Stupa 1 texts and 3 matches in Vinaya English

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pli-tv-bi-vb-pc52stupa3Pi En Ru vinaya

Chabbaggiyā bhikkhuniyo taṁ bhikkhuniṁ nīharitvā āyasmato kappitakassa vihārassa avidūre jhāpetvā thūpaṁ katvā gantvā tasmiṁ thūpe rodanti.  They took her to that charnel ground, cremated her near Venerable Kappita’s dwelling, and made a stupa. They then went there to cry. 
Atha kho āyasmā kappitako tena saddena ubbāḷho taṁ thūpaṁ bhinditvā pakiresi. 
Venerable Kappita was disturbed by the noise, and so he demolished the stupa and scattered the rubble. 
“iminā kappitakena amhākaṁ ayyāya thūpo bhinno, handa naṁ ghātemā”ti mantesuṁ. 
“Kappita has demolished our Venerable’s stupa; let’s kill him,” and they laid a plan.