Sabb.*anatt 42 texts and 78 matches in Suttanta +All Pali

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
an3.136sabbe2Pi En Ru dhamma

Sabbe dhammā anattā.   all things are not-self.  
‘sabbe dhammā anattā’”ti.  
‘All things are not-self.’” 

an6.100sabbadhamme1Pi En Ru dhamma

sabbadhamme anattato samanupassanto …pe…   It’s quite possible for a mendicant who regards all things as not-self to accept views that agree with the teaching. …”  

an6.104sabbadhammesu2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Cha, bhikkhave, ānisaṁse sampassamānena alameva bhikkhunā sabbadhammesu anodhiṁ karitvā anattasaññaṁ upaṭṭhāpetuṁ.   “Mendicants, seeing six benefits is quite enough to establish the perception of not-self in all things without qualification.  
Ime kho, bhikkhave, cha ānisaṁse sampassamānena alameva bhikkhunā sabbadhammesu anodhiṁ karitvā anattasaññaṁ upaṭṭhāpetun”ti.  
Seeing these six benefits is quite enough to establish the perception of not-self in all things without qualification.” 

an7.18sabbesu1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sabbesu dhammesu anattānupassī viharati …pe….   “First, take a person who meditates observing not-self in all things. They perceive not-self and experience not-self. Constantly, continually, and without interruption, they apply the mind and fathom with wisdom. …” 

an7.48sabbaloke1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā.   The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, and not-self in suffering.  

an7.49sabbaloke1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā.   The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, and not-self in suffering.  

an7.617sabbaloke1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā—  The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, and not-self in suffering.  

an9.16sabbaloke1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā—  The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, not-self in suffering, giving up, and fading away.  

an9.93sabbaloke1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā—  The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, not-self in suffering, giving up, and fading away.  

an10.56sabbaloke1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā, nirodhasaññā—  The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, and not-self in suffering, giving up, fading away, and cessation.  

an10.237sabbaloke1Pi En Ru dhamma

Asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratasaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā, nirodhasaññā—  The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, and not-self in suffering, giving up, fading away, and cessation.  

cnd5sabbe3Pi En Ru khudakka

“Sabbe saṅkhārā anattā”ti jānato passato paññāyete sotā pidhīyanti pacchijjanti na savanti na āsavanti na sandanti nappavattanti.   “sabbe dhammā anattā”ti saṅkhātadhammā …  
“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti kusalo sabbadhammānaṁ, “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhārā”ti kusalo sabbadhammānaṁ …pe…  

cnd6sabbe1Pi En Ru khudakka

“sabbe saṅkhārā dukkhā”ti … “sabbe dhammā anattā”ti … “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhārā”ti …pe…  

cnd8sabbe3Pi En Ru khudakka

“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …pe…   “sabbe saṅkhārā dukkhā”ti … “sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …pe…  
“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …pe…  

cnd9sabbe2Pi En Ru khudakka

“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …pe…   “sabbe saṅkhārā dukkhā”ti … “sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …pe…  

cnd12sabbe2Pi En Ru khudakka

“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …pe…   “sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …pe…  

cnd22sabbe4Pi En Ru khudakka

“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …   “sabbe dhammā anattā”ti bujjhi …pe…  
“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti saddhaṁ muñcassu pamuñcassu sampamuñcassu adhimuñcassu okappehi …pe…  
“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti bhiyyo bhiyyo pasīdāmi …pe…  

cnd23sabbe4Pi En Ru khudakka

“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti bujjhi,   “sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …  
“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …pe…  
“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …pe…  

dhp273-289sabbe1Pi En Ru khudakka

“Sabbe dhammā anattā”ti,   All things are not-self— 

dn21sabbaṁ1Pi En Ru dhamma

“dīgharattaṁ visuddho kho ayaṁ yakkho, yaṁ kiñci maṁ pañhaṁ pucchissati, sabbaṁ taṁ atthasañhitaṁyeva pucchissati, no anatthasañhitaṁ.   «Ведь этот Сакка уже долгое время пребывает в чистоте. Если он задает мне какой-либо вопрос, то задает [вопрос], всецело связанный с пользой, а не несвязанный с пользой,  
“For a long time now this spirit has led a pure life. Any question he asks me will be beneficial, not unbeneficial.  

dn34sabbaloke2Pi En Ru dhamma

asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratisaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā.   представление о дурном, представление о смерти, представление об отвращении от пропитания, представление о недовольстве всем мирским, представление о непостоянстве, представление о страдании в непостоянстве, представление об отсутствии своего „я“ в страдании, представление об отречении, представление о бесстрастии.  
the perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness in food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, not-self in suffering, giving up, and fading away.  
asubhasaññā, maraṇasaññā, āhāre paṭikūlasaññā, sabbaloke anabhiratisaññā, aniccasaññā, anicce dukkhasaññā, dukkhe anattasaññā, pahānasaññā, virāgasaññā, nirodhasaññā.  
представление о дурном, представление о смерти, представление об отвращении от пропитания, представление о недовольстве всем мирским, представление о непостоянстве, представление о страдании в непостоянстве, представление об отсутствии своего „я“ в страдании, представление об отречении, представление о бесстрастии, представление об уничтожении.  
the perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness in food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, not-self in suffering, giving up, fading away, and cessation.  

mil5.1.2sabbapabbagaṇṭhiparisuddhattā1Pi En Ru khudakka

Sabbapabbagaṇṭhiparisuddhattā agahanattā vaṁsassa.  

mn35sabbe2Pi En Ru dhamma

Sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā, sabbe dhammā anattā’ti.   Все формации непостоянны. Все вещи безличностны.  
All conditions are impermanent. All things are not-self.’  
Sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā, sabbe dhammā anattā’ti.  
Все формации непостоянны. Все вещи безличностны».  
All conditions are impermanent. All things are not-self.’  

mnd4sabbe1Pi En Ru khudakka

sabbe dhammā anattāti samecca abhisamecca dhammaṁ;  

mnd9sabbe1Pi En Ru khudakka

“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti pacinanto vicinanto pavicinanto …  

mnd10sabbe2Pi En Ru khudakka

“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …   “sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …pe…  

mnd11sabbe2Pi En Ru khudakka

“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …   “sabbe dhammā anattā”ti …pe…  

mnd16sabbe3Pi En Ru khudakka

“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti bujjhi,   “sabbe dhammā anattā”ti pesitattassa,  
“sabbe dhammā anattā”ti sammā dhammaṁ parivīmaṁsamāno …pe…  

ne4sabbe1Pi En Ru khudakka

“Sabbe dhammā anattāti,  

ne7sabbadhammaabhinivesalakkhaṇā1Pi En Ru khudakka

Sabbadhammaabhinivesalakkhaṇā anattasaññā, tassā dhammasaññā padaṭṭhānaṁ.  

ne37sabbe2Pi En Ru khudakka

“Sabbe dhammā anattā”ti idaṁ ñeyyaṁ.   “Sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā”ti “sabbe saṅkhārā dukkhā”ti “sabbe dhammā anattā”ti ekaṁseneva niddise.  

pe2sabbadhamme sabbe5Pi En Ru khudakka

“Sabbe dhammā anattāti,   “Sabbe dhammā anattāti,  
Yo sabbadhamme anattākārena upaṭṭhapeti idaṁ neyyaṁ.  
Sabbe dhammā anattāti,  
Sabbe dhammā anattāti,  

pe6sabbadhammaanupagamanalakkhaṇā sabbesu sabbo3Pi En Ru khudakka

“Sabbesu dhammesu anattā”ti yā saññā sañjānanā vavatthapanā uggāho, ayaṁ anattasaññā.   Sabbadhammaanupagamanalakkhaṇā anattasaññā, tassā dhammasaññā padaṭṭhānaṁ.  
Idha ariyasāvako sutavā hoti, sabbo sukkapakkho kātabbo, yāva ariyadhammesu kovido rūpaṁ anattato samanupassati, yāva viññāṇaṁ …pe…  

ps1.1sabbaṁ sabbe5Pi En Ru khudakka

“Sabbe dhammā anattā”ti sotāvadhānaṁ, taṁpajānanā paññā sutamaye ñāṇaṁ.   Kathaṁ “sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā, sabbe saṅkhārā dukkhā, sabbe dhammā anattā”ti sotāvadhānaṁ, taṁpajānanā paññā sutamaye ñāṇaṁ?  
“sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā, sabbe saṅkhārā dukkhā, sabbe dhammā anattā”ti sotāvadhānaṁ, taṁpajānanā paññā sutamaye ñāṇaṁ.  
Yaṁ kiñci rūpaṁ atītānāgatapaccuppannaṁ ajjhattaṁ vā bahiddhā vā oḷārikaṁ vā sukhumaṁ vā hīnaṁ vā paṇītaṁ vā yaṁ dūre santike vā, sabbaṁ rūpaṁ aniccato vavattheti ekaṁ sammasanaṁ, dukkhato vavattheti ekaṁ sammasanaṁ, anattato vavattheti ekaṁ sammasanaṁ.  
yaṁ kiñci viññāṇaṁ atītānāgatapaccuppannaṁ ajjhattaṁ vā bahiddhā vā oḷārikaṁ vā sukhumaṁ vā hīnaṁ vā paṇītaṁ vā yaṁ dūre santike vā, sabbaṁ viññāṇaṁ aniccato vavattheti ekaṁ sammasanaṁ, dukkhato vavattheti ekaṁ sammasanaṁ, anattato vavattheti ekaṁ sammasanaṁ.  

ps1.5sabbe2Pi En Ru khudakka

Kathaṁ tadanvayena sabbe dhammā anattato sudiṭṭhā honti?   Evaṁ tadanvayena sabbe dhammā anattato sudiṭṭhā honti.  

ps3.9sabbadhamme1Pi En Ru khudakka

So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sabbadhamme anattato samanupassanto anulomikāya khantiyā samannāgato bhavissatīti— 

sn22.90sabbe4Pi En Ru dhamma

sabbe dhammā anattā”ti.   All things are not-self.”  
Sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā, sabbe dhammā anattā’ti.  
Sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā, sabbe dhammā anattā’ti.  
Sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā, sabbe dhammā anattā’ti.  

sn35.43-51sabbaṁ,1Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sabbaṁ, bhikkhave, anattā …pe….   “Mendicants, all is not-self. …”  

sn44.10sabbe1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘sabbe dhammā anattā’”ti?   «все феномены безличностны»?  
all things are not-self?”  

sn55.3sabbasaṅkhāresu2Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha tvaṁ, dīghāvu, sabbasaṅkhāresu aniccānupassī viharāhi, anicce dukkhasaññī, dukkhe anattasaññī pahānasaññī virāgasaññī nirodhasaññīti.   You should meditate observing the impermanence of all conditions, perceiving suffering in impermanence, perceiving not-self in suffering, perceiving giving up, perceiving fading away, and perceiving cessation.  
Ahañhi, bhante, sabbasaṅkhāresu aniccānupassī viharāmi, anicce dukkhasaññī, dukkhe anattasaññī pahānasaññī virāgasaññī nirodhasaññī.  
For I meditate observing the impermanence of all conditions, perceiving suffering in impermanence, perceiving not-self in suffering, perceiving giving up, perceiving fading away, and perceiving cessation.  

thag15.1sabbe1Pi En Ru khudakka

Sabbe dhammā anattāti,   All things are not-self— 

thag16.1sabbaloke1Pi En Ru khudakka

sabbaloke anatthiko;   without needing anything in the whole world,