Smil 13 texts and 30 matches in Suttanta English

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
an3.107smile1Pi En Ru dhamma

Tasmātiha, bhikkhave, setughāto gīte, setughāto nacce, alaṁ vo dhammappamoditānaṁ sataṁ sitaṁ sitamattāyā”ti.  So break off singing and dancing; and when you’re appropriately pleased, it’s enough to simply smile.” 

an5.55smile1Pi En Ru dhamma

pekkhitena sitena ca;  with a glance and a smile. 
sitena ca → mhitena ca (sya-all, km, pts1ed) 

an5.75smiles1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhuṁ araññagataṁ vā rukkhamūlagataṁ vā suññāgāragataṁ vā mātugāmo upasaṅkamitvā ūhasati ullapati ujjagghati uppaṇḍeti.  It’s when a mendicant who has gone to a wilderness, or to the root of a tree, or to an empty hut is approached by a female. She smiles, chats, laughs, and teases him. 
ūhasati → ohasati (sya-all, km); uhasati (mr) | ujjagghati → ujjhagghati (bj); ujjhaggeti (pts1ed) 

an5.180smile smiled5Pi En Ru dhamma

disvāna maggā okkamma yena taṁ sālavanaṁ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā taṁ sālavanaṁ ajjhogāhetvā aññatarasmiṁ padese sitaṁ pātvākāsi.  He left the road, went to the sal grove, and plunged deep into it. And at a certain spot he smiled. 
disvāna → disvā (bj, pts1ed) | okkamma → ukkamma (katthaci) 
“ko nu kho hetu ko paccayo bhagavato sitassa pātukammāya? 
“What is the cause, what is the reason why the Buddha smiled? 
Na akāraṇena tathāgatā sitaṁ pātukarontī”ti. 
Realized Ones do not smile for no reason.” 
“ko nu kho, bhante, hetu ko paccayo bhagavato sitassa pātukammāya? 
“What is the cause, what is the reason why the Buddha smiled? 
Na akāraṇena tathāgatā sitaṁ pātukarontī”ti. 
Realized Ones do not smile for no reason.” 

an10.45smiles2Pi En Ru dhamma

Mahesī vā bhikkhuṁ disvā sitaṁ pātukaroti, bhikkhu vā mahesiṁ disvā sitaṁ pātukaroti.  When the queen sees the monk she smiles, or when the monk sees the queen he smiles. 

dn4smiling1Pi En Ru dhamma

Samaṇo khalu, bho, gotamo ehisvāgatavādī sakhilo sammodako abbhākuṭiko uttānamukho pubbabhāsī …pe…  He is welcoming, congenial, polite, smiling, open, the first to speak. … 

dn5smiling1Pi En Ru dhamma

Samaṇo khalu, bho, gotamo ehisvāgatavādī sakhilo sammodako abbhākuṭiko uttānamukho pubbabhāsī …pe…  He is welcoming, congenial, polite, smiling, open, the first to speak. … 

mn81smile smiled5Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho bhagavā maggā okkamma aññatarasmiṁ padese sitaṁ pātvākāsi.  Then the Buddha left the road, and at a certain spot he smiled. 
“ko nu kho hetu, ko paccayo bhagavato sitassa pātukammāya? 
“What is the cause, what is the reason why the Buddha smiled? 
Na akāraṇena tathāgatā sitaṁ pātukarontī”ti. 
Realized Ones do not smile for no reason.” 
Na akāraṇena → na akāraṇe (bj) 
“ko nu kho, bhante, hetu, ko paccayo bhagavato sitassa pātukammāya? 
“What is the cause, what is the reason why the Buddha smiled? 
Na akāraṇena tathāgatā sitaṁ pātukarontī”ti. 
Realized Ones do not smile for no reason.” 

mn83smile smiled5Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho bhagavā aññatarasmiṁ padese sitaṁ pātvākāsi.  Then the Buddha smiled at a certain spot. 
“ko nu kho hetu, ko paccayo bhagavato sitassa pātukammāya? 
“What is the cause, what is the reason why the Buddha smiled? 
Na akāraṇena tathāgatā sitaṁ pātukarontī”ti. 
Realized Ones do not smile for no reason.” 
“ko nu kho, bhante, hetu, ko paccayo bhagavato sitassa pātukammāya? 
“What is the cause, what is the reason why the Buddha smiled? 
Na akāraṇena tathāgatā sitaṁ pātukarontī”ti. 
Realized Ones do not smile for no reason.” 

mn89smiling2Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha panāhaṁ, bhante, bhikkhū passāmi haṭṭhapahaṭṭhe udaggudagge abhiratarūpe pīṇindriye appossukke pannalome paradattavutte migabhūtena cetasā viharante.  But here I see mendicants always smiling and joyful, obviously happy, with cheerful faces, living relaxed, unruffled, surviving on charity, their hearts free as a wild deer. 
pīṇindriye → pīṇitindriyā (bj); pīṇitindriye (pts1ed) 
tathā hi ime āyasmanto haṭṭhapahaṭṭhā udaggudaggā abhiratarūpā pīṇindriyā appossukkā pannalomā paradattavuttā migabhūtena cetasā viharantī’ti. 
That’s why these venerables are always smiling and joyful, obviously happy, with cheerful faces, living relaxed, unruffled, surviving on charity, their hearts free as a wild deer.’ 

sn1.35smiled1Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho bhagavā sitaṁ pātvākāsi.  At that, the Buddha smiled. 

sn10.8smiling1Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho anāthapiṇḍiko gahapati, nāmena maṁ bhagavā ālapatīti, haṭṭho udaggo tattheva bhagavato pādesu sirasā nipatitvā bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:  Then Anāthapiṇḍika thought, “The Buddha calls me by name!” Smiling and elated, he bowed with his head at the Buddha’s feet and said to him, 

sn19.1smiled4Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho āyasmā mahāmoggallāno gijjhakūṭā pabbatā orohanto aññatarasmiṁ padese sitaṁ pātvākāsi.  As Mahāmoggallāna was descending from Vulture’s Peak Mountain he smiled at a certain spot. 
“ko nu kho, āvuso moggallāna, hetu ko paccayo sitassa pātukammāyā”ti? 
“What is the cause, Reverend Moggallāna, what is the reason you smiled?” 
“idhāyasmā mahāmoggallāno gijjhakūṭā pabbatā orohanto aññatarasmiṁ padese sitaṁ pātvākāsi. 
“Just now, as Mahāmoggallāna was descending from Vulture’s Peak Mountain he smiled at a certain spot. 
Ko nu kho, āvuso moggallāna, hetu ko paccayo sitassa pātukammāyā”ti? 
What is the cause, Reverend Moggallāna, what is the reason you smiled?”