Ukkhepanīyakammakathā 1 texts and 3 matches in Vinaya +All Pali

Sutta Title Words Ct Mr Links Type Quote
pli-tv-kd9adassaneukkhepanīyakammakathā appaṭikammeukkhepanīyakammakathā appaṭinissaggeukkhepanīyakammakathā3Pi En Ru vinaya

13. Adassaneukkhepanīyakammakathā  13. Discussion of the legal procedure of ejection for not recognizing 
14. Appaṭikammeukkhepanīyakammakathā 
14. Discussion of the legal procedure of ejection for not making amends 
15. Appaṭinissaggeukkhepanīyakammakathā 
15. Discussion of the legal procedure of ejection for not giving up a bad view