho so, bhikkhave, paṇḍito kāyena sucaritaṁ caritvā vācāya sucaritaṁ caritvā manasā sucaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
So kāyena sucaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya sucaritaṁ caritvā, manasā sucaritaṁ caritvā, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Atha kho ayameva tato mahantataro kaṭaggaho yaṁ so paṇḍito kāyena sucaritaṁ caritvā, vācāya sucaritaṁ caritvā, manasā sucaritaṁ caritvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
the perfect hand whereby an astute person, when their body breaks up, after death, is reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

mn130samanuyuñjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

Tamenaṁ, bhikkhave, yamo rājā paṭhamaṁ devadūtaṁ samanuyuñjati samanugāhati samanubhāsati:  King Yama pursues, presses, and grills them about the first messenger of the gods. 
Tamenaṁ, bhikkhave, yamo rājā paṭhamaṁ devadūtaṁ samanuyuñjitvā samanugāhitvā samanubhāsitvā dutiyaṁ devadūtaṁ samanuyuñjati samanugāhati samanubhāsati: 
Then King Yama grills them about the second messenger of the gods. 
Tamenaṁ, bhikkhave, yamo rājā dutiyaṁ devadūtaṁ samanuyuñjitvā samanugāhitvā samanubhāsitvā tatiyaṁ devadūtaṁ samanuyuñjati samanugāhati samanubhāsati: 
Then King Yama grills them about the third messenger of the gods. 
Tamenaṁ, bhikkhave, yamo rājā tatiyaṁ devadūtaṁ samanuyuñjitvā samanugāhitvā samanubhāsitvā catutthaṁ devadūtaṁ samanuyuñjati samanugāhati samanubhāsati: 
Then King Yama grills them about the fourth messenger of the gods. 
Tamenaṁ, bhikkhave, yamo rājā catutthaṁ devadūtaṁ samanuyuñjitvā samanugāhitvā samanubhāsitvā pañcamaṁ devadūtaṁ samanuyuñjati samanugāhati samanubhāsati: 
Then King Yama grills them about the fifth messenger of the gods. 

mn135abhisajjati byāpajjati nābhisajjati upapajjati vibhajati38Pi En Ru dhamma

Kammaṁ satte vibhajati yadidaṁ—  It is deeds that divide beings into 
So tena kammena evaṁ samattena evaṁ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
Because of undertaking such deeds, when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
No ce kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, sace manussattaṁ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati appāyuko hoti. 
If they’re not reborn in a place of loss, but return to the human realm, then wherever they’re reborn they’re short-lived. 
So tena kammena evaṁ samattena evaṁ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Because of undertaking such deeds, when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
No ce kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati, sace manussattaṁ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati dīghāyuko hoti. 
If they’re not reborn in a heavenly realm, but return to the human realm, then wherever they’re reborn they’re long-lived. 
So tena kammena evaṁ samattena evaṁ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
Because of undertaking such deeds, after death they’re reborn in a place of loss … 
No ce kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, sace manussattaṁ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati bavhābādho hoti. 
or if they return to the human realm, they’re sickly … 
So tena kammena evaṁ samattena evaṁ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Because of undertaking such deeds, after death they’re reborn in a heavenly realm … 
No ce kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati, sace manussattaṁ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati appābādho hoti. 
or if they return to the human realm, they’re healthy … 
Appampi vutto samāno abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patiṭṭhīyati kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
Even when lightly criticized they lose their temper, becoming annoyed, hostile, and hard-hearted, and displaying annoyance, hate, and bitterness. 
So tena kammena evaṁ samattena evaṁ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
Because of undertaking such deeds, after death they’re reborn in a place of loss … 
No ce kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, sace manussattaṁ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati dubbaṇṇo hoti. 
or if they return to the human realm, they’re ugly … 
appampi vutto samāno abhisajjati kuppati byāpajjati patiṭṭhīyati kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
bahumpi vutto samāno nābhisajjati na kuppati na byāpajjati na patiṭṭhīyati na kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
Even when heavily criticized, they don’t lose their temper, become annoyed, hostile, and hard-hearted, or display annoyance, hate, and bitterness. 
So tena kammena evaṁ samattena evaṁ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Because of undertaking such deeds, after death they’re reborn in a heavenly realm … 
No ce kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati, sace manussattaṁ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati pāsādiko hoti. 
or if they return to the human realm, they’re lovely … 
bahumpi vutto samāno nābhisajjati na kuppati na byāpajjati na patiṭṭhīyati na kopañca dosañca appaccayañca pātukaroti. 
So tena kammena evaṁ samattena evaṁ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
Because of undertaking such deeds, after death they’re reborn in a place of loss … 
No ce kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, sace manussattaṁ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati appesakkho hoti. 
or if they return to the human realm, they’re insignificant … 
So tena kammena evaṁ samattena evaṁ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Because of undertaking such deeds, after death they’re reborn in a heavenly realm … 
No ce kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati, sace manussattaṁ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati mahesakkho hoti. 
or if they return to the human realm, they’re illustrious … 
So tena kammena evaṁ samattena evaṁ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
Because of undertaking such deeds, after death they’re reborn in a place of loss … 
No ce kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, sace manussattaṁ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati appabhogo hoti. 
or if they return to the human realm, they’re poor … 
So tena kammena evaṁ samattena evaṁ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Because of undertaking such deeds, after death they’re reborn in a heavenly realm … 
No ce kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati, sace manussattaṁ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati mahābhogo hoti. 
or if they return to the human realm, they’re rich … 
So tena kammena evaṁ samattena evaṁ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
Because of undertaking such deeds, after death they’re reborn in a place of loss … 
No ce kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, sace manussattaṁ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati nīcakulīno hoti. 
or if they return to the human realm, they’re reborn in a low class family … 
So tena kammena evaṁ samattena evaṁ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Because of undertaking such deeds, after death they’re reborn in a heavenly realm … 
No ce kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati, sace manussattaṁ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati uccākulīno hoti. 
or if they return to the human realm, they’re reborn in an eminent family … 
So tena kammena evaṁ samattena evaṁ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
Because of undertaking such deeds, after death they’re reborn in a place of loss … 
No ce kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, sace manussattaṁ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati duppañño hoti. 
or if they return to the human realm, they’re witless … 
So tena kammena evaṁ samattena evaṁ samādinnena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
Because of undertaking such deeds, when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
No ce kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati, sace manussattaṁ āgacchati yattha yattha paccājāyati mahāpañño hoti. 
If they’re not reborn in a heavenly realm, but return to the human realm, then wherever they’re reborn they’re very wise. 
Kammaṁ satte vibhajati yadidaṁ— 
It is deeds that divide beings into 

mn136upapajjati16Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
‘yo kira, bho, pāṇātipātī adinnādāyī …pe… micchādiṭṭhi, sabbo so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
‘It seems that everyone who kills living creatures … and has wrong view is reborn in hell. 
‘yo kira, bho, pāṇātipātī adinnādāyī …pe… micchādiṭṭhi, sabbo so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
‘It seems that everyone who kills living creatures … and has wrong view is reborn in a heavenly realm. 
‘yo kira, bho, pāṇātipātā paṭivirato adinnādānā paṭivirato …pe… sammādiṭṭhi sabbo so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
‘It seems that everyone who refrains from killing living creatures … and has right view is reborn in a heavenly realm. 
So evamāha: ‘yo kira, bho, pāṇātipātā paṭivirato adinnādānā paṭivirato …pe… sammādiṭṭhi, sabbo so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
They say: ‘It seems that everyone who refrains from killing living creatures … and has right view is reborn in hell. 
Tatrānanda, yvāyaṁ puggalo idha pāṇātipātī adinnādāyī …pe… micchādiṭṭhi, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, 
Now, Ānanda, take the case of the person here who killed living creatures … and had wrong view, and who, when their body breaks up, after death, is reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Tena so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
And that’s why, when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Tatrānanda, yvāyaṁ puggalo idha pāṇātipātī adinnādāyī …pe… micchādiṭṭhi kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati, 
Now, Ānanda, take the case of the person here who killed living creatures … and had wrong view, and who is reborn in a heavenly realm. 
Tena so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
And that’s why, when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Tatrānanda, yvāyaṁ puggalo idha pāṇātipātā paṭivirato adinnādānā paṭivirato …pe… sammādiṭṭhi, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati, 
Now, Ānanda, take the case of the person here who refrained from killing living creatures … and had right view, and who is reborn in a heavenly realm. 
Tena so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
And that’s why, when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Tatrānanda, yvāyaṁ puggalo idha pāṇātipātā paṭivirato adinnādānā paṭivirato …pe… sammādiṭṭhi, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, 
Now, Ānanda, take the case of the person here who refrained from killing living creatures … and had right view, and who is reborn in hell. 
Tena so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
And that’s why, when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 

mn137uppajjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhuviññeyyānaṁ rūpānaṁ iṭṭhānaṁ kantānaṁ manāpānaṁ manoramānaṁ lokāmisapaṭisaṁyuttānaṁ paṭilābhaṁ vā paṭilābhato samanupassato pubbe vā paṭiladdhapubbaṁ atītaṁ niruddhaṁ vipariṇataṁ samanussarato uppajjati somanassaṁ.  There are sights known by the eye, which are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasing, connected with the worldly pleasures of the flesh. Happiness arises when you regard it as a gain to obtain such sights, or when you recollect sights you formerly obtained that have passed, ceased, and perished. 
Rūpānaṁ tveva aniccataṁ viditvā vipariṇāmavirāganirodhaṁ, ‘pubbe ceva rūpā etarahi ca sabbe te rūpā aniccā dukkhā vipariṇāmadhammā’ti evametaṁ yathābhūtaṁ sammappaññāya passato uppajjati somanassaṁ. 
When you’ve understood the impermanence of sights—their perishing, fading away, and cessation—happiness arises as you truly understand through right understanding that both formerly and now all those sights are impermanent, suffering, and perishable. 
dhammānaṁ tveva aniccataṁ viditvā vipariṇāmavirāganirodhaṁ, ‘pubbe ceva dhammā etarahi ca sabbe te dhammā aniccā dukkhā vipariṇāmadhammā’ti evametaṁ yathābhūtaṁ sammappaññāya passato uppajjati somanassaṁ. 
ideas—their perishing, fading away, and cessation—happiness arises as you truly understand through right understanding that both formerly and now all those ideas are impermanent, suffering, and perishable. 
manoviññeyyānaṁ dhammānaṁ iṭṭhānaṁ kantānaṁ manāpānaṁ manoramānaṁ lokāmisapaṭisaṁyuttānaṁ appaṭilābhaṁ vā appaṭilābhato samanupassato pubbe vā appaṭiladdhapubbaṁ atītaṁ niruddhaṁ vipariṇataṁ samanussarato uppajjati domanassaṁ. 
There are ideas known by the mind, which are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasing, connected with the worldly pleasures of the flesh. Sadness arises when you regard it as a loss to lose such ideas, or when you recollect ideas you formerly lost that have passed, ceased, and perished. 
‘kudāssu nāmāhaṁ tadāyatanaṁ upasampajja viharissāmi yadariyā etarahi āyatanaṁ upasampajja viharantī’ti iti anuttaresu vimokkhesu pihaṁ upaṭṭhāpayato uppajjati pihapaccayā domanassaṁ. 
‘Oh, when will I enter and remain in the same dimension that the noble ones enter and remain in today?’ When you give rise to yearning for the supreme liberations like this, sadness arises because of the yearning. 
‘kudāssu nāmāhaṁ tadāyatanaṁ upasampajja viharissāmi yadariyā etarahi āyatanaṁ upasampajja viharantī’ti iti anuttaresu vimokkhesu pihaṁ upaṭṭhāpayato uppajjati pihapaccayā domanassaṁ. 
‘Oh, when will I enter and remain in the same dimension that the noble ones enter and remain in today?’ When you give rise to yearning for the supreme liberations like this, sadness arises because of the yearning. 
Cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā uppajjati upekkhā bālassa mūḷhassa puthujjanassa anodhijinassa avipākajinassa anādīnavadassāvino assutavato puthujjanassa. 
When seeing a sight with the eye, equanimity arises for the unlearned ordinary person—a foolish ordinary person who has not overcome their limitations and the results of deeds, and is blind to the drawbacks. 
manasā dhammaṁ viññāya uppajjati upekkhā bālassa mūḷhassa puthujjanassa anodhijinassa avipākajinassa anādīnavadassāvino assutavato puthujjanassa. 
When knowing an idea with the mind, equanimity arises for the unlearned ordinary person—a foolish ordinary person who has not overcome their limitations and the results of deeds, and is blind to the drawbacks. 
Rūpānaṁ tveva aniccataṁ viditvā vipariṇāmavirāganirodhaṁ, ‘pubbe ceva rūpā etarahi ca sabbe te rūpā aniccā dukkhā vipariṇāmadhammā’ti evametaṁ yathābhūtaṁ sammappaññāya passato uppajjati upekkhā. 
When you’ve understood the impermanence of sights—their perishing, fading away, and cessation—equanimity arises as you truly understand through right understanding that both formerly and now all those sights are impermanent, suffering, and perishable. 
dhammānaṁ tveva aniccataṁ viditvā vipariṇāmavirāganirodhaṁ, ‘pubbe ceva dhammā etarahi ca sabbe te dhammā aniccā dukkhā vipariṇāmadhammā’ti evametaṁ yathābhūtaṁ sammappaññāya passato uppajjati upekkhā. 
ideas—their perishing, fading away, and cessation—equanimity arises as you truly understand through right understanding that both formerly and now all those ideas are impermanent, suffering, and perishable. 

mn139uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ kho, bhikkhave, ime pañca kāmaguṇe paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ idaṁ vuccati kāmasukhaṁ mīḷhasukhaṁ puthujjanasukhaṁ anariyasukhaṁ.  The pleasure and happiness that arise from these five kinds of sensual stimulation is called sensual pleasure—a filthy, common, ignoble pleasure. 

mn140nappamajjati uppajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

Kathañca, bhikkhu, paññaṁ nappamajjati?  And how does one not neglect wisdom? 
Sukhavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhu, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhā vedanā. 
Pleasant feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as pleasant. 
Dukkhavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhu, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dukkhā vedanā. 
Painful feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as painful. 
Adukkhamasukhavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhu, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati adukkhamasukhā vedanā. 
Neutral feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as neutral. 
evameva kho, bhikkhu, sukhavedaniyaṁ phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhā vedanā. 
In the same way, pleasant feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as pleasant. … 
Dukkhavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhu, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dukkhā vedanā. 
Adukkhamasukhavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhu, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati adukkhamasukhā vedanā. 

mn141uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Jātidhammānaṁ, āvuso, sattānaṁ evaṁ icchā uppajjati:  In sentient beings who are liable to be reborn, such a wish arises: 
sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsadhammānaṁ, āvuso, sattānaṁ evaṁ icchā uppajjati: 
experience sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress, such a wish arises: 

mn145uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa taṁ abhinandato abhivadato ajjhosāya tiṭṭhato uppajjati nandī.  this gives rise to relishing. 
Tassa taṁ abhinandato abhivadato ajjhosāya tiṭṭhato uppajjati nandī. 
this gives rise to relishing. 

mn147uppajjati virajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

yamidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedanāgataṁ saññāgataṁ saṅkhāragataṁ viññāṇagataṁ tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti?  Anything included in feeling, perception, choices, and consciousness that arises conditioned by eye contact: is that permanent or impermanent?” 
yamidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedanāgataṁ saññāgataṁ saṅkhāragataṁ viññāṇagataṁ, tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti? 
Anything included in feeling, perception, choices, and consciousness that arises conditioned by mind contact: is that permanent or impermanent?” 
“Evaṁ passaṁ, rāhula, sutavā ariyasāvako cakkhusmiṁ nibbindati, rūpesu nibbindati, cakkhuviññāṇe nibbindati, cakkhusamphasse nibbindati, yamidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedanāgataṁ saññāgataṁ saṅkhāragataṁ viññāṇagataṁ tasmimpi nibbindati. 
“Seeing this, a learned noble disciple grows disillusioned with the eye, sights, eye consciousness, and eye contact. And they grow disillusioned with anything included in feeling, perception, choices, and consciousness that arises conditioned by eye contact. 
manasmiṁ nibbindati, dhammesu nibbindati, manoviññāṇe nibbindati, manosamphasse nibbindati, yamidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedanāgataṁ saññāgataṁ saṅkhāragataṁ viññāṇagataṁ tasmimpi nibbindati. 
mind, ideas, mind consciousness, and mind contact. And they grow disillusioned with anything included in feeling, perception, choices, and consciousness that arises conditioned by mind contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati, virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

mn148upapajjati uppajjati vijjati virajjati āpajjati85Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ,  Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. 
sotañca paṭicca sadde ca uppajjati sotaviññāṇaṁ, 
Ear consciousness arises dependent on the ear and sounds. 
ghānañca paṭicca gandhe ca uppajjati ghānaviññāṇaṁ, 
Nose consciousness arises dependent on the nose and smells. 
jivhañca paṭicca rase ca uppajjati jivhāviññāṇaṁ, 
Tongue consciousness arises dependent on the tongue and tastes. 
kāyañca paṭicca phoṭṭhabbe ca uppajjati kāyaviññāṇaṁ, 
Body consciousness arises dependent on the body and touches. 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. 
Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso; 
Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
sotañca paṭicca sadde ca uppajjati sotaviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso; 
Ear consciousness arises dependent on the ear and sounds. The meeting of the three is contact. 
ghānañca paṭicca gandhe ca uppajjati ghānaviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso; 
Nose consciousness arises dependent on the nose and smells. The meeting of the three is contact. 
jivhañca paṭicca rase ca uppajjati jivhāviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso; 
Tongue consciousness arises dependent on the tongue and tastes. The meeting of the three is contact. 
kāyañca paṭicca phoṭṭhabbe ca uppajjati kāyaviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso; 
Body consciousness arises dependent on the body and touches. The meeting of the three is contact. 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. 
Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā; 
Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for feeling. 
sotañca paṭicca sadde ca uppajjati sotaviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā; 
Ear consciousness arises dependent on the ear and sounds. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for feeling. 
ghānañca paṭicca gandhe ca uppajjati ghānaviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā; 
Nose consciousness arises dependent on the nose and smells. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for feeling. 
jivhañca paṭicca rase ca uppajjati jivhāviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā; 
Tongue consciousness arises dependent on the tongue and tastes. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for feeling. 
kāyañca paṭicca phoṭṭhabbe ca uppajjati kāyaviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā; 
Body consciousness arises dependent on the body and touches. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for feeling. 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for feeling. 
Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā; 
Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for feeling. Feeling is a condition for craving. 
sotañca paṭicca sadde ca uppajjati sotaviññāṇaṁ …pe… 
Ear consciousness … 
ghānañca paṭicca gandhe ca uppajjati ghānaviññāṇaṁ … 
Nose consciousness … 
jivhañca paṭicca rase ca uppajjati jivhāviññāṇaṁ … 
Tongue consciousness … 
kāyañca paṭicca phoṭṭhabbe ca uppajjati kāyaviññāṇaṁ … 
Body consciousness … 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for feeling. Feeling is a condition for craving. 
‘Cakkhu attā’ti yo vadeyya taṁ na upapajjati. 
If anyone says, ‘the eye is self,’ that is not tenable. 
Yassa kho pana uppādopi vayopi paññāyati, ‘attā me uppajjati ca veti cā’ti iccassa evamāgataṁ hoti. 
so it would follow that one’s self arises and vanishes. 
Tasmā taṁ na upapajjati: 
That’s why it’s not tenable to claim that 
‘Rūpā attā’ti yo vadeyya taṁ na upapajjati. 
If anyone says, ‘sights are self,’ that is not tenable. 
Yassa kho pana uppādopi vayopi paññāyati, ‘attā me uppajjati ca veti cā’ti iccassa evamāgataṁ hoti. 
so it would follow that one’s self arises and vanishes. 
Tasmā taṁ na upapajjati: 
That’s why it’s not tenable to claim that 
‘Cakkhuviññāṇaṁ attā’ti yo vadeyya taṁ na upapajjati. 
If anyone says, ‘eye consciousness is self,’ that is not tenable. 
Yassa kho pana uppādopi vayopi paññāyati, ‘attā me uppajjati ca veti cā’ti iccassa evamāgataṁ hoti. 
so it would follow that one’s self arises and vanishes. 
Tasmā taṁ na upapajjati: 
That’s why it’s not tenable to claim that 
‘Cakkhusamphasso attā’ti yo vadeyya taṁ na upapajjati. 
If anyone says, ‘eye contact is self,’ that is not tenable. 
Yassa kho pana uppādopi vayopi paññāyati, ‘attā me uppajjati ca veti cā’ti iccassa evamāgataṁ hoti. 
so it would follow that one’s self arises and vanishes. 
Tasmā taṁ na upapajjati: 
That’s why it’s not tenable to claim that 
‘Vedanā attā’ti yo vadeyya taṁ na upapajjati. 
If anyone says, ‘feeling is self,’ that is not tenable. 
Yassa kho pana uppādopi vayopi paññāyati, ‘attā me uppajjati ca veti cā’ti iccassa evamāgataṁ hoti. 
so it would follow that one’s self arises and vanishes. 
Tasmā taṁ na upapajjati: 
That’s why it’s not tenable to claim that 
‘Taṇhā attā’ti yo vadeyya taṁ na upapajjati. 
If anyone says, ‘craving is self,’ that is not tenable. 
Yassa kho pana uppādopi vayopi paññāyati, ‘attā me uppajjati ca veti cā’ti iccassa evamāgataṁ hoti. 
so it would follow that one’s self arises and vanishes. 
Tasmā taṁ na upapajjati: 
That’s why it’s not tenable to claim that 
‘mano attā’ti yo vadeyya taṁ na upapajjati. 
‘the mind is self,’ that is not tenable. 
Yassa kho pana uppādopi vayopi paññāyati, ‘attā me uppajjati ca veti cā’ti iccassa evamāgataṁ hoti. 
so it would follow that one’s self arises and vanishes. 
Tasmā taṁ na upapajjati: 
That’s why it’s not tenable to claim that 
‘Dhammā attā’ti yo vadeyya taṁ na upapajjati. 
If anyone says, ‘ideas are self’ … 
Yassa kho pana uppādopi vayopi paññāyati, ‘attā me uppajjati ca veti cā’ti iccassa evamāgataṁ hoti. 
Tasmā taṁ na upapajjati: 
‘Manoviññāṇaṁ attā’ti yo vadeyya taṁ na upapajjati. 
‘mind consciousness is self’ … 
Yassa kho pana uppādopi vayopi paññāyati, ‘attā me uppajjati ca veti cā’ti iccassa evamāgataṁ hoti. 
Tasmā taṁ na upapajjati: 
‘Manosamphasso attā’ti yo vadeyya taṁ na upapajjati. 
‘mind contact is self’ … 
Yassa kho pana uppādopi vayopi paññāyati, ‘attā me uppajjati ca veti cā’ti iccassa evamāgataṁ hoti. 
Tasmā taṁ na upapajjati: 
‘Vedanā attā’ti yo vadeyya taṁ na upapajjati. 
‘feeling is self’ … 
Yassa kho pana uppādopi vayopi paññāyati, ‘attā me uppajjati ca veti cā’ti iccassa evamāgataṁ hoti. 
Tasmā taṁ na upapajjati: 
‘Taṇhā attā’ti yo vadeyya taṁ na upapajjati. 
‘craving is self,’ that is not tenable. 
Yassa kho pana uppādopi vayopi paññāyati, ‘attā me uppajjati ca veti cā’ti iccassa evamāgataṁ hoti. 
so it would follow that one’s self arises and vanishes. 
Tasmā taṁ na upapajjati: 
That’s why it’s not tenable to claim that 
Cakkhuñca, bhikkhave, paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso, phassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā. 
Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for the arising of what is felt as pleasant, painful, or neutral. 
Dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
When you experience a painful feeling, if you sorrow and wail and lament, beating your breast and falling into confusion, 
So vata, bhikkhave, sukhāya vedanāya rāgānusayaṁ appahāya dukkhāya vedanāya paṭighānusayaṁ appaṭivinodetvā adukkhamasukhāya vedanāya avijjānusayaṁ asamūhanitvā avijjaṁ appahāya vijjaṁ anuppādetvā diṭṭheva dhamme dukkhassantakaro bhavissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Mendicants, without giving up the underlying tendency to greed for pleasant feeling, without dispelling the underlying tendency to repulsion towards painful feeling, without eradicating ignorance in the case of neutral feeling, without giving up ignorance and without giving rise to knowledge, it is quite impossible to make an end of suffering in this very life. 
Sotañca, bhikkhave, paṭicca sadde ca uppajjati sotaviññāṇaṁ …pe… 
Ear consciousness … 
ghānañca, bhikkhave, paṭicca gandhe ca uppajjati ghānaviññāṇaṁ …pe… 
Nose consciousness … 
jivhañca, bhikkhave, paṭicca rase ca uppajjati jivhāviññāṇaṁ …pe… 
Tongue consciousness … 
kāyañca, bhikkhave, paṭicca phoṭṭhabbe ca uppajjati kāyaviññāṇaṁ …pe… 
Body consciousness … 
manañca, bhikkhave, paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso, phassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for the arising of what is felt as pleasant, painful, or neutral. 
Dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
When you experience a painful feeling, if you sorrow and wail and lament, beating your breast and falling into confusion, 
So vata, bhikkhave, sukhāya vedanāya rāgānusayaṁ appahāya dukkhāya vedanāya paṭighānusayaṁ appaṭivinodetvā adukkhamasukhāya vedanāya avijjānusayaṁ asamūhanitvā avijjaṁ appahāya vijjaṁ anuppādetvā diṭṭheva dhamme dukkhassantakaro bhavissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Mendicants, without giving up the underlying tendency to greed for pleasant feeling, without dispelling the underlying tendency to repulsion towards painful feeling, without eradicating ignorance in the case of neutral feeling, without giving up ignorance and without giving rise to knowledge, it is quite impossible to make an end of suffering in this very life. 
Cakkhuñca, bhikkhave, paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ, tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso, phassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā. 
Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for the arising of what is felt as pleasant, painful, or neutral. 
Dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno na socati na kilamati na paridevati na urattāḷiṁ kandati na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
When you experience a painful feeling, if you don’t sorrow or wail or lament, beating your breast and falling into confusion, 
So vata, bhikkhave, sukhāya vedanāya rāgānusayaṁ pahāya dukkhāya vedanāya paṭighānusayaṁ paṭivinodetvā adukkhamasukhāya vedanāya avijjānusayaṁ samūhanitvā avijjaṁ pahāya vijjaṁ uppādetvā diṭṭheva dhamme dukkhassantakaro bhavissatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Mendicants, after giving up the underlying tendency to greed for pleasant feeling, after dispelling the underlying tendency to repulsion towards painful feeling, after eradicating ignorance in the case of neutral feeling, after giving up ignorance and giving rise to knowledge, it’s quite possible to make an end of suffering in this very life. 
Sotañca, bhikkhave, paṭicca sadde ca uppajjati sotaviññāṇaṁ …pe…. 
Ear consciousness … 
Ghānañca, bhikkhave, paṭicca gandhe ca uppajjati ghānaviññāṇaṁ …pe…. 
Nose consciousness … 
Jivhañca, bhikkhave, paṭicca rase ca uppajjati jivhāviññāṇaṁ …pe…. 
Tongue consciousness … 
Kāyañca, bhikkhave, paṭicca phoṭṭhabbe ca uppajjati kāyaviññāṇaṁ …pe…. 
Body consciousness … 
“Manañca, bhikkhave, paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso, phassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. Contact is a condition for what is felt as pleasant, painful, or neutral. 
Dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno na socati na kilamati na paridevati na urattāḷiṁ kandati na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
When you experience a painful feeling, if you don’t sorrow or wail or lament, beating your breast and falling into confusion, 
So vata, bhikkhave, sukhāya vedanāya rāgānusayaṁ pahāya dukkhāya vedanāya paṭighānusayaṁ paṭivinodetvā adukkhamasukhāya vedanāya avijjānusayaṁ samūhanitvā avijjaṁ pahāya vijjaṁ uppādetvā diṭṭheva dhamme dukkhassantakaro bhavissatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Mendicants, after giving up the underlying tendency to greed for pleasant feeling, after dispelling the underlying tendency to repulsion towards painful feeling, after eradicating ignorance in the case of neutral feeling, after giving up ignorance and giving rise to knowledge, it’s quite possible to make an end of suffering in this very life. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati, virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When it is freed, they know it is freed. 

mn149sārajjati uppajjati28Pi En Ru dhamma

“Cakkhuṁ, bhikkhave, ajānaṁ apassaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, rūpe ajānaṁ apassaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, cakkhuviññāṇaṁ ajānaṁ apassaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, cakkhusamphassaṁ ajānaṁ apassaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, yamidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi ajānaṁ apassaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, cakkhusmiṁ sārajjati, rūpesu sārajjati, cakkhuviññāṇe sārajjati, cakkhusamphasse sārajjati, yamidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi sārajjati.  “Mendicants, when you don’t truly know and see the eye, sights, eye consciousness, eye contact, and what is felt as pleasant, painful, or neutral that arises conditioned by eye contact, you’re aroused by these things. 
manaṁ, bhikkhave, ajānaṁ apassaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, dhamme, bhikkhave, ajānaṁ apassaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, manoviññāṇaṁ, bhikkhave, ajānaṁ apassaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, manosamphassaṁ, bhikkhave, ajānaṁ apassaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, yamidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi ajānaṁ apassaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, manasmiṁ sārajjati, dhammesu sārajjati, manoviññāṇe sārajjati, manosamphasse sārajjati, yamidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi sārajjati. 
mind, ideas, mind consciousness, mind contact, and what is felt as pleasant, painful, or neutral that arises conditioned by mind contact, you’re aroused by these things. 
Cakkhuñca kho, bhikkhave, jānaṁ passaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, rūpe jānaṁ passaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, cakkhuviññāṇaṁ jānaṁ passaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, cakkhusamphassaṁ jānaṁ passaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, yamidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi jānaṁ passaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, cakkhusmiṁ na sārajjati, rūpesu na sārajjati, cakkhuviññāṇe na sārajjati, cakkhusamphasse na sārajjati, yamidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi na sārajjati. 
When you do truly know and see the eye, sights, eye consciousness, eye contact, and what is felt as pleasant, painful, or neutral that arises conditioned by eye contact, you’re not aroused by these things. 
manaṁ, bhikkhave, jānaṁ passaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, dhamme jānaṁ passaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, manoviññāṇaṁ jānaṁ passaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, manosamphassaṁ jānaṁ passaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, yamidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi jānaṁ passaṁ yathābhūtaṁ, manasmiṁ na sārajjati, dhammesu na sārajjati, manoviññāṇe na sārajjati, manosamphasse na sārajjati, yamidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi na sārajjati. 
mind, ideas, mind consciousness, mind contact, and what is felt as pleasant, painful, or neutral that arises conditioned by mind contact, you are not aroused by these things. … 

mn152uppajjati30Pi En Ru dhamma

Idhānanda, bhikkhuno cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā uppajjati manāpaṁ, uppajjati amanāpaṁ, uppajjati manāpāmanāpaṁ.  When a mendicant sees a sight with their eyes, in them arises what is agreeable, what is disagreeable, and what is both agreeable and disagreeable. 
Puna caparaṁ, ānanda, bhikkhuno sotena saddaṁ sutvā uppajjati manāpaṁ, uppajjati amanāpaṁ, uppajjati manāpāmanāpaṁ. 
Furthermore, when a mendicant hears a sound with their ears, the agreeable, the disagreeable, and the both agreeable and disagreeable arise in them. 
Puna caparaṁ, ānanda, bhikkhuno ghānena gandhaṁ ghāyitvā uppajjati manāpaṁ, uppajjati amanāpaṁ, uppajjati manāpāmanāpaṁ. 
Furthermore, when a mendicant smells an odor with their nose, the agreeable, the disagreeable, and the both agreeable and disagreeable arise in them. 
Puna caparaṁ, ānanda, bhikkhuno jivhāya rasaṁ sāyitvā uppajjati manāpaṁ, uppajjati amanāpaṁ, uppajjati manāpāmanāpaṁ. 
Furthermore, when a mendicant tastes a flavor with their tongue, the agreeable, the disagreeable, and the both agreeable and disagreeable arise in them. 
Puna caparaṁ, ānanda, bhikkhuno kāyena phoṭṭhabbaṁ phusitvā uppajjati manāpaṁ, uppajjati amanāpaṁ, uppajjati manāpāmanāpaṁ. 
Furthermore, when a mendicant feels a touch with their body, the agreeable, the disagreeable, and the both agreeable and disagreeable arise in them. 
Puna caparaṁ, ānanda, bhikkhuno manasā dhammaṁ viññāya uppajjati manāpaṁ, uppajjati amanāpaṁ, uppajjati manāpāmanāpaṁ. 
Furthermore, when a mendicant knows a thought with their mind, the agreeable, the disagreeable, and the both agreeable and disagreeable arise in them. 
Idhānanda, bhikkhuno cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā uppajjati manāpaṁ, uppajjati amanāpaṁ, uppajjati manāpāmanāpaṁ. 
When a mendicant sees a sight with their eyes, the agreeable, the disagreeable, and the both agreeable and disagreeable arise in them. 
manasā dhammaṁ viññāya uppajjati manāpaṁ, uppajjati amanāpaṁ, uppajjati manāpāmanāpaṁ. 
When they know a thought with their mind, the agreeable, the disagreeable, and the both agreeable and disagreeable arise in them. 
Idhānanda, bhikkhuno cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā uppajjati manāpaṁ, uppajjati amanāpaṁ, uppajjati manāpāmanāpaṁ. 
When a mendicant sees a sight with their eyes, the agreeable, the disagreeable, and the both agreeable and disagreeable arise in them. 
manasā dhammaṁ viññāya uppajjati manāpaṁ, uppajjati amanāpaṁ, uppajjati manāpāmanāpaṁ. 
When they know a thought with their mind, the agreeable, the disagreeable, and the both agreeable and disagreeable arise in them. 

sn1.18vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

koci lokasmiṁ vijjati;  be found in the world? 

sn1.26vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

pañcamettha na vijjati;  a fifth is not found. 

sn1.43bhajati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Tameva annaṁ bhajati,  partake of food 

sn1.61vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

kismā bhiyyo na vijjati;  What is nothing bigger than? 
nāmā bhiyyo na vijjati; 
Nothing’s bigger than name. 

sn2.4vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

pañcamettha na vijjati;  a fifth is not found. 

sn2.8nekattamupapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

nekattamupapajjati.  is not reborn in a unified state. 

sn2.18vijjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

kacci nandī na vijjati;  I hope that delight isn’t found in you. 
atho nandī na vijjati; 
and no delight is found in me. 
kathaṁ nandī na vijjati; 
How is delight not found in you? 

sn2.23bhajati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Tameva annaṁ bhajati,  partake of food 
Tameva annaṁ bhajati, 
Tameva annaṁ bhajati, 
partake of food 

sn2.26upapajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“yattha nu kho, bhante, na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, sakkā nu kho so, bhante, gamanena lokassa anto ñātuṁ vā daṭṭhuṁ vā pāpuṇituṁ vā”ti?  “Sir, is it possible to know or see or reach the end of the world by traveling to a place where there’s no being born, growing old, dying, passing away, or being reborn?” 
“Yattha kho, āvuso, na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, nāhaṁ taṁ gamanena lokassa antaṁ ñāteyyaṁ daṭṭheyyaṁ patteyyanti vadāmī”ti. 
“Reverend, I say it’s not possible to know or see or reach the end of the world by traveling to a place where there’s no being born, growing old, dying, passing away, or being reborn.” 
‘yattha kho, āvuso, na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, nāhaṁ taṁ gamanena lokassa antaṁ ñāteyyaṁ daṭṭheyyaṁ patteyyanti vadāmī’ti. 
‘yattha kho, āvuso, na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, nāhaṁ taṁ gamanena lokassa antaṁ ñāteyyaṁ daṭṭheyyaṁ patteyyanti vadāmī’”ti. 
‘Reverend, I say it’s not possible to know or see or reach the end of the world by traveling to a place where there’s no being born, growing old, dying, passing away, or being reborn.’” 

sn3.2uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Lobho kho, mahārāja, purisassa dhammo ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati ahitāya dukkhāya aphāsuvihārāya.  Greed, 
Doso kho, mahārāja, purisassa dhammo ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati ahitāya dukkhāya aphāsuvihārāya. 
Moho kho, mahārāja, purisassa dhammo ajjhattaṁ uppajjamāno uppajjati ahitāya dukkhāya aphāsuvihārāya. 
and delusion. 

sn3.13bhuñjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Tena kho pana samayena rājā pasenadi kosalo doṇapākakuraṁ bhuñjati.  Now at that time King Pasenadi of Kosala used to eat rice by the pot. 

sn3.19bhuñjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

kaṇājakaṁ bhuñjati bilaṅgadutiyaṁ.  rough gruel with pickles. 
Nevattanā bhuñjati no dadāti. 
they neither use it themselves nor give it away. 
So bhuñjati kiccakaro ca hoti; 
they use it and do their duty. 

sn3.20bhuñjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

kaṇājakaṁ bhuñjati bilaṅgadutiyaṁ.  rough gruel with pickles. 

sn3.21upapajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
So kāyena sucaritaṁ caritvā vācāya sucaritaṁ caritvā manasā sucaritaṁ caritvā, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
So kāyena duccaritaṁ caritvā vācāya duccaritaṁ caritvā manasā duccaritaṁ caritvā, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
So kāyena sucaritaṁ caritvā vācāya sucaritaṁ caritvā manasā sucaritaṁ caritvā, kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

sn3.23uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Lobho kho, mahārāja, lokassa dhammo, uppajjamāno uppajjati ahitāya dukkhāya aphāsuvihārāya.  Greed, 
Doso kho, mahārāja, lokassa dhammo, uppajjamāno uppajjati ahitāya dukkhāya aphāsuvihārāya. 
Moho kho, mahārāja, lokassa dhammo, uppajjamāno uppajjati ahitāya dukkhāya aphāsuvihārāya. 
and delusion. 

sn3.25saṁvijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Saṁvijjati kho pana, bhante, imasmiṁ rājakule pahūtaṁ hiraññasuvaṇṇaṁ bhūmigatañceva vehāsaṭṭhañca, yena mayaṁ pahoma āgate paccatthike dhanena upalāpetuṁ.  In this royal court there is abundant gold, both coined and uncoined, stored in dungeons and towers. Using this wealth we can bribe an approaching enemy. 

sn4.16virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

evaṁ tattha virajjati.  that’s how to be free of desire for them. 

sn4.24sampajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sakkhī na sampajjati kenaci te”ti.  And why does no-one get close to you?” 

sn4.25sampajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Sakkhī na sampajjati kenaci te”ti.  And why does no-one get close to you?” 
Sakkhī na sampajjati kenaci me”ti. 
and no-one gets too close to me.” 

sn5.6bhuñjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

jāto kāmāni bhuñjati;  When you’re born, you get to enjoy sensual pleasures. 

sn6.4upapajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“idaṁ niccaṁ, idaṁ dhuvaṁ, idaṁ sassataṁ, idaṁ kevalaṁ, idaṁ acavanadhammaṁ, idañhi na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati, ito ca panaññaṁ uttari nissaraṇaṁ natthī”ti.  “This is permanent, this is everlasting, this is eternal, this is whole, this is not liable to pass away. For this is where there’s no being born, growing old, dying, passing away, or being reborn. And there’s no other escape beyond this.” 
Idañhi, mārisa, niccaṁ, idaṁ dhuvaṁ, idaṁ sassataṁ, idaṁ kevalaṁ, idaṁ acavanadhammaṁ, idañhi na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati. Ito ca panaññaṁ uttari nissaraṇaṁ natthī”ti. 
For this is permanent, this is everlasting, this is eternal, this is complete, this is not liable to pass away. For this is where there’s no being born, growing old, dying, passing away, or being reborn. And there’s no other escape beyond this.” 
Yattha ca pana jāyati ca jīyati ca mīyati ca cavati ca upapajjati ca, tañca tathā vakkhati: 
And where there is being born, growing old, dying, passing away, and being reborn, he says that 
‘idañhi na jāyati na jīyati na mīyati na cavati na upapajjati’. 
there’s no being born, growing old, dying, passing away, or being reborn. 

sn7.2sambhuñjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo kho, brāhmaṇa, akkosantaṁ paccakkosati, rosentaṁ paṭiroseti, bhaṇḍantaṁ paṭibhaṇḍati, ayaṁ vuccati, brāhmaṇa, sambhuñjati vītiharatīti.  Someone who, when abused, harassed, and attacked, abuses, harasses, and attacks in return is said to eat the food and have a reaction to it. 

sn7.9bhuñjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Añño jano bhuñjati habyasesan”ti.  that others ate the leftover offering. 

sn8.1uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho āyasmato vaṅgīsassa tā itthiyo disvā anabhirati uppajjati, rāgo cittaṁ anuddhaṁseti.  When Vaṅgīsa saw them he became dissatisfied, with lust infecting his mind. 

sn8.7vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

palāpettha na vijjati;  there is no rubbish here. 

sn9.14bhañjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

puṇḍarīkāni bhañjati;  who does such vandalizing 

sn10.1sajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kathaṁ nvayaṁ sajjati gabbharasmin”ti.  And how does one cling on in the womb?” 

sn11.4vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

khantyā bhiyyo na vijjati.  none better than patience is found. 
paṭivattā na vijjati. 
who’s strong, guarded by the teaching. 

sn11.5vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

khantyā bhiyyo na vijjati.  none better than patience is found. 
paṭivattā na vijjati. 
who’s strong, guarded by the teaching. 

sn12.4upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘kicchaṁ vatāyaṁ loko āpanno jāyati ca jīyati ca mīyati ca cavati ca upapajjati ca.  ‘Alas, this world has fallen into trouble. It’s born, grows old, dies, passes away, and is reborn, 

sn12.10upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘kicchaṁ vatāyaṁ loko āpanno jāyati ca jīyati ca mīyati ca cavati ca upapajjati ca.  ‘Alas, this world has fallen into trouble. It’s born, grows old, dies, passes away, and is reborn, 

sn12.15uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Dukkhameva uppajjamānaṁ uppajjati, dukkhaṁ nirujjhamānaṁ nirujjhatī’ti na kaṅkhati na vicikicchati aparapaccayā ñāṇamevassa ettha hoti.  you’ll have no doubt or uncertainty that what arises is just suffering arising, and what ceases is just suffering ceasing. Your knowledge about this is independent of others. 

sn12.20vibhajati vijjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Abhisambujjhitvā abhisametvā ācikkhati deseti paññāpeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati vibhajati uttānīkaroti.  then he explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals it. 
Abhisambujjhitvā abhisametvā ācikkhati deseti paññāpeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati vibhajati uttānīkaroti. 
then he explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals it. 
netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 

sn12.21uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Iti imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati.  When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises. 

sn12.22uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Iti imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati;  When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises. 

sn12.24vijjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Tatrāvuso, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā kammavādā sayaṅkataṁ dukkhaṁ paññapenti, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  Consider the ascetics and brahmins who teach the efficacy of deeds. In the case of those who declare that suffering is made by oneself, it’s impossible that they will experience that without contact. 
Yepi te samaṇabrāhmaṇā kammavādā paraṅkataṁ dukkhaṁ paññapenti, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
In the case of those who declare that suffering is made by another, it’s impossible that they will experience that without contact. 
Yepi te samaṇabrāhmaṇā kammavādā sayaṅkatañca paraṅkatañca dukkhaṁ paññapenti, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
In the case of those who declare that suffering is made by oneself and another, it’s impossible that they will experience that without contact. 
Tatrānanda, yepi te samaṇabrāhmaṇā kammavādā sayaṅkataṁ dukkhaṁ paññapenti, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
In the case of those who declare that suffering is made by oneself, it’s impossible that they will experience that without contact. … 
yepi te samaṇabrāhmaṇā kammavādā asayaṅkāraṁ aparaṅkāraṁ adhiccasamuppannaṁ dukkhaṁ paññapenti, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
In the case of those who declare that suffering arises by chance, not made by oneself or another, it’s impossible that they will experience that without contact. 
Tatrāvuso, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā kammavādā sayaṅkataṁ dukkhaṁ paññapenti, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 

sn12.25uppajjati vijjati20Pi En Ru dhamma

Tatrāvuso, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā kammavādā sayaṅkataṁ sukhadukkhaṁ paññapenti, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  Consider the ascetics and brahmins who teach the efficacy of deeds. In the case of those who declare that pleasure and pain are made by oneself, it’s impossible that they will experience that without contact. … 
Tatrānanda, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā kammavādā sayaṅkataṁ sukhadukkhaṁ paññapenti, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Consider the ascetics and brahmins who teach the efficacy of deeds. In the case of those who declare that pleasure and pain are made by oneself, it’s impossible that they will experience that without contact. … 
yepi te samaṇabrāhmaṇā kammavādā asayaṅkāraṁ aparaṅkāraṁ adhiccasamuppannaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ paññapenti, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
In the case of those who declare that pleasure and pain arise by chance, not made by oneself or another, it’s impossible that they will experience that without contact. 
Kāye vā hānanda, sati kāyasañcetanāhetu uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
Ānanda, as long as there’s a body, the intention that gives rise to bodily action causes pleasure and pain to arise in oneself. 
Vācāya vā hānanda, sati vacīsañcetanāhetu uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
As long as there’s a voice, the intention that gives rise to verbal action causes pleasure and pain to arise in oneself. 
Mane vā hānanda, sati manosañcetanāhetu uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ avijjāpaccayā ca. 
As long as there’s a mind, the intention that gives rise to mental action causes pleasure and pain to arise in oneself. But these only apply when conditioned by ignorance. 
Sāmaṁ vā taṁ, ānanda, kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti, yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
By oneself one instigates the choice that gives rise to bodily, verbal, and mental action, conditioned by which that pleasure and pain arise in oneself. 
Pare vā taṁ, ānanda, kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharonti, yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
Or else others instigate the choice … 
Sampajāno vā taṁ, ānanda, kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
One consciously instigates the choice … 
Asampajāno vā taṁ, ānanda, kāyasaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
Or else one unconsciously instigates the choice … 
Sāmaṁ vā taṁ, ānanda, vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
Pare vā taṁ, ānanda, vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharonti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
asampajāno vā taṁ, ānanda, vacīsaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
Sāmaṁ vā taṁ, ānanda, manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
Pare vā taṁ, ānanda, manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharonti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
asampajāno vā taṁ, ānanda, manosaṅkhāraṁ abhisaṅkharoti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
Avijjāya tveva, ānanda, asesavirāganirodhā so kāyo na hoti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. Sā vācā na hoti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. So mano na hoti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
But when ignorance fades away and ceases with nothing left over, there is no body and no voice and no mind, conditioned by which that pleasure and pain arise in oneself. 
Khettaṁ taṁ na hoti …pe… vatthu taṁ na hoti …pe… āyatanaṁ taṁ na hoti …pe… adhikaraṇaṁ taṁ na hoti yaṁpaccayāssa taṁ uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhan”ti. 
There is no field, no ground, no scope, no basis, conditioned by which that pleasure and pain arise in oneself.” 

sn12.26vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Tatra, upavāṇa, ye te samaṇabrāhmaṇā sayaṅkataṁ dukkhaṁ paññapenti, te vata aññatra phassā paṭisaṁvedissantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  In the case of those ascetics and brahmins who declare that suffering is made by oneself, it’s impossible that they will experience that without contact. … 

sn12.30vijjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

ye hi keci, bhikkhave, samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā jarāmaraṇaṁ nappajānanti, jarāmaraṇasamudayaṁ nappajānanti, jarāmaraṇanirodhaṁ nappajānanti, jarāmaraṇanirodhagāminiṁ paṭipadaṁ nappajānanti te vata jarāmaraṇaṁ samatikkamma ṭhassantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “Mendicants, there are ascetics and brahmins who don’t understand old age and death, their origin, their cessation, and the practice that leads to their cessation. It’s impossible that they will abide having transcended old age and death. 
saṅkhāre nappajānanti, saṅkhārasamudayaṁ nappajānanti, saṅkhāranirodhaṁ nappajānanti, saṅkhāranirodhagāminiṁ paṭipadaṁ nappajānanti te vata saṅkhāre samatikkamma ṭhassantīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
They don’t understand choices, their origin, their cessation, and the practice that leads to their cessation. It’s impossible that they will abide having transcended choices. 
Ye ca kho keci, bhikkhave, samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā jarāmaraṇaṁ pajānanti, jarāmaraṇasamudayaṁ pajānanti, jarāmaraṇanirodhaṁ pajānanti, jarāmaraṇanirodhagāminiṁ paṭipadaṁ pajānanti te vata jarāmaraṇaṁ samatikkamma ṭhassantīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
There are ascetics and brahmins who do understand old age and death, their origin, their cessation, and the practice that leads to their cessation. It’s possible that they will abide having transcended old age and death. 

sn12.37uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘iti imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati;  ‘When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises. 

sn12.41uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati, imassa nirodhā idaṁ nirujjhati.  Due to the arising of this, that arises; due to the cessation of this, that ceases. 

sn12.43uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso.  Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
Sotañca paṭicca sadde ca uppajjati sotaviññāṇaṁ …pe… 
Ear consciousness arises dependent on the ear and sounds. … 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. 
Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
Sotañca paṭicca sadde ca uppajjati sotaviññāṇaṁ …pe… 
Ear consciousness arises dependent on the ear and sounds. … 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. 

sn12.44uppajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso.  Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. 
Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. 

sn12.45uppajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso.  “Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. 
Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. 

sn12.49uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

kismiṁ sati kiṁ hoti, kissuppādā kiṁ uppajjati?  ‘When what exists, what is? Due to the arising of what, what arises? 
‘imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati. 
‘When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises. 

sn12.50uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘kiṁ nu kho kismiṁ sati kiṁ hoti, kissuppādā kiṁ uppajjati?  ‘When what exists, what is? Due to the arising of what, what arises? 
‘imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati. 
‘When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises. 

sn12.51uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘yaṁ kho idaṁ anekavidhaṁ nānappakārakaṁ dukkhaṁ loke uppajjati jarāmaraṇaṁ;  ‘The suffering that arises in the world starting with old age and death takes many and diverse forms. 
‘yaṁ kho idaṁ anekavidhaṁ nānappakārakaṁ dukkhaṁ loke uppajjati jarāmaraṇaṁ, idaṁ kho dukkhaṁ jātinidānaṁ jātisamudayaṁ jātijātikaṁ jātippabhavaṁ. 
‘The suffering that arises in the world starting with old age and death takes many and diverse forms. The source of this suffering is rebirth. 

sn12.61uppajjati virajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vuccati cittaṁ itipi, mano itipi, viññāṇaṁ itipi, taṁ rattiyā ca divasassa ca aññadeva uppajjati aññaṁ nirujjhati.  But that which is called ‘mind’ and also ‘sentience’ and also ‘consciousness’ arises as one thing and ceases as another all day and all night. 
evameva kho, bhikkhave, yamidaṁ vuccati cittaṁ itipi, mano itipi, viññāṇaṁ itipi, taṁ rattiyā ca divasassa ca aññadeva uppajjati aññaṁ nirujjhati. 
In the same way, that which is called ‘mind’ and also ‘sentience’ and also ‘consciousness’ arises as one thing and ceases as another all day and all night. 
‘iti imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati; 
‘When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises. 
nibbindaṁ virajjati, virāgā vimuccati, vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn12.62uppajjati virajjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

Yañca kho etaṁ, bhikkhave, vuccati cittaṁ itipi, mano itipi, viññāṇaṁ itipi, taṁ rattiyā ca divasassa ca aññadeva uppajjati aññaṁ nirujjhati.  But that which is called ‘mind’ and also ‘sentience’ and also ‘consciousness’ arises as one thing and ceases as another all day and all night. 
‘iti imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati; 
‘When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises. 
Sukhavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhave, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhavedanā. 
Pleasant feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as pleasant. 
Dukkhavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhave, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dukkhavedanā. 
Painful feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as painful. 
Adukkhamasukhavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhave, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati adukkhamasukhavedanā. 
Neutral feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as neutral. 
evameva kho, bhikkhave, sukhavedaniyaṁ phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhavedanā. 
In the same way, pleasant feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as pleasant. 
adukkhamasukhavedaniyaṁ phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati adukkhamasukhavedanā. 
Neutral feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as neutral. 
nibbindaṁ virajjati, virāgā vimuccati, vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn12.65upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘kicchā vatāyaṁ loko āpanno jāyati ca jīyati ca mīyati ca cavati ca upapajjati ca.  ‘Alas, this world has fallen into trouble. It’s born, grows old, dies, passes away, and is reborn, 

sn12.66uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

‘yaṁ kho idaṁ anekavidhaṁ nānappakārakaṁ dukkhaṁ loke uppajjati jarāmaraṇaṁ.  ‘The suffering that arises in the world starting with old age and death takes many and diverse forms. 
‘yaṁ kho idaṁ anekavidhaṁ nānappakārakaṁ dukkhaṁ loke uppajjati jarāmaraṇaṁ. 
‘The suffering that arises in the world starting with old age and death takes many and diverse forms. 
‘taṇhā panāyaṁ kattha uppajjamānā uppajjati, kattha nivisamānā nivisatī’ti? 
‘But where does that craving arise and where does it settle?’ 
yaṁ kho loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
‘That craving arises and settles on whatever in the world seems nice and pleasant. 
Cakkhuṁ loke piyarūpaṁ, sātarūpaṁ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati, ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
The eye in the world seems nice and pleasant, and it is there that craving arises and settles. 
mano loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ, etthesā taṇhā uppajjamānā uppajjati ettha nivisamānā nivisati. 
mind in the world seems nice and pleasant, and it is there that craving arises and settles.’ 

sn12.70virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati, virāgā vimuccati, vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn14.2uppajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dhātunānattaṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ.  “Mendicants, diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of contacts. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ? 
And how does diversity of elements give rise to diversity of contacts? 
Cakkhudhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati cakkhusamphasso. 
The eye element gives rise to eye contact. 
manodhātuṁ paṭicca uppajjati manosamphasso. 
The mind element gives rise to mind contact. 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattan”ti. 
That’s how diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of contacts.” 

sn14.3uppajjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dhātunānattaṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, no phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhātunānattaṁ.  “Mendicants, diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of contacts. Diversity of contacts doesn’t give rise to diversity of elements. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, no phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhātunānattaṁ? 
And how does diversity of elements give rise to diversity of contacts, while diversity of contacts doesn’t give rise to diversity of elements? 
Cakkhudhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati cakkhusamphasso, no cakkhusamphassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati cakkhudhātu …pe… 
The eye element gives rise to eye contact. Eye contact doesn’t give rise to the eye element. … 
manodhātuṁ paṭicca uppajjati manosamphasso, no manosamphassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati manodhātu. 
The mind element gives rise to mind contact. Mind contact doesn’t give rise to the mind element. 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, no phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhātunānattan”ti. 
That’s how diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of contacts, while diversity of contacts doesn’t give rise to diversity of elements.” 

sn14.4uppajjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dhātunānattaṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vedanānānattaṁ.  “Mendicants, diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of contacts, and diversity of contacts gives rise to diversity of feelings. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vedanānānattaṁ? 
And how does diversity of elements give rise to diversity of contacts, and diversity of contacts gives rise to diversity of feelings? 
Cakkhudhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati cakkhusamphasso, cakkhusamphassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati cakkhusamphassajā vedanā …pe… 
The eye element gives rise to eye contact. Eye contact gives rise to the feeling born of eye contact. … 
manodhātuṁ paṭicca uppajjati manosamphasso, manosamphassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati manosamphassajā vedanā. 
The mind element gives rise to mind contact. Mind contact gives rise to the feeling born of mind contact. 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vedanānānattan”ti. 
That’s how diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of contacts, and diversity of contacts gives rise to diversity of feelings.” 

sn14.5uppajjati20Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dhātunānattaṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vedanānānattaṁ, no vedanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, no phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhātunānattaṁ.  “Mendicants, diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of contacts. Diversity of contacts gives rise to diversity of feelings. Diversity of feelings doesn’t give rise to diversity of contacts. Diversity of contacts doesn’t give rise to diversity of elements. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vedanānānattaṁ, no vedanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, no phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhātunānattaṁ? 
And how does diversity of elements give rise to diversity of contacts, and diversity of contacts give rise to diversity of feelings, while diversity of feelings doesn’t give rise to diversity of contacts, and diversity of contacts doesn’t give rise to diversity of elements? 
Cakkhudhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati cakkhusamphasso, cakkhusamphassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati cakkhusamphassajā vedanā, no cakkhusamphassajaṁ vedanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati cakkhusamphasso, no cakkhusamphassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati cakkhudhātu …pe… 
The eye element gives rise to eye contact. Eye contact gives rise to feeling born of eye contact. Feeling born of eye contact doesn’t give rise to eye contact. Eye contact doesn’t give rise to the eye element. … 
manodhātuṁ paṭicca uppajjati manosamphasso, manosamphassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati manosamphassajā vedanā, no manosamphassajaṁ vedanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati manosamphasso, no manosamphassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati manodhātu. 
The mind element gives rise to mind contact. Mind contact gives rise to feeling born of mind contact. Feeling born of mind contact doesn’t give rise to mind contact. Mind contact doesn’t give rise to the mind element. 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vedanānānattaṁ, no vedanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, no phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhātunānattan”ti. 
That’s how diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of contacts, and diversity of contacts gives rise to diversity of feelings, while diversity of feelings doesn’t give rise to diversity of contacts, and diversity of contacts doesn’t give rise to diversity of elements.” 

sn14.7uppajjati25Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dhātunānattaṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṅkappanānattaṁ, saṅkappanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandanānattaṁ, chandanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariḷāhanānattaṁ, pariḷāhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariyesanānānattaṁ.  “Mendicants, diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of perceptions. Diversity of perceptions gives rise to diversity of thoughts. Diversity of thoughts gives rise to diversity of desires. Diversity of desires gives rise to diversity of passions. Diversity of passions gives rise to diversity of searches. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṅkappanānattaṁ, saṅkappanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandanānattaṁ, chandanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariḷāhanānattaṁ, pariḷāhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariyesanānānattaṁ? 
And how does diversity of elements give rise to diversity of perceptions, and diversity of perceptions give rise to diversity of thoughts, and diversity of thoughts give rise to diversity of desires, and diversity of desires give rise to diversity of passions, and diversity of passions give rise to diversity of searches? 
Rūpadhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati rūpasaññā, rūpasaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati rūpasaṅkappo, rūpasaṅkappaṁ paṭicca uppajjati rūpacchando, rūpacchandaṁ paṭicca uppajjati rūpapariḷāho, rūpapariḷāhaṁ paṭicca uppajjati rūpapariyesanā …pe… 
The sight element gives rise to the perception of sights. The perception of sights gives rise to thoughts about sights. Thoughts about sights give rise to the desire for sights. The desire for sights gives rise to the passion for sights. The passion for sights gives rise to searching for sights. … 
dhammadhātuṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammasaññā, dhammasaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammasaṅkappo, dhammasaṅkappaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammacchando, dhammacchandaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammapariḷāho, dhammapariḷāhaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammapariyesanā. 
The idea element gives rise to the perception of ideas. The perception of ideas gives rise to thoughts about ideas. Thoughts about ideas give rise to the desire for ideas. The desire for ideas gives rise to the passion for ideas. The passion for ideas gives rise to searching for ideas. 
Evaṁ, kho, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṅkappanānattaṁ, saṅkappanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandanānattaṁ, chandanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariḷāhanānattaṁ, pariḷāhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariyesanānānattan”ti. 
That’s how diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of perceptions, and diversity of perceptions gives rise to diversity of thoughts, and diversity of thoughts gives rise to diversity of desires, and diversity of desires gives rise to diversity of passions, and diversity of passions gives rise to diversity of searches.” 

sn14.8uppajjati32Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dhātunānattaṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṅkappanānattaṁ, saṅkappanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandanānattaṁ, chandanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariḷāhanānattaṁ, pariḷāhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariyesanānānattaṁ;  “Mendicants, diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of perceptions. Diversity of perceptions gives rise to diversity of thoughts. Diversity of thoughts gives rise to diversity of desires. Diversity of desires gives rise to diversity of passions. Diversity of passions gives rise to diversity of searches. 
no pariyesanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariḷāhanānattaṁ, no pariḷāhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandanānattaṁ, no chandanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṅkappanānattaṁ, no saṅkappanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, no saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhātunānattaṁ. 
Diversity of searches doesn’t give rise to diversity of passions. Diversity of passions doesn’t give rise to diversity of desires. Diversity of desires doesn’t give rise to diversity of thoughts. Diversity of thoughts doesn’t give rise to diversity of perceptions. Diversity of perceptions doesn’t give rise to diversity of elements. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati …pe… pariyesanānānattaṁ; 
And how does diversity of elements give rise to diversity of perceptions … 
no pariyesanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariḷāhanānattaṁ, no pariḷāhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandanānattaṁ, no chandanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṅkappanānattaṁ, no saṅkappanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, no saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhātunānattaṁ? 
diversity of perceptions doesn’t give rise to diversity of elements? 
Rūpadhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati rūpasaññā …pe… 
The sight element gives rise to the perception of sights … 
dhammadhātuṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammasaññā, dhammasaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati …pe… dhammapariyesanā; 
The idea element gives rise to the perception of ideas … the search for ideas. 
no dhammapariyesanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammapariḷāho, no dhammapariḷāhaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammacchando, no dhammacchandaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammasaṅkappo, no dhammasaṅkappaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammasaññā, no dhammasaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammadhātu. 
The search for ideas doesn’t give rise to the passion for ideas. The passion for ideas doesn’t give rise to the desire for ideas. The desire for ideas doesn’t give rise to thoughts about ideas. Thoughts about ideas don’t give rise to perceptions of ideas. Perceptions of ideas don’t give rise to the idea element. 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati …pe… pariyesanānānattaṁ; 
That’s how diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of perceptions … 
no pariyesanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariḷāhanānattaṁ, no pariḷāhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandanānattaṁ, no chandanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṅkappanānattaṁ, no saṅkappanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, no saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhātunānattan”ti. 
diversity of perceptions doesn’t give rise to diversity of elements.” 

sn14.9uppajjati29Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dhātunānattaṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṅkappanānattaṁ, saṅkappanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vedanānānattaṁ, vedanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandanānattaṁ, chandanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariḷāhanānattaṁ, pariḷāhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariyesanānānattaṁ, pariyesanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati lābhanānattaṁ.  “Mendicants, diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of perceptions. Diversity of perceptions gives rise to diversity of thoughts. Diversity of thoughts gives rise to diversity of contacts. Diversity of contacts gives rise to diversity of feelings. Diversity of feelings gives rise to diversity of desires. Diversity of desires gives rise to diversity of passions. Diversity of passions gives rise to diversity of searches. Diversity of searches gives rise to diversity of gains. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati …pe… lābhanānattaṁ? 
And how does diversity of elements give rise to diversity of perceptions … diversity of searches give rise to diversity of gains? 
Rūpadhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati rūpasaññā, rūpasaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati rūpasaṅkappo, rūpasaṅkappaṁ paṭicca uppajjati rūpasamphasso, rūpasamphassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati rūpasamphassajā vedanā, rūpasamphassajaṁ vedanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati rūpacchando, rūpacchandaṁ paṭicca uppajjati rūpapariḷāho, rūpapariḷāhaṁ paṭicca uppajjati rūpapariyesanā, rūpapariyesanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati rūpalābho …pe… 
The sight element gives rise to the perception of sights. The perception of sights gives rise to thoughts about sights. Thoughts about sights give rise to sight contact. Sight contact gives rise to feeling born of sight contact. Feeling born of sight contact gives rise to the desire for sights. The desire for sights gives rise to the passion for sights. The passion for sights gives rise to searching for sights. Searching for sights gives rise to gaining sights … 
dhammadhātuṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammasaññā, dhammasaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammasaṅkappo, dhammasaṅkappaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammasamphasso, dhammasamphassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammasamphassajā vedanā, dhammasamphassajaṁ vedanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammacchando, dhammacchandaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammapariḷāho, dhammapariḷāhaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammapariyesanā, dhammapariyesanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammalābho. 
The idea element gives rise to the perception of ideas. The perception of ideas gives rise to thoughts about ideas. Thoughts about ideas give rise to idea contact. Idea contact gives rise to feeling born of idea contact. Feeling born of idea contact gives rise to the desire for ideas. The desire for ideas gives rise to the passion for ideas. The passion for ideas gives rise to searching for ideas. Searching for ideas gives rise to gaining ideas. 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati …pe… pariyesanānānattaṁ, pariyesanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati lābhanānattan”ti. 
That’s how diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of perceptions … diversity of searches gives rise to diversity of gains.” 

sn14.10uppajjati35Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dhātunānattaṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ,  “Mendicants, diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of perceptions. 
saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṅkappanānattaṁ, 
Diversity of perceptions gives rise to diversity of thoughts. … 
pariyesanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati lābhanānattaṁ; 
Diversity of searches gives rise to diversity of gains. 
no lābhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariyesanānānattaṁ, 
Diversity of gains doesn’t give rise to diversity of searches. 
no pariyesanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariḷāhanānattaṁ, no pariḷāhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati …pe… 
Diversity of searches doesn’t give rise to diversity of passions. … 
saññānānattaṁ, no saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhātunānattaṁ. 
Diversity of perceptions doesn’t give rise to diversity of elements. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, 
And how does diversity of elements give rise to diversity of perceptions, 
saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṅkappanānattaṁ? 
and diversity of perceptions give rise to diversity of thoughts? 
no lābhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariyesanānānattaṁ, 
while diversity of gains doesn’t give rise to diversity of searches … 
no pariyesanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariḷāha … 
passions … 
no saṅkappanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, no saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhātunānattaṁ? 
thoughts … perceptions … elements? 
Rūpadhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati rūpasaññā …pe… 
The sight element gives rise to the perception of sights … 
dhammadhātuṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammasaññā, dhammasaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati …pe… 
The idea element gives rise to the perception of ideas … 
dhammapariyesanā, dhammapariyesanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammalābho; 
The search for ideas gives rise to gaining ideas. 
no dhammalābhaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammapariyesanā, no dhammapariyesanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammapariḷāho, no dhammapariḷāhaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammacchando, no dhammacchandaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammasamphassajā vedanā, no dhammasamphassajaṁ vedanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammasamphasso, no dhammasamphassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammasaṅkappo, no dhammasaṅkappaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammasaññā, no dhammasaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhammadhātu. 
The gaining of ideas doesn’t give rise to the search for ideas. The search for ideas doesn’t give rise to the passion for ideas. The passion for ideas doesn’t give rise to the desire for ideas. The desire for ideas doesn’t give rise to feeling born of idea contact. Feeling born of idea contact doesn’t give rise to idea contact. Idea contact doesn’t give rise to thoughts about ideas. Thoughts about ideas don’t give rise to perceptions of ideas. Perceptions of ideas don’t give rise to the idea element. 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati …pe… 
That’s how diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of perceptions … 
no lābhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariyesanānānattaṁ, no pariyesanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati pariḷāhanānattaṁ, no pariḷāhanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandanānattaṁ, no chandanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vedanānānattaṁ, no vedanānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ, no phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saṅkappanānattaṁ, no saṅkappanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati saññānānattaṁ, no saññānānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dhātunānattan”ti. 
diversity of perceptions doesn’t give rise to diversity of elements.” 

sn14.12paṭipajjati—kāyena uppajjati39Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sanidānaṁ, bhikkhave, uppajjati kāmavitakko, no anidānaṁ; sanidānaṁ uppajjati byāpādavitakko, no anidānaṁ; sanidānaṁ uppajjati vihiṁsāvitakko, no anidānaṁ.  “Mendicants, sensual, malicious, and cruel thoughts arise for a reason, not without reason. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, sanidānaṁ uppajjati kāmavitakko, no anidānaṁ; sanidānaṁ uppajjati byāpādavitakko, no anidānaṁ; sanidānaṁ uppajjati vihiṁsāvitakko, no anidānaṁ? 
And how do sensual, malicious, and cruel thoughts arise for a reason, not without reason? 
Kāmadhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati kāmasaññā, kāmasaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati kāmasaṅkappo, kāmasaṅkappaṁ paṭicca uppajjati kāmacchando, kāmacchandaṁ paṭicca uppajjati kāmapariḷāho, kāmapariḷāhaṁ paṭicca uppajjati kāmapariyesanā. 
The element of sensuality gives rise to sensual perceptions. Sensual perceptions give rise to sensual thoughts. Sensual thoughts give rise to sensual desires. Sensual desires give rise to sensual passions. Sensual passions give rise to searches for sensual pleasures. 
Kāmapariyesanaṁ, bhikkhave, pariyesamāno assutavā puthujjano tīhi ṭhānehi micchā paṭipajjati—kāyena, vācāya, manasā. 
An unlearned ordinary person on a search for sensual pleasures behaves badly in three ways: by body, speech, and mind. 
Byāpādadhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati byāpādasaññā, byāpādasaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati byāpādasaṅkappo …pe… byāpādacchando … byāpādapariḷāho … byāpādapariyesanā … 
The element of malice gives rise to malicious perceptions. Malicious perceptions give rise to malicious thoughts. … malicious desires … malicious passions … malicious searches … 
byāpādapariyesanaṁ, bhikkhave, pariyesamāno assutavā puthujjano tīhi ṭhānehi micchā paṭipajjati—kāyena, vācāya, manasā. 
An unlearned ordinary person on a malicious search behaves badly in three ways: by body, speech, and mind. 
Vihiṁsādhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati vihiṁsāsaññā; vihiṁsāsaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vihiṁsāsaṅkappo …pe… vihiṁsāchando … vihiṁsāpariḷāho … vihiṁsāpariyesanā … 
The element of cruelty gives rise to cruel perceptions. Cruel perceptions give rise to cruel thoughts. … cruel desires … cruel passions … cruel searches … 
vihiṁsāpariyesanaṁ, bhikkhave, pariyesamāno assutavā puthujjano tīhi ṭhānehi micchā paṭipajjati—kāyena, vācāya, manasā. 
An unlearned ordinary person on a cruel search behaves badly in three ways: by body, speech, and mind. 
Sanidānaṁ, bhikkhave, uppajjati nekkhammavitakko, no anidānaṁ; sanidānaṁ uppajjati abyāpādavitakko, no anidānaṁ; sanidānaṁ uppajjati avihiṁsāvitakko, no anidānaṁ. 
Thoughts of renunciation, good will, and harmlessness arise for a reason, not without reason. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, sanidānaṁ uppajjati nekkhammavitakko, no anidānaṁ; sanidānaṁ uppajjati abyāpādavitakko, no anidānaṁ; sanidānaṁ uppajjati avihiṁsāvitakko, no anidānaṁ? 
And how do thoughts of renunciation, good will, and harmlessness arise for a reason, not without reason? 
Nekkhammadhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati nekkhammasaññā, 
The element of renunciation gives rise to perceptions of renunciation. 
nekkhammasaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati nekkhammasaṅkappo, 
Perceptions of renunciation give rise to thoughts of renunciation. 
nekkhammasaṅkappaṁ paṭicca uppajjati nekkhammacchando, 
Thoughts of renunciation give rise to enthusiasm for renunciation. 
nekkhammacchandaṁ paṭicca uppajjati nekkhammapariḷāho, 
Enthusiasm for renunciation gives rise to fervor for renunciation. 
nekkhammapariḷāhaṁ paṭicca uppajjati nekkhammapariyesanā; 
Fervor for renunciation gives rise to the search for renunciation. 
nekkhammapariyesanaṁ, bhikkhave, pariyesamāno sutavā ariyasāvako tīhi ṭhānehi sammā paṭipajjati—kāyena, vācāya, manasā. 
A learned noble disciple on a search for renunciation behaves well in three ways: by body, speech, and mind. 
Abyāpādadhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati abyāpādasaññā, 
The element of good will gives rise to perceptions of good will. 
abyāpādasaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati abyāpādasaṅkappo …pe… 
Perceptions of good will give rise to thoughts of good will. … 
abyāpādapariyesanaṁ, bhikkhave, pariyesamāno sutavā ariyasāvako tīhi ṭhānehi sammā paṭipajjati—kāyena, vācāya, manasā. 
A learned noble disciple on a search for good will behaves well in three ways: by body, speech, and mind. 
Avihiṁsādhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati avihiṁsāsaññā, 
The element of harmlessness gives rise to perceptions of harmlessness. 
avihiṁsāsaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati avihiṁsāsaṅkappo, 
Perceptions of harmlessness give rise to thoughts of harmlessness. … 
avihiṁsāsaṅkappaṁ paṭicca uppajjati avihiṁsāchando, 
enthusiasm for harmlessness … 
avihiṁsāchandaṁ paṭicca uppajjati avihiṁsāpariḷāho, 
fervor for harmlessness … 
avihiṁsāpariḷāhaṁ paṭicca uppajjati avihiṁsāpariyesanā; 
the search for harmlessness. 
avihiṁsāpariyesanaṁ, bhikkhave, pariyesamāno sutavā ariyasāvako tīhi ṭhānehi sammā paṭipajjati—kāyena, vācāya, manasā. 
A learned noble disciple on a search for harmlessness behaves well in three ways: by body, speech, and mind. 

sn14.13uppajjati vibhajati9Pi En Ru dhamma

“Dhātuṁ, bhikkhave, paṭicca uppajjati saññā, uppajjati diṭṭhi, uppajjati vitakko”ti.  “Mendicants, an element gives rise to a perception, a view, and a thought.” 
Hīnaṁ, kaccāna, dhātuṁ paṭicca uppajjati hīnā saññā, hīnā diṭṭhi, hīno vitakko, hīnā cetanā, hīnā patthanā, hīno paṇidhi, hīno puggalo, hīnā vācā; 
An inferior element gives rise to inferior perceptions, inferior views, inferior thoughts, inferior intentions, inferior aims, inferior wishes, an inferior person, and inferior speech. 
hīnaṁ ācikkhati deseti paññapeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati vibhajati uttānīkaroti; 
One explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals the inferior. 
Majjhimaṁ, kaccāna, dhātuṁ paṭicca uppajjati majjhimā saññā, majjhimā diṭṭhi, majjhimo vitakko, majjhimā cetanā, majjhimā patthanā, majjhimo paṇidhi, majjhimo puggalo, majjhimā vācā; 
A middling element gives rise to middling perceptions, middling views, middling thoughts, middling intentions, middling aims, middling wishes, a middling person, and middling speech. 
majjhimaṁ ācikkhati deseti paññapeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati vibhajati uttānīkaroti; 
One explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals the middling. 
Paṇītaṁ, kaccāna, dhātuṁ paṭicca uppajjati paṇītā saññā, paṇītā diṭṭhi, paṇīto vitakko, paṇītā cetanā, paṇītā patthanā, paṇīto paṇidhi, paṇīto puggalo, paṇītā vācā; 
A superior element gives rise to superior perceptions, superior views, superior thoughts, superior intentions, superior aims, superior wishes, a superior person, and superior speech. 
paṇītaṁ ācikkhati deseti paññapeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati vibhajati uttānīkaroti; 
One explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals the superior. 

sn14.16chijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

asaṁsaggena chijjati;  they’re cut off by being aloof. 

sn14.31uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘yaṁ kho pathavīdhātuṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ pathavīdhātuyā assādo;  ‘The pleasure and happiness that arise from the earth element: this is its gratification. 
yaṁ vāyodhātuṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ vāyodhātuyā assādo; 
The pleasure and happiness that arise from the air element: this is its gratification. 

sn16.1paribhuñjati āpajjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

na ca cīvarahetu anesanaṁ appatirūpaṁ āpajjati; aladdhā ca cīvaraṁ na paritassati; laddhā ca cīvaraṁ agadhito amucchito anajjhāpanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati.  He doesn’t try to get hold of a robe in an improper way. He doesn’t get upset if he doesn’t get a robe. And if he does get a robe, he uses it untied, uninfatuated, unattached, seeing the drawback, and understanding the escape. 
Santuṭṭhāyaṁ, bhikkhave, kassapo itarītarena piṇḍapātena, itarītarapiṇḍapātasantuṭṭhiyā ca vaṇṇavādī; na ca piṇḍapātahetu anesanaṁ appatirūpaṁ āpajjati; aladdhā ca piṇḍapātaṁ na paritassati; laddhā ca piṇḍapātaṁ agadhito amucchito anajjhāpanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati. 
Kassapa is content with any kind of almsfood … 
Santuṭṭhāyaṁ, bhikkhave, kassapo itarītarena senāsanena, itarītarasenāsanasantuṭṭhiyā ca vaṇṇavādī; na ca senāsanahetu anesanaṁ appatirūpaṁ āpajjati; aladdhā ca senāsanaṁ na paritassati; laddhā ca senāsanaṁ agadhito amucchito anajjhāpanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati. 
Kassapa is content with any kind of lodging … 
Santuṭṭhāyaṁ, bhikkhave, kassapo itarītarena gilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhārena, itarītaragilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhārasantuṭṭhiyā ca vaṇṇavādī; na ca gilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhārahetu anesanaṁ appatirūpaṁ āpajjati; aladdhā ca gilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhāraṁ na paritassati; laddhā ca gilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhāraṁ agadhito amucchito anajjhāpanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati. 
Kassapa is content with any kind of medicines and supplies for the sick … 

sn16.3sajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, ayaṁ ākāse pāṇi na sajjati na gayhati na bajjhati;  “Mendicants, this hand is not stuck or held or caught in space. 
evameva kho, bhikkhave, yassa kassaci bhikkhuno kulāni upasaṅkamato kulesu cittaṁ na sajjati na gayhati na bajjhati: 
In the same way, when approaching families, a mendicant’s mind is not stuck or held or caught, thinking: 
Kassapassa, bhikkhave, kulāni upasaṅkamato kulesu cittaṁ na sajjati na gayhati na bajjhati: 
When Kassapa approaches families, his mind is not stuck or held or caught, thinking: 

sn16.11olujjati palujjati ullujjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

Olujjati kho te, āvuso ānanda, parisā;  Your following is falling apart, Reverend Ānanda, 
Olujjati → ullujjati (si aṭṭhakathāsu ca) 
Olujjati kho te, āvuso ānanda, parisā; 
Your following is falling apart, Reverend Ānanda, 
palujjanti kho te, āvuso, navappāyā. 
and those just getting started are slipping away. 
palujjanti kho te, āvuso → palujjati kho te āvuso ānanda parisā (bj) 

sn16.13uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Na tāva, kassapa, saddhammassa antaradhānaṁ hoti yāva na saddhammappatirūpakaṁ loke uppajjati.  The true teaching doesn’t disappear as long the counterfeit of the true teaching hasn’t appeared in the world. 
Yato ca kho, kassapa, saddhammappatirūpakaṁ loke uppajjati, atha saddhammassa antaradhānaṁ hoti. 
But when the counterfeit of the true teaching appears in the world then the true teaching disappears. 
Seyyathāpi, kassapa, na tāva jātarūpassa antaradhānaṁ hoti yāva na jātarūpappatirūpakaṁ loke uppajjati. 
It’s like native gold, which doesn’t disappear as long as counterfeit gold hasn’t appeared in the world. 
Yato ca kho, kassapa, jātarūpappatirūpakaṁ loke uppajjati, atha kho jātarūpassa antaradhānaṁ hoti. 
But when counterfeit gold appears in the world then native gold disappears. 
Evameva kho, kassapa, na tāva saddhammassa antaradhānaṁ hoti yāva na saddhammappatirūpakaṁ loke uppajjati. 
In the same way, the true teaching doesn’t disappear as long the counterfeit of the true teaching hasn’t appeared in the world. 
Yato ca kho, kassapa, saddhammappatirūpakaṁ loke uppajjati, atha saddhammassa antaradhānaṁ hoti. 
But when the counterfeit of the true teaching appears in the world then the true teaching disappears. 

sn17.4sajjati āpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

So tatra tatra sajjati, tatra tatra gayhati, tatra tatra bajjhati, tatra tatra anayabyasanaṁ āpajjati.  They get caught, snagged, and trapped at every turn, coming to ruin. 

sn17.8nipajjati āpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

yena yena gacchati, yattha yattha tiṭṭhati, yattha yattha nisīdati, yattha yattha nipajjati; tattha tattha anayabyasanaṁ āpajjati.  Wherever he goes, stands, sits, or lies down he meets with tragedy and disaster. 
yena yena gacchati, yattha yattha tiṭṭhati, yattha yattha nisīdati, yattha yattha nipajjati; tattha tattha anayabyasanaṁ āpajjati. 
Wherever they go, stand, sit, or lie down they meet with tragedy and disaster. 

sn18.1virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn18.2virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

nibbindaṁ virajjati …pe…  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. …” 

sn18.3virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

nibbindaṁ virajjati …pe…  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. …” 

sn18.4virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

nibbindaṁ virajjati …pe…  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. …” 

sn18.10virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn18.11virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn20.10āpajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Tena kho pana samayena aññataro bhikkhu ativelaṁ kulesu cārittaṁ āpajjati.  Now at that time a certain mendicant socialized with families too often. 
“idha, bhante, aññataro bhikkhu ativelaṁ kulesu cārittaṁ āpajjati. 
Maraṇamattañhetaṁ, bhikkhave, dukkhaṁ yadidaṁ aññataraṁ saṅkiliṭṭhaṁ āpattiṁ āpajjati. 
And it is deadly pain to commit one of the corrupt offenses 

sn20.11nipajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

yattha yattha icchati tattha tattha nipajjati;  and lies down where it wants. 

sn22.3āpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, gahapati, ekacco gihīhi saṁsaṭṭho viharati sahanandī sahasokī, sukhitesu sukhito, dukkhitesu dukkhito, uppannesu kiccakaraṇīyesu attanā tesu yogaṁ āpajjati.  It’s when someone mixes closely with laypeople, sharing their joys and sorrows—happy when they’re happy and sad when they’re sad—and getting involved in their business. 
Idha, gahapati, bhikkhu gihīhi asaṁsaṭṭho viharati na sahanandī na sahasokī na sukhitesu sukhito na dukkhitesu dukkhito, uppannesu kiccakaraṇīyesu na attanā tesu yogaṁ āpajjati. 
It’s when a mendicant doesn’t mix closely with laypeople, not sharing their joys and sorrows—not happy when they’re happy or sad when they’re sad—and not getting involved in their business. 

sn22.5uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa rūpaṁ abhinandato abhivadato ajjhosāya tiṭṭhato uppajjati nandī.  This gives rise to relishing. 
Tassa viññāṇaṁ abhinandato abhivadato ajjhosāya tiṭṭhato uppajjati nandī. 
This gives rise to relishing. 

sn22.12virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn22.14virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn22.26uppajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

‘yaṁ kho rūpaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ rūpassa assādo.  ‘The pleasure and happiness that arise from form: this is its gratification. 
Yaṁ vedanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ vedanāya assādo. 
The pleasure and happiness that arise from feeling … 
Yaṁ saññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati …pe… 
perception … 
yaṁ saṅkhāre paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ saṅkhārānaṁ assādo. 
choices … 
Yaṁ viññāṇaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ viññāṇassa assādo. 
consciousness: this is its gratification. 

sn22.45virajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Evametaṁ yathābhūtaṁ sammappaññāya passato cittaṁ virajjati vimuccati anupādāya āsavehi.  Seeing truly with right understanding like this, the mind becomes dispassionate and freed from defilements by not grasping. 
Evametaṁ yathābhūtaṁ sammappaññāya passato cittaṁ virajjati vimuccati anupādāya āsavehi. 
Seeing truly with right understanding like this, the mind becomes dispassionate and freed from defilements by not grasping. 

sn22.46virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

viññāṇasmiṁ cittaṁ virajjati vimuccati anupādāya āsavehi.  and consciousness; it’s freed from defilements by not grasping. 

sn22.47uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Athettha sutavato ariyasāvakassa avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati.  But a learned noble disciple gives up ignorance about them and gives rise to knowledge. 

sn22.49virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn22.53vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘ahamaññatra rūpā aññatra vedanāya aññatra saññāya aññatra saṅkhārehi viññāṇassa āgatiṁ vā gatiṁ vā cutiṁ vā upapattiṁ vā vuddhiṁ vā virūḷhiṁ vā vepullaṁ vā paññāpessāmī’ti, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  ‘Apart from form, feeling, perception, and choices, I will describe the coming and going of consciousness, its passing away and reappearing, its growth, increase, and maturity.’ That is not possible. 

sn22.54vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘ahamaññatra rūpā aññatra vedanāya aññatra saññāya aññatra saṅkhārehi viññāṇassa āgatiṁ vā gatiṁ vā cutiṁ vā upapattiṁ vā vuddhiṁ vā virūḷhiṁ vā vepullaṁ vā paññāpessāmī’ti, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  ‘Apart from form, feeling, perception, and choices, I will describe the coming and going of consciousness, its passing away and reappearing, its growth, increase, and maturity.’ That is not possible. 

sn22.55vijjati āpajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Idha, bhikkhu, assutavā puthujjano atasitāye ṭhāne tāsaṁ āpajjati.  “Mendicant, an unlearned ordinary person worries about things that aren’t a worry. 
Sutavā ca kho, bhikkhu, ariyasāvako atasitāye ṭhāne na tāsaṁ āpajjati. 
A learned noble disciple doesn’t worry about things that aren’t a worry. 
‘ahamaññatra rūpā, aññatra vedanāya, aññatra saññāya, aññatra saṅkhārehi viññāṇassa āgatiṁ vā gatiṁ vā cutiṁ vā upapattiṁ vā vuddhiṁ vā virūḷhiṁ vā vepullaṁ vā paññāpessāmī’ti, netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
‘Apart from form, feeling, perception, and choices, I will describe the coming and going of consciousness, its passing away and reappearing, its growth, increase, and maturity.’ That is not possible. 

sn22.57uppajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ rūpaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ—  The pleasure and happiness that arise from form: this is its gratification. 
Yaṁ vedanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ— 
The pleasure and happiness that arise from feeling: this is its gratification. 
Yaṁ saṅkhāre paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ— 
Yaṁ viññāṇaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ— 
The pleasure and happiness that arise from consciousness: this is its gratification. 

sn22.59virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn22.61virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn22.76vijjati virajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 
taṇhā tesaṁ na vijjati; 
Craving is not found in them, 
taṇhā tesaṁ na vijjati. 
craving is not found in them. 
nandī tesaṁ na vijjati; 
relishing is not found in them. 

sn22.77virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn22.78uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Evameva kho, bhikkhave, yadā tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā. So dhammaṁ deseti:  In the same way, when a Realized One arises in the world—perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed—he teaches the Dhamma: 

sn22.79virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn22.82uppajjati vijjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yaṁ kho, bhikkhu, rūpaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ—ayaṁ rūpassa assādo.  “The pleasure and happiness that arise from form: this is its gratification. 
yaṁ viññāṇaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ—ayaṁ viññāṇassa assādo. 
consciousness: this is its gratification. 
“Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ idhekacco moghapuriso avidvā avijjāgato taṇhādhipateyyena cetasā satthusāsanaṁ atidhāvitabbaṁ maññeyya. 
“It’s possible that some futile person here—unknowing and ignorant, their mind dominated by craving—thinks they can overstep the teacher’s instructions. They think: 

sn22.85ucchijjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

“tathāhaṁ bhagavatā dhammaṁ desitaṁ ājānāmi, yathā khīṇāsavo bhikkhu kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā”ti.  “As I understand the Buddha’s teaching, a mendicant who has ended the defilements is annihilated and destroyed when their body breaks up, and doesn’t exist after death.” 
“tathāhaṁ bhagavatā dhammaṁ desitaṁ ājānāmi, yathā khīṇāsavo bhikkhu kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā”ti. 
‘tathāhaṁ bhagavatā dhammaṁ desitaṁ ājānāmi, yathā khīṇāsavo bhikkhu kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā’”ti? 
‘As I understand the Buddha’s teaching, a mendicant who has ended the defilements is annihilated and destroyed when their body breaks up, and doesn’t exist after death’?” 
‘khīṇāsavo bhikkhu kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā’”ti. 
‘khīṇāsavo bhikkhu kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā’”ti. 
“tathāhaṁ bhagavatā dhammaṁ desitaṁ ājānāmi, yathā khīṇāsavo bhikkhu kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā”ti. 
‘tathāhaṁ bhagavatā dhammaṁ desitaṁ ājānāmi yathā khīṇāsavo bhikkhu kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā’ti. 
‘tathāhaṁ bhagavatā dhammaṁ desitaṁ ājānāmi, yathā khīṇāsavo bhikkhu kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā’”ti? 
‘As I understand the Buddha’s teaching, a mendicant who has ended the defilements is annihilated and destroyed when their body breaks up, and doesn’t exist after death’?” 
“Evaṁ khvāhaṁ, āvuso, bhagavatā dhammaṁ desitaṁ ājānāmi, yathā khīṇāsavo bhikkhu kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā”ti. 
“Yes, reverend, that’s how I understand the Buddha’s teaching.” 
‘tathāhaṁ bhagavatā dhammaṁ desitaṁ ājānāmi, yathā khīṇāsavo bhikkhu kāyassa bhedā ucchijjati vinassati, na hoti paraṁ maraṇā’”ti? 
‘As I understand the Buddha’s teaching, a mendicant who has ended the defilements is annihilated and destroyed when their body breaks up, and doesn’t exist after death.’?” 

sn22.90uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Paritassanā upādānaṁ uppajjati;  Grasping arises from anxiety. 
Paritassanā upādānaṁ uppajjati; 
Dukkhameva uppajjamānaṁ uppajjati, dukkhaṁ nirujjhamānaṁ nirujjhatīti na kaṅkhati na vicikicchati. 
you’ll have no doubt or uncertainty that what arises is just suffering arising, and what ceases is just suffering ceasing. 

sn22.93palujjati āpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa taṁ rūpaṁ palujjati.  But their form breaks off, 
So tatonidānaṁ anayabyasanaṁ āpajjati. 
and they come to ruin because of that. 
Tassa taṁ viññāṇaṁ palujjati. 
But their consciousness breaks off, 
So tatonidānaṁ anayabyasanaṁ āpajjati. 
and they come to ruin because of that. 

sn22.94vibhajati4Pi En Ru dhamma

abhisambujjhitvā abhisametvā taṁ ācikkhati deseti paññapeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati vibhajati uttānīkaroti.  Then he explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals it. 
Kiñca, bhikkhave, loke lokadhammo, taṁ tathāgato abhisambujjhati abhisameti, abhisambujjhitvā abhisametvā ācikkhati deseti paññapeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati vibhajati uttānīkaroti? 
And what is that temporal phenomenon in the world? 
Abhisambujjhitvā abhisametvā ācikkhati deseti paññapeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati vibhajati uttānīkaroti. 
Then he explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals it. 
Abhisambujjhitvā abhisametvā ācikkhati deseti paññapeti paṭṭhapeti vivarati vibhajati uttānīkaroti. 
Then he explains, teaches, asserts, establishes, clarifies, analyzes, and reveals it. 

sn22.95uppajjati vijjati virajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, saradasamaye thullaphusitake deve vassante udake udakapubbuḷaṁ uppajjati ceva nirujjhati ca. Tamenaṁ cakkhumā puriso passeyya nijjhāyeyya yoniso upaparikkheyya. Tassa taṁ passato nijjhāyato yoniso upaparikkhato rittakaññeva khāyeyya, tucchakaññeva khāyeyya, asārakaññeva khāyeyya. Kiñhi siyā, bhikkhave, udakapubbuḷe sāro?  Suppose it was autumn, when the heavens rain heavily, and a bubble on the water forms and pops right away. And a person with clear eyes would see it and contemplate it, examining it carefully. And it would appear to them as completely vacuous, hollow, and insubstantial. For what core could there be in a water bubble? 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti …pe… 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 
sāro ettha na vijjati. 
for no core is found here. 

sn22.100nipajjati upanipajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, sā gaddulabaddho daḷhe khīle vā thambhe vā upanibaddho. So gacchati cepi tameva khīlaṁ vā thambhaṁ vā upagacchati; tiṭṭhati cepi tameva khīlaṁ vā thambhaṁ vā upatiṭṭhati; nisīdati cepi tameva khīlaṁ vā thambhaṁ vā upanisīdati; nipajjati cepi tameva khīlaṁ vā thambhaṁ vā upanipajjati.  Suppose a dog on a leash was tethered to a strong post or pillar. Whether walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, it stays right beside that post or pillar. 
nipajjati cepi ime pañcupādānakkhandhe upanipajjati. 
lying down, they lie down right beside the five grasping aggregates. 

sn22.122vijjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ sīlavā bhikkhu ime pañcupādānakkhandhe aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi karonto sotāpattiphalaṁ sacchikareyyā”ti.  It’s possible that an ethical mendicant who rationally applies the mind to the five grasping aggregates will realize the fruit of stream-entry.” 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ sotāpanno bhikkhu ime pañcupādānakkhandhe aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi karonto sakadāgāmiphalaṁ sacchikareyyā”ti. 
It’s possible that a mendicant stream-enterer who rationally applies the mind to the five grasping aggregates will realize the fruit of once-return.” 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ sakadāgāmī bhikkhu ime pañcupādānakkhandhe aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi karonto anāgāmiphalaṁ sacchikareyyā”ti. 
It’s possible that a mendicant once-returner who rationally applies the mind to the five grasping aggregates will realize the fruit of non-return.” 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ anāgāmī bhikkhu ime pañcupādānakkhandhe aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi karonto arahattaṁ sacchikareyyā”ti. 
It’s possible that a mendicant non-returner who rationally applies the mind to the five grasping aggregates will realize perfection.” 

sn22.123vijjati—yaṁ2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati—yaṁ sutavā bhikkhu ime pañcupādānakkhandhe aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi karonto sotāpattiphalaṁ sacchikareyyā”ti.  It’s possible that a learned mendicant who rationally applies the mind to the five grasping aggregates will realize the fruit of stream-entry.” 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati—yaṁ sotāpanno bhikkhu ime pañcupādānakkhandhe aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi karonto sakadāgāmiphalaṁ …pe… 
It’s possible that a mendicant stream-enterer who rationally applies the mind to the five grasping aggregates will realize the fruit of once-return.” … 

sn22.136virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn22.150uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhan”ti?  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what, do pleasure and pain arise in oneself?” 
“rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati rūpaṁ upādāya uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
“When form exists, because of grasping form, pleasure and pain arise in oneself. 
viññāṇe sati viññāṇaṁ upādāya uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhadukkhaṁ. 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness, pleasure and pain arise in oneself. 

sn22.152uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 

sn22.153uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa, evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 

sn22.154uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

“rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa micchādiṭṭhi uppajjati.  “When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, wrong view arises. 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa micchādiṭṭhi uppajjati. 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, wrong view arises. 

sn22.155uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

“rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa sakkāyadiṭṭhi uppajjati.  “When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, substantialist view arises. 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa sakkāyadiṭṭhi uppajjati. 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, substantialist view arises. 

sn22.156uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

“rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa attānudiṭṭhi uppajjati.  “When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, view of self arises. 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa attānudiṭṭhi uppajjati. 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, view of self arises. 

sn23.11virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn24.1uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 

sn24.2uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 

sn24.3uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 

sn24.4uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 

sn24.5uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 

sn24.6uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 

sn24.7uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 

sn24.8uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 

sn24.9uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 

sn24.10uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 

sn24.11uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 

sn24.12uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 

sn24.13uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 

sn24.14uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 

sn24.15uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 

sn24.16uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 

sn24.17uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 

sn24.18uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 

sn24.19uppajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 
“Iti kho, bhikkhave, dukkhe sati, dukkhaṁ upādāya, dukkhaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“And so, when suffering exists, because of grasping suffering and insisting on suffering, the view arises: 

sn24.36uppajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 
“Iti kho, bhikkhave, dukkhe sati, dukkhaṁ upādāya, dukkhaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“And so, when suffering exists, because of grasping suffering and insisting on suffering, the view arises: 
“Iti kho, bhikkhave, dukkhe sati, dukkhaṁ upādāya dukkhaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“And so, when suffering exists, because of grasping suffering and insisting on suffering, the view arises: 

sn24.37uppajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“Iti kho, bhikkhave, dukkhe sati, dukkhaṁ upādāya, dukkhaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“Iti kho, bhikkhave, dukkhe sati, dukkhaṁ upādāya, dukkhaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 

sn24.38uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 

sn24.44uppajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:   
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“Iti kho, bhikkhave, dukkhe sati, dukkhaṁ upādāya, dukkhaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“Iti kho, bhikkhave, dukkhe sati, dukkhaṁ upādāya, dukkhaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 

sn24.45uppajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati— 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 
Tasmiṁ sati, tadupādāya, evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
When this exists, grasping at this, the view arises: 
Tasmiṁ sati, tadupādāya evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
When this exists, grasping at this, the view arises: 

sn24.70uppajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 
Tasmiṁ sati, tadupādāya evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
When this exists, grasping at this, the view arises: 
Tasmiṁ sati, tadupādāya evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
When this exists, grasping at this, the view arises: 

sn24.71uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 

sn24.96uppajjati virajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati, kiṁ upādāya, kiṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati:  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what and insisting on what, does the view arise: 
“Rūpe kho, bhikkhave, sati, rūpaṁ upādāya, rūpaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
“When form exists, because of grasping form and insisting on form, the view arises: 
viññāṇe sati, viññāṇaṁ upādāya, viññāṇaṁ abhinivissa evaṁ diṭṭhi uppajjati: 
consciousness exists, because of grasping consciousness and insisting on consciousness, the view arises: 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati. Vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn28.10paribhuñjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rājagahe sapadānaṁ piṇḍāya caritvā taṁ piṇḍapātaṁ aññataraṁ kuṭṭamūlaṁ nissāya paribhuñjati.  After wandering indiscriminately for almsfood in Rājagaha, he ate his almsfood by a wall. 

sn29.7upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā aṇḍajānaṁ nāgānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the egg-born dragons. 

sn29.10upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā opapātikānaṁ nāgānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the spontaneously-born dragons. 

sn29.11-20upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā aṇḍajānaṁ nāgānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.   
So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā aṇḍajānaṁ nāgānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati. 
When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the egg-born dragons. 

sn29.21-50upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā opapātikānaṁ nāgānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the spontaneously-born dragons. 

sn30.3upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā aṇḍajānaṁ supaṇṇānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the egg-born phoenixes. 

sn30.4-6upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā opapātikānaṁ supaṇṇānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the spontaneously-born phoenixes. 

sn30.7-16upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā aṇḍajānaṁ supaṇṇānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the egg-born phoenixes. 

sn30.17-46upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā opapātikānaṁ supaṇṇānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.   

sn31.2upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā gandhabbakāyikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the centaur realm. 

sn31.3upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā mūlagandhe adhivatthānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods who live in fragrant roots. 

sn31.4-12upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā gandhagandhe adhivatthānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods who live in fragrant scents. 

sn31.13-22upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā mūlagandhe adhivatthānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods who live in fragrant roots. 

sn31.23-112upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā gandhagandhe adhivatthānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods who live in fragrant scents. 

sn32.2upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā valāhakakāyikānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of the clouds. 

sn32.3-12upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sītavalāhakānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of cool clouds. 

sn32.13-52upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā vassavalāhakānaṁ devānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.  When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the company of the gods of rainy clouds. 

sn35.1virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.4virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.13uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

‘yaṁ kho cakkhuṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ cakkhussa assādo.  ‘The pleasure and happiness that arise from the eye: this is its gratification. 
yaṁ jivhaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ jivhāya assādo. 
tongue … 
yaṁ manaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ manassa assādo. 
mind: this is its gratification. 

sn35.14uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘yaṁ kho rūpe paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ rūpānaṁ assādo.   
yaṁ dhamme paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ dhammānaṁ assādo. 

sn35.24uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhuṁ, bhikkhave, pahātabbaṁ, rūpā pahātabbā, cakkhuviññāṇaṁ pahātabbaṁ, cakkhusamphasso pahātabbo, yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi pahātabbaṁ …pe…  The eye should be given up. Sights should be given up. Eye consciousness should be given up. Eye contact should be given up. The painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact should also be given up. 
jivhā pahātabbā, rasā pahātabbā, jivhāviññāṇaṁ pahātabbaṁ, jivhāsamphasso pahātabbo, yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi pahātabbaṁ. 
tongue … 
mano pahātabbo, dhammā pahātabbā, manoviññāṇaṁ pahātabbaṁ, manosamphasso pahātabbo, yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi pahātabbaṁ. 
mind should be given up. Ideas should be given up. Mind consciousness should be given up. Mind contact should be given up. The painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact should be given up. 

sn35.25uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhuṁ, bhikkhave, abhiññā pariññā pahātabbaṁ, rūpā abhiññā pariññā pahātabbā, cakkhuviññāṇaṁ abhiññā pariññā pahātabbaṁ, cakkhusamphasso abhiññā pariññā pahātabbo, yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi abhiññā pariññā pahātabbaṁ …pe…  The eye should be given up by direct knowledge and complete understanding. Sights should be given up by direct knowledge and complete understanding. Eye consciousness should be given up by direct knowledge and complete understanding. Eye contact should be given up by direct knowledge and complete understanding. The painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact should be given up by direct knowledge and complete understanding. 
jivhā abhiññā pariññā pahātabbā, rasā abhiññā pariññā pahātabbā, jivhāviññāṇaṁ abhiññā pariññā pahātabbaṁ, jivhāsamphasso abhiññā pariññā pahātabbo, yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi abhiññā pariññā pahātabbaṁ. 
tongue … 
mano abhiññā pariññā pahātabbo, dhammā abhiññā pariññā pahātabbā, manoviññāṇaṁ abhiññā pariññā pahātabbaṁ, manosamphasso abhiññā pariññā pahātabbo, yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi abhiññā pariññā pahātabbaṁ. 
mind should be given up by direct knowledge and complete understanding. Ideas should be given up by direct knowledge and complete understanding. Mind consciousness should be given up by direct knowledge and complete understanding. Mind contact should be given up by direct knowledge and complete understanding. The painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact should be given up by direct knowledge and complete understanding. 

sn35.26uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi anabhijānaṁ aparijānaṁ avirājayaṁ appajahaṁ abhabbo dukkhakkhayāya …pe…  painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact, without dispassion for it and giving it up, you can’t end suffering. 
yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi anabhijānaṁ aparijānaṁ avirājayaṁ appajahaṁ abhabbo dukkhakkhayāya. 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi anabhijānaṁ aparijānaṁ avirājayaṁ appajahaṁ abhabbo dukkhakkhayāya. 
painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact, without dispassion for it and giving it up, you can’t end suffering. 
Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi abhijānaṁ parijānaṁ virājayaṁ pajahaṁ bhabbo dukkhakkhayāya …pe… 
yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi abhijānaṁ parijānaṁ virājayaṁ pajahaṁ bhabbo dukkhakkhayāya. 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi abhijānaṁ parijānaṁ virājayaṁ pajahaṁ bhabbo dukkhakkhayāya. 
painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact, having dispassion for it and giving it up, you can end suffering. 

sn35.28uppajjati virajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhu, bhikkhave, ādittaṁ, rūpā ādittā, cakkhuviññāṇaṁ ādittaṁ, cakkhusamphasso āditto. Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi ādittaṁ.  The eye is burning. Sights are burning. Eye consciousness is burning. Eye contact is burning. The painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also burning. 
jivhā ādittā, rasā ādittā, jivhāviññāṇaṁ ādittaṁ, jivhāsamphasso āditto. Yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi ādittaṁ. 
The ear … nose … tongue … body … 
mano āditto, dhammā ādittā, manoviññāṇaṁ ādittaṁ, manosamphasso āditto. Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi ādittaṁ. 
The mind is burning. Ideas are burning. Mind consciousness is burning. Mind contact is burning. The painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also burning. 
Evaṁ passaṁ, bhikkhave, sutavā ariyasāvako cakkhusmimpi nibbindati, rūpesupi nibbindati, cakkhuviññāṇepi nibbindati, cakkhusamphassepi nibbindati, yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati …pe… 
Seeing this, a learned noble disciple grows disillusioned with the eye, sights, eye consciousness, and eye contact. And they grow disillusioned with the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact. 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati. 
They grow disillusioned with the ear … nose … tongue … body … mind … painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.29uppajjati virajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhu, bhikkhave, addhabhūtaṁ, rūpā addhabhūtā, cakkhuviññāṇaṁ addhabhūtaṁ, cakkhusamphasso addhabhūto, yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi addhabhūtaṁ.  The eye is oppressed. Sights are oppressed. Eye consciousness is oppressed. Eye contact is oppressed. The painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also oppressed. 
jivhā addhabhūtā, rasā addhabhūtā, jivhāviññāṇaṁ addhabhūtaṁ, jivhāsamphasso addhabhūto, yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi addhabhūtaṁ. 
The ear … nose … tongue … 
mano addhabhūto, dhammā addhabhūtā, manoviññāṇaṁ addhabhūtaṁ, manosamphasso addhabhūto, yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi addhabhūtaṁ. 
mind is oppressed. Ideas are oppressed. Mind consciousness is oppressed. Mind contact is oppressed. The painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also oppressed. 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati. 
They grow disillusioned with the ear … nose … tongue … body … mind … painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati, virāgā vimuccati, vimuttasmiṁ ‘vimuttam’iti ñāṇaṁ hoti, 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.30uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na maññati, tasmimpi na maññati, tatopi na maññati, taṁ meti na maññati …pe…  They don’t conceive anything to be the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact. They don’t conceive it in that, they don’t conceive it as that, and they don’t conceive that ‘that is mine.’ 
Yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na maññati, tasmimpi na maññati, tatopi na maññati, taṁ meti na maññati …pe… 
body … 
Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na maññati, tasmimpi na maññati, tatopi na maññati, taṁ meti na maññati. 
They don’t conceive anything to be the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact. They don’t conceive it in that, they don’t conceive it as that, and they don’t conceive that ‘that is mine.’ 

sn35.31uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

cakkhuviññāṇaṁ na maññati, cakkhusamphassaṁ na maññati, yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na maññati, tasmimpi na maññati, tatopi na maññati, taṁ meti na maññati.  eye consciousness … eye contact. And they don’t conceive anything to be the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact. They don’t conceive it in that, they don’t conceive it as that, and they don’t conceive that ‘that is mine.’ 
Yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na maññati, tasmimpi na maññati, tatopi na maññati, taṁ meti na maññati. 
Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na maññati, tasmimpi na maññati, tatopi na maññati, taṁ meti na maññati. 
They don’t conceive anything to be the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact. They don’t conceive it in that, they don’t conceive it as that, and they don’t conceive that ‘that is mine.’ 

sn35.32uppajjati virajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti?  The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact: is that permanent or impermanent?” 
yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti? 
“Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti? 
The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact: is that permanent or impermanent?” 
Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati …pe… 
And they grow disillusioned with the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact. 
jivhāyapi nibbindati, rasesupi …pe… yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati …pe…. 
They grow disillusioned with the ear … nose … tongue … body … 
Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati. 
And they grow disillusioned with the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.33-42uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi jātidhammaṁ …pe…  And the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also liable to be reborn. 
yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi jātidhammaṁ. 
Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi jātidhammaṁ. 
And the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also liable to be reborn. 

sn35.43-51uppajjati virajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccaṁ …pe…  And the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also impermanent. 
Yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccaṁ. 
Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccaṁ. 
The painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also impermanent. 
Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati …pe… 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 

sn35.52uppajjati virajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi upassaṭṭhaṁ …pe…  And the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also disturbed. 
Yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi upassaṭṭhaṁ. 
Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi upassaṭṭhaṁ. 
And the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also disturbed. 
Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati …pe… 
Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 

sn35.53uppajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

“Cakkhuṁ kho, bhikkhu, aniccato jānato passato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati.  “Mendicant, knowing and seeing the eye, sights, eye consciousness, and eye contact as impermanent, ignorance is given up and knowledge arises. 
Rūpe aniccato jānato passato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. 
yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccato jānato passato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. 
And also knowing and seeing the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact as impermanent, ignorance is given up and knowledge arises. 
manaṁ aniccato jānato passato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. 
Knowing and seeing the mind, ideas, mind consciousness, and mind contact as impermanent, ignorance is given up and knowledge arises. 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccato jānato passato avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. 
And also knowing and seeing the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact as impermanent, ignorance is given up and knowledge arises. 

sn35.54uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccato jānato passato saṁyojanā pahīyanti.   
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccato jānato passato saṁyojanā pahīyanti. 

sn35.55uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi anattato jānato passato saṁyojanā samugghātaṁ gacchanti.   
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi anattato jānato passato saṁyojanā samugghātaṁ gacchanti. 

sn35.59uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi anattato jānato passato anusayā samugghātaṁ gacchanti.   

sn35.60uppajjati virajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso.  Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimokkhā ‘pariññātaṁ me upādānan’ti pajānāti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they are released, they understand: ‘I have completely understood grasping.’ 
Sotañca paṭicca sadde ca uppajjati … 
Ear consciousness arises dependent on the ear and sounds. … 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimokkhā ‘pariññātaṁ me upādānan’ti pajānāti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they are released, they understand: ‘I have completely understood grasping.’ 

sn35.61uppajjati virajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso.  Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimokkhā ‘pariyādinnaṁ me upādānan’ti pajānāti …pe… 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they are released, they understand: ‘I have completely depleted grasping.’ 
jivhañca paṭicca rase ca uppajjati jivhāviññāṇaṁ …pe… 
Ear … nose … tongue … body … 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimokkhā ‘pariyādinnaṁ me upādānan’ti pajānāti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they are released, they understand: ‘I have completely depleted grasping.’ 

sn35.62uppajjati virajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti?  The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact: is that permanent or impermanent?” 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā, tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti? 
The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact: is that permanent or impermanent?” 
Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati …pe… 
And they grow disillusioned with the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact. 
jivhāyapi nibbindati, rasesupi nibbindati, jivhāviññāṇepi nibbindati, jivhāsamphassepi nibbindati, yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati …pe… 
They grow disillusioned with the ear … nose … tongue … body … 
Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati. 
And they grow disillusioned with the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.63uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa taṁ abhinandato abhivadato ajjhosāya tiṭṭhato uppajjati nandī.  this gives rise to relishing. 
Tassa taṁ abhinandato abhivadato ajjhosāya tiṭṭhato uppajjati nandī. 
this gives rise to relishing. 

sn35.64uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa taṁ abhinandato abhivadato ajjhosāya tiṭṭhato uppajjati nandī.  this gives rise to relishing. 
Tassa taṁ abhinandato abhivadato ajjhosāya tiṭṭhato uppajjati nandī. 
this gives rise to relishing. 

sn35.73virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.74virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.75uppajjati virajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti?  The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact: is that permanent or impermanent?” 
Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati. 
They grow disillusioned with the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.76uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccaṁ. Tatra te chando pahātabbo …pe…  And the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also impermanent. You should give up desire for it. 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccaṁ. Tatra te chando pahātabbo. 
And the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also impermanent. You should give up desire for it. 

sn35.77uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi dukkhaṁ. Tatra te chando pahātabbo.   

sn35.78uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi anattā. Tatra te chando pahātabbo.   

sn35.79uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

“Cakkhuṁ kho, bhikkhu, aniccato jānato passato bhikkhuno avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Rūpe … cakkhuviññāṇaṁ … cakkhusamphassaṁ …  “When a mendicant knows and sees the eye, sights, eye consciousness, and eye contact as impermanent, ignorance is given up and knowledge arises. 
yampidaṁ, cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccato jānato passato bhikkhuno avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati …pe… 
And also knowing and seeing the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact as impermanent, ignorance is given up and knowledge arises. … 
manaṁ aniccato jānato passato bhikkhuno avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. Dhamme … manoviññāṇaṁ … manosamphassaṁ … 
Knowing and seeing the mind, ideas, mind consciousness, and mind contact as impermanent, ignorance is given up and knowledge arises. 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccato jānato passato bhikkhuno avijjā pahīyati, vijjā uppajjati. 
And also knowing and seeing the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact as impermanent, ignorance is given up and knowledge arises. 

sn35.80uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aññato passati …pe…  And they also see the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact as other. … 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aññato passati. 
And they also see the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact as other. 

sn35.81uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi dukkhaṁ.  The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also suffering. 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi dukkhaṁ. 
The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also suffering. 

sn35.82lujjati uppajjati12Pi En Ru dhamma

Kiñca lujjati?  And what is wearing away? 
Cakkhu kho, bhikkhu, lujjati. 
The eye is wearing away. 
Rūpā lujjanti, cakkhuviññāṇaṁ lujjati, cakkhusamphasso lujjati, yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi lujjati …pe… 
Sights … eye consciousness … eye contact is wearing away. The painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also wearing away. 
jivhā lujjati …pe… 
The ear … nose … tongue … body … 
mano lujjati, dhammā lujjanti, manoviññāṇaṁ lujjati, manosamphasso lujjati, yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi lujjati. 
The mind … ideas … mind consciousness … mind contact is wearing away. The painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also wearing away. 

sn35.84uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

mano palokadhammo, dhammā palokadhammā, manoviññāṇaṁ palokadhammaṁ, manosamphasso palokadhammo, yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi palokadhammaṁ.  The mind … ideas … mind consciousness … mind contact is liable to wear out. The painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also liable to wear out. 

sn35.85uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi suññaṁ attena vā attaniyena vā.  The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also empty of self or what belongs to self. 

sn35.86uppajjati virajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti?  The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact: is that permanent or impermanent?” 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti? 
The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact: is that permanent or impermanent?” 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati. 
They grow disillusioned with the ear … nose … tongue … body … mind … painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.88uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa taṁ abhinandato abhivadato ajjhosāya tiṭṭhato uppajjati nandī.  this gives rise to relishing. 
Tassa taṁ abhinandato abhivadato ajjhosāya tiṭṭhato uppajjati nandī. 
this gives rise to relishing. 

sn35.89uppajjati virajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti?  The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact: is that permanent or impermanent?” 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati. 
They grow disillusioned with the ear … nose … tongue … body … mind … painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.90uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na maññeyya, tasmimpi na maññeyya, tatopi na maññeyya, taṁ meti na maññeyya.  Let them not conceive anything to be the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact. Let them not conceive it in that, let them not conceive it as that, and let them not conceive that ‘that is mine.’ 
yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na maññeyya, tasmimpi na maññeyya, tatopi na maññeyya, taṁ meti na maññeyya. 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na maññeyya, tasmimpi na maññeyya, tatopi na maññeyya, taṁ meti na maññeyya; 
Let them not conceive anything to be the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact. Let them not conceive it in that, let them not conceive it as that, and let them not conceive that ‘that is mine.’ 

sn35.91uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na maññeyya, tasmimpi na maññeyya, tatopi na maññeyya, taṁ meti na maññeyya.  Let them not conceive anything to be the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact. Let them not conceive it in that, let them not conceive it as that, and let them not conceive that ‘that is mine.’ 
yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na maññeyya, tasmimpi na maññeyya, tatopi na maññeyya, taṁ meti na maññeyya. 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na maññeyya, tasmimpi na maññeyya, tatopi na maññeyya, taṁ meti na maññeyya. 
Let them not conceive anything to be the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact. Let them not conceive it in that, let them not conceive it as that, and let them not conceive that ‘that is mine.’ 

sn35.93uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ.  Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. 
Jivhañca paṭicca rase ca uppajjati jivhāviññāṇaṁ. 
Ear consciousness … Nose consciousness … Tongue consciousness … Body consciousness … 
Manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. 

sn35.95rajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

Na so rajjati rūpesu,  There’s no desire for sights 
Na so rajjati saddesu, 
There’s no desire for sounds 
Na so rajjati gandhesu, 
There’s no desire for odors 
Na so rajjati rasesu, 
There’s no desire for tastes 
Na so rajjati phassesu, 
There’s no desire for touches 
Na so rajjati dhammesu, 
There’s no desire for ideas 
Na so rajjati dhammesu, 

sn35.99uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccan’ti yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti …pe…  the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is impermanent. … 
‘yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccan’ti yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti. 
the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is impermanent. 

sn35.100uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccan’ti yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti.  the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is impermanent. 

sn35.101uppajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na tumhākaṁ.  The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact isn’t yours: give it up. 
Yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na tumhākaṁ. 
Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na tumhākaṁ. 
The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact isn’t yours: give it up. 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na tumhākaṁ. 
The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact isn’t yours: give it up. 

sn35.102uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi na tumhākaṁ.  The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact isn’t yours: give it up. 

sn35.105uppajjati virajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kismiṁ nu kho, bhikkhave, sati kiṁ upādāya uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhan”ti?  “Mendicants, when what exists, because of grasping what, do pleasure and pain arise in oneself?” 
“Cakkhusmiṁ kho, bhikkhave, sati cakkhuṁ upādāya uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhaṁ …pe… 
“Mendicants, when there’s an eye, because of grasping the eye, pleasure and pain arise in oneself. … 
manasmiṁ sati manaṁ upādāya uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhaṁ. 
When there’s a mind, because of grasping the mind, pleasure and pain arise in oneself. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.106uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso.  Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
jivhañca paṭicca rase ca uppajjati jivhāviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Ayaṁ dukkhassa samudayo …pe… manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. 
Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
jivhañca paṭicca rase ca uppajjati jivhāviññāṇaṁ …pe… 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. 

sn35.107uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso.  Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
jivhañca paṭicca rase ca uppajjati jivhāviññāṇaṁ …pe… 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. 
Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
jivhañca paṭicca rase ca uppajjati …pe… 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. 

sn35.108virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.113uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

“cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso.  “Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
Jivhañca paṭicca rase ca uppajjati …pe… 
Ear … nose … tongue … body … 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. 
Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Eye consciousness arises dependent on the eye and sights. The meeting of the three is contact. 
jivhañca paṭicca rase ca uppajjati …pe… 
Ear … nose … tongue … body … 
manañca paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇaṁ. Tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso. 
Mind consciousness arises dependent on the mind and ideas. The meeting of the three is contact. 

sn35.120paṭipajjati vijjati āpajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

‘So vatāvuso, bhikkhu indriyesu aguttadvāro bhojane amattaññū jāgariyaṁ ananuyutto yāvajīvaṁ paripuṇṇaṁ parisuddhaṁ brahmacariyaṁ santānessatī’ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  It is quite impossible for such a mendicant to maintain the full and pure spiritual life for the rest of their life. 
‘So vatāvuso, bhikkhu indriyesu guttadvāro, bhojane mattaññū, jāgariyaṁ anuyutto yāvajīvaṁ paripuṇṇaṁ parisuddhaṁ brahmacariyaṁ santānessatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
But it is quite possible for a mendicant to maintain the full and pure spiritual life for the rest of their life if they guard the sense doors, eat in moderation, and are committed to wakefulness. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ, cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
Yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati, rakkhati manindriyaṁ, manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 

sn35.121uppajjati virajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedanāgataṁ, saññāgataṁ, saṅkhāragataṁ, viññāṇagataṁ, tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti?  “Anything included in feeling, perception, choices, and consciousness that arises conditioned by eye contact: is that permanent or impermanent?” 
“Yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedanāgataṁ, saññāgataṁ, saṅkhāragataṁ, viññāṇagataṁ, tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti? 
“Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedanāgataṁ, saññāgataṁ, saṅkhāragataṁ, viññāṇagataṁ, tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti? 
“Anything included in feeling, perception, choices, and consciousness that arises conditioned by mind contact: is that permanent or impermanent?” 
“Evaṁ passaṁ, rāhula, sutavā ariyasāvako cakkhusmimpi nibbindati, rūpesupi nibbindati, cakkhuviññāṇepi nibbindati, cakkhusamphassepi nibbindati, yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedanāgataṁ saññāgataṁ saṅkhāragataṁ viññāṇagataṁ tasmimpi nibbindati …pe… 
“Seeing this, a learned noble disciple grows disillusioned with the eye, sights, eye consciousness, and eye contact. And they become disillusioned with anything included in feeling, perception, choices, and consciousness that arises conditioned by eye contact. 
jivhāyapi nibbindati, rasesupi nibbindati, jivhāviññāṇepi nibbindati, jivhāsamphassepi nibbindati, yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedanāgataṁ saññāgataṁ saṅkhāragataṁ viññāṇagataṁ tasmimpi nibbindati …pe…. 
They grow disillusioned with the ear … nose … tongue … body … 
Manasmimpi nibbindati, dhammesupi nibbindati, manoviññāṇepi nibbindati, manosamphassepi nibbindati, yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedanāgataṁ saññāgataṁ saṅkhāragataṁ viññāṇagataṁ tasmimpi nibbindati. 
They grow disillusioned with the mind, ideas, mind consciousness, and mind contact. And they grow disillusioned with anything included in feeling, perception, choices, and consciousness that arises conditioned by mind contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.129saṁvijjati uppajjati18Pi En Ru dhamma

“Saṁvijjati kho, gahapati, cakkhudhātu, rūpā ca manāpā, cakkhuviññāṇañca sukhavedaniyaṁ.  “Householder, the eye element is found, as are agreeable sights, and eye consciousness. 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhā vedanā. 
Pleasant feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as pleasant. 
Saṁvijjati kho, gahapati, cakkhudhātu, rūpā ca amanāpā, cakkhuviññāṇañca dukkhavedaniyaṁ. 
The eye element is found, as are disagreeable sights, and eye consciousness. 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dukkhā vedanā. 
Painful feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as painful. 
Saṁvijjati kho, gahapati, cakkhudhātu, rūpā ca manāpā upekkhāvedaniyā, cakkhuviññāṇañca adukkhamasukhavedaniyaṁ. 
The eye element is found, as are sights that are a basis for equanimity, and eye consciousness. 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati adukkhamasukhā vedanā …pe… 
Neutral feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as neutral. 
saṁvijjati kho, gahapati, jivhādhātu, rasā ca manāpā, jivhāviññāṇañca sukhavedaniyaṁ. 
The ear … nose … tongue … body … 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhā vedanā. 
Saṁvijjati kho, gahapati, jivhādhātu, rasā ca amanāpā, jivhāviññāṇañca dukkhavedaniyaṁ. 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dukkhā vedanā. 
Saṁvijjati kho, gahapati, jivhādhātu, rasā ca upekkhāvedaniyā, jivhāviññāṇañca adukkhamasukhavedaniyaṁ. 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati adukkhamasukhā vedanā …pe… 
saṁvijjati kho, gahapati, manodhātu, dhammā ca manāpā, manoviññāṇañca sukhavedaniyaṁ. 
mind element is found, as are agreeable ideas, and mind consciousness. 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhā vedanā. 
Pleasant feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as pleasant. 
Saṁvijjati kho, gahapati, manodhātu, dhammā ca amanāpā, manoviññāṇañca dukkhavedaniyaṁ. 
The mind element is found, as are disagreeable ideas, and mind consciousness. 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dukkhā vedanā. 
Painful feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as painful. 
Saṁvijjati kho, gahapati, manodhātu, dhammā ca upekkhāvedaniyā, manoviññāṇañca adukkhamasukhavedaniyaṁ. 
The mind element is found, as are ideas that are a basis for equanimity, and mind consciousness. 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati adukkhamasukhā vedanā. 
Neutral feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as neutral. 

sn35.130uppajjati12Pi En Ru dhamma

‘dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ; phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vedanānānattan’ti.  ‘Diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of contacts, and diversity of contacts gives rise to diversity of feelings.’ 
Kathaṁ nu kho, bhante, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ; phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vedanānānattan”ti? 
How does diversity of elements give rise to diversity of contacts, and diversity of contacts gives rise to diversity of feelings?” 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhā vedanā. 
There is eye consciousness; and pleasant feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as pleasant. 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dukkhā vedanā. 
There is eye consciousness; and painful feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as painful. 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati adukkhamasukhā vedanā. 
There is eye consciousness; and neutral feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as neutral. 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhā vedanā. 
There is mind consciousness; and pleasant feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as pleasant. 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dukkhā vedanā. 
There is mind consciousness; and painful feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as painful. 
Phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati adukkhamasukhā vedanā. 
Neutral feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as neutral. 
Evaṁ kho, gahapati, dhātunānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati phassanānattaṁ; phassanānattaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vedanānānattan”ti. 
That’s how diversity of elements gives rise to diversity of contacts, and diversity of contacts gives rise to diversity of feelings.” 

sn35.132byāpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Idha, brāhmaṇa, ekacco cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā piyarūpe rūpe adhimuccati, appiyarūpe rūpe byāpajjati, anupaṭṭhitakāyassati ca viharati, parittacetaso  “Brahmin, take someone who sees a sight with their eyes. If it’s pleasant they hold on to it, but if it’s unpleasant they dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body unestablished and their heart restricted. 
manasā dhammaṁ viññāya piyarūpe dhamme adhimuccati, appiyarūpe ca dhamme byāpajjati, anupaṭṭhitakāyassati ca viharati, parittacetaso 
When they know an idea with their mind, if it’s pleasant they hold on to it, but if it’s unpleasant they dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body unestablished and a limited heart. 
“Idha, brāhmaṇa, bhikkhu cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā piyarūpe rūpe nādhimuccati, appiyarūpe rūpe na byāpajjati, upaṭṭhitakāyassati ca viharati, appamāṇacetaso 
“Brahmin, take a mendicant who sees a sight with their eyes. If it’s pleasant they don’t hold on to it, and if it’s unpleasant they don’t dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body established and a limitless heart. 
manasā dhammaṁ viññāya piyarūpe dhamme nādhimuccati, appiyarūpe dhamme na byāpajjati, upaṭṭhitakāyassati ca viharati, appamāṇacetaso 
When they know an idea with their mind, if it’s pleasant they don’t hold on to it, and if it’s unpleasant they don’t dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body established and a limitless heart. 

sn35.140virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.145virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.147uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu cakkhuṁ aniccanti passati, rūpā aniccāti passati, cakkhuviññāṇaṁ aniccanti passati, cakkhusamphasso aniccoti passati. Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccanti passati …pe…  It’s when a mendicant sees that the eye, sights, eye consciousness, and eye contact are impermanent. And they see that the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also impermanent. 
jivhā aniccāti passati, rasā aniccāti passati, jivhāviññāṇaṁ aniccanti passati, jivhāsamphasso aniccoti passati, yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccanti passati …pe… 
They see that the ear … nose … tongue … body … 
mano aniccoti passati, dhammā aniccāti passati, manoviññāṇaṁ aniccanti passati, manosamphasso aniccoti passati, yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccanti passati. 
mind, ideas, mind-consciousness, and mind contact are impermanent. And they see that the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also impermanent. 

sn35.148uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, cakkhuṁ dukkhanti passati, rūpā dukkhāti passati, cakkhuviññāṇaṁ dukkhanti passati, cakkhusamphasso dukkhoti passati, yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi dukkhanti passati …pe…  It’s when a mendicant sees that the eye, sights, eye consciousness, and eye contact are suffering. And they see that the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also suffering. 
mano dukkhoti passati, dhammā dukkhāti passati, manoviññāṇaṁ dukkhanti passati, manosamphasso dukkhoti passati, yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi dukkhanti passati. 
mind, ideas, mind-consciousness, and mind contact are suffering. And they see that the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also suffering. 

sn35.149uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu cakkhuṁ anattāti passati, rūpā anattāti passati, cakkhuviññāṇaṁ anattāti passati, cakkhusamphasso anattāti passati, yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi anattāti passati …pe…  It’s when a mendicant sees that the eye, sights, eye consciousness, and eye contact are not-self. And they see that the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also not-self. 
mano anattāti passati, dhammā anattāti passati, manoviññāṇaṁ anattāti passati, manosamphasso anattāti passati, yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi anattāti passati. 
They see that the ear … nose … tongue … body … mind, ideas, mind-consciousness, and mind contact are not-self. And they see that the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also not-self. 

sn35.150uppajjati virajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi niccaṁ vā aniccaṁ vā”ti?  The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact: is that permanent or impermanent?” 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati. 
They grow disillusioned with the ear … nose … tongue … body … mind … painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati …pe… 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. … 

sn35.152uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi dukkhaṁ;  The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also suffering. 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi dukkhaṁ; 
The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also suffering. 

sn35.154virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati …pe… vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. … When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.160uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhuṁ aniccanti yathābhūtaṁ okkhāyati, rūpā aniccāti yathābhūtaṁ okkhāyati, cakkhuviññāṇaṁ aniccanti yathābhūtaṁ okkhāyati, cakkhusamphasso aniccoti yathābhūtaṁ okkhāyati, yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccanti yathābhūtaṁ okkhāyati …pe…  It becomes truly clear that the eye, sights, eye consciousness, and eye contact are impermanent. And it also becomes truly clear that the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is impermanent. 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccanti yathābhūtaṁ okkhāyati. 
And it also becomes truly clear that the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is impermanent. 

sn35.161uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Cakkhuṁ aniccanti yathābhūtaṁ okkhāyati, rūpā aniccāti yathābhūtaṁ okkhāyati, cakkhuviññāṇaṁ aniccanti yathābhūtaṁ okkhāyati, cakkhusamphasso aniccoti yathābhūtaṁ okkhāyati, yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccanti yathābhūtaṁ okkhāyati …pe…  It becomes truly clear that the eye, sights, eye consciousness, and eye contact are impermanent. And it also becomes truly clear that the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is impermanent. … 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccanti yathābhūtaṁ okkhāyati. 
And it also becomes truly clear that the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is impermanent. 

sn35.162uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccaṁ; tatra te chando pahātabbo …pe…  The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also impermanent: you should give up desire for it. 
Yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccaṁ; tatra te chando pahātabbo …pe… 
Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccaṁ; tatra te chando pahātabbo. 
The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also impermanent: you should give up desire for it. 

sn35.163uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi dukkhaṁ; tatra te chando pahātabbo …pe…  The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also suffering; you should give up desire for it. 
Yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi dukkhaṁ; tatra te chando pahātabbo. 
The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also suffering: you should give up desire for it. 

sn35.164uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi anattā; tatra te chando pahātabbo …pe…  The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also not-self: You should give up desire for it. 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi anattā; tatra te chando pahātabbo. 
The pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also not-self: you should give up desire for it. 

sn35.165uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccato jānato passato micchādiṭṭhi pahīyati.  And also knowing and seeing the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact as impermanent, wrong view is given up. 

sn35.166uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi dukkhato jānato passato sakkāyadiṭṭhi pahīyati.  And also knowing and seeing the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact as suffering, substantialist view is given up. 

sn35.167uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi anattato jānato passato attānudiṭṭhi pahīyati …pe…   
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi anattato jānato passato attānudiṭṭhi pahīyatī”ti. 
And also knowing and seeing the pleasant, painful, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact as not-self, view of self is given up.” 

sn35.186virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.232saṁvijjati uppajjati19Pi En Ru dhamma

Yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ …pe…  The fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them. 
Yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ …pe… 
Yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ. 
The fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them. 
Yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ …pe… 
The fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them. 
Yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo, taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ. 
The fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them. 
yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo, taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ, tasmā brahmacariyavāso paññāyati sammā dukkhakkhayāya …pe…. 
the fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them, this living of the spiritual life for the complete ending of suffering is found. 
Yasmā ca kho, āvuso, na jivhā rasānaṁ saṁyojanaṁ, na rasā jivhāya saṁyojanaṁ; yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo, taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ, tasmā brahmacariyavāso paññāyati sammā dukkhakkhayāya …pe…. 
yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo, taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ, tasmā brahmacariyavāso paññāyati sammā dukkhakkhayāya. 
the fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them, this living of the spiritual life for the complete ending of suffering is found. 
Yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo, taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ …pe… 
Yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo, taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ. 
Saṁvijjati kho, āvuso, bhagavato cakkhu. 
The Buddha has an eye 
Saṁvijjati kho, āvuso, bhagavato sotaṁ. 
The Buddha has an ear … 
Saṁvijjati kho, āvuso, bhagavato ghānaṁ. 
nose … 
Saṁvijjati kho, āvuso, bhagavato jivhā. 
tongue … 
Saṁvijjati kho, āvuso, bhagavato kāyo. 
The Buddha has a body 
Saṁvijjati kho, āvuso, bhagavato mano. 
The Buddha has a mind 
yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo, taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ. 
The fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them. 
yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ. 
yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo, taṁ tattha saṁyojanan”ti. 
The fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them.” 

sn35.233uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo, taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ …pe…  The fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them. 
Yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ. 
The fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them. 
yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo, taṁ tattha saṁyojanan”ti. 
The fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them.” 

sn35.234uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Cakkhuñca, āvuso, paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇan”ti?  Does eye consciousness arise dependent on the eye and sights?” 
“Jivhañcāvuso, paṭicca rase ca uppajjati jivhāviññāṇan”ti? 
Does ear … nose … tongue … body … 
“Manañcāvuso, paṭicca dhamme ca uppajjati manoviññāṇan”ti? 
mind consciousness arise dependent on the mind and ideas?” 

sn35.235uppajjati vijjati virajjati13Pi En Ru dhamma

Nimittassādagathitaṁ vā, bhikkhave, viññāṇaṁ tiṭṭhamānaṁ tiṭṭheyya, anubyañjanassādagathitaṁ vā tasmiñce samaye kālaṁ kareyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati, yaṁ dvinnaṁ gatīnaṁ aññataraṁ gatiṁ gaccheyya—  For if you die at a time when your consciousness is still tied to gratification in the features or details, it’s possible you’ll go to one of two destinations: 
Nimittassādagathitaṁ vā, bhikkhave, viññāṇaṁ tiṭṭhamānaṁ tiṭṭheyya, anubyañjanassādagathitaṁ vā tasmiñce samaye kālaṁ kareyya, ṭhānametaṁ vijjati, yaṁ dvinnaṁ gatīnaṁ aññataraṁ gatiṁ gaccheyya— 
Ṭhānametaṁ vijjati, yaṁ dvinnaṁ gatīnaṁ aññataraṁ gatiṁ gaccheyya— 
Ṭhānametaṁ vijjati, yaṁ dvinnaṁ gatīnaṁ aññataraṁ gatiṁ gaccheyya— 
Ṭhānametaṁ vijjati, yaṁ dvinnaṁ gatīnaṁ aññataraṁ gatiṁ gaccheyya— 
iti cakkhu aniccaṁ, rūpā aniccā, cakkhuviññāṇaṁ aniccaṁ, cakkhusamphasso anicco, yampidaṁ cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccaṁ’. 
the eye, sights, eye consciousness, and eye contact are impermanent. And the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by eye contact is also impermanent. 
iti sotaṁ aniccaṁ, saddā aniccā, sotaviññāṇaṁ aniccaṁ, sotasamphasso anicco, yampidaṁ sotasamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccaṁ. 
the ear, sounds, ear consciousness, and ear contact are impermanent. And the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by ear contact is also impermanent. 
iti ghānaṁ aniccaṁ, gandhā aniccā, ghānaviññāṇaṁ aniccaṁ, ghānasamphasso anicco, yampidaṁ ghānasamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ …pe… tampi aniccaṁ. 
the nose, smells, nose consciousness, and nose contact are impermanent. And the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by nose contact is also impermanent. 
iti jivhā aniccā, rasā aniccā, jivhāviññāṇaṁ aniccaṁ, jivhāsamphasso anicco, yampidaṁ jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati …pe… tampi aniccaṁ. 
the tongue, tastes, tongue consciousness, and tongue contact are impermanent. And the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by tongue contact is also impermanent. 
iti kāyo anicco, phoṭṭhabbā aniccā, kāyaviññāṇaṁ aniccaṁ, kāyasamphasso anicco, yampidaṁ kāyasamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ …pe… tampi aniccaṁ. 
the body, touches, body consciousness, and body contact are impermanent. And the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by body contact is also impermanent. 
iti mano anicco, dhammā aniccā, manoviññāṇaṁ aniccaṁ, manosamphasso anicco, yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tampi aniccaṁ”. 
the mind, ideas, mind consciousness, and mind contact are impermanent. And the painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact is also impermanent.’ 
yampidaṁ manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati vedayitaṁ sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā adukkhamasukhaṁ vā tasmimpi nibbindati. 
They grow disillusioned with the ear … nose … tongue … body … mind … painful, pleasant, or neutral feeling that arises conditioned by mind contact. 
Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti. 
Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn35.236nuppajjati uppajjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Evameva kho, bhikkhave, cakkhusmiṁ sati cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhaṁ …pe…  In the same way, when there’s an eye, pleasure and pain arise internally conditioned by eye contact. 
jivhāya sati jivhāsamphassapaccayā uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhaṁ …pe… 
When there’s an ear … nose … tongue … body … 
manasmiṁ sati manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhaṁ …pe…. 
mind, pleasure and pain arise internally conditioned by mind contact. 
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, cakkhusmiṁ asati cakkhusamphassapaccayā nuppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhaṁ …pe… 
In the same way, when there’s no eye, pleasure and pain don’t arise internally conditioned by eye contact. 
jivhāya asati jivhāsamphassapaccayā nuppajjati …pe… 
When there’s no ear … nose … tongue … body … 
manasmiṁ asati manosamphassapaccayā nuppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhan”ti. 
mind, pleasure and pain don’t arise internally conditioned by mind contact.” 

sn35.237nuppajjati uppajjati5Pi En Ru dhamma

Evameva kho, bhikkhave, cakkhusmiṁ sati cakkhusamphassapaccayā uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhaṁ …pe…  In the same way, when there’s an eye, pleasure and pain arise internally conditioned by eye contact. 
manasmiṁ sati manosamphassapaccayā uppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhaṁ …pe…. 
mind, pleasure and pain arise internally conditioned by mind contact. 
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, cakkhusmiṁ asati cakkhusamphassapaccayā nuppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhaṁ …pe… 
In the same way, when there’s no eye, pleasure and pain don’t arise internally conditioned by eye contact. 
jivhāya asati jivhāsamphassapaccayā nuppajjati …pe… 
When there’s no ear … nose … tongue … body … 
manasmiṁ asati manosamphassapaccayā nuppajjati ajjhattaṁ sukhaṁ dukkhan”ti. 
mind, pleasure and pain don’t arise internally conditioned by mind contact.” 

sn35.239paṭipajjati āpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ cakkhundriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ. Tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati cakkhundriyaṁ; cakkhundriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati.  If the faculty of sight were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of sight, and achieving its restraint. 
yatvādhikaraṇamenaṁ manindriyaṁ asaṁvutaṁ viharantaṁ abhijjhādomanassā pāpakā akusalā dhammā anvāssaveyyuṁ, tassa saṁvarāya paṭipajjati; rakkhati manindriyaṁ; manindriye saṁvaraṁ āpajjati. 
If the faculty of mind were left unrestrained, bad unskillful qualities of covetousness and displeasure would become overwhelming. For this reason, they practice restraint, protecting the faculty of mind, and achieving its restraint. 

sn35.241āpajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhu, gihīhi saṁsaṭṭho viharati, sahanandī sahasokī, sukhitesu sukhito, dukkhitesu dukkhito, uppannesu kiccakaraṇīyesu attanā tesu yogaṁ āpajjati.  It’s when someone mixes closely with laypeople, sharing their joys and sorrows—happy when they’re happy and sad when they’re sad—and getting involved in their business. 

sn35.243byāpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Idhāvuso, bhikkhu cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā piyarūpe rūpe adhimuccati, appiyarūpe rūpe byāpajjati, anupaṭṭhitakāyassatī viharati parittacetaso,  Take a mendicant who sees a sight with the eye. If it’s pleasant they hold on to it, but if it’s unpleasant they dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body unestablished and their heart restricted. 
manasā dhammaṁ viññāya piyarūpe dhamme adhimuccati, appiyarūpe dhamme byāpajjati, anupaṭṭhitakāyassatī ca viharati parittacetaso, 
know an idea with the mind. If it’s pleasant they hold on to it, but if it’s unpleasant they dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body unestablished and a limited heart. 
Idhāvuso, bhikkhu cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā piyarūpe rūpe nādhimuccati, appiyarūpe rūpe na byāpajjati, upaṭṭhitakāyassati ca viharati appamāṇacetaso, 
Take a mendicant who sees a sight with the eye. If it’s pleasant they don’t hold on to it, and if it’s unpleasant they don’t dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body established and a limitless heart. 
manasā dhammaṁ viññāya piyarūpe dhamme nādhimuccati, appiyarūpe dhamme na byāpajjati, upaṭṭhitakāyassati ca viharati appamāṇacetaso, 
know an idea with the mind. If it’s pleasant they don’t hold on to it, and if it’s unpleasant they don’t dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body established and a limitless heart. 

sn35.244byāpajjati vijjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā piyarūpe rūpe adhimuccati, appiyarūpe rūpe byāpajjati, anupaṭṭhitakāyassati ca viharati parittacetaso,  Take a mendicant who sees a sight with the eye. If it’s pleasant they hold on to it, but if it’s unpleasant they dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body unestablished and their heart restricted. 
manasā dhammaṁ viññāya piyarūpe dhamme adhimuccati, appiyarūpe dhamme byāpajjati, anupaṭṭhitakāyassati ca viharati parittacetaso, 
know an idea with the mind. If it’s pleasant they hold on to it, but if it’s unpleasant they dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body unestablished and a limited heart. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā piyarūpe rūpe nādhimuccati, appiyarūpe rūpe na byāpajjati, upaṭṭhitakāyassati ca viharati appamāṇacetaso, 
Take a mendicant who sees a sight with the eye. If it’s pleasant they don’t hold on to it, and if it’s unpleasant they don’t dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body established and a limitless heart. 
manasā dhammaṁ viññāya piyarūpe dhamme nādhimuccati, appiyarūpe dhamme na byāpajjati, upaṭṭhitakāyassati ca viharati appamāṇacetaso, 
know an idea with the mind. If it’s pleasant they don’t hold on to it, and if it’s unpleasant they don’t dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body established and a limitless heart. 
So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṁ caranto evaṁ viharanto sikkhaṁ paccakkhāya hīnāyāvattissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
But it is quite impossible for a mendicant who conducts themselves in this way and lives in this way to resign the training and return to a lesser life. 
So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṁ caranto evaṁ viharanto sikkhaṁ paccakkhāya hīnāyāvattissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
But it is quite impossible for a mendicant who conducts themselves in this way and lives in this way to resign the training and return to a lesser life. 

sn35.246āpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

evameva kho, bhikkhave, assutavā puthujjano chasu phassāyatanesu asaṁvutakārī pañcasu kāmaguṇesu yāvadatthaṁ madaṁ āpajjati pamādaṁ āpajjati.  In the same way, when an unlearned ordinary person doesn’t exercise restraint when it comes to the six fields of contact, they indulge themselves in the five kinds of sensual stimulation as much as they like. 

sn35.247byāpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā piyarūpe rūpe adhimuccati, appiyarūpe rūpe byāpajjati, anupaṭṭhitakāyassati ca viharati parittacetaso.  Take a mendicant who sees a sight with their eyes. If it’s pleasant they hold on to it, but if it’s unpleasant they dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body unestablished and their heart restricted. 
manasā dhammaṁ viññāya piyarūpe dhamme adhimuccati, appiyarūpe dhamme byāpajjati, anupaṭṭhitakāyassati ca viharati parittacetaso, 
When they know an idea with their mind, if it’s pleasant they hold on to it, but if it’s unpleasant they dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body unestablished and a limited heart. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu cakkhunā rūpaṁ disvā piyarūpe rūpe nādhimuccati, appiyarūpe rūpe na byāpajjati, upaṭṭhitakāyassati ca viharati appamāṇacetaso, 
Take a mendicant who sees a sight with their eyes. If it’s pleasant they don’t hold on to it, and if it’s unpleasant they don’t dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body established and a limitless heart. 
manasā dhammaṁ viññāya piyarūpe dhamme nādhimuccati, appiyarūpe dhamme na byāpajjati, upaṭṭhitakāyassati ca viharati appamāṇacetaso, 
know an idea with their mind. If it’s pleasant they don’t hold on to it, and if it’s unpleasant they don’t dislike it. They live with mindfulness of the body established and a limitless heart. 

sn36.4āpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Assutavā, bhikkhave, puthujjano sārīrikāya dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati sammohaṁ āpajjati.  When an unlearned ordinary person experiences painful physical feelings they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
Sutavā ca kho, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako sārīrikāya dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno neva socati, na kilamati, na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
When a learned noble disciple experiences painful physical feelings they don’t sorrow or wail or lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 

sn36.6āpajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

assutavā, bhikkhave, puthujjano dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati sammohaṁ āpajjati.  “When an unlearned ordinary person experiences painful physical feelings they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, assutavā puthujjano dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno socati kilamati paridevati urattāḷiṁ kandati sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
In the same way, when an unlearned ordinary person experiences painful physical feelings they sorrow and wail and lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
Sutavā ca kho, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno na socati, na kilamati, na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
When a learned noble disciple experiences painful physical feelings they don’t sorrow or wail or lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, sutavā ariyasāvako dukkhāya vedanāya phuṭṭho samāno na socati, na kilamati, na paridevati, na urattāḷiṁ kandati, na sammohaṁ āpajjati. 
In the same way, when a learned noble disciple experiences painful physical feelings they don’t sorrow or wail or lament, beating their breast and falling into confusion. 

sn36.7uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno evaṁ satassa sampajānassa appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato uppajjati sukhā vedanā, so evaṁ pajānāti:  While a mendicant is meditating like this—mindful, aware, diligent, keen, and resolute—if pleasant feelings arise, they understand: 
Tassa ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno evaṁ satassa sampajānassa appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato uppajjati dukkhā vedanā. 
While a mendicant is meditating like this—mindful, aware, diligent, keen, and resolute—if painful feelings arise, they understand: 
Tassa ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno evaṁ satassa sampajānassa appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato uppajjati adukkhamasukhā vedanā, so evaṁ pajānāti: 
While a mendicant is meditating like this—mindful, aware, diligent, keen, and resolute—if neutral feelings arise, they understand: 

sn36.8uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno evaṁ satassa sampajānassa appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato uppajjati sukhā vedanā.  While a mendicant is meditating like this—mindful, aware, diligent, keen, and resolute—if pleasant feelings arise, they understand: 
viharato uppajjati dukkhā vedanā …pe… 
uppajjati adukkhamasukhā vedanā. 
if neutral feelings arise, they understand: 

sn36.10uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Sukhavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhave, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhā vedanā.  Pleasant feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as pleasant. 
Dukkhavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhave, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dukkhā vedanā. 
Painful feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as painful. 
Adukkhamasukhavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhave, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati adukkhamasukhā vedanā. 
Neutral feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as neutral. 

sn36.12uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Evameva kho, bhikkhave, imasmiṁ kāyasmiṁ vividhā vedanā uppajjanti, sukhāpi vedanā uppajjati, dukkhāpi vedanā uppajjati, adukkhamasukhāpi vedanā uppajjatīti.  In the same way, various feelings arise in this body: pleasant, painful, and neutral feelings. 

sn36.13uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Evameva kho, bhikkhave, imasmiṁ kāyasmiṁ vividhā vedanā uppajjanti, sukhāpi vedanā uppajjati, dukkhāpi vedanā uppajjati, adukkhamasukhāpi vedanā uppajjatī”ti.  In the same way, various feelings arise in this body: pleasant, painful, and neutral feelings.” 

sn36.14uppajjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

Evameva kho, bhikkhave, imasmiṁ kāyasmiṁ vividhā vedanā uppajjanti. Sukhāpi vedanā uppajjati, dukkhāpi vedanā uppajjati, adukkhamasukhāpi vedanā uppajjati.  In the same way, various feelings arise in this body: pleasant, painful, and neutral feelings. 
Sāmisāpi sukhā vedanā uppajjati, sāmisāpi dukkhā vedanā uppajjati, sāmisāpi adukkhamasukhā vedanā uppajjati. 
Also pleasant, painful, and neutral feelings of the flesh arise. 
Nirāmisāpi sukhā vedanā uppajjati, nirāmisāpi dukkhā vedanā uppajjati, nirāmisāpi adukkhamasukhā vedanā uppajjatī”ti. 
Also pleasant, painful, and neutral feelings not of the flesh arise.” 

sn36.15uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ vedanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ vedanāya assādo.  The pleasure and happiness that arise from feeling: this is its gratification. 

sn36.17uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ vedanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ vedanāya assādo.  The pleasure and happiness that arise from feeling: this is its gratification. 

sn36.19uppajjati vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ kho, ānanda, ime pañca kāmaguṇe paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ—  The pleasure and happiness that arise from these five kinds of sensual stimulation is called sensual pleasure. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, ānanda, vijjati yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ: 
It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say: 

sn36.20vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ vadeyyuṁ:  It’s possible that wanderers of other religions might say: 

sn36.23uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yaṁ vedanaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, ayaṁ vedanāya assādo;  The pleasure and happiness that arise from feeling: this is its gratification. 

sn36.31uppajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

Yā kho, bhikkhave, ime pañca kāmaguṇe paṭicca uppajjati pīti, ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, sāmisā pīti.  The rapture that arises from these five kinds of sensual stimulation is called rapture of the flesh. 
Yā kho, bhikkhave, khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, dosā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, mohā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato uppajjati pīti, ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, nirāmisā nirāmisatarā pīti. 
When a mendicant who has ended the defilements reviews their mind free from greed, hate, and delusion, rapture arises. This is called rapture even more spiritual than that not of the flesh. 
Yaṁ kho, bhikkhave, ime pañca kāmaguṇe paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, idaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, sāmisaṁ sukhaṁ. 
The pleasure and happiness that arise from these five kinds of sensual stimulation is called pleasure of the flesh. 
Yaṁ kho, bhikkhave, khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, dosā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, mohā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ, idaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, nirāmisā nirāmisataraṁ sukhaṁ. 
When a mendicant who has ended the defilements reviews their mind free from greed, hate, and delusion, pleasure and happiness arises. This is called pleasure even more spiritual than that not of the flesh. 
Yā kho, bhikkhave, ime pañca kāmaguṇe paṭicca uppajjati upekkhā, ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, sāmisā upekkhā. 
The equanimity that arises from these five kinds of sensual stimulation is called equanimity of the flesh. 
Yā kho, bhikkhave, khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, dosā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, mohā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato uppajjati upekkhā, ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, nirāmisā nirāmisatarā upekkhā. 
When a mendicant who has ended the defilements reviews their mind free from greed, hate, and delusion, equanimity arises. This is called equanimity even more spiritual than that not of the flesh. 
Yo kho, bhikkhave, khīṇāsavassa bhikkhuno rāgā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, dosā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato, mohā cittaṁ vimuttaṁ paccavekkhato uppajjati vimokkho, ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, nirāmisā nirāmisataro vimokkho”ti. 
When a mendicant who has ended the defilements reviews their mind free from greed, hate, and delusion, liberation arises. This is called liberation even more spiritual than that not of the flesh.” 

sn37.4upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Tīhi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo yebhuyyena kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  “Mendicants, when females have three qualities, when their body breaks up, after death, they are mostly reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 

sn37.5upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcahi kho, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.  “Anuruddha, when females have five qualities, when their body breaks up, after death, they are reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 

sn37.6upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcahi, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.   

sn37.7upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcahi, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.   

sn37.8upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcahi, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.   

sn37.9upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcahi, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo …pe… apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati.   

sn37.10upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcahi, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo …pe… nirayaṁ upapajjati.   

sn37.11upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcahi, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo …pe… nirayaṁ upapajjati.   

sn37.12upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcahi, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo …pe… nirayaṁ upapajjati.   

sn37.13upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcahi, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo …pe… nirayaṁ upapajjati.   

sn37.14upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcahi, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo …pe… nirayaṁ upapajjati.  “Anuruddha, when females have five qualities, when their body breaks up, after death, they are reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 

sn37.15upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcahi kho, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati.  “Anuruddha, when females have five qualities, when their body breaks up, after death, they are reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

sn37.16upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcahi, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati.   

sn37.17upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcahi, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati.   

sn37.24upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Pañcahi, anuruddha, dhammehi samannāgato mātugāmo kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati.  “Anuruddha, when females have five qualities, when their body breaks up, after death, they are reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

sn37.31upapajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Na, bhikkhave, mātugāmo rūpabalahetu vā bhogabalahetu vā ñātibalahetu vā puttabalahetu vā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati.  It is not because of the powers of attractiveness, wealth, relatives, or children that females, when their body breaks up, after death, are reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Sīlabalahetu kho, bhikkhave, mātugāmo kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati. 
It is because of the power of ethical behavior that females, when their body breaks up, after death, are reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

sn41.1uppajjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ.  The fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them. 
yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo taṁ tattha saṁyojanaṁ. 
yañca tattha tadubhayaṁ paṭicca uppajjati chandarāgo taṁ tattha saṁyojanan”ti. 
The fetter there is the desire and greed that arises from the pair of them.” 

sn41.6uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Saññāvedayitanirodhasamāpattiyā vuṭṭhahantassa, gahapati, bhikkhuno cittasaṅkhāro paṭhamaṁ uppajjati, tato kāyasaṅkhāro, tato vacīsaṅkhāro”ti.  “Mental processes arise first, then physical, then verbal.” 

sn42.2upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

So attanā matto pamatto pare madetvā pamādetvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā pahāso nāma nirayo tattha upapajjati.  And so, being heedless and negligent themselves, they’ve encouraged others to be heedless and negligent. When their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in the hell called ‘Laughter’. 

sn42.5upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Tamenaṁ ussahantaṁ vāyamantaṁ pare hananti pariyāpādenti, so kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā parajito nāma nirayo tattha upapajjati.   

sn42.8uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha pana, gāmaṇi, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho vijjācaraṇasampanno sugato lokavidū anuttaro purisadammasārathi satthā devamanussānaṁ buddho bhagavā.  But consider when a Realized One arises in the world, perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed. 

sn42.9uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rājato vā kulāni upaghātaṁ gacchanti, corato vā kulāni upaghātaṁ gacchanti, aggito vā kulāni upaghātaṁ gacchanti, udakato vā kulāni upaghātaṁ gacchanti, nihitaṁ vā ṭhānā vigacchati, duppayuttā vā kammantā vipajjanti, kule vā kulaṅgāroti uppajjati, yo te bhoge vikirati vidhamati viddhaṁseti, aniccatāyeva aṭṭhamīti.  Their ruin stems from rulers, bandits, fire, or flood. Or their savings vanish. Or their business fails due to not applying themselves to work. Or a wastrel is born into the family who squanders and fritters away their wealth. And impermanence is the eighth. 

sn42.11uppajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

‘yaṁ kho kiñci atītamaddhānaṁ dukkhaṁ uppajjamānaṁ uppajji sabbaṁ taṁ chandamūlakaṁ chandanidānaṁ.  ‘All the suffering that arose in the past was rooted and sourced in desire. 
uppajji → uppajjati (sabbattha) 
‘yaṁ kiñci dukkhaṁ uppajjamānaṁ uppajjati, sabbaṁ taṁ chandamūlakaṁ chandanidānaṁ. 
‘All the suffering that arises is rooted and sourced in desire. 
‘yaṁ kiñci dukkhaṁ uppajjamānaṁ uppajjati, sabbaṁ taṁ chandamūlakaṁ chandanidānaṁ. 
‘All the suffering that arises is rooted and sourced in desire. 
‘yaṁ kiñci dukkhaṁ uppajjamānaṁ uppajjati, sabbaṁ taṁ chandamūlakaṁ chandanidānaṁ. 
‘All the suffering that arises is rooted and sourced in desire. 

sn42.12paribhuñjati saṁvibhajati34Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, gāmaṇi, ekacco kāmabhogī adhammena bhoge pariyesati, sāhasena adhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasena na attānaṁ sukheti na pīṇeti na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karoti.  Take a pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using illegitimate, coercive means, and who doesn’t make themselves happy and pleased, or share it and make merit. 
Adhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti, na saṁvibhajati na puññāni karoti. 
They make themselves happy and pleased, but don’t share it and make merit. 
Adhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti. 
They make themselves happy and pleased, and they share it and make merit. 
Dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasenapi asāhasenapi na attānaṁ sukheti, na pīṇeti, na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karoti. 
They don’t make themselves happy and pleased, or share it and make merit. 
Dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasenapi asāhasenapi attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti, na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karoti. 
They don’t make themselves happy and pleased, or share it and make merit. 
Dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasenapi asāhasenapi attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti. 
They make themselves happy and pleased, and they share it and make merit. 
Dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena na attānaṁ sukheti, na pīṇeti, na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karoti. 
They don’t make themselves happy and pleased, or share it and make merit. 
Dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti, na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karoti. 
They make themselves happy and pleased, but don’t share it and make merit. 
Dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti. 
They make themselves happy and pleased, and they share it and make merit. 
Te ca bhoge gadhito mucchito ajjhopanno anādīnavadassāvī anissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati. 
They enjoy that wealth tied, infatuated, attached, blind to the drawbacks, and not understanding the escape. 
Dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti. 
They make themselves happy and pleased, and they share it and make merit. 
Te ca bhoge agadhito amucchito anajjhopanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati. 
And they enjoy that wealth untied, uninfatuated, unattached, seeing the drawbacks, and understanding the escape. 
Tatra, gāmaṇi, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī adhammena bhoge pariyesati sāhasena, adhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasena na attānaṁ sukheti, na pīṇeti, na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karoti. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using illegitimate, coercive means, and who doesn’t make themselves happy and pleased, or share it and make merit. 
Na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karotīti, iminā tatiyena ṭhānena gārayho. 
They don’t share it and make merit. This is the third ground for criticism. 
Tatra, gāmaṇi, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī adhammena bhoge pariyesati sāhasena, adhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti, na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karoti. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using illegitimate, coercive means, and who makes themselves happy and pleased, but doesn’t share it and make merit. 
Na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karotīti, iminā dutiyena ṭhānena gārayho. 
They don’t share it and make merit. This is the second ground for criticism. 
Tatra, gāmaṇi, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī adhammena bhoge pariyesati sāhasena, adhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using illegitimate, coercive means, and who makes themselves happy and pleased, and shares it and makes merit. 
Saṁvibhajati puññāni karotīti, iminā dutiyena ṭhānena pāsaṁso. 
They share it and make merit. This is the second ground for praise. 
Tatra, gāmaṇi, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesati sāhasenapi asāhasenapi, dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasenapi asāhasenapi na attānaṁ sukheti, na pīṇeti, na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karoti. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using means both legitimate and illegitimate, and coercive and non-coercive, and who doesn’t make themselves happy and pleased, or share it and make merit. 
Na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karotīti, iminā tatiyena ṭhānena gārayho. 
They don’t share it and make merit. This is the third ground for criticism. 
Tatra, gāmaṇi, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesati sāhasenapi asāhasenapi, dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasenapi asāhasenapi attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti, na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karoti. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using means both legitimate and illegitimate, and coercive and non-coercive, and makes themselves happy and pleased, but doesn’t share it and make merit. 
Na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karotīti, iminā dutiyena ṭhānena gārayho. 
They don’t share it and make merit. This is the second ground for criticism. 
Tatra, gāmaṇi, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesati sāhasenapi asāhasenapi, dhammādhammena bhoge pariyesitvā sāhasenapi asāhasenapi attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using means both legitimate and illegitimate, and coercive and non-coercive, and who makes themselves happy and pleased, and shares it and makes merit. 
Saṁvibhajati puññāni karotīti, iminā tatiyena ṭhānena pāsaṁso. 
They share it and make merit. This is the third ground for praise. 
Tatra, gāmaṇi, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammena bhoge pariyesati asāhasena, dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena, na attānaṁ sukheti, na pīṇeti, na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karoti. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using legitimate, non-coercive means, but who doesn’t make themselves happy and pleased, or share it and make merit. 
Na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karotīti, iminā dutiyena ṭhānena gārayho. 
They don’t share it and make merit. This is the second ground for criticism. 
Tatra, gāmaṇi, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammena bhoge pariyesati asāhasena, dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti, na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karoti. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using legitimate, non-coercive means, and who makes themselves happy and pleased, but doesn’t share it and make merit. 
Na saṁvibhajati, na puññāni karotīti, iminā ekena ṭhānena gārayho. 
They don’t share it and make merit. This is the one ground for criticism. 
Tatra, gāmaṇi, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammena bhoge pariyesati asāhasena, dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti, te ca bhoge gadhito mucchito ajjhopanno anādīnavadassāvī anissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using legitimate, non-coercive means, and who makes themselves happy and pleased, and shares it and makes merit. But they enjoy that wealth tied, infatuated, attached, blind to the drawbacks, and not understanding the escape. 
Saṁvibhajati puññāni karotīti, iminā tatiyena ṭhānena pāsaṁso. 
They share it and make merit. This is the third ground for praise. 
Tatra, gāmaṇi, yvāyaṁ kāmabhogī dhammena bhoge pariyesati asāhasena, dhammena bhoge pariyesitvā asāhasena attānaṁ sukheti pīṇeti saṁvibhajati puññāni karoti. 
Now, consider the pleasure seeker who seeks wealth using legitimate, non-coercive means, and who makes themselves happy and pleased, and shares it and makes merit. 
Te ca bhoge agadhito amucchito anajjhopanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati. 
And they enjoy that wealth untied, uninfatuated, unattached, seeing the drawbacks, and understanding the escape. 
Saṁvibhajati puññāni karotīti, iminā tatiyena ṭhānena pāsaṁso. 
They share it and make merit. This is the third ground for praise. 

sn42.13upapajjati11Pi En Ru dhamma

Māyañcāhaṁ, gāmaṇi, pajānāmi, māyāya ca vipākaṁ, yathāpaṭipanno ca māyāvī kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi.  I understand magic and its result. And I understand how magicians practice so that when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Pāṇātipātañcāhaṁ, gāmaṇi, pajānāmi, pāṇātipātassa ca vipākaṁ, yathāpaṭipanno ca pāṇātipātī kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
I understand killing living creatures and its result. And I understand how those who kill living creatures practice so that when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Adinnādānañcāhaṁ, gāmaṇi, pajānāmi, adinnādānassa ca vipākaṁ, yathāpaṭipanno ca adinnādāyī kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
I understand stealing … 
Kāmesumicchācārañcāhaṁ, gāmaṇi, pajānāmi, kāmesumicchācārassa ca vipākaṁ, yathāpaṭipanno ca kāmesumicchācārī kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
sexual misconduct … 
Musāvādañcāhaṁ, gāmaṇi, pajānāmi, musāvādassa ca vipākaṁ, yathāpaṭipanno ca musāvādī kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
lying … 
Pisuṇavācañcāhaṁ, gāmaṇi, pajānāmi, pisuṇavācāya ca vipākaṁ, yathāpaṭipanno ca pisuṇavāco kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
divisive speech … 
Pharusavācañcāhaṁ, gāmaṇi, pajānāmi, pharusavācāya ca vipākaṁ, yathāpaṭipanno ca pharusavāco kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
harsh speech … 
Samphappalāpañcāhaṁ, gāmaṇi, pajānāmi, samphappalāpassa ca vipākaṁ, yathāpaṭipanno ca samphappalāpī kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
talking nonsense … 
Abhijjhañcāhaṁ, gāmaṇi, pajānāmi, abhijjhāya ca vipākaṁ, yathāpaṭipanno ca abhijjhālu kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
covetousness … 
Byāpādapadosañcāhaṁ, gāmaṇi, pajānāmi, byāpādapadosassa ca vipākaṁ, yathāpaṭipanno ca byāpannacitto kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
ill will … 
Micchādiṭṭhiñcāhaṁ, gāmaṇi, pajānāmi, micchādiṭṭhiyā ca vipākaṁ, yathāpaṭipanno ca micchādiṭṭhiko kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tañca pajānāmi. 
wrong view and its result. And I understand how those who have wrong view practice so that when their body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 

sn44.2virajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nibbindaṁ virajjati; virāgā vimuccati; vimuttasmiṁ vimuttamiti ñāṇaṁ hoti.  Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away they’re freed. When they’re freed, they know they’re freed. 

sn45.9vijjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, sālisūkaṁ vā yavasūkaṁ vā micchāpaṇihitaṁ hatthena vā pādena vā akkantaṁ hatthaṁ vā pādaṁ vā bhindissati, lohitaṁ vā uppādessatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  “Mendicants, suppose a spike of rice or barley was pointing the wrong way. If you trod on it with hand or foot, it is impossible for it to break the skin and produce blood. 
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu micchāpaṇihitāya diṭṭhiyā micchāpaṇihitāya maggabhāvanāya avijjaṁ bhindissati, vijjaṁ uppādessati, nibbānaṁ sacchikarissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
In the same way, a mendicant whose view and development of the path is pointing the wrong way cannot break ignorance, produce knowledge, and realize extinguishment. 
Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, sālisūkaṁ vā yavasūkaṁ vā sammāpaṇihitaṁ hatthena vā pādena vā akkantaṁ hatthaṁ vā pādaṁ vā bhindissati, lohitaṁ vā uppādessatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
Suppose a spike of rice or barley was pointing the right way. If you trod on it with hand or foot, it’s possible it may break the skin and produce blood. 
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu sammāpaṇihitāya diṭṭhiyā sammāpaṇihitāya maggabhāvanāya avijjaṁ bhindissati, vijjaṁ uppādessati, nibbānaṁ sacchikarissatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
In the same way, a mendicant whose view and development of the path is pointing the right way may well break ignorance, produce knowledge, and realize extinguishment. 

sn45.77uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi, yena anuppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo uppajjati, uppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati, yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, kalyāṇamittatā.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to the noble eightfold path, or, if it’s already arisen, fully develops it like good friendship. 

sn45.78-82uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi, yena anuppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo uppajjati, uppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati, yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, sīlasampadā …pe…  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to the noble eightfold path, or, if it’s already arisen, fully develops it like accomplishment in ethics. …” 

sn45.84uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi, yena anuppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo uppajjati, uppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati, yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, kalyāṇamittatā.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to the noble eightfold path, or, if it’s already arisen, fully develops it like good friendship. 

sn45.85-89uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi, yena anuppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo uppajjati, uppanno vā ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati, yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, sīlasampadā …pe…  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to the noble eightfold path, or, if it’s already arisen, fully develops it like accomplishment in ethics. …” 

sn45.154vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, sālisūkaṁ vā yavasūkaṁ vā sammāpaṇihitaṁ hatthena vā pādena vā akkantaṁ hatthaṁ vā pādaṁ vā bhindissati lohitaṁ vā uppādessatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati.  “Mendicants, suppose a spike of rice or barley was pointing the right way. If you trod on it with hand or foot, it’s possible it may break the skin and produce blood. 
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sammāpaṇihitāya diṭṭhiyā sammāpaṇihitāya maggabhāvanāya avijjaṁ bhindissati, vijjaṁ uppādessati, nibbānaṁ sacchikarissatīti—ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
In the same way, a mendicant whose view and development of the path is pointing the right way may well break ignorance, produce knowledge, and realize extinguishment. 

sn45.160vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāvento ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkaronto sikkhaṁ paccakkhāya hīnāyāvattissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  It is quite impossible for a mendicant who develops and cultivates the noble eightfold path to resign the training and return to a lesser life. 
Yañhi taṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ dīgharattaṁ vivekaninnaṁ vivekapoṇaṁ vivekapabbhāraṁ taṁ vata hīnāyāvattissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Because for a long time that mendicant’s mind has slanted, sloped, and inclined to seclusion. So it’s impossible for them to return to a lesser life. 

sn46.3parivīmaṁsamāpajjati uppajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

So tathā sato viharanto taṁ dhammaṁ paññāya pavicinati pavicarati parivīmaṁsamāpajjati.  As they live mindfully in this way they investigate, explore, and inquire into that teaching with wisdom. 
Yasmiṁ samaye, bhikkhave, bhikkhu tathā sato viharanto taṁ dhammaṁ paññāya pavicinati pavicarati parivīmaṁsamāpajjati, dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgo tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhuno āraddho hoti; 
At such a time, a mendicant has activated the awakening factor of investigation of principles; 
Āraddhavīriyassa uppajjati pīti nirāmisā. 
When they’re energetic, rapture not of the flesh arises. 
Yasmiṁ samaye, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno āraddhavīriyassa uppajjati pīti nirāmisā, pītisambojjhaṅgo tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhuno āraddho hoti; pītisambojjhaṅgaṁ tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhu bhāveti; pītisambojjhaṅgo tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhuno bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati. 
At such a time, a mendicant has activated the awakening factor of rapture; they develop it and perfect it. 

sn46.23uppajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

“Kāmarāgaṭṭhāniyānaṁ, bhikkhave, dhammānaṁ manasikārabahulīkārā anuppanno ceva kāmacchando uppajjati, uppanno ca kāmacchando bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati.  “Mendicants, when you frequently apply the mind to things that are grounds for sensual greed, sensual desire arises, and once arisen it increases and grows. 
Byāpādaṭṭhāniyānaṁ, bhikkhave, dhammānaṁ manasikārabahulīkārā anuppanno ceva byāpādo uppajjati, uppanno ca byāpādo bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati. 
When you frequently apply the mind to things that are grounds for ill will, ill will arises, and once arisen it increases and grows. 
Thinamiddhaṭṭhāniyānaṁ, bhikkhave, dhammānaṁ manasikārabahulīkārā anuppannañceva thinamiddhaṁ uppajjati, uppannañca thinamiddhaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati. 
When you frequently apply the mind to things that are grounds for dullness and drowsiness, dullness and drowsiness arise, and once arisen they increase and grow. 
Uddhaccakukkuccaṭṭhāniyānaṁ, bhikkhave, dhammānaṁ manasikārabahulīkārā anuppannañceva uddhaccakukkuccaṁ uppajjati, uppannañca uddhaccakukkuccaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati. 
When you frequently apply the mind to things that are grounds for restlessness and remorse, restlessness and remorse arise, and once arisen they increase and grow. 
Vicikicchāṭṭhāniyānaṁ, bhikkhave, dhammānaṁ manasikārabahulīkārā anuppannā ceva vicikicchā uppajjati, uppannā ca vicikicchā bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati. 
When you frequently apply the mind to things that are grounds for doubt, doubt arises, and once arisen it increases and grows. 
Satisambojjhaṅgaṭṭhāniyānaṁ, bhikkhave, dhammānaṁ manasikārabahulīkārā anuppanno ceva satisambojjhaṅgo uppajjati, uppanno ca satisambojjhaṅgo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati …pe… 
When you frequently apply the mind to things that are grounds for the awakening factor of mindfulness, the awakening factor of mindfulness arises, and once arisen it’s fully developed. … 
upekkhāsambojjhaṅgaṭṭhāniyānaṁ, bhikkhave, dhammānaṁ manasikārabahulīkārā anuppanno ceva upekkhāsambojjhaṅgo uppajjati, uppanno ca upekkhāsambojjhaṅgo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchatī”ti. 
When you frequently apply the mind to things that are grounds for the awakening factor of equanimity, the awakening factor of equanimity arises, and once arisen it’s fully developed.” 

sn46.24nuppajjati uppajjati14Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ayoniso, bhikkhave, manasikaroto anuppanno ceva kāmacchando uppajjati, uppanno ca kāmacchando bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati;  “Mendicants, when you apply the mind irrationally, sensual desire, 
anuppanno ceva byāpādo uppajjati, uppanno ca byāpādo bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; 
ill will, 
anuppannañceva thinamiddhaṁ uppajjati, uppannañca thinamiddhaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; 
dullness and drowsiness, 
anuppannañceva uddhaccakukkuccaṁ uppajjati, uppannañca uddhaccakukkuccaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; 
restlessness and remorse, 
anuppannā ceva vicikicchā uppajjati, uppannā ca vicikicchā bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; 
and doubt arise, and once arisen they increase and grow. 
anuppanno ceva satisambojjhaṅgo nuppajjati, uppanno ca satisambojjhaṅgo nirujjhati …pe… anuppanno ceva upekkhāsambojjhaṅgo nuppajjati, uppanno ca upekkhāsambojjhaṅgo nirujjhati. 
And the awakening factors of mindfulness, investigation of principles, energy, rapture, tranquility, immersion, and equanimity don’t arise, or if they’ve already arisen, they cease. 
Yoniso ca kho, bhikkhave, manasikaroto anuppanno ceva kāmacchando nuppajjati, uppanno ca kāmacchando pahīyati; 
When you apply the mind rationally, sensual desire, 
anuppanno ceva byāpādo nuppajjati, uppanno ca byāpādo pahīyati; 
ill will, 
anuppannañceva thinamiddhaṁ nuppajjati, uppannañca thinamiddhaṁ pahīyati; 
dullness and drowsiness, 
anuppannañceva uddhaccakukkuccaṁ nuppajjati, uppannañca uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahīyati; 
restlessness and remorse, 
anuppannā ceva vicikicchā nuppajjati, uppannā ca vicikicchā pahīyati. 
and doubt don’t arise, or if they’ve already arisen they’re given up. 
Anuppanno ceva satisambojjhaṅgo uppajjati, uppanno ca satisambojjhaṅgo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati …pe… anuppanno ceva upekkhāsambojjhaṅgo uppajjati, uppanno ca upekkhāsambojjhaṅgo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchatī”ti. 
And the awakening factors of mindfulness, investigation of principles, energy, rapture, tranquility, immersion, and equanimity arise, and once they’ve arisen, they’re fully developed.” 

sn46.35uppajjati7Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ayoniso, bhikkhave, manasikaroto anuppanno ceva kāmacchando uppajjati, uppanno ca kāmacchando bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; anuppanno ceva byāpādo uppajjati, uppanno ca byāpādo bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; anuppannañceva thinamiddhaṁ uppajjati, uppannañca thinamiddhaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; anuppannañceva uddhaccakukkuccaṁ uppajjati, uppannañca uddhaccakukkuccaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; anuppannā ceva vicikicchā uppajjati, uppannā ca vicikicchā bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī”ti.  “Mendicants, when you apply the mind irrationally, sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt arise, and once arisen they increase and grow.” 
“Yoniso ca kho, bhikkhave, manasikaroto anuppanno ceva satisambojjhaṅgo uppajjati, uppanno ca satisambojjhaṅgo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati …pe… anuppanno ceva upekkhāsambojjhaṅgo uppajjati, uppanno ca upekkhāsambojjhaṅgo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchatī”ti. 
“Mendicants, when you apply the mind rationally, the awakening factors of mindfulness, investigation of principles, energy, rapture, tranquility, immersion, and equanimity arise, and once they’ve arisen, they’re fully developed.” 

sn46.52parivīmaṁsamāpajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yadapi, bhikkhave, ajjhattaṁ dhammesu paññāya pavicinati pavicarati parivīmaṁsamāpajjati tadapi dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgo, yadapi bahiddhā dhammesu paññāya pavicinati pavicarati parivīmaṁsamāpajjati tadapi dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgo.  Investigating, exploring, and inquiring into internal things with wisdom is the awakening factor of investigation of principles; and investigating, exploring, and inquiring into external things with wisdom is also the awakening factor of investigation of principles. 

sn47.10uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa kāye kāyānupassino viharato kāyārammaṇo vā uppajjati kāyasmiṁ pariḷāho, cetaso vā līnattaṁ, bahiddhā vā cittaṁ vikkhipati.  As they meditate observing an aspect of the body, based on the body there arises physical tension, or mental sluggishness, or the mind is externally scattered. 
Tassa dhammesu dhammānupassino viharato dhammārammaṇo vā uppajjati kāyasmiṁ pariḷāho, cetaso vā līnattaṁ, bahiddhā vā cittaṁ vikkhipati. 
As they meditate observing an aspect of principles, based on principles there arises physical tension, or mental sluggishness, or the mind is externally scattered. 

sn47.11virajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa kāye kāyānupassino viharato cittaṁ virajjati, vimuccati anupādāya āsavehi.  As they meditate observing an aspect of the body, their mind becomes dispassionate, and is freed from the defilements by not grasping. 
Tassa dhammesu dhammānupassino viharato cittaṁ virajjati, vimuccati anupādāya āsavehi. 
As they meditate observing an aspect of principles, their mind becomes dispassionate, and is freed from the defilements by not grasping. 

sn47.12vijjati3Pi En Ru dhamma

Na cāhu, na ca bhavissati, na cetarahi vijjati añño samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā bhagavatā bhiyyobhiññataro, yadidaṁ—sambodhiyan”ti.  I believe there’s no other ascetic or brahmin—whether past, future, or present—whose direct knowledge is superior to the Buddha when it comes to awakening.” 
Na cāhu, na ca bhavissati na cetarahi vijjati añño samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā bhagavatā bhiyyobhiññataro, yadidaṁ—sambodhiyan’ti. 
I believe there’s no other ascetic or brahmin—whether past, future, or present—whose direct knowledge is superior to the Buddha when it comes to awakening.’ 
Na cāhu, na ca bhavissati, na cetarahi vijjati añño samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā bhagavatā’ bhiyyobhiññataro, yadidaṁ—sambodhiyan”ti? 

sn47.13vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  That is not possible. 
netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
That is not possible. 

sn47.14vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  That is not possible. 
netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
That is not possible. 

sn48.39uppajjati9Pi En Ru dhamma

Sukhavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhave, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhindriyaṁ.  The faculty of pleasure arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as pleasant. 
Dukkhavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhave, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati dukkhindriyaṁ. 
The faculty of pain arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as painful. 
Somanassavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhave, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati somanassindriyaṁ. 
The faculty of happiness arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as happiness. 
Domanassavedaniyaṁ, bhikkhave, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati domanassindriyaṁ. 
The faculty of sadness arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as sadness. 
Upekkhāvedaniyaṁ, bhikkhave, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati upekkhindriyaṁ. 
The faculty of equanimity arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as equanimous. 
evameva kho, bhikkhave, sukhavedaniyaṁ phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhindriyaṁ. 
In the same way, the faculty of pleasure arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as pleasant. 
Tasseva sukhavedaniyassa phassassa nirodhā ‘yaṁ tajjaṁ vedayitaṁ sukhavedaniyaṁ phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati sukhindriyaṁ taṁ nirujjhati, taṁ vūpasammatī’ti pajānāti. 
With the cessation of that contact to be experienced as pleasant, you understand that the corresponding faculty of pleasure ceases and stops. 
upekkhāvedaniyaṁ, bhikkhave, phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati upekkhindriyaṁ. 
equanimity arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as equanimous. 
Tasseva upekkhāvedaniyassa phassassa nirodhā ‘yaṁ tajjaṁ vedayitaṁ upekkhāvedaniyaṁ phassaṁ paṭicca uppajjati upekkhindriyaṁ taṁ nirujjhati, taṁ vūpasammatī’ti pajānāti”. 
With the cessation of that contact to be experienced as equanimous, you understand that the corresponding faculty of equanimity ceases and stops.” 

sn48.40uppajjati vijjati10Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato uppajjati dukkhindriyaṁ.  While a mendicant is meditating—diligent, keen, and resolute—the faculty of pain arises. 
Tañca animittaṁ anidānaṁ asaṅkhāraṁ appaccayaṁ dukkhindriyaṁ uppajjissatī’ti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It’s not possible for the faculty of pain to arise without a basis, a source, a condition, or a reason.’ 
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato uppajjati domanassindriyaṁ. 
While a mendicant is meditating—diligent, keen, and resolute—the faculty of sadness arises. 
tañca animittaṁ anidānaṁ asaṅkhāraṁ appaccayaṁ domanassindriyaṁ uppajjissatī’ti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It’s not possible for the faculty of sadness to arise without a basis, a source, a condition, or a reason.’ 
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato uppajjati sukhindriyaṁ. 
While a mendicant is meditating—diligent, keen, and resolute—the faculty of pleasure arises. 
tañca animittaṁ anidānaṁ asaṅkhāraṁ appaccayaṁ sukhindriyaṁ uppajjissatī’ti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It’s not possible for the faculty of pleasure to arise without a basis, a source, a condition, or a reason.’ 
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato uppajjati somanassindriyaṁ. 
While a mendicant is meditating—diligent, keen, and resolute—the faculty of happiness arises. 
tañca animittaṁ anidānaṁ asaṅkhāraṁ appaccayaṁ somanassindriyaṁ uppajjissatī’ti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It’s not possible for the faculty of happiness to arise without a basis, a source, a condition, or a reason.’ 
Idha pana, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato uppajjati upekkhindriyaṁ. 
While a mendicant is meditating—diligent, keen, and resolute—the faculty of equanimity arises. 
tañca animittaṁ anidānaṁ asaṅkhāraṁ appaccayaṁ upekkhindriyaṁ uppajjissatī’ti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
It’s not possible for the faculty of equanimity to arise without a basis, a source, a condition, or a reason.’ 

sn51.11parimajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Evaṁ bhāvitesu kho, bhikkhu, catūsu iddhipādesu evaṁ bahulīkatesu, anekavihitaṁ iddhividhaṁ paccanubhoti—ekopi hutvā bahudhā hoti, bahudhāpi hutvā eko hoti; āvibhāvaṁ, tirobhāvaṁ; tirokuṭṭaṁ tiropākāraṁ tiropabbataṁ asajjamāno gacchati, seyyathāpi ākāse; pathaviyāpi ummujjanimujjaṁ karoti, seyyathāpi udake; udakepi abhijjamāne gacchati, seyyathāpi pathaviyaṁ; ākāsepi pallaṅkena kamati, seyyathāpi pakkhī sakuṇo; imepi candimasūriye evaṁmahiddhike evaṁmahānubhāve pāṇinā parimasati parimajjati; yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vatteti.  When the four bases of psychic power have been developed and cultivated in this way, they wield the many kinds of psychic power: multiplying themselves and becoming one again; appearing and disappearing; going unobstructed through a wall, a rampart, or a mountain as if through space; diving in and out of the earth as if it were water; walking on water as if it were earth; flying cross-legged through the sky like a bird; touching and stroking with the hand the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful; controlling the body as far as the realm of divinity. 

sn51.15vijjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Chandeneva chandaṁ pajahissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati”.  For it’s not possible to give up desire by means of desire.” 

sn52.8vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

So vata, āvuso, bhikkhu cattāro satipaṭṭhāne bhāvento cattāro satipaṭṭhāne bahulīkaronto sikkhaṁ paccakkhāya hīnāyāvattissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  It is quite impossible for a mendicant who is developing and cultivating the four kinds of mindfulness meditation to resign the training and return to a lesser life. 
Yañhi taṁ, āvuso, cittaṁ dīgharattaṁ vivekaninnaṁ vivekapoṇaṁ vivekapabbhāraṁ taṁ vata hīnāyāvattissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
Because for a long time that mendicant’s mind has slanted, sloped, and inclined to seclusion. So it’s impossible for them to return to a lesser life. 

sn54.13parivīmaṁsamāpajjati uppajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

So tathā sato viharanto taṁ dhammaṁ paññāya pavicinati pavicarati parivīmaṁsamāpajjati.  As they live mindfully in this way they investigate, explore, and inquire into that principle with wisdom. 
Yasmiṁ samaye, ānanda, bhikkhu tathā sato viharanto taṁ dhammaṁ paññāya pavicinati pavicarati parivīmaṁsamāpajjati— 
At such a time, a mendicant has activated the awakening factor of investigation of principles; they develop it and perfect it. 
Āraddhavīriyassa uppajjati pīti nirāmisā. 
When you’re energetic, rapture not of the flesh arises. 
Yasmiṁ samaye, ānanda, bhikkhuno āraddhavīriyassa uppajjati pīti nirāmisā— 
At such a time, a mendicant has activated the awakening factor of rapture; they develop it and perfect it. 

sn54.16parivīmaṁsamāpajjati uppajjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

So tathāsato viharanto taṁ dhammaṁ paññāya pavicinati pavicarati parivīmaṁsamāpajjati.   
Yasmiṁ samaye, bhikkhave, bhikkhu tathāsato viharanto taṁ dhammaṁ paññāya pavicinati pavicarati parivīmaṁsamāpajjati— 
Āraddhavīriyassa uppajjati pīti nirāmisā. 
Yasmiṁ samaye, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno āraddhavīriyassa uppajjati pīti nirāmisā— 

sn55.1upapajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

“kiñcāpi, bhikkhave, rājā cakkavattī catunnaṁ dīpānaṁ issariyādhipaccaṁ rajjaṁ kāretvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati devānaṁ tāvatiṁsānaṁ sahabyataṁ, so tattha nandane vane accharāsaṅghaparivuto dibbehi ca pañcahi kāmaguṇehi samappito samaṅgībhūto paricāreti, so catūhi dhammehi asamannāgato, atha kho so aparimuttova nirayā aparimutto tiracchānayoniyā aparimutto pettivisayā aparimutto apāyaduggativinipātā.  “Mendicants, suppose a wheel-turning monarch were to rule as sovereign lord over these four continents. And when his body breaks up, after death, he’s reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm, in the company of the gods of the thirty-three. There he entertains himself in the Garden of Delight, escorted by a band of nymphs, and supplied and provided with the five kinds of heavenly sensual stimulation. Still, as he’s lacking four things, he’s not exempt from hell, the animal realm, or the ghost realm. He’s not exempt from places of loss, bad places, the underworld. 

sn55.3āpajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘mā hevāyaṁ jotiko gahapati mamaccayena vighātaṁ āpajjī’”ti.  ‘I hope Jotika doesn’t suffer distress when I’ve gone.’” 
āpajjī’”ti → āpajjati (mr) 

sn55.13upapajjati8Pi En Ru dhamma

Yathārūpena kho, āvuso, buddhe appasādena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tathārūpassa buddhe appasādo na hoti.  They don’t have the distrust in the Buddha that causes an unlearned ordinary person to be reborn—when their body breaks up, after death—in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yathārūpena ca kho, āvuso, buddhe aveccappasādena samannāgato sutavā ariyasāvako kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati tathārūpassa buddhe aveccappasādo hoti— 
And they do have the experiential confidence in the Buddha that causes a learned noble disciple to be reborn—when their body breaks up, after death—in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Yathārūpena ca kho, āvuso, dhamme appasādena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tathārūpassa dhamme appasādo na hoti. 
They don’t have the distrust in the teaching that causes an unlearned ordinary person to be reborn—when their body breaks up, after death—in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yathārūpena ca kho, āvuso, dhamme aveccappasādena samannāgato sutavā ariyasāvako kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati tathārūpassa dhamme aveccappasādo hoti— 
And they do have the experiential confidence in the teaching that causes a learned noble disciple to be reborn—when their body breaks up, after death—in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Yathārūpena ca kho, āvuso, saṅghe appasādena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tathārūpassa saṅghe appasādo na hoti. 
They don’t have the distrust in the Saṅgha that causes an unlearned ordinary person to be reborn—when their body breaks up, after death—in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yathārūpena ca kho, āvuso, saṅghe aveccappasādena samannāgato sutavā ariyasāvako kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati tathārūpassa saṅghe aveccappasādo hoti— 
And they do have the experiential confidence in the Saṅgha that causes a learned noble disciple to be reborn—when their body breaks up, after death—in a good place, a heavenly realm. 
Yathārūpena ca kho, āvuso, dussīlyena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tathārūpassa dussīlyaṁ na hoti. 
They don’t have the unethical conduct that causes an unlearned ordinary person to be reborn—when their body breaks up, after death—in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yathārūpehi ca kho, āvuso, ariyakantehi sīlehi samannāgato sutavā ariyasāvako kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati tathārūpāni ariyakantāni sīlāni honti akhaṇḍāni …pe… 
And they do have the ethical conduct loved by the noble ones that causes a learned noble disciple to be reborn—when their body breaks up, after death—in a good place, a heavenly realm. 

sn55.17vijjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tatridaṁ aññathattaṁ—so vata buddhe aveccappasādena samannāgato ariyasāvako nirayaṁ vā tiracchānayoniṁ vā pettivisayaṁ vā upapajjissatī”ti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  In this context, ‘change’ means that such a noble disciple will be reborn in hell, the animal realm, or the ghost realm: this is quite impossible. 
Tatridaṁ aññathattaṁ—so vata ariyakantehi sīlehi samannāgato ariyasāvako nirayaṁ vā tiracchānayoniṁ vā pettivisayaṁ vā upapajjissatīti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
In this context, ‘change’ means that such a noble disciple will be reborn in hell, the animal realm, or the ghost realm: this is quite impossible. 

sn55.26upapajjati14Pi En Ru dhamma

“Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, buddhe appasādena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati tathārūpo te buddhe appasādo natthi.  “Householder, you don’t have the distrust in the Buddha that causes an unlearned ordinary person to be reborn—when their body breaks up, after death—in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, dhamme appasādena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpo te dhamme appasādo natthi. 
You don’t have the distrust in the teaching that causes an unlearned ordinary person to be reborn—when their body breaks up, after death—in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, saṅghe appasādena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpo te saṅghe appasādo natthi. 
You don’t have the distrust in the Saṅgha that causes an unlearned ordinary person to be reborn—when their body breaks up, after death—in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, dussīlyena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpaṁ te dussīlyaṁ natthi. 
You don’t have the unethical conduct that causes an unlearned ordinary person to be reborn—when their body breaks up, after death—in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yathārūpāya kho, gahapati, micchādiṭṭhiyā samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpā te micchādiṭṭhi natthi. 
You don’t have the wrong view that causes an unlearned ordinary person to be reborn—when their body breaks up, after death—in a place of loss, a bad place, the underworld, hell. 
Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, micchāsaṅkappena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpo te micchāsaṅkappo natthi. 
You don’t have the wrong thought … 
Yathārūpāya kho, gahapati, micchāvācāya samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpā te micchāvācā natthi. 
wrong speech … 
Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, micchākammantena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpo te micchākammanto natthi. 
wrong action … 
Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, micchāājīvena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpo te micchāājīvo natthi. 
wrong livelihood … 
Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, micchāvāyāmena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpo te micchāvāyāmo natthi. 
wrong effort … 
Yathārūpāya kho, gahapati, micchāsatiyā samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpā te micchāsati natthi. 
wrong mindfulness … 
Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, micchāsamādhinā samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpo te micchāsamādhi natthi. 
wrong immersion … 
Yathārūpena kho, gahapati, micchāñāṇena samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpaṁ te micchāñāṇaṁ natthi. 
wrong knowledge … 
Yathārūpāya kho, gahapati, micchāvimuttiyā samannāgato assutavā puthujjano kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ upapajjati, tathārūpā te micchāvimutti natthi. 
wrong freedom … 

sn55.28uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

iti imasmiṁ sati idaṁ hoti, imassuppādā idaṁ uppajjati;  ‘When this exists, that is; due to the arising of this, that arises. 

sn56.16vijjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  That is not possible. 
netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
That is not possible. 
netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
That is not possible. 
netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
That is not possible. 

sn56.32vijjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  That is not possible. 
netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati; 
That is not possible. 
netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
That is not possible. 
ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
That is possible. 
ṭhānametaṁ vijjati; 
That is possible. 
ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
That is possible. 

sn56.38nuppajjati uppajjati2Pi En Ru dhamma

Evameva kho, bhikkhave, yāvakīvañca tathāgato loke nuppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho, neva tāva mahato ālokassa pātubhāvo hoti mahato obhāsassa.  In the same way, as long as the Realized One doesn’t arise in the world, no great light or great radiance appears. 
Yato ca kho, bhikkhave, tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho, atha mahato ālokassa pātubhāvo hoti mahato obhāsassa. 
But when the Realized One arises in the world, a great light, a great radiance appears. 

sn56.40vijjati4Pi En Ru dhamma

‘vādamassa āropessāmī’ti, taṁ vata sahadhammena saṅkampessati vā sampakampessati vā sampacālessati vāti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  ‘I’ll refute their doctrine!’ It’s simply impossible for them to legitimately make that mendicant shake or rock or tremble. 
‘vādamassa āropessāmī’ti, taṁ vata sahadhammena saṅkampessati vā sampakampessati vā sampacālessati vāti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
puratthimāya cepi disāya āgaccheyya samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā vādatthiko vādagavesī ‘vādamassa āropessāmī’ti, taṁ vata sahadhammena saṅkampessati vā sampakampessati vā sampacālessati vāti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
An ascetic or brahmin might come from the east, west, north, or south wanting to debate, seeking a debate, thinking: ‘I’ll refute their doctrine!’ It’s simply impossible for them to legitimately make that mendicant shake or rock or tremble. 
dakkhiṇāya cepi disāya āgaccheyya samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā vādatthiko vādagavesī: ‘vādamassa āropessāmī’ti, taṁ vata sahadhammena saṅkampessati vā sampakampessati vā sampacālessati vāti—netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 

sn56.44vijjati6Pi En Ru dhamma

netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.  That is not possible. 
netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati; 
That is not possible. 
netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. 
That is not possible. 
ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
That is possible. 
ṭhānametaṁ vijjati; 
That is possible. 
ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. 
That is possible. 

sn56.48uppajjati1Pi En Ru dhamma

Evaṁ adhiccamidaṁ, bhikkhave, yaṁ tathāgato loke uppajjati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho.  And that’s how unlikely it is for a Realized One to arise in the world, a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha.