āhārasamuda 1 texts and 4 matches in Suttanta Pali

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mn9āhārasamudayañca āhārasamudayaṁ āhārasamudayo4Pi En Ru dhamma

Yato kho, āvuso, ariyasāvako āhārañca pajānāti, āhārasamudayañca pajānāti, āhāranirodhañca pajānāti, āhāranirodhagāminiṁ paṭipadañca pajānāti—  A noble disciple understands fuel, its origin, its cessation, and the practice that leads to its cessation. 
Katamo panāvuso, āhāro, katamo āhārasamudayo, katamo āhāranirodho, katamā āhāranirodhagāminī paṭipadā? 
But what is fuel? What is its origin, its cessation, and the practice that leads to its cessation? 
Taṇhāsamudayā āhārasamudayo, taṇhānirodhā āhāranirodho, ayameva ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo āhāranirodhagāminī paṭipadā, seyyathidaṁ— 
Fuel originates from craving. Fuel ceases when craving ceases. The practice that leads to the cessation of fuel is simply this noble eightfold path, that is: 
Yato kho, āvuso, ariyasāvako evaṁ āhāraṁ pajānāti, evaṁ āhārasamudayaṁ pajānāti, evaṁ āhāranirodhaṁ pajānāti, evaṁ āhāranirodhagāminiṁ paṭipadaṁ pajānāti, so sabbaso rāgānusayaṁ pahāya, paṭighānusayaṁ paṭivinodetvā, ‘asmī’ti diṭṭhimānānusayaṁ samūhanitvā, avijjaṁ pahāya vijjaṁ uppādetvā, diṭṭheva dhamme dukkhassantakaro hoti— 
A noble disciple understands in this way fuel, its origin, its cessation, and the practice that leads to its cessation. They’ve completely given up the underlying tendency to greed, got rid of the underlying tendency to repulsion, and eradicated the underlying tendency to the view and conceit ‘I am’. They’ve given up ignorance and given rise to knowledge, and make an end of suffering in this very life.