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Taisho 1648

Nanjio 1293


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���������� ��������:

1. The Path of Freedom by Arahant Upatissa. Translated from Chinese by N. R. M. Ehara, Soma Thera and Kheminda Thera. Colombo 1961; Kandy 1977, 1995.

2. Vimuktimaarga dhutagu.na-nirde^sa. A Tibetan text critically edited and translated into English by P. V. Bapat. London : Asia publishing house, [cop. 1964].


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8. Takatsugu H. The Vimuttimagga and Early Post-Canonical Literature (I). // Buddhist Studies, vol. 31, pp. 90-121.

9. Toshiichi E. The Asgiriya Manuscript of the Pali Vimuttimagga: An Inquiry into Its Authenticity. // Kalyani. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Kelaniya. N1, 1983, pp. 100-108.