Restlessness 83 texts and 166 matches in Suttanta English

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
an1.11-20restlessness4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannaṁ vā uddhaccakukkuccaṁ uppajjati uppannaṁ vā uddhaccakukkuccaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cetaso avūpasamo.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to restlessness and remorse, or, when they have arisen, makes them increase and grow like an unsettled mind. 
Avūpasantacittassa, bhikkhave, anuppannañceva uddhaccakukkuccaṁ uppajjati uppannañca uddhaccakukkuccaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī”ti. 
When you have no peace of mind, restlessness and remorse arise, and once arisen they increase and grow.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannaṁ vā uddhaccakukkuccaṁ nuppajjati uppannaṁ vā uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahīyati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, cetaso vūpasamo. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents restlessness and remorse from arising, or, when they have arisen, gives them up like peace of mind. 
Vūpasantacittassa, bhikkhave, anuppannañceva uddhaccakukkuccaṁ nuppajjati uppannañca uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahīyatī”ti. 
When your mind is peaceful, restlessness and remorse do not arise, or, if they’ve already arisen, they’re given up.” 

an3.57restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kāmacchando pahīno hoti, byāpādo pahīno hoti, thinamiddhaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti, uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti, vicikicchā pahīnā hoti.  Sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

an3.102restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sace, bhikkhave, adhicittamanuyutto bhikkhu ekantaṁ paggahanimittaṁyeva manasi kareyya, ṭhānaṁ taṁ cittaṁ uddhaccāya saṁvatteyya.  If they focus solely on the basis of exertion, it’s likely their mind will incline to restlessness. 

an3.121restlessness5Pi En Ru dhamma

santaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ uddhaccakukkuccaṁ: ‘atthi me ajjhattaṁ uddhaccakukkuccan’ti pajānāti; asantaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ uddhaccakukkuccaṁ: ‘natthi me ajjhattaṁ uddhaccakukkuccan’ti pajānāti; yathā ca anuppannassa uddhaccakukkuccassa uppādo hoti, tañca pajānāti; yathā ca uppannassa uddhaccakukkuccassa pahānaṁ hoti, tañca pajānāti; yathā ca pahīnassa uddhaccakukkuccassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti, tañca pajānāti;  When they have restlessness and remorse in them they understand ‘I have restlessness and remorse in me’; and when they don’t have restlessness and remorse in them they understand ‘I don’t have restlessness and remorse in me’. They understand how restlessness and remorse arise; how, when they’ve already arisen, they’re given up; and how, once they’re given up, they don’t arise again in the future. 

an3.130restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘āraddhaṁ kho pana me vīriyaṁ asallīnaṁ, upaṭṭhitā sati asammuṭṭhā, passaddho kāyo asāraddho, samāhitaṁ cittaṁ ekaggan’ti, idaṁ te uddhaccasmiṁ.  ‘My energy is roused up and unflagging, my mindfulness is established and lucid, my body is tranquil and undisturbed, and my mind is immersed in samādhi,’ that’s your restlessness. 

an4.12restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

Carato cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno abhijjhābyāpādo vigato hoti, thinamiddhaṁ … uddhaccakukkuccaṁ … vicikicchā pahīnā hoti, āraddhaṁ hoti vīriyaṁ asallīnaṁ, upaṭṭhitā sati asammuṭṭhā, passaddho kāyo asāraddho, samāhitaṁ cittaṁ ekaggaṁ, carampi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṁbhūto ‘ātāpī ottāpī satataṁ samitaṁ āraddhavīriyo pahitatto’ti vuccati.  Suppose a mendicant has got rid of desire and ill will while walking, and has given up dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. Their energy is roused up and unflagging, their mindfulness is established and lucid, their body is tranquil and undisturbed, and their mind is immersed in samādhi. Such a mendicant is said to be ‘keen and prudent, always energetic and determined’ when walking. 
Sayānassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno jāgarassa abhijjhābyāpādo vigato hoti, thinamiddhaṁ … uddhaccakukkuccaṁ … vicikicchā pahīnā hoti, āraddhaṁ hoti vīriyaṁ asallīnaṁ, upaṭṭhitā sati asammuṭṭhā, passaddho kāyo asāraddho, samāhitaṁ cittaṁ ekaggaṁ, sayānopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu jāgaro evaṁbhūto ‘ātāpī ottāpī satataṁ samitaṁ āraddhavīriyo pahitatto’ti vuccatīti. 
and when lying down while awake, and has given up dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. Their energy is roused up and unflagging, their mindfulness is established and lucid, their body is tranquil and undisturbed, and their mind is immersed in samādhi. Such a mendicant is said to be ‘keen and prudent, always energetic and determined’ when lying down while awake. 

an4.61restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccābhibhūtena, gahapati, cetasā viharanto akiccaṁ karoti, kiccaṁ aparādheti.  restlessness and remorse … 
Uddhaccakukkuccaṁ cittassa upakkilesoti, iti viditvā uddhaccakukkuccaṁ cittassa upakkilesaṁ pajahati. 
‘restlessness and remorse …’ … 

an4.170restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhuno dhammuddhaccaviggahitaṁ mānasaṁ hoti.  Another mendicant’s mind is seized by restlessness to realize the teaching. 

an4.198restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato viharati ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacitto, uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodheti.  Giving up restlessness and remorse, they meditate without restlessness, their mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

an5.23restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kāmacchando, byāpādo, thinamiddhaṁ, uddhaccakukkuccaṁ, vicikicchā—  Sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 
thinamiddhaṁ → thīnamiddhaṁ (bj, sya-all, km, pts1ed) 

an5.51restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccaṁ, bhikkhave, āvaraṇaṁ nīvaraṇaṁ cetaso ajjhāruhaṁ paññāya dubbalīkaraṇaṁ.  Restlessness and remorse … 

an5.52restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kāmacchandanīvaraṇaṁ, byāpādanīvaraṇaṁ, thinamiddhanīvaraṇaṁ, uddhaccakukkuccanīvaraṇaṁ, vicikicchānīvaraṇaṁ.  The hindrances of sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

an5.75restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato viharati ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacitto, uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodheti;  Giving up restlessness and remorse, he meditates without restlessness, his mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

an5.193restlessness4Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, brāhmaṇa, yasmiṁ samaye uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati uddhaccakukkuccaparetena, uppannassa ca uddhaccakukkuccassa nissaraṇaṁ yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti, attatthampi tasmiṁ samaye yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti na passati, paratthampi …pe… ubhayatthampi tasmiṁ samaye yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti na passati, dīgharattaṁ sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaṭibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā.  Furthermore, when your heart is overcome and mired in restlessness and remorse … Even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced. 
Evamevaṁ kho, brāhmaṇa, yasmiṁ samaye uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati uddhaccakukkuccaparetena, uppannassa ca uddhaccakukkuccassa nissaraṇaṁ yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti, attatthampi tasmiṁ samaye yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti na passati, paratthampi …pe… ubhayatthampi tasmiṁ samaye yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti na passati, dīgharattaṁ sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaṭibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā. 
In the same way, when your heart is overcome and mired in restlessness and remorse … Even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced. 
Puna caparaṁ, brāhmaṇa, yasmiṁ samaye na uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati …pe… 
Furthermore, when your heart is not overcome and mired in restlessness and remorse … Even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced. 
Evamevaṁ kho, brāhmaṇa, yasmiṁ samaye na uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati …pe…. 
In the same way, when your heart is not overcome and mired in restlessness and remorse … Even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced. 

an6.27restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhu, yasmiṁ samaye bhikkhu uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati uddhaccakukkuccaparetena, uppannassa ca uddhaccakukkuccassa nissaraṇaṁ yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti tasmiṁ samaye manobhāvanīyo bhikkhu upasaṅkamitvā evamassa vacanīyo:  Furthermore, there’s a time when a mendicant’s heart is overcome and mired in restlessness and remorse … 

an6.28restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati ….  restlessness and remorse … 

an6.55restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Evamevaṁ kho, soṇa, accāraddhavīriyaṁ uddhaccāya saṁvattati, atisithilavīriyaṁ kosajjāya saṁvattati.  “In the same way, Soṇa, when energy is too forceful it leads to restlessness. When energy is too slack it leads to laziness. 

an6.66restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

Thinaṁ, middhaṁ, uddhaccaṁ, kukkuccaṁ, assaddhiyaṁ, pamādaṁ—  Dullness, drowsiness, restlessness, remorse, lack of faith, and negligence. 
Thinaṁ → thīnaṁ (bj, sya-all, km, pts1ed) 
Thinaṁ, middhaṁ, uddhaccaṁ, kukkuccaṁ, assaddhiyaṁ, pamādaṁ— 
Dullness, drowsiness, restlessness, remorse, lack of faith, and negligence. 

an6.73restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

Kāmacchandaṁ, byāpādaṁ, thinamiddhaṁ, uddhaccakukkuccaṁ, vicikicchaṁ.  Desire for sensual pleasures, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 
Kāmacchandaṁ, byāpādaṁ, thinamiddhaṁ, uddhaccakukkuccaṁ, vicikicchaṁ, 
Desire for sensual pleasures, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

an6.116restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccasutta  Restlessness 
Uddhaccaṁ, asaṁvaro, pamādo. 
Restlessness, lack of restraint, and negligence. 
Uddhaccassa pahānāya samatho bhāvetabbo, asaṁvarassa pahānāya saṁvaro bhāvetabbo, pamādassa pahānāya appamādo bhāvetabbo. 
You should develop serenity to give up restlessness, restraint to give up lack of restraint, and diligence to give up negligence. 

an9.40restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato viharati ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacitto, uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodheti;  Giving up restlessness and remorse, they meditate without restlessness, their mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

an9.64restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kāmacchandanīvaraṇaṁ, byāpādanīvaraṇaṁ, thinamiddhanīvaraṇaṁ, uddhaccakukkuccanīvaraṇaṁ, vicikicchānīvaraṇaṁ—  Sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

an9.70restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rūparāgo, arūparāgo, māno, uddhaccaṁ, avijjā—  Desire for rebirth in the realm of luminous form, desire for rebirth in the formless realm, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. 

an10.12restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno kāmacchando pahīno hoti, byāpādo pahīno hoti, thinamiddhaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti, uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti, vicikicchā pahīnā hoti.  It’s when a mendicant has given up sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 
thinamiddhaṁ → thīnamiddhaṁ (bj, sya-all, pts1ed) 
Uddhaccaṁ vicikicchā ca, 
restlessness, and doubt 

an10.13restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rūparāgo, arūparāgo, māno, uddhaccaṁ, avijjā—  Desire for rebirth in the realm of luminous form, desire for rebirth in the formless realm, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. 

an10.20restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno kāmacchando pahīno hoti, byāpādo pahīno hoti, thinamiddhaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti, uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti, vicikicchā pahīnā hoti.  It’s when a mendicant has given up sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

an10.75restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

Tañca cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti yatthassa taṁ uddhaccaṁ aparisesaṁ nirujjhati.  And they don’t truly understand the freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom where that restlessness ceases without anything left over. 
Tañca cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti yatthassa taṁ uddhaccaṁ aparisesaṁ nirujjhati. 
But they truly understand the freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom where that restlessness ceases without anything left over. 

an10.76restlessness8Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccaṁ appahāya, asaṁvaraṁ appahāya, dussilyaṁ appahāya—  Restlessness, lack of restraint, and unethical conduct. 
Tayome, bhikkhave, dhamme appahāya abhabbo uddhaccaṁ pahātuṁ asaṁvaraṁ pahātuṁ dussilyaṁ pahātuṁ. 
Without giving up three things you can’t give up restlessness, lack of restraint, and unethical conduct. 
ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo dhamme appahāya abhabbo uddhaccaṁ pahātuṁ asaṁvaraṁ pahātuṁ dussilyaṁ pahātuṁ. 
Without giving up these three things you can’t give up restlessness, lack of restraint, and unethical conduct. 
So kusīto samāno abhabbo uddhaccaṁ pahātuṁ asaṁvaraṁ pahātuṁ dussilyaṁ pahātuṁ. 
When you’re lazy you can’t give up restlessness, lack of restraint, and unethical conduct. 
Uddhaccaṁ pahāya, asaṁvaraṁ pahāya, dussilyaṁ pahāya— 
Restlessness, lack of restraint, and unethical conduct. 
Tayome, bhikkhave, dhamme pahāya bhabbo uddhaccaṁ pahātuṁ asaṁvaraṁ pahātuṁ dussilyaṁ pahātuṁ. 
After giving up three things you can give up restlessness, lack of restraint, and unethical conduct. 
ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo dhamme pahāya bhabbo uddhaccaṁ pahātuṁ asaṁvaraṁ pahātuṁ dussilyaṁ pahātuṁ. 
After giving up these three things you can give up restlessness, lack of restraint, and unethical conduct. 
So āraddhavīriyo samāno bhabbo uddhaccaṁ pahātuṁ asaṁvaraṁ pahātuṁ dussilyaṁ pahātuṁ. 
When you’re energetic you can give up restlessness, lack of restraint, and unethical conduct. 

an10.86restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhato kho pana ayamāyasmā;  restlessness … 

an10.99restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato viharati ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacitto, uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodheti.  Giving up restlessness and remorse, they meditate without restlessness, their mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

an11.9restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati …  restlessness and remorse … 
na uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati … 
restlessness and remorse … 

dn2restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato viharati, ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacitto, uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodheti.  Giving up restlessness and remorse, they meditate without restlessness, their mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

dn10restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato viharati ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacitto uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodheti.  Giving up restlessness and remorse, they meditate without restlessness, their mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

dn13restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kāmacchandanīvaraṇaṁ, byāpādanīvaraṇaṁ, thinamiddhanīvaraṇaṁ, uddhaccakukkuccanīvaraṇaṁ, vicikicchānīvaraṇaṁ.  The hindrances of sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

dn22restlessness5Pi En Ru dhamma

Santaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ uddhaccakukkuccaṁ ‘atthi me ajjhattaṁ uddhaccakukkuccan’ti pajānāti, asantaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ uddhaccakukkuccaṁ ‘natthi me ajjhattaṁ uddhaccakukkuccan’ti pajānāti, yathā ca anuppannassa uddhaccakukkuccassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca uppannassa uddhaccakukkuccassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca pahīnassa uddhaccakukkuccassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti.  When they have restlessness and remorse in them, they understand: ‘I have restlessness and remorse in me.’ When they don’t have restlessness and remorse in them, they understand: ‘I don’t have restlessness and remorse in me.’ They understand how restlessness and remorse arise; how, when they’ve already arisen, they’re given up; and how, once they’re given up, they don’t arise again in the future. 

dn25restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato viharati ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacitto, uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodheti.  Giving up restlessness and remorse, they meditate without restlessness, their mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

dn33restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

kāmacchandanīvaraṇaṁ, byāpādanīvaraṇaṁ, thinamiddhanīvaraṇaṁ, uddhaccakukkuccanīvaraṇaṁ, vicikicchānīvaraṇaṁ.  sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 
rūparāgo, arūparāgo, māno, uddhaccaṁ, avijjā. 
desire for rebirth in the realm of luminous form, desire for rebirth in the formless realm, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. 
Idhāvuso, bhikkhuno kāmacchando pahīno hoti, byāpādo pahīno hoti, thinamiddhaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti, uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti, vicikicchā pahīnā hoti. 
It’s when a mendicant has given up sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

dn34restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

kāmacchandanīvaraṇaṁ, byāpādanīvaraṇaṁ, thinamiddhanīvaraṇaṁ, uddhaccakukkuccanīvaraṇaṁ, vicikicchānīvaraṇaṁ.  sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 
Idhāvuso, bhikkhuno kāmacchando pahīno hoti, byāpādo pahīno hoti, thinamiddhaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti, uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti, vicikicchā pahīnā hoti. 
It’s when a mendicant has given up sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

mn10restlessness5Pi En Ru dhamma

Santaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ uddhaccakukkuccaṁ ‘atthi me ajjhattaṁ uddhaccakukkuccan’ti pajānāti, asantaṁ vā ajjhattaṁ uddhaccakukkuccaṁ ‘natthi me ajjhattaṁ uddhaccakukkuccan’ti pajānāti; yathā ca anuppannassa uddhaccakukkuccassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca uppannassa uddhaccakukkuccassa pahānaṁ hoti tañca pajānāti, yathā ca pahīnassa uddhaccakukkuccassa āyatiṁ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti.  When they have restlessness and remorse in them, they understand: ‘I have restlessness and remorse in me.’ When they don’t have restlessness and remorse in them, they understand: ‘I don’t have restlessness and remorse in me.’ They understand how restlessness and remorse arise; how, when they’ve already arisen, they’re given up; and how, once they’re given up, they don’t arise again in the future. 

mn23restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

kāmacchandanīvaraṇassa, byāpādanīvaraṇassa, thinamiddhanīvaraṇassa, uddhaccakukkuccanīvaraṇassa, vicikicchānīvaraṇassa.  the hindrances of sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

mn27restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato viharati, ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacitto uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodheti.  Giving up restlessness and remorse, they meditate without restlessness, their mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

mn38restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato viharati ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacitto, uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodheti;  Giving up restlessness and remorse, they meditate without restlessness, their mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

mn39restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato viharati, ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacitto, uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodheti;  Giving up restlessness and remorse, they meditate without restlessness, their mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

mn43restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idhāvuso, paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ samāpannassa bhikkhuno kāmacchando pahīno hoti, byāpādo pahīno hoti, thinamiddhaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti, uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti, vicikicchā pahīnā hoti;  When a mendicant has entered the first absorption, sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt are given up. 

mn48restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sace, bhikkhave, bhikkhu uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhito hoti, pariyuṭṭhitacittova hoti.  restlessness and remorse, 

mn51restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato viharati ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacitto, uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodheti;  Giving up restlessness and remorse, they meditate without restlessness, their mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

mn68restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

Vivekaṁ, anuruddhā, kāmehi vivekaṁ akusalehi dhammehi pītisukhaṁ nādhigacchati aññaṁ vā tato santataraṁ, tassa abhijjhāpi cittaṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭhati, byāpādopi cittaṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭhati, thinamiddhampi cittaṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭhati uddhaccakukkuccampi cittaṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭhati, vicikicchāpi cittaṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭhati, aratīpi cittaṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭhati, tandīpi cittaṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭhati.  Take someone who doesn’t achieve the rapture and bliss that are secluded from sensual pleasures and unskillful qualities, or something even more peaceful than that. Their mind is still occupied by desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, doubt, discontent, and sloth. 
thinamiddhampi → thīnamiddhampi (bj, sya-all, km, pts1ed) | aññaṁ vā → aññaṁ ca (mr) 
Vivekaṁ, anuruddhā, kāmehi vivekaṁ akusalehi dhammehi pītisukhaṁ adhigacchati aññaṁ vā tato santataraṁ, tassa abhijjhāpi cittaṁ na pariyādāya tiṭṭhati, byāpādopi cittaṁ na pariyādāya tiṭṭhati, thinamiddhampi cittaṁ na pariyādāya tiṭṭhati, uddhaccakukkuccampi cittaṁ na pariyādāya tiṭṭhati, vicikicchāpi cittaṁ na pariyādāya tiṭṭhati, aratīpi cittaṁ na pariyādāya tiṭṭhati, tandīpi cittaṁ na pariyādāya tiṭṭhati. 
Take someone who does achieve the rapture and bliss that are secluded from sensual pleasures and unskillful qualities, or something even more peaceful than that. Their mind is not occupied by desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, doubt, discontent, and sloth. 

mn94restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato viharati ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacitto, uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodheti;  Giving up restlessness and remorse, they meditate without restlessness, their mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

mn99restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kāmacchandanīvaraṇaṁ, byāpādanīvaraṇaṁ, thinamiddhanīvaraṇaṁ uddhaccakukkuccanīvaraṇaṁ, vicikicchānīvaraṇaṁ—  The hindrances of sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

mn101restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato viharati ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacitto, uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodheti.  Giving up restlessness and remorse, they meditate without restlessness, their mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

mn107restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato viharati ajjhattaṁ vūpasantacitto, uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodheti;  Giving up restlessness and remorse, they meditate without restlessness, their mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

mn108restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati uddhaccakukkuccaparetena, uppannassa ca uddhaccakukkuccassa nissaraṇaṁ yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti;  restlessness and remorse … 

mn112restlessness3Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahāya anuddhato vihāsiṁ ajjhattaṁ, vūpasantacitto, uddhaccakukkuccā cittaṁ parisodhesiṁ.  Giving up restlessness and remorse, I meditated without restlessness, my mind peaceful inside, cleansing the mind of restlessness and remorse. 

mn127restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

tassa kāyaduṭṭhullampi na suppaṭippassaddhaṁ hoti, thinamiddhampi na susamūhataṁ hoti, uddhaccakukkuccampi na suppaṭivinītaṁ hoti.  Their physical discomfort is not completely settled, their dullness and drowsiness is not completely eradicated, and their restlessness and remorse are not completely eliminated. 
Tassa kāyaduṭṭhullampi suppaṭippassaddhaṁ hoti, thinamiddhampi susamūhataṁ hoti, uddhaccakukkuccampi suppaṭivinītaṁ hoti. 
Their physical discomfort is completely settled, their dullness and drowsiness is completely eradicated, and their restlessness and remorse is completely eliminated. 

sn3.24restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kāmacchando pahīno hoti, byāpādo pahīno hoti, thinamiddhaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti, uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahīnaṁ hoti, vicikicchā pahīnā hoti.  Sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

sn45.177restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kāmacchandanīvaraṇaṁ, byāpādanīvaraṇaṁ, thinamiddhanīvaraṇaṁ, uddhaccakukkuccanīvaraṇaṁ, vicikicchānīvaraṇaṁ—  The hindrances of sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

sn45.180restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

Rūparāgo, arūparāgo, māno, uddhaccaṁ, avijjā—  Desire for rebirth in the realm of luminous form, desire for rebirth in the formless realm, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. 
Rūparāgo, arūparāgo, māno, uddhaccaṁ, avijjā— 
Desire for rebirth in the realm of luminous form, desire for rebirth in the formless realm, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. 

sn46.2restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

Ko ca, bhikkhave, āhāro anuppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya?  And what fuels the arising of restlessness and remorse, or, when they have arisen, makes them increase and grow? 
ayamāhāro anuppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya. 
fuels the arising of restlessness and remorse, or, when they have arisen, makes them increase and grow. 

sn46.8restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Satisambojjhaṅgaṁ kho, āvuso, bhikkhu ārabbhamāno pajānāti ‘cittañca me suvimuttaṁ, thinamiddhañca me susamūhataṁ, uddhaccakukkuccañca me suppaṭivinītaṁ, āraddhañca me vīriyaṁ, aṭṭhiṁ katvā manasi karomi, no ca līnan’ti …pe…  As a mendicant rouses up the awakening factor of mindfulness, they understand: ‘My mind is well freed. I’ve eradicated dullness and drowsiness, and eliminated restlessness and remorse. My energy is roused up, and my mind is sharply focused, not sluggish.’ … 
upekkhāsambojjhaṅgaṁ āvuso, bhikkhu ārabbhamāno pajānāti ‘cittañca me suvimuttaṁ, thinamiddhañca me susamūhataṁ, uddhaccakukkuccañca me suppaṭivinītaṁ, āraddhañca me vīriyaṁ, aṭṭhiṁ katvā manasi karomi, no ca līnan’”ti. 
As they rouse up the awakening factor of equanimity, they understand: ‘My mind is well freed. I’ve eradicated dullness and drowsiness, and eliminated restlessness and remorse. My energy is roused up, and my mind is sharply focused, not sluggish.’ 

sn46.23restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccaṭṭhāniyānaṁ, bhikkhave, dhammānaṁ manasikārabahulīkārā anuppannañceva uddhaccakukkuccaṁ uppajjati, uppannañca uddhaccakukkuccaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati.  When you frequently apply the mind to things that are grounds for restlessness and remorse, restlessness and remorse arise, and once arisen they increase and grow. 

sn46.24restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

anuppannañceva uddhaccakukkuccaṁ uppajjati, uppannañca uddhaccakukkuccaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati;  restlessness and remorse, 
anuppannañceva uddhaccakukkuccaṁ nuppajjati, uppannañca uddhaccakukkuccaṁ pahīyati; 
restlessness and remorse, 

sn46.33restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kāmacchando, bhikkhave, cittassa upakkileso, yena upakkilesena upakkiliṭṭhaṁ cittaṁ na ceva mudu hoti na ca kammaniyaṁ, na ca pabhassaraṁ pabhaṅgu ca, na ca sammā samādhiyati āsavānaṁ khayāya …pe…  Sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

sn46.35restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ayoniso, bhikkhave, manasikaroto anuppanno ceva kāmacchando uppajjati, uppanno ca kāmacchando bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; anuppanno ceva byāpādo uppajjati, uppanno ca byāpādo bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; anuppannañceva thinamiddhaṁ uppajjati, uppannañca thinamiddhaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; anuppannañceva uddhaccakukkuccaṁ uppajjati, uppannañca uddhaccakukkuccaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; anuppannā ceva vicikicchā uppajjati, uppannā ca vicikicchā bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī”ti.  “Mendicants, when you apply the mind irrationally, sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt arise, and once arisen they increase and grow.” 

sn46.37restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccaṁ, bhikkhave, āvaraṇaṁ nīvaraṇaṁ cetaso upakkilesaṁ paññāya dubbalīkaraṇaṁ.  restlessness and remorse, 

sn46.38restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kāmacchandanīvaraṇaṁ tasmiṁ samaye na hoti, byāpādanīvaraṇaṁ tasmiṁ samaye na hoti, thinamiddhanīvaraṇaṁ tasmiṁ samaye na hoti, uddhaccakukkuccanīvaraṇaṁ tasmiṁ samaye na hoti, vicikicchānīvaraṇaṁ tasmiṁ samaye na hoti.  Sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

sn46.39restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Uddhaccakukkuccaṁ, bhikkhave, āvaraṇaṁ nīvaraṇaṁ cetaso ajjhāruhaṁ paññāya dubbalīkaraṇaṁ.  restlessness and remorse, 

sn46.40restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kāmacchandanīvaraṇaṁ, bhikkhave, andhakaraṇaṁ acakkhukaraṇaṁ aññāṇakaraṇaṁ paññānirodhikaṁ vighātapakkhiyaṁ anibbānasaṁvattanikaṁ.  Sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

sn46.51restlessness4Pi En Ru dhamma

Ko ca, bhikkhave, āhāro anuppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya?  And what fuels the arising of restlessness and remorse, or, when they have arisen, makes them increase and grow? 
ayamāhāro anuppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya. 
fuels the arising of restlessness and remorse, or, when they have arisen, makes them increase and grow. 
Ko ca, bhikkhave, anāhāro anuppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya? 
And what starves the arising of restlessness and remorse, or, when they have arisen, starves their increase and growth? 
ayamanāhāro anuppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya. 
starves the arising of restlessness and remorse, or, when they have arisen, starves their increase and growth. 

sn46.52restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yadapi, bhikkhave, uddhaccaṁ tadapi nīvaraṇaṁ, yadapi kukkuccaṁ tadapi nīvaraṇaṁ.  Restlessness is a hindrance; and remorse is also a hindrance. 
‘Uddhaccakukkuccanīvaraṇan’ti iti hidaṁ uddesaṁ gacchati. Tadamināpetaṁ pariyāyena dvayaṁ hoti. 
That’s how what is concisely referred to as ‘the hindrance of restlessness and remorse’ becomes twofold. 

sn46.55restlessness4Pi En Ru dhamma

Puna caparaṁ, brāhmaṇa, yasmiṁ samaye uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati uddhaccakukkuccaparetena, uppannassa ca uddhaccakukkuccassa nissaraṇaṁ yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti, attatthampi tasmiṁ samaye yathābhūtaṁ na jānāti na passati, paratthampi …pe… ubhayatthampi tasmiṁ samaye yathābhūtaṁ na jānāti na passati; dīgharattaṁ sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaṭibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā.  Furthermore, when your heart is overcome and mired in restlessness and remorse … Even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced. 
Evameva kho, brāhmaṇa, yasmiṁ samaye uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati uddhaccakukkuccaparetena, uppannassa ca uddhaccakukkuccassa nissaraṇaṁ yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti, attatthampi tasmiṁ samaye yathābhūtaṁ na jānāti na passati, paratthampi …pe… ubhayatthampi tasmiṁ samaye yathābhūtaṁ na jānāti na passati; dīgharattaṁ sajjhāyakatāpi mantā nappaṭibhanti, pageva asajjhāyakatā. 
In the same way, when your heart is overcome and mired in restlessness and remorse … Even hymns that are long-practiced don’t spring to mind, let alone those that are not practiced. 
Puna caparaṁ, brāhmaṇa, yasmiṁ samaye na uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati na uddhaccakukkuccaparetena, uppannassa ca uddhaccakukkuccassa nissaraṇaṁ yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti, attatthampi tasmiṁ samaye yathābhūtaṁ jānāti passati, paratthampi …pe… ubhayatthampi …pe… dīgharattaṁ asajjhāyakatāpi mantā paṭibhanti, pageva sajjhāyakatā. 
Furthermore, when your heart is not overcome and mired in restlessness and remorse … Even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced. 
Evameva kho, brāhmaṇa, yasmiṁ samaye na uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena cetasā viharati na uddhaccakukkuccaparetena, uppannassa ca uddhaccakukkuccassa nissaraṇaṁ yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti, attatthampi tasmiṁ samaye yathābhūtaṁ jānāti passati, paratthampi …pe… ubhayatthampi …pe… dīgharattaṁ asajjhāyakatāpi mantā paṭibhanti, pageva sajjhāyakatā. 
In the same way, when your heart is not overcome and mired in restlessness and remorse … Even hymns that are long-unpracticed spring to mind, let alone those that are practiced. 

sn46.56restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

uddhaccakukkuccapariyuṭṭhitena …pe…  restlessness and remorse … 

sn46.130restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rūparāgo, arūparāgo, māno, uddhaccaṁ, avijjā—  Desire for rebirth in the realm of luminous form, desire for rebirth in the formless realm, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. 

sn47.5restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Kāmacchandanīvaraṇaṁ, byāpādanīvaraṇaṁ, thinamiddhanīvaraṇaṁ, uddhaccakukkuccanīvaraṇaṁ, vicikicchānīvaraṇaṁ.  The hindrances of sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt. 

sn47.95-104restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rūparāgo, arūparāgo, māno, uddhaccaṁ, avijjā—  Desire for rebirth in the realm of luminous form, desire for rebirth in the formless realm, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. 

sn48.115-124restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rūparāgo, arūparāgo, māno, uddhaccaṁ, avijjā—  Desire for rebirth in the realm of luminous form, desire for rebirth in the formless realm, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. 

sn48.169-178restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rūparāgo, arūparāgo, māno, uddhaccaṁ, avijjā—  Desire for rebirth in the realm of luminous form, desire for rebirth in the formless realm, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. 

sn49.45-54restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rūparāgo, arūparāgo, māno, uddhaccaṁ, avijjā—  Desire for rebirth in the realm of luminous form, desire for rebirth in the formless realm, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. 

sn50.45-54restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rūparāgo, arūparāgo, māno, uddhaccaṁ, avijjā—  Desire for rebirth in the realm of luminous form, desire for rebirth in the formless realm, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. 

sn50.99-108restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rūparāgo, arūparāgo, māno, uddhaccaṁ avijjā—  Desire for rebirth in the realm of luminous form, desire for rebirth in the formless realm, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. 

sn51.20restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yo, bhikkhave, chando uddhaccasahagato uddhaccasampayutto—  It’s when enthusiasm is combined with restlessness. 
Yā, bhikkhave, vīmaṁsā uddhaccasahagatā uddhaccasampayuttā— 
It’s when inquiry is combined with restlessness. 

sn51.77-86restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rūparāgo, arūparāgo, māno, uddhaccaṁ, avijjā—  Desire for rebirth in the realm of luminous form, desire for rebirth in the formless realm, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. 

sn53.45-54restlessness1Pi En Ru dhamma

Rūparāgo, arūparāgo, māno, uddhaccaṁ, avijjā—  Desire for rebirth in the realm of luminous form, desire for rebirth in the formless realm, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. 

sn54.12restlessness2Pi En Ru dhamma

uddhaccakukkuccanīvaraṇaṁ …  restlessness and remorse, 
uddhaccakukkuccanīvaraṇaṁ … 
restlessness and remorse,