Nāccodāt 3 texts and 3 matches in Suttanta +KN Pali

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dn17nāccodātā1Pi En Ru dhamma

abhirūpā dassanīyā pāsādikā paramāya vaṇṇapokkharatāya samannāgatā nātidīghā nātirassā nātikisā nātithūlā nātikāḷikā nāccodātā atikkantā mānusivaṇṇaṁ appattā dibbavaṇṇaṁ.  She was attractive, good-looking, lovely, of surpassing beauty. She was neither too tall nor too short; neither too thin nor too fat; neither too dark nor too light. She outdid human beauty without reaching heavenly beauty. 

mn13nāccodātā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, khattiyakaññā vā brāhmaṇakaññā vā gahapatikaññā vā pannarasavassuddesikā vā soḷasavassuddesikā vā, nātidīghā nātirassā nātikisā nātithūlā nātikāḷī nāccodātā paramā sā, bhikkhave, tasmiṁ samaye subhā vaṇṇanibhāti?  Suppose there was a girl of the brahmins, aristocrats, or householders in her fifteenth or sixteenth year, neither too tall nor too short, neither too thin nor too fat, neither too dark nor too fair. Is she not at the height of her beauty and prettiness?” 

mn129nāccodātā1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sā abhirūpā dassanīyā pāsādikā paramāya vaṇṇapokkharatāya samannāgatā nātidīghā nātirassā nātikisā nātithūlā nātikāḷikā nāccodātā, atikkantā mānusaṁ vaṇṇaṁ, appattā dibbaṁ vaṇṇaṁ.  She is attractive, good-looking, lovely, of surpassing beauty. She’s neither too tall nor too short; neither too thin nor too fat; neither too dark nor too light. She outdoes human beauty without reaching heavenly beauty.