Mātik 5 texts and 8 matches in Vinaya Pali

Sutta St Title Words Ct Mr Links Quote
pli-tv-bi-pm Bhikkhunīpātimokkhapāḷi dvemātikāpāḷi 1 0 En Ru

Dvemātikāpāḷi ",

pli-tv-bu-pm Theravāda Bhikkhupātimokkha dvemātikāpāḷi 1 0 En Ru

Dvemātikāpāḷi ",

pli-tv-bu-vb-np1 1. Kathinasikkhāpada The training rule on the robe season mātikānaṁ mātikāya 2 0 En Ru

aṭṭhannaṁ mātikānaṁ aññatarāya mātikāya ubbhataṁ hoti, saṅghena vā antarā ubbhataṁ hoti.
it has ended according to one of the eight key phrases or the Sangha has ended it.

pli-tv-bu-vb-np2 2. Udosita(dutiyakathina)sikkhāpada The training rule on storehouses mātikānaṁ mātikāya 2 0 En Ru

aṭṭhannaṁ mātikānaṁ aññatarāya mātikāya ubbhataṁ hoti, saṅghena vā antarā ubbhataṁ hoti.
it has ended according to one of the eight key phrases or the Sangha has ended it.

pli-tv-bu-vb-np3 3. Tatiyakathinasikkhāpada The third training rule on the robe season mātikānaṁ mātikāya 2 0 En Ru

aṭṭhannaṁ mātikānaṁ aññatarāya mātikāya ubbhataṁ hoti, saṅghena vā antarā ubbhataṁ hoti.
it has ended according to one of the eight key phrases or the Sangha has ended it.