Seyyathāpi, ānanda, puriso daliddo assako anāḷhiko, tassa akāmakassa bilaṁ olaggeyyuṁ: ‘idaṁ te, ambho purisa, maṁsañca khāditabbaṁ, mūlañca anuppadātabban’ti. “It’s as if they were to force a chop on a poor, penniless person, telling them, ‘Eat this meat and pay for it!’ Evamevaṁ kho, ānanda, pūraṇena kassapena appaṭiññāya etesaṁ samaṇabrāhmaṇānaṁ imā chaḷabhijātiyo paññattā, yathā taṁ bālena abyattena akhettaññunā akusalena. In the same way, Pūraṇa Kassapa has described these six classes of rebirth without the consent of those ascetics and brahmins. And he has done so in a foolish, incompetent, unskilled way, lacking common sense. Ahaṁ kho panānanda, chaḷabhijātiyo paññāpemi. I, however, also describe six classes of rebirth.
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