TOP-10 Brahmapārisajjā 2 texts and 7 matches in Suttanta Pali

Sutta St Title Words Ct Mr Links Quote
mn49 Brahmanimantanikasutta On the Invitation of Brahmā brahmapārisajjā 3 5 En Ru

Yo ceva, pāpima, brahmā, yā ca brahmaparisā, ye ca brahmapārisajjā, sabbeva tava hatthagatā sabbeva tava vasaṅgatā.
And Brahmā, Brahmā’s assembly, and Brahmā’s retinue have all fallen into your hands; they’re under your sway.
‘ettāvatā brahmā ca brahmaparisā ca brahmapārisajjā ca saddañca me sossanti, na ca maṁ dakkhantī’ti.
my voice would extend so that Brahmā, his assembly, and his retinue would hear me, but they would not see me. saddañca me sossanti → saddañca me suyyanti (sya-all); saddameva suyyanti (mr) "
Atha kho, bhikkhave, brahmā ca brahmaparisā ca brahmapārisajjā ca acchariyabbhutacittajātā ahesuṁ:
Then Brahmā, his assembly, and his retinue, their minds full of wonder and amazement, thought,

sn6.14 Aruṇavatīsutta Brahmasaṁyuttaṁ About Aruṇavatī brahmapārisajjānañca brahmapārisajjā 4 2 En Ru

‘paṭibhātu, brāhmaṇa, taṁ brahmuno ca brahmaparisāya ca brahmapārisajjānañca dhammī kathā’ti.
‘Brahmin, teach the Dhamma as you feel inspired for that Brahmā, his assembly, and the members of his retinue.’
Tatra sudaṁ, bhikkhave, brahmā ca brahmaparisā ca brahmapārisajjā ca ujjhāyanti khiyyanti vipācenti:
But the Brahmā, his assembly, and his retinue complained, grumbled, and objected, khiyyanti → khīyanti (bj, sya-all, km, pts1ed, pts2ed)
‘ujjhāyanti kho te, brāhmaṇa, brahmā ca brahmaparisā ca brahmapārisajjā ca—
‘Brahmin, Brahmā, his assembly, and his retinue are complaining
Tatra sudaṁ, bhikkhave, brahmā ca brahmaparisā ca brahmapārisajjā ca acchariyabbhutacittajātā ahesuṁ:
And the Brahmā, his assembly, and his retinue, their minds full of wonder and amazement, thought,