‘Ko panāvuso, hetu ko paccayo yena anuppanno vā moho uppajjati uppanno vā moho bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī’ti? And if they ask: ‘What is the cause, what is the reason why delusion arises, and once arisen it increases and grows?’ ‘“Ayoniso manasikāro”tissa vacanīyaṁ. You should say: ‘Irrational application of mind. Tassa ayoniso manasi karoto anuppanno vā moho uppajjati uppanno vā moho bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati. When you apply the mind irrationally, delusion arises, and once arisen it increases and grows. Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, hetu ayaṁ paccayo yena anuppanno vā moho uppajjati uppanno vā moho bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī’ti. This is the cause, this is the reason why delusion arises, and once arisen it increases and grows.’ ‘Ko panāvuso, hetu ko paccayo yena anuppanno ceva rāgo nuppajjati uppanno ca rāgo pahīyatī’ti? And if they ask, ‘What is the cause, what is the reason why greed doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up?’ca → vā (sya-all) " ‘“Asubhanimittan”tissa vacanīyaṁ. You should say: ‘The ugly feature of things. Tassa asubhanimittaṁ yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva rāgo nuppajjati uppanno ca rāgo pahīyati. When you apply the mind rationally on the ugly feature of things, greed doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up. ‘Ko panāvuso, hetu ko paccayo yena anuppanno ceva moho nuppajjati uppanno ca moho pahīyatī’ti? And if they ask, ‘What is the cause, what is the reason why delusion doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up?’ ‘“Yonisomanasikāro”tissa vacanīyaṁ. You should say: ‘Rational application of mind. Tassa yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva moho nuppajjati uppanno ca moho pahīyati. When you apply the mind rationally, delusion doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up. Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, hetu ayaṁ paccayo yena anuppanno vā moho nuppajjati uppanno ca moho pahīyatī’”ti. This is the cause, this is the reason why delusion doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up.’” " Aṭṭhamaṁ. "
Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā etassa rāgassa dosassa mohassa pahānāyā”ti. This is the path, this is the practice for giving up that greed, hate, and delusion.” “Bhaddako kho, āvuso, maggo bhaddikā paṭipadā etassa rāgassa dosassa mohassa pahānāya. “This is a fine path, a fine practice, for giving up that greed, hate, and delusion. Alañca panāvuso ānanda, appamādāyā”ti. Just this much is enough to be diligent.” " Paṭhamaṁ. "
Ko na sammohamāpādi, Who doesn’t fall into confusion? ko ca dhīro sadā sato”ti. Who is attentive, ever mindful?”ca → ko cā (bj); kodha (sya-all, km) “Tathāgatassa buddhassa, “The Realized One, the Buddha, sabbabhūtānukampino; sympathetic for all beings:
Ayaṁ kho, āvuso, maggo ayaṁ paṭipadā etassa rāgassa dosassa mohassa pahānāyā”ti. This is the path, this is the practice for giving up that greed, hate, and delusion.” “Bhaddako, āvuso, maggo bhaddikā paṭipadā, etassa rāgassa dosassa mohassa pahānāya. “This is a fine path, a fine practice, for giving up greed, hate, and delusion. Alañca panāvuso sāriputta, appamādāyā”ti. Just this much is enough to be diligent.” " Tatiyaṁ. "
“‘Rāgavinayo dosavinayo mohavinayo’ti, bhante, vuccati. “Sir, they speak of ‘the removal of greed, hate, and delusion’. Kissa nu kho etaṁ, bhante, adhivacanaṁ: What is this a term for?” ‘rāgavinayo dosavinayo mohavinayo’”ti? sn45.7 “Nibbānadhātuyā kho etaṁ, bhikkhu, adhivacanaṁ: “Mendicant, the removal of greed, hate, and delusion is a term for the element of extinguishment.