Samathā 2 texts and 25 matches in Definition Suttanta Pali

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an4.94 Tatiyasamādhisutta Immersion (3rd) cetosamathassa cetosamathassa 13 0 Pi En Ru

Tatra, bhikkhave, yvāyaṁ puggalo lābhī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa na lābhī adhipaññādhammavipassanāya, tena, bhikkhave, puggalena yvāyaṁ puggalo lābhī adhipaññādhammavipassanāya so upasaṅkamitvā evamassa vacanīyo:
As for the person who has serenity but not discernment: they should approach someone who has discernment and ask:
‘kathaṁ nu kho, āvuso, saṅkhārā daṭṭhabbā?
‘Reverend, how should conditions be seen?
Kathaṁ saṅkhārā sammasitabbā?
How should they be comprehended?
Kathaṁ saṅkhārā vipassitabbā’ti?
How should they be discerned?’ vipassitabbā → passitabbā (mr)
Tatra, bhikkhave, yvāyaṁ puggalo lābhī adhipaññādhammavipassanāya na lābhī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa, tena, bhikkhave, puggalena yvāyaṁ puggalo lābhī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa so upasaṅkamitvā evamassa vacanīyo:
As for the person who has discernment but not serenity: they should approach someone who has serenity and ask:
‘kathaṁ nu kho, āvuso, cittaṁ saṇṭhapetabbaṁ?
‘Reverend, how should the mind be stilled?
Kathaṁ cittaṁ sannisādetabbaṁ?
How should it be settled? sannisādetabbaṁ → sanniyādetabbaṁ (sya-all)
Kathaṁ cittaṁ ekodi kātabbaṁ?
How should it be unified? cittaṁ ekodi kātabbaṁ → ekodikattabbaṁ (sya-all, pts1ed) "
Tatra, bhikkhave, yvāyaṁ puggalo na ceva lābhī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa na ca lābhī adhipaññādhammavipassanāya, tena, bhikkhave, puggalena yvāyaṁ puggalo lābhī ceva ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa lābhī ca adhipaññādhammavipassanāya so upasaṅkamitvā evamassa vacanīyo:
As for the person who has neither serenity nor discernment: they should approach someone who has serenity and discernment and ask:
‘kathaṁ nu kho, āvuso, cittaṁ saṇṭhapetabbaṁ?
‘Reverend, how should the mind be stilled?
Kathaṁ cittaṁ sannisādetabbaṁ?
How should it be settled?
Kathaṁ cittaṁ ekodi kātabbaṁ?
How should it be unified?

an10.54 Samathasutta Serenity samathasutta cetosamathassa cetosamathe cetosamathassā’ti cetosamathassa 12 2 Pi En Ru

“No ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paracittapariyāyakusalo hoti, atha ‘sacittapariyāyakusalo bhavissāmī’ti—
“Mendicants, if a mendicant isn’t skilled in the ways of another’s mind, then they should train themselves: ‘I will be skilled in the ways of my own mind.’
evañhi vo, bhikkhave, sikkhitabbaṁ.
Kathañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sacittapariyāyakusalo hoti?
And how is a mendicant skilled in the ways of their own mind?