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A. - A"nguttara-Nikaaya, ed. by Morris and
Hardy, 5 vols.
AbhKM. -Abhandlungen fuer die Kunde des Morgenlandes.
AbhP. - Abhidhamma-Pi.taka.
AlC. - E. Mueller, Ancient Inscriptions in Ceylon. London 1883.
Ak. - Atthakathaa.
AMaag. Ardha-Magadhii.
Ap. Apabhra.m^sa.
BB. - Beitraege zur Kunde der Indogermanischen Sprachen. ed. by
Beitr. - E. Kuhn, Beitraege zur Paali-Grammatik.
Bodh. - Mahaabodhiva.msa, ed. by Strong.
BB. - Sanskrit-Woerterbuch von O. Boehfclingk und R. Roth, 7
vols.. St. Petersburg 1855 ff.
Bu. - Buddhava.msa, ed. by Morris.
Catal. - Catalogue.
Co. - Commentary.
Cp. - Cariyapitaka, ed. by Morris.
CV. - Cullavagga.
D. - Diigha-Nikaaya, ed. by Rhys Davids and Carpenter, 3 vols.
Parts translated by R. O. Franke.
DCo. - Suma"ngala-Vilaasinii, Comm. on D., I, ed. by Rhys
Davids and Carpenter.
Dh. - Dhammapada, ed. by Fausboell.
DhCo. - The Commentary on the Dhammapada
(Dhammapada.t.thakathaa), ed. by Norman, 4 vols.
Dhk. - Dhaatukathaa, ed. by Gooneratne.
Dhs. - Dhammasa"ngani, ed. by E. Muller. - Trans. by Mrs.
Rhys Davids.
DhaCo. - Atthasaalini, Comm. on Dhs., ed. by E. Mueller.
Dial. - Dialogues of the Buddha. Trans. by Mr. and Mrs. Rhys
Davids, 2 vols. (SBB. II, III)
Dpvs. - Diipava.msa, ed. and trans. by Oldenberg.
D. und M. - Geiger, Dipava.msa und Mahaava.msa.
Gdhvs. - Gandhava.msa, ed. by Minayeff.
GGA. - Goettingische Gelehrte Anzeigen.
GN. - Nachrichten der Kgl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu
IA. - Indian Antiquary.
IF. - Indogermanische Forschungen ed. by Streitberg.
Iv. - Itivuttaka, ed. by Windisch. - Trans. by Moore.
Jaa. - Jaataka (quotations from the Canonical Gaathaas).
JaaCo. - Jaataka Commentary (quotations from the prose parts of
the Jaatakatthava.n.nanaa, ed. by Fausboell, 7 vols.)
JAs. - Journal Asiatique.
JMaah. - Jaina-Maahaaraa.s.trii.
JPTS. - Journal of the Paali Text Society.
JRAS. - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.
Kacc. - Kaccaayana, ed. and trans. by Senart.
Kb. - Khuddakapaa.tha, ed. by Childers. - Trans. by
Kvu. - Kathaavatthuppakara.na, ed. by Taylor.
KZ. - Kuhns Zeitschrift fuer vergleichende Sprachforschung.
LSprS. - Geiger, Literatur und Sprache der Singhalesen,
Strassburg 1900.
M. - Majjhima-Nikaaya, ed. by Trenckner and Chalmers. 3 vols.
Maag. - Maagadhii.
Maah. - Maahaaraa.s.trii.
Mhvs. - Mahaava.msa, ed. by Geiger. - Trans. by Geiger.
Milp. - Milindapa~nha, ed. by Trenckner. - Trans. by Rhys Davids,
2 vols. (== SBE. XXXV. XXXVI).
MV. - Mahaavagga.
Naam. - Subhuti, Naanamaalaa.
Nett. - Nettippakara.na, ed. by Hardy.
Notes - Trenckner, Notes to the Milindapa~nha (JPTS. 1908, 102
OB. - Orientalische Bibliographie.
P. - Paali.
Pai^s. - Pai^saacii.
PD. - Childers, Dictionary of the Paali Language.
PGL - Andersen, Paali Reader, II. Paali Glossary.
PGr. - Paali Grammar; 1. Minayeff, Paali Grammar; 2. E. Mueller,
Simplified Grammar of the Paali Language; 3. R. O. Franke. Gesch.
und Krit. der einheim. Paali-Grammatik.
Pkr. - Praakrit.
PkrGr. - Pischel, Gramm. der Praakrit-Sprachen, Strassburg 1900.
PLB. - Bode, Paali Literature of Burma.
PR. - Andersen, Paali Reader.
Ps. - Pa.tisambhidaamagga, ed. by Taylor.
PTS. - Pali Text Society.
Pu. - Puggalapa~n~natti, ed. by Morris.
Pv. - Petavatthu, ed. by Minayeff.
PvCo. - Paramatthadiipanii III., Co. on Pv., ed. by Hardy.
Rasav. - Rasavaahinii, ed. by Sara.natissa.
S. - Samyutta-Nikaaya, ed. by Feer, 5 vols.
S. - Saurasenii.
Saaras. - Saarasa.mgaha, ed. by Somananda.
Saasvs. - Saasanava.msa. ed. by Bode.
SBB. - Sacred Books of the Buddhists, ed. by Rhys Davids.
SBE. - Sacred Books of the East, ed. by Max Mueller.
Sdhs. - Saddhammasa.mgaha, ed. by Saddhaananda.
Skr. - Sanskrit.
Smp. - The Historical Introduction to Buddbaghosa's Samanta
Paasaadikaa, ed. by Oldenberg in Vin III. 283ff.
Sn. - Sutta-Nipaata, ed. by Andersen and Smith.
SP. - Sutta-Pi.taka.
SV. - Sutta-Vibha.nga.
Th1. - Theragatha, ed. by Oldenberg.
Th2. - Therigatha, ed. by Pischel.
Th2Co. - Paramatthadiipanii,. Co. on Th2., ed. by J. E. Mueller.
.tii. - Tika.
Ud. - Udana, ed. by Steinthal. - Trans. by Strong.
Vbh. - Vibha"nga, ed. by Mrs. Rhys Davids.
Vin. - Vinaya-Pi.taka.m, ed. by Oldenberg, 5 vols.
VP. - Vinaya-Pitaka.
-vs. - va.msa.
VT. - Vinaya Texts, trans. by Rhys Davids and Oldenberg, 3 vols.
Vv. - Vimaanavatthu, ed. by Gooneratne.
VvCo. - Paramatihadiipanii IV, Co. on Vv., ed. by Hardy.
WZKM. - Wiener Zeitschrift fuer die Kunde des Morgenlaendes.
ZDMG. - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlaendischen Gesellschaft.