1Thus have I heard.[n.806] See Makhādeva Jātaka (No. 9) and Nimi Jātaka (No. 541). King Makhādeva and King Nimi were earlier births of the Buddha Gotama. On one occasion, the Blessed One was living at Mithilā in the Makhādeva Mango Grove.[n.807] The grove was originally planted by Makhādeva and thus was still named after him. | 1Evaṁ me sutaṁ — ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā mithilāyaṁ viharati maghadevaambavane. |
Then in a certain place the Blessed One smiled. It occurred to the venerable Ānanda: "What is the reason, what is the cause, for the Blessed One's smile? Tathāgatas do not smile for no reason." So he arranged his upper robe on one shoulder, and extending his hands in reverential salutation towards the Blessed One, he asked him: "Venerable sir, what is the reason, what is the cause, for the Blessed One's smile? Tathāgatas do not smile for no reason." | Atha kho bhagavā aññatarasmiṁ padese sitaṁ pātvākāsi. Atha kho āyasmato ānandassa etadahosi: "ko nu kho hetu, ko paccayo bhagavato sitassa pātukammāya? Na akāraṇena tathāgatā sitaṁ pātukarontī"ti. Atha kho āyasmā ānando ekaṁsaṁ cīvaraṁ katvā yena bhagavā tenañjaliṁ paṇāmetvā bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: "ko nu kho, bhante, hetu, ko paccayo bhagavato sitassa pātukammāya? Na akāraṇena tathāgatā sitaṁ pātukarontī"ti. |
2"Once, Ānanda, in this same Mithilā there was a king named Makhādeva. He was a righteous king who ruled by the Dhamma, a great king who was established in the Dhamma.[n.808] MA: He was established in the ten wholesome courses of action. He conducted himself by the Dhamma among brahmins and householders, among town-dwellers and countryfolk, and he observed the Uposatha days on the fourteenth, fifteenth, and eighth of the fortnight.[n.809] The Uposatha is the religious observance day of ancient India, also absorbed as such into Buddhism. See n.59. | 2"Bhūtapubbaṁ, ānanda, imissāyeva mithilāyaṁ rājā ahosi maghadevo nāma dhammiko dhammarājā dhamme ṭhito mahārājā; dhammaṁ carati brāhmaṇagahapatikesu negamesu ceva jānapadesu ca; uposathañca upavasati cātuddasiṁ pañcadasiṁ aṭṭhamiñca pakkhassa. Atha kho, ānanda, rājā maghadevo bahūnaṁ vassānaṁ bahūnaṁ vassasatānaṁ bahūnaṁ vassasahassānaṁ accayena kappakaṁ āmantesi: ‘yadā me, samma kappaka, passeyyāsi sirasmiṁ palitāni jātāni, atha me āroceyyāsī’ti. |
"Now at the end of many years, many hundred years, many thousand years, King Makhādeva addressed his barber thus: ‘Good barber, when you see any grey hairs growing on my head, then tell me.’ — ‘Yes, sire,’ he replied. And after many years, many hundred years, many thousand years, the barber saw grey hairs growing on King Makhādeva's head.[n.810] According to Buddhist cosmology, the lifespan of human beings oscillates between a minimum of ten years and a maximum of many thousands of years. Makhādeva lived at a time when the lifespan was at the long end of the spectrum. When he saw them, he said to the king: ‘The divine messengers have appeared, sire; grey hairs are to be seen growing on your majesty's head.’ — ‘Then, good barber, pull out those grey hairs carefully with tweezers and put them in my palm.’ — ‘Yes, sire,’ he replied, and he pulled out those grey hairs carefully with tweezers and put them in the king's palm. | ‘Evaṁ, devā’ti kho, ānanda, kappako rañño maghadevassa paccassosi. Addasā kho, ānanda, kappako bahūnaṁ vassānaṁ bahūnaṁ vassasatānaṁ bahūnaṁ vassasahassānaṁ accayena rañño maghadevassa sirasmiṁ palitāni jātāni. Disvāna rājānaṁ maghadevaṁ etadavoca: ‘pātubhūtā kho devassa devadūtā, dissanti sirasmiṁ palitāni jātānī’ti. ‘Tena hi, samma kappaka, tāni palitāni sādhukaṁ saṇḍāsena uddharitvā mama añjalismiṁ patiṭṭhāpehī’ti. ‘Evaṁ, devā’ti kho, ānanda, kappako rañño maghadevassa paṭissutvā tāni palitāni sādhukaṁ saṇḍāsena uddharitvā rañño maghadevassa añjalismiṁ patiṭṭhāpesi. |
3"Then King Makhādeva gave the boon of a village to his barber, and calling the prince, his eldest son, he said: ‘Dear prince, the divine messengers have appeared;[n.811] On the "divine messengers" — the foretokens of old age, illness, and death — see MN 130. grey hairs are seen growing on my head. I have enjoyed human sensual pleasures; now it is time to seek divine sensual pleasures. Come, dear prince, take over the kingship. I shall shave off my hair and beard, put on the yellow robe, and go forth from the home life into homelessness. And now, dear prince, when you too see grey hairs growing on your head, then after giving the boon of a village to your barber, and after carefully instructing the prince, your eldest son, in kingship, shave off your hair and beard, put on the yellow robe, and go forth from the home life into homelessness. Continue this good practice instituted by me and do not be the last man. Dear prince, when there are two men living, he under whom there occurs a breach of this good practice — he is the last man among them. Therefore, dear prince, I say to you: Continue this good practice instituted by me and do not be the last man.’ | 3Atha kho, ānanda, rājā maghadevo kappakassa gāmavaraṁ datvā jeṭṭhaputtaṁ kumāraṁ āmantāpetvā etadavoca: ‘pātubhūtā kho me, tāta kumāra, devadūtā; dissanti sirasmiṁ palitāni jātāni; bhuttā kho pana me mānusakā kāmā; samayo dibbe kāme pariyesituṁ. Ehi tvaṁ, tāta kumāra, imaṁ rajjaṁ paṭipajja. Ahaṁ pana kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajissāmi. Tena hi, tāta kumāra, yadā tvampi passeyyāsi sirasmiṁ palitāni jātāni, atha kappakassa gāmavaraṁ datvā jeṭṭhaputtaṁ kumāraṁ sādhukaṁ rajje samanusāsitvā kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajeyyāsi. Yena me idaṁ kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ nihitaṁ anuppavatteyyāsi, mā kho me tvaṁ antimapuriso ahosi. Yasmiṁ kho, tāta kumāra, purisayuge vattamāne evarūpassa kalyāṇassa vattassa samucchedo hoti so tesaṁ antimapuriso hoti. Taṁ tāhaṁ, tāta kumāra, evaṁ vadāmi — yena me idaṁ kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ nihitaṁ anuppavatteyyāsi, mā kho me tvaṁ antimapuriso ahosī’ti. |
4"Then, after giving the boon of a village to his barber and after carefully instructing the prince, his eldest son, in kingship, in the Makhādeva Mango Grove he shaved off his hair and beard, put on the yellow robe, and went forth from the home life into homelessness. | 4Atha kho, ānanda, rājā maghadevo kappakassa gāmavaraṁ datvā jeṭṭhaputtaṁ kumāraṁ sādhukaṁ rajje samanusāsitvā imasmiṁyeva maghadevaambavane kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbaji. |
"He abided pervading one quarter with a mind imbued with loving-kindness, likewise the second, likewise the third, likewise the fourth; so above, below, around, and everywhere, and to all as to himself, he abided pervading the all-encompassing world with a mind imbued with loving-kindness, abundant, exalted, immeasurable, without hostility and without ill will. | So mettāsahagatena cetasā ekaṁ disaṁ pharitvā vihāsi, tathā dutiyaṁ, tathā tatiyaṁ, tathā catutthaṁ; iti uddhamadho tiriyaṁ sabbadhi sabbattatāya sabbāvantaṁ lokaṁ mettāsahagatena cetasā vipulena mahaggatena appamāṇena averena abyābajjhena pharitvā vihāsi. |
"He abided pervading one quarter with a mind imbued with compassion … with a mind imbued with altruistic joy … with a mind imbued with equanimity, likewise the second, likewise the third, likewise the fourth; so above, below, around, and everywhere, and to all as to himself, he abided pervading the all-encompassing world with a mind imbued with equanimity, abundant, exalted, immeasurable, without hostility and without ill will. | Karuṇāsahagatena cetasā … muditāsahagatena cetasā … upekkhāsahagatena cetasā ekaṁ disaṁ pharitvā vihāsi, tathā dutiyaṁ, tathā tatiyaṁ, tathā catutthaṁ; iti uddhamadho tiriyaṁ sabbadhi sabbattatāya sabbāvantaṁ lokaṁ upekkhāsahagatena cetasā vipulena mahaggatena appamāṇena averena abyābajjhena pharitvā vihāsi. |
5"For eighty-four thousand years King Makhādeva played childish games; for eighty-four thousand years he acted as viceregent; for eighty-four thousand years he governed the kingdom; for eighty-four thousand years he led the holy life in this Makhādeva Mango Grove after shaving off his hair and beard, putting on the yellow robe, and going forth from the home life into homelessness. By developing the four divine abodes, on the dissolution of the body, after death, he passed on to the Brahma-world. | 5Rājā kho panānanda, maghadevo caturāsītivassasahassāni kumārakīḷitaṁ kīḷi, caturāsītivassasahassāni oparajjaṁ kāresi, caturāsītivassasahassāni rajjaṁ kāresi, caturāsītivassasahassāni imasmiṁyeva maghadevaambavane agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajito brahmacariyamacari. So cattāro brahmavihāre bhāvetvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā brahmalokūpago ahosi. |
6–8"Now at the end of many years, many hundred years, many thousand years, King Makhādeva's son addressed his barber thus:… as above, reading "King Makhādeva's son" throughout… By developing the four divine abodes, on the dissolution of the body, after death, he passed on to the Brahma-world. | 6Atha kho rañño, ānanda, maghadevassa putto bahūnaṁ vassānaṁ bahūnaṁ vassasatānaṁ bahūnaṁ vassasahassānaṁ accayena kappakaṁ āmantesi: ‘yadā me, samma kappaka, passeyyāsi sirasmiṁ palitāni jātāni, atha kho āroceyyāsī’ti. ‘Evaṁ, devā’ti kho, ānanda, kappako rañño maghadevassa puttassa paccassosi. Addasā kho, ānanda, kappako bahūnaṁ vassānaṁ bahūnaṁ vassasatānaṁ bahūnaṁ vassasahassānaṁ accayena rañño maghadevassa puttassa sirasmiṁ palitāni jātāni. Disvāna rañño maghadevassa puttaṁ etadavoca: ‘pātubhūtā kho devassa devadūtā; dissanti sirasmiṁ palitāni jātānī’ti. ‘Tena hi, samma kappaka, tāni palitāni sādhukaṁ saṇḍāsena uddharitvā mama añjalismiṁ patiṭṭhāpehī’ti. ‘Evaṁ, devā’ti kho, ānanda, kappako rañño maghadevassa puttassa paṭissutvā tāni palitāni sādhukaṁ saṇḍāsena uddharitvā rañño maghadevassa puttassa añjalismiṁ patiṭṭhāpesi. 7Atha kho, ānanda, rañño maghadevassa putto kappakassa gāmavaraṁ datvā jeṭṭhaputtaṁ kumāraṁ āmantāpetvā etadavoca: ‘pātubhūtā kho me, tāta kumāra, devadūtā; dissanti sirasmiṁ palitāni jātāni; bhuttā kho pana me mānusakā kāmā; samayo dibbe kāme pariyesituṁ. Ehi tvaṁ, tāta kumāra, imaṁ rajjaṁ paṭipajja. Ahaṁ pana kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajissāmi. Tena hi, tāta kumāra, yadā tvampi passeyyāsi sirasmiṁ palitāni jātāni, atha kappakassa gāmavaraṁ datvā jeṭṭhaputtaṁ kumāraṁ sādhukaṁ rajje samanusāsitvā kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajeyyāsi. Yena me idaṁ kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ nihitaṁ anuppavatteyyāsi, mā kho me tvaṁ antimapuriso ahosi. Yasmiṁ kho, tāta kumāra, purisayuge vattamāne evarūpassa kalyāṇassa vattassa samucchedo hoti so tesaṁ antimapuriso hoti. Taṁ tāhaṁ, tāta kumāra, evaṁ vadāmi — yena me idaṁ kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ nihitaṁ anuppavatteyyāsi, mā kho me tvaṁ antimapuriso ahosī’ti. 8Atha kho, ānanda, rañño maghadevassa putto kappakassa gāmavaraṁ datvā jeṭṭhaputtaṁ kumāraṁ sādhukaṁ rajje samanusāsitvā imasmiṁyeva maghadevaambavane kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbaji. So mettāsahagatena cetasā ekaṁ disaṁ pharitvā vihāsi, tathā dutiyaṁ, tathā tatiyaṁ, tathā catutthaṁ; iti uddhamadho tiriyaṁ sabbadhi sabbattatāya sabbāvantaṁ lokaṁ mettāsahagatena cetasā vipulena mahaggatena appamāṇena averena abyābajjhena pharitvā vihāsi. Karuṇāsahagatena cetasā … muditāsahagatena cetasā … upekkhāsahagatena cetasā ekaṁ disaṁ pharitvā vihāsi, tathā dutiyaṁ, tathā tatiyaṁ, tathā catutthaṁ; iti uddhamadho tiriyaṁ sabbadhi sabbattatāya sabbāvantaṁ lokaṁ upekkhāsahagatena cetasā vipulena mahaggatena appamāṇena averena abyābajjhena pharitvā vihāsi. Rañño kho panānanda, maghadevassa putto caturāsītivassasahassāni kumārakīḷitaṁ kīḷi, caturāsītivassasahassāni oparajjaṁ kāresi, caturāsītivassasahassāni rajjaṁ kāresi, caturāsītivassasahassāni imasmiṁyeva maghadevaambavane agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajito brahmacariyamacari. So cattāro brahmavihāre bhāvetvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā brahmalokūpago ahosi. |
9"The descendants of King Makhādeva's son to the number of eighty-four thousand kings in succession, after shaving off their hair and beard and putting on the yellow robe, went forth from the home life into homelessness in this Makhādeva Mango Grove. They abided pervading one quarter with a mind imbued with loving-kindness … with compassion … with altruistic joy … with equanimity … without ill will. | 9Rañño kho panānanda, maghadevassa puttapaputtakā tassa paramparā caturāsītirājasahassāni imasmiṁyeva maghadevaambavane kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajiṁsu. Te mettāsahagatena cetasā ekaṁ disaṁ pharitvā vihariṁsu, tathā dutiyaṁ, tathā tatiyaṁ, tathā catutthaṁ; iti uddhamadho tiriyaṁ sabbadhi sabbattatāya sabbāvantaṁ lokaṁ mettāsahagatena cetasā vipulena mahaggatena appamāṇena averena abyābajjhena pharitvā vihariṁsu. Karuṇāsahagatena cetasā … muditāsahagatena cetasā … upekkhāsahagatena cetasā ekaṁ disaṁ pharitvā vihariṁsu, tathā dutiyaṁ, tathā tatiyaṁ, tathā catutthaṁ; iti uddhamadho tiriyaṁ sabbadhi sabbattatāya sabbāvantaṁ lokaṁ upekkhāsahagatena cetasā vipulena mahaggatena appamāṇena averena abyābajjhena pharitvā vihariṁsu. |
"For eighty-four thousand years they played childish games; for eighty-four thousand years they acted as viceregents; for eighty-four thousand years they governed the kingdom; for eighty-four thousand years they led the holy life in this Makhādeva Mango Grove after shaving off their hair and beard, putting on the yellow robe, and going forth from the home life into homelessness. By developing the four divine abodes, on the dissolution of the body, after death, they passed on to the Brahma-world. | Caturāsītivassasahassāni kumārakīḷitaṁ kīḷiṁsu, caturāsītivassasahassāni oparajjaṁ kāresuṁ, caturāsītivassasahassāni rajjaṁ kāresuṁ, caturāsītivassasahassāni imasmiṁyeva maghadevaambavane agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajitā brahmacariyamacariṁsu. Te cattāro brahmavihāre bhāvetvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā brahmalokūpagā ahesuṁ. |
"Nimi was the last of those kings. He was a righteous king who ruled by the Dhamma, a great king who was established in the Dhamma. He conducted himself by the Dhamma among brahmins and householders, among town-dwellers and countryfolk, and he observed the Uposatha days on the fourteenth, fifteenth, and eighth of the fortnight. | Nimi tesaṁ rājā pacchimako ahosi dhammiko dhammarājā dhamme ṭhito mahārājā; dhammaṁ carati brāhmaṇagahapatikesu negamesu ceva jānapadesu ca; uposathañca upavasati cātuddasiṁ pañcadasiṁ aṭṭhamiñca pakkhassa. |
10"Once, Ānanda, when the gods of the Thirty-three had met together and were seated in the Sudhamma Assembly, this discussion arose among them: ‘It is a gain, sirs, for the people of Videha, it is a great gain for the people of Videha that their King Nimi is a righteous king who rules by the Dhamma, a great king who is established in the Dhamma. He conducts himself by the Dhamma among brahmins and householders, among town-dwellers and countryfolk, and he observes the Uposatha days on the fourteenth, fifteenth, and eighth of the fortnight.’ | 10Bhūtapubbaṁ, ānanda, devānaṁ tāvatiṁsānaṁ sudhammāyaṁ sabhāyaṁ sannisinnānaṁ sannipatitānaṁ ayamantarākathā udapādi: ‘lābhā vata, bho, videhānaṁ, suladdhaṁ vata, bho, videhānaṁ, yesaṁ nimi rājā dhammiko dhammarājā dhamme ṭhito mahārājā; dhammaṁ carati brāhmaṇagahapatikesu negamesu ceva jānapadesu ca; uposathañca upavasati cātuddasiṁ pañcadasiṁ aṭṭhamiñca pakkhassā’ti. |
"Then Sakka, ruler of gods, addressed the gods of the Thirty-three: ‘Good sirs, do you want to see King Nimi?’ — ‘Good sir, we want to see King Nimi.’ | Atha kho, ānanda, sakko devānamindo deve tāvatiṁse āmantesi: ‘iccheyyātha no tumhe, mārisā, nimiṁ rājānaṁ daṭṭhun’ti? ‘Icchāma mayaṁ, mārisa, nimiṁ rājānaṁ daṭṭhun’ti. |
"Now on that occasion, it being the Uposatha day of the fifteenth, King Nimi had washed his head and ascended to the upper palace chamber, where he was seated for the Uposatha observance. Then, just as quickly as a strong man might extend his flexed arm or flex his extended arm, Sakka, ruler of gods, vanished among the gods of the Thirty-three and appeared in the presence of King Nimi. He said: ‘It is a gain for you, great king, it is a great gain for you, great king. When the gods of the Thirty-three had met together and were seated in the Su - dhamma Assembly, this discussion arose among them: "It is a gain, sirs, for the people of Videha … eighth of the fortnight." Great king, the gods want to see you. I shall send a chariot harnessed to a thousand thoroughbreds for you, great king. Great king, mount the divine chariot without misgiving.’ King Nimi consented in silence. | Tena kho pana, ānanda, samayena nimi rājā tadahuposathe pannarase sīsaṁnhāto uposathiko uparipāsādavaragato nisinno hoti. Atha kho, ānanda, sakko devānamindo — seyyathāpi nāma balavā puriso samiñjitaṁ vā bāhaṁ pasāreyya, pasāritaṁ vā bāhaṁ samiñjeyya; evameva — devesu tāvatiṁsesu antarahito nimissa rañño pamukhe pāturahosi. Atha kho, ānanda, sakko devānamindo nimiṁ rājānaṁ etadavoca: ‘lābhā te, mahārāja, suladdhaṁ te, mahārāja. Devā, mahārāja, tāvatiṁsā sudhammāyaṁ sabhāyaṁ kittayamānarūpā sannisinnā: "lābhā vata, bho, videhānaṁ, suladdhaṁ vata, bho, videhānaṁ, yesaṁ nimi rājā dhammiko dhammarājā dhamme ṭhito mahārājā; dhammaṁ carati brāhmaṇagahapatikesu negamesu ceva jānapadesu ca; uposathañca upavasati cātuddasiṁ pañcadasiṁ aṭṭhamiñca pakkhassā"ti. Devā te, mahārāja, tāvatiṁsā dassanakāmā. Tassa te ahaṁ, mahārāja, sahassayuttaṁ ājaññarathaṁ pahiṇissāmi; abhiruheyyāsi, mahārāja, dibbaṁ yānaṁ avikampamāno’ti. Adhivāsesi kho, ānanda, nimi rājā tuṇhībhāvena. |
11Then, just as quickly as a strong man might extend his flexed arm or flex his extended arm, Sakka, ruler of gods, vanished in the presence of King Nimi and appeared among the gods of the Thirty-three. | 11Atha kho, ānanda, sakko devānamindo nimissa rañño adhivāsanaṁ viditvā – seyyathāpi nāma balavā puriso samiñjitaṁ vā bāhaṁ pasāreyya, pasāritaṁ vā bāhaṁ samiñjeyya; evameva — nimissa rañño pamukhe antarahito devesu tāvatiṁsesu pāturahosi. |
"Then Sakka, ruler of gods, addressed the charioteer Mātali thus: ‘Come, good Mātali, prepare a chariot harnessed to a thousand thoroughbreds, and go to King Nimi and say: "Great king, this chariot harnessed to a thousand thoroughbreds has been sent for you by Sakka, ruler of gods. Great king, mount the divine chariot without misgiving."’ | Atha kho, ānanda, sakko devānamindo mātaliṁ saṅgāhakaṁ āmantesi: ‘ehi tvaṁ, samma mātali, sahassayuttaṁ ājaññarathaṁ yojetvā nimiṁ rājānaṁ upasaṅkamitvā evaṁ vadehi — ayaṁ te, mahārāja, sahassayutto ājaññaratho sakkena devānamindena pesito; abhiruheyyāsi, mahārāja, dibbaṁ yānaṁ avikampamāno’ti. |
"‘Yes, your honour,’ the charioteer Mātali replied. And having prepared a chariot harnessed to a thousand thoroughbreds, he went to King Nimi and said: ‘Great king, this chariot harnessed to a thousand thoroughbreds has been sent for you by Sakka, ruler of gods. Great king, mount the divine chariot without misgiving. But, great king, by which route shall I drive you: by that on which doers of evil experience the results of evil actions, or by that on which doers of good experience the results of good actions?’ — ‘Drive me by both routes, Mātali.’[n.812] MA: Mātali led him first through the hells, then he turned back and led him through the heavenly world. | ‘Evaṁ, bhaddantavā’ti kho, ānanda, mātali saṅgāhako sakkassa devānamindassa paṭissutvā sahassayuttaṁ ājaññarathaṁ yojetvā nimiṁ rājānaṁ upasaṅkamitvā etadavoca: ‘Ayaṁ te, mahārāja, sahassayutto ājaññaratho sakkena devānamindena pesito; abhiruha, mahārāja, dibbaṁ yānaṁ avikampamāno. Api ca, mahārāja, katamena taṁ nemi, yena vā pāpakammā pāpakānaṁ kammānaṁ vipākaṁ paṭisaṁvedenti, yena vā kalyāṇakammā kalyāṇakammānaṁ vipākaṁ paṭisaṁvedentī’ti? ‘Ubhayeneva maṁ, mātali, nehī’ti. |
"Mātali brought King Nimi to the Sudhamma Assembly. Sakka, ruler of gods, saw King Nimi coming in the distance and said to him: ‘Come, great king! Welcome, great king! The gods of the Thirty-three, great king, seated in the Sudhamma Assembly, have expressed themselves thus: "It is a gain, sirs, for the people of Videha … eighth of the fortnight." Great king, the gods of the Thirty-three want to see you. Great king, enjoy divine might among the gods.’ | Sampavesesi kho, ānanda, mātali, saṅgāhako nimiṁ rājānaṁ sudhammaṁ sabhaṁ. Addasā kho, ānanda, sakko devānamindo nimiṁ rājānaṁ dūratova āgacchantaṁ. Disvāna nimiṁ rājānaṁ etadavoca: ‘ehi kho, mahārāja. Svāgataṁ, mahārāja. Devā te dassanakāmā, mahārāja, tāvatiṁsā sudhammāyaṁ sabhāyaṁ kittayamānarūpā sannisinnā: "lābhā vata, bho, videhānaṁ, suladdhaṁ vata, bho, videhānaṁ, yesaṁ nimi rājā dhammiko dhammarājā dhamme ṭhito mahārājā; dhammaṁ carati brāhmaṇagahapatikesu negamesu ceva jānapadesu ca; uposathañca upavasati cātuddasiṁ pañcadasiṁ aṭṭhamiñca pakkhassā"ti. Devā te, mahārāja, tāvatiṁsā dassanakāmā. Abhirama, mahārāja, devesu devānubhāvenā’ti. |
"‘Enough, good sir. Let the charioteer drive me back to Mithilā. There I will conduct myself by the Dhamma among to brahmins and householders, among town-dwellers and countryfolk; there I will observe the Uposatha days on the fourteenth, fifteenth, and eighth of the fortnight.’ | ‘Alaṁ, mārisa, tattheva maṁ mithilaṁ paṭinetu. Tathāhaṁ dhammaṁ carissāmi brāhmaṇagahapatikesu negamesu ceva jānapadesu ca; uposathañca upavasāmi cātuddasiṁ pañcadasiṁ aṭṭhamiñca pakkhassā’ti. |
12–13"Then Sakka, ruler of gods, told the charioteer Mātali: ‘Come, good Mātali, prepare the chariot harnessed to a thousand thoroughbreds and drive King Nimi back to Mithilā.’ "‘Yes, your honour,’ the charioteer Mātali replied. And having prepared the chariot harnessed to a thousand thoroughbreds, he drove King Nimi back to Mithilā. And there, indeed, King Nimi conducted himself by the Dhamma among brahmins and householders, among town-dwellers and countryfolk; and there he observed the Uposatha days on the fourteenth, fifteenth, and eighth of the fortnight. | 12Atha kho, ānanda, sakko devānamindo mātaliṁ saṅgāhakaṁ āmantesi: ‘ehi tvaṁ, samma mātali, sahassayuttaṁ ājaññarathaṁ yojetvā nimiṁ rājānaṁ tattheva mithilaṁ paṭinehī’ti. ‘Evaṁ, bhaddantavā’ti kho, ānanda, mātali saṅgāhako sakkassa devānamindassa paṭissutvā sahassayuttaṁ ājaññarathaṁ yojetvā nimiṁ rājānaṁ tattheva mithilaṁ paṭinesi. Tatra sudaṁ, ānanda, nimi rājā dhammaṁ carati brāhmaṇagahapatikesu negamesu ceva jānapadesu ca, uposathañca upavasati cātuddasiṁ pañcadasiṁ aṭṭhamiñca pakkhassāti. Atha kho, ānanda, nimi rājā bahūnaṁ vassānaṁ bahūnaṁ vassasatānaṁ bahūnaṁ vassasahassānaṁ accayena kappakaṁ āmantesi: ‘yadā me, samma kappaka, passeyyāsi sirasmiṁ palitāni jātāni, atha me āroceyyāsī’ti. ‘Evaṁ, devā’ti kho, ānanda, kappako nimissa rañño paccassosi. Addasā kho, ānanda, kappako bahūnaṁ vassānaṁ bahūnaṁ vassasatānaṁ bahūnaṁ vassasahassānaṁ accayena nimissa rañño sirasmiṁ palitāni jātāni. Disvāna nimiṁ rājānaṁ etadavoca: ‘pātubhūtā kho devassa devadūtā; dissanti sirasmiṁ palitāni jātānī’ti. ‘Tena hi, samma kappaka, tāni palitāni sādhukaṁ saṇḍāsena uddharitvā mama añjalismiṁ patiṭṭhāpehī’ti. ‘Evaṁ, devā’ti kho, ānanda, kappako nimissa rañño paṭissutvā tāni palitāni sādhukaṁ saṇḍāsena uddharitvā nimissa rañño añjalismiṁ patiṭṭhāpesi. Atha kho, ānanda, nimi rājā kappakassa gāmavaraṁ datvā jeṭṭhaputtaṁ kumāraṁ āmantāpetvā etadavoca: ‘pātubhūtā kho me, tāta kumāra, devadūtā; dissanti sirasmiṁ palitāni jātāni; bhuttā kho pana me mānusakā kāmā; samayo dibbe kāme pariyesituṁ. Ehi tvaṁ, tāta kumāra, imaṁ rajjaṁ paṭipajja. Ahaṁ pana kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajissāmi. Tena hi, tāta kumāra, yadā tvampi passeyyāsi sirasmiṁ palitāni jātāni, atha kappakassa gāmavaraṁ datvā jeṭṭhaputtaṁ kumāraṁ sādhukaṁ rajje samanusāsitvā kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajeyyāsi. Yena me idaṁ kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ nihitaṁ anuppavatteyyāsi, mā kho me tvaṁ antimapuriso ahosi. Yasmiṁ kho, tāta kumāra, purisayuge vattamāne evarūpassa kalyāṇassa vattassa samucchedo hoti so tesaṁ antimapuriso hoti. Taṁ tāhaṁ, tāta kumāra, evaṁ vadāmi: "yena me idaṁ kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ nihitaṁ anuppavatteyyāsi, mā kho me tvaṁ antimapuriso ahosī"’ti. |
"Then at the end of many years, many hundred years, many thousand years, King Nimi addressed his barber thus: …as above, reading "King Nimi" throughout … By developing the four divine abodes, on the dissolution of the body, after death, he passed on to the Brahma-world. "Now King Nimi had a son named Kaḷārajanaka. He did not go forth from the home life into homelessness. He broke that good practice. He was the last man among them. | 13Atha kho, ānanda, nimi rājā kappakassa gāmavaraṁ datvā jeṭṭhaputtaṁ kumāraṁ sādhukaṁ rajje samanusāsitvā imasmiṁyeva maghadevaambavane kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbaji. So mettāsahagatena cetasā ekaṁ disaṁ pharitvā vihāsi, tathā dutiyaṁ, tathā tatiyaṁ, tathā catutthaṁ; iti uddhamadho tiriyaṁ sabbadhi sabbattatāya sabbāvantaṁ lokaṁ mettāsahagatena cetasā vipulena mahaggatena appamāṇena averena abyābajjhena pharitvā vihāsi. Karuṇāsahagatena cetasā … muditāsahagatena cetasā … upekkhāsahagatena cetasā ekaṁ disaṁ pharitvā vihāsi, tathā dutiyaṁ, tathā tatiyaṁ, tathā catutthaṁ; iti uddhamadho tiriyaṁ sabbadhi sabbattatāya sabbāvantaṁ lokaṁ upekkhāsahagatena cetasā vipulena mahaggatena appamāṇena averena abyābajjhena pharitvā vihāsi. Nimi kho panānanda, rājā caturāsītivassasahassāni kumārakīḷitaṁ kīḷi, caturāsītivassasahassāni oparajjaṁ kāresi, caturāsītivassasahassāni rajjaṁ kāresi, caturāsītivassasahassāni imasmiṁyeva maghadevaambavane agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajito brahmacariyamacari. So cattāro brahmavihāre bhāvetvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā brahmalokūpago ahosi. Nimissa kho panānanda, rañño kaḷārajanako nāma putto ahosi. Na so agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbaji. So taṁ kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ samucchindi. So tesaṁ antimapuriso ahosi. |
14"Now, Ānanda, it may be that you think thus: ‘Certainly, on that occasion someone else was King Makhādeva, who instituted that good practice.’ But it should not be regarded thus. I was King Makhādeva on that occasion. I instituted that good practice and later generations continued that good practice instituted by me. But that kind of good practice does not lead to disenchantment, to dispassion, to cessation, to peace, to direct knowledge, to enlightenment, to Nibbāna, but only to reappearance in the Brahma-world. But there is this kind of good practice that has been instituted by me now, which leads to complete disenchantment, to dispassion, to cessation, to peace, to direct knowledge, to enlightenment, to Nibbāna. And what is that good practice? It is this Noble Eightfold Path; that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. This is the good practice instituted by me now, which leads to complete disenchantment, to dispassion, to cessation, to peace, to direct knowledge, to enlightenment, to Nibbāna. | 14Siyā kho pana te, ānanda, evamassa: ‘añño nūna tena samayena rājā maghadevo ahosi, yena taṁ kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ nihitan’ti. Na kho panetaṁ, ānanda, evaṁ daṭṭhabbaṁ. Ahaṁ tena samayena rājā maghadevo ahosiṁ. Ahaṁ taṁ kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ nihiniṁ , mayā taṁ kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ nihitaṁ; pacchimā janatā anuppavattesi. Taṁ kho panānanda, kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ na nibbidāya na virāgāya na nirodhāya na upasamāya na abhiññāya na sambodhāya na nibbānāya saṁvattati, yāvadeva brahmalokūpapattiyā. Idaṁ kho panānanda, etarahi mayā kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ nihitaṁ ekantanibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattati. Katamañcānanda, etarahi mayā kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ nihitaṁ ekantanibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattati? Ayameva ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo, seyyathidaṁ — sammādiṭṭhi, sammāsaṅkappo, sammāvācā, sammākammanto, sammāājīvo, sammāvāyāmo, sammāsati, sammāsamādhi. Idaṁ kho, ānanda, etarahi mayā kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ nihitaṁ ekantanibbidāya virāgāya nirodhāya upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṁvattati. |
"Ānanda, I say to you: continue this good practice instituted by me and do not be the last man. Ānanda, when there are two men living, he under whom there occurs a breach of this good practice — he is the last man among them. Therefore, Ānanda, I say to you: continue this good practice instituted by me and do not be the last man."[n.813] MA: The good practice is being broken by a virtuous bhikkhu when he thinks, "I cannot obtain arahantship" and does not exert energy. It has been broken by a corrupt bhikkhu. It is being continued by the seven sekhas. It has been continued by the arahant. | Taṁ vo ahaṁ, ānanda, evaṁ vadāmi: ‘yena me idaṁ kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ nihitaṁ anuppavatteyyātha, mā kho me tumhe antimapurisā ahuvattha’. Yasmiṁ kho, ānanda, purisayuge vattamāne evarūpassa kalyāṇassa vattassa samucchedo hoti so tesaṁ antimapuriso hoti. Taṁ vo ahaṁ, ānanda, evaṁ vadāmi: ‘yena me idaṁ kalyāṇaṁ vattaṁ nihitaṁ anuppavatteyyātha, mā kho me tumhe antimapurisā ahuvatthā’"ti. |
15That is what the Blessed One said. The venerable Ānanda was satisfied and delighted in the Blessed One's words. | 15Idamavoca bhagavā. Attamano āyasmā ānando bhagavato bhāsitaṁ abhinandīti. Maghadevasuttaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ tatiyaṁ. |