“ahaṁ hime vajjī evaṁmahiddhike evaṁmahānubhāve ucchecchāmi vajjī, vināsessāmi vajjī, anayabyasanaṁ āpādessāmī”ti. ;;;“I shall wipe out these Vajjis, so mighty and powerful! I shall destroy them, and lay ruin and devastation upon them!”
;;;Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā ānando bhagavato piṭṭhito ṭhito hoti bhagavantaṁ bījayamāno.
;;;Now at that time Venerable Ānanda was standing behind the Buddha fanning him.
;;;Kinti te, ānanda, sutaṁ, ‘vajjī ye te vajjīnaṁ vajjimahallakā, te sakkaronti garuṁ karonti mānenti pūjenti, tesañca sotabbaṁ maññantī’”ti?
;;;Ānanda, have you heard that the Vajjis honor, respect, esteem, and venerate Vajjian elders, and think them worth listening to?”
;;;“Sutaṁ metaṁ, bhante: ‘vajjī ye te vajjīnaṁ vajjimahallakā, te sakkaronti garuṁ karonti mānenti pūjenti, tesañca sotabbaṁ maññantī’”ti.
;;;“I have heard that, sir.”
;;;“Yāvakīvañca, ānanda, vajjī ye te vajjīnaṁ vajjimahallakā, te sakkarissanti garuṁ karissanti mānessanti pūjessanti, tesañca sotabbaṁ maññissanti, vuddhiyeva, ānanda, vajjīnaṁ pāṭikaṅkhā, no parihāni.
;;;“As long as the Vajjis honor, respect, esteem, and venerate Vajjian elders, and think them worth listening to, they can expect growth, not decline.
;;;Akaraṇīyāva, bho gotama, vajjī raññā māgadhena ajātasattunā vedehiputtena yadidaṁ yuddhassa, aññatra upalāpanāya aññatra mithubhedā.
;;;King Ajātasattu cannot defeat the Vajjis in war, unless by bribery or by sowing dissension.
;;;Yāvakīvañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhū paccattaññeva satiṁ upaṭṭhapessanti: ‘kinti anāgatā ca pesalā sabrahmacārī āgaccheyyuṁ, āgatā ca pesalā sabrahmacārī phāsu vihareyyun’ti. Vuddhiyeva, bhikkhave, bhikkhūnaṁ pāṭikaṅkhā, no parihāni.
;;;As long as the mendicants individually establish mindfulness, so that more good-hearted spiritual companions might come, and those that have already come may live comfortably, they can expect growth, not decline.
;;;“Uḷārā kho te ayaṁ, sāriputta, āsabhī vācā bhāsitā, ekaṁso gahito, sīhanādo nadito:
;;;“That’s a grand and dramatic statement, Sāriputta. You’ve roared a definitive, categorical lion’s roar, saying:
;;;Kiṁ te, sāriputta, ye te ahesuṁ atītamaddhānaṁ arahanto sammāsambuddhā, sabbe te bhagavanto cetasā ceto paricca viditā:
;;;What about all the perfected ones, the fully awakened Buddhas who lived in the past? Have you comprehended their minds to know that
;;;“Kiṁ pana te, sāriputta, ye te bhavissanti anāgatamaddhānaṁ arahanto sammāsambuddhā, sabbe te bhagavanto cetasā ceto paricca viditā:
;;;“And what about all the perfected ones, the fully awakened Buddhas who will live in the future? Have you comprehended their minds to know that
;;;Tassa evamassa:
;;;He thinks:
;;;Atha kho pāṭaligāmikā upāsakā bhagavato adhivāsanaṁ viditvā uṭṭhāyāsanā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṁ katvā yena āvasathāgāraṁ tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā sabbasanthariṁ āvasathāgāraṁ santharitvā āsanāni paññapetvā udakamaṇikaṁ patiṭṭhāpetvā telapadīpaṁ āropetvā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu, upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ aṭṭhaṁsu. Ekamantaṁ ṭhitā kho pāṭaligāmikā upāsakā bhagavantaṁ etadavocuṁ:
;;;Then, knowing that the Buddha had consented, the lay followers of Pāṭali Village got up from their seat, bowed, and respectfully circled the Buddha, keeping him on their right. Then they went to the guest house, where they spread carpets all over, prepared seats, set up a water jar, and placed an oil lamp. Then they went back to the Buddha, bowed, stood to one side, and told him of their preparations, saying:
;;;“Ke nu kho, ānanda, pāṭaligāme nagaraṁ māpentī”ti?
;;;“Ānanda, who is building a citadel at Pāṭali Village?”
;;;saññate brahmacārayo.
;;;the restrained spiritual practitioners,
;;;Setuṁ katvāna visajja pallalāni;
;;;have built a bridge and left the marshes behind.
;;;Kullañhi jano bandhati,
;;;While some people are still tying a raft,
;;;Tayidaṁ, bhikkhave, dukkhaṁ ariyasaccaṁ anubuddhaṁ paṭividdhaṁ, dukkhasamudayaṁ ariyasaccaṁ anubuddhaṁ paṭividdhaṁ, dukkhanirodhaṁ ariyasaccaṁ anubuddhaṁ paṭividdhaṁ, dukkhanirodhagāminī paṭipadā ariyasaccaṁ anubuddhaṁ paṭividdhaṁ, ucchinnā bhavataṇhā, khīṇā bhavanetti, natthi dāni punabbhavo”ti.
;;;These noble truths of suffering, origin, cessation, and the path have been understood and comprehended. Craving for continued existence has been cut off; the conduit to rebirth is ended; now there’ll be no more future lives.”
;;;“āyāmānanda, yena nātikā tenupaṅkamissāmā”ti.
;;;“Come, Ānanda, let’s go to the land of the Ñātikas.”
;;;Kukkuṭo nāma, bhante, upāsako nātike kālaṅkato, tassa kā gati, ko abhisamparāyo?
;;;The laymen named Kakkaṭa,
;;;Kāḷimbo nāma, bhante, upāsako …pe…
;;;bhaddo nāma, bhante, upāsako …
;;;Bhadda, and
;;;subhaddo nāma, bhante, upāsako nātike kālaṅkato, tassa kā gati, ko abhisamparāyo”ti?
;;;Subhadda have passed away in Ñātika. Where have they been reborn in the next life?”
;;;Sādhikā navuti, ānanda, nātike upāsakā kālaṅkatā tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā rāgadosamohānaṁ tanuttā sakadāgāmino sakideva imaṁ lokaṁ āgantvā dukkhassantaṁ karissanti.
;;;More than ninety laymen in Ñātika have passed away having ended three fetters, and weakened greed, hate, and delusion. They’re once-returners, who will come back to this world once only, then make an end of suffering.
;;;Sātirekāni, ānanda, pañcasatāni nātike upāsakā kālaṅkatā, tiṇṇaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā sotāpannā avinipātadhammā niyatā sambodhiparāyaṇā.
;;;More than five hundred laymen in Ñātika have passed away having ended three fetters. They’re stream-enterers, not liable to be reborn in the underworld, bound for awakening.
;;;Tasmiṁyeva kālaṅkate tathāgataṁ upasaṅkamitvā etamatthaṁ pucchissatha, vihesā hesā, ānanda, tathāgatassa.
;;;But if you should come and ask me about it each and every time someone passes away, that would be a bother for me.
;;;“Sacepi me, ayyaputtā, vesāliṁ sāhāraṁ dassatha, evamahaṁ taṁ bhattaṁ na dassāmī”ti.
;;;“Masters, even if you were to give me Vesālī with her provinces, I still wouldn’t give that meal to you.”
;;;“adhivutthaṁ kho me, licchavī, svātanāya ambapāliyā gaṇikāya bhattan”ti.
;;;“I have already accepted tomorrow’s meal from Ambapālī the courtesan.”
;;;“etha tumhe, bhikkhave, samantā vesāliṁ yathāmittaṁ yathāsandiṭṭhaṁ yathāsambhattaṁ vassaṁ upetha.
;;;“Mendicants, please enter the rainy season residence with whatever friends or acquaintances you have around Vesālī.
;;;“Kiṁ panānanda, bhikkhusaṅgho mayi paccāsīsati?
;;;“But what could the mendicant Saṅgha expect from me, Ānanda?
;;;Ahaṁ kho panānanda, etarahi jiṇṇo vuddho mahallako addhagato vayo anuppatto.
;;;I’m now old, elderly and senior. I’m advanced in years and have reached the final stage of life.
;;;Seyyathāpi, ānanda, jajjarasakaṭaṁ veṭhamissakena yāpeti;
;;;Just as a decrepit old cart is kept going by a rope,
;;;yena cāpālaṁ cetiyaṁ tenupasaṅkamissāma divā vihārāyā”ti.
;;;Let’s go to the Cāpāla shrine for the day’s meditation.”
;;;Ossaṭṭhe ca bhagavatā āyusaṅkhāre mahābhūmicālo ahosi bhiṁsanako salomahaṁso, devadundubhiyo ca phaliṁsu.
;;;When he did so there was a great earthquake, awe-inspiring and hair-raising, and thunder cracked the sky.
;;;Tatrapi mayā sannisinnapubbañceva sallapitapubbañca sākacchā ca samāpajjitapubbā.
;;;There I used to sit with them, converse, and engage in discussion.
;;;Tatrapi mayā sannisinnapubbañceva sallapitapubbañca sākacchā ca samāpajjitapubbā.
;;;There too I used to sit with them, converse, and engage in discussion.
;;;Nanu etaṁ, ānanda, mayā paṭikacceva akkhātaṁ:
;;;Did I not prepare for this when I explained that
;;;Idaṁ vatvāna sugato athāparaṁ etadavoca satthā:
;;;Then the Holy One, the Teacher, went on to say:
;;;appamatto vihassati;
;;;in this teaching and training,
;;;Atha kho sā nadikā cakkacchinnā parittā luḷitā āvilā sandamānā, āyasmante ānande upasaṅkamante acchā vippasannā anāvilā sandittha.
;;;Now, though the shallow water in that creek had been churned up by wheels, and flowed cloudy and murky, when Ānanda approached it flowed transparent, clear, and unclouded.
;;;25. Pukkusamallaputtavatthu
;;;25. On Pukkusa the Malla
;;;Tena kho pana samayena pukkuso mallaputto āḷārassa kālāmassa sāvako kusinārāya pāvaṁ addhānamaggappaṭipanno hoti.
;;;Now at that time Pukkusa the Malla, a disciple of Āḷāra Kālāma, was traveling along the road from Kusinārā to Pāvā.
;;;Addasā kho pukkuso mallaputto bhagavantaṁ aññatarasmiṁ rukkhamūle nisinnaṁ.
;;;He saw the Buddha sitting at the root of a certain tree.
;;;Disvā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho pukkuso mallaputto bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
;;;He went up to him, bowed, sat down to one side, and said,
;;;apisu te, bhante, saṅghāṭi rajena okiṇṇā’ti?
;;;Why sir, even your outer robe is covered with dust!’
;;;yo vā saññī samāno jāgaro deve vassante deve gaḷagaḷāyante vijjullatāsu niccharantīsu asaniyā phalantiyā neva passeyya, na pana saddaṁ suṇeyyā”ti?
;;;Or to neither see nor hear a sound as the heavens are raining and pouring, lightning’s flashing, and thunder’s cracking?”
;;;“Kiñhi, bhante, karissanti pañca vā sakaṭasatāni cha vā sakaṭasatāni satta vā sakaṭasatāni aṭṭha vā sakaṭasatāni nava vā sakaṭasatāni, sakaṭasahassaṁ vā sakaṭasatasahassaṁ vā.
;;;“What do five hundred carts matter, or six hundred, or seven hundred, or eight hundred, or nine hundred, or a thousand, or even a hundred thousand carts?
;;;Yatra hi nāma saññī samāno jāgaro deve vassante deve gaḷagaḷāyante vijjullatāsu niccharantīsu asaniyā phalantiyā neva dakkhati, na pana saddaṁ sossatī’ti.
;;;in that, while conscious and awake he neither saw nor heard a sound as the heavens were raining and pouring, lightning was flashing, and thunder was cracking.’
;;;Evaṁ vutte, pukkuso mallaputto bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
;;;When he said this, Pukkusa said to him,
;;;Atha kho pukkuso mallaputto aññataraṁ purisaṁ āmantesi:
;;;Then Pukkusa addressed a certain man,
;;;“Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho so puriso pukkusassa mallaputtassa paṭissutvā taṁ siṅgīvaṇṇaṁ yugamaṭṭhaṁ dhāraṇīyaṁ āhari.
;;;“Yes, sir,” replied that man, and did as he was asked.
;;;Atha kho pukkuso mallaputto taṁ siṅgīvaṇṇaṁ yugamaṭṭhaṁ dhāraṇīyaṁ bhagavato upanāmesi:
;;;Then Pukkusa brought the garments to the Buddha,
;;;“Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho pukkuso mallaputto bhagavato paṭissutvā ekena bhagavantaṁ acchādeti, ekena āyasmantaṁ ānandaṁ.
;;;“Yes, sir,” replied Pukkusa, and did so.
;;;Atha kho bhagavā pukkusaṁ mallaputtaṁ dhammiyā kathāya sandassesi samādapesi samuttejesi sampahaṁsesi.
;;;Then the Buddha educated, encouraged, fired up, and inspired Pukkusa the Malla with a Dhamma talk,
;;;Atha kho pukkuso mallaputto bhagavatā dhammiyā kathāya sandassito samādapito samuttejito sampahaṁsito uṭṭhāyāsanā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṁ katvā pakkāmi.
;;;after which he got up from his seat, bowed, and respectfully circled the Buddha before leaving.
;;;Atha kho āyasmā ānando acirapakkante pukkuse mallaputte taṁ siṅgīvaṇṇaṁ yugamaṭṭhaṁ dhāraṇīyaṁ bhagavato kāyaṁ upanāmesi.
;;;Then, not long after Pukkusa had left, Ānanda placed the pair of garments the color of mountain gold by the Buddha’s body.
;;;Taṁ bhagavato kāyaṁ upanāmitaṁ hataccikaṁ viya khāyati.
;;;But when placed by the Buddha’s body they seemed to lose their shine.
;;;Ajja kho panānanda, rattiyā pacchime yāme kusinārāyaṁ upavattane mallānaṁ sālavane antarena yamakasālānaṁ tathāgatassa parinibbānaṁ bhavissati.
;;;Today, Ānanda, in the last watch of the night, between a pair of sal trees in the sal forest of the Mallas at Upavattana near Kusinārā, shall be the Realized One’s full extinguishment.
;;;Nhatvā ca pivitvā cudatāri satthā,
;;;And after bathing and drinking the Teacher emerged.
;;;Vattā pavattā bhagavā idha dhamme,
;;;the Teacher who rolled forth the present dispensation,
;;;dveme piṇḍapātā samasamaphalā samavipākā, ativiya aññehi piṇḍapātehi mahapphalatarā ca mahānisaṁsatarā ca.
;;;There are two almsmeal offerings that have identical fruit and result, and are more fruitful and beneficial than other almsmeal offerings.
;;;“āyāmānanda, yena hiraññavatiyā nadiyā pārimaṁ tīraṁ, yena kusinārā upavattanaṁ mallānaṁ sālavanaṁ tenupasaṅkamissāmā”ti.
;;;“Come, Ānanda, let’s go to the far shore of the Golden River, and on to the sal forest of the Mallas at Upavattana near Kusinārā.”
;;;Atha kho bhagavā mahatā bhikkhusaṅghena saddhiṁ yena hiraññavatiyā nadiyā pārimaṁ tīraṁ, yena kusinārā upavattanaṁ mallānaṁ sālavanaṁ tenupasaṅkami. upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ ānandaṁ āmantesi:
;;;And that’s where they went. Then the Buddha addressed Ānanda,
;;;Yo kho, ānanda, bhikkhu vā bhikkhunī vā upāsako vā upāsikā vā dhammānudhammappaṭipanno viharati sāmīcippaṭipanno anudhammacārī, so tathāgataṁ sakkaroti garuṁ karoti māneti pūjeti apaciyati, paramāya pūjāya.
;;;Any monk or nun or male or female lay follower who practices in line with the teachings, practicing properly, living in line with the teachings—they honor, respect, revere, venerate, and esteem the Realized One with the highest honor.
;;;Yāvatā, ānanda, kusinārā upavattanaṁ mallānaṁ sālavanaṁ samantato dvādasa yojanāni, natthi so padeso vālaggakoṭinittudanamattopi mahesakkhāhi devatāhi apphuṭo.
;;;For twelve leagues all around this sal grove there’s no spot, not even a fraction of a hair’s tip, that’s not crowded full of illustrious deities.
;;;“Kathaṁbhūtā pana, bhante, bhagavā devatā manasikarotī”ti?
;;;“But sir, what kind of deities are you thinking of?”
;;;“Santānanda, devatā ākāse pathavīsaññiniyo kese pakiriya kandanti, bāhā paggayha kandanti, chinnapātaṁ papatanti, āvaṭṭanti, vivaṭṭanti:
;;;“There are, Ānanda, deities—both in space and on the earth—who are aware of the earth. With hair disheveled and arms raised, they fall down like their feet were chopped off, rolling back and forth, lamenting:
;;;‘atikhippaṁ bhagavā parinibbāyissati, atikhippaṁ sugato parinibbāyissati, atikhippaṁ cakkhuṁ loke antaradhāyissatī’ti.
;;;‘Too soon the Blessed One will be fully extinguished! Too soon the Holy One will be fully extinguished! Too soon the Eye of the World will vanish!’
;;;“Pubbe, bhante, disāsu vassaṁvuṭṭhā bhikkhū āgacchanti tathāgataṁ dassanāya.
;;;“Previously, sir, when mendicants had completed the rainy season residence in various districts they came to see the Realized One.
;;;Iṅgha tumhe, ānanda, sāratthe ghaṭatha anuyuñjatha, sāratthe appamattā ātāpino pahitattā viharatha.
;;;Please, Ānanda, you must all strive and practice for your own goal! Meditate diligent, keen, and resolute for your own goal!
;;;“Rañño, ānanda, cakkavattissa sarīraṁ ahatena vatthena veṭhenti, ahatena vatthena veṭhetvā vihatena kappāsena veṭhenti, vihatena kappāsena veṭhetvā ahatena vatthena veṭhenti.
;;;“They wrap a wheel-turning monarch’s corpse with unworn cloth, then with uncarded cotton, then again with unworn cloth.
;;;Cātumahāpathe rañño cakkavattissa thūpaṁ karonti.
;;;They build a monument for the wheel-turning monarch at the crossroads.
;;;Tathāgato arahaṁ sammāsambuddho thūpāraho, paccekasambuddho thūpāraho, tathāgatassa sāvako thūpāraho, rājā cakkavattī thūpārahoti.
;;;A Realized One, a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha; an independent Buddha; a disciple of a Realized One; and a wheel-turning monarch.
;;;Cattārome, bhikkhave, acchariyā abbhutā dhammā ānande.
;;;There are these four incredible and amazing things about Ānanda.
;;;Gaccha tvaṁ, ānanda, kusināraṁ pavisitvā kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ ārocehi:
;;;Go, Ānanda, into Kusinārā and inform the Mallas:
;;;33. Mallānaṁvandanā
;;;33. The Mallas Pay Homage
;;;Tena kho pana samayena kosinārakā mallā sandhāgāre sannipatitā honti kenacideva karaṇīyena.
;;;Now at that time the Mallas of Kusinārā were sitting together at the town hall on some business.
;;;Atha kho āyasmā ānando yena kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ sandhāgāraṁ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ ārocesi:
;;;Ānanda went up to them, and announced:
;;;Idamāyasmato ānandassa vacanaṁ sutvā mallā ca mallaputtā ca mallasuṇisā ca mallapajāpatiyo ca aghāvino dummanā cetodukkhasamappitā appekacce kese pakiriya kandanti, bāhā paggayha kandanti, chinnapātaṁ papatanti, āvaṭṭanti vivaṭṭanti:
;;;When they heard what Ānanda had to say, the Mallas, their sons, daughters-in-law, and wives became distraught, saddened, and grief-stricken. And some, with hair disheveled and arms raised, falling down like their feet were chopped off, rolling back and forth, lamented,
;;;Atha kho mallā ca mallaputtā ca mallasuṇisā ca mallapajāpatiyo ca aghāvino dummanā cetodukkhasamappitā yena upavattanaṁ mallānaṁ sālavanaṁ yenāyasmā ānando tenupasaṅkamiṁsu.
;;;Then the Mallas, their sons, daughters-in-law, and wives, distraught, saddened, and grief-stricken went to the Mallian sal grove at Upavattana and approached Ānanda.
;;;“sace kho ahaṁ kosinārake malle ekamekaṁ bhagavantaṁ vandāpessāmi, avandito bhagavā kosinārakehi mallehi bhavissati, athāyaṁ ratti vibhāyissati.
;;;“If I have the Mallas pay homage to the Buddha one by one, they won’t be finished before first light.
;;;Yannūnāhaṁ kosinārake malle kulaparivattaso kulaparivattaso ṭhapetvā bhagavantaṁ vandāpeyyaṁ:
;;;I’d better separate them family by family and then have them pay homage, saying:
;;;‘itthannāmo, bhante, mallo saputto sabhariyo sapariso sāmacco bhagavato pāde sirasā vandatī’”ti.
;;;‘Sir, the Malla named so-and-so with children, wives, retinue, and ministers bows with his head at your feet.’”
;;;Atha kho āyasmā ānando kosinārake malle kulaparivattaso kulaparivattaso ṭhapetvā bhagavantaṁ vandāpesi:
;;;And so that’s what he did.
;;;“itthannāmo, bhante, mallo saputto sabhariyo sapariso sāmacco bhagavato pāde sirasā vandatī”ti.
;;;Atha kho āyasmā ānando etena upāyena paṭhameneva yāmena kosinārake malle bhagavantaṁ vandāpesi.
;;;So by this means Ānanda got the Mallas to finish paying homage to the Buddha in the first watch of the night.
;;;“sutaṁ kho pana metaṁ paribbājakānaṁ vuḍḍhānaṁ mahallakānaṁ ācariyapācariyānaṁ bhāsamānānaṁ:
;;;“I have heard that brahmins of the past who were elderly and senior, the tutors of tutors, said:
;;;Atha kho subhaddo paribbājako yena upavattanaṁ mallānaṁ sālavanaṁ, yenāyasmā ānando tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā āyasmantaṁ ānandaṁ etadavoca:
;;;Then Subhadda went to the Mallian sal grove at Upavattana, approached Ānanda, and said to him,
;;;“sutaṁ metaṁ, bho ānanda, paribbājakānaṁ vuḍḍhānaṁ mahallakānaṁ ācariyapācariyānaṁ bhāsamānānaṁ:
;;;“Master Ānanda, I have heard that brahmins of the past who were elderly and senior, the tutors of tutors, said:
;;;“sutaṁ metaṁ, bho ānanda, paribbājakānaṁ vuḍḍhānaṁ mahallakānaṁ ācariyapācariyānaṁ bhāsamānānaṁ:
;;;Assosi kho bhagavā āyasmato ānandassa subhaddena paribbājakena saddhiṁ imaṁ kathāsallāpaṁ.
;;;The Buddha heard that discussion between Ānanda and Subhadda.
;;;ye ettha satthu sammukhā antevāsikābhisekena abhisittā”ti.
;;;to be anointed here in the Teacher’s presence as his pupil!”
;;;Asallīnena cittena,
;;;He put up with painful feelings
;;;“Kathaṁbhūtā pana, bhante, āyasmā anuruddho devatā manasi karotī”ti?
;;;“But sir, what kind of deities are you thinking of?”
;;;“gacchāvuso ānanda, kusināraṁ pavisitvā kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ ārocehi:
;;;“Go, Ānanda, into Kusinārā and inform the Mallas:
;;;Tena kho pana samayena kosinārakā mallā sandhāgāre sannipatitā honti teneva karaṇīyena.
;;;Now at that time the Mallas of Kusinārā were sitting together at the town hall still on the same business.
;;;Atha kho āyasmā ānando yena kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ sandhāgāraṁ tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ ārocesi:
;;;Ānanda went up to them, and announced,
;;;Idamāyasmato ānandassa vacanaṁ sutvā mallā ca mallaputtā ca mallasuṇisā ca mallapajāpatiyo ca aghāvino dummanā cetodukkhasamappitā appekacce kese pakiriya kandanti, bāhā paggayha kandanti, chinnapātaṁ papatanti, āvaṭṭanti, vivaṭṭanti:
;;;When they heard what Ānanda had to say, the Mallas, their sons, daughters-in-law, and wives became distraught, saddened, and grief-stricken. And some, with hair disheveled and arms raised, falling down like their feet were chopped off, rolling back and forth, lamented,
;;;Atha kho kosinārakā mallā purise āṇāpesuṁ:
;;;Then the Mallas ordered their men,
;;;Atha kho kosinārakā mallā gandhamālañca sabbañca tāḷāvacaraṁ pañca ca dussayugasatāni ādāya yena upavattanaṁ mallānaṁ sālavanaṁ, yena bhagavato sarīraṁ tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavato sarīraṁ naccehi gītehi vāditehi mālehi gandhehi sakkarontā garuṁ karontā mānentā pūjentā celavitānāni karontā maṇḍalamāḷe paṭiyādentā ekadivasaṁ vītināmesuṁ.
;;;Then—taking those fragrances and garlands, all the musical instruments, and five hundred pairs of garments—they went to the Mallian sal grove at Upavattana and approached the Buddha’s corpse. They spent the day honoring, respecting, revering, and venerating the Buddha’s corpse with dance and song and music and garlands and fragrances, and making awnings and setting up pavilions.
;;;Atha kho kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ etadahosi:
;;;Then they thought,
;;;Atha kho kosinārakā mallā bhagavato sarīraṁ naccehi gītehi vāditehi mālehi gandhehi sakkarontā garuṁ karontā mānentā pūjentā celavitānāni karontā maṇḍalamāḷe paṭiyādentā dutiyampi divasaṁ vītināmesuṁ, tatiyampi divasaṁ vītināmesuṁ, catutthampi divasaṁ vītināmesuṁ, pañcamampi divasaṁ vītināmesuṁ, chaṭṭhampi divasaṁ vītināmesuṁ.
;;;But they spent the next day the same way, and so too the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth days.
;;;Atha kho sattamaṁ divasaṁ kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ etadahosi:
;;;Then on the seventh day they thought,
;;;Tena kho pana samayena aṭṭha mallapāmokkhā sīsaṁnhātā ahatāni vatthāni nivatthā:
;;;Now at that time eight of the leading Mallas, having bathed their heads and dressed in unworn clothes, said,
;;;Atha kho kosinārakā mallā āyasmantaṁ anuruddhaṁ etadavocuṁ:
;;;The Mallas said to Anuruddha,
;;;“ko nu kho, bhante anuruddha, hetu ko paccayo, yenime aṭṭha mallapāmokkhā sīsaṁnhātā ahatāni vatthāni nivatthā:
;;;“What is the cause, Honorable Anuruddha, what is the reason why these eight Mallian chiefs are unable to lift the Buddha’s corpse?”
;;;‘mayaṁ bhagavato sarīraṁ dibbehi naccehi gītehi vāditehi mālehi gandhehi sakkarontā garuṁ karontā mānentā pūjentā uttarena uttaraṁ nagarassa haritvā uttarena dvārena nagaraṁ pavesetvā majjhena majjhaṁ nagarassa haritvā puratthimena dvārena nikkhamitvā puratthimato nagarassa makuṭabandhanaṁ nāma mallānaṁ cetiyaṁ ettha bhagavato sarīraṁ jhāpessāmā’”ti.
;;;carry the Buddha’s corpse to the north of the town while venerating it with heavenly dance and song and music and garlands and fragrances. Then they plan to enter the town by the northern gate, carry it through the center of the town, leave by the eastern gate, and cremate it there at the Mallian shrine named Coronation.”
;;;Tena kho pana samayena kusinārā yāva sandhisamalasaṅkaṭīrā jaṇṇumattena odhinā mandāravapupphehi santhatā hoti.
;;;Now at that time the whole of Kusinārā was covered knee-deep with the flowers of the Flame Tree, without gaps even on the filth and rubbish heaps.
;;;Atha kho devatā ca kosinārakā ca mallā bhagavato sarīraṁ dibbehi ca mānusakehi ca naccehi gītehi vāditehi mālehi gandhehi sakkarontā garuṁ karontā mānentā pūjentā uttarena uttaraṁ nagarassa haritvā uttarena dvārena nagaraṁ pavesetvā majjhena majjhaṁ nagarassa haritvā puratthimena dvārena nikkhamitvā puratthimato nagarassa makuṭabandhanaṁ nāma mallānaṁ cetiyaṁ ettha ca bhagavato sarīraṁ nikkhipiṁsu.
;;;Then the deities and the Mallas of Kusinārā carried the Buddha’s corpse to the north of the town while venerating it with heavenly and human dance and song and music and garlands and fragrances. Then they entered the town by the northern gate, carried it through the center of the town, left by the eastern gate, and deposited the corpse there at the Mallian shrine named Coronation.
;;;Atha kho kosinārakā mallā āyasmantaṁ ānandaṁ etadavocuṁ:
;;;Then the Mallas said to Ānanda,
;;;Atha kho kosinārakā mallā purise āṇāpesuṁ:
;;;Then the Mallas ordered their men,
;;;“tena hi, bhaṇe, mallānaṁ vihataṁ kappāsaṁ sannipātethā”ti.
;;;“So then, my men, collect uncarded cotton.”
;;;Atha kho kosinārakā mallā bhagavato sarīraṁ ahatena vatthena veṭhetvā vihatena kappāsena veṭhesuṁ, vihatena kappāsena veṭhetvā ahatena vatthena veṭhesuṁ.
;;;So the Mallas wrapped the Buddha’s corpse,
;;;Tena kho pana samayena cattāro mallapāmokkhā sīsaṁnhātā ahatāni vatthāni nivatthā:
;;;Now at that time four of the leading Mallas, having bathed their heads and dressed in unworn clothes, said,
;;;Atha kho kosinārakā mallā āyasmantaṁ anuruddhaṁ etadavocuṁ:
;;;The Mallas said to Anuruddha,
;;;“ko nu kho, bhante anuruddha, hetu ko paccayo, yenime cattāro mallapāmokkhā sīsaṁnhātā ahatāni vatthāni nivatthā:
;;;“What is the cause, Venerable Anuruddha, what is the reason why these four Mallian chiefs are unable to light the Buddha’s funeral pyre?”
;;;Atha kho āyasmā mahākassapo yena kusinārā makuṭabandhanaṁ nāma mallānaṁ cetiyaṁ, yena bhagavato citako tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā ekaṁsaṁ cīvaraṁ katvā añjaliṁ paṇāmetvā tikkhattuṁ citakaṁ padakkhiṇaṁ katvā bhagavato pāde sirasā vandi.
;;;Then Venerable Mahākassapa arrived at the Mallian shrine named Coronation at Kusinārā and approached the Buddha’s funeral pyre. Arranging his robe over one shoulder and raising his joined palms, he respectfully circled the Buddha three times, keeping him on his right, and bowed with his head at the Buddha’s feet.
;;;Tesañca pañcannaṁ dussayugasatānaṁ dveva dussāni na ḍayhiṁsu yañca sabbaabbhantarimaṁ yañca bāhiraṁ.
;;;And of those five hundred pairs of garments only two were not burnt: the innermost and the outermost.
;;;Udakasālatopi abbhunnamitvā bhagavato citakaṁ nibbāpesi.
;;;by water dripping from the sal trees,
;;;Kosinārakāpi mallā sabbagandhodakena bhagavato citakaṁ nibbāpesuṁ.
;;;and by the Mallas’ fragrant water.
;;;Atha kho kosinārakā mallā bhagavato sarīrāni sattāhaṁ sandhāgāre sattipañjaraṁ karitvā dhanupākāraṁ parikkhipāpetvā naccehi gītehi vāditehi mālehi gandhehi sakkariṁsu garuṁ kariṁsu mānesuṁ pūjesuṁ.
;;;Then the Mallas made a cage of spears for the Buddha’s relics in the town hall and surrounded it with a buttress of bows. For seven days they honored, respected, revered, and venerated them with dance and song and music and garlands and fragrances.
;;;Atha kho rājā māgadho ajātasattu vedehiputto kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ dūtaṁ pāhesi:
;;;He sent an envoy to the Mallas of Kusinārā:
;;;Atha kho vesālikā licchavī kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ dūtaṁ pāhesuṁ:
;;;They sent an envoy to the Mallas of Kusinārā:
;;;Atha kho kapilavatthuvāsī sakyā kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ dūtaṁ pāhesuṁ:
;;;They sent an envoy to the Mallas of Kusinārā:
;;;Assosuṁ kho allakappakā bulayo:
;;;The Bulis of Allakappa also heard
;;;Atha kho allakappakā bulayo kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ dūtaṁ pāhesuṁ:
;;;They sent an envoy to the Mallas of Kusinārā:
;;;Atha kho rāmagāmakā koḷiyā kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ dūtaṁ pāhesuṁ:
;;;They sent an envoy to the Mallas of Kusinārā:
;;;Atha kho veṭṭhadīpako brāhmaṇo kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ dūtaṁ pāhesi:
;;;He sent an envoy to the Mallas of Kusinārā:
;;;Assosuṁ kho pāveyyakā mallā:
;;;The Mallas of Pāvā also heard
;;;Atha kho pāveyyakā mallā kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ dūtaṁ pāhesuṁ:
;;;They sent an envoy to the Mallas of Kusinārā:
;;;Evaṁ vutte, kosinārakā mallā te saṅghe gaṇe etadavocuṁ:
;;;When they had spoken, the Mallas of Kusinārā said to those various groups:
;;;Assosuṁ kho pippalivaniyā moriyā:
;;;The Moriyas of Pippalivana heard
;;;Atha kho pippalivaniyā moriyā kosinārakānaṁ mallānaṁ dūtaṁ pāhesuṁ:
;;;They sent an envoy to the Mallas of Kusinārā:
;;;Te tato aṅgāraṁ hariṁsu.
;;;So they took the embers.
;;;Allakappakāpi bulayo allakappe bhagavato sarīrānaṁ thūpañca mahañca akaṁsu.
;;;the Bulis of Allakappa,
;;;Pāveyyakāpi mallā pāvāyaṁ bhagavato sarīrānaṁ thūpañca mahañca akaṁsu.
;;;the Mallas of Pāvā,
;;;Kosinārakāpi mallā kusinārāyaṁ bhagavato sarīrānaṁ thūpañca mahañca akaṁsu.
;;;the Mallas of Kusinārā,
;;;Taṁ vandatha pañjalikā labhitvā,
;;;Honor it with joined palms when you get the chance,