dn28 | | yonisomanasikārā | 8 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | jānāti, bhante, bhagavā aparaṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual:
Jānāti, bhante, bhagavā paraṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā:
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual:
Jānāti, bhante, bhagavā paraṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā:
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual:
Jānāti, bhante, bhagavā paraṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā:
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual:
Jānāti, bhante, bhagavā paraṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā:
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual:
Jānāti, bhante, bhagavā paraṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā:
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual:
Jānāti, bhante, bhagavā paraṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā:
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual:
Jānāti, bhante, bhagavā paraṁ puggalaṁ paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā:
The Buddha knows by rationally applying the mind to another individual:
sn46.8 | | yonisomanasikārā | 3 | | Pi En Ru | dhamma | “Jāneyya nu kho, āvuso upavāna, bhikkhu ‘paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā evaṁ susamāraddhā me satta bojjhaṅgā phāsuvihārāya saṁvattantī’”ti?
“Reverend Upavāna, can a mendicant know by investigating inside themselves that the seven awakening factors are well implemented so that they lead to living at ease?”
“Jāneyya kho, āvuso sāriputta, bhikkhu ‘paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā evaṁ susamāraddhā me satta bojjhaṅgā phāsuvihārāya saṁvattantī’”ti.
“They can, Reverend Sāriputta.
“Evaṁ kho, āvuso sāriputta, bhikkhu jāneyya ‘paccattaṁ yonisomanasikārā evaṁ susamāraddhā me satta bojjhaṅgā phāsuvihārāya saṁvattantī’”ti.
That’s how a mendicant can know by investigating inside themselves that the seven awakening factors are well implemented so that they lead to living at ease.”