-en precepts
an3.59 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Yo sīlabbatasampanno,
One who is perfect in precepts and observances,
an3.78 | | precepts | 3 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Sīlabbatasutta
Precepts and Observances
“sabbaṁ nu kho, ānanda, sīlabbataṁ jīvitaṁ brahmacariyaṁ upaṭṭhānasāraṁ saphalan”ti?
“Ānanda, are all precepts and observances, lifestyles, and spiritual paths fruitful when taken as the essence?”
“Yañhissa, bhante, sīlabbataṁ jīvitaṁ brahmacariyaṁ upaṭṭhānasāraṁ sevato akusalā dhammā abhivaḍḍhanti kusalā dhammā parihāyanti, evarūpaṁ sīlabbataṁ jīvitaṁ brahmacariyaṁ upaṭṭhānasāraṁ aphalaṁ.
“Take the case of someone who cultivates precepts and observances, a lifestyle, and a spiritual path, taking this as the essence. If unskillful qualities grow while skillful qualities decline, that’s not fruitful.
Yañhissa → yathārūpaṁ hissa (?)
an3.86 | | precepts | 4 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Yāni ca kho tāni sikkhāpadāni ādibrahmacariyakāni brahmacariyasāruppāni, tattha dhuvasīlo ca hoti ṭhitasīlo ca, samādāya sikkhati sikkhāpadesu.
But they’re constant and steady in their precepts regarding the training rules that are fundamental, befitting the spiritual path. They keep the rules they’ve undertaken.
dhuvasīlo → dhuvasīlī (bj) | ṭhitasīlo → ṭhitasīlī (bj)
Yāni ca kho tāni sikkhāpadāni ādibrahmacariyakāni brahmacariyasāruppāni tattha dhuvasīlo ca hoti ṭhitasīlo ca, samādāya sikkhati sikkhāpadesu.
But they’re constant and steady in their precepts regarding the training rules that are fundamental, befitting the spiritual path. They keep the rules they’ve undertaken.
Yāni ca kho tāni sikkhāpadāni ādibrahmacariyakāni brahmacariyasāruppāni tattha dhuvasīlo ca hoti ṭhitasīlo ca, samādāya sikkhati sikkhāpadesu.
But they’re constant and steady in their precepts regarding the training rules that are fundamental, befitting the spiritual path. They keep the rules they’ve undertaken.
Yāni ca kho tāni sikkhāpadāni ādibrahmacariyakāni brahmacariyasāruppāni tattha dhuvasīlo ca hoti ṭhitasīlo ca, samādāya sikkhati sikkhāpadesu.
But they’re constant and steady in their precepts regarding the training rules that are fundamental, befitting the spiritual path. They keep the rules they’ve undertaken.
an3.87 | | precepts | 3 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Yāni ca kho tāni sikkhāpadāni ādibrahmacariyakāni brahmacariyasāruppāni tattha dhuvasīlo ca hoti ṭhitasīlo ca, samādāya sikkhati sikkhāpadesu.
But they’re constant and steady in their precepts regarding the training rules that are fundamental, befitting the spiritual life. They keep the rules they’ve undertaken.
dhuvasīlo → dhuvasīlī (bj) | ṭhitasīlo → ṭhitasīlī (bj)
Yāni ca kho tāni sikkhāpadāni ādibrahmacariyakāni brahmacariyasāruppāni tattha dhuvasīlo ca hoti ṭhitasīlo ca, samādāya sikkhati sikkhāpadesu.
But they’re constant and steady in their precepts regarding the training rules that are fundamental, befitting the spiritual path. They keep the rules they’ve undertaken.
Yāni ca kho tāni sikkhāpadāni ādibrahmacariyakāni brahmacariyasāruppāni, tattha dhuvasīlo ca hoti ṭhitasīlo ca, samādāya sikkhati sikkhāpadesu.
But they’re constant and steady in their precepts regarding the training rules that are fundamental, befitting the spiritual path. They keep the rules they’ve undertaken.
an3.88 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Yāni ca kho tāni sikkhāpadāni ādibrahmacariyakāni brahmacariyasāruppāni tattha dhuvasīlo ca hoti ṭhitasīlo ca, samādāya sikkhati sikkhāpadesu.
But they’re constant and steady in their precepts regarding the training rules that are fundamental, befitting the spiritual path. They keep the rules they’ve undertaken.
an3.94 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | sakkāyadiṭṭhi, vicikicchā, sīlabbataparāmāso.
substantialist view, doubt, and misapprehension of precepts and observances.
an4.12 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Sampannasīlā, bhikkhave, viharatha sampannapātimokkhā, pātimokkhasaṁvarasaṁvutā viharatha ācāragocarasampannā, aṇumattesu vajjesu bhayadassāvino samādāya sikkhatha sikkhāpadesu.
“Mendicants, live by the ethical precepts and the monastic code. Live restrained in the monastic code, conducting yourselves well and seeking alms in suitable places. Seeing danger in the slightest fault, keep the rules you’ve undertaken.
an4.53 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | samasīlabbatā ubho;
both equal in precepts and observances,
an4.55 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | samasīlabbatā ubho;
both equal in precepts and observances,
an5.42 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Bahussutaṁ sīlavatūpapannaṁ,
One who is learned, with precepts and observances intact,
an5.105 | | precepts | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Yāni tāni sīlāni akhaṇḍāni acchiddāni asabalāni akammāsāni bhujissāni viññuppasatthāni aparāmaṭṭhāni samādhisaṁvattanikāni, tathārūpehi sīlehi sīlasāmaññagato viharati sabrahmacārīhi āvi ceva raho ca.
They live according to the precepts shared with their spiritual companions, both in public and in private. Those precepts are intact, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred, liberating, praised by sensible people, not mistaken, and leading to immersion.
an5.179 | | precepts | 4 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “yaṁ kañci, sāriputta, jāneyyātha gihiṁ odātavasanaṁ pañcasu sikkhāpadesu saṁvutakammantaṁ catunnaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhiṁ akicchalābhiṁ akasiralābhiṁ, so ākaṅkhamāno attanāva attānaṁ byākareyya:
“You should know this, Sāriputta, about those white-clothed laypeople whose actions are restrained in the five precepts, and who get four blissful meditations in the present life belonging to the higher mind when they want, without trouble or difficulty. They may, if they wish, declare of themselves:
yaṁ kañci → yaṁ kiñci (bj); yaṅkiñci (sya-all)
Katamesu pañcasu sikkhāpadesu saṁvutakammanto hoti?
And what are the five precepts in which their actions are restrained?
Imesu pañcasu sikkhāpadesu saṁvutakammanto hoti.
These are the five precepts in which their actions are restrained.
Yaṁ kañci, sāriputta, jāneyyātha gihiṁ odātavasanaṁ—imesu pañcasu sikkhāpadesu saṁvutakammantaṁ, imesañca catunnaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhiṁ akicchalābhiṁ akasiralābhiṁ, so ākaṅkhamāno attanāva attānaṁ byākareyya:
You should know this, Sāriputta, about those white-clothed laypeople whose actions are restrained in the five precepts, and who get four blissful meditations in the present life belonging to the higher mind when they want, without trouble or difficulty. They may, if they wish, declare of themselves:
an5.180 | | precepts | 7 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Kassapassa kho panānanda, bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa gavesī nāma upāsako ahosi sīlesu aparipūrakārī.
He had a lay follower called Gavesī who had not fulfilled all the precepts.
Gavesinā kho, ānanda, upāsakena pañcamattāni upāsakasatāni paṭidesitāni samādapitāni ahesuṁ sīlesu aparipūrakārino.
And the five hundred lay followers who were taught and advised by Gavesī also had not fulfilled all the precepts.
samādapitāni → samādāpitāni (?)
‘ahaṁ kho imesaṁ pañcannaṁ upāsakasatānaṁ bahūpakāro pubbaṅgamo samādapetā, ahañcamhi sīlesu aparipūrakārī, imāni ca pañca upāsakasatāni sīlesu aparipūrakārino.
‘I’m the helper, leader, and adviser of these five hundred lay followers, yet neither I nor they have fulfilled the precepts.
bahūpakāro → bahukāro (katthaci) | samādapetā → samādāpetā (?)
‘ajjatagge maṁ āyasmanto sīlesu paripūrakāriṁ dhārethā’ti.
‘From this day forth may the venerables remember me as one who has fulfilled the precepts.’
Ayyo hi nāma gavesī sīlesu paripūrakārī bhavissati.
and now he will fulfill the precepts.
‘ajjatagge ayyo gavesī imānipi pañca upāsakasatāni sīlesu paripūrakārino dhāretū’ti.
‘From this day forth may Master Gavesī remember these five hundred lay followers as having fulfilled the precepts.’
‘ahaṁ kho imesaṁ pañcannaṁ upāsakasatānaṁ bahūpakāro pubbaṅgamo samādapetā, ahañcamhi sīlesu paripūrakārī, imānipi pañca upāsakasatāni sīlesu paripūrakārino.
‘I’m the helper, leader, and adviser of these five hundred lay followers, and both I and they have fulfilled the precepts.
an6.11 | | precepts | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yāni tāni sīlāni akhaṇḍāni acchiddāni asabalāni akammāsāni bhujissāni viññuppasatthāni aparāmaṭṭhāni samādhisaṁvattanikāni tathārūpehi sīlehi sīlasāmaññagato viharati sabrahmacārīhi āvi ceva raho ca, ayampi dhammo sāraṇīyo.
Furthermore, a mendicant lives according to the precepts shared with their spiritual companions, both in public and in private. Those precepts are intact, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred, liberating, praised by sensible people, not mistaken, and leading to immersion. This too is a warm-hearted quality.
an6.12 | | precepts | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yāni tāni sīlāni akhaṇḍāni acchiddāni asabalāni akammāsāni bhujissāni viññuppasatthāni aparāmaṭṭhāni samādhisaṁvattanikāni tathārūpehi sīlehi sīlasāmaññagato viharati sabrahmacārīhi āvi ceva raho ca, ayampi dhammo sāraṇīyo piyakaraṇo garukaraṇo saṅgahāya avivādāya sāmaggiyā ekībhāvāya saṁvattati.
Furthermore, a mendicant lives according to the precepts shared with their spiritual companions, both in public and in private. Those precepts are intact, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred, liberating, praised by sensible people, not mistaken, and leading to immersion. This too is a warm-hearted quality.
an6.25 | | precepts | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako attano sīlāni anussarati akhaṇḍāni …pe… samādhisaṁvattanikāni.
Furthermore, a noble disciple recollects their own ethical precepts, which are intact, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred, liberating, praised by sensible people, not mistaken, and leading to immersion.
Yasmiṁ, bhikkhave, samaye ariyasāvako sīlaṁ anussarati, nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti;
When a noble disciple recollects their ethical precepts their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. …
an6.26 | | precepts | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puna caparaṁ, āvuso, ariyasāvako attano sīlāni anussarati akhaṇḍāni …pe… samādhisaṁvattanikāni.
Furthermore, a noble disciple recollects their own ethical precepts, which are intact, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred, liberating, praised by sensible people, not mistaken, and leading to immersion.
Yasmiṁ, āvuso, samaye ariyasāvako attano sīlaṁ anussarati nevassa tasmiṁ samaye rāgapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na dosapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti, na mohapariyuṭṭhitaṁ cittaṁ hoti;
When a noble disciple recollects their ethical precepts their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. …
an6.55 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | ‘sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ nūna ayamāyasmā sārato paccāgacchanto abyāpajjādhimutto’ti.
‘Maybe this venerable is dedicated to kindness because they believe that adhering to precepts and observances is essential.’
an6.89 | | precepts | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ, vicikicchaṁ, sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ rāgaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ dosaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ mohaṁ.
Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, and forms of greed, hate, and delusion that lead to rebirth in places of loss.
Sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ, vicikicchaṁ, sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ rāgaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ dosaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ mohaṁ.
Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, and forms of greed, hate, and delusion that lead to rebirth in places of loss.
an6.90 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Sakkāyadiṭṭhi, vicikicchā, sīlabbataparāmāso, apāyagamanīyo rāgo, apāyagamanīyo doso, apāyagamanīyo moho.
Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, and forms of greed, hate, and delusion that lead to rebirth in places of loss.
an6.91 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ, vicikicchaṁ, sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ rāgaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ dosaṁ, apāyagamanīyaṁ mohaṁ.
Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, and forms of greed, hate, and delusion that lead to rebirth in places of loss.
an7.85 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Sakkāyadiṭṭhi bhinnā hoti, vicikicchā bhinnā hoti, sīlabbataparāmāso bhinno hoti, rāgo bhinno hoti, doso bhinno hoti, moho bhinno hoti, māno bhinno hoti.
Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, greed, hate, delusion, and conceit.
an7.92 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Sakkāyadiṭṭhi ārakā hoti, vicikicchā ārakā hoti, sīlabbataparāmāso ārako hoti, rāgo ārako hoti, doso ārako hoti, moho ārako hoti, māno ārako hoti.
Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, greed, hate, delusion, and conceit.
an9.67 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Sakkāyadiṭṭhi, vicikicchā, sīlabbataparāmāso, kāmacchando, byāpādo—
Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, sensual desire, and ill will.
an10.13 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Sakkāyadiṭṭhi, vicikicchā, sīlabbataparāmāso, kāmacchando, byāpādo—
Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, sensual desire, and ill will.
an10.71 | | precepts | 12 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Sampannasīlā, bhikkhave, viharatha sampannapātimokkhā, pātimokkhasaṁvarasaṁvutā viharatha ācāragocarasampannā aṇumattesu vajjesu bhayadassāvino, samādāya sikkhatha sikkhāpadesu.
“Mendicants, live by the ethical precepts and the monastic code. Live restrained in the monastic code, conducting yourselves well and seeking alms in suitable places. Seeing danger in the slightest fault, keep the rules you’ve undertaken.
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘sabrahmacārīnaṁ piyo cassaṁ manāpo ca garu ca bhāvanīyo cā’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathamanuyutto anirākatajjhāno vipassanāya samannāgato brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I be liked and approved by my spiritual companions, respected and admired.’ So let them fulfill their precepts, be committed to inner serenity of the heart, not neglect absorption, be endowed with discernment, and frequent empty huts.
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘lābhī assaṁ cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānapaccayabhesajjaparikkhārānan’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathamanuyutto anirākatajjhāno vipassanāya samannāgato brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I receive robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick.’ So let them fulfill their precepts, be committed to inner serenity of the heart, not neglect absorption, be endowed with discernment, and frequent empty huts.
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘yesāhaṁ paribhuñjāmi cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānapaccayabhesajjaparikkhārānaṁ tesaṁ te kārā mahapphalā assu mahānisaṁsā’ti, sīlesvevassa …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May the services of those whose robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick I enjoy be very fruitful and beneficial for them.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘ye me petā ñātī sālohitā kālaṅkatā pasannacittā anussaranti tesaṁ taṁ mahapphalaṁ assa mahānisaṁsan’ti, sīlesvevassa …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘When deceased family and relatives who have passed away recollect me with a confident mind, may this be very fruitful and beneficial for them.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
kālaṅkatā → kālakatā (bj, sya-all, km, pts1ed)
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘santuṭṭho assaṁ itarītaracīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānapaccayabhesajjaparikkhārenā’ti, sīlesvevassa …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I be content with any kind of robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘khamo assaṁ sītassa uṇhassa jighacchāya pipāsāya ḍaṁsamakasavātātapasarīsapasamphassānaṁ, duruttānaṁ durāgatānaṁ vacanapathānaṁ uppannānaṁ sārīrikānaṁ vedanānaṁ dukkhānaṁ tibbānaṁ kharānaṁ kaṭukānaṁ asātānaṁ amanāpānaṁ pāṇaharānaṁ adhivāsakajātiko assan’ti, sīlesvevassa …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I endure cold, heat, hunger, and thirst. May I endure the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, and reptiles. May I endure rude and unwelcome criticism. And may I put up with physical pain—sharp, severe, acute, unpleasant, disagreeable, and life-threatening.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
tibbānaṁ → tippānaṁ (bj, sya-all, km, pts1ed)
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘aratiratisaho assaṁ, na ca maṁ aratirati saheyya, uppannaṁ aratiratiṁ abhibhuyya abhibhuyya vihareyyan’ti, sīlesvevassa …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I prevail over desire and discontent, and may desire and discontent not prevail over me. May I live having mastered desire and discontent whenever they have arisen.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘bhayabheravasaho assaṁ, na ca maṁ bhayabheravo saheyya, uppannaṁ bhayabheravaṁ abhibhuyya abhibhuyya vihareyyan’ti, sīlesvevassa …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I prevail over fear and dread, and may fear and dread not prevail over me. May I live having mastered fear and dread whenever they arise.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī assaṁ akicchalābhī akasiralābhī’ti, sīlesvevassa …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when I want, without trouble or difficulty.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu ‘āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja vihareyyan’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathamanuyutto anirākatajjhāno vipassanāya samannāgato brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I realize the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life, and live having realized it with my own insight due to the ending of defilements.’ So let them fulfill their precepts, be committed to inner serenity of the heart, not neglect absorption, be endowed with discernment, and frequent empty huts.
‘Sampannasīlā, bhikkhave, viharatha sampannapātimokkhā, pātimokkhasaṁvarasaṁvutā viharatha ācāragocarasampannā aṇumattesu vajjesu bhayadassāvino, samādāya sikkhatha sikkhāpadesū’ti,
‘Live by the ethical precepts and the monastic code. Live restrained in the monastic code, conducting yourselves well and seeking alms in suitable places. Seeing danger in the slightest fault, keep the rules you’ve undertaken.’
an10.76 | | precepts | 8 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ appahāya, vicikicchaṁ appahāya, sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ appahāya—
Substantialist view, doubt, and misapprehension of precepts and observances.
Tayome, bhikkhave, dhamme appahāya abhabbo sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ pahātuṁ vicikicchaṁ pahātuṁ sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ pahātuṁ.
Without giving up three things you can’t give up substantialist view, doubt, and misapprehension of precepts and observances.
ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo dhamme appahāya abhabbo sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ pahātuṁ vicikicchaṁ pahātuṁ sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ pahātuṁ.
Without giving up these three things you can’t give up substantialist view, doubt, and misapprehension of precepts and observances.
So līnacitto samāno abhabbo sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ pahātuṁ vicikicchaṁ pahātuṁ sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ pahātuṁ.
When your mind is sluggish you can’t give up substantialist view, doubt, and misapprehension of precepts and observances.
Sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ pahāya, vicikicchaṁ pahāya, sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ pahāya—
Substantialist view, doubt, and misapprehension of precepts and observances.
Tayome, bhikkhave, dhamme pahāya bhabbo sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ pahātuṁ vicikicchaṁ pahātuṁ sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ pahātuṁ.
After giving up three things you can give up substantialist view, doubt, and misapprehension of precepts and observances.
ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo dhamme pahāya bhabbo sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ pahātuṁ vicikicchaṁ pahātuṁ sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ pahātuṁ.
After giving up these three things you can give up substantialist view, doubt, and misapprehension of precepts and observances.
So alīnacitto samāno bhabbo sakkāyadiṭṭhiṁ pahātuṁ vicikicchaṁ pahātuṁ sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ pahātuṁ.
When your mind isn’t sluggish you can give up substantialist view, doubt, and misapprehension of precepts and observances.
an10.101 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Santatakārī hoti santatavutti sīlesu, anabhijjhālu hoti, abyāpajjo hoti, anatimānī hoti, sikkhākāmo hoti, “idamatthan”tissa hoti jīvitaparikkhāresu, āraddhavīriyo ca viharati.
Their deeds and behavior are always consistent with the precepts. They’re content, kind-hearted, and humble. They want to train. They use the necessities of life after reflecting on their purpose. They’re energetic.
Santatakārī → niccaṁ santatakārī (bj); satatakārī (sya-all, pts1ed, mr) | santatavutti → satatavuttī (sya-all, pts1ed) | āraddhavīriyo ca → āraddhaviriyo ca (bj, pts1ed); āraddhaviriyo (sya-all)
dn15 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | kāmupādānaṁ vā diṭṭhupādānaṁ vā sīlabbatupādānaṁ vā attavādupādānaṁ vā, sabbaso upādāne asati upādānanirodhā api nu kho bhavo paññāyethā”ti?
That is, grasping at sensual pleasures, views, precepts and observances, and theories of a self. When there’s no grasping at all, with the cessation of grasping, would continued existence still be found?”
dn16 | | precepts | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Yāvakīvañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhū yāni tāni sīlāni akhaṇḍāni acchiddāni asabalāni akammāsāni bhujissāni viññūpasatthāni aparāmaṭṭhāni samādhisaṁvattanikāni tathārūpesu sīlesu sīlasāmaññagatā viharissanti sabrahmacārīhi āvi ceva raho ca, vuddhiyeva, bhikkhave, bhikkhūnaṁ pāṭikaṅkhā, no parihāni.
As long as the mendicants live according to the precepts shared with their spiritual companions, both in public and in private—such precepts as are intact, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred, liberating, praised by sensible people, not mistaken, and leading to immersion—they can expect growth, not decline.
dn30 | | precepts | 3 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Yampi, bhikkhave, tathāgato purimaṁ jātiṁ purimaṁ bhavaṁ purimaṁ niketaṁ pubbe manussabhūto samāno daḷhasamādāno ahosi kusalesu dhammesu, avatthitasamādāno kāyasucarite vacīsucarite manosucarite dānasaṁvibhāge sīlasamādāne uposathupavāse matteyyatāya petteyyatāya sāmaññatāya brahmaññatāya kule jeṭṭhāpacāyitāya aññataraññataresu ca adhikusalesu dhammesu.
In some past lives, past existences, past abodes the Realized One was reborn as a human being. He firmly and persistently undertook skillful behaviors such as good conduct by way of body, speech, and mind, giving and sharing, taking precepts, observing the sabbath, paying due respect to mother and father, ascetics and brahmins, honoring the elders in the family, and various other things pertaining to skillful behaviors.
Soceyyasīlālayuposathesu ca;
purity, precepts, and observing the sabbath;
bahujanapubbaṅgamo ahosi kusalesu dhammesu bahujanapāmokkho kāyasucarite vacīsucarite manosucarite dānasaṁvibhāge sīlasamādāne uposathupavāse matteyyatāya petteyyatāya sāmaññatāya brahmaññatāya kule jeṭṭhāpacāyitāya aññataraññataresu ca adhikusalesu dhammesu.
He was the leader and forerunner of people in skillful behaviors such as good conduct by way of body, speech, and mind, giving and sharing, taking precepts, observing the sabbath, paying due respect to mother and father, ascetics and brahmins, honoring the elders in the family, and various other things pertaining to skillful behaviors.
dn33 | | precepts | 7 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | sakkāyadiṭṭhi, vicikicchā, sīlabbataparāmāso.
substantialist view, doubt, and misapprehension of precepts and observances.
abhijjhā kāyagantho, byāpādo kāyagantho, sīlabbataparāmāso kāyagantho, idaṁsaccābhiniveso kāyagantho.
the personal ties to covetousness, ill will, misapprehension of precepts and observances, and the insistence that this is the only truth.
kāmupādānaṁ, diṭṭhupādānaṁ, sīlabbatupādānaṁ, attavādupādānaṁ.
grasping at sensual pleasures, views, precepts and observances, and theories of a self.
kāmupādānaṁ → kāmūpādānaṁ (bj, pts1ed)
sakkāyadiṭṭhi, vicikicchā, sīlabbataparāmāso, kāmacchando, byāpādo.
substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, sensual desire, and ill will.
Pañca sikkhāpadāni—
Five precepts:
Puna caparaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu yāni tāni sīlāni akhaṇḍāni acchiddāni asabalāni akammāsāni bhujissāni viññuppasatthāni aparāmaṭṭhāni samādhisaṁvattanikāni, tathārūpesu sīlesu sīlasāmaññagato viharati sabrahmacārīhi āvi ceva raho ca.
Furthermore, a mendicant lives according to the precepts shared with their spiritual companions, both in public and in private. Those precepts are intact, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred, liberating, praised by sensible people, not mistaken, and leading to immersion.
dn34 | | precepts | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puna caparaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu, yāni tāni sīlāni akhaṇḍāni acchiddāni asabalāni akammāsāni bhujissāni viññuppasatthāni aparāmaṭṭhāni samādhisaṁvattanikāni, tathārūpesu sīlesu sīlasāmaññagato viharati sabrahmacārīhi āvi ceva raho ca, ayampi dhammo sāraṇīyo …pe… ekībhāvāya saṁvattati.
Furthermore, a mendicant lives according to the precepts shared with their spiritual companions, both in public and in private. Those precepts are intact, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred, liberating, praised by sensible people, not mistaken, and leading to immersion.
mn2 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | sakkāyadiṭṭhi, vicikicchā, sīlabbataparāmāso.
substantialist view, doubt, and misapprehension of precepts and observances.
mn6 | | precepts | 19 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Sampannasīlā, bhikkhave, viharatha sampannapātimokkhā; pātimokkhasaṁvarasaṁvutā viharatha ācāragocarasampannā aṇumattesu vajjesu bhayadassāvino; samādāya sikkhatha sikkhāpadesu.
“Mendicants, live by the ethical precepts and the monastic code. Live restrained in the monastic code, conducting yourselves well and seeking alms in suitable places. Seeing danger in the slightest fault, keep the rules you’ve undertaken.
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘sabrahmacārīnaṁ piyo ca assaṁ manāpo ca garu ca bhāvanīyo cā’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathamanuyutto anirākatajjhāno vipassanāya samannāgato brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I be liked and approved by my spiritual companions, respected and admired.’ So let them fulfill their precepts, be committed to inner serenity of the heart, not neglect absorption, be endowed with discernment, and frequent empty huts.
manāpo ca garu ca bhāvanīyo cā’ti → manāpo garu bhāvanīyo cāti (bj, pts1ed)
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘lābhī assaṁ cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhārānan’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathamanuyutto anirākatajjhāno vipassanāya samannāgato brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I receive robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick.’ So let them fulfill their precepts, be committed to inner serenity of the heart, not neglect absorption, be endowed with discernment, and frequent empty huts.
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘yesāhaṁ cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhāraṁ paribhuñjāmi tesaṁ te kārā mahapphalā assu mahānisaṁsā’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathamanuyutto anirākatajjhāno vipassanāya samannāgato brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May the services of those whose robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick I enjoy be very fruitful and beneficial for them.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘ye maṁ ñātī sālohitā petā kālaṅkatā pasannacittā anussaranti tesaṁ taṁ mahapphalaṁ assa mahānisaṁsan’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathamanuyutto anirākatajjhāno vipassanāya samannāgato brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘When deceased family and relatives who have passed away recollect me with a confident mind, may this be very fruitful and beneficial for them.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
kālaṅkatā → kālakatā (bj, sya-all, pts1ed)
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘aratiratisaho assaṁ, na ca maṁ arati saheyya, uppannaṁ aratiṁ abhibhuyya abhibhuyya vihareyyan’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I prevail over desire and discontent, and may desire and discontent not prevail over me. May I live having mastered desire and discontent whenever they arose.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘bhayabheravasaho assaṁ, na ca maṁ bhayabheravaṁ saheyya, uppannaṁ bhayabheravaṁ abhibhuyya abhibhuyya vihareyyan’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I prevail over fear and dread, and may fear and dread not prevail over me. May I live having mastered fear and dread whenever they arose.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘catunnaṁ jhānānaṁ ābhicetasikānaṁ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihārānaṁ nikāmalābhī assaṁ akicchalābhī akasiralābhī’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I get the four absorptions—blissful meditations in the present life that belong to the higher mind—when I want, without trouble or difficulty.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘ye te santā vimokkhā atikkamma rūpe āruppā, te kāyena phusitvā vihareyyan’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I have direct meditative experience of the peaceful liberations that are formless, transcending form.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā sotāpanno assaṁ avinipātadhammo niyato sambodhiparāyaṇo’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I, with the ending of three fetters, become a stream-enterer, not liable to be reborn in the underworld, bound for awakening.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmī assaṁ sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ kareyyan’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I, with the ending of three fetters, and the weakening of greed, hate, and delusion, become a once-returner, coming back to this world once only, then making an end of suffering.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘pañcannaṁ orambhāgiyānaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā opapātiko assaṁ tattha parinibbāyī anāvattidhammo tasmā lokā’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I, with the ending of the five lower fetters, be reborn spontaneously and become extinguished there, not liable to return from that world.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘anekavihitaṁ iddhividhaṁ paccanubhaveyyaṁ—ekopi hutvā bahudhā assaṁ, bahudhāpi hutvā eko assaṁ; āvibhāvaṁ tirobhāvaṁ; tirokuṭṭaṁ tiropākāraṁ tiropabbataṁ asajjamāno gaccheyyaṁ, seyyathāpi ākāse; pathaviyāpi ummujjanimujjaṁ kareyyaṁ, seyyathāpi udake; udakepi abhijjamāne gaccheyyaṁ, seyyathāpi pathaviyaṁ; ākāsepi pallaṅkena kameyyaṁ, seyyathāpi pakkhī sakuṇo; imepi candimasūriye evaṁmahiddhike evaṁmahānubhāve pāṇinā parāmaseyyaṁ parimajjeyyaṁ; yāva brahmalokāpi kāyena vasaṁ vatteyyan’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘May I wield the many kinds of psychic power: multiplying myself and becoming one again; appearing and disappearing; going unobstructed through a wall, a rampart, or a mountain as if through space; diving in and out of the earth as if it were water; walking on water as if it were earth; flying cross-legged through the sky like a bird; touching and stroking with my hand the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful; controlling the body as far as the realm of divinity.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
Ākaṅkheyya ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu: ‘dibbāya sotadhātuyā visuddhāya atikkantamānusikāya ubho sadde suṇeyyaṁ—dibbe ca mānuse ca ye dūre santike cā’ti, sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
A mendicant might wish: ‘With clairaudience that is purified and superhuman, may I hear both kinds of sounds, human and heavenly, whether near or far.’ So let them fulfill their precepts …
sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
So let them fulfill their precepts …
sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī …pe… brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
So let them fulfill their precepts …
sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathamanuyutto anirākatajjhāno vipassanāya samannāgato brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
So let them fulfill their precepts …
sīlesvevassa paripūrakārī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathamanuyutto anirākatajjhāno vipassanāya samannāgato brūhetā suññāgārānaṁ.
So let them fulfill their precepts, be committed to inner serenity of the heart, not neglect absorption, be endowed with discernment, and frequent empty huts.
‘Sampannasīlā, bhikkhave, viharatha sampannapātimokkhā; pātimokkhasaṁvarasaṁvutā viharatha ācāragocarasampannā aṇumattesu vajjesu bhayadassāvino; samādāya sikkhatha sikkhāpadesū’ti—
‘Mendicants, live by the ethical precepts and the monastic code. Live restrained in the monastic code, conducting yourselves well and seeking alms in suitable places. Seeing danger in the slightest fault, keep the rules you’ve undertaken.’
mn9 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | kāmupādānaṁ, diṭṭhupādānaṁ, sīlabbatupādānaṁ, attavādupādānaṁ.
Grasping at sensual pleasures, views, precepts and observances, and theories of a self.
mn11 | | precepts precepts—our | 11 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Atthi kho no, āvuso, satthari pasādo, atthi dhamme pasādo, atthi sīlesu paripūrakāritā;
We have confidence in the Teacher, we have confidence in the teaching, and we have fulfilled the precepts.
‘amhākampi kho, āvuso, atthi satthari pasādo yo amhākaṁ satthā, amhākampi atthi dhamme pasādo yo amhākaṁ dhammo, mayampi sīlesu paripūrakārino yāni amhākaṁ sīlāni,
‘We too have confidence in the Teacher—our Teacher; we have confidence in the teaching—our teaching; and we have fulfilled the precepts—our precepts.
Kāmupādānaṁ, diṭṭhupādānaṁ, sīlabbatupādānaṁ, attavādupādānaṁ.
Grasping at sensual pleasures, views, precepts and observances, and theories of a self.
kāmupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapenti, na diṭṭhupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapenti, na sīlabbatupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapenti, na attavādupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapenti.
They describe the complete understanding of grasping at sensual pleasures, but not views, precepts and observances, and theories of a self.
kāmupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapenti, diṭṭhupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapenti, na sīlabbatupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapenti, na attavādupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapenti.
They describe the complete understanding of grasping at sensual pleasures and views, but not precepts and observances, and theories of a self.
kāmupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapenti, diṭṭhupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapenti, sīlabbatupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapenti, na attavādupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapenti.
They describe the complete understanding of grasping at sensual pleasures, views, and precepts and observances, but not theories of a self.
yā sīlesu paripūrakāritā sā na sammaggatā akkhāyati;
fulfillment of the precepts,
kāmupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapeti, diṭṭhupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapeti, sīlabbatupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapeti, attavādupādānassa pariññaṁ paññapeti.
He describes the complete understanding of grasping at sensual pleasures, views, precepts and observances, and theories of a self.
yā sīlesu paripūrakāritā sā sammaggatā akkhāyati;
fulfillment of the precepts,
Yato ca kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno avijjā pahīnā hoti vijjā uppannā, so avijjāvirāgā vijjuppādā neva kāmupādānaṁ upādiyati, na diṭṭhupādānaṁ upādiyati, na sīlabbatupādānaṁ upādiyati, na attavādupādānaṁ upādiyati.
When that mendicant has given up ignorance and given rise to knowledge, they don’t grasp at sensual pleasures, views, precepts and observances, or theories of a self.
mn48 | | precepts | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yāni tāni sīlāni akhaṇḍāni acchiddāni asabalāni akammāsāni bhujissāni viññuppasatthāni aparāmaṭṭhāni samādhisaṁvattanikāni tathārūpesu sīlesu sīlasāmaññagato viharati sabrahmacārīhi āvi ceva raho ca.
Furthermore, a mendicant lives according to the precepts shared with their spiritual companions, both in public and in private. Those precepts are intact, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred, liberating, praised by sensible people, not mistaken, and leading to immersion. …
mn64 | | precepts | 10 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | sīlabbataparāmāsaṁ kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā orambhāgiyaṁ saṁyojanaṁ desitaṁ dhāremi;
misapprehension of precepts and observances,
Daharassa hi, mālukyaputta, kumārassa mandassa uttānaseyyakassa sīlātipi na hoti, kuto panassa uppajjissati sīlesu sīlabbataparāmāso?
A little baby doesn’t even have a concept of ‘precepts’, so how could misapprehension of precepts and observances possibly arise in them?
Anusetvevassa sīlabbataparāmāsānusayo.
Yet the underlying tendency to misapprehension of precepts and observances still lies within them.
Sīlabbataparāmāsapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati sīlabbataparāmāsaparetena;
Their heart is overcome and mired in misapprehension of precepts and observances,
uppannassa ca sīlabbataparāmāsassa nissaraṇaṁ yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti.
and they don’t truly understand the escape from misapprehension of precepts and observances that has arisen.
Tassa so sīlabbataparāmāso thāmagato appaṭivinīto orambhāgiyaṁ saṁyojanaṁ.
That misapprehension of precepts and observances is entrenched in them, not eliminated: it is a lower fetter.
Na sīlabbataparāmāsapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati na sīlabbataparāmāsaparetena;
Their heart is not overcome and mired in misapprehension of precepts and observances,
uppannassa ca sīlabbataparāmāsassa nissaraṇaṁ yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti.
and they truly understand the escape from misapprehension of precepts and observances that has arisen.
Tassa so sīlabbataparāmāso sānusayo pahīyati.
That misapprehension of precepts and observances, along with any underlying tendency to it, is given up in them.
mn77 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Te ārāmikabhūtā vā upāsakabhūtā vā pañcasikkhāpade samādāya vattanti.
They become monastery workers or lay followers, and they proceed having undertaken the five precepts.
mn98 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | sīlavantaṁ anussadaṁ;
dutiful in precepts and observances,
mn104 | | precepts | 2 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Puna caparaṁ, ānanda, bhikkhu—yāni tāni sīlāni akhaṇḍāni acchiddāni asabalāni akammāsāni bhujissāni viññuppasatthāni aparāmaṭṭhāni samādhisaṁvattanikāni tathārūpesu sīlesu—sīlasāmaññagato viharati sabrahmacārīhi āvi ceva raho ca.
Furthermore, a mendicant lives according to the precepts shared with their spiritual companions, both in public and in private. Those precepts are intact, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred, liberating, praised by sensible people, not mistaken, and leading to immersion.
sn1.38 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Taṇhādhipannā vatasīlabaddhā,
Seized by craving, attached to precepts and observances,
sn6.4 | | precepts | 5 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Kiṁ me purāṇaṁ vatasīlavattaṁ,
What precepts and observances did I practice in the past?
Taṁ te purāṇaṁ vatasīlavattaṁ,
They’re the precepts and observances you practiced in the past.
Taṁ te purāṇaṁ vatasīlavattaṁ,
That’s the precepts and observances you practiced in the past.
Taṁ te purāṇaṁ vatasīlavattaṁ;
That’s the precepts and observances you practiced in the past.
Taṁ te purāṇaṁ vatasīlavattaṁ,
That’s the precepts and observances you practiced in the past.
sn8.7 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Bhikkhū pañcasatā samāgatā;
five hundred monks have gathered together to purify their precepts.
sn12.2 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | kāmupādānaṁ, diṭṭhupādānaṁ, sīlabbatupādānaṁ, attavādupādānaṁ.
Grasping at sensual pleasures, views, precepts and observances, and theories of a self.
sn14.25 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Pañcasikkhāpadasutta
The Five Precepts
sn35.132 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | mantā sīlabbataṁ tapo;
hymns, precepts and observances, and fervent austerities,
sn37.24 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Pañcasīlasutta
Five Precepts
sn38.12 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Kāmupādānaṁ, diṭṭhupādānaṁ sīlabbatupādānaṁ, attavādupādānaṁ—
Grasping at sensual pleasures, views, precepts and observances, and theories of a self.
sn45.173 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Kāmupādānaṁ, diṭṭhupādānaṁ, sīlabbatupādānaṁ, attavādupādānaṁ—
Grasping at sensual pleasures, views, precepts and observances, and theories of a self.
sn45.174 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Abhijjhā kāyagantho, byāpādo kāyagantho, sīlabbataparāmāso kāyagantho, idaṁsaccābhiniveso kāyagantho—
The personal ties to covetousness, ill will, misapprehension of precepts and observances, and the insistence that this is the only truth.
sn45.179 | | precepts | 1 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | Sakkāyadiṭṭhi, vicikicchā, sīlabbataparāmāso, kāmacchando, byāpādo—
Substantialist view, doubt, misapprehension of precepts and observances, sensual desire, and ill will.