Jhānā 52 texts and 115 matches in Suttanta Pali

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an4.22jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī.  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an4.35jhānānaṁ3Pi En Ru dhamma

Catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī.  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 
Bhavañhi gotamo catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī akicchalābhī akasiralābhī. 
Mister Gotama gets the four absorptions … when he wants, without trouble or difficulty. 
Ahañhi, brāhmaṇa, catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī akicchalābhī akasiralābhī. 
I do get the four absorptions … when I want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an4.87jhānānaṁ2Pi En Ru dhamma

Catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī,  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 
Catunnaṁ kho panasmi jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, 
I get the four absorptions when I want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an5.87jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī;  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an5.104jhānānaṁ2Pi En Ru dhamma

Appābādho hoti, catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī,  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 
catunnaṁ kho panasmi jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, 
I get the four absorptions when I want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an5.106jhānānaṁ2Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnañca jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī;  And they get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 
catunnañca jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī; 
And they get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an5.109jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī;  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an5.110jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī;  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an5.166jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī;  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an5.232jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī;  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an5.233jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī.  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an5.234jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī.  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an6.45jhānāni1Pi En Ru dhamma

Jhānāni upasampajja,  and enter the absorptions, 

an6.74tajjhānā1Pi En Ru dhamma

tajjhānā apare duveti. 

an7.67jhānānaṁ4Pi En Ru dhamma

Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, yato ariyasāvako sattahi saddhammehi samannāgato hoti, catunnañca jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī.  In the same way, when a noble disciple has seven good qualities, and they get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty, 
Katamesaṁ catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī? 
And what are the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—that they get when they want, without trouble or difficulty? 
Imesaṁ catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī. 
These are the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—which they get when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 
Yato kho, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako imehi sattahi saddhammehi samannāgato hoti, imesañca catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī. 
When a noble disciple has seven good qualities, and they get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty, 

an7.75jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī,  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an7.76jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī,  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an7.77jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī,  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an7.79jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī,  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an7.80jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ …pe… akasiralābhī,  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an7.81jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ …pe… akasiralābhī,  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an8.30jhānānaṁ5Pi En Ru dhamma

Yato kho tvaṁ, anuruddha, ime ca aṭṭha mahāpurisavitakke vitakkessasi, imesañca catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī bhavissasi akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, tato tuyhaṁ, anuruddha, seyyathāpi nāma gahapatissa vā gahapatiputtassa vā nānārattānaṁ dussānaṁ dussakaraṇḍako pūro;  First you’ll reflect on these eight thoughts of a great man, and you’ll get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when you want, without trouble or difficulty. Then as you live contented your rag robe will seem to you like a chest full of garments of different colors seems to a householder or householder’s child. 
Yato kho tvaṁ, anuruddha, ime ca aṭṭha mahāpurisavitakke vitakkessasi, imesañca catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī bhavissasi akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, tato tuyhaṁ, anuruddha, seyyathāpi nāma gahapatissa vā gahapatiputtassa vā sālīnaṁ odano vicitakāḷako anekasūpo anekabyañjano; 
As you live contented your scraps of almsfood will seem to you like boiled fine rice with the dark grains picked out, served with many soups and sauces seems to a householder or householder’s child. 
Yato kho tvaṁ, anuruddha, ime ca aṭṭha mahāpurisavitakke vitakkessasi, imesañca catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī bhavissasi akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, tato tuyhaṁ, anuruddha, seyyathāpi nāma gahapatissa vā gahapatiputtassa vā kūṭāgāraṁ ullittāvalittaṁ nivātaṁ phusitaggaḷaṁ pihitavātapānaṁ; 
As you live contented your lodging at the root of a tree will seem to you like a bungalow, plastered inside and out, draft-free, with door fastened and window shuttered seems to a householder or householder’s child. 
Yato kho tvaṁ, anuruddha, ime ca aṭṭha mahāpurisavitakke vitakkessasi, imesañca catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī bhavissasi akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, tato tuyhaṁ, anuruddha, seyyathāpi nāma gahapatissa vā gahapatiputtassa vā pallaṅko gonakatthato paṭikatthato paṭalikatthato kadalimigapavarapaccattharaṇo sauttaracchado ubhatolohitakūpadhāno; 
As you live contented your lodging at the root of a tree will seem to you like a couch spread with woolen covers—shag-piled, pure white, or embroidered with flowers—and spread with a fine deer hide, with a canopy above and red pillows at both ends seems to a householder or householder’s child. 
Yato kho tvaṁ, anuruddha, ime ca aṭṭha mahāpurisavitakke vitakkessasi, imesañca catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī bhavissasi akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, tato tuyhaṁ, anuruddha, seyyathāpi nāma gahapatissa vā gahapatiputtassa vā nānābhesajjāni, seyyathidaṁ—sappi navanītaṁ telaṁ madhu phāṇitaṁ; 
As you live contented your rancid urine as medicine will seem to you like various medicines—ghee, butter, oil, honey, and molasses—seem to a householder or householder’s child. 

an8.57jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī;  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an8.58jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī;  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an8.71jhānānaṁ4Pi En Ru dhamma

visārado ca parisāya dhammaṁ deseti, no ca catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī …pe…  they don’t get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty … 
catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, no ca āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharati; 
they don’t realize the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life, and live having realized it with their own insight due to the ending of defilements. 
‘kintāhaṁ saddho ca assaṁ, sīlavā ca, bahussuto ca, dhammakathiko ca, parisāvacaro ca, visārado ca parisāya dhammaṁ deseyyaṁ, catunnañca jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī assaṁ akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, āsavānañca khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja vihareyyan’ti. 
‘How can I become faithful, ethical, and learned, a Dhamma speaker, one who frequents assemblies, one who teaches Dhamma to the assembly with assurance, one who gets the four absorptions when they want, and one who lives having realized the ending of defilements?’ 
Yato ca kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddho ca hoti, sīlavā ca, bahussuto ca, dhammakathiko ca, parisāvacaro ca, visārado ca parisāya dhammaṁ deseti, catunnañca jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, āsavānañca khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharati; 
When they’re faithful, ethical, and learned, a Dhamma speaker, one who frequents assemblies, one who teaches Dhamma to the assembly with assurance, one who gets the four absorptions when they want, and one who lives having realized the ending of defilements, 

an10.8jhānānaṁ4Pi En Ru dhamma

āraññiko ca pantasenāsano, no ca catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī …  they don’t get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty … 
catunnañca jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, no ca āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharati. 
they don’t realize the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life, and live having realized it with their own insight due to the ending of defilements. 
‘kintāhaṁ saddho ca assaṁ, sīlavā ca, bahussuto ca, dhammakathiko ca, parisāvacaro ca, visārado ca parisāya dhammaṁ deseyyaṁ, vinayadharo ca, āraññiko ca pantasenāsano, catunnañca jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī assaṁ akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, āsavānañca khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja vihareyyan’ti. 
‘How can I become faithful, ethical, and learned, a Dhamma speaker, one who frequents assemblies, one who teaches Dhamma to the assembly with assurance, an expert in the training, one who lives in the wilderness, in remote lodgings, one who gets the four absorptions when they want, and one who lives having realized the ending of defilements?’ 
Yato ca kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu saddho ca hoti, sīlavā ca, bahussuto ca, dhammakathiko ca, parisāvacaro ca, visārado ca parisāya dhammaṁ deseti, vinayadharo ca, āraññiko ca pantasenāsano, catunnañca jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, āsavānañca khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharati; 
When they’re faithful, ethical, and learned, a Dhamma speaker, one who frequents assemblies, one who teaches Dhamma to the assembly with assurance, an expert in the training, one who lives in the wilderness, in remote lodgings, one who gets the four absorptions when they want, and one who lives having realized the ending of defilements, 

an10.30jhānānaṁ2Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, bhante, bhagavā catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī akicchalābhī akasiralābhī.  Furthermore, the Buddha gets the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when he wants, without trouble or difficulty. 
Yampi, bhante, bhagavā catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, idampi kho ahaṁ, bhante, atthavasaṁ sampassamāno bhagavati evarūpaṁ paramanipaccakāraṁ karomi, mettūpahāraṁ upadaṁsemi. 
This is another reason that I demonstrate such utmost devotion for the Buddha, conveying my manifest love. 

an10.71jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī assaṁ akicchalābhī akasiralābhī’ti, sīlesvevassa …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.  A mendicant might wish: ‘May I get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when I want, without trouble or difficulty.’ So let them fulfill their precepts … 

an10.72jhānā3Pi En Ru dhamma

Saddakaṇṭakā kho pana jhānā vuttā bhagavatā.  But the Buddha has said that sound is a thorn to absorption. 
‘ime kho sambahulā abhiññātā abhiññātā licchavī bhadrehi bhadrehi yānehi parapurāya uccāsaddā mahāsaddā mahāvanaṁ ajjhogāhanti bhagavantaṁ dassanāya saddakaṇṭakā kho pana jhānā vuttā bhagavatā yannūna mayaṁ yena gosiṅgasālavanadāyo tenupasaṅkameyyāma tattha mayaṁ appasaddā appākiṇṇā phāsuṁ vihareyyāmā’ti. 
“Sādhu sādhu, bhikkhave, yathā te mahāsāvakā sammā byākaramānā byākareyyuṁ, saddakaṇṭakā hi, bhikkhave, jhānā vuttā mayā. 
“Good, good, mendicants! It’s just as those great disciples have so rightly explained. I have said that sound is a thorn to absorption. 

an10.98jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī,  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

an11.14jhānānaṁ3Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, subhūti, bhikkhu catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī.  Furthermore, a mendicant gets the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 
Yampi, subhūti, bhikkhu catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, idampi, subhūti, saddhassa saddhāpadānaṁ hoti. 
When a mendicant gets the four absorptions, this is evidence of faith. 
Ayaṁ, bhante, bhikkhu catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī. 
This mendicant gets the four absorptions … 

dn16catutthajjhānā dutiyajjhānā paṭhamajjhānā tatiyajjhānā11Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho bhagavā paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji, paṭhamajjhānā vuṭṭhahitvā dutiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji, dutiyajjhānā vuṭṭhahitvā tatiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji, tatiyajjhānā vuṭṭhahitvā catutthaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji, catutthajjhānā vuṭṭhahitvā ākāsānañcāyatanaṁ samāpajji, ākāsānañcāyatanasamāpattiyā vuṭṭhahitvā viññāṇañcāyatanaṁ samāpajji, viññāṇañcāyatanasamāpattiyā vuṭṭhahitvā ākiñcaññāyatanaṁ samāpajji, ākiñcaññāyatanasamāpattiyā vuṭṭhahitvā nevasaññānāsaññāyatanaṁ samāpajji, nevasaññānāsaññāyatanasamāpattiyā vuṭṭhahitvā saññāvedayitanirodhaṁ samāpajji.  Then the Buddha entered the first absorption. Emerging from that, he entered the second absorption. Emerging from that, he successively entered into and emerged from the third absorption, the fourth absorption, the dimension of infinite space, the dimension of infinite consciousness, the dimension of nothingness, and the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception. Then he entered the cessation of perception and feeling. 
Atha kho bhagavā saññāvedayitanirodhasamāpattiyā vuṭṭhahitvā nevasaññānāsaññāyatanaṁ samāpajji, nevasaññānāsaññāyatanasamāpattiyā vuṭṭhahitvā ākiñcaññāyatanaṁ samāpajji, ākiñcaññāyatanasamāpattiyā vuṭṭhahitvā viññāṇañcāyatanaṁ samāpajji, viññāṇañcāyatanasamāpattiyā vuṭṭhahitvā ākāsānañcāyatanaṁ samāpajji, ākāsānañcāyatanasamāpattiyā vuṭṭhahitvā catutthaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji, catutthajjhānā vuṭṭhahitvā tatiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji, tatiyajjhānā vuṭṭhahitvā dutiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji, dutiyajjhānā vuṭṭhahitvā paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji, paṭhamajjhānā vuṭṭhahitvā dutiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji, dutiyajjhānā vuṭṭhahitvā tatiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji, tatiyajjhānā vuṭṭhahitvā catutthaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji, catutthajjhānā vuṭṭhahitvā samanantarā bhagavā parinibbāyi. 
Then the Buddha emerged from the cessation of perception and feeling and entered the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception. Emerging from that, he successively entered into and emerged from the dimension of nothingness, the dimension of infinite consciousness, the dimension of infinite space, the fourth absorption, the third absorption, the second absorption, and the first absorption. Emerging from that, he successively entered into and emerged from the second absorption and the third absorption. Then he entered the fourth absorption. Emerging from that the Buddha immediately became fully extinguished. 

dn28jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Catunnañca bhagavā jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī akicchalābhī akasiralābhī.  He gets the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when he wants, without trouble or difficulty. 

dn33jhānāni1Pi En Ru dhamma

Cattāri jhānāni.  Four absorptions: 

mn6jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī assaṁ akicchalābhī akasiralābhī’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.  A mendicant might wish: ‘May I get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when I want, without trouble or difficulty.’ So let them fulfill their precepts … 

mn53jhānānaṁ6Pi En Ru dhamma

“idha, mahānāma, ariyasāvako sīlasampanno hoti, indriyesu guttadvāro hoti, bhojane mattaññū hoti, jāgariyaṁ anuyutto hoti, sattahi saddhammehi samannāgato hoti, catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī.  “Mahānāma, a noble disciple is accomplished in ethics, guards the sense doors, eats in moderation, and is dedicated to wakefulness. They have seven good qualities, and they get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 
Kathañca, mahānāma, ariyasāvako catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī? 
And how does a noble disciple get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty? 
Evaṁ kho, mahānāma, ariyasāvako catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī. 
That’s how a noble disciple gets the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 
Yato kho, mahānāma, ariyasāvako evaṁ sīlasampanno hoti, evaṁ indriyesu guttadvāro hoti, evaṁ bhojane mattaññū hoti, evaṁ jāgariyaṁ anuyutto hoti, evaṁ sattahi saddhammehi samannāgato hoti, evaṁ catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, ayaṁ vuccati, mahānāma, ariyasāvako sekho pāṭipado apuccaṇḍatāya samāpanno, bhabbo abhinibbhidāya, bhabbo sambodhāya, bhabbo anuttarassa yogakkhemassa adhigamāya. 
When a noble disciple is accomplished in ethics, guards the sense doors, eats in moderation, and is dedicated to wakefulness; and they have seven good qualities, and they get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty, they are called a noble disciple who is a practicing trainee. Their eggs are unspoiled, and they are capable of breaking out of their shell, becoming awakened, and achieving the supreme sanctuary from the yoke. 
Evameva kho, mahānāma, yato ariyasāvako evaṁ sīlasampanno hoti, evaṁ indriyesu guttadvāro hoti, evaṁ bhojane mattaññū hoti, evaṁ jāgariyaṁ anuyutto hoti, evaṁ sattahi saddhammehi samannāgato hoti, evaṁ catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, ayaṁ vuccati, mahānāma, ariyasāvako sekho pāṭipado apuccaṇḍatāya samāpanno, bhabbo abhinibbhidāya, bhabbo sambodhāya, bhabbo anuttarassa yogakkhemassa adhigamāya. 
In the same way, when a noble disciple is practicing all these things they are called a noble disciple who is a practicing trainee. Their eggs are unspoiled, and they are capable of breaking out of their shell, becoming awakened, and achieving the supreme sanctuary from the yoke. 
yampi, mahānāma, ariyasāvako catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, idampissa hoti caraṇasmiṁ. 
and getting the four absorptions when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

mn77jhānāni1Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, udāyi, akkhātā mayā sāvakānaṁ paṭipadā, yathāpaṭipannā me sāvakā cattāri jhānāni bhāventi.  Furthermore, I have explained to my disciples a practice that they use to develop the four absorptions. 

mn108jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī.  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

mn119jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī hoti akicchalābhī akasiralābhī.  They get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when they want, without trouble or difficulty. 

sn2.11jhānāni2Pi En Ru dhamma

Jhānāni upasampajja,  having entered the absorptions, 
Jhānāni upasampajja, 
having entered the absorptions, 

sn6.15jhānā pathamajhānā paṭhamajjhānā14Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho bhagavā paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji. Paṭhamā jhānā vuṭṭhahitvā dutiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji. Dutiyā jhānā vuṭṭhahitvā tatiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji. Tatiyā jhānā vuṭṭhahitvā catutthaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji. Catutthā jhānā vuṭṭhahitvā ākāsānañcāyatanaṁ samāpajji. Ākāsānañcāyatanā vuṭṭhahitvā viññāṇañcāyatanaṁ samāpajji. Viññāṇañcāyatanā vuṭṭhahitvā ākiñcaññāyatanaṁ samāpajji. Ākiñcaññāyatanā vuṭṭhahitvā nevasaññānāsaññāyatanaṁ samāpajji. Nevasaññānāsaññāyatanā vuṭṭhahitvā saññāvedayitanirodhaṁ samāpajji.  Then the Buddha entered the first absorption. Emerging from that, he entered the second absorption. Emerging from that, he successively entered into and emerged from the third absorption, the fourth absorption, the dimension of infinite space, the dimension of infinite consciousness, the dimension of nothingness, and the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception. Then he entered the cessation of perception and feeling. 
paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ → paṭhamajjhānaṁ (bj, sya-all, km, pts2ed) | Paṭhamā jhānā → paṭhamajjhānā (bj, sya-all, km, pts2ed); pathamajhānā (pts1ed) 
Saññāvedayitanirodhā vuṭṭhahitvā nevasaññānāsaññāyatanaṁ samāpajji. Nevasaññānāsaññāyatanā vuṭṭhahitvā ākiñcaññāyatanaṁ samāpajji. Ākiñcaññāyatanā vuṭṭhahitvā viññāṇañcāyatanaṁ samāpajji. Viññāṇañcāyatanā vuṭṭhahitvā ākāsānañcāyatanaṁ samāpajji. Ākāsānañcāyatanā vuṭṭhahitvā catutthaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji. Catutthā jhānā vuṭṭhahitvā tatiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji. Tatiyā jhānā vuṭṭhahitvā dutiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji. Dutiyā jhānā vuṭṭhahitvā paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji. Paṭhamā jhānā vuṭṭhahitvā dutiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji. Dutiyā jhānā vuṭṭhahitvā tatiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji. Tatiyā jhānā vuṭṭhahitvā catutthaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajji. Catutthā jhānā vuṭṭhahitvā samanantaraṁ bhagavā parinibbāyi. 
Then he emerged from the cessation of perception and feeling and entered the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception. Emerging from that, he successively entered into and emerged from the dimension of nothingness, the dimension of infinite consciousness, the dimension of infinite space, the fourth absorption, the third absorption, the second absorption, and the first absorption. Emerging from that, he successively entered into and emerged from the second absorption and the third absorption. Then he entered the fourth absorption. Emerging from that the Buddha immediately became fully extinguished. 

sn16.9jhānābhiññasutta jhānābhiññāsuttaṁ3Pi En Ru dhamma

Jhānābhiññasutta  Absorptions and Insights 
Jhānābhiññasutta → jhānābhiññāsuttaṁ (bj) 

sn16.13jhānābhiññā1Pi En Ru dhamma

jhānābhiññā upassayaṁ;   

sn21.4jhānānaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

Eso kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī akicchalābhī akasiralābhī, yassa catthāya kulaputtā sammadeva agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajanti, tadanuttaraṁ brahmacariyapariyosānaṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharatī”ti.  This monk gets the four absorptions—blissful meditations in this very life that belong to the higher mind—when he wants, without trouble or difficulty. He has realized the supreme culmination of the spiritual path in this very life, and lives having achieved with his own insight the goal for which gentlemen rightly go forth from the lay life to homelessness.” 

sn28.1jhānā2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘ahaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajjāmī’ti vā ‘ahaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ samāpanno’ti vā ‘ahaṁ paṭhamā jhānā vuṭṭhito’ti vā”ti.  ‘I am entering the first absorption’ or ‘I have entered the first absorption’ or ‘I am emerging from the first absorption’.” 
“‘ahaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajjāmī’ti vā ‘ahaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ samāpanno’ti vā ‘ahaṁ paṭhamā jhānā vuṭṭhito’ti vā”ti. 
‘I am entering the first absorption’ or ‘I have entered the first absorption’ or ‘I am emerging from the first absorption’.” 

sn28.2jhānā2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘ahaṁ dutiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajjāmī’ti vā ‘ahaṁ dutiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpanno’ti vā ‘ahaṁ dutiyā jhānā vuṭṭhito’ti vā”ti.  ‘I am entering the second absorption’ or ‘I have entered the second absorption’ or ‘I am emerging from the second absorption’.” 
“‘ahaṁ dutiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajjāmī’ti vā ‘ahaṁ dutiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpanno’ti vā ‘ahaṁ dutiyā jhānā vuṭṭhito’ti vā”ti. 
‘I am entering the second absorption’ or ‘I have entered the second absorption’ or ‘I am emerging from the second absorption’.” 

sn28.3jhānā2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘ahaṁ tatiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajjāmī’ti vā ‘ahaṁ tatiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpanno’ti vā ‘ahaṁ tatiyā jhānā vuṭṭhito’ti vā”ti.  ‘I am entering the third absorption’ or ‘I have entered the third absorption’ or ‘I am emerging from the third absorption’.” 
“‘ahaṁ tatiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajjāmī’ti vā ‘ahaṁ tatiyaṁ jhānaṁ samāpanno’ti vā ‘ahaṁ tatiyā jhānā vuṭṭhito’ti vā”ti. 
‘I am entering the third absorption’ or ‘I have entered the third absorption’ or ‘I am emerging from the third absorption’.” 

sn28.4jhānā2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘ahaṁ catutthaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajjāmī’ti vā ‘ahaṁ catutthaṁ jhānaṁ samāpanno’ti vā ‘ahaṁ catutthā jhānā vuṭṭhito’ti vā”ti.  ‘I am entering the fourth absorption’ or ‘I have entered the fourth absorption’ or ‘I am emerging from the fourth absorption’.” 
“‘ahaṁ catutthaṁ jhānaṁ samāpajjāmī’ti vā ‘ahaṁ catutthaṁ jhānaṁ samāpanno’ti vā ‘ahaṁ catutthā jhānā vuṭṭhito’ti vā”ti. 
‘I am entering the fourth absorption’ or ‘I have entered the fourth absorption’ or ‘I am emerging from the fourth absorption’.” 

sn52.21jhānādisutta2Pi En Ru dhamma

Jhānādisutta  Absorptions, Etc. 
Jhānādisutta → jhānasuttaṁ (bj); jhānaṁ (pts1ed) 

sn53.1-12jhānā jhānādisutta jhānāti4Pi En Ru dhamma

Jhānādisutta  Absorptions, Etc. 
Jhānādisutta → pathamasuddhiyaṁ (pts1ed) 
“cattārome, bhikkhave, jhānā. 
“Mendicants, there are these four absorptions. 
Ime kho, bhikkhave, cattāro jhānāti. 
These are the four absorptions. 

sn53.45-54jhānā2Pi En Ru dhamma

Imesaṁ kho, bhikkhave, pañcannaṁ uddhambhāgiyānaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ abhiññāya pariññāya parikkhayāya pahānāya cattāro jhānā bhāvetabbā.  The four absorptions should be developed for the direct knowledge, complete understanding, finishing, and giving up of these five higher fetters. 
Imesaṁ kho, bhikkhave, pañcannaṁ uddhambhāgiyānaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ abhiññāya pariññāya parikkhayāya pahānāya ime cattāro jhānā bhāvetabbā”ti vitthāretabbaṁ. 
These four absorptions should be developed for the direct knowledge, complete understanding, finishing, and giving up of these five higher fetters.” 

sn56.131jhānānāpānasaṁyutaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma
