Yoniso 86 texts and 444 matches in Suttanta Pali

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an1.11-20ayoniso ayonisomanasikāro yoniso yonisomanasikāro8Pi En Ru dhamma

Subhanimittaṁ, bhikkhave, ayoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva kāmacchando uppajjati uppanno ca kāmacchando bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī”ti.  When you apply the mind irrationally to the feature of beauty, sensual desire arises, and once arisen it increases and grows.” 
Paṭighanimittaṁ, bhikkhave, ayoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva byāpādo uppajjati uppanno ca byāpādo bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind irrationally to the feature of harshness, ill will arises, and once arisen it increases and grows.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā vicikicchā uppajjati uppannā vā vicikicchā bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ayonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to doubt, or, when it has arisen, makes it increase and grow like irrational application of mind. 
Ayoniso, bhikkhave, manasi karoto anuppannā ceva vicikicchā uppajjati uppannā ca vicikicchā bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind irrationally, doubt arises, and once arisen it increases and grows.” 
Asubhanimittaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva kāmacchando nuppajjati uppanno ca kāmacchando pahīyatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind rationally to the feature of ugliness, sensual desire does not arise, or, if it has already arisen, it’s given up.” 
Mettaṁ, bhikkhave, cetovimuttiṁ yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva byāpādo nuppajjati uppanno ca byāpādo pahīyatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind rationally on the heart’s release by love, ill will does not arise, or, if it has already arisen, it’s given up.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā vicikicchā nuppajjati uppannā vā vicikicchā pahīyati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents doubt from arising, or, when it has arisen, gives it up like rational application of mind. 
Yoniso, bhikkhave, manasi karoto anuppannā ceva vicikicchā nuppajjati uppannā ca vicikicchā pahīyatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind rationally, doubt does not arise, or, if it’s already arisen, it’s given up.” 

an1.61-70ayoniso ayonisomanasikāro yoniso yonisomanasikāro4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā kusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ayonisomanasikāro.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to unskillful qualities, or makes skillful qualities decline like irrational application of mind. 
Ayoniso, bhikkhave, manasi karoto anuppannā ceva akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā ca kusalā dhammā parihāyantī”ti. 
When you apply the mind irrationally, unskillful qualities arise and skillful qualities decline.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā kusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā akusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to skillful qualities, or makes unskillful qualities decline like rational application of mind. 
Yoniso, bhikkhave, manasi karoto anuppannā ceva kusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā ca akusalā dhammā parihāyantī”ti. 
When you apply the mind rationally, skillful qualities arise and unskillful qualities decline.” 

an1.71-81ayoniso ayonisomanasikāro yoniso yonisomanasikāro4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā bojjhaṅgā nuppajjanti uppannā vā bojjhaṅgā na bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ayonisomanasikāro.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that prevents the awakening factors from arising, or, if they’ve already arisen, prevents them from being fully developed like irrational application of mind. 
Ayoniso, bhikkhave, manasi karoto anuppannā ceva bojjhaṅgā nuppajjanti uppannā ca bojjhaṅgā na bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchantī”ti. 
When you apply the mind irrationally, the awakening factors don’t arise, or, if they’ve already arisen, they’re not fully developed.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā bojjhaṅgā uppajjanti uppannā vā bojjhaṅgā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to the awakening factors, or, if they’ve already arisen, fully develops them like rational application of mind. 
Yoniso, bhikkhave, manasi karoto anuppannā ceva bojjhaṅgā uppajjanti uppannā ca bojjhaṅgā bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchantī”ti. 
When you apply the mind rationally, the awakening factors arise, or, if they’ve already arisen, they’re fully developed.” 

an1.82-97ayonisomanasikāro yoniso yonisomanasikāro4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ayonisomanasikāro.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very harmful as irrational application of mind. 
Ayonisomanasikāro, bhikkhave, mahato anatthāya saṁvattatī”ti. 
Irrational application of mind is very harmful.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ mahato atthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that is so very beneficial as rational application of mind. 
Yonisomanasikāro, bhikkhave, mahato atthāya saṁvattatī”ti. 
Rational application of mind is very beneficial.” 

an1.98-139ayonisomanasikāro yonisomanasikāro4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ajjhattikaṁ, bhikkhave, aṅganti karitvā nāññaṁ ekaṅgampi samanupassāmi yaṁ evaṁ mahato anatthāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, mahicchatā …pe… appicchatā … asantuṭṭhitā … santuṭṭhitā … ayonisomanasikāro … yonisomanasikāro … asampajaññaṁ … sampajaññaṁ … dvādasamaṁ.  “Taking into account interior factors, mendicants, I do not see a single one that is so very harmful as having many wishes … having few wishes … lack of contentment … contentment … irrational application of mind … rational application of mind … lack of situational awareness … situational awareness …” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yo evaṁ saddhammassa sammosāya antaradhānāya saṁvattati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, mahicchatā …pe… appicchatā … asantuṭṭhitā … santuṭṭhitā … ayonisomanasikāro … yonisomanasikāro … asampajaññaṁ … sampajaññaṁ … pāpamittatā … kalyāṇamittatā … anuyogo akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ, ananuyogo kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that leads to the decline and disappearance of the true teaching like having many wishes … having few wishes … lack of contentment … contentment … irrational application of mind … rational application of mind … lack of situational awareness … situational awareness … bad friends … good friends … pursuing bad habits and not good habits. 

an1.306-315ayoniso ayonisomanasikāro yoniso yonisomanasikāro4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā micchādiṭṭhi uppajjati uppannā vā micchādiṭṭhi pavaḍḍhati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, ayonisomanasikāro.  “Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to wrong view, and once arisen, makes it grow like irrational application of mind. 
Ayoniso, bhikkhave, manasi karoto anuppannā ceva micchādiṭṭhi uppajjati uppannā ca micchādiṭṭhi pavaḍḍhatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind irrationally, wrong view arises, and once arisen it grows.” 
“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā sammādiṭṭhi uppajjati uppannā vā sammādiṭṭhi pavaḍḍhati yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yonisomanasikāro. 
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to right view, or, once it has already arisen, makes it grow like rational application of mind. 
Yoniso, bhikkhave, manasi karoto anuppannā ceva sammādiṭṭhi uppajjati uppannā ca sammādiṭṭhi pavaḍḍhatī”ti. 
When you apply the mind rationally, right view arises, and once arisen it grows.” 

an1.333-377yoniso2Pi En Ru dhamma

… Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, appakā te sattā ye saṁviggā yoniso padahanti;  … so too the sentient beings who, being inspired, strive effectively are few, 
atha kho eteva sattā bahutarā ye saṁviggā yoniso na padahanti. 
while those who, even though inspired, don’t strive effectively are many. 

an2.118-129ayoniso yoniso4Pi En Ru dhamma

Subhanimittañca ayoniso ca manasikāro.  The feature of beauty and irrational application of mind. 
Paṭighanimittañca ayoniso ca manasikāro. 
The feature of harshness and irrational application of mind. 
Parato ca ghoso ayoniso ca manasikāro. 
The voice of another and irrational application of mind. 
Parato ca ghoso, yoniso ca manasikāro. 
The voice of another and rational application of mind. 

an3.5ayoniso ayonisosutta yoniso7Pi En Ru dhamma

Ayonisosutta  Irrational 
Ayoniso pañhaṁ kattā hoti, ayoniso pañhaṁ vissajjetā hoti, parassa kho pana yoniso pañhaṁ vissajjitaṁ parimaṇḍalehi padabyañjanehi siliṭṭhehi upagatehi nābbhanumoditā hoti. 
They ask a question irrationally. They answer a question irrationally. And when someone else answers a question rationally—with well-rounded, coherent, and relevant words and phrases—they disagree with it. 
Yoniso pañhaṁ kattā hoti, yoniso pañhaṁ vissajjetā hoti, parassa kho pana yoniso pañhaṁ vissajjitaṁ parimaṇḍalehi padabyañjanehi siliṭṭhehi upagatehi abbhanumoditā hoti. 
They ask a question rationally. They answer a question rationally. And when someone else answers a question rationally—with well-rounded, coherent, and relevant words and phrases—they agree with it. 

an3.10ayoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

accayañca ayoniso;   

an3.16yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso āhāraṁ āhāreti:  It’s when a mendicant reflects rationally on the food that they eat: 

an3.68ayoniso yoniso yonisomanasikāro”tissa8Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa subhanimittaṁ ayoniso manasi karoto anuppanno vā rāgo uppajjati uppanno vā rāgo bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati.  When you apply the mind irrationally to the beautiful feature of things, greed arises, and once arisen it increases and grows. 
Tassa paṭighanimittaṁ ayoniso manasi karoto anuppanno vā doso uppajjati uppanno vā doso bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati. 
When you apply the mind irrationally to the feature of harshness, hate arises, and once arisen it increases and grows. 
‘“Ayoniso manasikāro”tissa vacanīyaṁ. 
You should say: ‘Irrational application of mind. 
Tassa ayoniso manasi karoto anuppanno vā moho uppajjati uppanno vā moho bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati. 
When you apply the mind irrationally, delusion arises, and once arisen it increases and grows. 
Tassa asubhanimittaṁ yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva rāgo nuppajjati uppanno ca rāgo pahīyati. 
When you apply the mind rationally on the ugly feature of things, greed doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up. 
Tassa mettaṁ cetovimuttiṁ yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva doso nuppajjati uppanno ca doso pahīyati. 
When you apply the mind rationally on the heart’s release by love, hate doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up. 
‘“Yonisomanasikāro”tissa vacanīyaṁ. 
You should say: ‘Rational application of mind. 
Tassa yoniso manasi karoto anuppanno ceva moho nuppajjati uppanno ca moho pahīyati. 
When you apply the mind rationally, delusion doesn’t arise, or if it’s already arisen it’s given up. 

an4.37yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso āhāraṁ āhāreti:  It’s when a mendicant reflects rationally on the food that they eat: 

an4.113yoniso4Pi En Ru dhamma

Saṁviggo yoniso padahati.  and strive effectively. 
Saṁviggo yoniso padahati. 
and strive effectively. 
Saṁviggo yoniso padahati. 
and strive effectively. 
Saṁviggo yoniso padahati. 
and strive effectively. 

an4.159yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhagini, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso āhāraṁ āhāreti:  Take a mendicant who reflects rationally on the food that they eat: 

an4.248yonisomanasikāro1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sappurisasaṁsevo, saddhammasavanaṁ, yonisomanasikāro, dhammānudhammappaṭipatti—  Associating with true persons, listening to the true teaching, rational application of mind, and practicing in line with the teaching. 

an4.249yonisomanasikāro1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sappurisasaṁsevo, saddhammasavanaṁ, yonisomanasikāro, dhammānudhammappaṭipatti—  Associating with true persons, listening to the true teaching, rational application of mind, and practicing in line with the teaching. 

an5.151ayoniso yoniso4Pi En Ru dhamma

Kathaṁ paribhoti, kathikaṁ paribhoti, attānaṁ paribhoti, vikkhittacitto dhammaṁ suṇāti, anekaggacitto ayoniso ca manasi karoti.  They disparage the talk, the speaker, or themselves. They listen with scattered and disunified mind. They apply the mind irrationally. 
kathikaṁ → kathitaṁ (mr) | ayoniso ca → ayoniso (sya-all, km) 
Na kathaṁ paribhoti, na kathikaṁ paribhoti, na attānaṁ paribhoti, avikkhittacitto dhammaṁ suṇāti, ekaggacitto yoniso ca manasi karoti. 
They don’t disparage the talk, the speaker, or themselves. They listen with unscattered and unified mind. They apply the mind rationally. 

an6.58yoniso13Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso cakkhundriyasaṁvarasaṁvuto viharati.  Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, lives restraining the eye faculty. 
Paṭisaṅkhā yoniso sotindriya …pe… 
Reflecting rationally, they live restraining the ear faculty … 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso cīvaraṁ paṭisevati: 
Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, makes use of robes: 
Paṭisaṅkhā yoniso piṇḍapātaṁ paṭisevati: 
Reflecting rationally, they make use of almsfood: 
Paṭisaṅkhā yoniso senāsanaṁ paṭisevati: 
Reflecting rationally, they make use of lodgings: 
Paṭisaṅkhā yoniso gilānapaccayabhesajjaparikkhāraṁ paṭisevati: 
Reflecting rationally, they make use of medicines and supplies for the sick: 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso khamo hoti sītassa uṇhassa, jighacchāya, pipāsāya, ḍaṁsamakasavātātapasarīsapasamphassānaṁ, duruttānaṁ durāgatānaṁ vacanapathānaṁ, uppannānaṁ sārīrikānaṁ vedanānaṁ dukkhānaṁ tibbānaṁ kharānaṁ kaṭukānaṁ asātānaṁ amanāpānaṁ pāṇaharānaṁ adhivāsakajātiko hoti. 
Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, endures cold, heat, hunger, and thirst. They endure the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, and reptiles. They endure rude and unwelcome criticism. And they put up with physical pain—sharp, severe, acute, unpleasant, disagreeable, and life-threatening. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso caṇḍaṁ hatthiṁ parivajjeti, caṇḍaṁ assaṁ parivajjeti, caṇḍaṁ goṇaṁ parivajjeti, caṇḍaṁ kukkuraṁ parivajjeti, ahiṁ khāṇuṁ kaṇṭakaṭṭhānaṁ sobbhaṁ papātaṁ candanikaṁ oḷigallaṁ, yathārūpe anāsane nisinnaṁ, yathārūpe agocare carantaṁ, yathārūpe pāpake mitte bhajantaṁ viññū sabrahmacārī pāpakesu ṭhānesu okappeyyuṁ, so tañca anāsanaṁ tañca agocaraṁ te ca pāpake mitte paṭisaṅkhā yoniso parivajjeti. 
Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, avoids a wild elephant, a wild horse, a wild ox, a wild dog, a snake, a stump, thorny ground, a pit, a cliff, a swamp, and a sewer. Reflecting rationally, they avoid sitting on inappropriate seats, walking in inappropriate neighborhoods, and mixing with bad friends—whatever sensible spiritual companions would believe to be a bad setting. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso uppannaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti, 
Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, doesn’t tolerate a sensual, 
paṭisaṅkhā yoniso uppannaṁ byāpādavitakkaṁ … 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso satisambojjhaṅgaṁ bhāveti vivekanissitaṁ virāganissitaṁ nirodhanissitaṁ vosaggapariṇāmiṁ, 
Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, develops the awakening factors of mindfulness, 
paṭisaṅkhā yoniso dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgaṁ bhāveti … 
investigation of principles, 

an7.3yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yoniso vicine dhammaṁ,  They should examine the teaching rationally, 

an7.4yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yoniso vicine dhammaṁ,  They should examine the teaching rationally, 

an8.9yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, nando paṭisaṅkhā yoniso āhāraṁ āhāreti:  Nanda reflects rationally on the food he eats: 

an10.47ayoniso yoniso4Pi En Ru dhamma

Ayoniso manasikāro kho, mahāli, hetu, ayoniso manasikāro paccayo pāpassa kammassa kiriyāya pāpassa kammassa pavattiyā.  Irrational application of mind is a cause of bad deeds … 
Yoniso manasikāro kho, mahāli, hetu, yoniso manasikāro paccayo kalyāṇassa kammassa kiriyāya kalyāṇassa kammassa pavattiyā. 
Rational application of mind is a cause of good deeds … 

an10.61ayonisomanasikārampāhaṁ ayonisomanasikārassa ayonisomanasikāraṁ ayonisomanasikāro ayonisomanasikāro’tissa yonisomanasikārampāhaṁ yonisomanasikārassa yonisomanasikāraṁ yonisomanasikāro yonisomanasikāro’tissa14Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Ayonisomanasikāro’tissa vacanīyaṁ.  You should say: ‘Irrational application of mind.’ 
Ayonisomanasikārampāhaṁ, bhikkhave, sāhāraṁ vadāmi, no anāhāraṁ. 
I say that irrational application of mind is fueled by something, it’s not unfueled. 
Ko cāhāro ayonisomanasikārassa? 
And what is the fuel for irrational application of mind? 
Iti kho, bhikkhave, asappurisasaṁsevo paripūro asaddhammassavanaṁ paripūreti, asaddhammassavanaṁ paripūraṁ assaddhiyaṁ paripūreti, assaddhiyaṁ paripūraṁ ayonisomanasikāraṁ paripūreti, ayonisomanasikāro paripūro asatāsampajaññaṁ paripūreti, asatāsampajaññaṁ paripūraṁ indriyaasaṁvaraṁ paripūreti, indriyaasaṁvaro paripūro tīṇi duccaritāni paripūreti, tīṇi duccaritāni paripūrāni pañca nīvaraṇe paripūrenti, pañca nīvaraṇā paripūrā avijjaṁ paripūrenti; 
In this way, when the factor of associating with untrue persons is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of listening to an untrue teaching. When the factor of listening to an untrue teaching is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of lack of faith … irrational application of mind … lack of mindfulness and situational awareness … lack of sense restraint …the three kinds of misconduct … the five hindrances. When the five hindrances are fulfilled, they fulfill ignorance. 
Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, asappurisasaṁsevo paripūro asaddhammassavanaṁ paripūreti, asaddhammassavanaṁ paripūraṁ assaddhiyaṁ paripūreti, assaddhiyaṁ paripūraṁ ayonisomanasikāraṁ paripūreti, ayonisomanasikāro paripūro asatāsampajaññaṁ paripūreti, asatāsampajaññaṁ paripūraṁ indriyaasaṁvaraṁ paripūreti, indriyaasaṁvaro paripūro tīṇi duccaritāni paripūreti, tīṇi duccaritāni paripūrāni pañca nīvaraṇe paripūrenti, pañca nīvaraṇā paripūrā avijjaṁ paripūrenti; 
In the same way, when the factor of associating with untrue persons is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of listening to an untrue teaching. When the factor of listening to an untrue teaching is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of lack of faith … irrational application of mind … lack of mindfulness and situational awareness … lack of sense restraint …the three kinds of misconduct … the five hindrances. When the five hindrances are fulfilled, they fulfill ignorance. 
‘Yonisomanasikāro’tissa vacanīyaṁ. 
You should say: ‘Rational application of mind.’ 
Yonisomanasikārampāhaṁ, bhikkhave, sāhāraṁ vadāmi, no anāhāraṁ. 
I say that rational application of mind is fueled by something, it’s not unfueled. 
Ko cāhāro yonisomanasikārassa? 
And what is the fuel for rational application of mind? 
Iti kho, bhikkhave, sappurisasaṁsevo paripūro saddhammassavanaṁ paripūreti, saddhammassavanaṁ paripūraṁ saddhaṁ paripūreti, saddhā paripūrā yonisomanasikāraṁ paripūreti, yonisomanasikāro paripūro satisampajaññaṁ paripūreti, satisampajaññaṁ paripūraṁ indriyasaṁvaraṁ paripūreti, indriyasaṁvaro paripūro tīṇi sucaritāni paripūreti, tīṇi sucaritāni paripūrāni cattāro satipaṭṭhāne paripūrenti, cattāro satipaṭṭhānā paripūrā satta bojjhaṅge paripūrenti, satta bojjhaṅgā paripūrā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrenti; 
In this way, when the factor of associating with true persons is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of listening to the true teaching. When the factor of listening to the true teaching is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of faith … rational application of mind … mindfulness and situational awareness … sense restraint …the three kinds of good conduct … the four kinds of mindfulness meditation … the seven awakening factors. When the seven awakening factors are fulfilled, they fulfill knowledge and freedom. 
Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, sappurisasaṁsevo paripūro saddhammassavanaṁ paripūreti, saddhammassavanaṁ paripūraṁ saddhaṁ paripūreti, saddhā paripūrā yonisomanasikāraṁ paripūreti, yonisomanasikāro paripūro satisampajaññaṁ paripūreti, satisampajaññaṁ paripūraṁ indriyasaṁvaraṁ paripūreti, indriyasaṁvaro paripūro tīṇi sucaritāni paripūreti, tīṇi sucaritāni paripūrāni cattāro satipaṭṭhāne paripūrenti, cattāro satipaṭṭhānā paripūrā satta bojjhaṅge paripūrenti, satta bojjhaṅgā paripūrā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrenti; 
In the same way, when the factor of associating with true persons is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of listening to the true teaching. When the factor of listening to the true teaching is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of faith … rational application of mind … mindfulness and situational awareness … sense restraint …the three kinds of good conduct … the four kinds of mindfulness meditation … the seven awakening factors. When the seven awakening factors are fulfilled, they fulfill knowledge and freedom. 

an10.62ayonisomanasikārampāhaṁ ayonisomanasikārassa ayonisomanasikāraṁ ayonisomanasikāro ayonisomanasikāro’tissa yonisomanasikārampāhaṁ yonisomanasikārassa yonisomanasikāraṁ yonisomanasikāro yonisomanasikāro’tissa12Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Ayonisomanasikāro’tissa vacanīyaṁ.  You should say: ‘Irrational application of mind.’ 
Ayonisomanasikārampāhaṁ, bhikkhave, sāhāraṁ vadāmi, no anāhāraṁ. 
I say that irrational application of mind is fueled by something, it’s not unfueled. 
Ko cāhāro ayonisomanasikārassa? 
And what is the fuel for irrational application of mind? 
Iti kho, bhikkhave, asappurisasaṁsevo paripūro assaddhammassavanaṁ paripūreti, assaddhammassavanaṁ paripūraṁ assaddhiyaṁ paripūreti, assaddhiyaṁ paripūraṁ ayonisomanasikāraṁ paripūreti, ayonisomanasikāro paripūro asatāsampajaññaṁ paripūreti, asatāsampajaññaṁ paripūraṁ indriyaasaṁvaraṁ paripūreti, indriyaasaṁvaro paripūro tīṇi duccaritāni paripūreti, tīṇi duccaritāni paripūrāni pañca nīvaraṇe paripūrenti, pañca nīvaraṇā paripūrā avijjaṁ paripūrenti, avijjā paripūrā bhavataṇhaṁ paripūreti; 
In this way, when the factor of associating with untrue persons is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of listening to an untrue teaching. When the factor of listening to an untrue teaching is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of lack of faith … irrational application of mind … lack of mindfulness and situational awareness … lack of sense restraint …the three kinds of misconduct … the five hindrances … ignorance. When ignorance is fulfilled, it fulfills craving for continued existence. 
Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, asappurisasaṁsevo paripūro assaddhammassavanaṁ paripūreti, assaddhammassavanaṁ paripūraṁ assaddhiyaṁ paripūreti, assaddhiyaṁ paripūraṁ ayonisomanasikāraṁ paripūreti, ayonisomanasikāro paripūro asatāsampajaññaṁ paripūreti, asatāsampajaññaṁ paripūraṁ indriyaasaṁvaraṁ paripūreti, indriyaasaṁvaro paripūro tīṇi duccaritāni paripūreti, tīṇi duccaritāni paripūrāni pañca nīvaraṇe paripūrenti, pañca nīvaraṇā paripūrā avijjaṁ paripūrenti, avijjā paripūrā bhavataṇhaṁ paripūreti; 
In the same way, when the factor of associating with untrue persons is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of listening to an untrue teaching. When the factor of listening to an untrue teaching is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of lack of faith … irrational application of mind … lack of mindfulness and situational awareness … lack of sense restraint …the three kinds of misconduct … the five hindrances … ignorance. When ignorance is fulfilled, it fulfills craving for continued existence. 
‘Yonisomanasikāro’tissa vacanīyaṁ. 
You should say: ‘Rational application of mind.’ 
Yonisomanasikārampāhaṁ, bhikkhave, sāhāraṁ vadāmi, no anāhāraṁ. 
I say that rational application of mind is fueled by something, it’s not unfueled. 
Ko cāhāro yonisomanasikārassa? 
And what is the fuel for rational application of mind? 
Iti kho, bhikkhave, sappurisasaṁsevo paripūro saddhammassavanaṁ paripūreti, saddhammassavanaṁ paripūraṁ saddhaṁ paripūreti, saddhā paripūrā yonisomanasikāraṁ paripūreti, yonisomanasikāro paripūro satisampajaññaṁ paripūreti, satisampajaññaṁ paripūraṁ indriyasaṁvaraṁ paripūreti, indriyasaṁvaro paripūro tīṇi sucaritāni paripūreti, tīṇi sucaritāni paripūrāni cattāro satipaṭṭhāne paripūrenti, cattāro satipaṭṭhānā paripūrā satta bojjhaṅge paripūrenti, satta bojjhaṅgā paripūrā vijjāvimuttiṁ paripūrenti; 
In this way, when the factor of associating with true persons is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of listening to the true teaching. When the factor of listening to the true teaching is fulfilled, it fulfills the factor of faith … rational application of mind … mindfulness and situational awareness … sense restraint …the three kinds of good conduct … the four kinds of mindfulness meditation … the seven awakening factors. When the seven awakening factors are fulfilled, they fulfill knowledge and freedom. 

an10.76ayoniso ayonisomanasikāraṁ8Pi En Ru dhamma

Ayonisomanasikāraṁ appahāya, kummaggasevanaṁ appahāya, cetaso līnattaṁ appahāya—  Irrational application of mind, following a wrong path, and mental sluggishness. 
Tayome, bhikkhave, dhamme appahāya abhabbo ayoniso manasikāraṁ pahātuṁ kummaggasevanaṁ pahātuṁ cetaso līnattaṁ pahātuṁ. 
Without giving up three things you can’t give up irrational application of mind, following a wrong path, and mental sluggishness. 
ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo dhamme appahāya abhabbo ayonisomanasikāraṁ pahātuṁ kummaggasevanaṁ pahātuṁ cetaso līnattaṁ pahātuṁ. 
Without giving up these three things you can’t give up irrational application of mind, following a wrong path, and mental sluggishness. 
So vikkhittacitto samāno abhabbo ayonisomanasikāraṁ pahātuṁ kummaggasevanaṁ pahātuṁ cetaso līnattaṁ pahātuṁ. 
When your mind is scattered you can’t give up irrational application of mind, following a wrong path, and mental sluggishness. 
Ayonisomanasikāraṁ pahāya, kummaggasevanaṁ pahāya, cetaso līnattaṁ pahāya— 
Irrational application of mind, following a wrong path, and mental sluggishness. 
Tayome, bhikkhave, dhamme pahāya bhabbo ayonisomanasikāraṁ pahātuṁ kummaggasevanaṁ pahātuṁ cetaso līnattaṁ pahātuṁ. 
After giving up three things you can give up irrational application of mind, following a wrong path, and mental sluggishness. 
ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo dhamme pahāya bhabbo ayonisomanasikāraṁ pahātuṁ kummaggasevanaṁ pahātuṁ cetaso līnattaṁ pahātuṁ. 
After giving up these three things you can give up irrational application of mind, following a wrong path, and mental sluggishness. 
So avikkhittacitto samāno bhabbo ayonisomanasikāraṁ pahātuṁ kummaggasevanaṁ pahātuṁ cetaso līnattaṁ pahātuṁ. 
When your mind isn’t scattered you can give up irrational application of mind, following a wrong path, and mental sluggishness. 

an10.93ayonisomanasikārahetu3Pi En Ru dhamma

imassa ayamāyasmato diṭṭhi attano vā ayonisomanasikārahetu uppannā paratoghosapaccayā vā.  This view of his has either arisen from his own irrational application of mind, or is conditioned by what someone else says. 
imassāpi ayamāyasmato diṭṭhi attano vā ayonisomanasikārahetu uppannā paratoghosapaccayā vā. 
This view of his has either arisen from his own irrational application of mind, or is conditioned by what someone else says. 
imassāpi ayamāyasmato diṭṭhi attano vā ayonisomanasikārahetu uppannā paratoghosapaccayā vā. 
This view of his has either arisen from his own irrational application of mind, or is conditioned by what someone else says. 

dn4yoniso2Pi En Ru dhamma

‘bālo soṇadaṇḍo brāhmaṇo abyatto, nāsakkhi samaṇaṁ gotamaṁ yoniso pañhaṁ pucchitun’ti.  ‘Soṇadaṇḍa is foolish and incompetent. He’s not able to ask the ascetic Gotama a rational question.’ 
‘bālo soṇadaṇḍo brāhmaṇo abyatto, nāsakkhi samaṇaṁ gotamaṁ yoniso pañhaṁ pucchitun’ti. 

dn14yoniso20Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo:  Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom, 

dn18yoniso yonisomanasikāraṁ6Pi En Ru dhamma

So aparena samayena ariyadhammaṁ suṇāti, yoniso manasi karoti, dhammānudhammaṁ paṭipajjati.  After some time they hear the teaching of the noble ones, rationally apply the mind to how it applies to them, and practice accordingly. 
So ariyadhammassavanaṁ āgamma yonisomanasikāraṁ dhammānudhammappaṭipattiṁ asaṁsaṭṭho viharati kāmehi asaṁsaṭṭho akusalehi dhammehi. 
They live aloof from sensual pleasures and unskillful qualities. 
So aparena samayena ariyadhammaṁ suṇāti, yoniso manasi karoti, dhammānudhammaṁ paṭipajjati. 
After some time they hear the teaching of the noble ones, rationally apply the mind to how it applies to them, and practice accordingly. 
Tassa ariyadhammassavanaṁ āgamma yonisomanasikāraṁ dhammānudhammappaṭipattiṁ oḷārikā kāyasaṅkhārā paṭippassambhanti, oḷārikā vacīsaṅkhārā paṭippassambhanti, oḷārikā cittasaṅkhārā paṭippassambhanti. 
Their coarse physical, verbal, and mental processes die down. 
So aparena samayena ariyadhammaṁ suṇāti, yoniso manasi karoti, dhammānudhammaṁ paṭipajjati. 
After some time they hear the teaching of the noble ones, rationally apply the mind to how it applies to them, and practice accordingly. 
So ariyadhammassavanaṁ āgamma yonisomanasikāraṁ dhammānudhammappaṭipattiṁ, ‘idaṁ kusalan’ti yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti, ‘idaṁ akusalan’ti yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti. 
They truly understand what is skillful and what is unskillful, and so on. 

dn23ayoniso8Pi En Ru dhamma

Yathā taṁ bālā abyattā anayabyasanaṁ āpannā ayoniso dāyajjaṁ gavesantī, evameva kho tvaṁ, rājañña, bālo abyatto anayabyasanaṁ āpajjissasi ayoniso paralokaṁ gavesanto;  Being foolish and incompetent, she sought an inheritance irrationally and fell to ruin and disaster. In the same way, chieftain, being foolish and incompetent, you’re seeking the other world irrationally and will fall to ruin and disaster, 
seyyathāpi sā brāhmaṇī bālā abyattā anayabyasanaṁ āpannā ayoniso dāyajjaṁ gavesantī. 
just like that brahmin lady. 
‘yāva bālā ime paccantajanapadā manussā, kathañhi nāma ayoniso saṅkhasaddaṁ gavesissantī’ti. 
‘How foolish are these borderland folk! For how can they seek the sound of a horn so irrationally?’ 
‘yāva bālo ayaṁ dārako abyatto, kathañhi nāma ayoniso aggiṁ gavesissatī’ti. 
‘How foolish is this boy, how incompetent! For how can he seek a fire so irrationally?’ 
Na tveva yathā tvaṁ bālo abyatto ayoniso aggiṁ gavesī’ti. 
Not the foolish and incompetent way you sought it so irrationally.’ 
Evameva kho tvaṁ, rājañña, bālo abyatto ayoniso paralokaṁ gavesissasi. 
In the same way, chieftain, being foolish and incompetent, you seek the other world irrationally. 
Evameva kho tvaṁ, rājañña, bālo abyatto anayabyasanaṁ āpajjissasi ayoniso paralokaṁ gavesanto, seyyathāpi so purimo satthavāho. 
In the same way, chieftain, being foolish and incompetent, you will come to ruin seeking the other world irrationally, like the first caravan leader. 

dn28yonisomanasikārā8Pi En Ru dhamma

jānāti, bhante, bhagavā aparaṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā  The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual: 
Jānāti, bhante, bhagavā paraṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā: 
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual: 
Jānāti, bhante, bhagavā paraṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā: 
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual: 
Jānāti, bhante, bhagavā paraṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā: 
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual: 
Jānāti, bhante, bhagavā paraṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā: 
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual: 
Jānāti, bhante, bhagavā paraṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā: 
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual: 
Jānāti, bhante, bhagavā paraṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā: 
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual: 
Jānāti, bhante, bhagavā paraṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā: 
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual: 

dn33yoniso yonisomanasikāro2Pi En Ru dhamma

Saṁvego ca saṁvejanīyesu ṭhānesu saṁviggassa ca yoniso padhānaṁ.  Inspiration, and making a suitable effort when inspired by inspiring places. 
sappurisasaṁsevo, saddhammassavanaṁ, yonisomanasikāro, dhammānudhammappaṭipatti. 
associating with true persons, listening to the true teaching, rational application of mind, and practicing in line with the teaching. 

dn34ayoniso yoniso yonisomanasikaroto yonisomanasikāramūlakā4Pi En Ru dhamma

Ayoniso manasikāro.  Irrational application of mind. 
Yoniso manasikāro. 
Rational application of mind. 
Nava yonisomanasikāramūlakā dhammā, yonisomanasikaroto pāmojjaṁ jāyati, pamuditassa pīti jāyati, pītimanassa kāyo passambhati, passaddhakāyo sukhaṁ vedeti, sukhino cittaṁ samādhiyati, samāhite citte yathābhūtaṁ jānāti passati, yathābhūtaṁ jānaṁ passaṁ nibbindati, nibbindaṁ virajjati, virāgā vimuccati. 
Nine things rooted in rational application of mind. When you apply the mind rationally, joy springs up. When you’re joyful, rapture springs up. When the mind is full of rapture, the body becomes tranquil. When the body is tranquil, you feel bliss. And when you’re blissful, the mind becomes immersed. When your mind is immersed, you truly know and see. When you truly know and see, you grow disillusioned. Being disillusioned, desire fades away. When desire fades away you’re freed. 

mn2ayoniso yoniso23Pi En Ru dhamma

Yoniso ca manasikāraṁ ayoniso ca manasikāraṁ.  Rational application of mind and irrational application of mind. 
Ayoniso, bhikkhave, manasikaroto anuppannā ceva āsavā uppajjanti, uppannā ca āsavā pavaḍḍhanti; 
When you apply the mind irrationally, defilements arise, and once arisen they grow. 
yoniso ca kho, bhikkhave, manasikaroto anuppannā ceva āsavā na uppajjanti, uppannā ca āsavā pahīyanti. 
When you apply the mind rationally, defilements don’t arise, and those that have already arisen are given up. 
So evaṁ ayoniso manasi karoti: 
This is how they apply the mind irrationally: 
Tassa evaṁ ayoniso manasikaroto channaṁ diṭṭhīnaṁ aññatarā diṭṭhi uppajjati. 
When they apply the mind irrationally in this way, one of the following six views arises in them and is taken as a genuine fact. 
So ‘idaṁ dukkhan’ti yoniso manasi karoti, ‘ayaṁ dukkhasamudayo’ti yoniso manasi karoti, ‘ayaṁ dukkhanirodho’ti yoniso manasi karoti, ‘ayaṁ dukkhanirodhagāminī paṭipadā’ti yoniso manasi karoti. 
They rationally apply the mind: ‘This is suffering’ … ‘This is the origin of suffering’ … ‘This is the cessation of suffering’ … ‘This is the practice that leads to the cessation of suffering’. 
Tassa evaṁ yoniso manasikaroto tīṇi saṁyojanāni pahīyanti— 
And as they do so, they give up three fetters: 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso cakkhundriyasaṁvarasaṁvuto viharati. 
Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, lives restraining the faculty of the eye. 
Paṭisaṅkhā yoniso sotindriyasaṁvarasaṁvuto viharati …pe… 
Reflecting rationally, they live restraining the faculty of the ear … 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso cīvaraṁ paṭisevati: 
Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, makes use of robes: 
Paṭisaṅkhā yoniso piṇḍapātaṁ paṭisevati: 
Reflecting rationally, they make use of almsfood: 
Paṭisaṅkhā yoniso senāsanaṁ paṭisevati: 
Reflecting rationally, they make use of lodgings: 
Paṭisaṅkhā yoniso gilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhāraṁ paṭisevati: 
Reflecting rationally, they make use of medicines and supplies for the sick: 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso khamo hoti sītassa uṇhassa, jighacchāya pipāsāya. Ḍaṁsamakasavātātapasarīsapasamphassānaṁ, duruttānaṁ durāgatānaṁ vacanapathānaṁ, uppannānaṁ sārīrikānaṁ vedanānaṁ dukkhānaṁ tibbānaṁ kharānaṁ kaṭukānaṁ asātānaṁ amanāpānaṁ pāṇaharānaṁ adhivāsakajātiko hoti. 
Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, endures cold, heat, hunger, and thirst. They endure the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, and reptiles. They endure rude and unwelcome criticism. And they put up with physical pain—sharp, severe, acute, unpleasant, disagreeable, and life-threatening. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso caṇḍaṁ hatthiṁ parivajjeti, caṇḍaṁ assaṁ parivajjeti, caṇḍaṁ goṇaṁ parivajjeti, caṇḍaṁ kukkuraṁ parivajjeti, ahiṁ khāṇuṁ kaṇṭakaṭṭhānaṁ sobbhaṁ papātaṁ candanikaṁ oḷigallaṁ. 
Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, avoids a wild elephant, a wild horse, a wild ox, a wild dog, a snake, a stump, thorny ground, a pit, a cliff, a swamp, and a sewer. 
Yathārūpe anāsane nisinnaṁ yathārūpe agocare carantaṁ yathārūpe pāpake mitte bhajantaṁ viññū sabrahmacārī pāpakesu ṭhānesu okappeyyuṁ, so tañca anāsanaṁ tañca agocaraṁ te ca pāpake mitte paṭisaṅkhā yoniso parivajjeti. 
Reflecting rationally, they avoid sitting on inappropriate seats, walking in inappropriate neighborhoods, and mixing with bad friends—whatever sensible spiritual companions would believe to be a bad setting. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso uppannaṁ kāmavitakkaṁ nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti, uppannaṁ byāpādavitakkaṁ …pe… uppannaṁ vihiṁsāvitakkaṁ …pe… uppannuppanne pāpake akusale dhamme nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṁ gameti. 
Take a mendicant who, reflecting rationally, doesn’t tolerate a sensual, malicious, or cruel thought that has arisen, but gives it up, gets rid of it, eliminates it, and obliterates it. They don’t tolerate any bad, unskillful qualities that have arisen, but give them up, get rid of them, eliminate them, and obliterate them. 
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso satisambojjhaṅgaṁ bhāveti vivekanissitaṁ virāganissitaṁ nirodhanissitaṁ vossaggapariṇāmiṁ; 
It’s when a mendicant, reflecting rationally, develops the awakening factors of mindfulness, 
paṭisaṅkhā yoniso dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgaṁ bhāveti …pe… 
investigation of principles, 

mn39yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘Bhojane mattaññuno bhavissāma, paṭisaṅkhā yoniso āhāraṁ āharissāma,  You should train yourselves like this: ‘We will not eat too much. We will only eat after reflecting rationally on our food. 

mn43yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

parato ca ghoso, yoniso ca manasikāro.  the voice of another and rational application of mind. 

mn50yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Nisajja kho āyasmā mahāmoggallāno paccattaṁ yoniso manasākāsi.  and investigated inside himself. 

mn53yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, mahānāma, ariyasāvako paṭisaṅkhā yoniso āhāraṁ āhāreti:  It’s when a noble disciple reflects rationally on the food that they eat: 

mn107yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Paṭisaṅkhā yoniso āhāraṁ āhāreyyāsi—  Reflect rationally on the food that you eat: 

mn126ayoniso yoniso14Pi En Ru dhamma

‘āsañcepi karitvā ayoniso brahmacariyaṁ caranti, abhabbā phalassa adhigamāya;  ‘If you lead the spiritual life irrationally, you can’t win the fruit, regardless of whether you make a wish, 
anāsañcepi karitvā ayoniso brahmacariyaṁ caranti, abhabbā phalassa adhigamāya; 
you don’t make a wish, 
āsañca anāsañcepi karitvā ayoniso brahmacariyaṁ caranti, abhabbā phalassa adhigamāya; 
you both do and do not make a wish, 
nevāsaṁ nānāsañcepi karitvā ayoniso brahmacariyaṁ caranti, abhabbā phalassa adhigamāya. 
or you neither do nor don’t make a wish. 
Āsañcepi karitvā yoniso brahmacariyaṁ caranti, bhabbā phalassa adhigamāya; 
But if you lead the spiritual life rationally, you can win the fruit, regardless of whether you make a wish, 
anāsañcepi karitvā yoniso brahmacariyaṁ caranti, bhabbā phalassa adhigamāya; 
you don’t make a wish, 
āsañca anāsañcepi karitvā yoniso brahmacariyaṁ caranti, bhabbā phalassa adhigamāya; 
you both do and do not make a wish, 
nevāsaṁ nānāsañcepi karitvā yoniso brahmacariyaṁ caranti, bhabbā phalassa adhigamāyā’ti. 
or you neither do nor don’t make a wish.’ 
āsañcepi karitvā ayoniso brahmacariyaṁ caranti, abhabbā phalassa adhigamāya; 
anāsañcepi karitvā ayoniso brahmacariyaṁ caranti, abhabbā phalassa adhigamāya; 
āsañca anāsañcepi karitvā ayoniso brahmacariyaṁ caranti, abhabbā phalassa adhigamāya; 
nevāsaṁ nānāsañcepi karitvā ayoniso brahmacariyaṁ caranti, abhabbā phalassa adhigamāya. 
Āsañcepi karitvā yoniso brahmacariyaṁ caranti, bhabbā phalassa adhigamāya; 
nevāsaṁ nānāsañcepi karitvā yoniso brahmacariyaṁ caranti, bhabbā phalassa adhigamāyāti. 

mn136ayoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

‘idānevāyaṁ udāyī moghapuriso ummujjamāno ayoniso ummujjissatī’ti.  he was coming up with something irrational. 

mn143yoniso2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yoniso vicine dhammaṁ,  would examine the teaching rationally, 
Yoniso vicine dhammaṁ, 

sn1.48yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Yoniso vicine dhammaṁ,  would examine the teaching properly, 

sn2.20yoniso2Pi En Ru dhamma

Yoniso vicine dhammaṁ,  would examine the teaching rationally, 
Yoniso vicine dhammaṁ, 

sn4.4yoniso4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Mayhaṁ kho, bhikkhave, yoniso manasikārā yoniso sammappadhānā anuttarā vimutti anuppattā, anuttarā vimutti sacchikatā.  “Mendicants, I have attained and realized supreme freedom through rational application of mind and rational right effort. 
Tumhepi, bhikkhave, yoniso manasikārā yoniso sammappadhānā anuttaraṁ vimuttiṁ anupāpuṇātha, anuttaraṁ vimuttiṁ sacchikarothā”ti. 
You too should attain and realize supreme freedom through rational application of mind and rational right effort.” 

sn9.11ayoniso ayonisomanasikārasuttaṁ ayonisosuttaṁ yoniso7Pi En Ru dhamma

Akusalavitakkasutta  Unskillful Thoughts 
Akusalavitakkasutta → ayonisosuttaṁ (bj); ayonisomanasikārasuttaṁ (sya-all, pts2ed); ayoniso (vitakkitā) (pts1ed) 
“Ayoniso manasikārā, 
“Because of irrational application of mind, 
Ayoniso paṭinissajja, 
When you’ve given up irrationality, 
Ayoniso → ayoniṁ (pts1ed, pts2ed, mr) 
yoniso anucintaya. 
make sure your thoughts are rational. 

sn9.14ayoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sajjhāyena ayoniso;   

sn12.4yoniso22Pi En Ru dhamma

Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo:  Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 
Atha kho, bhikkhave, vipassissa bodhisattassa yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, Vipassī comprehended with wisdom: 

sn12.10yoniso4Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa mayhaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo:  Then, through rational application of mind, I comprehended with wisdom: 
Tassa mayhaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, I comprehended with wisdom: 
Tassa mayhaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, I comprehended with wisdom: 
Tassa mayhaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, I comprehended with wisdom: 

sn12.37yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Tatra kho, bhikkhave, sutavā ariyasāvako paṭiccasamuppādaññeva sādhukaṁ yoniso manasi karoti:  A learned noble disciple carefully and rationally applies the mind to dependent origination itself: 

sn12.41yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, gahapati, ariyasāvako paṭiccasamuppādaññeva sādhukaṁ yoniso manasi karoti:  A noble disciple carefully and rationally applies the mind to dependent origination itself: 

sn12.42yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako paṭiccasamuppādaññeva sādhukaṁ yoniso manasi karoti …pe…  A noble disciple carefully and rationally applies the mind to dependent origination itself … 

sn12.61yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Tatra, bhikkhave, sutavā ariyasāvako paṭiccasamuppādaṁyeva sādhukaṁ yoniso manasi karoti:  In this case, a learned noble disciple carefully and rationally applies the mind to dependent origination itself: 

sn12.62yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Tatra, bhikkhave, sutavā ariyasāvako paṭiccasamuppādaṁyeva sādhukaṁ yoniso manasi karoti:  In this case, a learned noble disciple carefully and rationally applies the mind to dependent origination itself: 

sn12.65yoniso6Pi En Ru dhamma

Tassa mayhaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo:  Then, through rational application of mind, I comprehended with wisdom: 
Tassa mayhaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, I comprehended with wisdom: 
Tassa mayhaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, I comprehended with wisdom: 
Tassa mayhaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, I comprehended with wisdom: 
Tassa mayhaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, I comprehended with wisdom: 
Tassa mayhaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasikārā ahu paññāya abhisamayo: 
Then, through rational application of mind, I comprehended with wisdom: 

sn22.52yoniso8Pi En Ru dhamma

“Rūpaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasi karotha, rūpāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassatha.  “Mendicants, rationally apply the mind to form. Truly see the impermanence of form. 
Rūpaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yoniso manasi karonto, rūpāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassanto rūpasmiṁ nibbindati. 
When a mendicant does this, they grow disillusioned with form. 
Vedanaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasi karotha, vedanāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassatha. 
Rationally apply the mind to feeling … 
Vedanaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yoniso manasi karonto, vedanāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassanto vedanāya nibbindati. 
saṅkhāre, bhikkhave, yoniso manasi karotha, saṅkhārāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassatha. 
choices … 
Saṅkhāre, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yoniso manasi karonto, saṅkhārāniccataṁ yathābhūtaṁ samanupassanto saṅkhāresu nibbindati. 
Viññāṇaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasi karotha, viññāṇāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassatha. 
consciousness. Truly see the impermanence of consciousness. 
Viññāṇaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yoniso manasi karonto, viññāṇāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassanto viññāṇasmiṁ nibbindati. 
When a mendicant does this, they grow disillusioned with consciousness. 

sn22.95yoniso20Pi En Ru dhamma

“Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, ayaṁ gaṅgā nadī mahantaṁ pheṇapiṇḍaṁ āvaheyya. Tamenaṁ cakkhumā puriso passeyya nijjhāyeyya yoniso upaparikkheyya. Tassa taṁ passato nijjhāyato yoniso upaparikkhato rittakaññeva khāyeyya, tucchakaññeva khāyeyya, asārakaññeva khāyeyya. Kiñhi siyā, bhikkhave, pheṇapiṇḍe sāro?  “Mendicants, suppose this Ganges river was carrying along a big lump of foam. And a person with clear eyes would see it and contemplate it, examining it carefully. And it would appear to them as completely vacuous, hollow, and insubstantial. For what core could there be in a lump of foam? 
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, yaṁ kiñci rūpaṁ atītānāgatapaccuppannaṁ …pe… yaṁ dūre santike vā taṁ bhikkhu passati nijjhāyati yoniso upaparikkhati. Tassa taṁ passato nijjhāyato yoniso upaparikkhato rittakaññeva khāyati, tucchakaññeva khāyati, asārakaññeva khāyati. Kiñhi siyā, bhikkhave, rūpe sāro? 
In the same way, a mendicant sees and contemplates any kind of form at all—past, future, or present; internal or external; coarse or fine; inferior or superior; near or far—examining it carefully. And it appears to them as completely vacuous, hollow, and insubstantial. For what core could there be in form? 
Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, saradasamaye thullaphusitake deve vassante udake udakapubbuḷaṁ uppajjati ceva nirujjhati ca. Tamenaṁ cakkhumā puriso passeyya nijjhāyeyya yoniso upaparikkheyya. Tassa taṁ passato nijjhāyato yoniso upaparikkhato rittakaññeva khāyeyya, tucchakaññeva khāyeyya, asārakaññeva khāyeyya. Kiñhi siyā, bhikkhave, udakapubbuḷe sāro? 
Suppose it was autumn, when the heavens rain heavily, and a bubble on the water forms and pops right away. And a person with clear eyes would see it and contemplate it, examining it carefully. And it would appear to them as completely vacuous, hollow, and insubstantial. For what core could there be in a water bubble? 
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, yā kāci vedanā atītānāgatapaccuppannā …pe… yā dūre santike vā taṁ bhikkhu passati nijjhāyati yoniso upaparikkhati. Tassa taṁ passato nijjhāyato yoniso upaparikkhato rittakaññeva khāyati, tucchakaññeva khāyati, asārakaññeva khāyati. Kiñhi siyā, bhikkhave, vedanāya sāro? 
In the same way, a mendicant sees and contemplates any kind of feeling at all … examining it carefully. And it appears to them as completely vacuous, hollow, and insubstantial. For what core could there be in feeling? 
Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, gimhānaṁ pacchime māse ṭhite majjhanhike kāle marīcikā phandati. Tamenaṁ cakkhumā puriso passeyya nijjhāyeyya yoniso upaparikkheyya. Tassa taṁ passato nijjhāyato yoniso upaparikkhato rittakaññeva khāyeyya, tucchakaññeva khāyeyya …pe… kiñhi siyā, bhikkhave, marīcikāya sāro? 
Suppose that in the last month of summer, at noon, a shimmering mirage appears. And a person with clear eyes would see it and contemplate it, examining it carefully. And it would appear to them as completely vacuous, hollow, and insubstantial. For what core could there be in a mirage? 
Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, puriso sāratthiko sāragavesī sārapariyesanaṁ caramāno tiṇhaṁ kuṭhāriṁ ādāya vanaṁ paviseyya. So tattha passeyya mahantaṁ kadalikkhandhaṁ ujuṁ navaṁ akukkukajātaṁ. Tamenaṁ mūle chindeyya; mūle chetvā agge chindeyya, agge chetvā pattavaṭṭiṁ vinibbhujeyya. So tassa pattavaṭṭiṁ vinibbhujanto pheggumpi nādhigaccheyya, kuto sāraṁ. Tamenaṁ cakkhumā puriso passeyya nijjhāyeyya yoniso upaparikkheyya. Tassa taṁ passato nijjhāyato yoniso upaparikkhato rittakaññeva khāyeyya, tucchakaññeva khāyeyya, asārakaññeva khāyeyya. Kiñhi siyā, bhikkhave, kadalikkhandhe sāro? 
Suppose there was a person in need of heartwood. Wandering in search of heartwood, they’d take a sharp axe and enter a forest. There they’d see a big banana tree, straight and young and grown free of defects. They’d cut it down at the base, cut off the top, and unroll the coiled sheaths. But they wouldn’t even find sapwood, much less heartwood. And a person with clear eyes would see it and contemplate it, examining it carefully. And it would appear to them as completely vacuous, hollow, and insubstantial. For what core could there be in a banana tree? 
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, ye keci saṅkhārā atītānāgatapaccuppannā …pe… ye dūre santike vā taṁ bhikkhu passati nijjhāyati yoniso upaparikkhati. Tassa taṁ passato nijjhāyato yoniso upaparikkhato rittakaññeva khāyati, tucchakaññeva khāyati, asārakaññeva khāyati. Kiñhi siyā, bhikkhave, saṅkhāresu sāro? 
In the same way, a mendicant sees and contemplates any kind of choices at all … examining them carefully. And they appear to them as completely vacuous, hollow, and insubstantial. For what core could there be in choices? 
Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, māyākāro vā māyākārantevāsī vā catumahāpathe māyaṁ vidaṁseyya. Tamenaṁ cakkhumā puriso passeyya nijjhāyeyya yoniso upaparikkheyya. Tassa taṁ passato nijjhāyato yoniso upaparikkhato rittakaññeva khāyeyya, tucchakaññeva khāyeyya, asārakaññeva khāyeyya. Kiñhi siyā, bhikkhave, māyāya sāro? 
Suppose a magician or their apprentice was to perform a magic trick at the crossroads. And a person with clear eyes would see it and contemplate it, examining it carefully. And it would appear to them as completely vacuous, hollow, and insubstantial. For what core could there be in a magic trick? 
Evameva kho, bhikkhave, yaṁ kiñci viññāṇaṁ atītānāgatapaccuppannaṁ …pe… yaṁ dūre santike vā, taṁ bhikkhu passati nijjhāyati yoniso upaparikkhati. Tassa taṁ passato nijjhāyato yoniso upaparikkhato rittakaññeva khāyati, tucchakaññeva khāyati, asārakaññeva khāyati. Kiñhi siyā, bhikkhave, viññāṇe sāro? 
In the same way, a mendicant sees and contemplates any kind of consciousness at all—past, future, or present; internal or external; coarse or fine; inferior or superior; near or far—examining it carefully. And it appears to them as completely vacuous, hollow, and insubstantial. For what core could there be in consciousness? 
yoniso upaparikkhati; 
examining them carefully, 
yo naṁ passati yoniso. 
when you look at them closely. 

sn22.122yoniso15Pi En Ru dhamma

“sīlavatāvuso, sāriputta, bhikkhunā katame dhammā yoniso manasikātabbā”ti?  “Reverend Sāriputta, what things should an ethical mendicant rationally apply the mind to?” 
“Sīlavatāvuso, koṭṭhika, bhikkhunā pañcupādānakkhandhā aniccato dukkhato rogato gaṇḍato sallato aghato ābādhato parato palokato suññato anattato yoniso manasi kātabbā. 
“Reverend Koṭṭhita, an ethical mendicant should rationally apply the mind to the five grasping aggregates as impermanent, as suffering, as diseased, as a boil, as a dart, as misery, as an affliction, as alien, as falling apart, as empty, as not-self. 
Sīlavatāvuso, koṭṭhika, bhikkhunā ime pañcupādānakkhandhā aniccato dukkhato rogato gaṇḍato sallato aghato ābādhato parato palokato suññato anattato yoniso manasi kātabbā. 
An ethical mendicant should rationally apply the mind to these five grasping aggregates as impermanent, as suffering, as diseased, as a boil, as a dart, as misery, as an affliction, as alien, as falling apart, as empty, as not-self. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ sīlavā bhikkhu ime pañcupādānakkhandhe aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi karonto sotāpattiphalaṁ sacchikareyyā”ti. 
It’s possible that an ethical mendicant who rationally applies the mind to the five grasping aggregates will realize the fruit of stream-entry.” 
“Sotāpannena panāvuso sāriputta, bhikkhunā katame dhammā yoniso manasi kātabbā”ti? 
“But Reverend Sāriputta, what things should a mendicant stream-enterer rationally apply the mind to?” 
“Sotāpannenapi kho, āvuso koṭṭhika, bhikkhunā ime pañcupādānakkhandhā aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi kātabbā. 
“A mendicant stream-enterer should also rationally apply the mind to these five grasping aggregates as impermanent … as not-self. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ sotāpanno bhikkhu ime pañcupādānakkhandhe aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi karonto sakadāgāmiphalaṁ sacchikareyyā”ti. 
It’s possible that a mendicant stream-enterer who rationally applies the mind to the five grasping aggregates will realize the fruit of once-return.” 
“Sakadāgāminā panāvuso sāriputta, bhikkhunā katame dhammā yoniso manasi kātabbā”ti? 
“But Reverend Sāriputta, what things should a mendicant once-returner rationally apply the mind to?” 
“Sakadāgāmināpi kho, āvuso koṭṭhika, bhikkhunā ime pañcupādānakkhandhā aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi kātabbā. 
“A mendicant once-returner should also rationally apply the mind to these five grasping aggregates as impermanent … as not-self. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ sakadāgāmī bhikkhu ime pañcupādānakkhandhe aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi karonto anāgāmiphalaṁ sacchikareyyā”ti. 
It’s possible that a mendicant once-returner who rationally applies the mind to the five grasping aggregates will realize the fruit of non-return.” 
“Anāgāminā panāvuso sāriputta, bhikkhunā katame dhammā yoniso manasi kātabbā”ti? 
“But Reverend Sāriputta, what things should a mendicant non-returner rationally apply the mind to?” 
“Anāgāmināpi kho, āvuso koṭṭhika, bhikkhunā ime pañcupādānakkhandhā aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi kātabbā. 
“A mendicant non-returner should also rationally apply the mind to these five grasping aggregates as impermanent … as not-self. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati yaṁ anāgāmī bhikkhu ime pañcupādānakkhandhe aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi karonto arahattaṁ sacchikareyyā”ti. 
It’s possible that a mendicant non-returner who rationally applies the mind to the five grasping aggregates will realize perfection.” 
“Arahatā panāvuso sāriputta, katame dhammā yoniso manasi kātabbā”ti? 
“But Reverend Sāriputta, what things should a perfected one rationally apply the mind to?” 
“Arahatāpi kho, āvuso koṭṭhika, ime pañcupādānakkhandhe aniccato dukkhato rogato gaṇḍato sallato aghato ābādhato parato palokato suññato anattato yoniso manasi kātabbā. 
“Reverend Koṭṭhita, a perfected one should also rationally apply the mind to the five grasping aggregates as impermanent, as suffering, as diseased, as a boil, as a dart, as misery, as an affliction, as alien, as falling apart, as empty, as not-self. 

sn22.123yoniso9Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sutavatāvuso sāriputta, bhikkhunā katame dhammā yoniso manasi kātabbā”ti?  “Reverend Sāriputta, what things should a learned mendicant rationally apply the mind to?” 
“Sutavatāvuso koṭṭhika, bhikkhunā pañcupādānakkhandhā aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi kātabbā. 
“A learned mendicant should rationally apply the mind to these five grasping aggregates as impermanent … as not-self. 
Sutavatāvuso koṭṭhika, bhikkhunā ime pañcupādānakkhandhā aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi kātabbā. 
A learned mendicant should rationally apply the mind to these five grasping aggregates as impermanent … as not-self. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati—yaṁ sutavā bhikkhu ime pañcupādānakkhandhe aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi karonto sotāpattiphalaṁ sacchikareyyā”ti. 
It’s possible that a learned mendicant who rationally applies the mind to the five grasping aggregates will realize the fruit of stream-entry.” 
“Sotāpannena panāvuso sāriputta, bhikkhunā katame dhammā yoniso manasi kātabbā”ti? 
“But Reverend Sāriputta, what things should a mendicant stream-enterer rationally apply the mind to?” 
“Sotāpannenapi kho āvuso koṭṭhika, bhikkhunā ime pañcupādānakkhandhā aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi kātabbā. 
“A mendicant stream-enterer should also rationally apply the mind to these five grasping aggregates as impermanent … as not-self. 
Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, āvuso, vijjati—yaṁ sotāpanno bhikkhu ime pañcupādānakkhandhe aniccato …pe… anattato yoniso manasi karonto sakadāgāmiphalaṁ …pe… 
It’s possible that a mendicant stream-enterer who rationally applies the mind to the five grasping aggregates will realize the fruit of once-return.” … 
“Arahatā panāvuso sāriputta, katame dhammā yoniso manasi kātabbā”ti? 
“But Reverend Sāriputta, what things should a perfected one rationally apply the mind to?” 
“Arahatāpi khvāvuso koṭṭhika, ime pañcupādānakkhandhā aniccato dukkhato rogato gaṇḍato sallato aghato ābādhato parato palokato suññato anattato yoniso manasi kātabbā. 
“Reverend Koṭṭhita, a perfected one should rationally apply the mind to the five grasping aggregates as impermanent, as suffering, as diseased, as a boil, as a dart, as misery, as an affliction, as alien, as falling apart, as empty, as not-self. 

sn35.120yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idhāvuso, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso āhāraṁ āhāreti:  It’s when a mendicant reflects rationally on the food that they eat: 

sn35.158ajjhattanandikkhayayonisosuttaṁ yoniso8Pi En Ru dhamma

Ajjhattaaniccanandikkhayasutta  Focus, the Interior, and the End of Relishing 
Ajjhattaaniccanandikkhayasutta → ajjhattanandikkhayayonisosuttaṁ (bj); nandikkhaya 3 (pts1ed) 
“Cakkhuṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasi karotha, cakkhāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassatha. 
“Mendicants, rationally apply the mind to the eye. Truly see the impermanence of the eye. 
Cakkhuṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yoniso manasikaronto, cakkhāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassanto cakkhusmimpi nibbindati. 
When a mendicant does this, they grow disillusioned with the eye. 
Sotaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasi karotha … 
Rationally apply the mind to the ear … 
jivhaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasi karotha, jivhāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassatha. 
tongue … 
Jivhaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yoniso manasikaronto, jivhāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassanto jivhāyapi nibbindati. 
manaṁ, bhikkhave, yoniso manasi karotha, manāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassatha. 
mind. Truly see the impermanence of the mind. 
Manaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yoniso manasikaronto, manāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassanto manasmimpi nibbindati. 
When a mendicant does this, they grow disillusioned with the mind. 

sn35.159bahiddhānandikkhayayonisosuttaṁ yoniso5Pi En Ru dhamma

Bāhiraaniccanandikkhayasutta  Focus, the Exterior, and the End of Relishing 
Bāhiraaniccanandikkhayasutta → bahiddhānandikkhayayonisosuttaṁ (bj); nandikkhaya 4 (pts1ed) 
“Rūpe, bhikkhave, yoniso manasi karotha, rūpāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassatha. 
“Mendicants, rationally apply the mind to sights. Truly see the impermanence of sights. 
Rūpe, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yoniso manasikaronto, rūpāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassanto rūpesupi nibbindati. 
When a mendicant does this, they grow disillusioned with sights. 
dhamme, bhikkhave, yoniso manasi karotha, dhammāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassatha. 
ideas. Truly see the impermanence of ideas. 
Dhamme, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yoniso manasikaronto, dhammāniccatañca yathābhūtaṁ samanupassanto dhammesupi nibbindati. 
When a mendicant does this, they grow disillusioned with ideas. 

sn35.239yoniso2Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso āhāraṁ āhāreti:  It’s when a mendicant reflects rationally on the food that they eat: 
evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu paṭisaṅkhā yoniso āhāraṁ āhāreti: 
In the same way, a mendicant reflects rationally on the food that they eat: 

sn45.55yoniso yonisomanasikārasampadā yonisomanasikārasampadāsutta yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ yonisomanasikārasampanno yonisosuttaṁ8Pi En Ru dhamma

Yonisomanasikārasampadāsutta  Accomplishment in Rational Application of Mind (1st) 
Yonisomanasikārasampadāsutta → yonisosuttaṁ (bj); yoniso (pts1ed) 
evameva kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno ariyassa aṭṭhaṅgikassa maggassa uppādāya etaṁ pubbaṅgamaṁ etaṁ pubbanimittaṁ, yadidaṁ—yonisomanasikārasampadā. 
In the same way accomplishment in rational application of mind is the forerunner and precursor of the noble eightfold path for a mendicant. 
Yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pāṭikaṅkhaṁ—ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāvessati, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkarissati. 
A mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind can expect to develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāveti, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkaroti? 
And how does a mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path? 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāveti, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkarotī”ti. 
That’s how a mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind develops and cultivates the noble eightfold path.” 

sn45.62dutiyayonisomanasikārasampadāsutta yoniso yonisomanasikārasampadā yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ yonisomanasikārasampanno8Pi En Ru dhamma

Dutiyayonisomanasikārasampadāsutta  Accomplishment in Rational Application of Mind (2nd) 
Dutiyayonisomanasikārasampadāsutta → yoniso (pts1ed) 
“… accomplishment in rational application of mind. 
Yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pāṭikaṅkhaṁ—ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāvessati, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkarissati. 
A mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind can expect to develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāveti, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkaroti? 
And how does a mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path? 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāveti, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkarotī”ti. 
That’s how a mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind develops and cultivates the noble eightfold path.” 
yoniso bhavati sattamaṁ. 

sn45.69yonisomanasikārasampadā yonisomanasikārasampadāsutta yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ yonisomanasikārasampanno5Pi En Ru dhamma

Yonisomanasikārasampadāsutta  Accomplishment in Rational Application of Mind (1st) 
“… accomplishment in rational application of mind. 
Yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pāṭikaṅkhaṁ—ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāvessati, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkarissati. 
A mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind can expect to develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāveti, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkaroti? 
And how does a mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path? 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāveti, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkarotī”ti. 
That’s how a mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind develops and cultivates the noble eightfold path.” 

sn45.76dutiyayonisomanasikārasampadāsutta yoniso yonisomanasikārasampadā yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ yonisomanasikārasampanno6Pi En Ru dhamma

Dutiyayonisomanasikārasampadāsutta  Accomplishment in Rational Application of Mind (2nd) 
“… accomplishment in rational application of mind. 
Yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pāṭikaṅkhaṁ—ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāvessati, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkarissati. 
A mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind can expect to develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāveti, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkaroti? 
And how does a mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path? 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāveti, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkarotī”ti. 
That’s how a mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind develops and cultivates the noble eightfold path.” 
yoniso bhavati sattamaṁ. 

sn45.83yonisomanasikārasampadā yonisomanasikārasampadāsutta yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ yonisomanasikārasampanno5Pi En Ru dhamma

Yonisomanasikārasampadāsutta  Accomplishment in Rational Application of Mind 
“Yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yonisomanasikārasampadā. 
“… accomplishment in rational application of mind. 
Yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pāṭikaṅkhaṁ—ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāvessati, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkarissati. 
A mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind can expect to develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāveti, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkaroti? 
And how does a mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path? 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāveti, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkarotī”ti. 
That’s how a mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind develops and cultivates the noble eightfold path.” 

sn45.90dutiyayonisomanasikārasampadāsutta yoniso yonisomanasikārasampadā yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ yonisomanasikārasampanno6Pi En Ru dhamma

Dutiyayonisomanasikārasampadāsutta  Accomplishment in Rational Application of Mind (2nd) 
“Yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, yonisomanasikārasampadā. 
“… accomplishment in rational application of mind. 
Yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pāṭikaṅkhaṁ—ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāvessati, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkarissati. 
A mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind can expect to develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāveti, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkaroti? 
And how does a mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path? 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāveti, ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkarotī”ti. 
That’s how a mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind develops and cultivates the noble eightfold path.” 
yoniso bhavati sattamaṁ. 

sn46.2ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro12Pi En Ru dhamma

Tattha ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro—  Frequent irrational application of mind to that 
Tattha ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent irrational application of mind to that 
Tattha ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent irrational application of mind to them 
Tattha ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent irrational application of mind to that 
Tattha ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent irrational application of mind to them 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to them 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to them 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to them 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to them 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to that 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to them 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to them 

sn46.8yonisomanasikārā3Pi En Ru dhamma

“Jāneyya nu kho, āvuso upavāna, bhikkhu ‘paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā evaṁ susamāraddhā me satta bojjhaṅgā phāsuvihārāya saṁvattantī’”ti?  “Reverend Upavāna, can a mendicant know by investigating inside themselves that the seven awakening factors are well implemented so that they lead to living at ease?” 
“Jāneyya kho, āvuso sāriputta, bhikkhu ‘paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā evaṁ susamāraddhā me satta bojjhaṅgā phāsuvihārāya saṁvattantī’”ti. 
“They can, Reverend Sāriputta. 
“Evaṁ kho, āvuso sāriputta, bhikkhu jāneyya ‘paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā evaṁ susamāraddhā me satta bojjhaṅgā phāsuvihārāya saṁvattantī’”ti. 
That’s how a mendicant can know by investigating inside themselves that the seven awakening factors are well implemented so that they lead to living at ease.” 

sn46.13yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ yonisomanasikārasampanno yonisomanasikāro4Pi En Ru dhamma

evameva kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ uppādāya etaṁ pubbaṅgamaṁ etaṁ pubbanimittaṁ, yadidaṁ—yonisomanasikāro.  In the same way, for a mendicant rational application of mind is the forerunner and precursor of the arising of the seven awakening factors. 
Yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pāṭikaṅkhaṁ—satta bojjhaṅge bhāvessati, satta bojjhaṅge bahulīkarissati. 
A mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind can expect to develop and cultivate the seven awakening factors. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno satta bojjhaṅge bhāveti, satta bojjhaṅge bahulīkaroti? 
And how does a mendicant with rational application of mind develop and cultivate the seven awakening factors? 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno satta bojjhaṅge bhāveti, satta bojjhaṅge bahulīkarotī”ti. 
That’s how a mendicant with rational application of mind develops and cultivates the seven awakening factors.” 

sn46.24ayoniso ayonisomanasikārasutta yoniso yonisosuttaṁ6Pi En Ru dhamma

Ayonisomanasikārasutta  Irrational Application of Mind 
Ayonisomanasikārasutta → yonisosuttaṁ (bj); ayoniso (pts1ed) 
“Ayoniso, bhikkhave, manasikaroto anuppanno ceva kāmacchando uppajjati, uppanno ca kāmacchando bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; 
“Mendicants, when you apply the mind irrationally, sensual desire, 
Yoniso ca kho, bhikkhave, manasikaroto anuppanno ceva kāmacchando nuppajjati, uppanno ca kāmacchando pahīyati; 
When you apply the mind rationally, sensual desire, 

sn46.30ayoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

ayoniso cāparihānī;   

sn46.32yonisomanasikāramūlakā yonisomanasikārasamosaraṇā yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ yonisomanasikārasampanno yonisomanasikāro6Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ye keci, bhikkhave, dhammā kusalā kusalabhāgiyā kusalapakkhikā, sabbe te yonisomanasikāramūlakā yonisomanasikārasamosaraṇā; yonisomanasikāro tesaṁ dhammānaṁ aggamakkhāyati.  “Mendicants, whatever qualities are skillful, part of the skillful, on the side of the skillful, all of them are rooted in rational application of mind and meet at rational application of mind, and rational application of mind is said to be the best of them. 
Yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pāṭikaṅkhaṁ—satta bojjhaṅge bhāvessati, satta bojjhaṅge bahulīkarissati. 
A mendicant accomplished in rational application of mind can expect to develop and cultivate the seven awakening factors. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno satta bojjhaṅge bhāveti, satta bojjhaṅge bahulīkaroti? 
And how does a mendicant with rational application of mind develop and cultivate the seven awakening factors? 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno satta bojjhaṅge bhāveti, satta bojjhaṅge bahulīkarotī”ti. 
That’s how a mendicant with rational application of mind develops and cultivates the seven awakening factors.” 

sn46.35ayoniso ayonisomanasikārasutta yoniso yonisomanasikārasutta yonisosuttaṁ10Pi En Ru dhamma

Ayonisomanasikārasutta  Irrational Application of Mind 
Ayonisomanasikārasutta → yonisosuttaṁ (bj); yoniso 1 (pts1ed) 
“Ayoniso, bhikkhave, manasikaroto anuppanno ceva kāmacchando uppajjati, uppanno ca kāmacchando bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; anuppanno ceva byāpādo uppajjati, uppanno ca byāpādo bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; anuppannañceva thinamiddhaṁ uppajjati, uppannañca thinamiddhaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; anuppannañceva uddhaccakukkuccaṁ uppajjati, uppannañca uddhaccakukkuccaṁ bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattati; anuppannā ceva vicikicchā uppajjati, uppannā ca vicikicchā bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya saṁvattatī”ti. 
“Mendicants, when you apply the mind irrationally, sensual desire, ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and remorse, and doubt arise, and once arisen they increase and grow.” 
Yonisomanasikārasutta → yonisosuttaṁ (bj); yoniso 2 (pts1ed) 
“Yoniso ca kho, bhikkhave, manasikaroto anuppanno ceva satisambojjhaṅgo uppajjati, uppanno ca satisambojjhaṅgo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati …pe… anuppanno ceva upekkhāsambojjhaṅgo uppajjati, uppanno ca upekkhāsambojjhaṅgo bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchatī”ti. 
“Mendicants, when you apply the mind rationally, the awakening factors of mindfulness, investigation of principles, energy, rapture, tranquility, immersion, and equanimity arise, and once they’ve arisen, they’re fully developed.” 

sn46.40yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Dve yoniso ca buddhi ca;   

sn46.49yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ yonisomanasikārasampanno yonisomanasikāro4Pi En Ru dhamma

“Ajjhattikaṁ, bhikkhave, aṅganti karitvā nāññaṁ ekaṅgampi samanupassāmi sattannaṁ bojjhaṅgānaṁ uppādāya, yathayidaṁ—bhikkhave, yonisomanasikāro.  “Taking into account interior factors, mendicants, I do not see a single one that gives rise to the seven awakening factors like rational application of mind. …” 
Yonisomanasikārasampannassetaṁ, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno pāṭikaṅkhaṁ—satta bojjhaṅge bhāvessati, satta bojjhaṅge bahulīkarissati. 
Kathañca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno satta bojjhaṅge bhāveti, satta bojjhaṅge bahulīkaroti? 
Evaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu yonisomanasikārasampanno satta bojjhaṅge bhāveti, satta bojjhaṅge bahulīkarotī”ti. 

sn46.51ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro17Pi En Ru dhamma

Tattha ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro—  Frequent irrational application of mind to that 
Tattha ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent irrational application of mind to that 
Tattha ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent irrational application of mind to that 
Tattha ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent irrational application of mind to that 
Tattha ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent irrational application of mind to them 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to them 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to them 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to them 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to them 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to that 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to them 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to them 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to that 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to that 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to them 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to that 
Tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro— 
Frequent rational application of mind to them 

sn55.5yonisomanasikāro2Pi En Ru dhamma

“Sappurisasaṁsevo hi, bhante, sotāpattiyaṅgaṁ, saddhammassavanaṁ sotāpattiyaṅgaṁ, yonisomanasikāro sotāpattiyaṅgaṁ, dhammānudhammappaṭipatti sotāpattiyaṅgan”ti.  “Sir, the factors of stream-entry are associating with true persons, listening to the true teaching, rational application of mind, and practicing in line with the teaching.” 
Sappurisasaṁsevo hi, sāriputta, sotāpattiyaṅgaṁ, saddhammassavanaṁ sotāpattiyaṅgaṁ, yonisomanasikāro sotāpattiyaṅgaṁ, dhammānudhammappaṭipatti sotāpattiyaṅgaṁ. 
For the factors of stream-entry are associating with true persons, listening to the true teaching, rational application of mind, and practicing in line with the teaching. 

sn55.28yoniso1Pi En Ru dhamma

Idha, gahapati, ariyasāvako paṭiccasamuppādaññeva sādhukaṁ yoniso manasi karoti—  A noble disciple rationally applies the mind to dependent origination itself: 

sn55.50yonisomanasikāro1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sappurisasaṁsevo, saddhammassavanaṁ, yonisomanasikāro, dhammānudhammappaṭipatti—  Associating with true persons, listening to the true teaching, rational application of mind, and practicing in line with the teaching. 

sn55.55yonisomanasikāro1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sappurisasaṁsevo, saddhammassavanaṁ, yonisomanasikāro, dhammānudhammappaṭipatti—  Associating with true persons, listening to the true teaching, rational application of mind, and practicing in line with the teaching. 

sn55.62yonisomanasikāro1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sappurisasaṁsevo, saddhammassavanaṁ, yonisomanasikāro, dhammānudhammappaṭipatti—  Associating with true persons, listening to the true teaching, rational application of mind, and practicing in line with the teaching. 

sn55.74yonisomanasikāro1Pi En Ru dhamma

Sappurisasaṁsevo, saddhammassavanaṁ, yonisomanasikāro, dhammānudhammappaṭipatti—  Associating with true persons, listening to the true teaching, rational application of mind, and practicing in line with the teaching.